Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_entries(self, soup, imdb_id=None):
        entries = []
        links = soup.findAll(
            'a', attrs={'href': re.compile('download\.php\?torrent=\d+')})
        rows = [l.find_parent('tr') for l in links]
        for row in rows:
            entry = Entry()
            entry['title'] = row.find('a',
                                          'href': re.compile('detail\.php\?id')
            dl_href = row.find('a',
            entry['url'] = 'http://piratethenet.org' + dl_href
            entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(
                row.find(title='Number of Seeders').text)
            entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(
                row.find(title='Number of Leechers').text)
            entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])

            entry['content_size'] = parse_filesize(str(
                row.find(title='Torrent size').text),

            if imdb_id:
                entry['imdb_id'] = imdb_id
        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def search(self, query, comparator=StringComparator(), config=None):
        Search for name from piratebay.
        if not isinstance(config, dict):
            config = {}
        sort = SORT.get(config.get('sort_by', 'seeds'))
        if config.get('sort_reverse'):
            sort += 1
        if isinstance(config.get('category'), int):
            category = config['category']
            category = CATEGORIES.get(config.get('category', 'all'))
        filter_url = '/0/%d/%d' % (sort, category)

        query = comparator.search_string()
        # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
        url = 'http://thepiratebay.se/search/' + urllib.quote(query.encode('utf-8')) + filter_url
        log.debug('Using %s as piratebay search url' % url)
        page = requests.get(url).content
        soup = get_soup(page)
        entries = []
        for link in soup.find_all('a', attrs={'class': 'detLink'}):
            log.debug('name: %s' % comparator.a)
            log.debug('found name: %s' % comparator.b)
            log.debug('confidence: %s' % comparator.ratio())
            if not comparator.matches():
            entry = Entry()
            entry['title'] = link.contents[0]
            entry['url'] = 'http://thepiratebay.se' + link.get('href')
            tds = link.parent.parent.parent.find_all('td')
            entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(tds[-2].contents[0])
            entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(tds[-1].contents[0])
            entry['search_ratio'] = comparator.ratio()
            entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
            # Parse content_size
            size = link.find_next(attrs={'class': 'detDesc'}).contents[0]
            size = re.search('Size ([\.\d]+)\xa0([GMK])iB', size)
            if size:
                if size.group(2) == 'G':
                    entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1)) * 1000 ** 3 / 1024 ** 2)
                elif size.group(2) == 'M':
                    entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1)) * 1000 ** 2 / 1024 ** 2)
                    entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1)) * 1000 / 1024 ** 2)

        if not entries:
            dashindex = query.rfind('-')
            if dashindex != -1:
                return self.search(query[:dashindex], comparator=comparator)
                raise PluginWarning('No close matches for %s' % query, log, log_once=True)

        entries.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort'))

        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def extract_entry_from_soup(self, soup):
        table = soup.find('div', {'id': 'main_table'}).find('table', {'class': 'table_info'})
        if len(table.find_all('tr')) == 1:
            log.debug('No search results were returned, continuing')
            return []
        entries = []
        for tr in table.find_all("tr"):
            if not tr.get('class') or 'colhead_dark' in tr.get('class'):
            name = tr.find('div', {'class': 'main_title'}).find('a').text
            torrent_name = re.search('\\r\\n(.*)',
                                     tr.find('div', {'style': 'float: right;'}).find('a')['title']).group(1)
            attachment_link = tr.find('div', {'style': 'float: right;'}).find('a')['href']
            attachment_id = re.search('attachmentid\=(\d+)', attachment_link).group(1)
            raw_size = tr.find_all('td', {'class': 'inline_info'})[0].text.strip()
            seeders = int(tr.find_all('td', {'class': 'inline_info'})[2].text)
            leechers = int(tr.find_all('td', {'class': 'inline_info'})[3].text)

            e = Entry()
            e['title'] = name
            final_url = 'https://www.fuzer.me/rss/torrent.php/{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(attachment_id, self.user_id,
                                                                                  self.rss_key, torrent_name)

            log.debug('RSS-ified download link: %s' % final_url)
            e['url'] = final_url

            e['torrent_seeds'] = seeders
            e['torrent_leeches'] = leechers
            e['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(e['torrent_seeds'], e['torrent_leeches'])

            size = re.search('(\d+.?\d+)([TGMK]?)B', raw_size)
            e['content_size'] = parse_filesize(size.group(0))

        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def search(self, entry, config):
        # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
        name = normalize_unicode(entry["title"])
        optionlist = [
            "music video",
        url = "http://isohunt.com/js/rss/%s?iht=%s&noSL" % (

        log.debug("requesting: %s" % url)
        rss = feedparser.parse(url)
        entries = []

        status = rss.get("status", False)
        if status != 200:
            raise PluginWarning("Search result not 200 (OK), received %s" % status)

        ex = rss.get("bozo_exception", False)
        if ex:
            raise PluginWarning("Got bozo_exception (bad feed)")

        for item in rss.entries:
            entry = Entry()
            entry["title"] = item.title
            entry["url"] = item.link

            m = re.search(r"Size: ([\d]+).*Seeds: (\d+).*Leechers: (\d+)", item.description, re.IGNORECASE)
            if not m:
                log.debug("regexp did not find seeds / peer data")
                log.debug("regexp found size(%s), Seeds(%s) and Leeches(%s)" % (m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)))

                entry["content_size"] = int(m.group(1))
                entry["torrent_seeds"] = int(m.group(2))
                entry["torrent_leeches"] = int(m.group(3))
                entry["search_sort"] = torrent_availability(entry["torrent_seeds"], entry["torrent_leeches"])

        # choose torrent
        if not entries:
            raise PluginWarning("No close matches for %s" % name, log, log_once=True)

        entries.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get("search_sort"))

        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        Search for name from iptorrents

        categories = config.get('category', 'All')
        # Make sure categories is a list
        if not isinstance(categories, list):
            categories = [categories]

        # If there are any text categories, turn them into their id number
        categories = [c if isinstance(c, int) else CATEGORIES[c]
                      for c in categories]
        filter_url = '&'.join((str(c) + '=') for c in categories)

        entries = set()

        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string)
            query = quote_plus(query.encode('utf8'))

            url = "{base_url}/t?{filter}&q={query}&qf=".format(base_url=BASE_URL, filter=filter_url, query=query)
            log.debug('searching with url: %s' % url)
            req = requests.get(url, cookies={'uid': str(config['uid']), 'pass': config['password']})

            if '/u/' + str(config['uid']) not in req.text:
                raise plugin.PluginError("Invalid cookies (user not logged in)...")

            soup = get_soup(req.content, parser="html.parser")
            torrents = soup.find('table', {'id': 'torrents'})

            results = torrents.findAll('tr')
            for torrent in results:
                if torrent.th and 'ac' in torrent.th.get('class'):
                    # Header column
                if torrent.find('td', {'colspan': '99'}):
                    log.debug('No results found for search %s', search_string)
                entry = Entry()
                link = torrent.find('a', href=re.compile('download'))['href']
                entry['url'] = "{base}{link}?torrent_pass={key}".format(
                    base=BASE_URL, link=link, key=config.get('rss_key'))
                entry['title'] = torrent.find('a', href=re.compile('details')).text

                seeders = torrent.findNext('td', {'class': 'ac t_seeders'}).text
                leechers = torrent.findNext('td', {'class': 'ac t_leechers'}).text
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(seeders)
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(leechers)
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'],

                size = torrent.findNext(text=re.compile('^([\.\d]+) ([GMK]?)B$'))
                size = re.search('^([\.\d]+) ([GMK]?)B$', size)

                entry['content_size'] = parse_filesize(size.group(0))
                log.debug('Found entry %s', entry)

        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        Search for name from iptorrents

        categories = config.get('category', 'All')
        # Make sure categories is a list
        if not isinstance(categories, list):
            categories = [categories]

        # If there are any text categories, turn them into their id number
        categories = [c if isinstance(c, int) else CATEGORIES[c]
                      for c in categories]
        filter_url = '&'.join((str(c) + '=') for c in categories)

        entries = set()

        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string)
            query = quote_plus(query.encode('utf8'))

            url = "{base_url}/t?{filter}&q={query}&qf=".format(base_url=BASE_URL, filter=filter_url, query=query)
            log.debug('searching with url: %s' % url)
            req = requests.get(url, cookies={'uid': str(config['uid']), 'pass': config['password']})

            if '/u/' + str(config['uid']) not in req.text:
                raise plugin.PluginError("Invalid cookies (user not logged in)...")

            soup = get_soup(req.content, parser="html.parser")
            torrents = soup.find('table', {'id': 'torrents'})

            results = torrents.findAll('tr')
            for torrent in results:
                if torrent.th and 'ac' in torrent.th.get('class'):
                    # Header column
                if torrent.find('td', {'colspan': '99'}):
                    log.debug('No results found for search %s', search_string)
                entry = Entry()
                link = torrent.find('a', href=re.compile('download'))['href']
                entry['url'] = "{base}{link}?torrent_pass={key}".format(
                    base=BASE_URL, link=link, key=config.get('rss_key'))
                entry['title'] = torrent.find('a', href=re.compile('details')).text

                seeders = torrent.findNext('td', {'class': 'ac t_seeders'}).text
                leechers = torrent.findNext('td', {'class': 'ac t_leechers'}).text
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(seeders)
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(leechers)
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'],

                size = torrent.findNext(text=re.compile('^([\.\d]+) ([GMK]?)B$'))
                size = re.search('^([\.\d]+) ([GMK]?)B$', size)

                entry['content_size'] = parse_filesize(size.group(0))
                log.debug('Found entry %s', entry)

        return entries
  def search(self, entry, config):
    url = "https://tehconnection.eu/torrents.php?searchstr=%s" \
      % entry.get("imdb_id");

    page = urlopener(url, log)
    soup = get_soup(page)

    results = set()

    for row in soup.find_all("tr", class_="group_torrent"):
      link = row.find(title="Download")
      info = row.find(colspan="1").contents[3].contents[0].strip()
      seeders = int(row.find_all("td")[6].contents[0].strip())
      leechers = int(row.find_all("td")[7].contents[0].strip())

      result = Entry();
      result["title"] = entry.get("title") + " / " + info
      result["imdb_id"] = entry.get("imdb_id")
      result["url"] = "https://tehconnection.eu" + link.get("href")
      result["torrent_seeds"] = seeders
      result["torrent_leeches"] = leechers
      result["search_sort"] = torrent_availability(result['torrent_seeds'],


    return results
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def create_entries(self, soup, passkey=None, imdb_id=None):
     entries = []
     links = soup.findAll(
         'a', attrs={'href': re.compile('download\.php\?torrent=\d+')})
     rows = [l.find_parent('tr') for l in links]
     for row in rows:
         entry = Entry()
         entry['title'] = row.find('a',
                                       'href': re.compile('detail\.php\?id')
         dl_href = row.find('a',
             'url'] = 'http://piratethenet.org/' + dl_href + '&passkey=' + passkey
         entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(
             row.find(title='Number of Seeders').text)
         entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(
             row.find(title='Number of Leechers').text)
         entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
             entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
         size, unit = row.find(title='Torrent size').text.split(' ')
         if unit == 'GB':
             entry['content_size'] = int(float(size) * 1024)
         elif unit == 'MB':
             entry['content_size'] = int(float(size))
         elif unit == 'KB':
             entry['content_size'] = int(float(size) / 1024)
         if imdb_id:
             entry['imdb_id'] = imdb_id
     return entries
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def search(self, query, comparator=StringComparator(), config=None):
        if config:
            feed = REPUTATIONS[config]
            feed = REPUTATIONS['good']
        # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
        query = comparator.search_string()
        url = 'http://torrentz.eu/%s?q=%s' % (
            feed, urllib.quote(query.encode('utf-8')))
        log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
        rss = feedparser.parse(url)
        entries = []

        status = rss.get('status', False)
        if status != 200:
            raise PluginWarning('Search result not 200 (OK), received %s' %

        ex = rss.get('bozo_exception', False)
        if ex:
            raise PluginWarning('Got bozo_exception (bad feed)')

        for item in rss.entries:
            # assign confidence score of how close this link is to the name you're looking for. .6 and above is "close"
            log.debug('name: %s' % comparator.a)
            log.debug('found name: %s' % comparator.b)
            log.debug('confidence: %s' % comparator.ratio())
            if not comparator.matches():

            m = re.search(
                r'Size: ([\d]+) Mb Seeds: ([,\d]+) Peers: ([,\d]+) Hash: ([a-f0-9]+)',
                item.description, re.IGNORECASE)
            if not m:
                log.debug('regexp did not find seeds / peer data')

            entry = Entry()
            entry['title'] = item.title
            entry['url'] = item.link
            entry['content_size'] = int(m.group(1))
            entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(m.group(2).replace(',', ''))
            entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(m.group(3).replace(',', ''))
            entry['torrent_info_hash'] = m.group(4).upper()
            entry['search_ratio'] = comparator.ratio()
            entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])

