class TestGetIndexByName(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        latfile = os.path.join(curdir, 'lattice/')
        self.latfile = make_latfile(latfile)
        with open(self.latfile, 'rb') as f:
            self.m = Machine(f)

    def test_wrong_name(self):
        ename = ''
        e = get_index_by_name(name=ename, latfile=self.latfile)
        self.assertEqual(e, {ename: []})

        ename1 = 'no_exist_name'
        e = get_index_by_name(name=ename1, latfile=self.latfile)
        self.assertEqual(e, {ename1: []})

    def test_one_name(self):
        """ test_one_name: repeat for 10 times, each with random name
        all_names = get_all_names(latfile=self.latfile)
        for n in range(10):
            ename = random.choice(all_names)
            e = get_index_by_name(name=ename, latfile=self.latfile)
            self.assertEqual(e, {ename: self.m.find(name=ename)})

    def test_multi_names(self):
        """ test_multi_names: test names list length of 2~10
        all_names = get_all_names(latfile=self.latfile)
        for n in range(2, 10):
            enames = [random.choice(all_names) for _ in range(n)]
            e = get_index_by_name(name=enames, latfile=self.latfile)
            e0 = {n: self.m.find(name=n) for n in enames}
            self.assertEqual(e, e0)
class TestGetIndexByType(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        latfile = os.path.join(curdir, 'lattice/')
        self.latfile = make_latfile(latfile)
        with open(self.latfile, 'rb') as f:
            self.m = Machine(f)

    def test_wrong_type(self):
        etyp = ''
        e = get_index_by_type(type=etyp, latfile=self.latfile)
        self.assertEqual(e, {etyp: []})

        etyp1 = 'no_exist_type'
        e1 = get_index_by_type(type=etyp1, latfile=self.latfile)
        self.assertEqual(e1, {etyp1: []})

    def test_one_type(self):
        for etyp in get_all_types(latfile=self.latfile):
            e = get_index_by_type(type=etyp, latfile=self.latfile)
            self.assertEqual(e, {etyp: self.m.find(type=etyp)})

    def test_multi_types(self):
        all_types = get_all_types(latfile=self.latfile)
        for n in range(2, len(all_types)):
            etyps = [random.choice(all_types) for _ in range(n)]
            e = get_index_by_type(type=etyps, latfile=self.latfile)
            e0 = {t: self.m.find(type=t) for t in etyps}
            self.assertEqual(e, e0)
Ejemplo n.º 3
# just show env
# Tong Zhang <*****@*****.**>
# 2016-10-16 20:23:35 PM EDT

import numpy as np
import time
from flame import Machine
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

lat_fid = open('../lattice/', 'r')
m = Machine(lat_fid)
s = m.allocState({})
r = m.propagate(s, 0, len(m), observe=range(len(m)))
bpms = m.find(type='bpm')
x, y = np.array([[r[i][1].moment0_env[j] for i in bpms] for j in [0, 2]])
pos = np.array([r[i][1].pos for i in bpms])

           np.vstack((pos, x, y)).T,
           comments='# orbit data saved at ' + time.ctime() + '\n',
           header="#{0:^22s} {1:^22s} {2:^22s}".format("zpos [m]", "x [mm]",
                                                       "y [mm]"),
           delimiter=' ')

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
linex, = ax1.plot(pos, x, 'r-', label='$x$')
#ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class DakotaOC(DakotaBase):
    """ Dakota optimization class with orbit correction driver

    :param lat_file: lattice file
    :param elem_bpm: list of element indice of BPMs
    :param elem_cor: list of element indice of correctors, always folders of 2
    :param elem_hcor: list of element indice of horizontal correctors
    :param elem_vcor: list of element indice of vertical correctors
    :param ref_x0: reference orbit in x, list of BPM readings
    :param ref_y0: reference orbit in y, list of BPM readings
    :param ref_flag: string flag for objective functions:

           1. "x": :math:`\sum \Delta x^2`, :math:`\Delta x = x-x_0`;
           2. "y": :math:`\sum \Delta y^2`, :math:`\Delta y = y-y_0`;
           3. "xy": :math:`\sum \Delta x^2 + \sum \Delta y^2`.

