Ejemplo n.º 1
 def get_portstats(self, stwitch_ip):
     swtch = FlexSwitch(stwitch_ip,
                        8080)  # Instantiate object to talk to flexSwitch
     ports = swtch.getAllPortStates()
     return ports
Ejemplo n.º 2
class FlexPrint( object):
    def  __init__ (self, ip, port):
        self.swtch = FlexSwitch(ip, port)

    def printPortState(self, IntfRef):


    def printPortStates(self, IntfRef=None):

        ports = self.swtch.getAllPortStates()
        for port in ports:
        	p = port['Object']

        	if IntfRef == None or IntfRef == p['IntfRef']:
        		port_config = self.swtch.getPort(p['IntfRef']).json()
        		pc = port_config['Object'] 
        		ipv4_state = self.swtch.getIPv4IntfState(p['IntfRef']).json()
        		#print ipv4_state
        		if ipv4_state.has_key('Error'):
        			ipv4 = None
        			ipv4 = ipv4_state['Object']
        		if not p['LastDownEventTime']:
        			lastdown = p['LastDownEventTime']
        		if not p['LastUpEventTime']:
        			lastdown = p['LastDownEventTime']
        		print p['Name'], "is", p['OperState'], "Admin State is", pc['AdminState'] 
        		if ipv4 is not None:
        			print "  IPv4 Address is", ipv4['IpAddr']
        		print "  PresentInHW:", p['PresentInHW']
        		print "  PhyType:", pc['PhyIntfType'],",","Media Type:",pc['MediaType'],"," , "Address:", pc['MacAddr']
        		print "  MTU",  pc['Mtu'],"Bytes"
        		print " ",pc['Duplex'],",",pc['Speed'],"Mb/s"
        		print "  Breakout Status:", pc['BreakOutMode']
        		print "  Last link down:",p['LastDownEventTime']
        		print "  Last link up:",   p['LastUpEventTime']
        		print "  Number of Link flaps:", p['NumDownEvents']
        		print "  ErrDisableReason:", p['ErrDisableReason']
        		print "  RX"
        		print "   ",p['IfInUcastPkts'],"unicast packets",p['IfInOctets'],"unicast octets"
        		print "   ",p['IfInDiscards'],"input discards", p['IfInErrors'], "input errors"
        		print "   ",p['IfInUnknownProtos'],"unknown protocol"
        		print "  TX"
        		print "   ",p['IfOutUcastPkts'],"unicast packets",p['IfOutOctets'],"unicast octets"
        		print "   ",p['IfOutDiscards'],"output discards", p['IfOutErrors'], "output errors"					
        		print '------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
    def printIPv4RouteStates(self):
        routes = self.swtch.getAllIPv4RouteStates()     
        print "IP Route Table"
        print "'[x/y]' denotes [preference/metric]"
        print "\n"    	
        for r in routes:
            rt = r['Object']
            rt_spec = self.swtch.getIPv4RouteState(rt['DestinationNw']).json()
            rt_count = len(rt_next['NextHopList'])  
            route_distance = self.swtch.getRouteDistanceState(rt['Protocol']).json()
            rd = route_distance['Object']    
            if rt['PolicyList'] is None:
                policy = str(rt['PolicyList']).split("[")[1].split()[1]
            print rt['DestinationNw'], "ubest/mbest: 1/0"+",", "Policy:", policy
            while rt_count > 0:
            	if rt['Protocol'] == "CONNECTED":
            		ip_int = self.swtch.getIPv4IntfState(rt_next['NextHopList'][rt_count-1]['NextHopIntRef']).json()	
                	print "   via",ip_int['Object']['IpAddr'].split("/")[0] +", "+rt_next['NextHopList'][rt_count-1]['NextHopIntRef']+", "+"["+str(rd['Distance'])+"/"+str(rt_next['NextHopList'][rt_count-1]['Weight'])+"]"+",",rt['RouteCreatedTime']+",",rt['Protocol']            		
                	print "   via", rt_next['NextHopList'][rt_count-1]['NextHopIp']+", "+rt_next['NextHopList'][rt_count-1]['NextHopIntRef']+", "+"["+str(rd['Distance'])+"/"+str(rt_next['NextHopList'][rt_count-1]['Weight'])+"]"+",",rt['RouteCreatedTime']+",",rt['Protocol']


