Ejemplo n.º 1
class EventManager:
    def __init__(self):
        self.space = Namespace()
        self.events = {}

    def trigger(self, event_name, **params):
        if self.events.get(event_name) is None:

    def subscribe(self, event_name):
        if self.events.get(event_name) is None:
            self.events[event_name] = self.space.signal(event_name)
        return self.events[event_name].connect
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Signals(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._signals = Namespace()
        #General Commands
        self.execute_commands = self._signals.signal("execute_commands")
        #Post Signals
        self.new_post = self._signals.signal("post-new")
        self.save_post = self._signals.signal("post-save")
        self.delete_post = self._signals.signal("post-delete")
        #Thread Signals
        self.prune_thread = self._signals.signal("prune")
        #Image Signals
        self.new_image = self._signals.signal("image-new")
        self.delete_image = self._signals.signal("image-delete")
        #Ban Signals
        self.new_ban = self._signals.signal("ban-new")
Ejemplo n.º 3
import copy
from flask import _app_ctx_stack
from flask.signals import Namespace
from sqlalchemy import orm
from sqlalchemy.event import listen
from wowhua_db.api.util import get_scoped_session as get_api_session
from wowhua_db.admin.util import get_scoped_session as get_admin_session

# migrated from flask_sqlalchemy
_signals = Namespace()
models_committed = _signals.signal('models-committed')

class SignallingSession(orm.Session):
    def __init__(self, **options):
        super(SignallingSession, self).__init__(**options)
        self._model_changes = {}

class _SessionSignalEvents(object):
    def register(self, app):
        self.app = app
        listen(SignallingSession, 'after_commit',

    def session_signal_after_commit(self, session):
        d = session._model_changes
        if d:
            models_committed.send(self.app, changes=d.values())
Ejemplo n.º 4
from flask.signals import Namespace

PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3

signals = Namespace()

identity_changed = signals.signal('identity-changed', doc="""
Signal sent when the identity for a request has been changed.

Actual name: ``identity-changed``

Authentication providers should send this signal when authentication has been
successfully performed. Flask-Principal connects to this signal and
causes the identity to be saved in the session.

For example::

    from flaskext.principal import Identity, identity_changed

    def login_view(req):
        username = req.form.get('username')
        # check the credentials
        identity_changed.send(app, identity=Identity(username))

identity_loaded = signals.signal('identity-loaded', doc="""
Signal sent when the identity has been initialised for a request.

Actual name: ``identity-loaded``
Ejemplo n.º 5
from . import config

from flask import current_app, request
from flask.signals import Namespace

from .version import __version__

class SSOAttributeError(Exception):
    """General SSO Attribute error."""

# Signals
_signals = Namespace()

sso_logged_in = _signals.signal('sso-logged-in')
"""Sent when a user is logged in.

In addition to the app (which is the sender), it is passed `user`, which is
the user being logged in.

class SSO(object):
    """Flask extension implementation."""
    def __init__(self, app=None):
        """Initialize login callback."""
        self.login_callback = None
        self.login_error_callback = None

        if app is not None:
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: signals.py Proyecto: nZac/keg
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from flask.signals import Namespace

_signals = Namespace()

# Call when application initializations is completed.
# Sender will be the application instance.
app_ready = _signals.signal('app-ready')

config_ready = _signals.signal('config-ready')
testing_run_start = _signals.signal('testing-run-start')

db_clear_pre = _signals.signal('db-clear-pre')
db_clear_post = _signals.signal('db-clear-post')
db_init_pre = _signals.signal('db-init-pre')
db_init_post = _signals.signal('db-init-post')
Ejemplo n.º 7
from flask.signals import Namespace

namespace = Namespace()

pre_action = namespace.signal('pre-action')
post_action = namespace.signal('post-action')

Ejemplo n.º 8
EXTENSION_NAME = "FeatureFlags"

class StopCheckingFeatureFlags(Exception):
  """ Raise this inside of a feature flag handler to immediately return False and stop any further handers from running """

class NoFeatureFlagFound(Exception):
  """ Raise this when the feature flag does not exist. """

_ns = Namespace()
missing_feature = _ns.signal('missing-feature')

def AppConfigFlagHandler(feature=None):
  """ This is the default handler. It checks for feature flags in the current app's configuration.

  For example, to have 'unfinished_feature' hidden in production but active in development:


  class ProductionConfig(Config):

      'unfinished_feature' : False,
Ejemplo n.º 9
from flask import g, session, current_app, abort, request
from flask.signals import Namespace

signals = Namespace()

identity_changed = signals.signal('identity-changed',
Signal sent when the identity for a request has been changed.

Actual name: ``identity-changed``

Authentication providers should send this signal when authentication has been
successfully performed. Flask-Principal connects to this signal and
causes the identity to be saved in the session.

For example::

    from flaskext.principal import Identity, identity_changed

    def login_view(req):
        username = req.form.get('username')
        # check the credentials
        identity_changed.send(app, identity=Identity(username))

identity_loaded = signals.signal('identity-loaded',
Signal sent when the identity has been initialised for a request.

