Ejemplo n.º 1
def testmonitor():
    Gives an overview of the unit test performance results and the endpoints that they hit.
    from numpy import median

    with session_scope() as db_session:
        latest_version = get_latest_test_version(db_session)
        tests_latest = count_times_tested(db_session,
                                          TestEndpoint.app_version == latest_version)
        tests = count_times_tested(db_session)
        median_latest = get_test_data_grouped(db_session, median,
                                              TestEndpoint.app_version == latest_version)
        median = get_test_data_grouped(db_session, median)
        tested_times = get_last_tested_times(db_session)

        result = []
        for endpoint in get_tested_endpoint_names(db_session):
                'name': endpoint,
                'color': get_color(endpoint),
                'tests-latest-version': get_value(tests_latest, endpoint),
                'tests-overall': get_value(tests, endpoint),
                'median-latest-version': get_value(median_latest, endpoint),
                'median-overall': get_value(median, endpoint),
                'last-tested': get_value(tested_times, endpoint, default=None)

        return render_template('fmd_testmonitor/testmonitor.html', result=result)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_endpoint_versions(db_session, endpoint_id, versions):
    :param db_session: session for the database
    :param endpoint_id: id for the endpoint
    :param versions: a list of version to be filtered on
    :return: a list of dicts with the performance of each version
    times = get_version_data_grouped(db_session, lambda x: simplify(x, 100), Request.endpoint_id == endpoint_id)
    first_requests = get_first_requests(db_session, endpoint_id)
    return [{
        'version': v,
        'date': get_value(first_requests, v),
        'values': get_value(times, v),
        'color': get_color(v)
    } for v in versions]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_endpoint_users(db_session, endpoint_id, users):
    :param db_session: session for the database
    :param endpoint_id: id for the endpoint
    :param users: a list of users to be filtered on
    :return: a list of dicts with the performance of each user
    times = get_user_data_grouped(db_session, lambda x: simplify(x, 100), Request.endpoint_id == endpoint_id)
    first_requests = get_first_requests(db_session, endpoint_id)
    return [{
        'user': u,
        'date': get_value(first_requests, u),
        'values': get_value(times, u),
        'color': get_color(u)
    } for u in users]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_multi_version_data(session, endpoints, versions):
    :param session: session for the database
    :param endpoints: a list of all endpoints for which the data must be
        collected (represented by their name)
    :param versions: a list of versions
    :return: a 2d list of data
    endpoints = [get_endpoint_by_name(session, name) for name in endpoints]
    requests = [
        count_requests_group(session, Request.version_requested == v)
        for v in versions

    total_hits = numpy.zeros(len(versions))
    hits = numpy.zeros((len(endpoints), len(versions)))

    for i, _ in enumerate(versions):
        total_hits[i] = max(1, sum([value for key, value in requests[i]]))

    for j, _ in enumerate(endpoints):
        for i, _ in enumerate(versions):
            hits[j][i] = get_value(requests[i],
                                   endpoints[j].id) * 100 / total_hits[i]
    return hits.tolist()
def version_ip_graph(db_session, endpoint_id, form):
    :param db_session: session for the database
    :param endpoint_id: the endpoint to filter the data on
    :param form: form for reducing the size of the graph
    :return: an HTML bubble plot
    users = get_ips(db_session, endpoint_id, form.get_slider_value(0))
    versions = get_versions(db_session, endpoint_id, form.get_slider_value(1))

    first_request = get_first_requests(db_session, endpoint_id)
    values = get_two_columns_grouped(db_session, Request.ip,
                                     Request.endpoint_id == endpoint_id)
    data = [[get_value(values, (user, v)) for v in versions] for user in users]

    average = get_average_bubble_size(data)
    trace = [
            format_version(v, get_value(first_request, v)) for v in versions
                    'Time: {:,.1f}ms'.format(data[i][j])
                    for j in range(len(versions))
                y=[users[i]] * len(versions),
                    'color': [get_color(users[i])] * len(versions),
                    'size': [math.sqrt(d) for d in data[i]],
                    'sizeref': average,
                    'sizemode': 'area'
                }) for i in range(len(users))

