def __init__(self, debug: bool = False) -> None: """TODO: Doku.""" self.cfg_log = Config(LOG_CONFIG_PATH) loglevel = self.cfg_log.get_value("LOG", "level") to_stdout = self.cfg_log.get_value("LOG", "to_stdout") to_files = self.cfg_log.get_value("LOG", "to_files") logpath = self.cfg_log.get_value("LOG", "filepath") logfile = self.cfg_log.get_value("LOG", "filename") self.log = Log(str(loglevel), bool(to_stdout), bool(to_files), str(logpath), str(logfile)) info("starting easywall-web") self.cfg = Config(CONFIG_PATH) if debug is True: info("loading Flask debug configuration") APP.config.from_object('easywall.web.__main__.DevelopmentConfig') else: info("loading Flask production configuration") APP.config.from_object('easywall.web.__main__.ProductionConfig') self.rules_handler = RulesHandler() self.login_attempts = self.cfg.get_value("WEB", "login_attempts") self.login_bantime = self.cfg.get_value("WEB", "login_bantime") self.ip_ban = IpBan(app=APP, ban_count=self.login_attempts, ban_seconds=self.login_bantime, ipc=True) self.ip_ban.url_pattern_add('^/static.*$', match_type='regex')
def login_post(ip_ban: IpBan) -> Union[Response, str]: """ the function handles the login post request and if all information are correct a session variable is set to store the login information """ utils = Webutils() hostname = platform.node().encode("utf-8") salt = hashlib.sha512(hostname).hexdigest() pw_hash = hashlib.sha512( str(salt + request.form['password']).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() if request.form['username'] == utils.cfg.get_value( "WEB", "username") and pw_hash == utils.cfg.get_value( "WEB", "password"): session.clear() session['logged_in'] = True session['ip_address'] = request.remote_addr session.permanent = True info("Successful login for the user {}. ".format( request.form['username']) + "IP address of the remote device: {}".format(request.remote_addr)) return redirect("/") else: warning( "Failed login attempt for the user {} detected. ".format( request.form['username']) + "IP address of the remote device: {}".format(request.remote_addr)) ip_ban.add(ip=request.remote_addr) return login("Wrong username or password.", "danger")
def __init__(self, debug: bool = False) -> None: self.cfg = Config(CONFIG_PATH) loglevel = self.cfg.get_value("LOG", "level") to_stdout = self.cfg.get_value("LOG", "to_stdout") to_files = self.cfg.get_value("LOG", "to_files") logpath = self.cfg.get_value("LOG", "filepath") logfile = self.cfg.get_value("LOG", "filename") self.log = Log(str(loglevel), bool(to_stdout), bool(to_files), str(logpath), str(logfile)) self.login_attempts = self.cfg.get_value("WEB", "login_attempts") self.login_bantime = self.cfg.get_value("WEB", "login_bantime") self.ip_ban = IpBan(app=APP, ban_count=self.login_attempts, ban_seconds=self.login_bantime, ipc=True) self.ip_ban.url_pattern_add('^/static.*$', match_type='regex') info("starting easywall-web") self.rules_handler = RulesHandler() self.rules_handler.ensure_files_exist() if debug is True: port = self.cfg.get_value("WEB", "bindport") host = self.cfg.get_value("WEB", "bindip") APP.config.from_object('easywall_web.__main__.DevelopmentConfig'), str(port)) else: APP.config.from_object('easywall_web.__main__.ProductionConfig')
from flask_babelex import Babel from flask_cors import CORS from flask_login import LoginManager,current_user from oauthlib.oauth2 import WebApplicationClient from flask_restx import Api from flask_ipban import IpBan os.environ['OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT'] = '1' app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='../build/static',template_folder='./views/templates') app.config.from_pyfile('') db = SQLAlchemy(app) babel = Babel(app) blueprint = Blueprint('api',__name__,url_prefix='/api') api = Api(blueprint,doc='/doc/',title = 'WhyDoThat API 문서',description = '모든 API 호출에 대해 정리한 문서 입니다.') app.register_blueprint(blueprint) ip_ban = IpBan(ban_seconds=200) ip_ban.init_app(app) ip_ban.load_nuisances() ip_ban.ip_whitelist_add('') ip_ban.ip_whitelist_add('') ip_ban.url_pattern_add('/.env',match_type='string') CORS(app,resources={ r'*':{'origins':'*', 'methods' : '*', 'allow-headers':'*', 'supports_credentials':True } }) google_oauth = app.config['GOOGLE_OAUTH'] google_client = WebApplicationClient(google_oauth['client_id'])
