def setupClient(self, topic, msg_type, wait_duration=10):
        Tries to set up an action client for calling it later.
        @type topic: string
        @param topic: The topic of the action to call.
        @type msg_type: msg type
        @param msg_type: The type of messages of this action client.
        @type wait_duration: int
        @param wait_duration: Defines how long to wait for the given client if it is not available right now.
        if topic not in ProxyActionClient._clients:
            client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(topic, msg_type)
            t = Timer(1, self._print_wait_warning, [topic])
            available = client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration.from_sec(wait_duration))
            warning_sent = False
            except Exception as ve:
                # already printed the warning
                warning_sent = True

            if not available:
                Logger.logerr("Action client %s timed out!" % topic)
                ProxyActionClient._clients[topic] = client
                if warning_sent:
                    Logger.loginfo("Finally found action client %s..." % (topic))
    def wait_for_any(self, topic, timeout=5.0):
        Blocks until there are any subscribers to the given topic.

        @type topic: string
        @param topic: The topic to publish on.

        @type timeout: float
        @param timeout: How many seconds should be the maximum blocked time.
        pub = ProxyPublisher._topics.get(topic)
        if pub is None:
                "Publisher %s not yet registered, need to add it first!" %
            return False
        t = Timer(.5, self._print_wait_warning, [topic])
        available = self._wait_for_subscribers(pub, timeout)
        warning_sent = False
        except Exception:
            # already printed the warning
            warning_sent = True

        if not available:
            Logger.logerr("Waiting for subscribers on %s timed out!" % topic)
            return False
            if warning_sent:
                Logger.loginfo("Finally found subscriber on %s..." % (topic))
        return True
    def setupClient(self, topic, msg_type, wait_duration=10):
        Tries to set up an action client for calling it later.
        @type topic: string
        @param topic: The topic of the action to call.
        @type msg_type: msg type
        @param msg_type: The type of messages of this action client.
        @type wait_duration: int
        @param wait_duration: Defines how long to wait for the given client if it is not available right now.
        if topic not in ProxyActionClient._clients:
            client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(topic, msg_type)
            t = Timer(1, self._print_wait_warning, [topic])
            available = client.wait_for_server(
            warning_sent = False
            except Exception as ve:
                # already printed the warning
                warning_sent = True

            if not available:
                Logger.logerr("Action client %s timed out!" % topic)
                ProxyActionClient._clients[topic] = client
                if warning_sent:
                    Logger.loginfo("Finally found action client %s..." %
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _check_topic_available(self, topic, wait_duration=1):
        Checks whether a topic is available.

        @type topic: string
        @param topic: The topic of the action.

        @type wait_duration: int
        @param wait_duration: Defines how long to wait for the given client if it is not available right now.
        client = ProxyActionClient._clients.get(topic)
        if client is None:
                "Action client %s not yet registered, need to add it first!" %
            return False
        t = Timer(.5, self._print_wait_warning, [topic])
        available = client.wait_for_server(
        warning_sent = False
        except Exception:
            # already printed the warning
            warning_sent = True

        if not available:
            Logger.logerr("Action client %s timed out!" % topic)
            return False
            if warning_sent:
                Logger.loginfo("Finally found action client %s..." % (topic))
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_group_state(self, config_name, group_name, robot_name=None ):
        Get named configuration from semantic description
        @param config_name  string name of configuration
        @param group_name  string   move group name that the configuration belongs to
        @param robot_name   string  robot (default uses current or first robot in SRDF)
        config = None
            # Find the designated robot (or first in file)

            if (robot_name is not None and robot_name != ProxyMoveItClient._robot_name):
                for r in ProxyMoveItClient._srdf_ET.iter('robot'):
                    if robot_name == r.attrib['name']:
                        ProxyMoveItClient._robot_name = r.attrib['name']
                        ProxyMoveItClient._robot_semantics = r
                        Logger.loginfo("   Switching proxy to robot %s " % (ProxyMoveItClient._robot_name) )

            if ProxyMoveItClient._robot_semantics is None:
                Logger.logwarn('Did not find robot name in SRDF - %s' % robot_name)
                return None