        # choose torrent
        if not entries:
            raise PluginWarning('No close matches for %s' % query,

        entries.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort'))
        log.debug('Search got %d results' % len(entries))
        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def search(self, task, entry, config):
        api_key = config

        searches = entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']])

        if 'series_name' in entry:
            search = {'category': 'Episode'}
            if 'tvdb_id' in entry:
                search['tvdb'] = entry['tvdb_id']
            elif 'tvrage_id' in entry:
                search['tvrage'] = entry['tvrage_id']
                search['series'] = entry['series_name']
            if 'series_id' in entry:
                # BTN wants an ep style identifier even for sequence shows
                if entry.get('series_id_type') == 'sequence':
                    search['name'] = 'S01E%02d' % entry['series_id']
                    search['name'] = entry['series_id'] + '%' # added wildcard search for better results.
            searches = [search]
            # If searching by series name ending in a parenthetical, try again without it if there are no results.
            if search.get('series') and search['series'].endswith(')'):
                match = re.match('(.+)\([^\(\)]+\)$', search['series'])
                if match:
                    searches.append(dict(search, series=match.group(1).strip()))

        results = set()
        for search in searches:
            data = json.dumps({'method': 'getTorrents', 'params': [api_key, search], 'id': 1})
                r = task.requests.post('http://api.btnapps.net/',
                                       data=data, headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'})
            except requests.RequestException as e:
                log.error('Error searching btn: %s' % e)
            content = r.json()
            if not content or not content['result']:
                log.debug('No results from btn')
                if content and content.get('error'):
                    log.error('Error searching btn: %s' % content['error'].get('message', content['error']))
            if 'torrents' in content['result']:
                for item in content['result']['torrents'].itervalues():
                    entry = Entry()
                    entry['title'] = item['ReleaseName']
                    entry['title'] += ' '.join(['', item['Resolution'], item['Source'], item['Codec']])
                    entry['url'] = item['DownloadURL']
                    entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(item['Seeders'])
                    entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(item['Leechers'])
                    entry['torrent_info_hash'] = item['InfoHash']
                    entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                    if item['TvdbID'] and int(item['TvdbID']):
                        entry['tvdb_id'] = int(item['TvdbID'])
                    if item['TvrageID'] and int(item['TvrageID']):
                        entry['tvrage_id'] = int(item['TvrageID'])
                # Don't continue searching if this search yielded results
        return results
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
            Search for entries on SceneAccess

        if not session.cookies:
            log.debug('Logging in to %s...' % URL)
            params = {'username': config['username'],
                      'password': config['password'],
                      'submit': 'come on in'}
            session.post(URL + 'login', data=params)

        if config.has_key('gravity_multiplier'):
            multip = config['gravity_multiplier']
            multip = 1

        # Prepare queries...
        BASE_URLS = list()
        entries = set()
        for category in self.processCategories(config):
            BASE_URLS.append(URL + '%(url_path)s?method=2%(category_url_string)s' % category)

        # Search...
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            search_string_normalized = normalize_unicode(clean_title(search_string))
            search_string_url_fragment = '&search=' + quote(search_string_normalized.encode('utf8'))

            for url in BASE_URLS:
                url += search_string_url_fragment
                log.debug('Search URL for `%s`: %s' % (search_string, url))

                page = session.get(url).content
                soup = get_soup(page)

                for result in soup.findAll('tr', attrs={'class': 'tt_row'}):
                    entry = Entry()
                    entry['title'] = result.find('a', href=re.compile(r'details\?id=\d+'))['title']
                    entry['url'] = URL + result.find('a', href=re.compile(r'.torrent$'))['href']

                    entry['torrent_seeds'] = result.find('td', attrs={'class': 'ttr_seeders'}).text
                    entry['torrent_leeches'] = result.find('td', attrs={'class': 'ttr_leechers'}).text
                    entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])*multip

                    size = result.find('td', attrs={'class': 'ttr_size'}).next
                    size = re.search('(\d+(?:[.,]\d+)*)\s?([KMG]B)', size)

                    if size:
                        if size.group(2) == 'GB':
                            entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1)) * 1000 ** 3 / 1024 ** 2)
                        elif size.group(2) == 'MB':
                            entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1)) * 1000 ** 2 / 1024 ** 2)
                        elif size.group(2) == 'KB':
                            entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1)) * 1000 / 1024 ** 2)
                            entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1)) / 1024 ** 2)


        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def search(self, entry, config):
        api_key = config

        searches = entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']])

        if 'series_name' in entry:
            search = {'series': entry['series_name']}
            if 'series_id' in entry:
                search['name'] = entry['series_id']
            searches = [search]

        results = []
        for search in searches:
            data = json.dumps({'method': 'getTorrents', 'params': [api_key, search], 'id': 1})
                r = session.post('http://api.btnapps.net/', data=data, headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'})
            except requests.RequestException as e:
                log.error('Error searching btn: %s' % e)
            content = r.json()
            if content['result']['results']:
                for item in content['result']['torrents'].itervalues():
                    if item['Category'] != 'Episode':
                    entry = Entry()
                    entry['title'] = item['ReleaseName']
                    entry['url'] = item['DownloadURL']
                    entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(item['Seeders'])
                    entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(item['Leechers'])
                    entry['torrent_info_hash'] = item['InfoHash']
                    entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                    if item['TvdbID']:
                        entry['tvdb_id'] = int(item['TvdbID'])
        return results
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        Search for name from piratebay.
        if not isinstance(config, dict):
            config = {}
        sort = SORT.get(config.get('sort_by', 'seeds'))
        if config.get('sort_reverse'):
            sort += 1
        if isinstance(config.get('category'), int):
            category = config['category']
            category = CATEGORIES.get(config.get('category', 'all'))
        filter_url = '/0/%d/%d' % (sort, category)

        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string)
            # TPB search doesn't like dashes
            query = query.replace('-', ' ')
            # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
            url = 'http://thepiratebay.%s/search/%s%s' % (
                CUR_TLD, quote(query.encode('utf-8')), filter_url)
            log.debug('Using %s as piratebay search url' % url)
            page = requests.get(url).content
            soup = get_soup(page)
            for link in soup.find_all('a', attrs={'class': 'detLink'}):
                entry = Entry()
                entry['title'] = self.extract_title(link)
                if not entry['title']:
                        'Malformed search result. No title or url found. Skipping.'
                entry['url'] = 'http://thepiratebay.%s%s' % (CUR_TLD,
                tds = link.parent.parent.parent.find_all('td')
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(tds[-2].contents[0])
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(tds[-1].contents[0])
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                    entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                # Parse content_size
                size = link.find_next(attrs={'class': 'detDesc'}).contents[0]
                size = re.search('Size ([\.\d]+)\xa0([GMK])iB', size)
                if size:
                    if size.group(2) == 'G':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(
                            float(size.group(1)) * 1000**3 / 1024**2)
                    elif size.group(2) == 'M':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(
                            float(size.group(1)) * 1000**2 / 1024**2)
                        entry['content_size'] = int(
                            float(size.group(1)) * 1000 / 1024**2)

        return sorted(entries,
                      key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort'))
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        Search for name from torrentleech.
        request_headers = {'User-Agent': 'curl/7.54.0'}
        rss_key = config['rss_key']

        # build the form request:
        data = {'username': config['username'], 'password': config['password']}
        # POST the login form:
            login = task.requests.post('https://www.torrentleech.org/user/account/login/', data=data,
                                       headers=request_headers, allow_redirects=True)
        except RequestException as e:
            raise PluginError('Could not connect to torrentleech: %s', str(e))

        if not isinstance(config, dict):
            config = {}
            # sort = SORT.get(config.get('sort_by', 'seeds'))
            # if config.get('sort_reverse'):
            # sort += 1
        categories = config.get('category', 'all')
        # Make sure categories is a list
        if not isinstance(categories, list):
            categories = [categories]
        # If there are any text categories, turn them into their id number
        categories = [c if isinstance(c, int) else CATEGORIES[c] for c in categories]
        filter_url = '/categories/{}'.format(','.join(str(c) for c in categories))
        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string).replace(":", "")
            # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters,
            # so encode in utf-8 beforehand

            url = ('https://www.torrentleech.org/torrents/browse/list/query/' +
                   quote(query.encode('utf-8')) + filter_url)
            log.debug('Using %s as torrentleech search url', url)

            results = task.requests.get(url, headers=request_headers, cookies=login.cookies).json()

            for torrent in results['torrentList']:
                entry = Entry()
                entry['download_headers'] = request_headers
                entry['title'] = torrent['name']

                # construct download URL
                torrent_url = 'https://www.torrentleech.org/rss/download/{}/{}/{}'.format(torrent['fid'], rss_key,
                log.debug('RSS-ified download link: %s', torrent_url)
                entry['url'] = torrent_url

                # seeders/leechers
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = torrent['seeders']
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = torrent['leechers']
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                entry['content_size'] = parse_filesize(str(torrent['size']) + ' b')

        return sorted(entries, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort'))
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        config = self.process_config(config)
        feed = REPUTATIONS[config['reputation']]
        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string +
                                      config.get('extra_terms', ''))
            for domain in ['eu', 'me', 'ch', 'in']:
                # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
                url = 'http://torrentz.%s/%s?q=%s' % (
                    domain, feed, quote(query.encode('utf-8')))
                log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
                    r = task.requests.get(url)
                except requests.ConnectionError as err:
                    # The different domains all resolve to the same ip, so only try more if it was a dns error
                    log.warning('torrentz.%s connection failed. Error: %s' %
                                (domain, err))
                except requests.RequestException as err:
                    raise plugin.PluginError(
                        'Error getting torrentz search results: %s' % err)

                raise plugin.PluginError(
                    'Error getting torrentz search results')

            if not r.content.strip():
                raise plugin.PluginError(
                    'No data from %s. Maybe torrentz is blocking the FlexGet User-Agent'
                    % url)

            rss = feedparser.parse(r.content)

            if rss.get('bozo_exception'):
                raise plugin.PluginError('Got bozo_exception (bad rss feed)')

            for item in rss.entries:
                m = re.search(
                    r'Size: ([\d]+) Mb Seeds: ([,\d]+) Peers: ([,\d]+) Hash: ([a-f0-9]+)',
                    item.description, re.IGNORECASE)
                if not m:
                    log.debug('regexp did not find seeds / peer data')

                entry = Entry()
                entry['title'] = item.title
                entry['url'] = item.link
                entry['content_size'] = int(m.group(1))
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(m.group(2).replace(',', ''))
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(m.group(3).replace(',', ''))
                entry['torrent_info_hash'] = m.group(4).upper()
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                    entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])

        log.debug('Search got %d results' % len(entries))
        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def search(self, task, entry, config):
            Search for entries on 1337x

        if not isinstance(config, dict):
            config = {}

        order_by = ''
        sort_order = ''
        if isinstance(config.get('order_by'), str):
            if config['order_by'] != 'leechers':
                order_by = '/{0}/desc'.format(config['order_by'])
                sort_order = 'sort-'

        entries = set()

