def password_reset(): form = passwordReset() if form.validate_on_submit(): username =['username'] print(username) guide = Guide.query.filter_by(username=username) if guide: hashed_password = bcrypt.generate_password_hash('utf-8') guide[0].password = hashed_password db.session.commit() template = email_header + f""" Respected <b>{guide[0].name}</b>, <br/><br/>You have successfully reset your password.<br/><br/> <b>Not you? </b>If it was not you, please <b>immediately report us</b> by replying the issue on this email.<br/><br/> """ + email_footer msg = Message( subject= '[ALERT!] Password Reset Done | Department of CSE | MGM\'s College of Engineering', sender='*****@*****.**', recipients=[guide[0].email], html=template) mail.send(msg) flash('Password Reset Successful!', 'success') else: flash( 'The entered username doesnot exist. Please register as a Guide.', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('guideLogin')) return render_template('password-reset.html', title="Reset Password", form=form)
def GuideRegistration(): form = guideRegister() if form.validate_on_submit(): hashed_password = bcrypt.generate_password_hash('utf-8') guide = Guide(,, password=hashed_password,, db.session.add(guide) db.session.commit() flash('Your account has been created. You can now login as a guide.', 'success') template = f"Hi {}! You have been successfully registerd as a Guide. Your Interests: {guide.interest}. You will be informed via mail, when students will be are assigned to you." msg = Message( subject= 'Guide Registration Successful | Department of CSE | MGM College of Engineering | Nanded', sender='*****@*****.**', recipients=[], body=template) mail.send(msg) return redirect(url_for('guide')) return render_template('GuideRegistration.html', title='Guide Registration', form=form)
def send_reset_email(user): token = user.get_reset_token() msg = Message('Password Reset Request', sender='*****@*****.**', recipients=[]) msg.body = f'''To reset your password, visit the following link: {url_for('users.reset_token', token=token, _external=True)} If you did not make this request then simply ignore this email and no changes will be made. ''' mail.send(msg)
def ProjectRegistration(): global status status = 0 form = projectRegister() if form.validate_on_submit(): entries = membersList = [] # entries.pop(2) flash( membersList = validate_on_submit_members(entries) status = membersList.pop() flash(membersList) flash(status) if len(membersList) >= 1 and status == 1: flash("check", 'success') project = Project(,,, db.session.add(project) db.session.flush() project.code = str( "{0:03}".format( + '-' + project.title[:4].replace( " ", "").upper() + '-' + "omk".upper() team = Team( db.session.add(team) db.session.flush() project.team_id = for index, entry in enumerate(membersList): student = Student(team_id=project.team_id, name=entry['memberName'], email=entry['memberEmail'], phone=entry['memberPhone'], cls=entry['memberClass']) db.session.add(student) db.session.flush() db.session.commit() template = f"<b>Hi {[0].name}!</b><br /> You have successfully registerd your Project - {project.title}. Please note this ID: <b>{project.code}</b> to track your Project status. You will be soon assigned with a guide!" msg = Message( subject= 'Project Registration Successful | Department of CSE | MGM College of Engineering | Nanded', sender='*****@*****.**', recipients=[[0].email], html=template) mail.send(msg) flash( 'You have successfully registered your Project! Please note this ID: ' + project.code + ' to track your Project status.', 'success') return redirect(url_for('home')) return render_template('ProjectRegistration.html', title='Project Registration', form=form)
def guidelines(): form = doubtForm() # if request.method=="POST": # print(request.form.get('name')) if form.validate_on_submit(): print("We are here") name = email = query = template = f"Name: {name} <br/> Email: {email} <br/> Query: {query}" msg = Message(subject='Form submission - MGM Projects', sender='*****@*****.**', recipients=['*****@*****.**'], html=template) mail.send(msg) flash( 'Your Query has been received. We will soon get in touch with you!', 'success') return redirect(url_for('guidelines')) return render_template('guidelines.html', title='Guidelines', form=form)