            # Find the desired configuration
            for c in ProxyMoveItClient._robot_semantics.iter('group_state'):
                if (group_name is None or group_name == '' or group_name == c.attrib['group']) \
                    and c.attrib['name'] == config_name:
                    config = c

            return config

        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('Unable to find named configuration in SRDF -\n%s' % str(e))
            return None
    def __init__(self):
        if not ProxyMoveitClient._is_initialized:
            ProxyMoveitClient._is_initialized = True
            Logger.loginfo("Initializing proxy MoveIt client...")

            ProxyMoveitClient._robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander()
            ProxyMoveitClient._client = ProxyActionClient({ProxyMoveitClient._action_topic: MoveAction})

        self._goal = None
        self._move_group = ""
        self._result = None
        self._planner_id = "RRTConnectkConfigDefault"
        self._target_link_axis = []
    def __init__(self):
        if not ProxyMoveitClient._is_initialized:
            ProxyMoveitClient._is_initialized = True
            Logger.loginfo("Initializing proxy MoveIt client...")

            ProxyMoveitClient._robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander()
            ProxyMoveitClient._client = ProxyActionClient(
                {ProxyMoveitClient._action_topic: MoveAction})

        self._goal = None
        self._move_group = ""
        self._result = None
        self._planner_id = "RRTConnectkConfigDefault"
        self._target_link_axis = []
    def __init__(self, verbose=False):
        if not ProxyTrajectoryClient._is_initialized:
            ProxyTrajectoryClient._is_initialized = True
                "Initializing proxy FollowJointTrajectory client...")

            ProxyTrajectoryClient._client = ProxyActionClient({

            ProxyTrajectoryClient._verbose = verbose

            # enable the IK Service
            ik_ns = "ExternalTools/" + ProxyTrajectoryClient._limb + "/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService"
            ProxyTrajectoryClient._iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy(
                ik_ns, SolvePositionIK)
            rospy.wait_for_service(ik_ns, 5.0)

            # enable the Baxter
            ProxyTrajectoryClient._rs = baxter_interface.RobotEnable(
            ProxyTrajectoryClient._init_state = ProxyTrajectoryClient._rs.state(
            print("Enabling robot... ")

            #  enable baxter limb interface
            ProxyTrajectoryClient._baxter_limb_interface = baxter_interface.limb.Limb(

            #  Get the names from joints
            ProxyTrajectoryClient._joint_name = [
                joint for joint in

            ProxyTrajectoryClient._gripper = baxter_interface.Gripper(

        self._goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
        self._result = None
        self._goal_time_tolerance = rospy.Time(0.1)
        self._goal.goal_time_tolerance = self._goal_time_tolerance
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def setup_action_client(self, action_topic, action_type, wait_duration):
        Tries to set up a MoveIt MoveGroup action client for calling it later.

        @param action_topic  : string - The topic of the action to call.
        @param action_type   : string - class definition name for interface
        @param wait_duration : Defines how long to wait for the given client if it is not available right now.

        if not isinstance(action_topic,str):
            raise Exception(" ProxyMoveItClient - Invalid action topic %s " % ( action_topic ))

        if action_topic not in ProxyMoveItClient._action_clients:
            # We have not initialized this client yet
            Logger.loginfo("Initializing proxy MoveIt client for "+action_topic+" ...")

