Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: cxz/scholia
    """Register a custom URL map converters, available application wide.


    def register_converter(state):
        state.app.url_map.converters[name or func.__name__] = func


Blueprint.add_app_url_map_converter = add_app_url_map_converter
main = Blueprint('app', __name__)
main.add_app_url_map_converter(RegexConverter, 'regex')

# Wikidata item identifier matcher
l_pattern = r'<regex(r"L[1-9]\d*"):lexeme>'
L_PATTERN = re.compile(r'L[1-9]\d*')

q_pattern = r'<regex(r"Q[1-9]\d*"):q>'
q1_pattern = r'<regex(r"Q[1-9]\d*"):q1>'
q2_pattern = r'<regex(r"Q[1-9]\d*"):q2>'
Q_PATTERN = re.compile(r'Q[1-9]\d*')

p_pattern = r'<regex(r"P[1-9]\d*"):p>'
P_PATTERN = re.compile(r'P[1-9]\d*')

# Wikidata item identifiers matcher
qs_pattern = r'<regex(r"Q[1-9]\d*(?:[^0-9]+Q[1-9]\d*)*"):qs>'
Ejemplo n.º 2
    Register a custom URL map converters, available application wide.
    :param name: the optional name of the filter, otherwise the function name
                 will be used.
    def register_converter(state):
        state.app.url_map.converters[name or func.__name__] = func


# monkey-patch the Blueprint object to allow addition of URL map converters
Blueprint.add_app_url_map_converter = add_app_url_map_converter

# create the eyesopen Flask blueprint
main = Blueprint('main', __name__)

main.add_app_url_map_converter(ProjectHashConverter, 'slug')

def is_project(string):
    project = Project.query.filter_by(slug=string).first()
    return project is not None

def handle_404(e):
    from flask import request
    route = request.path
    route = route.lstrip('/')
    if (current_user.current_project is None or
            route.startswith('_') or
            route.find('/') and is_project(route[:route.find('/')])):
Ejemplo n.º 3
from flask import Blueprint
import converters  # module containing the custom converter classes

def add_app_url_map_converter(self, func, name=None):
    Register a custom URL map converters, available application wide.

    :param name: the optional name of the filter, otherwise the function name
                 will be used.
    def register_converter(state):
        state.app.url_map.converters[name or func.__name__] = func


# monkey-patch the Blueprint object to allow addition of URL map converters
Blueprint.add_app_url_map_converter = add_app_url_map_converter

# create the eyesopen Flask blueprint
bp = Blueprint('myblueprint', __name__)

# register the URL map converters that are required
bp.add_app_url_map_converter(converters.FooConverter, 'foo')
bp.add_app_url_map_converter(converters.BarConverter, 'bar')
Ejemplo n.º 4
    to map int list like 1,2 in URL
    def register_converter(state):
        state.app.url_map.converters[name or func.__name__] = func


# create int_list converter for blueprint
Blueprint.add_app_url_map_converter = add_app_url_map_converter

mod = Blueprint('v1', __name__, url_prefix='/api/v1')

# add converter to blueprint module, so it can be used in URL
mod.add_app_url_map_converter(IntListConverter, 'int_list')

@mod.route('/companies', methods=['GET'])
def get_companies():
    Query companies, e.g. http://localhost:5000/api/v1/companies
    cur = mysql.connection.cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT `index`, company FROM companies;")
    row_headers = [x[0] for x in cur.description]
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    json_data = []
    for row in rows:
Ejemplo n.º 5
    :param name: the optional name of the filter, otherwise the function name
                 will be used.
    def register_converter(state):
        state.app.url_map.converters[name or func.__name__] = func


# monkey-patch the Blueprint object to allow addition of URL map converters
Blueprint.add_app_url_map_converter = add_app_url_map_converter

# create the eyesopen Flask blueprint
main = Blueprint('main', __name__)

main.add_app_url_map_converter(ProjectHashConverter, 'slug')

def is_project(string):
    project = Project.query.filter_by(slug=string).first()
    return project is not None

def handle_404(e):
    from flask import request
    route = request.path
    route = route.lstrip('/')
    if (current_user.current_project is None or route.startswith('_')
            or route.find('/') and is_project(route[:route.find('/')])):
        return "404"