        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):

            query = '{0}search/{1}{2}/1/'.format(
                sort_order, quote(search_string.encode('utf8')), order_by)
            log.debug('Using search params: %s; ordering by: %s',
                      search_string, order_by or 'default')
                page = task.requests.get(self.base_url + query)
                log.debug('requesting: %s', page.url)
            except RequestException as e:
                log.error('1337x request failed: %s', e)

            soup = get_soup(page.content)
            if soup.find('div', attrs={'class': 'tab-detail'}) is not None:
                for link in soup.find('div', attrs={
                        'class': 'tab-detail'
                }).findAll('a', href=re.compile('^/torrent/')):

                    li = link.parent.parent.parent

                    title = str(link.text).replace('...', '')
                    info_url = self.base_url + str(link.get('href'))[1:]
                    seeds = int(li.find('span', class_='green').string)
                    leeches = int(li.find('span', class_='red').string)
                    size = str(li.find('div', class_='coll-4').string)

                    size = parse_filesize(size)

                    e = Entry()

                    e['url'] = info_url
                    e['title'] = title
                    e['torrent_seeds'] = seeds
                    e['torrent_leeches'] = leeches
                    e['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                        e['torrent_seeds'], e['torrent_leeches'])
                    e['content_size'] = size


        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        Search for name from torrentleech.
        request_headers = {'User-Agent': 'curl/7.54.0'}
        rss_key = config['rss_key']

        # build the form request:
        data = {'username': config['username'], 'password': config['password']}
        # POST the login form:
            login = task.requests.post('https://www.torrentleech.org/user/account/login/', data=data,
                                       headers=request_headers, allow_redirects=True)
        except RequestException as e:
            raise PluginError('Could not connect to torrentleech: %s' % str(e))

        if not isinstance(config, dict):
            config = {}
            # sort = SORT.get(config.get('sort_by', 'seeds'))
            # if config.get('sort_reverse'):
            # sort += 1
        categories = config.get('category', 'all')
        # Make sure categories is a list
        if not isinstance(categories, list):
            categories = [categories]
        # If there are any text categories, turn them into their id number
        categories = [c if isinstance(c, int) else CATEGORIES[c] for c in categories]
        filter_url = '/categories/{}'.format(','.join(str(c) for c in categories))
        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string).replace(":", "")
            # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters,
            # so encode in utf-8 beforehand

            url = ('https://www.torrentleech.org/torrents/browse/list/query/' +
                   quote(query.encode('utf-8')) + filter_url)
            log.debug('Using %s as torrentleech search url', url)

            results = task.requests.get(url, headers=request_headers, cookies=login.cookies).json()

            for torrent in results['torrentList']:
                entry = Entry()
                entry['download_headers'] = request_headers
                entry['title'] = torrent['name']

                # construct download URL
                torrent_url = 'https://www.torrentleech.org/rss/download/{}/{}/{}'.format(torrent['fid'], rss_key,
                log.debug('RSS-ified download link: %s', torrent_url)
                entry['url'] = torrent_url

                # seeders/leechers
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = torrent['seeders']
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = torrent['leechers']
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                entry['content_size'] = parse_filesize(str(torrent['size']) + ' b')

        return sorted(entries, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort'))
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def search_title(self, name, comparator=StringComparator(), url=None):
            Search for name from piratebay.
            If optional search :url: is passed it will be used instead of internal search.

        name = comparator.search_string()
        if not url:
            # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
            url = 'http://thepiratebay.org/search/' + urllib.quote(name.encode('utf-8'))
            log.debug('Using %s as piratebay search url' % url)
        page = urlopener(url, log)
        soup = get_soup(page)
        entries = []
        for link in soup.findAll('a', attrs={'class': 'detLink'}):
            log.debug('name: %s' % comparator.a)
            log.debug('found name: %s' % comparator.b)
            log.debug('confidence: %s' % comparator.ratio())
            if not comparator.matches():
            entry = Entry()
            entry['title'] = link.contents[0]
            entry['url'] = 'http://thepiratebay.org' + link.get('href')
            tds = link.parent.parent.parent.findAll('td')
            entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(tds[-2].contents[0])
            entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(tds[-1].contents[0])
            entry['search_ratio'] = comparator.ratio()
            entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
            # Parse content_size
            size = link.findNext(attrs={'class': 'detDesc'}).contents[0]
            size = re.search('Size ([\.\d]+)\xa0([GMK])iB', size)
            if size:
                if size.group(2) == 'G':
                    entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1)) * 1000 ** 3 / 1024 ** 2)
                elif size.group(2) == 'M':
                    entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1)) * 1000 ** 2 / 1024 ** 2)
                    entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1)) * 1000 / 1024 ** 2)

        if not entries:
            dashindex = name.rfind('-')
            if dashindex != -1:
                return self.search_title(name[:dashindex], comparator=comparator)
                raise PluginWarning('No close matches for %s' % name, log, log_once=True)

        def score(a):
            return torrent_availability(a['torrent_seeds'], a['torrent_leeches'])

        entries.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sorted'))

        #for torrent in torrents:
        #    log.debug('%s link: %s' % (torrent, torrent['link']))

        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
            Search for entries on SceneAccess

        session = task.requests

        if 'sceneaccess.eu' not in session.domain_limiters:
            session.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('sceneaccess.eu', '7 seconds'))

        if not session.cookies:
            log.debug('Logging in to %s...' % URL)
            params = {'username': config['username'],
                      'password': config['password'],
                      'submit': 'come on in'}
            session.post(URL + 'login', data=params)

        if 'gravity_multiplier' in config:
            multip = config['gravity_multiplier']
            multip = 1

        # Prepare queries...
        base_urls = list()
        entries = set()
        for category in self.process_categories(config):
            base_urls.append(URL + '%(url_path)s?method=2%(category_url_string)s' % category)

        # Search...
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            search_string_normalized = normalize_unicode(clean_title(search_string))
            search_string_url_fragment = '&search=' + quote(search_string_normalized.encode('utf8'))

            for url in base_urls:
                url += search_string_url_fragment
                log.debug('Search URL for `%s`: %s' % (search_string, url))

                page = session.get(url).content
                soup = get_soup(page)

                for result in soup.findAll('tr', attrs={'class': 'tt_row'}):
                    entry = Entry()
                    entry['title'] = result.find('a', href=re.compile(r'details\?id=\d+'))['title']
                    entry['url'] = URL + result.find('a', href=re.compile(r'.torrent$'))['href']

                    entry['torrent_seeds'] = result.find('td', attrs={'class': 'ttr_seeders'}).text
                    entry['torrent_leeches'] = result.find('td', attrs={'class': 'ttr_leechers'}).text
                    entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'],
                                                                entry['torrent_leeches']) * multip

                    size = result.find('td', attrs={'class': 'ttr_size'}).text
                    size = re.search('(\d+(?:[.,]\d+)*)\s?([KMG]B)', size)

                    entry['content_size'] = parse_filesize(size.group(0))


        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        Search for name from iptorrents

        categories = config.get('category', 'all')
        # Make sure categories is a list
        if not isinstance(categories, list):
            categories = [categories]

        # If there are any text categories, turn them into their id number
        categories = [c if isinstance(c, int) else CATEGORIES[c]
                      for c in categories]
        filter_url = '&'.join((str(c) + '=') for c in categories)

        entries = set()

        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string)
            query = quote_plus(query.encode('utf8'))

            url = "{base_url}/t?{filter}&q={query}&qf=".format(base_url=BASE_URL, filter=filter_url, query=query)
            log.debug('searching with url: %s' % url)
            req = requests.get(url, cookies={'uid': str(config['uid']), 'pass': config['password']})

            if '/u/' + str(config.get('uid')) not in req.content:
                raise plugin.PluginError("Invalid cookies (user not logged in)...")

            soup = get_soup(req.content, parser="html.parser")
            torrents = soup.find('table', {'class': 'torrents'})

            for torrent in torrents.findAll('a', href=re.compile('\.torrent$')):
                entry = Entry()
                entry['url'] = "{base}{link}?torrent_pass={key}".format(
                    base=BASE_URL, link=torrent['href'], key=config.get('rss_key'))
                entry['title'] = torrent.findPrevious("a", attrs={'class': 't_title'}).text

                seeders = torrent.findNext('td', {'class': 'ac t_seeders'}).text
                leechers = torrent.findNext('td', {'class': 'ac t_leechers'}).text
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(seeders)
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(leechers)
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'],

                size = torrent.findNext(text=re.compile('^([\.\d]+) ([GMK]?)B$'))
                size = re.search('^([\.\d]+) ([GMK]?)B$', size)
                if size:
                    if size.group(2) == 'G':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1)) * 1000 ** 3 / 1024 ** 2)
                    elif size.group(2) == 'M':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1)) * 1000 ** 2 / 1024 ** 2)
                    elif size.group(2) == 'K':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1)) * 1000 / 1024 ** 2)
                        entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1)) / 1024 ** 2)

        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def search(self, query, comparator, config):
        name = comparator.search_string().lower()
        search_string = name
        if config.get('verified'):
            search_string += ' verified:1'
        url = 'http://kat.ph/search/%s/?rss=1' % urllib.quote(
        if config.get('category', 'all') != 'all':
            url += '&category=%s' % config['category']

        log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
        rss = feedparser.parse(url)
        entries = []

        status = rss.get('status', False)
        if status != 200:
            raise PluginWarning('Search result not 200 (OK), received %s' %

        ex = rss.get('bozo_exception', False)
        if ex:
            raise PluginWarning('Got bozo_exception (bad feed)')

        for item in rss.entries:
            # Check if item passes comparator
            log.debug('name: %s, found name: %s, confidence: %s' %
                      (comparator.a, comparator.b, comparator.ratio()))
            if not comparator.matches():

            entry = Entry()
            entry['title'] = item.title

            if not item.get('enclosures'):
                    'Could not get url for entry from KAT. Maybe plugin needs updated?'
            entry['url'] = item.enclosures[0]['url']
            entry['search_ratio'] = comparator.ratio()
            entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(item.torrent_seeds)
            entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(item.torrent_peers)
            entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
            entry['content_size'] = int(
                item.torrent_contentlength) / 1024 / 1024
            entry['torrent_info_hash'] = item.torrent_infohash