Actual name: ``identity-loaded``
Ejemplo n.º 10
except ImportError:
    _app_ctx_stack = None

__version__ = "3.0-dev"

# Which stack should we use?  _app_ctx_stack is new in 0.9
connection_stack = _app_ctx_stack or _request_ctx_stack

_camelcase_re = re.compile(r"([A-Z]+)(?=[a-z0-9])")
_signals = Namespace()

models_committed = _signals.signal("models-committed")
before_models_committed = _signals.signal("before-models-committed")

def _make_table(db):
    def _make_table(*args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) > 1 and isinstance(args[1], db.Column):
            args = (args[0], db.metadata) + args[1:]
        info = kwargs.pop("info", None) or {}
        info.setdefault("bind_key", None)
        kwargs["info"] = info
        return sqlalchemy.Table(*args, **kwargs)

    return _make_table

Ejemplo n.º 11
    from urllib.parse import quote
    from urllib.parse import urljoin
    from urllib.parse import urlencode

    from urllib import urlopen
except ImportError:
    from urllib.request import urlopen

    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

_signals = Namespace()
wx_userinfo_fetched = _signals.signal("wx-userinfo-fetched")

blueprint = flask.Blueprint("wx_auth", __name__)

def authorize():
    auth_url = WXOAuth2.create_authorize_url(redirect_uri=url_for(".callback", _external=True))
    return flask.redirect(auth_url)

def callback():
    code = flask.request.args.get("code", None)
    if not code:
        return flask.redirect(url_for(current_app.config["WX_OAUTH2_REFUSED_ROUTE"]))
Ejemplo n.º 12
from datetime import datetime

import json
from bson.objectid import ObjectId

from ext.auth.helpers import Helpers
from ext.notifications.email import Email  # , Sms

# TIME & DATE - better with arrow only?
import arrow

_signals = Namespace()

# Define signals
signal_activity_log     = _signals.signal('user-activity-logger')
signal_insert_workflow  = _signals.signal('insert-workflow')
signal_change_owner     = _signals.signal('change-owner')
signal_change_acl       = _signals.signal('change-acl')
signal_init_acl         = _signals.signal('init-acl')

def insert_workflow(dict_app, **extra):
    """ Inserts workflow, wathcers, owner, reporter and custom id on the current resource
    Only when method equals POST
    @todo: need resource->workflow mapping
    @todo: should hook into the given workflow (from mapping?)and retrieve schema OR schema is fixed
    @todo: generic means it can find what to do for each resource (mappings?)
    @TODO: Should really init the state machine in transitions to do this!
Ejemplo n.º 13
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from flask.signals import Namespace

ns = Namespace()

#: Sent when a metric needs to be updated
metric_need_update = ns.signal('metric:need-update')

#: Sent when a metric has been updated
metric_updated = ns.signal('metric:updated')
Ejemplo n.º 14
from . import config

from flask import current_app, request
from flask.signals import Namespace

class SSOAttributeError(Exception):

# Signals
_signals = Namespace()

#: Sent when a user is logged in. In addition to the app (which is the
#: sender), it is passed `user`, which is the user being logged in.
sso_logged_in = _signals.signal('sso-logged-in')

class SSO(object):
    Flask extension

    Initialization of the extension:

    >>> from flask import Flask
    >>> from flask_sso import SSO
    >>> app = Flask('myapp')
    >>> ext = SSO(app=app)

    or alternatively using the factory pattern:
Ejemplo n.º 15
from flask.signals import Namespace
from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from raven.contrib.flask import Sentry

sentry = Sentry()
db = SQLAlchemy()
db_signals = Namespace()
db_created = db_signals.signal('created')
Ejemplo n.º 16
    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict
from coaster.utils import getbool
from coaster.views import get_current_url, get_next_url

from flask import session, g, redirect, url_for, request, flash, abort, Response, jsonify, json, current_app
from flask.signals import Namespace

from . import translations
from ._version import *  # NOQA

# Signals
lastuser_signals = Namespace()

signal_user_session_refreshed = lastuser_signals.signal('user-session-refreshed')
signal_user_session_expired = lastuser_signals.signal('user-session-expired')
signal_user_looked_up = lastuser_signals.signal('user-looked-up')
signal_before_wrapped_view = lastuser_signals.signal('before-wrapped-view')

# Translations
flask_lastuser_translations = Domain(translations.__path__[0], domain='flask_lastuser')
_ = flask_lastuser_translations.gettext
__ = flask_lastuser_translations.lazy_gettext

# Bearer token, as per http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer-15#section-2.1
auth_bearer_re = re.compile("^Bearer ([a-zA-Z0-9_.~+/-]+=*)$")

class LastuserConfigException(Exception):
Ejemplo n.º 17
            if key in app.config:
                self.config[key] = app.config[key]
        self.app = app

    def config_from_env(self):
        for key in self.config:
            self.config[key] = os.environ.get(key, self.config[key])

    def send(self, message):
        if not message.from_email:

        # send signal
            current_app._get_current_object(), message=message)

        if self.app and self.app.testing:

        status, reason = self.sg.send(message)
        if status == 200:
            return status, reason
            raise SendEmailError('{}: {}'.format(status, message))

signals = Namespace()
email_dispatched = signals.signal("email-dispatched", doc="""
Signal sent when an email is dispatched. This signal will also be sent
in testing mode, even though the email will not actually be sent.
Ejemplo n.º 18
    This module provides signals to get notified when Flask-Login performs
    certain actions.

from flask.signals import Namespace

_signals = Namespace()

#: Sent when a user is logged in. In addition to the app (which is the
#: sender), it is passed `user`, which is the user being logged in.
user_logged_in = _signals.signal("logged-in")

#: Sent when a user is logged out. In addition to the app (which is the
#: sender), it is passed `user`, which is the user being logged out.
user_logged_out = _signals.signal("logged-out")

#: Sent when the user is loaded from the cookie. In addition to the app (which
#: is the sender), it is passed `user`, which is the user being reloaded.
user_loaded_from_cookie = _signals.signal("loaded-from-cookie")

#: Sent when the user is loaded from the header. In addition to the app (which
#: is the #: sender), it is passed `user`, which is the user being reloaded.
user_loaded_from_header = _signals.signal("loaded-from-header")

#: Sent when the user is loaded from the request. In addition to the app (which
#: is the #: sender), it is passed `user`, which is the user being reloaded.
Ejemplo n.º 19
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from flask.signals import Namespace

_signals = Namespace()

# Call when application initializations is completed.
# Sender will be the application instance.
app_ready = _signals.signal('app-ready')
config_ready = _signals.signal('config-ready')
testing_run_start = _signals.signal('testing-run-start')
Ejemplo n.º 20
from flask.signals import Namespace

__all__ = ['request_token_fetched']

_signals = Namespace()
request_token_fetched = _signals.signal('request-token-fetched')
Ejemplo n.º 21
from sqlalchemy import event

from flask import g
from .core import SignallingSessionPlus as Session
from flask.signals import Namespace
from ..utils import (set_if_absent_and_get, append_if_absent, flatten,
from decimal import Decimal

db_signals = Namespace()
out_of_stock = db_signals.signal('out_of_stock')
shipment_status_change = db_signals.signal('shipment_status_change')
customer_init = db_signals.signal('customer_init')

def all_subclasses(cls):
    return cls.__subclasses__() + [
        g for s in cls.__subclasses__() for g in all_subclasses(s)]

def add_to_record(key, item, struct=g):
    append_if_absent(set_if_absent_and_get(struct, key, []), item)

class EventListener:

    def __init__(self, app=None):
        self.app = app
        if app:
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def is_active(self):
        return False

    def is_anonymous(self):
        return True

    def get_id(self):
        return None

# Signals

#: Sent when a user is logged in. In addition to the app (which is the
#: sender), it is passed `user`, which is the user being logged in.
user_logged_in = _signals.signal("logged-in")

#: Sent when a user is logged out. In addition to the app (which is the
#: sender), it is passed `user`, which is the user being logged out.
user_logged_out = _signals.signal("logged-out")

#: Sent when a user's login is confirmed, marking it as fresh. (It is not
#: called for a normal login.)
#: It receives no additional arguments besides the app.
user_login_confirmed = _signals.signal("login-confirmed")

#: Sent when the `unauthorized` method is called on a `LoginManager`. It
#: receives no additional arguments besides the app.
user_unauthorized = _signals.signal("unauthorized")

#: Sent when the `needs_refresh` method is called on a `LoginManager`. It
Ejemplo n.º 23
import logging

from flask.signals import Namespace

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ns = Namespace()

#: Sent when a new HarvestSource is created
harvest_source_created = ns.signal('harvest:source-created')

#: Sent when a HarvestSource is updated
harvest_source_updated = ns.signal('harvest:source-updated')

#: Sent when a HarvestSource is deleted
harvest_source_deleted = ns.signal('harvest:source-deleted')

#: Run before each harvest job
before_harvest_job = ns.signal('harvest:before-job')

#: Run before each harvest job
after_harvest_job = ns.signal('harvest:after-job')

#: Sent when a new HarvestJob started
harvest_job_started = ns.signal('harvest:job-started')

#: Sent when a HarvestJob is done
harvest_job_done = ns.signal('harvest:job-done')

#: Sent when a HarvestJob failed
harvest_job_failed = ns.signal('harvest:job-failed')
Ejemplo n.º 24
from warnings import warn
from inspect import getargspec

from genshi.template import (NewTextTemplate, MarkupTemplate, loader,
from werkzeug.utils import cached_property
from flask import current_app

    from flask import signals_available
except ImportError:
    signals_available = False
    from flask.signals import Namespace
    signals = Namespace()
    template_generated = signals.signal('template-generated')