                ProxyMoveItClient._action_clients[action_topic] = ProxyActionClient({action_topic: eval(action_type) }, wait_duration)
            except Exception as e:
                Logger.logwarn("ProxyMoveItClient setup error - %s"% (str(e)))
                raise e
    def setupService(self, topic, msg_type, persistent=False, wait_duration=10):
        Tries to set up a service caller for calling it later.
        @type topic: string
        @param topic: The topic of the service to call.
        @type msg_type: service class
        @param msg_type: The type of messages of this service.
        @type persistent: bool
        @param persistent: Defines if this service caller is persistent.
        @type wait_duration: int
        @param wait_duration: Defines how long to wait for the given service if it is not available right now.
        if topic not in ProxyServiceCaller._services:
            warning_sent = False
            available = False
                t = Timer(1, self._print_wait_warning, [topic])
                rospy.wait_for_service(topic, wait_duration)
                available = True
            except rospy.exceptions.ROSException, e:
                available = False

            except Exception as ve:
                # already printed the warning
                warning_sent = True

            if not available:
                Logger.logerr("Service client %s timed out!" % topic)
                ProxyServiceCaller._services[topic] = rospy.ServiceProxy(topic, msg_type, persistent)
                if warning_sent:
                    Logger.loginfo("Finally found action client %s..." % (topic))
    def setupService(self, topic, msg_type, persistent=False, wait_duration=10):
        Tries to set up a service caller for calling it later.
        @type topic: string
        @param topic: The topic of the service to call.
        @type msg_type: service class
        @param msg_type: The type of messages of this service.
        @type persistent: bool
        @param persistent: Defines if this service caller is persistent.
        @type wait_duration: int
        @param wait_duration: Defines how long to wait for the given service if it is not available right now.
        if topic not in ProxyServiceCaller._services:
            warning_sent = False
            available = False
                t = Timer(1, self._print_warning, [topic])
                rospy.wait_for_service(topic, wait_duration)
                available = True
            except rospy.exceptions.ROSException, e:
                available = False

            except Exception as ve:
                # already printed the warning
                warning_sent = True

            if not available:
                Logger.logerr("Service client %s timed out!" % topic)
                ProxyServiceCaller._services[topic] = rospy.ServiceProxy(topic, msg_type, persistent)
                if warning_sent:
                    Logger.loginfo("Finally found action client %s..." % (topic))
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _check_service_available(self, topic, wait_duration=1):
        Checks whether a service is available.

        @type topic: string
        @param topic: The topic of the service.

        @type wait_duration: int
        @param wait_duration: Defines how long to wait for the given service if it is not available right now.
        client = ProxyServiceCaller._services.get(topic)
        if client is None:
                "Service client %s not yet registered, need to add it first!" %
            return False
        warning_sent = False
        available = False
            t = Timer(1, self._print_wait_warning, [topic])
            rospy.wait_for_service(topic, wait_duration)
            available = True
        except rospy.exceptions.ROSException:
            available = False

        except Exception:
            # already printed the warning
            warning_sent = True

        if not available:
            Logger.logerr("Service client %s timed out!" % topic)
            return False
            if warning_sent:
                Logger.loginfo("Finally found service %s..." % (topic))
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def load_semantic_description(self, semantic_description):
        Load semantic description from the parameter server for later retrieval
        if semantic_description is None:
            Logger.logwarn(" No semantic description file loaded !")
            return None

        # Check existence of SRDF parameter.
        # Values are read during runtime to allow modifications.
        srdf_param = None
        if rospy.has_param(semantic_description):
            srdf_param = rospy.get_param(semantic_description)
            Logger.logwarn('Unable to get SRDF parameter - %s' % (semantic_description ))
            return None

            ProxyMoveItClient._srdf_ET = ET.fromstring(srdf_param)
            Logger.loginfo("     Loaded %s SRDF file " % (semantic_description))
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logerr('Unable to parse given semantic description (SRDF) file - %s\n%s' % (semantic_description, str(e)))
            return None

            for r in ProxyMoveItClient._srdf_ET.iter('robot'):
                if ProxyMoveItClient._robot_name is None:
                    ProxyMoveItClient._robot_name = r.attrib['name']
                    ProxyMoveItClient._robot_semantics = r
                    Logger.loginfo("     Found robot %s in SRDF" % (ProxyMoveItClient._robot_name))
                    Logger.loginfo("     additional robot %s in SRDF - not used at this time " % (r.attrib['name']))
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logerr('Unable to parse given semantic description (SRDF) element tree for robot - %s\n%s' % (semantic_description, str(e)))
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self,