    :param model: simulation model, 'flame' or 'impact'
    :param optdriver: analysis driver for optimization, 'flamedriver_oc' by default
    :param kws: keywords parameters for additional usage, defined in ``DakotaBase`` class
                valid keys:
               * *workdir*: root dir for dakota input/output files,
                 the defualt one should be created in /tmp, or define some dir path
               * *dakexec*: full path of dakota executable,
                 the default one should be *dakota*, or define the full path
               * *dakhead*: prefixed name for input/output files of *dakota*, 
                 the default one is *dakota*
               * *keep*: if keep the working directory (i.e. defined by *workdir*), 
                 default is False

    .. note:: ``elem_bpm`` should be treated as index of elemnt with type name of 'BPM',
        however, for the simulation convenience, any element is acceptable, see :func:`set_bpms()`.

    def __init__(self,
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(**kws)

        if lat_file is not None:
            self._lat_file = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(lat_file))
        else:  # use example lattice file

        self._elem_bpm = elem_bpm
        self._elem_hcor, self._elem_vcor = elem_hcor, elem_vcor
        if elem_cor is not None:
            self._elem_hcor, self._elem_vcor = elem_cor[0::2], elem_cor[1::2]
        elif elem_hcor is not None:
            self._elem_hcor = elem_hcor
        elif elem_vcor is not None:
            self._elem_vcor = elem_vcor

        self._ref_x0 = ref_x0
        self._ref_y0 = ref_y0
        self._ref_flag = "xy" if ref_flag is None else ref_flag

        if model is None:
            self._model = 'FLAME'
            self._model = model.upper()

        if optdriver is None:
            self._opt_driver = 'flamedriver_oc'

        self.set_cors(self._elem_hcor, self._elem_vcor)

    def hcors(self):
        return self._elem_hcor

    def vcors(self):
        return self._elem_vcor

    def latfile(self):
        return self._lat_file

    def ref_x0(self):
        return self._ref_x0

    def ref_y0(self):
        return self._ref_y0

    def ref_flag(sef):
        return self._ref_flag

    def ref_flag(self, s):
        self._ref_flag = s

    def bpms(self):
        return self._elem_bpm

    def latfile(self, latfile):
        self._lat_file = latfile

    def optdriver(self):
        return self._opt_driver

    def optdriver(self, driver):
        self._opt_driver = driver

    def get_machine(self):
        """ get flame machine object for potential usage

        :return: flame machine object or None
            return self._machine
            return None
    def create_machine(self, lat_file):
        """ create machine instance with model configuration
        * setup _machine
        * setup _elem_bpm, _elem_cor or (_elem_hcor and _elem_vcor)
        if self._model == "FLAME":
        elif self._model == "IMPACT":

    def _create_flame_machine(self, lat_file):
            self._machine = Machine(open(lat_file, 'r'))
        except IOError as e:
            print("Failed to open {fn}: {info}".format(fn=e.filename,
        except (RuntimeError, KeyError) as e:
            print("Cannot parse lattice, " + e.args[-1])
            print("Failed to create machine")

    def _create_impact_machine(self, lat_file):

    def set_ref_x0(self, ref_arr=None):
        """ set reference orbit in x, if not set, use 0s

        :param ref_arr: array of reference orbit values
                        size should be the same number as selected BPMs
        if ref_arr is None:
            self._ref_x0 = [0]*len(self._elem_bpm)
            self._ref_x0 = ref_arr

    def set_ref_y0(self, ref_arr=None):
        """ set reference orbit in y, if not set, use 0s

        :param ref_arr: array of reference orbit values
                        size should be the same number as selected BPMs
        if ref_arr is None:
            self._ref_y0 = [0]*len(self._elem_bpm)
            self._ref_y0 = ref_arr
    def set_bpms(self, bpm=None, pseudo_all=False):
        """ set BPMs, and trying to set reference orbit ``(x,y)`` if ``x`` and ``y``
        is of one unique value.