# there's more to Jinja context than just environment,
# but apparently the only thing jinja filters currently care about is this (and also whether autoescaping is on),
# hence these shims.
# XXX this does not take custom jinja filters into account, although I don't expect Genshi-minded users of @jinja2.contextfilter any time soon.
class FakeJinjaContext:
    def __init__(self, env):
        self.environment = env

class FakeJinjaEvalContext:
    def __init__(self, env):
        self.environment = env
        # Flask set this one explicitly
Ejemplo n.º 25
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from flask.signals import Namespace

baseframe_signals = Namespace()

form_validation_error = baseframe_signals.signal('form-validation-error')
form_validation_success = baseframe_signals.signal('form-validation-success')
exception_catchall = baseframe_signals.signal('exception-catchall')
Ejemplo n.º 26
def _secret_key(key=None):
    if key is None:
        key = current_app.config['SECRET_KEY']

    if isinstance(key, unicode):  # pragma: no cover
        key = key.encode('latin1')  # ensure bytes

    return key

# Signals

#: Sent when a user is logged in. In addition to the app (which is the
#: sender), it is passed `user`, which is the user being logged in.
user_logged_in = _signals.signal('logged-in')

#: Sent when a user is logged out. In addition to the app (which is the
#: sender), it is passed `user`, which is the user being logged out.
user_logged_out = _signals.signal('logged-out')

#: Sent when the user is loaded from the cookie. In addition to the app (which
#: is the sender), it is passed `user`, which is the user being reloaded.
user_loaded_from_cookie = _signals.signal('loaded-from-cookie')

#: Sent when the user is loaded from the header. In addition to the app (which
#: is the #: sender), it is passed `user`, which is the user being reloaded.
user_loaded_from_header = _signals.signal('loaded-from-header')

#: Sent when a user's login is confirmed, marking it as fresh. (It is not
#: called for a normal login.)
Ejemplo n.º 27
from flask import current_app
from flask.signals import Namespace
applicationSingnals = Namespace()

onOrderRefunded = applicationSingnals.signal('order-refunded')
onOrderDiscounted = applicationSingnals.signal('order-discounted')

onOrderDiscountApproved = applicationSingnals.signal('order-discount-approved')
onOrderRefundApproved = applicationSingnals.signal('order-refund-approved')

onOrderDeleted = applicationSingnals.signal('order-deleted')
onOrderSerivceChanged = applicationSingnals.signal('order-service-changed')

onUserDeleted = applicationSingnals.signal('user-deleted')
onUserUpdated = applicationSingnals.signal('user-updated')
onUserCreated = applicationSingnals.signal('user-created')
onUserLoggedin = applicationSingnals.signal('user-loggedin')
onUserLogginAttempted = applicationSingnals.signal('user-login-attempted')

onSessionResetUsed = applicationSingnals.signal('session-reset-used')
onSessionResetLastUsed = applicationSingnals.signal('session-reset-last-used')
onSessionServiceChanged = applicationSingnals.signal('session-service-changed')

onPatientUpdated = applicationSingnals.signal('patient-updated')
onPatientDeleted = applicationSingnals.signal('patient-deleted')
onPatientCreated = applicationSingnals.signal('patient-created')

def onOrderRefundedCallback(data, **kwargs):
Ejemplo n.º 28
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function

import six
from lazy import lazy
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
import flask
from flask.signals import Namespace
from flask_dance.consumer.backend.session import SessionBackend
from flask_dance.utils import Dictective, getattrd

_signals = Namespace()
oauth_authorized = _signals.signal('oauth-authorized')
oauth_error = _signals.signal('oauth-error')

class BaseOAuthConsumerBlueprint(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, flask.Blueprint)):
    def __init__(self, name, import_name,
            static_folder=None, static_url_path=None, template_folder=None,
            url_prefix=None, subdomain=None, url_defaults=None, root_path=None,
            login_url=None, authorized_url=None, backend=None):

        bp_kwargs = dict(
Ejemplo n.º 29
def custom_signal():
    ns = Namespace()
    custom_sig = ns.signal("custom_signal")
    custom_sig.connect = Mock()

    return custom_sig
Ejemplo n.º 30
from flask.signals import Namespace

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

L1 = 14
L2 = 15
Len = 18

R1 = 23
R2 = 24
Ren = 25

namespace = Namespace()
robot_move = namespace.signal('robot_move')
robot_speed = namespace.signal('robot_speed')

def setupGPIO():
    # mode

    #L motor
    GPIO.setup(L1, GPIO.OUT)
    GPIO.output(L1, GPIO.LOW)
    GPIO.setup(L2, GPIO.OUT)
    GPIO.output(L2, GPIO.LOW)
    GPIO.setup(Len, GPIO.OUT)
    Lpwm = GPIO.PWM(Len, 1000)
Ejemplo n.º 31
from inspect import getargspec

from genshi.template import (NewTextTemplate, MarkupTemplate,
                             loader, TemplateLoader)
from werkzeug import cached_property
import flask
from flask import current_app

    from flask import signals_available
except ImportError:
    signals_available = False
    from flask.signals import Namespace
    signals = Namespace()
    template_generated = signals.signal('template-generated')

class Genshi(object):
    """Initialize extension.


        app = Flask(__name__)
        genshi = Genshi(app)

    .. versionchanged:: 0.4
        You can now initialize your application later with :meth:`init_app`.

