Ejemplo n.º 1
class CaptureCharUcoState(EventState):
    Publishes a pose from userdata so that it can be displayed in rviz.

    -- robot_name              string          Robots name to move

    <= done									   Calib done.
    <= fail							    	   Calib fail.

    def __init__(self, robot_name):
        super(CaptureCharUcoState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'fail'])
        self.robot_name = robot_name
        self.move_mode = 'p2p'
        self.pose_indx = 0
        self.hand_eye_service = '/camera/hand_eye_calibration'
        self.hand_eye_client = ProxyServiceCaller({self.hand_eye_service: hand_eye_calibration})
        self.get_feedback_service = self.robot_name +'/get_kinematics_pose'
        self.get_feedback_client = ProxyServiceCaller({self.get_feedback_service: GetKinematicsPose})

    def execute(self, _):
        if not self.get_feedback_client.is_available(self.get_feedback_service):
            rospy.logerr("get_feedback_service is not available!")
            return 'fail'
            arm_feedback = self.get_feedback_client.call(self.get_feedback_service, 'arm')
        except rospy.ServiceException as e:
            rospy.logerr("Service call failed: %s" % e)
            return 'fail'
        req = hand_eye_calibrationRequest()
        req.end_trans.translation.x = arm_feedback.group_pose.position.x
        req.end_trans.translation.y = arm_feedback.group_pose.position.y
        req.end_trans.translation.z = arm_feedback.group_pose.position.z
        req.end_trans.rotation.x    = arm_feedback.group_pose.orientation.x
        req.end_trans.rotation.y    = arm_feedback.group_pose.orientation.y
        req.end_trans.rotation.z    = arm_feedback.group_pose.orientation.z
        req.end_trans.rotation.w    = arm_feedback.group_pose.orientation.w
        if not self.hand_eye_client.is_available(self.hand_eye_service):
            rospy.logerr("get_feedback_service is not available!")
            return 'fail'
            res = self.hand_eye_client.call(self.hand_eye_service, req)
        except rospy.ServiceException as e:
            rospy.logerr("Service call failed: %s" % e)
            return 'fail'
        return 'done'

    def on_enter(self, _):
    def test_service_caller(self):
        t1 = '/service_1'
        rospy.Service(t1, Trigger, lambda r: (True, 'ok'))

        srv = ProxyServiceCaller({t1: Trigger})

        result = srv.call(t1, TriggerRequest())
        self.assertEqual(result.message, 'ok')

        srv = ProxyServiceCaller({'/invalid': Trigger}, wait_duration=.1)
class StopHandTracking(EventState):

    def __init__(self):

        super(StopHandTracking, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'])

        self.TRACKING_TOPIC = '/handtracking_server/stop'
        self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({
            self.TRACKING_TOPIC: Handtracking

        Logger.loginfo('waiting for handtracking service server')

        while not self._srv.is_available(self.TRACKING_TOPIC):

        Logger.loginfo('service found.')

    def execute(self, d):
        Logger.loginfo('stopping handtracking ...')
        req = HandtrackingRequest()
        #req.carrying = True
        self._srv.call(self.TRACKING_TOPIC, req)
        return 'done'
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Trans2Robot(EventState):
	Get the pose in robot coordinate from pose in camera coordinate

	-- robot_name               string          Robots name to move

	># c_trans                  float[16]       transformation matrix in camera coordinate with shape -1
	#> pos						float[3]		pos with meter in robot coordinate
	#> euler					float[3]        euler with degrees in robot coordinate
	#> trans					float[16]       transformation matrix in robot coordinate

	<= done 									Robot move done.
	<= failed 									Robot move failed.
    def __init__(self, robot_name):
              self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'],
                             output_keys=['trans', 'pos', 'euler'])

        self.robot_name = robot_name
        self.trans2robot_service = self.robot_name + '/eye_trans2base'
        self.trans2robot_client = ProxyServiceCaller(
            {self.trans2robot_service: eye2base})

    def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
        if len(userdata.pix_and_depth) != 16:
            rospy.logerr("data illegal")
            return 'failed'
        req = eye2baseRequest()
        req.ini_pose = userdata.c_trans
            res = self.trans2robot_client.call(self.trans2robot_service, req)
        except rospy.ServiceException as e:
            rospy.logerr("Service call failed: %s" % e)
            return 'failed'
        userdata.trans = res.trans
        userdata.pos = res.pos
        userdata.euler = res.euler
        return 'done'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        if not self.trans2robot_client.is_available(self.trans2robot_service):
            rospy.logerr("trans2robot_service is not available!")
            return 'failed'

    def stop(self):
Ejemplo n.º 5
class SaraNLUreceptionist(EventState):
    Use wm_nlu to parse a sentence and return the answer.
    ># sentence         string      sentence to parse
    #> answer           string      answer

