def finish(): cid = request.cookies.get(app.session_cookie_name) if cid is None: return view("bteditor/index.html", msg='时间久远,没有东西可下,快去编辑种子吧') cid = str(cid) _dict = kv.get(cid) if _dict is None: return view("bteditor/index.html", msg="时间久远,没有东西可下,快去编辑种子吧") return view("bteditor/finish.html")
def finish(): cid = request.cookies.get(app.session_cookie_name) if cid is None: return view("bteditor/index.html",msg='时间久远,没有东西可下,快去编辑种子吧') cid=str(cid) _dict=kv.get(cid) if _dict is None: return view("bteditor/index.html",msg="时间久远,没有东西可下,快去编辑种子吧") return view("bteditor/finish.html")
def download(): cid = request.cookies.get(app.session_cookie_name) if cid is None: return view("bteditor/index.html") cid=str(cid) _dict=kv.get(cid) if _dict is None: return view("bteditor/index.html",msg="时间久远,没有东西可下,快去编辑种子吧") response = make_response(bencode.bencode(_dict)) response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename="+cid+".torrent" kv.delete(cid) return response
def edit(): rs = {} files=[] rs['files']=files try: if request.content_length > 300*1024: return view("bteditor/index.html",msg="文件太大,不要超过300kb!") _file= request.files['torrent'] _filename=_file.filename; if(_filename.endswith('.torrent')==False): return view("bteditor/index.html",msg="上传的文件不对!请重新上传!") _dict = bencode.bdecode( info = _dict.get('info') info.pop('publisher.utf-8',None) info.pop('name.utf-8',None) info.pop('publisher-url.utf-8',None) i=1 for k in info.keys(): import pdb if k == 'files' or k =='name': if k== 'name': rs['name']=info[k] else: for _file in info[k]: #pdb.set_trace() #if _file['path'] == None or _file['path'][0].strip() == '': # continue _file['id'] = i #if _file['path'][0].startswith('_____padding_file') == False: files.append(_file) i+=1 cid = random_str(16) kv.set(cid,_dict,app.permanent_session_lifetime.total_seconds()) _view = view("bteditor/edit.html",p = rs) res = make_response( _view ) res.set_cookie(app.session_cookie_name,cid) return res except ValueError: #return view("bteditor/index.html",err=ValueError) raise ValueError
def blog_topic(id=1,title=''): article = Article.query.get(id) if(article==None): abort(404) content = content = Markup(markdown.markdown(article.content)) tags = group_tag_with_count() categories = group_category_with_count() return view("topic.html", **locals())
def blog_index(page=1): prefix='/' suffix='' p = Article.query.order_by(Article.add_time.desc()) \ .paginate(page,PER_PAGE,error_out=False) tags = group_tag_with_count() categories = group_category_with_count() return view('index.html', paginate = p,page=page,tags=tags,categories=categories)
def download(): cid = request.cookies.get(app.session_cookie_name) if cid is None: return view("bteditor/index.html") cid = str(cid) _dict = kv.get(cid) if _dict is None: return view("bteditor/index.html", msg="时间久远,没有东西可下,快去编辑种子吧") response = make_response(bencode.bencode(_dict)) response.headers[ "Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=" + cid + ".torrent" kv.delete(cid) return response
def edit(): rs = {} files = [] rs['files'] = files try: if request.content_length > 300 * 1024: return view("bteditor/index.html", msg="文件太大,不要超过300kb!") _file = request.files['torrent'] _filename = _file.filename if (_filename.endswith('.torrent') == False): return view("bteditor/index.html", msg="上传的文件不对!请重新上传!") _dict = bencode.bdecode( info = _dict.get('info') info.pop('publisher.utf-8', None) info.pop('name.utf-8', None) info.pop('publisher-url.utf-8', None) i = 1 for k in info.keys(): import pdb if k == 'files' or k == 'name': if k == 'name': rs['name'] = info[k] else: for _file in info[k]: #pdb.set_trace() #if _file['path'] == None or _file['path'][0].strip() == '': # continue _file['id'] = i #if _file['path'][0].startswith('_____padding_file') == False: files.append(_file) i += 1 cid = random_str(16) kv.set(cid, _dict, app.permanent_session_lifetime.total_seconds()) _view = view("bteditor/edit.html", p=rs) res = make_response(_view) res.set_cookie(app.session_cookie_name, cid) return res except ValueError: #return view("bteditor/index.html",err=ValueError) raise ValueError