    .. deprecated:: 0.4
        ``app.genshi_instance`` in favor of ``app.extensions['genshi']``.
Ejemplo n.º 32
import datetime
from functools import partial
from flask.signals import Namespace
from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy, BaseQuery
from flask.ext.principal import Need, UserNeed
from flask.ext.cache import Cache

__all__ = [
    'db', 'cache', 'YuanQuery', 'SessionMixin',
    'model_created', 'model_updated', 'model_deleted',
    'create_user_needs', 'TeamNeed',

signals = Namespace()
model_created = signals.signal('model-created')
model_updated = signals.signal('model-updated')
model_deleted = signals.signal('model-deleted')

db = SQLAlchemy()
cache = Cache()
TeamNeed = partial(Need, 'team')

def create_user_needs(owner_id, permission):
    rv = db.session.execute(
        'SELECT account_id FROM team_member '
        'JOIN team ON team_member.team_id=team.id '
        'AND team.owner_id=:id AND team._permission>:permission '
        'GROUP BY account_id', {'id': owner_id, 'permission': permission})
    return map(lambda o: UserNeed(o[0]), rv)
Ejemplo n.º 33
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from flask.signals import Namespace

_signals = Namespace()

on_start = _signals.signal('on_start')
Ejemplo n.º 34
from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy

from flask import current_app
from flask.signals import Namespace

from kazoo.client import KazooClient

__all__ = ('Kazoo', )

__version__ = '0.1'

_signals = Namespace()

connection_state_changed = _signals.signal('state-change')

def _get_client():
    kazoo_client = current_app._get_current_object().extensions['kazoo']['client']
    return kazoo_client

kazoo_client = LocalProxy(_get_client)

class Kazoo(object):
    """Kazoo Client support for Flask."""

    def __init__(self, app=None):
        If app argument provided then initialize cqlengine connection using
        application config values.
Ejemplo n.º 35

class HarvestJobFactory(factory.mongoengine.MongoEngineFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = HarvestJob

    created = dtfactory('-3h', '-2h')
    started = dtfactory('-2h', '-1h')
    ended = dtfactory('-1h', 'new')
    status = FuzzyChoice(HarvestJob.status.choices)
    source = factory.SubFactory(HarvestSourceFactory)

ns = Namespace()

mock_initialize = ns.signal('backend:initialize')
mock_process = ns.signal('backend:process')


class FactoryBackend(backends.BaseBackend):
    name = 'factory'

    def initialize(self):
        for i in range(self.config.get('count', DEFAULT_COUNT)):

    def process(self, item):
        mock_process.send(self, item=item)
Ejemplo n.º 36
from flask import redirect, session
from flask import request as flask_req
from flask.signals import Namespace
from flask import _app_ctx_stack
from .._client import UserInfoMixin
from .._client import RemoteApp as _RemoteApp

__all__ = ['token_update', 'RemoteApp']

_signal = Namespace()
#: signal when token is updated
token_update = _signal.signal('token_update')

class RemoteApp(_RemoteApp, UserInfoMixin):
    """Flask integrated RemoteApp of :class:`~authlib.client.OAuthClient`.
    It has built-in hooks for OAuthClient. The only required configuration
    is token model.
    def __init__(self, name, fetch_token=None, **kwargs):
        fetch_request_token = kwargs.pop('fetch_request_token', None)
        save_request_token = kwargs.pop('save_request_token', None)
        super(RemoteApp, self).__init__(name, fetch_token, **kwargs)

        self._fetch_request_token = fetch_request_token
        self._save_request_token = save_request_token

    def _send_token_update(self, token, refresh_token=None, access_token=None):
        self.token = token
        super(RemoteApp, self)._send_token_update(token, refresh_token,
Ejemplo n.º 37
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import six
from lazy import lazy
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from werkzeug.datastructures import CallbackDict
import flask
from flask.signals import Namespace
from flask_dance.consumer.backend.session import SessionBackend
from flask_dance.utils import getattrd, timestamp_from_datetime

_signals = Namespace()
oauth_authorized = _signals.signal("oauth-authorized")
oauth_before_login = _signals.signal("oauth-before-login")
oauth_error = _signals.signal("oauth-error")

class BaseOAuthConsumerBlueprint(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, flask.Blueprint)):
    def __init__(
Ejemplo n.º 38
# License: Simplified BSD License, see LICENSE.txt for more details.

from flask.signals import Namespace

_signals = Namespace()                              # Place Flask-User signals in our own namespace

# *******************
# ** Flask Signals **
# *******************
# Flask signals are based on blinker. Neither Flask nor Flask-User installs blinker
# If you plan to use signals, please install blinker with 'pip install blinker'
# See http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/signals/