    layout = get_layout(height=350 + 40 * len(trace),
                            'title': 'Versions',
                            'type': 'category'
                            'title': 'IP-addresses',
                            'type': 'category',
                            'autorange': 'reversed'
    return get_figure(layout, trace)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_endpoint_overview(db_session):
    :param db_session: session for the database
    :return: A list of properties for each endpoint that is found in the database
    week_ago = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
    now_local = to_local_datetime(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
    today_local = now_local.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
    today_utc = to_utc_datetime(today_local)

    hits_today = count_requests_group(db_session, Request.time_requested > today_utc)
    hits_week = count_requests_group(db_session, Request.time_requested > week_ago)
    hits = count_requests_group(db_session)

    median_today = get_endpoint_data_grouped(db_session, median, Request.time_requested > today_utc)
    median_week = get_endpoint_data_grouped(db_session, median, Request.time_requested > week_ago)
    median_overall = get_endpoint_data_grouped(db_session, median)
    access_times = get_last_requested(db_session)

    return [{
        'id': endpoint.id,
        'name': endpoint.name,
        'monitor': endpoint.monitor_level,
        'color': get_color(endpoint.name),
        'hits-today': get_value(hits_today, endpoint.id),
        'hits-week': get_value(hits_week, endpoint.id),
        'hits-overall': get_value(hits, endpoint.id),
        'median-today': get_value(median_today, endpoint.id),
        'median-week': get_value(median_week, endpoint.id),
        'median-overall': get_value(median_overall, endpoint.id),
        'last-accessed': get_value(access_times, endpoint.name, default=None)
    } for endpoint in get_endpoints(db_session)]
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_endpoint_overview(session):
    :param session: session for the database
    :return: A list of properties for each endpoint that is found in the database
    week_ago = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
    now_local = to_local_datetime(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
    today_local = now_local.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
    today_utc = to_utc_datetime(today_local)

    # First flush last requested info to db
    error_hits_criterion = and_(Request.status_code >= 400, Request.status_code < 600)

    hits_today = count_requests_group(session, Request.time_requested > today_utc)
    hits_today_errors = count_requests_group(
        session, and_(Request.time_requested > today_utc, error_hits_criterion)

    hits_week = count_requests_group(session, Request.time_requested > week_ago)
    hits_week_errors = count_requests_group(
        session, and_(Request.time_requested > week_ago, error_hits_criterion)

    hits = count_requests_group(session)

    median_today = get_endpoint_data_grouped(session, median, Request.time_requested > today_utc)
    median_week = get_endpoint_data_grouped(session, median, Request.time_requested > week_ago)
    median_overall = get_endpoint_data_grouped(session, median)
    access_times = get_last_requested(session)

    return [
            'id': endpoint.id,
            'name': endpoint.name,
            'monitor': endpoint.monitor_level,
            'color': get_color(endpoint.name),
            'hits-today': get_value(hits_today, endpoint.id),
            'hits-today-errors': get_value(hits_today_errors, endpoint.id),
            'hits-week': get_value(hits_week, endpoint.id),
            'hits-week-errors': get_value(hits_week_errors, endpoint.id),
            'hits-overall': get_value(hits, endpoint.id),
            'median-today': get_value(median_today, endpoint.id),
            'median-week': get_value(median_week, endpoint.id),
            'median-overall': get_value(median_overall, endpoint.id),
            'last-accessed': get_value(access_times, endpoint.name, default=None),
        for endpoint in get_endpoints(session)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_api_performance(db_session, endpoints):
    :param db_session: session for the database
    :param endpoints: a list of endpoints, encoded by their name
    :return: for every endpoint in endpoints, a list with the performance
    db_endpoints = [get_endpoint_by_name(db_session, end) for end in endpoints]
    data = get_endpoint_data_grouped(db_session, lambda x: simplify(x, 10))
    return [
        {'name': end.name, 'values': get_value(data, end.id, default=[])} for end in db_endpoints
 def test_update_last_accessed(self):
         Test whether the function returns the right values.
     import datetime
     time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
     from flask_monitoringdashboard.database.endpoint import update_last_accessed, get_last_requested
     from flask_monitoringdashboard.database.count_group import get_value
     with session_scope() as db_session:
         update_last_accessed(db_session, NAME)
         result = get_value(get_last_requested(db_session), NAME)
         result_utc = to_utc_datetime(result)
         self.assertTrue((result_utc - time).seconds < 1)
def versions_graph(db_session, endpoint_id, form):
    times = get_version_data_grouped(db_session, lambda x: simplify(x, 10),
                                     Request.endpoint_id == endpoint_id)
    first_requests = get_first_requests(db_session, endpoint_id,
    data = [
            get_value(first_requests, request.version_requested)),
                values=get_value(times, request.version_requested),
                marker={'color': get_color(request.version_requested)})
        for request in first_requests