        # choose torrent
        if not entries:
            raise PluginWarning('No matches for %s' % name, log, log_once=True)

        entries.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort'))
        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def extract_entry_from_soup(self, soup):
        table = soup.find('div', {
            'id': 'main_table'
        }).find('table', {'class': 'table_info'})
        if len(table.find_all('tr')) == 1:
            log.debug('No search results were returned, continuing')
            return []
        entries = []
        for tr in table.find_all("tr"):
            if 'colhead_dark' in tr.get('class'):
            name = tr.find('div', {'class': 'main_title'}).find('a').text
            torrent_name = re.search(
                tr.find('div', {
                    'id': 'attachment_dl'
            attachment_link = tr.find('div', {
                'id': 'attachment_dl'
            attachment_id = re.search('attachmentid\=(\d+)',
            raw_size = tr.find_all('td',
                                   {'class': 'inline_info'})[0].text.strip()
            seeders = int(tr.find_all('td', {'class': 'inline_info'})[2].text)
            leechers = int(tr.find_all('td', {'class': 'inline_info'})[3].text)

            e = Entry()
            e['title'] = name
            final_url = 'https://www.fuzer.me/rss/torrent.php/{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(
                attachment_id, self.user_id, self.rss_key, torrent_name)

            log.debug('RSS-ified download link: %s' % final_url)
            e['url'] = final_url

            e['torrent_seeds'] = seeders
            e['torrent_leeches'] = leechers
            e['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(e['torrent_seeds'],

            size = re.search('(\d+.?\d+)([TGMK]?)B', raw_size)
            if size:
                if size.group(2) == 'T':
                    e['content_size'] = int(
                        float(size.group(1)) * 1000**4 / 1024**2)
                elif size.group(2) == 'G':
                    e['content_size'] = int(
                        float(size.group(1)) * 1000**3 / 1024**2)
                elif size.group(2) == 'M':
                    e['content_size'] = int(
                        float(size.group(1)) * 1000**2 / 1024**2)
                elif size.group(2) == 'K':
                    e['content_size'] = int(
                        float(size.group(1)) * 1000 / 1024**2)
                    e['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1)) / 1024**2)
        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def entries_from_search(self, name, url=None):
        """Parses torrent download url from search results"""
        name = normalize_unicode(name)
        if not url:
            url = 'http://www.newtorrents.info/search/%s' % quote(
                name.encode('utf-8'), safe=b':/~?=&%')

        log.debug('search url: %s' % url)

        html = requests.get(url).text
        # fix </SCR'+'IPT> so that BS does not crash
        # TODO: should use beautifulsoup massage
        html = re.sub(r'(</SCR.*?)...(.*?IPT>)', r'\1\2', html)

        soup = get_soup(html)
        # saving torrents in dict
        torrents = []
        for link in soup.find_all('a', attrs={'href': re.compile('down.php')}):
            torrent_url = 'http://www.newtorrents.info%s' % link.get('href')
            release_name = link.parent.next.get('title')
            # quick dirty hack
            seed = link.find_next('td', attrs={
                'class': re.compile('s')
            if seed == 'n/a':
                seed = 0
                    seed = int(seed)
                except ValueError:
                        'Error converting seed value (%s) from newtorrents to integer.'
                        % seed)
                    seed = 0

            # TODO: also parse content_size and peers from results
                      search_sort=torrent_availability(seed, 0)))
        # sort with seed number Reverse order
        torrents.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort', 0))
        # choose the torrent
        if not torrents:
            dashindex = name.rfind('-')
            if dashindex != -1:
                return self.entries_from_search(name[:dashindex])
                return torrents
            if len(torrents) == 1:
                log.debug('found only one matching search result.')
                    'search result contains multiple matches, sorted %s by most seeders'
                    % torrents)
            return torrents
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
            Search for entries on PublicHD

        categories = config.get('category', 'all')
        # Ensure categories a list
        if not isinstance(categories, list):
            categories = [categories]
        # Convert named category to its respective category id number
        categories = [c if isinstance(c, int) else CATEGORIES[c] for c in categories]
        category_url_fragment = '&category=%s' % urllib.quote(';'.join(str(c) for c in categories))

        base_url = 'http://publichd.se/index.php?page=torrents&active=0'

        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string)
            query_url_fragment = '&search=' + urllib.quote(query.encode('utf8'))

            # http://publichd.se/index.php?page=torrents&active=0&category=5;15&search=QUERY
            url = (base_url + category_url_fragment + query_url_fragment)
            log.debug('PublicHD search url: %s' % url)

            page = requests.get(url).content
            soup = get_soup(page)

            for result in soup.findAll('a', href=re.compile('page=torrent-details')):
                entry = Entry()
                entry['title'] = result.text
                # Expand the selection to whole row
                result = result.findPrevious('tr')
                download_url = result.find('a', href=re.compile('\.torrent$'))['href']
                torrent_hash = re.search(r'/([0-9a-fA-F]{5,40})/', download_url).group(1)

                entry['url'] = 'http://publichd.se/download.php?id=%s' % torrent_hash

                seeds, leeches = result.findAll('td', text=re.compile('^\d+$'))
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(seeds.text)
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(leeches.text)
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                size = result.find("td", text=re.compile('(\d+(?:[.,]\d+)*)\s?([KMG]B)')).text
                size = re.search('(\d+(?:[.,]\d+)*)\s?([KMG]B)', size)

                if size:
                    if size.group(2) == 'GB':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1).replace(',', '')) * 1000 ** 3 / 1024 ** 2)
                    elif size.group(2) == 'MB':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1).replace(',', '')) * 1000 ** 2 / 1024 ** 2)
                    elif size.group(2) == 'KB':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1).replace(',', '')) * 1000 / 1024 ** 2)
                        entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1).replace(',', '')) / 1024 ** 2)


        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        Search for name from torrentday.

        categories = config.get('category', 'all')
        # Make sure categories is a list
        if not isinstance(categories, list):
            categories = [categories]
        # If there are any text categories, turn them into their id number
        categories = [c if isinstance(c, int) else CATEGORIES[c] for c in categories]
        params = { 'cata': 'yes', 'c%s' % ','.join(str(c) for c in categories): 1, 'clear-new': 1}
        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):

            url = 'https://www.torrentday.com/browse.php'
            params['search'] = normalize_unicode(search_string).replace(':', '')
            cookies = { 'uid': config['uid'], 'pass': config['passkey'], '__cfduid': config['cfduid'] }

                page = requests.get(url, params=params, cookies=cookies).content
            except RequestException as e:
                raise PluginError('Could not connect to torrentday: %s' % e)

            soup = get_soup(page)

            for tr in soup.find_all('tr', { 'class': 'browse' }):
                entry = Entry()
                # find the torrent names
                title = tr.find('a', { 'class': 'torrentName' })
                entry['title'] = title.contents[0]
                log.debug('title: %s', title.contents[0])

                # find download link
                torrent_url = tr.find('td', { 'class': 'dlLinksInfo' })
                torrent_url = torrent_url.find('a').get('href')

                # construct download URL
                torrent_url = ( 'https://www.torrentday.com/' + torrent_url + '?torrent_pass='******'rss_key'] )
                log.debug('RSS-ified download link: %s', torrent_url)
                entry['url'] = torrent_url

                # us tr object for seeders/leechers
                seeders, leechers = tr.find_all('td', { 'class': ['seedersInfo', 'leechersInfo']})
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(seeders.contents[0].replace(',', ''))
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(leechers.contents[0].replace(',', ''))
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])

                # use tr object for size
                size = tr.find('td', text=re.compile('([\.\d]+) ([TGMKk]?)B')).contents[0]
                size = re.search('([\.\d]+) ([TGMKk]?)B', str(size))

                entry['content_size'] = parse_filesize(size.group(0))


        return sorted(entries, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort'))
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def search(self, query, comparator, config):
        # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
        name = comparator.search_string()
        optionlist = ['misc', 'movies', 'audio', 'tv', 'games', 'apps', 'pics', 'anime', 'comics', 'books',
                      'music video', 'unclassified', 'all']
        url = 'http://isohunt.com/js/rss/%s?iht=%s&noSL' % (
        urllib.quote(name.encode('utf-8')), optionlist.index(config))

        log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
        rss = feedparser.parse(url)
        entries = []

        status = rss.get('status', False)
        if status != 200:
            raise PluginWarning('Search result not 200 (OK), received %s' % status)

        ex = rss.get('bozo_exception', False)
        if ex:
            raise PluginWarning('Got bozo_exception (bad feed)')

        for item in rss.entries:

            # assign confidence score of how close this link is to the name you're looking for. .6 and above is "close"
            log.debug('name: %s' % comparator.a)
            log.debug('found name: %s' % comparator.b)
            log.debug('confidence: %s' % comparator.ratio())
            if not comparator.matches():

            entry = Entry()
            entry['title'] = item.title
            entry['url'] = item.link
            entry['search_ratio'] = comparator.ratio()

            m = re.search(r'Size: ([\d]+).*Seeds: (\d+).*Leechers: (\d+)', item.description, re.IGNORECASE)
            if not m:
                log.debug('regexp did not find seeds / peer data')
                log.debug('regexp found size(%s), Seeds(%s) and Leeches(%s)' % (m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)))

                entry['content_size'] = int(m.group(1))
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(m.group(2))
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(m.group(3))
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])

        # choose torrent
        if not entries:
            raise PluginWarning('No close matches for %s' % name, log, log_once=True)

        entries.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort'))

        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
            Search for entries on PublicHD

        categories = config.get('category', 'all')
        # Ensure categories a list
        if not isinstance(categories, list):
            categories = [categories]
        # Convert named category to its respective category id number
        categories = [c if isinstance(c, int) else CATEGORIES[c] for c in categories]
        category_url_fragment = '&category=%s' % urllib.parse.quote(';'.join(str(c) for c in categories))

        base_url = 'http://publichd.se/index.php?page=torrents&active=0'

        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string)
            query_url_fragment = '&search=' + urllib.parse.quote(query.encode('utf8'))

            # http://publichd.se/index.php?page=torrents&active=0&category=5;15&search=QUERY
            url = (base_url + category_url_fragment + query_url_fragment)
            log.debug('PublicHD search url: %s' % url)

            page = requests.get(url).content
            soup = get_soup(page)

            for result in soup.findAll('a', href=re.compile('page=torrent-details')):
                entry = Entry()
                entry['title'] = result.text
                # Expand the selection to whole row
                result = result.findPrevious('tr')
                download_url = result.find('a', href=re.compile('\.torrent$'))['href']
                torrent_hash = re.search(r'/([0-9a-fA-F]{5,40})/', download_url).group(1)

                entry['url'] = 'http://publichd.se/download.php?id=%s' % torrent_hash

                seeds, leeches = result.findAll('td', text=re.compile('^\d+$'))
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(seeds.text)
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(leeches.text)
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                size = result.find("td", text=re.compile('(\d+(?:[.,]\d+)*)\s?([KMG]B)')).text
                size = re.search('(\d+(?:[.,]\d+)*)\s?([KMG]B)', size)

                if size:
                    if size.group(2) == 'GB':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1).replace(',', '')) * 1000 ** 3 / 1024 ** 2)
                    elif size.group(2) == 'MB':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1).replace(',', '')) * 1000 ** 2 / 1024 ** 2)
                    elif size.group(2) == 'KB':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1).replace(',', '')) * 1000 / 1024 ** 2)
                        entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1).replace(',', '')) / 1024 ** 2)


        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def search(self, task, entry, config):
        search_strings = [normalize_unicode(s).lower() for s in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']])]
        entries = set()
        for search_string in search_strings:
            search_string = clean_title(search_string)
            search_string_url_fragment = search_string
            params = {'rss': 1}
            if config.get('verified'):
                search_string_url_fragment += ' verified:1'
            url = 'https://kat.cr/usearch/%s/' % quote(search_string_url_fragment.encode('utf-8'))
            if config.get('category', 'all') != 'all':
                params['category'] = config['category']

            sorters = [{'field': 'time_add', 'sorder': 'desc'},
                       {'field': 'seeders', 'sorder': 'desc'}]
            for sort in sorters:

                log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
                    r = task.requests.get(url, params=params, raise_status=False)
                except RequestException as e:
                    log.warning('Search resulted in: %s' % e)
                if not r.content:
                    log.debug('No content returned from search.')
                elif r.status_code != 200:
                    log.warning('Search returned %s response code' % r.status_code)
                rss = feedparser.parse(r.content)

                ex = rss.get('bozo_exception', False)
                if ex:
                    log.warning('Got bozo_exception (bad feed)')

                for item in rss.entries:
                    entry = Entry()
                    entry['title'] = item.title

                    if not item.get('enclosures'):
                        log.warning('Could not get url for entry from KAT. Maybe plugin needs updated?')
                    entry['url'] = item.enclosures[0]['url']
                    entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(item.torrent_seeds)
                    entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(item.torrent_peers)
                    entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                    entry['content_size'] = int(item.torrent_contentlength) / 1024 / 1024
                    entry['torrent_info_hash'] = item.torrent_infohash


                if len(rss.entries) < 25:

        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def search(self, entry, config=None):
        config = self.process_config(config)
        feed = REPUTATIONS[config['reputation']]
        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_string', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string +
                                      config.get('extra_terms', ''))
            # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
            url = 'http://torrentz.eu/%s?q=%s' % (
                feed, urllib.quote(query.encode('utf-8')))
            log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
                opened = urllib2.urlopen(url)
            except urllib2.URLError as err:
                url = 'http://torrentz.me/%s?q=%s' % (
                    feed, urllib.quote(query.encode('utf-8')))
                    'torrentz.eu failed, trying torrentz.me. Error: %s' % err)
                    opened = urllib2.urlopen(url)
                except urllib2.URLError as err:
                    raise plugin.PluginWarning('Error requesting URL: %s' %
            rss = feedparser.parse(opened)

            status = rss.get('status', False)
            if status != 200:
                raise plugin.PluginWarning(
                    'Search result not 200 (OK), received %s %s' %
                    (status, opened.msg))

            ex = rss.get('bozo_exception', False)
            if ex:
                raise plugin.PluginWarning('Got bozo_exception (bad feed)')

            for item in rss.entries:
                m = re.search(
                    r'Size: ([\d]+) Mb Seeds: ([,\d]+) Peers: ([,\d]+) Hash: ([a-f0-9]+)',
                    item.description, re.IGNORECASE)
                if not m:
                    log.debug('regexp did not find seeds / peer data')

                entry = Entry()
                entry['title'] = item.title
                entry['url'] = item.link
                entry['content_size'] = int(m.group(1))
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(m.group(2).replace(',', ''))
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(m.group(3).replace(',', ''))
                entry['torrent_info_hash'] = m.group(4).upper()
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                    entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])

        log.debug('Search got %d results' % len(entries))
        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def search(self, entry, config):
        search_strings = [normalize_unicode(s).lower() for s in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']])]
        entries = set()
        for search_string in search_strings:
            search_string_url_fragment = search_string

            if config.get('verified'):
                search_string_url_fragment += ' verified:1'
            url = 'http://kickass.to/search/%s/?rss=1' % urllib.quote(search_string_url_fragment.encode('utf-8'))
            if config.get('category', 'all') != 'all':
                url += '&category=%s' % config['category']

            sorters = [{'field': 'time_add', 'sorder': 'desc'},
                       {'field': 'seeders', 'sorder': 'desc'}]
            for sort in sorters:
                url += '&field=%(field)s&sorder=%(sorder)s' % sort

                log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
                rss = feedparser.parse(url)

                status = rss.get('status', False)
                if status == 404:
                    # Kat returns status code 404 when no results found for some reason...
                    log.debug('No results found for search query: %s' % search_string)
                elif status not in [200, 301]:
                    log.warning('Search result not 200 (OK), received %s' % status)

                ex = rss.get('bozo_exception', False)
                if ex:
                    log.warning('Got bozo_exception (bad feed)')

                for item in rss.entries:
                    entry = Entry()
                    entry['title'] = item.title

                    if not item.get('enclosures'):
                        log.warning('Could not get url for entry from KAT. Maybe plugin needs updated?')
                    entry['url'] = item.enclosures[0]['url']
                    entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(item.torrent_seeds)
                    entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(item.torrent_peers)
                    entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                    entry['content_size'] = int(item.torrent_contentlength) / 1024 / 1024
                    entry['torrent_info_hash'] = item.torrent_infohash


                if len(rss.entries) < 25:

        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        Search for name from piratebay.
        if not isinstance(config, dict):
            config = {}
        self.set_urls(config.get('url', URL))
        sort = SORT.get(config.get('sort_by', 'seeds'))
        if config.get('sort_reverse'):
            sort += 1
        if isinstance(config.get('category'), int):
            category = config['category']
            category = CATEGORIES.get(config.get('category', 'all'))
        filter_url = '/0/%d/%d' % (sort, category)

        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string)

            # TPB search doesn't like dashes or quotes
            query = query.replace('-', ' ').replace("'", " ")

            # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
            url = '%s/search/%s%s' % (self.url, quote(query.encode('utf-8')), filter_url)
            log.debug('Using %s as piratebay search url' % url)
            page = task.requests.get(url).content
            soup = get_soup(page)
            for link in soup.find_all('a', attrs={'class': 'detLink'}):
                entry = Entry()
                entry['title'] = self.extract_title(link)
                if not entry['title']:
                    log.error('Malformed search result. No title or url found. Skipping.')
                href = link.get('href')
                if href.startswith('/'):  # relative link?
                    href = self.url + href
                entry['url'] = href
                tds = link.parent.parent.parent.find_all('td')
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(tds[-2].contents[0])
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(tds[-1].contents[0])
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                # Parse content_size
                size_text = link.find_next(attrs={'class': 'detDesc'}).get_text()
                if size_text:
                    size = re.search('Size (\d+(\.\d+)?\xa0(?:[PTGMK])?i?B)', size_text)
                    if size:
                        entry['content_size'] = parse_filesize(size.group(1))
                        log.error('Malformed search result? Title: "%s", No size? %s', entry['title'], size_text)


        return sorted(entries, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort'))
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def search(self, arg_entry, config=None):
        Search for name from piratebay.
        if not isinstance(config, dict):
            config = {}
        sort = SORT.get(config.get('sort_by', 'seeds'))
        if config.get('sort_reverse'):
            sort += 1
        if isinstance(config.get('category'), int):
            category = config['category']
            category = CATEGORIES.get(config.get('category', 'all'))
        filter_url = '/0/%d/%d' % (sort, category)

        entries = set()
        for search_string in arg_entry.get('search_string',
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string)
            # TPB search doesn't like dashes
            query = query.replace('-', ' ')
            # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
            url = 'http://thepiratebay.%s/search/%s%s' % (
                CUR_TLD, urllib.quote(query.encode('utf-8')), filter_url)
            log.debug('Using %s as piratebay search url' % url)
            page = requests.get(url).content
            soup = get_soup(page)
            for link in soup.find_all('a', attrs={'class': 'detLink'}):
                entry = Entry()
                entry['title'] = link.contents[0]
                entry['url'] = 'http://thepiratebay.%s%s' % (CUR_TLD,
                tds = link.parent.parent.parent.find_all('td')
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(tds[-2].contents[0])
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(tds[-1].contents[0])
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                    entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                # Parse content_size
                size = link.find_next(attrs={'class': 'detDesc'}).contents[0]
                size = re.search('Size ([\.\d]+)\xa0([GMK])iB', size)
                if size:
                    if size.group(2) == 'G':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(
                            float(size.group(1)) * 1000**3 / 1024**2)
                    elif size.group(2) == 'M':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(
                            float(size.group(1)) * 1000**2 / 1024**2)
                        entry['content_size'] = int(
                            float(size.group(1)) * 1000 / 1024**2)

        return sorted(
            entries, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort'))
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def search(self, task, entry, config):
            Search for entries on 1337x

        if not isinstance(config, dict):
            config = {}

        order_by = ''
        sort_order = ''
        if isinstance(config.get('order_by'), str):
            if config['order_by'] != 'leechers':
                order_by = '/{0}/desc'.format(config['order_by'])
                sort_order = 'sort-'

        entries = set()

        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):

            query = '{0}search/{1}{2}/1/'.format(sort_order, quote(search_string.encode('utf8')), order_by)
            log.debug('Using search params: %s; ordering by: %s', search_string, order_by or 'default')
                page = task.requests.get(self.base_url + query)
                log.debug('requesting: %s', page.url)
            except RequestException as e:
                log.error('1337x request failed: %s', e)

            soup = get_soup(page.content)
            if soup.find('div', attrs={'class': 'tab-detail'}) is not None:
                for link in soup.find('div', attrs={'class': 'tab-detail'}).findAll('a', href=re.compile('^/torrent/')):

                    li = link.parent.parent.parent

                    title = str(link.text).replace('...', '')
                    info_url = self.base_url + str(link.get('href'))[1:]
                    seeds = int(li.find('span', class_='green').string)
                    leeches = int(li.find('span', class_='red').string)
                    size = str(li.find('div', class_='coll-4').string)

                    size = parse_filesize(size)

                    e = Entry()

                    e['url'] = info_url
                    e['title'] = title
                    e['torrent_seeds'] = seeds
                    e['torrent_leeches'] = leeches
                    e['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(e['torrent_seeds'], e['torrent_leeches'])
                    e['content_size'] = size


        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def search(self, query, comparator=StringComparator(), config=None):
        if config:
            feed = REPUTATIONS[config]
            feed = REPUTATIONS['good']
        # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
        query = comparator.search_string()
        url = 'http://torrentz.eu/%s?q=%s' % (feed, urllib.quote(query.encode('utf-8')))
        log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
        rss = feedparser.parse(url)
        entries = []

        status = rss.get('status', False)
        if status != 200:
            raise PluginWarning('Search result not 200 (OK), received %s' % status)

        ex = rss.get('bozo_exception', False)
        if ex:
            raise PluginWarning('Got bozo_exception (bad feed)')

        for item in rss.entries:
            # assign confidence score of how close this link is to the name you're looking for. .6 and above is "close"
            log.debug('name: %s' % comparator.a)
            log.debug('found name: %s' % comparator.b)
            log.debug('confidence: %s' % comparator.ratio())
            if not comparator.matches():

            m = re.search(r'Size: ([\d]+) Mb Seeds: ([,\d]+) Peers: ([,\d]+) Hash: ([a-f0-9]+)',
                          item.description, re.IGNORECASE)
            if not m:
                log.debug('regexp did not find seeds / peer data')

            entry = Entry()
            entry['title'] = item.title
            entry['url'] = item.link
            entry['content_size'] = int(m.group(1))
            entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(m.group(2).replace(',', ''))
            entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(m.group(3).replace(',', ''))
            entry['torrent_info_hash'] = m.group(4).upper()
            entry['search_ratio'] = comparator.ratio()
            entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])

        # choose torrent
        if not entries:
            raise PluginWarning('No close matches for %s' % query, log, log_once=True)

        entries.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort'))
        log.debug('Search got %d results' % len(entries))
        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def search(self, entry, config):
        # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
        name = normalize_unicode(entry['title'])
        optionlist = [
            'misc', 'movies', 'audio', 'tv', 'games', 'apps', 'pics', 'anime',
            'comics', 'books', 'music video', 'unclassified', 'all'
        url = 'http://isohunt.com/js/rss/%s?iht=%s&noSL' % (urllib.quote(
            name.encode('utf-8')), optionlist.index(config))

        log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
        rss = feedparser.parse(url)
        entries = []

        status = rss.get('status', False)
        if status != 200:
            raise PluginWarning('Search result not 200 (OK), received %s' %

        ex = rss.get('bozo_exception', False)
        if ex:
            raise PluginWarning('Got bozo_exception (bad feed)')

        for item in rss.entries:
            entry = Entry()
            entry['title'] = item.title
            entry['url'] = item.link

            m = re.search(r'Size: ([\d]+).*Seeds: (\d+).*Leechers: (\d+)',
                          item.description, re.IGNORECASE)
            if not m:
                log.debug('regexp did not find seeds / peer data')
                log.debug('regexp found size(%s), Seeds(%s) and Leeches(%s)' %
                          (m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)))

                entry['content_size'] = int(m.group(1))
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(m.group(2))
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(m.group(3))
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                    entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])

        # choose torrent
        if not entries:
            raise PluginWarning('No close matches for %s' % name,

        entries.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort'))

        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        config = self.prepare_config(config)

        if not session.cookies:
            log.debug('Logging in to %s...' % URL)
            params = {
                'username': config['username'],
                'password': config['password'],
                'keeplogged': '1',
                'login': '******'
            session.post(URL + 'login.php', data=params)

        cat = ''.join([
            '&' + ('filter_cat[%s]' % id) + '=1' for id in config['category']
        rls = 'release_type=' + config['type']
        url_params = rls + cat
        multip = config['gravity_multiplier']

