Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: app.py Proyecto: n0str/lxdui
def start_container():
    client = connector.remote()
    if client['error']:
        response = Response(client)
        return response.bad_request()
    client = client['conn']
    containerName = request.form['containerName']
    container = client.containers.get(containerName)
        container.start(wait = True)
    except Exception as e:
         response = Response({'success': False, 'message':' Container <{}> : '.format(containerName) + str(e) })
         return response.success()

    IP_ADDR = "N/A"
        net_key = [key for key in container.state().network.keys() if key != 'lo'][0]#Exclude the LOOPBACK
        IP_ADDR = str(container.state().network[net_key]['addresses'][0]['address'])

    data = {'success': True, 
            'message':'Container ' +containerName+ ' successfully started',
            'container_name' : containerName,
            'ip' : IP_ADDR }
    response = Response(data)
    return response.success()
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: app.py Proyecto: n0str/lxdui
def network_post():
    bridge_net = BridgeNetwork()

    result = bridge_net.validate_form(request.form)
    if result['error']:
        flash( result['message'] ,'error')
        lxc_terminal_tasks = bridge_net._form_to_LXC_SET_TASK(result['validated_data'])
        executed = bridge_net._execute_LXC_NETWORK_TERMINAL( lxc_terminal_tasks )
        flash( str(executed['spitout']) ,'success')
        #restart all containers
        main_config = bridge_net.get_lxd_main_bridge_config()
        if 'used_by' in main_config:
            if len(main_config['used_by']) > 0:
                client = connector.remote()
                if client['error']:
                    response = Response(client)
                    return response.bad_request()
                client = client['conn']
                for cnt_name in main_config['used_by']:
                    container = client.containers.get(cnt_name)
                    print(">> Restarting container <{}> !".format(cnt_name))

    return redirect(url_for('network_get'))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def delete_container():
    client = connect()
    if client['error']:
        response = Response(client)
        return response.bad_request()
    client = client['conn']

    container = None
        containerName = request.form['containerName']
        container = client.containers.get(containerName)
    except Exception, e:
        data = {'success': False, 'payload': 'There is no such container by name <{}> !'.format(containerName)}
        response = Response(data)
        return response.bad_request()
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: app.py Proyecto: n0str/lxdui
def local_images():
    rez = list_of_local_images()
    if rez['error']:
        response = Response(rez)
        return response.bad_request()

    data = {'success': True, 'payload': rez['list']}
    response = Response(data)
    return response.success()
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: app.py Proyecto: n0str/lxdui
def delete_local_image():
    client = connector.remote()
    if client['error']:
        response = Response(client)
        return response.bad_request()
    client = client['conn']
    img_alias = request.form['image_alias']
        local_image = client.images.get_by_alias(img_alias)
        local_image.delete(wait = True)

        data = {'success': True, 'payload': 'Image with alias <{}> has been successfully deleted !'.format(img_alias) , 'img_alias' : img_alias}
        response = Response(data)
        return response.success()
        data = {'success': False, 'payload': 'Image with alias <{}> has not found !'.format(img_alias)}
        response = Response(data)
        return response.bad_request()
Ejemplo n.º 6
def launch_container():
    img_alias = request.form['img_alias']
    containerName = request.form['containerName']
    config = {'name': containerName,
              'ephemeral': False,#'config': {'limits.cpu': '2', 'limits.memory': '1GB'},
              'source': {'type': 'image',
                         'alias': img_alias }

    client = connect()
    if client['error']:
        response = Response(client)
        return response.bad_request()
    client = client['conn']

    #pre-check container name
    if client.containers.exists(containerName):
        data = {'success': False,
                'payload': "Container with name <{0}> can not be created because it already exists !".format( containerName ),
                'move_next' : True }
        response = Response(data)
        return response.success()

    local_cached_OS = None
        local_cached_OS = client.images.get_by_alias( img_alias )
    except Exception, e:
        if str(e).lower() == "not found" :
            #>>START download it locally
                linux_repo = Client(endpoint='https://images.linuxcontainers.org')
            except Exception, e:
                print str(e)
                #NO INTERNET
                data = {'success': False,
                        'payload': "NO INTERNET CONNECTION to download the LXC Image <{}> !".format( img_alias ),
                        'move_next' : False }
                response = Response(data)
                return response.success()

