Ejemplo n.º 1
async def test_ping_https_allow_ping_true(aiohttp_server, ssl_ctx, aiohttp_client, loop, get_machine_detail):
    payload = '{"return": ["key", "description", "value"], "sort": {"column": "key", "direction": "asc"}}'
    result = {"rows": [
                {"value": 1, "key": "PURGED", "description": "blah6"},
                {"value": 2, "key": "READINGS", "description": "blah1"},
                {"value": 3, "key": "North Readings to PI", "description": "blah2"},
                {"value": 4, "key": "North Statistics to PI", "description": "blah3"},
                {"value": 10, "key": "North Statistics to OCS", "description": "blah5"},
                {"value": 100, "key": "Readings Sent", "description": "Readings Sent North"},

    def mock_coro(*args, **kwargs):
        return result

    host_name, ip_addresses = get_machine_detail
    mock_storage_client_async = MagicMock(StorageClientAsync)
    with patch.object(middleware._logger, 'info') as logger_info:
        with patch.object(connect, 'get_storage_async', return_value=mock_storage_client_async):
            with patch.object(mock_storage_client_async, 'query_tbl_with_payload', return_value=mock_coro()) as query_patch:
                    app = web.Application(loop=loop, middlewares=[middleware.optional_auth_middleware])
                    # fill route table

                    server = await aiohttp_server(app, ssl=ssl_ctx)
                    await server.start_server(loop=loop)

                    with pytest.raises(Exception) as error_exec:
                        client = await aiohttp_client(server)
                        await client.get('/fledge/ping')
                    assert "[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed" in str(error_exec)

                    with pytest.raises(Exception) as error_exec:
                        # self signed certificate,
                        # and we are not using SSL context here for client as verifier
                        connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(verify_ssl=True, loop=loop)
                        client = await aiohttp_client(server, connector=connector)
                        await client.get('/fledge/ping')
                    assert "[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed" in str(error_exec)

                    connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(verify_ssl=False, loop=loop)
                    client = await aiohttp_client(server, connector=connector)
                    resp = await client.get('/fledge/ping')
                    s = resp.request_info.url.human_repr()
                    assert "https" == s[:5]
                    assert 200 == resp.status
                    content = await resp.text()
                    content_dict = json.loads(content)
                    assert 0 <= content_dict["uptime"]
                    assert 2 == content_dict["dataRead"]
                    assert 100 == content_dict["dataSent"]
                    assert 1 == content_dict["dataPurged"]
                    assert content_dict["authenticationOptional"] is True
                    assert content_dict['serviceName'] == "Fledge"
                    assert content_dict['hostName'] == host_name
                    assert content_dict['ipAddresses'] == ip_addresses
                    assert content_dict['health'] == "green"
                    assert content_dict['safeMode'] is False
            query_patch.assert_called_once_with('statistics', payload)
        logger_info.assert_called_once_with('Received %s request for %s', 'GET', '/fledge/ping')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def client(self, loop, aiohttp_server, aiohttp_client):
        async def handler0(request):
            raise RuntimeError('Error text')

        async def handler1(request):
            raise web.HTTPConflict(reason="foo", text='{"key": "conflict"}')

        async def handler2(request):
            raise web.HTTPNotFound(text='{"key": "not found"}')

        async def handler4(request):
            return web.json_response({"key": "Okay"})

        app = web.Application(loop=loop, middlewares=[middleware.error_middleware])
        # fill the routes table
        app.router.add_route('GET', '/test', handler0)
        app.router.add_route('GET', '/test-web-ex1', handler1)
        app.router.add_route('GET', '/test-web-ex2', handler2)
        app.router.add_route('GET', '/test-okay', handler4)