        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            srch = normalize_unicode(clean_title(search_string))
            srch = '&searchstr=' + quote(srch.encode('utf8'))

            url = URL + 'torrents.php?' + url_params + srch
            log.debug('Fetching URL for `%s`: %s' % (search_string, url))

            page = session.get(url).content
            soup = get_soup(page)

            for result in soup.findAll('tr', attrs={'class': 'torrent'}):
                entry = Entry()
                entry['title'] = result.find('span',
                                                 'class': 'torrent_name_link'
                entry['url'] = URL + result.find(
                    'a', href=re.compile(
                entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'] = [
                    r.text for r in result.findAll('td')[-2:]
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                    entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches']) * multip

                size = result.findAll('td')[-4].text
                size = re.search('(\d+(?:[.,]\d+)*)\s?([KMG]B)', size)

                entry['content_size'] = parse_filesize(size.group(0))

        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def search(self, entry, config):
        api_key = config

        searches = entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']])

        if 'series_name' in entry:
            search = {'series': entry['series_name']}
            if 'series_id' in entry:
                # BTN wants an ep style identifier even for sequence shows
                if entry.get('series_id_type') == 'sequence':
                    search['name'] = 'S01E%02d' % entry['series_id']
                    search['name'] = entry['series_id']
            searches = [search]

        results = set()
        for search in searches:
            data = json.dumps({
                'method': 'getTorrents',
                'params': [api_key, search],
                'id': 1
                r = session.post('http://api.btnapps.net/',
                                 headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'})
            except requests.RequestException as e:
                log.error('Error searching btn: %s' % e)
            content = r.json()
            if not content or not content['result']:
                log.debug('No results from btn')
            if 'torrents' in content['result']:
                for item in content['result']['torrents'].itervalues():
                    if item['Category'] != 'Episode':
                    entry = Entry()
                    entry['title'] = item['ReleaseName']
                    entry['title'] += ' '.join([
                        '', item['Resolution'], item['Source'], item['Codec']
                    entry['url'] = item['DownloadURL']
                    entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(item['Seeders'])
                    entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(item['Leechers'])
                    entry['torrent_info_hash'] = item['InfoHash']
                    entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                        entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                    if item['TvdbID']:
                        entry['tvdb_id'] = int(item['TvdbID'])
        return results
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def entries_from_search(self, name, url=None, comparator=StringComparator(cutoff=0.9)):
        """Parses torrent download url from search results"""
        name = comparator.search_string()
        if not url:
            url = 'http://www.newtorrents.info/search/%s' % urllib.quote(name, safe=':/~?=&%')

        log.debug('search url: %s' % url)

        html = urlopener(url, log).read()
        # fix </SCR'+'IPT> so that BS does not crash
        # TODO: should use beautifulsoup massage
        html = re.sub(r'(</SCR.*?)...(.*?IPT>)', r'\1\2', html)
        soup = get_soup(html)
        # saving torrents in dict
        torrents = []
        for link in soup.findAll('a', attrs={'href': re.compile('down.php')}):
            torrent_url = 'http://www.newtorrents.info%s' % link.get('href')
            release_name = link.parent.next.get('title')
            # quick dirty hack
            seed = link.findNext('td', attrs={'class': re.compile('s')}).renderContents()
            if seed == 'n/a':
                seed = 0
                    seed = int(seed)
                except ValueError:
                    log.warning('Error converting seed value (%s) from newtorrents to integer.' % seed)
                    seed = 0
            #TODO: also parse content_size and peers from results
            if comparator.matches(release_name):
                torrents.append(Entry(title=release_name, url=torrent_url, torrent_seeds=seed,
                                      search_ratio=comparator.ratio(), search_sort=torrent_availability(seed, 0)))
                log.debug('rejecting search result: %s !~ %s' % (release_name, name))
        # sort with seed number Reverse order
        torrents.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort', 0))
        # choose the torrent
        if not torrents:
            dashindex = name.rfind('-')
            if dashindex != -1:
                return self.entries_from_search(name[:dashindex], comparator=comparator)
                raise PluginWarning('No matches for %s' % name, log, log_once=True)
            if len(torrents) == 1:
                log.debug('found only one matching search result.')
                log.debug('search result contains multiple matches, sorted %s by most seeders' % torrents)
            return torrents
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def search(self, query, comparator, config):
        name = comparator.search_string().lower()
        url = 'http://www.kat.ph/search/%s/?rss=1' % urllib.quote(
        if config != 'all':
            url += '&category=%s' % config

        log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
        rss = feedparser.parse(url)
        entries = []

        status = rss.get('status', False)
        if status != 200:
            raise PluginWarning('Search result not 200 (OK), received %s' %

        ex = rss.get('bozo_exception', False)
        if ex:
            raise PluginWarning('Got bozo_exception (bad feed)')

        for item in rss.entries:
            # Check if item passes comparator
            log.debug('name: %s, found name: %s, confidence: %s' %
                      (comparator.a, comparator.b, comparator.ratio()))
            if not comparator.matches():

            entry = Entry()
            entry['title'] = item.title
            if item.torrentlink.startswith('//'):
                entry['url'] = 'http:' + item.torrentlink
                entry['url'] = item.torrentlink
            entry['search_ratio'] = comparator.ratio()
            entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(item.seeds)
            entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(item.leechs)
            entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
            entry['content_size'] = int(item.size) / 1024 / 1024
            entry['torrent_info_hash'] = item.hash


        # choose torrent
        if not entries:
            raise PluginWarning('No matches for %s' % name, log, log_once=True)

        entries.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort'))
        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def search(self, query, comparator, config):
        name = comparator.search_string().lower()
        search_string = name
        if config.get('verified'):
            search_string += ' verified:1'
        url = 'http://kat.ph/search/%s/?rss=1' % urllib.quote(search_string.encode('utf-8'))
        if config.get('category', 'all') != 'all':
            url += '&category=%s' % config['category']

        log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
        rss = feedparser.parse(url)
        entries = []

        status = rss.get('status', False)
        if status != 200:
            raise PluginWarning('Search result not 200 (OK), received %s' % status)

        ex = rss.get('bozo_exception', False)
        if ex:
            raise PluginWarning('Got bozo_exception (bad feed)')

        for item in rss.entries:
            # Check if item passes comparator
            log.debug('name: %s, found name: %s, confidence: %s' % (comparator.a, comparator.b, comparator.ratio()))
            if not comparator.matches():

            entry = Entry()
            entry['title'] = item.title

            if not item.get('enclosures'):
                log.warning('Could not get url for entry from KAT. Maybe plugin needs updated?')
            entry['url'] = item.enclosures[0]['url']
            entry['search_ratio'] = comparator.ratio()
            entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(item.seeds)
            entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(item.leechs)
            entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
            entry['content_size'] = int(item.size) / 1024 / 1024
            entry['torrent_info_hash'] = item.hash


        # choose torrent
        if not entries:
            raise PluginWarning('No matches for %s' % name, log, log_once=True)

        entries.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort'))
        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        config = self.prepare_config(config)

        if not session.cookies:
            log.debug('Logging in to %s...' % URL)
            params = {
                'username': config['username'],
                'password': config['password'],
                'keeplogged': '1',
                'login': '******'
            session.post(URL + 'login.php', data=params)

        cat = ''.join(['&' + ('filter_cat[%s]' % id) + '=1' for id in config['category']])
        rls = 'release_type=' + config['type']
        url_params = rls + cat
        multip = config['gravity_multiplier']

        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            srch = normalize_unicode(clean_title(search_string))
            srch = '&searchstr=' + quote(srch.encode('utf8'))

            url = URL + 'torrents.php?' + url_params + srch
            log.debug('Fetching URL for `%s`: %s' % (search_string, url))

            page = session.get(url).content
            soup = get_soup(page)

            for result in soup.findAll('tr', attrs={'class': 'torrent'}):
                entry = Entry()
                entry['title'] = result.find('span', attrs={'class': 'torrent_name_link'}).text
                entry['url'] = URL + result.find('a', href=re.compile('torrents\.php\?action=download')).get('href')
                entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'] = [r.text for r in result.findAll('td')[-2:]]
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches']) * multip

                size = result.findAll('td')[-4].text
                size = re.search('(\d+(?:[.,]\d+)*)\s?([KMG]B)', size)

                if size:
                    if size.group(2) == 'GB':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1).replace(',', '')) * 1000 ** 3 / 1024 ** 2)
                    elif size.group(2) == 'MB':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1).replace(',', '')) * 1000 ** 2 / 1024 ** 2)
                    elif size.group(2) == 'KB':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1).replace(',', '')) * 1000 / 1024 ** 2)
                        entry['content_size'] = int(float(size.group(1).replace(',', '')) / 1024 ** 2)

        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        config = self.process_config(config)
        feed = REPUTATIONS[config['reputation']]
        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string + config.get('extra_terms', ''))
            for domain in ['eu', 'me', 'ch', 'in']:
                # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
                url = 'http://torrentz.%s/%s?q=%s' % (domain, feed, quote(query.encode('utf-8')))
                log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
                    r = task.requests.get(url)
                except requests.ConnectionError as err:
                    # The different domains all resolve to the same ip, so only try more if it was a dns error
                    log.warning('torrentz.%s connection failed. Error: %s' % (domain, err))
                except requests.RequestException as err:
                    raise plugin.PluginError('Error getting torrentz search results: %s' % err)

                raise plugin.PluginError('Error getting torrentz search results')

            if not r.content.strip():
                raise plugin.PluginError('No data from %s. Maybe torrentz is blocking the FlexGet User-Agent' % url)

            rss = feedparser.parse(r.content)

            if rss.get('bozo_exception'):
                raise plugin.PluginError('Got bozo_exception (bad rss feed)')

            for item in rss.entries:
                m = re.search(r'Size: ([\d]+) Mb Seeds: ([,\d]+) Peers: ([,\d]+) Hash: ([a-f0-9]+)',
                              item.description, re.IGNORECASE)
                if not m:
                    log.debug('regexp did not find seeds / peer data')

                entry = Entry()
                entry['title'] = item.title
                entry['url'] = item.link
                entry['content_size'] = int(m.group(1))
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(m.group(2).replace(',', ''))
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(m.group(3).replace(',', ''))
                entry['torrent_info_hash'] = m.group(4).upper()
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])

        log.debug('Search got %d results' % len(entries))
        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def extract_entry_from_soup(self, soup):
        table = soup.find('div', {'id': 'main_table'})
        if table is None:
            raise PluginError(
                'Could not fetch results table from Fuzer, aborting')

        log.trace('fuzer results table: %s', table)
        table = table.find('table', {'class': 'table_info'})
        if len(table.find_all('tr')) == 1:
            log.debug('No search results were returned from Fuzer, continuing')
            return []

        entries = []
        for tr in table.find_all("tr"):
            if not tr.get('class') or 'colhead_dark' in tr.get('class'):
            name = tr.find('div', {'class': 'main_title'}).find('a').text
            torrent_name = re.search(
                tr.find('div', {
                    'style': 'float: right;'
            attachment_link = tr.find('div', {
                'style': 'float: right;'
            attachment_id = re.search('attachmentid=(\d+)',
            raw_size = tr.find_all('td',
                                   {'class': 'inline_info'})[0].text.strip()
            seeders = int(tr.find_all('td', {'class': 'inline_info'})[2].text)
            leechers = int(tr.find_all('td', {'class': 'inline_info'})[3].text)

            e = Entry()
            e['title'] = name
            final_url = 'https://www.fuzer.me/rss/torrent.php/{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(
                attachment_id, self.user_id, self.rss_key, torrent_name)

            log.debug('RSS-ified download link: %s', final_url)
            e['url'] = final_url

            e['torrent_seeds'] = seeders
            e['torrent_leeches'] = leechers
            e['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(e['torrent_seeds'],

            size = re.search('(\d+(?:[.,]\d+)*)\s?([KMGTP]B)', raw_size)
            e['content_size'] = parse_filesize(size.group(0))