                selected_image = linux_repo.images.get_by_alias( img_alias )
            except Exception, e:
                data = {'success': False,
                        'payload': "There is no LXC IMAGE from the LXC Linux official repo, identified by this alias <{0}> !".format( img_alias ),
                        'move_next' : False }
                response = Response(data)
                return response.success()
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: app.py Proyecto: n0str/lxdui
def stop_container():
    client = connector.remote()
    if client['error']:
        response = Response(client)
        return response.bad_request()
    client = client['conn']
    containerName = request.form['containerName']
    container = client.containers.get(containerName)
    container.stop(wait = True)
    data = {'success': True, 'message': 'Container ' +containerName+ ' successfully stopped !', 'container_name' : containerName}
    response = Response(data)
    return response.success()
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: app.py Proyecto: n0str/lxdui
def delete_container():
    client = connector.remote()
    if client['error']:
        response = Response(client)
        return response.bad_request()
    client = client['conn']

    container = None
        containerName = request.form['containerName']
        container = client.containers.get(containerName)
    except Exception as e:
        data = {'success': False, 'payload': 'There is no such container by name <{}> !'.format(containerName)}
        response = Response(data)
        return response.bad_request()
    if container.status.lower() == 'running':
        container.stop(wait = True)

    data = {'success': True, 'message': 'Container <{}> has been successfully deleted !'.format(containerName), "container_name" : containerName }
    response = Response(data)
    return response.success()
Ejemplo n.º 9
def start_container():
    client = connect()
    if client['error']:
        response = Response(client)
        return response.bad_request()
    client = client['conn']
    containerName = request.form['containerName']
    container = client.containers.get(containerName)
        container.start(wait = True)
    except Exception, e:
         response = Response({'success': False, 'message':' Container <{}> : '.format(containerName) + str(e) })
         return response.success()
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: app.py Proyecto: n0str/lxdui
def check_cached_image():
    img_alias = request.form['img_alias']
    client = connector.remote()
    if client['error']:
        response = Response(client)
        return response.bad_request()
    client = client['conn']

        target_img = client.images.get_by_alias(img_alias)
        data = {'success': True, 'image_exists' : True }
        response = Response(data)
        return response.success()
    except Exception as e:
        data = {'success': True, 'image_exists' : False }
        response = Response(data)
        return response.success()
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: app.py Proyecto: n0str/lxdui
def container_ip(container_name):
    client = connector.remote()
    if client['error']:
        response = Response(client)
        return response.bad_request()
    client = client['conn']
        container = client.containers.get(container_name)
        data = { 'error' : False, "container_name" : container_name }

        loop_times = 8

        while( (container.status == 'Running') and (loop_times > 0) ):
            arr_of_dicts = container.state().network.get('eth0')['addresses']

            for item in arr_of_dicts:
                if item['family'].lower() == 'inet':
                    data['IP'] = item['address']
                    response = Response(data)
                    return response.success()
            loop_times -= 1
        #out of the loop
        data['IP'] = "N/A"

        response = Response(data)
        return response.success()

    except Exception as e:
        data = { "error": True,  "container_name" : container_name , "message": str(e).upper() }
        response = Response(data)
        return response.success()
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: app.py Proyecto: n0str/lxdui
def container_details(container_name=None):
    client = connector.remote()
    if client['error']:
        response = Response(client)
        return response.bad_request()
    client = client['conn']
        container = client.containers.get(container_name)

        MAC_ADDR = 'N/A'
        PID = 'N/A'
        PROCESSES = 'N/A'
        NETWORK = 'N/A'
        RAM_MEM = 'N/A'
        CPU_USG = 'N/A'
        if container.status == "Running":
            PID = container.state().pid
            PROCESSES = container.state().processes
            NETWORK = container.state().network
            RAM_MEM = container.state().memory
            CPU_USG = container.state().cpu
            #rectify lo
            if 'lo' in NETWORK:
                del NETWORK['lo']
        MAC_HWADDR_KEY = "volatile.eth0.hwaddr"
        for key in container.expanded_config.keys():
            if "hwaddr" == key[-6:]:
                MAC_HWADDR_KEY =  key
        if MAC_HWADDR_KEY in container.expanded_config.keys():
            MAC_ADDR = str(container.expanded_config[MAC_HWADDR_KEY]).upper()