def deleteProject(id): project = Project.query.filter_by(code=id).first() student_emails = [] student_email_ids = Student.query.filter_by( team_id=project.team_id).with_entities( for email in student_email_ids: student_emails.append(email[0]) template_student_body = f""" Hi <b>{[0].name}!</b><br/><br/> You project - <b>{project.title}</b> has been rejected by Admin/Project-Incharge.</b><br/><br/> Please contact the Project Incharge or consider submitting another Project Application.<br/><br/> All the very best!<br/><br/> <div style=\"background: rgb(255,255,204); padding:5px;\"> <small><b>Need Help for your project?</b> You may find projects similar to your project on our <a href="">website</a>. They may have come with the same issue as you are facing now, and together you can figure out a solution! We encourage you to also help other teams in need! Afterall, sharing our knowledge is a great way to grow!</small> </div><br/> """ template = email_header + template_student_body + email_footer msg = Message( subject= '[Project-Rejected] | Department of CSE | MGM\'s College of Engineering | Nanded', sender='*****@*****.**', recipients=student_emails, html=template) mail.send(msg) team_id = Student.query.filter_by(team_id=team_id).delete() # db.session.delete(students) doesnot take effect db.session.delete(project) team = Team.query.filter_by(id=team_id).delete() db.session.delete(project) db.session.commit() projects = Project.query.filter_by(status=0) count = Project.query.filter_by(status=0).count() flash('Project Deleted Successfully', 'danger') return render_template('temporary.html', title="ConfirmProjects", projects=projects, count=count)
def GuideRegistration(): form = guideRegister() if form.validate_on_submit(): # hashed_password = bcrypt.generate_password_hash('utf-8') guide = Guide(,,, db.session.add(guide) db.session.commit() flash( Markup( 'Your account has been created. You can now login as a guide <a href="/guideLogin" class="alert-link" style="color:blue"> here</a>.' ), 'success') template = email_header + f""" Respected <b>{},<br/><br/></b> You are successfully registered as a Guide on our <b>Project Management System</b> Portal. <br/><br/> We will inform you (via e-mail) when students are assigned to you.<br/><br/> The following are your credentials:<br/> <b>Username</b>:{guide.username}<br/> <b>Password</b>:{guide.password}<br/><br/> Please <a>Click Here</a> to Reset your Password using the temporary Username and Password provided above.<br/> <small>(If the above link doesn't work, please copy this link - and paste it in the address field of your browser.)</small><br/><br/> Please <a>Click Here</a> to Login to the website.<br/> <small>(If the above link doesn't work, please copy this link - and paste it in the address field of your browser.)</small><br/> """ + email_footer msg = Message( subject= 'Guide Registration Successful | Department of CSE | MGM\'s College of Engineering | Nanded', sender='*****@*****.**', recipients=[], html=template) mail.send(msg) return redirect(url_for('guide')) return render_template('GuideRegistration.html', title='Guide Registration', form=form)
def confirmedProject(id): project = Project.query.filter_by(code=id).first() project.status = 1 db.session.commit() student_emails = [] student_email_ids = Student.query.filter_by( team_id=project.team_id).with_entities( for email in student_email_ids: student_emails.append(email[0]) template_guide_body = f""" We have received a project that has been assigned under your guidance:<br/>  <b>Project Name</b>:{project.title}<br/>  <b>Project Leader</b>: {[0].name}<br/>  <b>Technologies used</b>: {project.techUsed}<br/>  <b>Project Internal Guide</b>: {}<br/>  <b>Project External Guide</b>: {}<br/> <br/> We will keep informing you as we get other projects from students.<br/><br/> To view more details of your projects and to conduct demos or assign marks to these projects, please login to our portal at<br/><br/> """ template_int_body = email_header + f""" Respected <b>{}</b>,<br/><br/> """ + template_guide_body + email_footer msg = Message( subject= '[Project Assigned] Internal Guide | Department of CSE | MGM\'s College of Engineering | Nanded', sender='*****@*****.**', recipients=[], html=template_int_body) mail.send(msg) template_ext_body = email_header + f""" Respected <b>{}</b>,<br/><br/> """ + template_guide_body + email_footer msg = Message( subject= '[Project Assigned] External Guide | Department of CSE | MGM\'s College of Engineering | Nanded', sender='*****@*****.