Ejemplo n.º 1
class MethodView(with_metaclass(MethodViewType, View)):
    """ Class-based view that dispatches requests to methods decorated with @methodview """
    def _match_view(self, method, route_params):
        """ Detect a view matching the query

        :param method: HTTP method
        :param route_params: Route parameters dict
        :return: Method
        :rtype: Callable|None
        method = method.upper()
        route_params = frozenset(k for k, v in route_params.items()
                                 if v is not None)

        for view_name, info in self.methods_map[method].items():
            if info.matches(method, route_params):
                return getattr(self, view_name)
            return None

    def dispatch_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
        view = self._match_view(request.method, kwargs)
        if view is None:
            raise MethodNotAllowed(
                description='No view implemented for {}({})'.format(
                    request.method, ', '.join(kwargs.keys())))
        return view(*args, **kwargs)

    def route_as_view(cls, app, name, rules, *class_args, **class_kwargs):
        """ Register the view with an URL route
        :param app: Flask application
        :type app: flask.Flask|flask.Blueprint
        :param name: Unique view name
        :type name: str
        :param rules: List of route rules to use
        :type rules: Iterable[str|werkzeug.routing.Rule]
        :param class_args: Args to pass to object constructor
        :param class_kwargs: KwArgs to pass to object constructor
        :return: View callable
        :rtype: Callable
        view = super(MethodView, cls).as_view(name, *class_args,
        for rule in rules:
            app.add_url_rule(rule, view_func=view)
        return view
Ejemplo n.º 2
class RestfulView(with_metaclass(RestfulViewType, MethodView)):
    """ Method View that automatically defines the following methods:

            GET /    -> list()
            POST /   -> create()
        Individual item:
            GET /<pk>     -> get()
            PUT /<pk>     -> replace()
            POST /<pk>    -> update()
            DELETE /<pk>  -> delete()

        You just need to specify PK fields

    #: List of route parameters used as a primary key.
    #: If specified -- then we're working with an individual entry, and if not -- with the whole collection
    primary_key = ()
Ejemplo n.º 3
class NodeView(with_metaclass(MethodViewType, View)):
    A PostgreSQL Object has so many operaions/functions apart from CRUD
    (Create, Read, Update, Delete):
    - Reversed Engineered SQL
    - Modified Query for parameter while editing object attributes
      i.e. ALTER TABLE ...
    - Statistics of the objects
    - List of dependents
    - List of dependencies
    - Listing of the children object types for the certain node
      It will used by the browser tree to get the children nodes

    This class can be inherited to achieve the diffrent routes for each of the
    object types/collections.

       OPERATION   |             URL             | HTTP Method |    Method
    List           | /obj/[Parent URL]/          | GET         | list
    Properties     | /obj/[Parent URL]/id        | GET         | properties
    Create         | /obj/[Parent URL]/          | POST        | create
    Delete         | /obj/[Parent URL]/id        | DELETE      | delete
    Update         | /obj/[Parent URL]/id        | PUT         | update

    SQL (Reversed  | /sql/[Parent URL]/id        | GET         | sql
    Engineering)   |
    SQL (Modified  | /msql/[Parent URL]/id       | GET         | modified_sql
    Properties)    |

    Statistics     | /stats/[Parent URL]/id      | GET         | statistics
    Dependencies   | /dependency/[Parent URL]/id | GET         | dependencies
    Dependents     | /dependent/[Parent URL]/id  | GET         | dependents

    Nodes          | /nodes/[Parent URL]/        | GET         | nodes
    Current Node   | /nodes/[Parent URL]/id      | GET         | node

    Children       | /children/[Parent URL]/id   | GET         | children

    Parent URL can be seen as the path to identify the particular node.