        IMAGE_OS = None
        if "image.distribution" in container.expanded_config.keys():
            IMAGE_OS = str(container.expanded_config["image.distribution"]).capitalize()
            IMAGE_OS = str(container.expanded_config["image.os"]).capitalize()
        if "image.release" in container.expanded_config.keys():
            IMAGE_REL = container.expanded_config["image.release"].capitalize()
            IMAGE_REL = str(container.expanded_config["image.version"])

        OS_METADATA = {"name" : IMAGE_OS,
                        "release" : IMAGE_REL,
                        "architecture" : str(container.expanded_config["image.architecture"])}

        for ex_c_k in container.expanded_config.keys():
            if ex_c_k[:6] == 'limits':
                CONTAINER_RESOURCE_CONSTRAINS.append({ str(ex_c_k[7:]) : str(container.expanded_config[ex_c_k]) })

        rez = { 'name': container.name,
                    'memory' : RAM_MEM,
                    'cpu_usage' : CPU_USG,
                    'OS' : OS_METADATA,
                    'architecture': container.architecture,
                    'created_at': container.created_at,
                    'status': str(container.status).upper(),
                    'profiles': container.profiles,
                    'MAC_addr': MAC_ADDR,
                    'pid': PID,
                    'process_count': PROCESSES,
                    'network_interfaces': NETWORK,
                    'resource_constrains' : CONTAINER_RESOURCE_CONSTRAINS}

        data_rez = {"error" : False, "result" : rez}
        return render_template('container-details.html', auto_refresh = "auto_refresh" in request.args, data_rez = data_rez, currentpage = "container / "+container_name )
    except Exception as e:
        data_rez = {"error": True, "message": str(e).upper(), "c_name" : container_name}
        return render_template('container-details.html', data_rez = data_rez, currentpage = "container / "+container_name)
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: app.py Proyecto: n0str/lxdui
def launch_container():
    img_alias = request.form['img_alias']
    containerName = request.form['containerName']
    config = {'name': containerName,
              'ephemeral': False,#'config': {'limits.cpu': '2', 'limits.memory': '1GB'},
              'source': {'type': 'image',
                         'alias': img_alias }

    client = connector.remote()
    if client['error']:
        response = Response(client)
        return response.bad_request()
    client = client['conn']

    #pre-check container name
    if client.containers.exists(containerName):
        data = {'success': False,
                'payload': "Container with name <{0}> can not be created because it already exists !".format( containerName ),
                'move_next' : True }
        response = Response(data)
        return response.success()

    local_cached_OS = None
        local_cached_OS = client.images.get_by_alias( img_alias )
    except Exception as e:
        if str(e).lower() == "not found" :
            #>>START download it locally
                linux_repo = Client(endpoint='https://images.linuxcontainers.org')
            except Exception as e:
                #NO INTERNET
                data = {'success': False,
                        'payload': "NO INTERNET CONNECTION to download the LXC Image <{}> !".format( img_alias ),
                        'move_next' : False }
                response = Response(data)
                return response.success()

                selected_image = linux_repo.images.get_by_alias( img_alias )
            except Exception as e:
                data = {'success': False,
                        'payload': "There is no LXC IMAGE from the LXC Linux official repo, identified by this alias <{0}> !".format( img_alias ),
                        'move_next' : False }
                response = Response(data)
                return response.success()

            new_local_image = selected_image.copy(client, auto_update=False, public=False, wait=True)
            new_local_image.add_alias( img_alias, str(selected_image.properties["description"]))
            local_cached_OS = new_local_image
            #<<END download it locally
    #move on creating from LOCAL OS cached image
    new_container = client.containers.create( config, wait=True)
        new_container.start(wait = True)
    except Exception as e:
         response = Response({'success': False, 'payload':' Container <{}> : '.format(containerName) + str(e), 'move_next' : True})
         return response.success()

    data = {'success': True,
             'payload': "Container <{0}> has been successfully launched from image <{1}> !".format( containerName ,img_alias),
             'container_name' : containerName,
             'move_next' : True}
    response = Response(data)
    return response.success()