        :param bpm: list of bpm indices, if None, use all BPMs
        :param pseudo_all: if set True, will use all elements, ignore ``bpm`` parameter
        if bpm is None:
            self._elem_bpm = self.get_all_bpms()
            self._elem_bpm = bpm
            bpm_count = len(bpm)
        if pseudo_all:
            self._elem_bpm = "all"
            bpm_count = len(self._machine)

            if test_one_element(self._ref_x0):
            if test_one_element(self._ref_y0):
            #print("Warning, not set reference orbit, requires 'set_ref_x0()' and 'set_ref_y0()'")

    def set_cors(self, cor=None, hcor=None, vcor=None):
        """ set correctors, if cor, hcor and vcor are None, use all correctors
        if cor is not None, use cor, ignore hcor and vcor

        :param cor: list of corrector indices, hcor, vcor,...
        :param hcor: list of horizontal corrector indices
        :param vcor: list of vertical corrector indices
        if cor is not None:
            self._elem_hcor = cor[0::2]
            self._elem_vcor = cor[1::2]
            if hcor is None and vcor is None:
                self._elem_hcor = self.get_all_cors(type='h')
                self._elem_vcor = self.get_all_cors(type='v')
                if hcor is not None:
                    self._elem_hcor = hcor
                if vcor is not None:
                    self._elem_vcor = vcor

    def set_model(self, **kws):
        """ configure model

        :param kws: only for impact, available keys:
            "execpath": path of impact executable
        if self._model == 'flame':
            pass  # nothing more needs to do if model is 'flame'
        else:  # self._model is 'impact'
            execpath = kws.get('execpath')
            if execpath is not None:
                self._impexec = os.path.real(os.path.expanduser(execpath))
            else:  # just use impact as the default name
                self._impexec = "impact"

    def get_all_bpms(self):
        """ get list of all valid bpms indices

        :return: a list of bpm indices
        >>> dakoc = DakotaOC('test/')
        >>> print(dakoc.get_all_bpms())
        return self.get_elem_by_type(type='bpm')

    def get_all_cors(self, type=None):
        """ get list of all valid correctors indices
        :param type: define corrector type, 'h': horizontal, 'v': vertical, 
            if not defined, return all correctors
        :return: a list of corrector indices


        >>> dakoc = DakotaOC('test/')
        >>> print(dakoc.get_all_cors())
        all_cors = self.get_elem_by_type(type='orbtrim')
        if type is None:
            return all_cors
        elif type == 'h':
            return all_cors[0::2]
        elif type == 'v':
            return all_cors[1::2]
            print("warning: unrecongnized corrector type.")
            return all_cors

    def get_elem_by_name(self, name):
        """ get list of element(s) by name(s)

        :param name: tuple or list of name(s)
        :return: list of element indices


        >>> dakoc = DakotaOC('test/')
        >>> names = ('LS1_CA01:BPM_D1144', 'LS1_WA01:BPM_D1155')
        >>> idx = dakoc.get_elem_by_name(names)
        >>> print(idx)
        [18, 31]

        if isinstance(name, str):
            name = (name, )
        retval = [self._machine.find(name=n)[0] for n in name]
        return retval

    def get_elem_by_type(self, type):
        """ get list of element(s) by type

        :param type: string name of element type
        :return: list of element indices


        >>> dakoc = DakotaOC('test/')
        >>> type = 'bpm'
        >>> idx = dakoc.get_elem_by_type(type)
        >>> print(idx)

        retval = self._machine.find(type=type)
        return retval

    def get_all_elem(self):
        """ get all elements from ``Machine`` object

        :return: list of element indices
        return range(len(self._machine))

    def gen_dakota_input(self, infile=None, debug=False):
        """ generate dakota input file

        :param infile: dakota input filename
        :param debug: if True, generate a simple test input file
        if not debug:
            dakinp = dakutils.DakotaInput()
            dakinp.interface = self._oc_interface
            dakinp.variables = self._oc_variables
            dakinp.model = self._oc_model
            dakinp.responses = self._oc_responses
            dakinp.method = self._oc_method
            dakinp.environment = self._oc_environ
        else:  # debug is True
            dakinp = dakutils.DakotaInput()

        if infile is None:
            infile = self._dakhead + '.in'
        inputfile = os.path.join(self._workdir, infile)
        outputfile = inputfile.replace('.in', '.out')
        self._dakin = inputfile
        self._dakout = outputfile

    def set_variables(self, plist=None, initial=1e-4, lower=-0.01, upper=0.01):
        """ setup variables block, that is setup ``oc_variables``
        should be ready to invoke after ``set_cors()``