        server = loop.run_until_complete(aiohttp_server(app))
        client = loop.run_until_complete(aiohttp_client(server))
        return client
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def client(self, loop, aiohttp_server, aiohttp_client):
     app = web.Application(
         loop=loop, middlewares=[middleware.optional_auth_middleware])
     # fill the routes table
     server = loop.run_until_complete(aiohttp_server(app))
     client = loop.run_until_complete(aiohttp_client(server))
     return client
Ejemplo n.º 4
async def test_ping_https_auth_required_allow_ping_false(aiohttp_server, ssl_ctx, aiohttp_client, loop, get_machine_detail):
    def mock_coro(*args, **kwargs):
        result = {"rows": [
            {"value": 1, "key": "PURGED", "description": "blah6"},
            {"value": 2, "key": "READINGS", "description": "blah1"},
            {"value": 3, "key": "North Readings to PI", "description": "blah2"},
            {"value": 4, "key": "North Statistics to PI", "description": "blah3"},
            {"value": 6, "key": "North Statistics to OCS", "description": "blah5"},
            {"value": 100, "key": "Readings Sent", "description": "Readings Sent North"},
        return result

    async def mock_get_category_item():
        return {"value": "false"}

    mock_storage_client_async = MagicMock(StorageClientAsync)
    with patch.object(middleware._logger, 'info') as logger_info:
        with patch.object(connect, 'get_storage_async', return_value=mock_storage_client_async):
            with patch.object(mock_storage_client_async, 'query_tbl_with_payload', return_value=mock_coro()) as query_patch:
                with patch.object(ConfigurationManager, "get_category_item", return_value=mock_get_category_item()) as mock_get_cat:
                    with patch.object(_logger, 'warning') as logger_warn:
                        app = web.Application(loop=loop, middlewares=[middleware.auth_middleware])
                        # fill route table

                        server = await aiohttp_server(app, ssl=ssl_ctx)
                        await server.start_server(loop=loop)

                        with pytest.raises(Exception) as error_exec:
                            client = await aiohttp_client(server)
                            await client.get('/fledge/ping')
                        assert "[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed" in str(error_exec)

                        with pytest.raises(Exception) as error_exec:
                            # self signed certificate,
                            # and we are not using SSL context here for client as verifier
                            connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(verify_ssl=True, loop=loop)
                            client = await aiohttp_client(server, connector=connector)
                            await client.get('/fledge/ping')
                        assert "[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed" in str(error_exec)

                        connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(verify_ssl=False, loop=loop)
                        client = await aiohttp_client(server, connector=connector)
                        resp = await client.get('/fledge/ping')
                        s = resp.request_info.url.human_repr()
                        assert "https" == s[:5]
                        assert 403 == resp.status
                    logger_warn.assert_called_once_with('Permission denied for Ping when Auth is mandatory.')
                mock_get_cat.assert_called_once_with('rest_api', 'allowPing')
            assert 0 == query_patch.call_count
        logger_info.assert_called_once_with('Received %s request for %s', 'GET', '/fledge/ping')
Ejemplo n.º 5
async def test_ping_http_auth_required_allow_ping_true(aiohttp_server, aiohttp_client, loop, get_machine_detail):
    payload = '{"return": ["key", "description", "value"], "sort": {"column": "key", "direction": "asc"}}'
    result = {"rows": [
                {"value": 1, "key": "PURGED", "description": "blah6"},
                {"value": 2, "key": "READINGS", "description": "blah1"},
                {"value": 3, "key": "North Readings to PI", "description": "blah2"},
                {"value": 4, "key": "North Statistics to PI", "description": "blah3"},
                {"value": 10, "key": "North Statistics to OCS", "description": "blah5"},
                {"value": 100, "key": "Readings Sent", "description": "Readings Sent North"},

    def mock_coro(*args, **kwargs):
        return result

    async def mock_get_category_item():
        return {"value": "true"}

    host_name, ip_addresses = get_machine_detail
    mock_storage_client_async = MagicMock(StorageClientAsync)
    with patch.object(middleware._logger, 'info') as logger_info:
        with patch.object(connect, 'get_storage_async', return_value=mock_storage_client_async):
            with patch.object(mock_storage_client_async, 'query_tbl_with_payload', return_value=mock_coro()) as query_patch:
                with patch.object(ConfigurationManager, "get_category_item", return_value=mock_get_category_item()) as mock_get_cat:
                    app = web.Application(loop=loop, middlewares=[middleware.auth_middleware])
                    # fill route table

                    server = await aiohttp_server(app)
                    await server.start_server(loop=loop)