# Sent when a user changed their password
user_changed_password = _signals.signal('user.user_changed_password')

# Sent when a user changed their username
user_changed_username = _signals.signal('user.user_changed_username')

# Sent when a user confirmed their email
user_confirmed_email = _signals.signal('user.user_confirmed_email')

# Sent when a user submitted a password reset request
user_forgot_password = _signals.signal('user.forgot_password')

# Sent when a user logged in
user_logged_in = _signals.signal('user.user_logged_in')

# Sent when a user logged out
user_logged_out = _signals.signal('user.user_logged_out')
Ejemplo n.º 39

# register additional template commands
def url_for_other_page(page):
    args = request.view_args.copy()
    args['page'] = page
    return url_for(request.endpoint, **args)

app.jinja_env.globals['url_for_other_page'] = url_for_other_page

# Blinker custom signals
signals = Namespace()
before_flush = signals.signal('models-before-flush')

# Add flush signalling to session, used to auto-calculate balance later on
class _CustomSessionSignalEvents(object):
    def register(self):
        sqla_event.listen(SQLA_SessionBase, 'before_flush',

    def session_signal_before_flush(session, flush_context, instances):
        before_flush.send(session.app, session=session, instances=instances)

class SQLAlchemy(SQLAlchemyBase):
    def __init__(self,
Ejemplo n.º 40
                    'Removed connection to %(provider)s '
                    'account %(provider_user_id)s for %(user)s' % ctx)

                do_flash("Connection to %(provider)s removed" % ctx, 'info')
            except ConnectionNotFoundError:
                    'Unable to remove connection to %(provider)s account '
                    '%(provider_user_id)s for %(user)s' % ctx)

                do_flash("Unabled to remove connection to %(provider)s" % ctx,

            return redirect(request.referrer)

        # Configure the URL handlers for each fo the configured providers
        for provider_config in provider_configs:
            _configure_provider(app, blueprint, app.oauth, provider_config)

        url_prefix = app.config[URL_PREFIX_KEY]
        app.register_blueprint(blueprint, url_prefix=url_prefix)

def do_flash(message, category):
    if current_app.config[FLASH_MESSAGES_KEY]:
        flash(message, category)

# Signals
social_connection_created = _signals.signal("connection-created")
social_login_failed = _signals.signal("login-failed")
Ejemplo n.º 41
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from flask.signals import Namespace
from sqlalchemy import event as sqla_event
from .models import User, Organization, Team

lastuser_signals = Namespace()

model_user_new = lastuser_signals.signal('model-user-new')
model_user_edited = lastuser_signals.signal('model-user-edited')
model_user_deleted = lastuser_signals.signal('model-user-deleted')

model_org_new = lastuser_signals.signal('model-org-new')
model_org_edited = lastuser_signals.signal('model-org-edited')
model_org_deleted = lastuser_signals.signal('model-org-deleted')

model_team_new = lastuser_signals.signal('model-team-new')
model_team_edited = lastuser_signals.signal('model-team-edited')
model_team_deleted = lastuser_signals.signal('model-team-deleted')

resource_access_granted = lastuser_signals.signal('resource-access-granted')

# Higher level signals
user_login = lastuser_signals.signal('user-login')
user_logout = lastuser_signals.signal('user-logout')
user_registered = lastuser_signals.signal('user-registered')
user_data_changed = lastuser_signals.signal('user-data-changed')
org_data_changed = lastuser_signals.signal('org-data-changed')
team_data_changed = lastuser_signals.signal('team-data-changed')

Ejemplo n.º 42
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import six
from lazy import lazy
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from werkzeug.datastructures import CallbackDict
import flask
from flask.signals import Namespace
from flask_dance.consumer.backend.session import SessionBackend
from flask_dance.utils import getattrd, timestamp_from_datetime

_signals = Namespace()
oauth_authorized = _signals.signal('oauth-authorized')
oauth_error = _signals.signal('oauth-error')

class BaseOAuthConsumerBlueprint(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, flask.Blueprint)):
    def __init__(self,
Ejemplo n.º 43
from flask.signals import _signals
custom_signal = _signals.signal('custom-signal')

- 将信号定义在自定的命名空间内
from flask.signals import Namespace

_signals = Namespace()

#: Sent when a user is logged in. In addition to the app (which is the sender), it is passed `user`, which is the user being logged in.
user_logged_in = _signals.signal('logged-in')

# 实例化命名空间
_signal = Namespace()
# 自定义一个信号
customSignal = _signal.signal('custom-signal')

# 触发信号要执行的函数
def sig(*args, **kwargs):
    # 可以接受send()函数传入的参数
    print(f'触发信号函数: {sig.__name__}, 参数:', args, kwargs)

# 设置信号触发的回调函数;
# 设置 receiver

def index():
Ejemplo n.º 44
        return s.encode("latin-1")
    from cStringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
    string_types = basestring,
    from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest

    def b(s):
        return s

# Signals
_signals = Namespace()

#: Sent when a sitemap index is generated and given page will need to be
#: generated in the future from already calculated url set.
sitemap_page_needed = _signals.signal('sitemap-page-needed')

class Sitemap(object):
    """Flask extension implementation."""