        :param plist: list of defined parameters (``DakotaParam`` object), 
                      automatically setup if not defined
        :param initial: initial values for all variables, only valid when plist is None
        :param lower: lower bound for all variables, only valid when plist is None
        :param upper: upper bound for all variables, only valid when plist is None
        if plist is None:
            if self._elem_hcor is None and self._elem_vcor is None:
                print("No corrector is selected, set_cors() first.")
                x_len = len(
                    self._elem_hcor) if self._elem_hcor is not None else 0
                y_len = len(
                    self._elem_vcor) if self._elem_vcor is not None else 0
                n = x_len + y_len
                oc_variables = []
                oc_variables.append('continuous_design = {0}'.format(n))
                oc_variables.append('  initial_point' + "{0:>14e}".format(
                    initial) * n)
                oc_variables.append('  lower_bounds ' + "{0:>14e}".format(
                    lower) * n)
                oc_variables.append('  upper_bounds ' + "{0:>14e}".format(
                    upper) * n)
                xlbls = ["'x{0:03d}'".format(i) for i in range(1, x_len + 1)]
                ylbls = ["'y{0:03d}'".format(i) for i in range(1, y_len + 1)]
                oc_variables.append('  descriptors  ' + ''.join(
                    ["{0:>14s}".format(lbl) for lbl in xlbls + ylbls]))
                self._oc_variables = oc_variables
        else:  # plist = [p1, p2, ...]
            n = len(plist)
            initial_point_string = ' '.join(["{0:>14e}".format(p.initial) for p in plist])
            lower_bounds_string = ' '.join(["{0:>14e}".format(p.lower) for p in plist])
            upper_bounds_string = ' '.join(["{0:>14e}".format(p.upper) for p in plist])
            descriptors_string = ' '.join(["{0:>14s}".format(p.label) for p in plist])
            oc_variables = []
            oc_variables.append('continuous_design = {0}'.format(n))
            oc_variables.append('  initial_point' + initial_point_string)
            oc_variables.append('  lower_bounds ' + lower_bounds_string)
            oc_variables.append('  upper_bounds ' + upper_bounds_string)
            oc_variables.append('  descriptors  ' + descriptors_string)
            self._oc_variables = oc_variables

    def set_interface(self, interface=None, **kws):
        """ setup interface block, that is setup ``oc_interface``
        should be ready to invoke after ``set_cors`` and ``set_bpms``

        :param interface: ``DakotaInterface`` object, automatically setup if not defined
        if interface is None:
            oc_interface = dakutils.DakotaInterface(mode='fork', latfile=self._lat_file,
            oc_interface = interface
        self._oc_interface = oc_interface.get_config()

    def set_model(self, model=None, **kws):
        """ setup model block, that is setup ``oc_model``

        :param model: ``DakotaModel`` object, automatically setup if not defined
        if model is None:
            oc_model = dakutils.DakotaModel()
            oc_model = model
        self._oc_model = oc_model.get_config()

    def set_responses(self, responses=None, **kws):
        """ setup responses block, that is setup ``oc_responses``

        :param responses: ``DakotaResponses`` object, automatically setup if not defined
        if responses is None:
            oc_responses = dakutils.DakotaResponses(gradient='numerical')
            oc_responses = responses
        self._oc_responses = oc_responses.get_config()

    def set_environ(self, environ=None):
        """ setup environment block, that is setup ``oc_environ``

        :param environ: ``DakotaEnviron`` object, automatically setup if not defined
        if environ is None:
            oc_environ = dakutils.DakotaEnviron(tabfile='dakota.dat')
            oc_environ = environ
        self._oc_environ= oc_environ.get_config()

    def set_method(self, method=None):
        """ setup method block, that is setup ``oc_method``

        :param method: ``DakotaMethod`` object, automatically setup if not defined
        if method is None:
            oc_method = dakutils.DakotaMethod(method='cg')
            oc_method = method
        self._oc_method = oc_method.get_config()

    def run(self, mpi=False, np=None, echo=True):
        """ run optimization

        :param mpi: if True, run DAKOTA in parallel mode, False by default
        :param np: number of processes to use, only valid when ``mpi`` is True 
        :param echo: suppress output if False, True by default
        if mpi:
            max_core_num = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
            if np is None or int(np) > max_core_num:
                np = max_core_num
            run_command = "mpirun -np {np} {dakexec} -i {dakin} -o {dakout}".format(
        else:  # mpi is False
            run_command = "{dakexec} -i {dakin} -o {dakout}".format(
        if echo:
            devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
  , stdout=devnull)

    def get_opt_results(self, outfile=None, rtype='dict', label='plain'):
        """ extract optimized results from dakota output