        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        Search for name from piratebay.
        if not isinstance(config, dict):
            config = {}
        sort = SORT.get(config.get("sort_by", "seeds"))
        if config.get("sort_reverse"):
            sort += 1
        if isinstance(config.get("category"), int):
            category = config["category"]
            category = CATEGORIES.get(config.get("category", "all"))
        filter_url = "/0/%d/%d" % (sort, category)

        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get("search_strings", [entry["title"]]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string)
            # TPB search doesn't like dashes
            query = query.replace("-", " ")
            # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
            url = "http://thepiratebay.%s/search/%s%s" % (CUR_TLD, quote(query.encode("utf-8")), filter_url)
            log.debug("Using %s as piratebay search url" % url)
            page = requests.get(url).content
            soup = get_soup(page)
            for link in soup.find_all("a", attrs={"class": "detLink"}):
                entry = Entry()
                entry["title"] = self.extract_title(link)
                if not entry["title"]:
                    log.error("Malformed search result. No title or url found. Skipping.")
                entry["url"] = "http://thepiratebay.%s%s" % (CUR_TLD, link.get("href"))
                tds = link.parent.parent.parent.find_all("td")
                entry["torrent_seeds"] = int(tds[-2].contents[0])
                entry["torrent_leeches"] = int(tds[-1].contents[0])
                entry["search_sort"] = torrent_availability(entry["torrent_seeds"], entry["torrent_leeches"])
                # Parse content_size
                size = link.find_next(attrs={"class": "detDesc"}).contents[0]
                size = re.search("Size ([\.\d]+)\xa0([GMK])iB", size)
                if size:
                    if size.group(2) == "G":
                        entry["content_size"] = int(float(size.group(1)) * 1000 ** 3 / 1024 ** 2)
                    elif size.group(2) == "M":
                        entry["content_size"] = int(float(size.group(1)) * 1000 ** 2 / 1024 ** 2)
                        entry["content_size"] = int(float(size.group(1)) * 1000 / 1024 ** 2)

        return sorted(entries, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get("search_sort"))
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def search(self, entry, config=None):
        config = self.process_config(config)
        feed = REPUTATIONS[config['reputation']]
        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_string', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string +
                                      config.get('extra_terms', ''))
            for domain in ['eu', 'me']:
                # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
                url = 'http://torrentz.%s/%s?q=%s' % (
                    domain, feed, urllib.quote(query.encode('utf-8')))
                log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
                    r = requests.get(url)
                except requests.RequestException as err:
                    log.warning('torrentz.%s failed. Error: %s' %
                                (domain, err))
                raise plugin.PluginWarning(
                    'Error getting torrentz search results')

            rss = feedparser.parse(r.content)

            ex = rss.get('bozo_exception', False)
            if ex:
                raise plugin.PluginWarning('Got bozo_exception (bad feed)')

            for item in rss.entries:
                m = re.search(
                    r'Size: ([\d]+) Mb Seeds: ([,\d]+) Peers: ([,\d]+) Hash: ([a-f0-9]+)',
                    item.description, re.IGNORECASE)
                if not m:
                    log.debug('regexp did not find seeds / peer data')

                entry = Entry()
                entry['title'] = item.title
                entry['url'] = item.link
                entry['content_size'] = int(m.group(1))
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(m.group(2).replace(',', ''))
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(m.group(3).replace(',', ''))
                entry['torrent_info_hash'] = m.group(4).upper()
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                    entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])

        log.debug('Search got %d results' % len(entries))
        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def search(self, entry, config=None):
        config = self.process_config(config)
        feed = REPUTATIONS[config['reputation']]
        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_string', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string+config.get('extra_terms', ''))
            # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
            url = 'http://torrentz.eu/%s?q=%s' % (feed, urllib.quote(query.encode('utf-8')))
            log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
                opened = urllib2.urlopen(url)
            except urllib2.URLError as err:
                url = 'http://torrentz.me/%s?q=%s' % (feed, urllib.quote(query.encode('utf-8')))
                log.warning('torrentz.eu failed, trying torrentz.me. Error: %s' % err)
                    opened = urllib2.urlopen(url)
                except urllib2.URLError as err:
                    raise plugin.PluginWarning('Error requesting URL: %s' % err)
            rss = feedparser.parse(opened)

            status = rss.get('status', False)
            if status != 200:
                raise plugin.PluginWarning(
                    'Search result not 200 (OK), received %s %s' %
                    (status, opened.msg))

            ex = rss.get('bozo_exception', False)
            if ex:
                raise plugin.PluginWarning('Got bozo_exception (bad feed)')

            for item in rss.entries:
                m = re.search(r'Size: ([\d]+) Mb Seeds: ([,\d]+) Peers: ([,\d]+) Hash: ([a-f0-9]+)',
                              item.description, re.IGNORECASE)
                if not m:
                    log.debug('regexp did not find seeds / peer data')

                entry = Entry()
                entry['title'] = item.title
                entry['url'] = item.link
                entry['content_size'] = int(m.group(1))
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(m.group(2).replace(',', ''))
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(m.group(3).replace(',', ''))
                entry['torrent_info_hash'] = m.group(4).upper()
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])

        log.debug('Search got %d results' % len(entries))
        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def search(self, entry, config=None):
        config = self.process_config(config)
        feed = REPUTATIONS[config["reputation"]]
        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get("search_strings", [entry["title"]]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string + config.get("extra_terms", ""))
            for domain in ["eu", "me"]:
                # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
                url = "http://torrentz.%s/%s?q=%s" % (domain, feed, urllib.quote(query.encode("utf-8")))
                log.debug("requesting: %s" % url)
                    r = requests.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": "FlexGet/%s" % flexget.__version__})
                except requests.RequestException as err:
                    log.warning("torrentz.%s failed. Error: %s" % (domain, err))
                raise plugin.PluginError("Error getting torrentz search results")

            if not r.content.strip():
                raise plugin.PluginError("No data from %s. Maybe torrentz is blocking the FlexGet User-Agent" % url)

            rss = feedparser.parse(r.content)

            if rss.get("bozo_exception"):
                raise plugin.PluginError("Got bozo_exception (bad rss feed)")

            for item in rss.entries:
                m = re.search(
                    r"Size: ([\d]+) Mb Seeds: ([,\d]+) Peers: ([,\d]+) Hash: ([a-f0-9]+)",
                if not m:
                    log.debug("regexp did not find seeds / peer data")

                entry = Entry()
                entry["title"] = item.title
                entry["url"] = item.link
                entry["content_size"] = int(m.group(1))
                entry["torrent_seeds"] = int(m.group(2).replace(",", ""))
                entry["torrent_leeches"] = int(m.group(3).replace(",", ""))
                entry["torrent_info_hash"] = m.group(4).upper()
                entry["search_sort"] = torrent_availability(entry["torrent_seeds"], entry["torrent_leeches"])

        log.debug("Search got %d results" % len(entries))
        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def entries_from_search(self, name, url=None):
        """Parses torrent download url from search results"""
        name = normalize_unicode(name)
        if not url:
            url = 'http://www.newtorrents.info/search/%s' % quote(name.encode('utf-8'), safe=b':/~?=&%')

        log.debug('search url: %s' % url)

        html = requests.get(url).text
        # fix </SCR'+'IPT> so that BS does not crash
        # TODO: should use beautifulsoup massage
        html = re.sub(r'(</SCR.*?)...(.*?IPT>)', r'\1\2', html)

        soup = get_soup(html)
        # saving torrents in dict
        torrents = []
        for link in soup.find_all('a', attrs={'href': re.compile('down.php')}):
            torrent_url = 'http://www.newtorrents.info%s' % link.get('href')
            release_name = link.parent.next.get('title')
            # quick dirty hack
            seed = link.find_next('td', attrs={'class': re.compile('s')}).renderContents()
            if seed == 'n/a':
                seed = 0
                    seed = int(seed)
                except ValueError:
                    log.warning('Error converting seed value (%s) from newtorrents to integer.' % seed)
                    seed = 0

            # TODO: also parse content_size and peers from results
            torrents.append(Entry(title=release_name, url=torrent_url, torrent_seeds=seed,
                                  search_sort=torrent_availability(seed, 0)))
        # sort with seed number Reverse order
        torrents.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort', 0))
        # choose the torrent
        if not torrents:
            dashindex = name.rfind('-')
            if dashindex != -1:
                return self.entries_from_search(name[:dashindex])
                return torrents
            if len(torrents) == 1:
                log.debug('found only one matching search result.')
                log.debug('search result contains multiple matches, sorted %s by most seeders' % torrents)
            return torrents
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def search(self, entry, config):
        search_strings = [
            for s in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']])
        entries = set()
        for search_string in search_strings:
            if config.get('verified'):
                search_string += ' verified:1'
            url = 'http://kickass.to/search/%s/?rss=1' % urllib.quote(
            if config.get('category', 'all') != 'all':
                url += '&category=%s' % config['category']

            log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
            rss = feedparser.parse(url)

            status = rss.get('status', False)
            if status != 200:
                raise plugin.PluginWarning(
                    'Search result not 200 (OK), received %s' % status)

            ex = rss.get('bozo_exception', False)
            if ex:
                raise plugin.PluginWarning('Got bozo_exception (bad feed)')

            for item in rss.entries:
                entry = Entry()
                entry['title'] = item.title

                if not item.get('enclosures'):
                        'Could not get url for entry from KAT. Maybe plugin needs updated?'
                entry['url'] = item.enclosures[0]['url']
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(item.torrent_seeds)
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(item.torrent_peers)
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                    entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                entry['content_size'] = int(
                    item.torrent_contentlength) / 1024 / 1024
                entry['torrent_info_hash'] = item.torrent_infohash


        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def search(self, query, comparator, config):
        name = comparator.search_string().lower()
        url = 'http://www.kat.ph/search/%s/?rss=1' % urllib.quote(name.encode('utf-8'))
        if config != 'all':
            url += '&category=%s' % config

        log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
        rss = feedparser.parse(url)
        entries = []

        status = rss.get('status', False)
        if status != 200:
            raise PluginWarning('Search result not 200 (OK), received %s' % status)

        ex = rss.get('bozo_exception', False)
        if ex:
            raise PluginWarning('Got bozo_exception (bad feed)')

        for item in rss.entries:
            # Check if item passes comparator
            log.debug('name: %s, found name: %s, confidence: %s' % (comparator.a, comparator.b, comparator.ratio()))
            if not comparator.matches():

            entry = Entry()
            entry['title'] = item.title
            if item.torrentlink.startswith('//'):
                entry['url'] = 'http:' + item.torrentlink
                entry['url'] = item.torrentlink
            entry['search_ratio'] = comparator.ratio()
            entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(item.seeds)
            entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(item.leechs)
            entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
            entry['content_size'] = int(item.size) / 1024 / 1024
            entry['torrent_info_hash'] = item.hash