    def __init__(self, app=None, force_domain=None):
        """Initialize login callback."""
        self.decorators = []
        self.url_generators = [self._routes_without_params]

        if app is not None:
            self.init_app(app, force_domain)

    def init_app(self, app, force_domain=None):
        """Initialize a Flask application."""
Ejemplo n.º 45
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""Contain signals emitted from workflows module."""

from flask.signals import Namespace
_signals = Namespace()

workflow_halted = _signals.signal('workflow_halted')
This signal is sent when a workflow engine's halt function is called.
Sender is the BibWorkflowObject that was running before the workflow
was halted.

workflow_started = _signals.signal('workflow_started')
This signal is sent when a workflow is started.
Sender is the workflow engine object running the workflow.

workflow_finished = _signals.signal('workflow_finished')
This signal is sent when a workflow is finished.
Ejemplo n.º 46
from flask.signals import Namespace

ns = Namespace()

#: Sent when a metric needs to be updated
metric_need_update = ns.signal('metric:need-update')

#: Sent when a metric has been updated
metric_updated = ns.signal('metric:updated')
Ejemplo n.º 47
# Flask-Airpbx
# Copyright (C) 2021 Airpbx Ltd
# All rights reserved

from flask.signals import Namespace

namespace = Namespace()

ping = namespace.signal('ping')

from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy import inspect
from sqlalchemy import orm
from sqlalchemy.engine.url import make_url
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import DeclarativeMeta
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import UnmappedClassError
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session as SessionBase

from .model import DefaultMeta
from .model import Model

__version__ = "3.0.0.dev"

_signals = Namespace()
models_committed = _signals.signal("models-committed")
before_models_committed = _signals.signal("before-models-committed")

def _make_table(db):
    def _make_table(*args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) > 1 and isinstance(args[1], db.Column):
            args = (args[0], db.metadata) + args[1:]
        info = kwargs.pop("info", None) or {}
        info.setdefault("bind_key", None)
        kwargs["info"] = info
        return sqlalchemy.Table(*args, **kwargs)

    return _make_table

Ejemplo n.º 49

from flask.signals import Namespace

__all__ = [
    "request_received", "request_deserialized", "request_badrequest",
    "request_deserialize_error", "request_handle_error", "response_error",
    "response_sent", "wechat_granted", "wechat_servererror", "wechat_error"

signals = Namespace()

request_received = signals.signal("request_received")
request_deserialized = signals.signal("request_deserialized")
request_badrequest = signals.signal("request_badrequest")
# request_deserialize_error = signals.signal("request_deserialize_error")
request_handle_error = signals.signal("request_handle_error")

# response_error = signals.signal("response_error")
response_sent = signals.signal("response_sent")

wechat_granted = signals.signal("wechat_granted")
wechat_servererror = signals.signal("wechat_servererror")
wechat_error = signals.signal("wechat_error")
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def is_active(self):
        return False

    def is_anonymous(self):
        return True

    def get_id(self):
        return None

# Signals

#: Sent when a user is logged in. In addition to the app (which is the
#: sender), it is passed `user`, which is the user being logged in.
user_logged_in = _signals.signal("logged-in")

#: Sent when a user is logged out. In addition to the app (which is the
#: sender), it is passed `user`, which is the user being logged out.
user_logged_out = _signals.signal("logged-out")

#: Sent when a user's login is confirmed, marking it as fresh. (It is not
#: called for a normal login.)
#: It receives no additional arguments besides the app.
user_login_confirmed = _signals.signal("login-confirmed")

#: Sent when the `unauthorized` method is called on a `LoginManager`. It
#: receives no additional arguments besides the app.
user_unauthorized = _signals.signal("unauthorized")

#: Sent when the `needs_refresh` method is called on a `LoginManager`. It
Ejemplo n.º 51
    :author: Ling Thio ([email protected])
    :license: Simplified BSD License, see LICENSE.txt for more details."""

from flask.signals import Namespace

_signals = Namespace()  # Place Flask-User signals in our own namespace

# *******************
# ** Flask Signals **
# *******************
# Flask signals are based on blinker. Neither Flask nor Flask-User installs blinker
# If you plan to use signals, please install blinker with 'pip install blinker'
# See http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/signals/

# Sent when a user changed their password
user_changed_password = _signals.signal('user.user_changed_password')

# Sent when a user changed their username
user_changed_username = _signals.signal('user.user_changed_username')

# Sent when a user confirmed their email
user_confirmed_email = _signals.signal('user.user_confirmed_email')

# Sent when a user submitted a password reset request
user_forgot_password = _signals.signal('user.forgot_password')

# Sent when a user logged in
user_logged_in = _signals.signal('user.user_logged_in')

# Sent when a user logged out
user_logged_out = _signals.signal('user.user_logged_out')
Ejemplo n.º 52
from flask.signals import Namespace