        :param outfile: file name of dakota output file, 
            'dakota.out' by default
        :param rtype: type of returned results, 'dict' or 'list', 
            'dict' by default
        :param label: label types for returned variables, only valid when rtype 'dict', 
            'plain' by default:

                * *'plain'*: variable labels with format of ``x1``, ``x2``, ``y1``, ``y2``, etc.
                  e.g. ``{'x1': v1, 'y1': v2}``
                * *'fancy'*: variable labels with the name defined in lattice file,
                  e.g. ``'LS1_CA01:DCH_D1131'``, dict returned sample: 
                  ``{'LS1_CA01:DCH_D1131': {'id':9, 'config':{'theta_x':v1}}}``

        .. note:: The ``fancy`` option will make re-configuring flame machine in a more 
            convenient way, such as:

            >>> opt_cors = get_opt_results(label='fancy')
            >>> for k,v in opt_cors.items():
            >>>     m.reconfigure(v['id'], v['config'])
            >>> # here m is an instance of flame.Machine class

        :return: by default return a dict of optimized results with each item
            of the format like "x1":0.1 or more fancy format by set label with 'fancy', etc.,
            if rtype='list', return a list of values, when the keys are ascend sorted.

        >>> opt_vars = get_optresults(outfile='flame_oc.out', rtype='dict'):
        >>> print(opt_vars)
        {'x2': 0.0020782814353, 'x1': -0.0017913264033}
        >>> opt_vars = get_optresults(outfile='flame_oc.out', rtype='list'):
        >>> print(opt_vars)
        [-0.0017913264033, 0.0020782814353]
        if outfile is None:
        if rtype == 'list':
            return dakutils.get_opt_results(outfile=outfile, rtype=rtype)
            rdict = dakutils.get_opt_results(outfile=outfile, rtype=rtype)
            if label == 'plain':
                return rdict
            else:  # label = 'fancy'
                val_x = [v for (k,v) in sorted(rdict.items()) if k.startswith('x')]
                val_y = [v for (k,v) in sorted(rdict.items()) if k.startswith('y')]
                vx = [{'id': i, 'config':{'theta_x': v}} for i,v in zip(self._elem_hcor, val_x)]
                vy = [{'id': i, 'config':{'theta_y': v}} for i,v in zip(self._elem_vcor, val_y)]
                kx = [self._machine.conf(i)['name'] for i in self._elem_hcor]
                ky = [self._machine.conf(i)['name'] for i in self._elem_vcor]
                return dict(zip(kx+ky, vx+vy))

    def plot(self, outfile=None, figsize=(10, 8), dpi=120, **kws):
        """ show orbit

        :param outfile: output file of dakota
        :param figsize: figure size, (h, w)
        :param dpi: figure dpi
        if outfile is None:
            opt_vars = self.get_opt_results()
            opt_vars = self.get_opt_results(outfile=outfile)

        idx_h, idx_v = self._elem_hcor, self._elem_vcor
        zpos, x, y, mtmp = self.get_orbit((idx_h, idx_v), opt_vars)

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, **kws)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        linex, = ax.plot(zpos, x, 'r-', label='$x$', lw=2)
        liney, = ax.plot(zpos, y, 'b-', label='$y$', lw=2)
        ax.set_xlabel('$z\,\mathrm{[m]}$', fontsize=20)
        ax.set_ylabel('$\mathrm{Orbit\;[mm]}$', fontsize=20)

    def get_orbit(self, idx=None, val=None, outfile=None):
        """ calculate the orbit with given configurations

        :param idx: (idx_hcor, idx_vcor), tuple of list of indices of h/v cors
        :param val: values for each correctos, h/v
        :param outfile: filename to save the data
        :return: tuple of zpos, env_x, env_y, machine
        if idx is None:
            idx_x, idx_y = self._elem_hcor, self._elem_vcor
            idx_x, idx_y = idx
        if val is None:
            val = self.get_opt_results()
            val = val

        m = self._machine
        val_x = [v for (k, v) in sorted(val.items()) if k.startswith('x')]
        val_y = [v for (k, v) in sorted(val.items()) if k.startswith('y')]
        [m.reconfigure(eid, {'theta_x': eval})
         for (eid, eval) in zip(idx_x, val_x)]
        [m.reconfigure(eid, {'theta_y': eval})
         for (eid, eval) in zip(idx_y, val_y)]
        s = m.allocState({})
        r = m.propagate(s, 0, len(m), observe=range(len(m)))