                    client = await aiohttp_client(server)
                    # note: If the parameter is app aiohttp.web.Application
                    # the tool creates TestServer implicitly for serving the application.
                    resp = await client.get('/fledge/ping')
                    assert 200 == resp.status
                    content = await resp.text()
                    content_dict = json.loads(content)
                    assert 0 <= content_dict["uptime"]
                    assert 2 == content_dict["dataRead"]
                    assert 100 == content_dict["dataSent"]
                    assert 1 == content_dict["dataPurged"]
                    assert content_dict["authenticationOptional"] is False
                    assert content_dict['serviceName'] == "Fledge"
                    assert content_dict['hostName'] == host_name
                    assert content_dict['ipAddresses'] == ip_addresses
                    assert content_dict['health'] == "green"
                    assert content_dict['safeMode'] is False
                mock_get_cat.assert_called_once_with('rest_api', 'allowPing')
            query_patch.assert_called_once_with('statistics', payload)
        log_params = 'Received %s request for %s', 'GET', '/fledge/ping'
Ejemplo n.º 6
async def test_shutdown_http(aiohttp_server, aiohttp_client, loop):
    app = web.Application()
    # fill route table

    server = await aiohttp_server(app)
    await server.start_server(loop=loop)

    client = await aiohttp_client(server)
    resp = await client.put('/fledge/shutdown', data=None)
    assert 200 == resp.status
    content = await resp.text()
    content_dict = json.loads(content)
    assert "Fledge shutdown has been scheduled. Wait for few seconds for process cleanup." == content_dict["message"]
Ejemplo n.º 7
async def test_restart_http(aiohttp_server, aiohttp_client, loop):
    app = web.Application()
    # fill route table

    server = await aiohttp_server(app)
    await server.start_server(loop=loop)

    with patch.object(_logger, 'info') as logger_info:
        client = await aiohttp_client(server)
        resp = await client.put('/fledge/restart', data=None)
        assert 200 == resp.status
        content = await resp.text()
        content_dict = json.loads(content)
        assert "Fledge restart has been scheduled." == content_dict["message"]
    logger_info.assert_called_once_with('Executing controlled shutdown and start')
Ejemplo n.º 8
async def test_ping_http_auth_required_allow_ping_false(aiohttp_server, aiohttp_client, loop, get_machine_detail):
    result = {"rows": [
        {"value": 1, "key": "PURGED", "description": "blah6"},
        {"value": 2, "key": "READINGS", "description": "blah1"},
        {"value": 3, "key": "North Readings to PI", "description": "blah2"},
        {"value": 4, "key": "North Statistics to PI", "description": "blah3"},
        {"value": 5, "key": "North Statistics to OCS", "description": "blah5"},
        {"value": 100, "key": "Readings Sent", "description": "Readings Sent North"},

    def mock_coro(*args, **kwargs):
        return result

    async def mock_get_category_item():
        return {"value": "false"}

    mock_storage_client_async = MagicMock(StorageClientAsync)
    with patch.object(middleware._logger, 'info') as logger_info:
        with patch.object(connect, 'get_storage_async', return_value=mock_storage_client_async):
            with patch.object(mock_storage_client_async, 'query_tbl_with_payload', return_value=mock_coro()) as query_patch:
                with patch.object(ConfigurationManager, "get_category_item", return_value=mock_get_category_item()) as mock_get_cat:
                    with patch.object(_logger, 'warning') as logger_warn:
                        app = web.Application(loop=loop, middlewares=[middleware.auth_middleware])
                        # fill route table

                        server = await aiohttp_server(app)
                        await server.start_server(loop=loop)

                        client = await aiohttp_client(server)
                        # note: If the parameter is app aiohttp.web.Application
                        # the tool creates TestServer implicitly for serving the application.
                        resp = await client.get('/fledge/ping')
                        assert 403 == resp.status
                    logger_warn.assert_called_once_with('Permission denied for Ping when Auth is mandatory.')
                mock_get_cat.assert_called_once_with('rest_api', 'allowPing')
            assert 0 == query_patch.call_count
    log_params = 'Received %s request for %s', 'GET', '/fledge/ping'
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def client(self, loop, test_client):
     app = web.Application(loop=loop)
     # fill the routes table
     return loop.run_until_complete(test_client(app))