# signals
signals = Namespace()
db_before_reset = signals.signal('db-before-reset')
db_reset_dropped = signals.signal('db-reset-dropped')
db_reset_created = signals.signal('db-reset-created')
db_after_reset = signals.signal('db-after-reset')
Ejemplo n.º 53
        return s.encode("latin-1")
    from cStringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
    string_types = basestring,
    from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest

    def b(s):
        return s

# Signals
_signals = Namespace()

#: Sent when a sitemap index is generated and given page will need to be
#: generated in the future from already calculated url set.
sitemap_page_needed = _signals.signal('sitemap-page-needed')

class Sitemap(object):
    """Flask extension implementation."""

    def __init__(self, app=None):
        """Initialize login callback."""
        self.decorators = []
        self.url_generators = [self._routes_without_params]

        if app is not None:

    def init_app(self, app):
        """Initialize a Flask application."""
from flask.signals import Namespace

__all__ = ['request_token_fetched']

_signals = Namespace()
request_token_fetched = _signals.signal('request-token-fetched')
Ejemplo n.º 55

from flask.signals import Namespace

__all__ = ["request_received", "request_deserialized", "request_badrequest", 
    "request_deserialize_error", "request_handle_error", "response_error", 
    "response_sent", "wechat_granted", "wechat_servererror", "wechat_error"]

signals = Namespace()

request_received = signals.signal("request_received")
request_deserialized = signals.signal("request_deserialized")
request_badrequest = signals.signal("request_badrequest")
# request_deserialize_error = signals.signal("request_deserialize_error")
request_handle_error = signals.signal("request_handle_error")

# response_error = signals.signal("response_error")
response_sent = signals.signal("response_sent")

wechat_granted = signals.signal("wechat_granted")
wechat_servererror = signals.signal("wechat_servererror")
wechat_error = signals.signal("wechat_error")
Ejemplo n.º 56
from sqlalchemy.engine.url import make_url
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base, DeclarativeMeta
from sqlalchemy.util import to_list

# the best timer function for the platform
if sys.platform == 'win32':
    _timer = time.clock
    _timer = time.time

_camelcase_re = re.compile(r'([A-Z]+)(?=[a-z0-9])')
_signals = Namespace()

models_committed = _signals.signal('models-committed')
before_models_committed = _signals.signal('before-models-committed')

def _make_table(db):
    def _make_table(*args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) > 1 and isinstance(args[1], db.Column):
            args = (args[0], db.metadata) + args[1:]
        info = kwargs.pop('info', None) or {}
        info.setdefault('bind_key', None)
        return sqlalchemy.Table(*args, **kwargs)
    return _make_table

def _set_default_query_class(d):
    if 'query_class' not in d:
Ejemplo n.º 57
    :author: Ling Thio ([email protected])
    :license: Simplified BSD License, see LICENSE.txt for more details."""

from flask.signals import Namespace

_signals = Namespace()  # Place Flask-User signals in our own namespace
""" *******************
** Flask Signals **
Flask signals are based on blinker.
Neither Flask nor Flask-User installs blinker
If you plan to use signals, please install blinker with 'pip install blinker'
See http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/signals/"""

# Sent when a user changed their password
user_changed_password = _signals.signal('user.user_changed_password')

# Sent when a user changed their username
user_changed_username = _signals.signal('user.user_changed_username')

# Sent when a user changed their theme
user_changed_theme = _signals.signal('user.user_changed_theme')

# Sent when a user adds a tenant
user_added_tenant = _signals.signal('user.user_added_tenant')

# Sent when a user edits a tenant
user_edited_tenant = _signals.signal('user.user_edited_tenant')

# Sent when a user adds a tenant user
user_added_tenant_user = _signals.signal('user.user_added_tenant_user')
Ejemplo n.º 58
    _timer = time.time

    from flask import _app_ctx_stack
except ImportError:
    _app_ctx_stack = None

__version__ = '2.0'

# Which stack should we use?  _app_ctx_stack is new in 0.9
connection_stack = _app_ctx_stack or _request_ctx_stack

_camelcase_re = re.compile(r'([A-Z]+)(?=[a-z0-9])')
_signals = Namespace()

models_committed = _signals.signal('models-committed')
before_models_committed = _signals.signal('before-models-committed')

def _make_table(db):
    def _make_table(*args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) > 1 and isinstance(args[1], db.Column):
            args = (args[0], db.metadata) + args[1:]
        info = kwargs.pop('info', None) or {}
        info.setdefault('bind_key', None)
        kwargs['info'] = info
        return sqlalchemy.Table(*args, **kwargs)

    return _make_table

Ejemplo n.º 59
# Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

"""Contain signals emitted from workflows module."""

from flask.signals import Namespace
_signals = Namespace()

workflow_halted = _signals.signal('workflow_halted')
This signal is sent when a workflow engine's halt function is called.
Sender is the BibWorkflowObject that was running before the workflow
was halted.

workflow_started = _signals.signal('workflow_started')
This signal is sent when a workflow is started.
Sender is the workflow engine object running the workflow.

workflow_finished = _signals.signal('workflow_finished')
This signal is sent when a workflow is finished.