        ob_arr = range(len(m)) if self._elem_bpm == 'all' else self._elem_bpm
        zpos = np.array([r[i][1].pos for i in ob_arr])
        x, y = np.array(
            [[r[i][1].moment0_env[j] for i in ob_arr] for j in [0, 2]])

        if outfile is not None:
                       np.vstack((zpos, x, y)).T,
                       comments='# orbit data saved at ' + time.ctime() + '\n',
                       header="#{0:^22s} {1:^22s} {2:^22s}".format(
                           "zpos [m]", "x [mm]", "y [mm]"),
                       delimiter=' ')

        return zpos, x, y, m

    def simple_run(self, method='cg', mpi=None, np=None, echo=True, **kws):
        """ run optimization after ``set_bpms()`` and ``set_cors()``,
        by using default configuration and make full use of computing resources.

        :param method: optimization method, 'cg', 'ps', 'cg' by default
        :param mpi: if True, run DAKOTA in parallel mode, False by default
        :param np: number of processes to use, only valid when ``mpi`` is True 
        :param echo: suppress output if False, True by default
        :param kws: keyword parameters
            valid keys:
                * step: gradient step, 1e-6 by default
                * iternum: max iteration number, 20 by default
                * evalnum: max function evaulation number, 1000 by default
        if method == 'cg':
            max_iter_num = kws.get('iternum', 20)
            step = kws.get('step', 1e-6)
            md = dakutils.DakotaMethod(method='cg', 
            re = dakutils.DakotaResponses(gradient='numerical', step=step)
        else: # 'ps'
            max_eval_num = kws.get('evalnum', 1000)
            md = dakutils.DakotaMethod(method='ps', 
            re = dakutils.DakotaResponses()

        if mpi:
            max_core_num = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
            if np is None or int(np) > max_core_num:
                np = max_core_num
  , np=np, echo=echo)

    def get_opt_latfile(self, outfile=''):
        """ get optimized lattice file for potential next usage,
        ``run()`` or ``simple_run()`` should be evoked first to get the 
        optimized results.
        :param outfile: file name for generated lattice file
        :return: lattice file name or None if failed
            z, x, y, m = self.get_orbit()
            rfile = generate_latfile(m, latfile=outfile)
            print("Failed to generate latfile.")
            rfile = None
            return rfile
Ejemplo n.º 5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Tong Zhang <*****@*****.**>
# 2016-10-16 20:20:57 PM EDT

from flame import Machine
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

lat_fid = open('', 'r')
m = Machine(lat_fid)

## all BPMs and Correctors (both horizontal and vertical)
bpm_ids, cor_ids = m.find(type='bpm'), m.find(type='orbtrim')
corh_ids = cor_ids[0::2]
corv_ids = cor_ids[1::2]

observe_ids = bpm_ids
## before distortion

s = m.allocState({})
r = m.propagate(s, 0, len(m), observe=range(len(m)))
x, y = np.array([[r[i][1].moment0_env[0] for i in range(len(m))]
                 for j in [0, 2]])
pos = np.array([r[i][1].pos for i in range(len(m))])

fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8), dpi=120)
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
linex, = ax1.plot(pos[observe_ids],
Ejemplo n.º 6
    with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as F:
        mymachine = Machine(F)
    #mymachine = Machine(open('./'))
    mymachine = Machine(open('./'))
"[Parse lattice file]"

"[Allocate State]"
thestate = mymachine.allocState({})
"[Allocate State]"

print "Initial state", thestate

"[Run simulation]"
bpms = mymachine.find(type='bpm')

#sel_cor = mymachine.find(name='LS1_CA01:DCH_D1131')[-1]
#mymachine.reconfigure(sel_cor, {'theta_x': 10})
mymachine.reconfigure(9, {'theta_x': 1.00017})
mymachine.reconfigure(10, {'theta_y': 2.00035})

r = mymachine.propagate(thestate, observe=bpms)
"[Run simulation]"

print "Final state", thestate

r01 = r[0][1]
print r01.pos
print r01.moment0_env[0]
print r01.moment0_env[2]