    layout = get_layout(height=350 + 40 * len(first_requests),
                        xaxis={'title': 'Execution time (ms)'},
                            'type': 'category',
                            'title': 'Version',
                            'autorange': 'reversed'
    return get_figure(layout=layout, data=data)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_2d_version_data(session, endpoint_id, versions, column_data, column):
    :param session: session for the database
    :param endpoint_id: id of the endpoint
    :param versions: a list of versions
    :param column_data: a is of the other column
    :param column: column from the Request table
    :return: a dict with 2d information about the version and another column
    first_request = get_first_requests(session, endpoint_id)
    values = get_two_columns_grouped(session, column,
                                     Request.endpoint_id == endpoint_id)
    data = [[get_value(values, (data, v)) for v in versions]
            for data in column_data]

    return {
        'versions': [{
            'version': v,
            'date': get_value(first_request, v)
        } for v in versions],
Ejemplo n.º 12
def overview():
    week_ago = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
    now_local = to_local_datetime(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
    today_local = now_local.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
    today_utc = to_utc_datetime(today_local)

    result = []
    with session_scope() as db_session:
        from numpy import median

        hits_today = count_requests_group(db_session,
                                          Request.time_requested > today_utc)
        hits_week = count_requests_group(db_session,
                                         Request.time_requested > week_ago)
        hits = count_requests_group(db_session)

        median_today = get_endpoint_data_grouped(
            db_session, median, Request.time_requested > today_utc)
        median_week = get_endpoint_data_grouped(
            db_session, median, Request.time_requested > week_ago)
        median = get_endpoint_data_grouped(db_session, median)
        access_times = get_last_requested(db_session)

        for endpoint in get_endpoints(db_session):
                get_value(hits_today, endpoint.id),
                get_value(hits_week, endpoint.id),
                get_value(hits, endpoint.id),
                get_value(median_today, endpoint.id),
                get_value(median_week, endpoint.id),
                get_value(median, endpoint.id),
                get_value(access_times, endpoint.name, default=None)
        version = get_details(db_session)['dashboard-version']
    return render_template('fmd_dashboard/overview.html',
                           title='Dashboard Overview',
def endpoint_graph():
    Creates a graph with the execution times per endpoint
    with session_scope() as db_session:
        data = get_endpoint_data_grouped(db_session, lambda x: simplify(x, 10))
        values = [
            boxplot(get_value(data, end.id, default=[]), name=end.name)
            for end in get_endpoints(db_session)

    layout = get_layout(height=350 + 40 * len(values),
                        xaxis={'title': 'Execution time (ms)'},
    return get_figure(layout, values)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_num_requests_data(session, start_date, end_date):
    :param session: session for the database
    :param start_date: datetime object
    :param end_date: datetime object and: end_date >= start_date
    :return: a list of the number of requests for each endpoint and on which day
    numdays = (end_date - start_date).days + 1
    days = [start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=i) for i in range(numdays)]