        Creates a proxy for RobotCommander using a particular robot description.
        @param robot_description : string name of robot description (default: "robot_description")
        @param semantic_description : string name of robot semantic description (default: "None")
        @param move_group_capabilities : string or dictionary of topics by group name
        @param wait_duration : how long to wait for action server to become available
        if (robot_description is None):
            #Logger.loginfo("ProxyMoveItClient - calling with robot_description is None " )
                if ProxyMoveItClient._robot_commander is None:
                    Logger.loginfo("ProxyMoveItClient - No robot commander is currently initialized!" )
                    Logger.loginfo("ProxyMoveItClient - Using existing RobotCommander instance with %s" % (ProxyMoveItClient._robot_description))
                Logger.loginfo("ProxyMoveItClient global not initialized yet " )

        elif (ProxyMoveItClient._robot_commander is None):
            Logger.loginfo("Initializing robot data for proxy MoveIt client with %s ..." % robot_description)

            Logger.loginfo("    Loading robot commander for %s" % (robot_description))
            ProxyMoveItClient._robot_commander = moveit_commander.RobotCommander(robot_description)
            ProxyMoveItClient._robot_description = robot_description

            # Load the semantic description as element tree to provide more direct access to data
            if semantic_description is None:
                semantic_description = robot_description+"_semantic"

            Logger.loginfo("    Loading semantic description parameter %s" % (semantic_description))
            ProxyMoveItClient._semantic_description = self.load_semantic_description(semantic_description)

            # Get the active move groups for this set up
            ProxyMoveItClient._move_group_list = ProxyMoveItClient._robot_commander.get_group_names()
            Logger.loginfo("    Available move groups %s for this robot on proxy MoveIt client ..." % (str(ProxyMoveItClient._move_group_list)))

            for group in ProxyMoveItClient._move_group_list:
                joint_names = ProxyMoveItClient._robot_commander.get_joint_names(group)
                ProxyMoveItClient._joint_names[group] = [name for name in joint_names]
                Logger.loginfo("         %s : %s " % (group, str(ProxyMoveItClient._joint_names[group])))

                # Set the default data for this move group

                    if isinstance(move_group_capabilities, dict) and group in move_group_capabilities:
                        # Allow for a dictionary of action topics per move group
                        action_topic = move_group_capabilities[group]
                    else: # Should be a single string for default single move group capability
                        action_topic = move_group_capabilities

                    if not isinstance(action_topic,str):
                        raise Exception(" ProxyMoveItClient - Invalid action topic %s " % ( action_topic ))

                    if action_topic not in ProxyMoveItClient._action_clients:
                        # Defining a new MoveGroupAction client for this move group
                        Logger.loginfo("Initializing proxy MoveGroup client for "+action_topic+" ...")

                        ProxyMoveItClient._action_clients[action_topic] = ProxyActionClient({action_topic: eval("MoveGroupAction") }, wait_duration)

                    # Store the topic name of the client reference in per move group dictionary as well
                    ProxyMoveItClient._move_group_clients_[group] = action_topic

                except Exception as e:
                    Logger.logwarn("ProxyMoveItClient MoveGroupAction client setup error - %s"% (str(e)))
                    raise e

            Logger.loginfo("Already initialized robot data for proxy MoveIt client - new call with %s ..." % robot_description)
            if robot_description is not None and robot_description != ProxyMoveItClient._robot_description:
                Logger.logerr(" Using existing Proxy with robot description %s vs. %s " % ( ProxyMoveItClient._robot_description, robot_description))
                raise Exception(" ProxyMoveItClient - Requested Proxy with diffent robot description %s vs. %s - not supported!" % ( ProxyMoveItClient._robot_description, robot_description))