def fresh(): _dict = None cid = request.cookies.get(app.session_cookie_name) if cid is None: return view("bteditor/index.html", msg="时间久远,没有东西可下,快去编辑种子吧") cid = str(cid) _dict = kv.get(cid) if _dict is None: return view("bteditor/index.html", msg='时间久远,没有东西可下,快去编辑种子吧') info = _dict.get('info') for k in info.keys(): if k == 'files' or k == 'name': if k == 'name': info[k] = str(request.form['name']) else: for _file in info[k]: if _file['id'] == None: continue if _file.has_key('path.utf-8'): _file.pop('path.utf-8') if request.form.get('f' + str(_file['id'])) is None: _len = len(_file['path']) del _file['path'][0:_len] _file['path'].append(' ') #info['files'].remove(_file) #del _file else: del _file['path'][0:len(_file['path'])] _file['path'] = str( request.form.get('f' + str(_file['id']))).split('/') _file.pop('id') info = kv.get_info() kv.set(cid, _dict, app.permanent_session_lifetime.total_seconds()) return redirect("./finish")
def article_modify(id=1): c = Article.query.get(id) # c.tags = [ for t in c.tags] # c.categories = [ for t in c.categories] # form = ArticleForm() # form.categories.default=[88,90] # form.tags.default=[16,17,18] form=ArticleForm(,title=c.title,content=c.content,\ tags=[ for t in c.tags],\ categories=str([ for t in c.categories][0])) form.tags.choices=[(, for t in Tag.query.order_by('id')] form.categories. choices=[(, for c in Category.query.order_by('id')] return view('/admin/article_modify.html',type=EDIT_TYPE,obj=form)
def fresh(): _dict = None cid = request.cookies.get(app.session_cookie_name) if cid is None: return view("bteditor/index.html",msg="时间久远,没有东西可下,快去编辑种子吧") cid=str(cid) _dict=kv.get( cid ) if _dict is None: return view("bteditor/index.html",msg='时间久远,没有东西可下,快去编辑种子吧') info = _dict.get('info') for k in info.keys(): if k == 'files' or k =='name': if k == 'name': info[k]=str(request.form['name']) else: for _file in info[k]: if _file['id'] == None : continue if _file.has_key('path.utf-8'): _file.pop('path.utf-8') if request.form.get('f'+str(_file['id'])) is None: _len = len(_file['path']) del _file['path'][0:_len] _file['path'].append(' ') #info['files'].remove(_file) #del _file else: del _file['path'][0:len(_file['path'])] _file['path']=str(request.form.get('f'+str(_file['id']))).split('/') _file.pop('id') info = kv.get_info() kv.set(cid,_dict,app.permanent_session_lifetime.total_seconds()) return redirect("./finish")
def blog_category(page=1,param=''): if(param==''): abort(404) # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() paginate = Article.query.filter(Article.categories.any(name = param)) \ .order_by(Article.add_time.desc()) \ .paginate(page,PER_PAGE,error_out=False) tags = group_tag_with_count() categories = group_category_with_count() prefix='/category/' suffix='/'+param return view("index.html", **locals())
def login(): if current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('home')) form = LoginForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): user = User.query.filter_by( if user and bcrypt.check_password_hash(user.password, login_user(user, next_page = request.args.get('next') flash(f'Welcome {user.username}', 'success') return redirect(next_page) if next_page else redirect( url_for('home')) else: flash('Unsuccess login! check email or password', 'danger') return view('login.html', title='Login', form=form)
def listteams(): teams = [[]] #points = 0 bracket = "" with urllib.request.urlopen(bracket) as response: html = mysoup = soup(html, 'html.parser') gameid = 0 for gameid in range(64): match = mysoup.find("div", attrs={'data-slotindex': str(gameid)}) teamid = int(match['data-teamid'][0]) teamname = match.find('span', attrs={'class': 'name'}).text.strip() teamseed = match.find('span', attrs={'class': 'seed'}).text.strip() teams.append([teamid, teamname, teamseed]) return view('listteams.html', teams=teams)
def register(): if current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('home')) form = RegistrationForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): hashed_password = bcrypt.generate_password_hash('utf-8') user = User(,, password=hashed_password) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() flash( f'Account has bean created for {}! You Can Login Now ', 'success') return redirect(url_for('login')) return view('register.html', title='Register', form=form)