**', recipients=[], html=template_ext_body) mail.send(msg) template_student_body = f""" Hey <b>{[0].name}!</b><br/><br/> We are glad to inform you that your project - <b>{project.title}</b> has been accepted by Admin/Project-Incharge.</b><br/><br/> Note the following details for future references:<br/>  <b>Project-Code:</b> {project.code}<br/>  <b>Internal Guide:</b> {} ({})<br/>  <b>External Guide:</b> {} ({})<br/> (<small>If you find the above guide details incorrect, please immediately report us at [email protected]</small>)<br/><br/> That's it for now! We are delighted to see your project taking every step of its success with the dedicated efforts of your team and guides!<br/><br/> All the very best!<br/><br/> <div style=\"background: rgb(255,255,204); padding:5px;\"> <small><b>Need Help for your project?</b> You may find projects similar to your project on our <a href="">website</a>. They may have come with the same issue as you are facing now, and together you can figure out a solution! We encourage you to also help other teams in need! Afterall, sharing our knowledge is a great way to grow!</small> </div><br/> """ template = email_header + template_student_body + email_footer msg = Message( subject= '[Project-Accepted] Congratulations! | Department of CSE | MGM\'s College of Engineering | Nanded', sender='*****@*****.**', recipients=student_emails, html=template) mail.send(msg) projects = Project.query.filter_by(status=0) count = Project.query.filter_by(status=0).count() flash('Project Confirmed Successfully!', 'success') return render_template('temporary.html', title="ConfirmProjects", projects=projects, count=count)
def ProjectRegistration(): global status status = 0 guides = Guide.query.all() guide_list = [(, for i in guides] form = projectRegister() form.internalGuides.choices = form.externalGuides.choices = guide_list if form.validate_on_submit(): entries = # print( membersList = [] membersList = validate_on_submit_members(entries) status = membersList.pop() if len(membersList) >= 1 and status == 1: project = Project(,,,,, ) db.session.add(project) db.session.flush() team = Team( db.session.add(team) db.session.flush() project.team_id = student_emails = [] for index, entry in enumerate(membersList): student = Student(team_id=project.team_id, name=entry['memberName'].title(), email=entry['memberEmail'], phone=entry['memberPhone'], cls=entry['memberClass']) student_emails.append(entry['memberEmail']) db.session.add(student) project.code = str("{0:03}".format( + '-' + project.title[:4].replace(" ", "").upper( ) + '-' +[0].name[:3].upper() db.session.flush() db.session.commit() template_student_body = f""" Hey <b>{[0].name}!</b><br/><br/> We are super-excited to have you, your team and your amazing project - <b>{project.title}</b> on board in our <b>Project Management System.</b><br/><br/> Your project will be verified by Project Incharges. Once verified, it will be accepted for further stages. <br/><br/> We will email you once your project has been accepted. Meanwhile stay rest assured and explore new projects on our portal!<br/><br/>  <b>Project-Code:</b> {project.code}<br/>  <b>Internal Guide:</b> {} ({})<br/>  <b>External Guide:</b> {} ({})<br/> (<small>If you find the above guide details incorrect, please immediately report us at [email protected]</small>)<br/><br/> All the very best!<br/><br/> <div style=\"background: rgb(255,255,204); padding:5px;\"> <small><b>Need Help for your project?</b> You may find projects similar to your project on our <a href="">website</a>. They may have come with the same issue as you are facing now, and together you can figure out a solution! We encourage you to also help other teams in need! Afterall, sharing our knowledge is a great way to grow!</small> </div><br/> """ template = email_header + template_student_body + email_footer msg = Message( subject= 'Project Registration Successful | Department of CSE | MGM\'s College of Engineering | Nanded', sender='*****@*****.**', recipients=student_emails, html=template) mail.send(msg) flash( 'You have successfully registered your Project! Please note this ID: ' + project.code + ' to track your Project status. Also check your Registered Email Id for more details.', 'success') return redirect(url_for('home')) return render_template('ProjectRegistration.html', title='Project Registration', form=form)