    <= understood       Finished job.
    <= not_understood   Finished job but no commands detected.
    <= fail     Finished job but sentence not successfully parsed or service unavailable.
    def __init__(self):
        # See example_state.py for basic explanations.
              self).__init__(outcomes=['understood', 'fail'],

        self.serviceName = "/Receptionist_NLU_Service"

        Logger.loginfo("waiting forservice: " + self.serviceName)

        self.serviceNLU = ProxyServiceCaller(
            {self.serviceName: ReceptionistNLUService})
        # self.service = rospy.ServiceProxy(serviceName, ReceptionistNLUService)

    def execute(self, userdata):

        if self.serviceNLU.is_available(self.serviceName):

                # Call the say service
                srvRequest = ReceptionistNLUServiceRequest()
                srvRequest.str = userdata.sentence
                response = self.serviceNLU.call(self.serviceName, srvRequest)

                if not response:
                    userdata.answer = "unknown"
                    return "fail"

                # Checking the validity of the response
                if response.response is "unknown":
                    userdata.answer = response.response
                    return "fail"

                if response.response is "":
                    userdata.answer = "unknown"
                    return "fail"

                userdata.answer = response.response
                return "understood"

            except rospy.ServiceException as exc:
                Logger.logwarn("Receptionist NLU did not work: \n" + str(exc))
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Pix2Robot(EventState):
	Get the position in robot coordinate from pixel and depth in image

	-- robot_name               string          Robots name to move

	># pix_and_depth            float[3]        pixel x, y, and the depth with meter
	#> pos						float[3]        pos with meter in robot coordinate

	<= done 									Robot move done.
	<= failed 									Robot move failed.
    def __init__(self, robot_name):
        super(Pix2Robot, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'],

        self.robot_name = robot_name
        self.pix2robot_service = self.robot_name + '/pix2base'
        self.pix2robot_client = ProxyServiceCaller(
            {self.pix2robot_service: eye2base})

    def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
        if len(userdata.pix_and_depth) != 3:
            rospy.logerr("data illegal")
            return 'failed'
        req = eye2baseRequest()
        req.ini_pose = userdata.pix_and_depth
            res = self.pix2robot_client.call(self.pix2robot_service, req)
        except rospy.ServiceException as e:
            rospy.logerr("Service call failed: %s" % e)
            return 'failed'
        userdata.pos = res.pos
        return 'done'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        if not self.pix2robot_client.is_available(self.pix2robot_service):
            rospy.logerr("pix2robot_service is not available!")
            return 'failed'

    def stop(self):
Ejemplo n.º 7
class SaraSay(EventState):
    Make sara say something

    -- sentence      string      What to say.
                                 Can be a simple String or a lanmda function using input_keys.
                                 (e.g., lambda x: "I found the "x[0] + " on the " + x[1] + "!").
    -- input_keys    string[]    List of available input keys.
    -- emotion       int         Set the facial expression.
                                 (0=no changes, 1=happy, 2=sad, 3=straight mouth, 4=angry, 5=surprise, 6=blink, 7=party)
    -- block         Bool        Should the robot finish it's sentence before continuing?

    ># input_keys   object[]     Input(s) to the sentence as a list of userdata.
                                 The individual inputs can be accessed as list elements (see lambda expression example).

    <= done                      what's said is said
    def __init__(self, sentence, input_keys=[], emotion=0, block=True):

        super(SaraSay, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'], input_keys=input_keys)

        if not (isinstance(sentence, types.LambdaType) and sentence.__name__
                == "<lambda>") and len(input_keys) is not 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "In state " + type(self).__name__ + " saying \"" + sentence +
                "\", you need to define a lambda function for sentence.")