def login(): if current_user.is_authenticated(): return redirect(url_for('.index')) form = LoginForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): user = User.query.filter_by( if user is not None and user.valid_password( if login_user(user, # Enable session expiration only if user hasn't chosen to be # remembered. session.permanent = not flash('登陆成功!', 'success') return redirect(request.args.get('next') or url_for('.index')) else: flash('账户已禁用!', 'error') else: flash('用户名或密码错误!', 'error') return view("admin/login.html",form=form)
def connorbracket(): teams = [[]] #points = 0 bracket = "" with urllib.request.urlopen(bracket) as response: html = mysoup = soup(html, 'html.parser') gameid = 0 for gameid in range(126): match = mysoup.find("div", attrs={'data-slotindex': str(gameid)}) teamid = int(match['data-teamid']) teamname = match.find('span', attrs={'class': 'name'}).text.strip() teamseed = match.find('span', attrs={'class': 'seed'}).text.strip() pickedstatus = 0 # pick status-- either: # 0 not picked -- game tbd // black # 1 picked - game tbd // blue # 2 picked incorrectly or out -- //red # 3 picked correctly -- // green pickedstatus = 0 if gameid < 64: gametags = match.find("span")['class'] if 'selectedToAdvance' in gametags: # picked by user # if not picked by user it will stay equal to 0 and be black if 'winner' in gametags: # user was right pickedstatus=3 elif 'loser' in gametags: # user was wrong pickedstatus=2 else: # game hasn't been played yet pickedstatus = 1 teams.append([teamid, teamname, teamseed, pickedstatus]) return view('userbracket.html', teams=teams)
def tag_add(): form = TagForm() return view('/admin/tag_modify.html',type=ADD_TYPE,obj=form)
def index(): return view("bteditor/index.html")
def help(): return view("bteditor/help.html")
def category_modify(id=1): c = Category.query.get(id) form = CategoryForm(request.form,c) return view('/admin/category_modify.html',type=EDIT_TYPE,obj=form)
def bracket(): return view('bracket.html')
def tag(page=1): p = Tag.query.order_by(,PER_PAGE,error_out=False) return view('admin/tag.html', paginate = p,page=page)
def about(): return view('about.html', title='About')
def post_auth(uuid=None): #[uuid] if uuid in uuidlist: return view('/nber/signin.html', name=uuidlist[uuid]) else: return view('/nber/signup.html')
def login(): return view('/nber/login.html')
def index(name=None): """ Show an index template :return: """ return view('nber/index.html')
def category_add(): form = CategoryForm() return view('/admin/category_modify.html',type=ADD_TYPE,obj=form)
def tag_modify(id=1): c = Tag.query.get(id) form = TagForm(request.form,c) return view('/admin/tag_modify.html',type=EDIT_TYPE,obj=form)
def home(): return view('home.html', posts=posts)
def article_add(): form = ArticleForm() form.tags.choices=[(, for t in Tag.query.order_by('id')] form.categories. choices=[(, for c in Category.query.order_by('id')] return view('/admin/article_modify.html',type=ADD_TYPE,obj=form)
def main(): return view('main.htm'), 200
def account(): return view('account.html', title='Account')
def article(page=1): p = Article.query.order_by(,PER_PAGE,error_out=False) return view('admin/article.html', paginate = p,page=page)
def category(page=1): p = Category.query.order_by(Category.id_num.desc()).paginate(page,PER_PAGE,error_out=False) return view('admin/category.html', paginate = p,page=page)
def index(): """ Show an index template :return: """ return view('index.html')
def index(): """ Show an index template :return: """ return view('docs/home.html')
def addnewface(): """ Show an index template :return: """ return view('identitychain/addnewface.html')
from flask import Blueprint, render_template as view docs = Blueprint('docs', __name__, static_folder='static', template_folder='templates') @docs.route('/') def index(): """ Show an index template :return: """ return view('docs/index.html')
def blog_categories(): _endpoint='blog_category' items = group_category_with_count() return view('tags_and_categories.html',**locals())
def index(): """ Show an index template :return: """ return view('identitychain/index.html')