    hits = count_requests_per_day(session, days)
    endpoints = get_endpoints(session)
    data = [{
        'name': end.name,
        'values': [get_value(hits_day, end.id) for hits_day in hits]
    } for end in endpoints]

    return {'days': [d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for d in days], 'data': data}
def version_usage_graph(db_session, form):
    Used for getting a Heatmap with an overview of which endpoints are used in which versions
    :param db_session: session for the database
    :param form: instance of SliderForm
    endpoints = get_endpoints(db_session)
    versions = get_versions(db_session, limit=form.get_slider_value())

    requests = [
        count_requests_group(db_session, Request.version_requested == v)
        for v in versions
    total_hits = []
    hits = [[]] * len(endpoints)

    for hits_version in requests:
        total_hits.append(max(1, sum([value for key, value in hits_version])))

    for j in range(len(endpoints)):
        hits[j] = [0] * len(versions)
        for i in range(len(versions)):
            hits[j][i] = get_value(requests[i],
                                   endpoints[j].id) * 100 / total_hits[i]

    layout = get_layout(xaxis={
        'title': 'Versions',
        'type': 'category'
                            'type': 'category',
                            'autorange': 'reversed'

    trace = heatmap(z=hits,
                    y=['{} '.format(e.name) for e in endpoints],
                        'titleside': 'top',
                        'tickmode': 'array',
    return get_figure(layout=layout, data=[trace])
Ejemplo n.º 16
def users_graph(id, form):
    Return an HTML box plot with a specific number of
    :param id: get the data for this endpoint only
    :param form: instance of SliderForm
    with session_scope() as db_session:
        users = get_users(db_session, id, form.get_slider_value())
        times = get_user_data_grouped(db_session, lambda x: simplify(x, 10),
                                      Request.endpoint_id == id)
        data = [boxplot(name=u, values=get_value(times, u)) for u in users]

    layout = get_layout(height=350 + 40 * len(data),
                        xaxis={'title': 'Execution time (ms)'},
                            'type': 'category',
                            'title': 'User'
    return get_figure(layout, data)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def requests_graph(form):
    Returns a horizontal box plot with the number of requests per day.
    :param form: must be the form that is obtained by get_daterange_form
    days = form.get_days()
    with session_scope() as db_session:
        hits = count_requests_per_day(db_session, days)
        data = [barplot(x=[get_value(hits_day, end.id) for hits_day in hits], y=days, name=end.name)
                for end in get_endpoints(db_session)]
    layout = get_layout(
        height=350 + 40 * len(days),
        xaxis={'title': 'Number of requests'},
        yaxis={'type': 'category'}

    return get_figure(layout=layout, data=data)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def rules():
    Renders a table with all rules from the user_app. The fmd_dashboard rules are excluded
    In case of the POST request, the data from the form is validated and processed, such that the required rules are
    if request.method == 'POST':
        with session_scope() as db_session:
            endpoint_name = request.form['name']
            value = int(request.form['value'])
            update_endpoint(db_session, endpoint_name, value=value)

            # Remove wrapper
            original = getattr(user_app.view_functions[endpoint_name], 'original', None)
            if original:
                user_app.view_functions[endpoint_name] = original

        with session_scope() as db_session:
            add_decorator(get_endpoint_by_name(db_session, endpoint_name))

        return 'OK'

    with session_scope() as db_session:
        last_accessed = get_last_requested(db_session)
        all_rules = []
        for rule in get_rules():
            db_rule = get_endpoint_by_name(db_session, rule.endpoint)
                'color': get_color(rule.endpoint),
                'rule': rule.rule,
                'endpoint': rule.endpoint,
                'methods': rule.methods,
                'last_accessed': get_value(last_accessed, rule.endpoint, default=None),
                'form': get_monitor_form(rule.endpoint, db_rule.monitor_level)
    return render_template('fmd_rules.html', rules=all_rules, information=get_rules_info())
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_update_last_accessed(session, endpoint, timestamp):
    update_last_requested(session, endpoint.name, timestamp=timestamp)
    result = get_value(get_last_requested(session), endpoint.name)
    assert result == timestamp