        # Get parameters
        self.msg = say()
        self.sentence = sentence
        self.emotion = UInt8()
        self.emotion.data = emotion
        self.block = block

        # Set topics
        self.emotion_topic = "sara_face/Emotion"
        self.say_topic = "/say"
        self.sayServiceTopic = "/wm_say"
        self.emotionPub = ProxyPublisher({self.emotion_topic: UInt8})

        # Prepare wm_tts
        if self.block:
            self.sayClient = ProxyServiceCaller(
                {self.sayServiceTopic: say_service})
            self.sayPub = ProxyPublisher({self.say_topic: say})

        # Initialise the face sub
        self.emotionSub = ProxySubscriberCached({self.emotion_topic: UInt8})
        self.lastEmotion = None

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self.block:
            if self.sayClient.is_available(self.sayServiceTopic):
                    # Call the say service
                    srvSay = say_serviceRequest()
                    srvSay.say.sentence = self.msg.sentence
                    srvSay.say.emotion = self.msg.emotion
                    self._response = self.sayClient.call(
                        self.sayServiceTopic, srvSay)
                except rospy.ServiceException as exc:
                    Logger.logwarn("Sara say did not work: \n" + str(exc))

                return 'done'
                    "wm_tts service is not available. Remaining trials: " +
                # Count the number of trials before continuing on life
                self.maxBlockCount -= 1
                if self.maxBlockCount <= 0:
                    return 'done'
            return 'done'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        if self.emotion.data is not 0:
            # Save the previous emotion so we can place it back later
            if self.block and self.emotionSub.has_msg(self.emotion_topic):
                self.lastEmotion = self.emotionSub.get_last_msg(

            # Set the emotion
            self.emotionPub.publish(self.emotion_topic, self.emotion)

        # Set the message according to the lambda function if needed.
        if isinstance(
                types.LambdaType) and self.sentence.__name__ == "<lambda>":
            self.msg.sentence = self.sentence(
                map(lambda key: userdata[key],
            self.msg.sentence = self.sentence
        Logger.loginfo('Sara is saying: "' + str(self.msg.sentence) + '".')

        # Say the thing if not blocking
        if not self.block:
            # publish
            self.sayPub.publish(self.say_topic, self.msg)
            return "done"

        # Set the maximum tries before continuing
        self.maxBlockCount = 30

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        if self.block and self.emotion.data is not 0:
            # Put the original emotion back
            if self.lastEmotion:
                self.emotionPub.publish(self.emotion_topic, self.lastEmotion)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class ComputeCalibrationState(EventState):
    Publishes a pose from userdata so that it can be displayed in rviz.

    -- robot_name              string          Robots name to move

    <= done									   Calib done.
    <= fail							    	   Calib fail.

    def __init__(self, robot_name):
        super(ComputeCalibrationState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'fail'])
        self.robot_name = robot_name
        self.move_mode = 'p2p'
        self.pose_indx = 0
        self.compute_calibration_service = '/camera/compute_calibration'
        self.hand_eye_client = ProxyServiceCaller({self.compute_calibration_service: hand_eye_calibration})
        self.get_feedback_service = self.robot_name +'/get_kinematics_pose'
        self.get_feedback_client = ProxyServiceCaller({self.get_feedback_service: GetKinematicsPose})

    def execute(self, _):
        req = hand_eye_calibrationRequest()
        req.is_done = True

        if not self.hand_eye_client.is_available(self.compute_calibration_service):
            rospy.logerr('compute_calibration_service is not available!')
            return 'fail'
            res = self.hand_eye_client.call(self.compute_calibration_service, req)
        except rospy.ServiceException as e:
            rospy.logerr("Service call failed: %s" % e)

        if len(res.end2cam_trans) == 16:
            trans_mat = np.array(res.end2cam_trans).reshape(4,4)
            # camera_mat = np.array(res.camera_mat).reshape(4, 4)
            config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
            config.optionxform = str
            rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
            hand_eye_path = rospack.get_path('hand_eye')
            config.read(hand_eye_path + '/config/' + self.robot_name + '_img_trans.ini')
            config.set("External", "Key_1_1", str(trans_mat[0][0]))
            config.set("External", "Key_1_2", str(trans_mat[0][1]))
            config.set("External", "Key_1_3", str(trans_mat[0][2]))
            config.set("External", "Key_1_4", str(trans_mat[0][3]))
            config.set("External", "Key_2_1", str(trans_mat[1][0]))
            config.set("External", "Key_2_2", str(trans_mat[1][1]))
            config.set("External", "Key_2_3", str(trans_mat[1][2]))
            config.set("External", "Key_2_4", str(trans_mat[1][3]))
            config.set("External", "Key_3_1", str(trans_mat[2][0]))
            config.set("External", "Key_3_2", str(trans_mat[2][1]))
            config.set("External", "Key_3_3", str(trans_mat[2][2]))
            config.set("External", "Key_3_4", str(trans_mat[2][3]))
            config.write(open(hand_eye_path + '/config/' + self.robot_name + '_img_trans.ini', 'wb'))
            rospy.logerr('calibration compute fail')
            return 'fail'
        return 'done'

    def on_enter(self, _):