    In order to identify the TABLE object, we need server -> database -> schema
    operations = dict({
        'obj': [
            {'get': 'properties', 'delete': 'delete', 'put': 'update'},
            {'get': 'list', 'post': 'create'}
        'nodes': [{'get': 'node'}, {'get': 'nodes'}],
        'sql': [{'get': 'sql'}],
        'msql': [{'get': 'modified_sql'}],
        'stats': [{'get': 'statistics'}],
        'dependency': [{'get': 'dependencies'}],
        'dependent': [{'get': 'dependents'}],
        'children': [{'get': 'children'}]

    def generate_ops(cls):
        cmds = []
        for op in cls.operations:
            idx = 0
            for ops in cls.operations[op]:
                meths = []
                for meth in ops:
                if len(meths) > 0:
                        'cmd': op, 'req': (idx == 0),
                        'with_id': (idx != 2), 'methods': meths
                idx += 1
        return cmds

    # Inherited class needs to modify these parameters
    node_type = None
    # This must be an array object with attributes (type and id)
    parent_ids = []
    # This must be an array object with attributes (type and id)
    ids = []

    def get_node_urls(cls):
        assert cls.node_type is not None, \
            "Please set the node_type for this class ({0})".format(
        common_url = '/'
        for p in cls.parent_ids:
            common_url += '<{0}:{1}>/'.format(str(p['type']), str(p['id']))

        id_url = None
        for p in cls.ids:
            id_url = '{0}<{1}:{2}>'.format(
                common_url if not id_url else id_url,
                p['type'], p['id'])

        return id_url, common_url

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.cmd = kwargs['cmd']

    # Check the existance of all the required arguments from parent_ids
    # and return combination of has parent arguments, and has id arguments
    def check_args(self, **kwargs):
        has_id = has_args = True
        for p in self.parent_ids:
            if p['id'] not in kwargs:
                has_args = False

        for p in self.ids:
            if p['id'] not in kwargs:
                has_id = False

        return has_args, has_id and has_args

    def dispatch_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
        http_method = flask.request.method.lower()
        if http_method == 'head':
            http_method = 'get'

        assert self.cmd in self.operations, \
            'Unimplemented command ({0}) for {1}'.format(

        has_args, has_id = self.check_args(**kwargs)

        assert (
            self.cmd in self.operations and
            (has_id and len(self.operations[self.cmd]) > 0 and
             http_method in self.operations[self.cmd][0]) or
            (not has_id and len(self.operations[self.cmd]) > 1 and
             http_method in self.operations[self.cmd][1]) or
            (len(self.operations[self.cmd]) > 2 and
             http_method in self.operations[self.cmd][2])
        ), \
            'Unimplemented method ({0}) for command ({1}), which {2} ' \
            'an id'.format(http_method,
                           'requires' if has_id else 'does not require')
        meth = None
        if has_id:
            meth = self.operations[self.cmd][0][http_method]
        elif has_args and http_method in self.operations[self.cmd][1]:
            meth = self.operations[self.cmd][1][http_method]
            meth = self.operations[self.cmd][2][http_method]

        method = getattr(self, meth, None)

        if method is None:
            return make_json_response(
                    'Unimplemented method ({0}) for this url ({1})'.format(
                        meth, flask.request.path)

        return method(*args, **kwargs)

    def register_node_view(cls, blueprint):
        cls.blueprint = blueprint
        id_url, url = cls.get_node_urls()

        commands = cls.generate_ops()

        for c in commands:
            cmd = c['cmd'].replace('.', '-')
            if c['with_id']:
                        c['cmd'], id_url if c['req'] else url
                            cmd, '_id' if c['req'] else ''
                        cmd, cmd=c['cmd']

    def module_js(self, **kwargs):
        This property defines (if javascript) exists for this node.
        Override this property for your own logic.
        return flask.make_response(
            200, {'Content-Type': 'application/x-javascript'}

    def children(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Build a list of treeview nodes from the child nodes."""
        children = []

        for module in self.blueprint.submodules:
            children.extend(module.get_nodes(*args, **kwargs))
        # Return sorted nodes based on label
        return make_json_response(
                children, key=lambda c: c['label']