def natural_keys(text): return [ atoi(c) for c in re.split('(\d+)', text) ] SERVER_PASSWORD = os.environ.get('ANIPOSE_PASSWORD', 'password') # creates a Flask application, named app app = Flask(__name__) # app.config['COMPRESS_LEVEL'] = 8 # app.config['COMPRESS_ALGORITHM'] = 'br' Compress(app) # squeeze = Squeeze() # squeeze.init_app(app) ip_ban = IpBan(ban_seconds=3600, ban_count=5, persist=True, ipc=True) ip_ban.init_app(app) ip_ban.load_nuisances() def true_basename(fname): basename = os.path.basename(fname) basename = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] return basename def get_cam_name(cam_regex, fname): basename = true_basename(fname) match =, basename) if not match: return None else: name = match.groups()[0]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from flask import Flask, make_response, request, send_from_directory, abort from flask_ipban import IpBan import os, time import subprocess import shlex import yaml ip_ban = IpBan() app = Flask(__name__) ip_ban.init_app(app) # ufw allow 6768/tcp @app.route("/<project>/<region>/<rule>/<port>/<token>", methods=["GET"]) def get_my_ip(project, region, rule, port, token): ipaddr = request.remote_addr if check_project_port(project, region, rule, port, token): print("OK") source_env(project, region) #add_rule(ipaddr,project,region,rule,port) response = make_response( "Your IP address: " + ipaddr + " is wite-listed for 24 hours", 200) else: print("Wrong") response = make_response('Wrong', 404) abort(404) response.mimetype = "text/plain" return response
fn = os.path.join(temp_dir, fn) r = pm_nb(collection, template, fn) else: r = f'bad-url:{dwnurl_str}' return r ############## # Server # imports move to top of file ################ app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = os.environ.get("SECRET_KEY") or os.urandom(24) oauth = OAuth(app) ip_ban = IpBan(ban_seconds=200) ip_ban.init_app(app) blockip = os.getenv("blockip") if blockip: ip_ban.block(blockip) app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app, x_prefix=1) ### ## Auth ######### def login_required(f): @wraps(f) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): # if g.user is None: if (AUTH_MODE == 'service'):
import flask, os, parseJson, AppointmentDAO from flask_ipban import IpBan from businessDAO import getBusinessById, setBusiness, deleteBusiness from business_ownerDAO import setBusinessOwner, deleteBusinessOwner from AppointmentDAO import deleteAppointmentByBusinessId from flask import request, abort, send_file, jsonify from qr import createQR, clear, Img from parseJson import receiveBusinessJson, receiveBusinessOwnerJson, sendAppointmentByTokenJson app = flask.Flask(__name__) app.config["DEBUG"] = True #If an ip make 10 bad request, it will be ban for 300 seconds ip_ban = IpBan(app=app, ban_seconds=300, ban_count=10) #this will check if an ip is in the blacklist and will automatically send a 403 forbidden @app.before_request def block_method(): text_file = open('blacklist') ip_ban_list = text_file.readlines() ip = request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR') if ip in ip_ban_list: abort(403) #Receives a json file that contains a business owner and send it to the database, return the id @app.route('/post_business', methods=['POST']) def postBusiness(): print(request.is_json)
from jinja2 import Environment, utils from flask_ipban import IpBan app = Flask(__name__) app.config[ 'SECRET_KEY'] = '\x83\xe1\xba%j\x0b\xe5Q\xdeiG\xde\\\xb1\x94\xe4\x0e\x1dk\x99\x1a\xda\xe8x' app.config['MYSQL_HOST'] = 'db' # app.config['MYSQL_USER'] = '******' # app.config['MYSQL_PASSWORD'] = '******' app.config['MYSQL_USER'] = '******' app.config['MYSQL_PASSWORD'] = '******' app.config['MYSQL_DB'] = 'challengedb' app.config['MAX_CONTENT_PATH'] = 102400 ip_ban = IpBan(ban_seconds=1800, ban_count=2) ip_ban.init_app(app) limiter = Limiter(app, key_func=get_remote_address, default_limits=["100 per day", "30 per hour"]) mysql = MySQL(app) current_user = None from model import * from views import * if __name__ == '__main__': ### enabled debug #'', debug=True)
from flask import Flask, render_template, request from flask_ipban import IpBan import datetime from html import escape import os import base64 import random import os import time app = Flask(__name__) ip_ban = IpBan(ban_seconds=200) ip_ban.init_app(app) # Get amount of replys ip_post_count = {} ip_ban_time = {} def get_current_id(): try: id_file = open("reply/information/current_id", "r") id = id_file.close() return int(id) except: print("ERROR: reading reply id (using 0)") return 0 # Rewrite the amount of replys