        # choose torrent
        if not entries:
            raise PluginWarning('No matches for %s' % name, log, log_once=True)

        entries.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort'))
        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        entries = set()
        search_strings = [normalize_unicode(s) for s in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']])]
        for search_string in search_strings:
            url = 'https://yts.am/api/v2/list_movies.json?query_term=%s' % (

            log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)

                result = requests.get(url)
                    data = result.json()
                except ValueError:
                    log.debug('Could not decode json from response: %s', result.text)
                    raise plugin.PluginError('Error getting result from yts.')
            except requests.RequestException as e:
                raise plugin.PluginError('Could not retrieve query from yts (%s)' % e.args[0])
            if not data['status'] == 'ok':
                raise plugin.PluginError('failed to query YTS')

                if data['data']['movie_count'] > 0:
                    for item in data['data']['movies']:
                        for torrent in item['torrents']:
                            entry = Entry()
                            entry['title'] = item['title']
                            entry['year'] = item['year']
                            entry['url'] = torrent['url']
                            entry['content_size'] = parse_filesize(str(torrent['size_bytes']) + "b")
                            entry['torrent_seeds'] = torrent['seeds']
                            entry['torrent_leeches'] = torrent['peers']
                            entry['torrent_info_hash'] = torrent['hash']
                            entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                            entry['quality'] = torrent['quality']
                            entry['imdb_id'] = item['imdb_code']
                            if entry.isvalid():
            except Exception:
                log.debug('invalid return structure from YTS')

        log.debug('Search got %d results' % len(entries))
        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 52
    def search(self, entry, config):
        api_key = config

        searches = entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']])

        if 'series_name' in entry:
            search = {'series': entry['series_name']}
            if 'series_id' in entry:
                search['name'] = entry['series_id']
            searches = [search]

        results = []
        for search in searches:
            data = json.dumps({
                'method': 'getTorrents',
                'params': [api_key, search],
                'id': 1
                r = session.post('http://api.btnapps.net/',
                                 headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'})
            except requests.RequestException as e:
                log.error('Error searching btn: %s' % e)
            content = r.json()
            if content['result']['results']:
                for item in content['result']['torrents'].itervalues():
                    if item['Category'] != 'Episode':
                    entry = Entry()
                    entry['title'] = item['ReleaseName']
                    entry['url'] = item['DownloadURL']
                    entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(item['Seeders'])
                    entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(item['Leechers'])
                    entry['torrent_info_hash'] = item['InfoHash']
                    entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                        entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                    if item['TvdbID']:
                        entry['tvdb_id'] = int(item['TvdbID'])
        return results
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def search(self, task, entry, config):
        if not isinstance(config, dict):
            config = {'category': config}
        config.setdefault('category', 'anime eng')
        config.setdefault('filter', 'all')
        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            name = normalize_unicode(search_string)
            url = 'https://www.nyaa.si/?page=rss&q=%s&c=%s&f=%s' % (
                quote(name.encode('utf-8')), CATEGORIES[config['category']],

            log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
            rss = feedparser.parse(url)

            status = rss.get('status', False)
            if status != 200:
                log.debug('Search result not 200 (OK), received %s' % status)
            if status >= 400:

            ex = rss.get('bozo_exception', False)
            if ex:
                log.error('Got bozo_exception (bad feed) on %s' % url)

            for item in rss.entries:
                entry = Entry()
                entry['title'] = item.title
                entry['url'] = item.link
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(item.nyaa_seeders)
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(item.nyaa_leechers)
                entry['torrent_info_hash'] = item.nyaa_infohash
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                    entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                if item.nyaa_size:
                    entry['content_size'] = parse_filesize(item.nyaa_size)


        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 54
    def search(self, entry, config):
        search_strings = [
            for s in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']])
        entries = set()
        for search_string in search_strings:
            search_string_url_fragment = search_string

            if config.get('verified'):
                search_string_url_fragment += ' verified:1'
            url = 'http://kickass.to/search/%s/?rss=1' % urllib.quote(
            if config.get('category', 'all') != 'all':
                url += '&category=%s' % config['category']

            sorters = [{
                'field': 'time_add',
                'sorder': 'desc'
            }, {
                'field': 'seeders',
                'sorder': 'desc'
            for sort in sorters:
                url += '&field=%(field)s&sorder=%(sorder)s' % sort

                log.debug('requesting: %s' % url)
                rss = feedparser.parse(url)

                status = rss.get('status', False)
                if status == 404:
                    # Kat returns status code 404 when no results found for some reason...
                    log.debug('No results found for search query: %s' %
                elif status != 200:
                    raise plugin.PluginWarning(
                        'Search result not 200 (OK), received %s' % status)

                ex = rss.get('bozo_exception', False)
                if ex:
                    raise plugin.PluginWarning('Got bozo_exception (bad feed)')

                for item in rss.entries:
                    entry = Entry()
                    entry['title'] = item.title

                    if not item.get('enclosures'):
                            'Could not get url for entry from KAT. Maybe plugin needs updated?'
                    entry['url'] = item.enclosures[0]['url']
                    entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(item.torrent_seeds)
                    entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(item.torrent_peers)
                    entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                        entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                    entry['content_size'] = int(
                        item.torrent_contentlength) / 1024 / 1024
                    entry['torrent_info_hash'] = item.torrent_infohash


                if len(rss.entries) < 25:

        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        Search for name from torrent411.
        url_base = 'http://www.t411.in'

        if not isinstance(config, dict):
            config = {}

        category = config.get('category')
        if category in list(CATEGORIES):
            category = CATEGORIES[category]

        sub_categories = config.get('sub_category')
        if not isinstance(sub_categories, list):
            sub_categories = [sub_categories]

        filter_url = ''
        if isinstance(category, int):
            filter_url = '&cat=%s' % str(category)

            if sub_categories[0] is not None:
                sub_categories = [SUB_CATEGORIES[c] for c in sub_categories]
                filter_url = filter_url + '&' + '&'.join([
                    urllib.quote_plus('term[%s][]' % c[0]).encode('utf-8') +
                    '=' + str(c[1]) for c in sub_categories

        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string)
            url_search = ('/torrents/search/?search=%40name+' +
                          urllib.quote_plus(query.encode('utf-8')) +

            opener = urllib2.build_opener()
            opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')]
            response = opener.open(url_base + url_search)

            data = response.read()
            soup = get_soup(data)
            tb = soup.find("table", class_="results")
            if not tb:

            for tr in tb.findAll('tr')[1:][:-1]:
                entry = Entry()
                nfo_link_res = re.search('torrents/nfo/\?id=(\d+)', str(tr))
                if nfo_link_res is not None:
                    tid = nfo_link_res.group(1)
                title_res = re.search(
                    '<a href=\"//www.t411.in/torrents/([-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%|?=~_|!:,.;]+)\" title="([^"]*)">',
                if title_res is not None:
                    entry['title'] = title_res.group(2).decode('utf-8')
                size = tr('td')[5].contents[0]
                    'url'] = 'http://www.t411.in/torrents/download/?id=%s' % tid
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = tr('td')[7].contents[0]
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = tr('td')[8].contents[0]
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                    entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])
                size = re.search('([\.\d]+) ([GMK]?)B', size)
                if size:
                    if size.group(2) == 'G':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(
                            float(size.group(1)) * 1000**3 / 1024**2)
                    elif size.group(2) == 'M':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(
                            float(size.group(1)) * 1000**2 / 1024**2)
                    elif size.group(2) == 'K':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(
                            float(size.group(1)) * 1000 / 1024**2)
                        entry['content_size'] = int(
                            float(size.group(1)) / 1024**2)
                auth_handler = t411Auth(config['username'], config['password'])

                entry['download_auth'] = auth_handler

            return sorted(entries,
                          key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort'))
Ejemplo n.º 56
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
            Search for entries on SceneAccess

        session = task.requests

        if 'sceneaccess.eu' not in session.domain_limiters:
                TimedLimiter('sceneaccess.eu', '7 seconds'))

        if not session.cookies:
            log.debug('Logging in to %s...' % URL)
            params = {
                'username': config['username'],
                'password': config['password'],
                'submit': 'come on in'
            session.post(URL + 'login', data=params)

        if 'gravity_multiplier' in config:
            multip = config['gravity_multiplier']
            multip = 1

        # Prepare queries...
        BASE_URLS = list()
        entries = set()
        for category in self.processCategories(config):
            BASE_URLS.append(URL +
                             '%(url_path)s?method=2%(category_url_string)s' %

        # Search...
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            search_string_normalized = normalize_unicode(
            search_string_url_fragment = '&search=' + quote(

            for url in BASE_URLS:
                url += search_string_url_fragment
                log.debug('Search URL for `%s`: %s' % (search_string, url))

                page = session.get(url).content
                soup = get_soup(page)

                for result in soup.findAll('tr', attrs={'class': 'tt_row'}):
                    entry = Entry()
                    entry['title'] = result.find(
                        'a', href=re.compile(r'details\?id=\d+'))['title']
                    entry['url'] = URL + result.find(
                        'a', href=re.compile(r'.torrent$'))['href']

                    entry['torrent_seeds'] = result.find('td',
                    entry['torrent_leeches'] = result.find('td',
                    entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                        entry['torrent_leeches']) * multip

                    size = result.find('td', attrs={'class': 'ttr_size'}).text
                    size = re.search('(\d+(?:[.,]\d+)*)\s?([KMG]B)', size)

                    if size:
                        if size.group(2) == 'GB':
                            entry['content_size'] = int(
                                float(size.group(1)) * 1000**3 / 1024**2)
                        elif size.group(2) == 'MB':
                            entry['content_size'] = int(
                                float(size.group(1)) * 1000**2 / 1024**2)
                        elif size.group(2) == 'KB':
                            entry['content_size'] = int(
                                float(size.group(1)) * 1000 / 1024**2)
                            entry['content_size'] = int(
                                float(size.group(1)) / 1024**2)


        return entries
Ejemplo n.º 57
    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        Search for name from torrentleech.
        rss_key = config['rss_key']

        # build the form request:
        data = {
            'username': config['username'],
            'password': config['password'],
            'remember_me': 'on',
            'submit': 'submit'
        # POST the login form:
        login = requests.post('https://torrentleech.org/', data=data)

        if not isinstance(config, dict):
            config = {}
        # sort = SORT.get(config.get('sort_by', 'seeds'))
        # if config.get('sort_reverse'):
        # sort += 1
        categories = config.get('category', 'all')
        # Make sure categories is a list
        if not isinstance(categories, list):
            categories = [categories]
        # If there are any text categories, turn them into their id number
        categories = [
            c if isinstance(c, int) else CATEGORIES[c] for c in categories
        filter_url = '/categories/%s' % ','.join(str(c) for c in categories)
        entries = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string).replace(":", "")
            # urllib.quote will crash if the unicode string has non ascii characters, so encode in utf-8 beforehand
            url = ('http://torrentleech.org/torrents/browse/index/query/' +
                   quote(query.encode('utf-8')) + filter_url)
            log.debug('Using %s as torrentleech search url' % url)

            page = requests.get(url, cookies=login.cookies).content
            soup = get_soup(page)

            for tr in soup.find_all("tr", ["even", "odd"]):
                # within each even or odd row, find the torrent names
                link = tr.find("a", attrs={'href': re.compile('/torrent/\d+')})
                log.debug('link phase: %s' % link.contents[0])
                entry = Entry()
                # extracts the contents of the <a>titlename/<a> tag
                entry['title'] = link.contents[0]

                # find download link
                torrent_url = tr.find("a",
                # parse link and split along /download/12345 and /name.torrent
                download_url = re.search('(/download/\d+)/(.+\.torrent)',
                # change link to rss and splice in rss_key
                torrent_url = 'http://torrentleech.org/rss' + download_url.group(1) + '/' \
                              + rss_key + '/' + download_url.group(2)
                log.debug('RSS-ified download link: %s' % torrent_url)
                entry['url'] = torrent_url

                # us tr object for seeders/leechers
                seeders, leechers = tr.find_all('td', ["seeders", "leechers"])
                entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(seeders.contents[0])
                entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(leechers.contents[0])
                entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(
                    entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches'])

                # use tr object for size
                size = tr.find(
                    "td", text=re.compile('([\.\d]+) ([TGMK]?)B')).contents[0]
                size = re.search('([\.\d]+) ([TGMK]?)B', size)
                if size:
                    if size.group(2) == 'T':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(
                            float(size.group(1)) * 1000**4 / 1024**2)
                    elif size.group(2) == 'G':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(
                            float(size.group(1)) * 1000**3 / 1024**2)
                    elif size.group(2) == 'M':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(
                            float(size.group(1)) * 1000**2 / 1024**2)
                    elif size.group(2) == 'K':
                        entry['content_size'] = int(
                            float(size.group(1)) * 1000 / 1024**2)
                        entry['content_size'] = int(
                            float(size.group(1)) / 1024**2)

        return sorted(entries,
                      key=lambda x: x.get('search_sort'))