    def printIPv4IntfStates(self, IntfRef=None):
        ipv4intfs = self.swtch.getAllIPv4IntfStates()
        if len(ipv4intfs):
            print '------Ip Info------\n'
        for ipv4intf in ipv4intfs:
            if ipv4intf == IntfRef or IntfRef is None:
                print 'address: %s' %(ipv4intf['IntfRef'])

    def printIPv4IntfState(self, IntfRef):

    def printVlanState(self, VlanId):

        found = self.printVlanStates(int(VlanId))
        if not found:
            print "VlanId %d NOT FOUND" % (VlanId,)

    def printVlanStates(self, VlanId=None):
        vlans = self.swtch.getAllVlanStates()
        if len(vlans):
            print '\n\n\t\t---- Vlans ----'
            print '%13s%12s%15s%10s' %('Vlan','Name','OperState','IfIndex')
            return 0
        for v in vlans:
            vlan = v['Object']
            if VlanId == None or vlan['VlanId'] == int(VlanId):
                print '%13s%12s%15s%10s\n' %(vlan['VlanId'], vlan['VlanName'], vlan['OperState'], vlan['IfIndex'])

        return 1

    def printPolicyStates (self) :
        policies = self.swtch.getObjects('PolicyDefinitionStates')
        if len(policies) :
            print '\n\n---- Policies----'
            print 'Name            Hit Counter     Affected Routes'
        for plcy in policies:
            for route in plcy['IpPrefixList']:
                routes = routes + '  ' +route
            print '%s       %s          %s ' %(plcy['Name'], 
    def printDHCPHostStates (self) :
        hosts = self.swtch.getObjects('DhcpRelayHostDhcpStates')
        if len(hosts) :
            print '\n\n---- Hosts ----'
            print 'MacAddress  ServerIP   DiscoverSent@   OfferReceived@  RequestSent@  AckReceived@   OfferedIP   RequestedIP   AcceptedIP    GWIP   ClntTx  ClntRx  SvrRx  SvrTx'
        for host in hosts:
            print '%s   %s  %s   %s     %s   %s  %s   %s     %s   %s  %s   %s   %s  %s' %(

    def printVlans (self):
        vlans = self.swtch.getObjects('Vlans')
        if len(vlans):
            print '\n\n---- Vlans ----'
            print 'VlanId  Name   IfIndex   TaggedPorts     UntaggedPorts       Status'
        for vlan in vlans:
            print '%s   %s  %s  %s   %s  %s' %(vlan ['VlanId'],
                                               vlan ['VlanName'],
                                               vlan ['IfIndex'],
                                               vlan ['IfIndexList'],
                                               vlan ['UntagIfIndexList'],
                                               vlan ['OperState'])

    def printVrrpIntfState (self):
        vrids = self.swtch.getObjects('VrrpIntfStates')
	entry.IfIndex = gblInfo.IntfConfig.IfIndex
	entry.VRID = gblInfo.IntfConfig.VRID
	entry.IntfIpAddr = gblInfo.IpAddr
	entry.Priority = gblInfo.IntfConfig.Priority
	entry.VirtualIPv4Addr = gblInfo.IntfConfig.VirtualIPv4Addr
	entry.AdvertisementInterval = gblInfo.IntfConfig.AdvertisementInterval
	entry.PreemptMode = gblInfo.IntfConfig.PreemptMode
	entry.VirtualRouterMACAddress = gblInfo.IntfConfig.VirtualRouterMACAddress
	entry.SkewTime = gblInfo.SkewTime
	entry.MasterDownInterval = gblInfo.MasterDownInterval
        if len(vrids):
            print ''
            print 'IfIndex   VRID    Vip     Priority   State     ViMac              IntfIp      Preempt  Advertise    Skew  Master_Down'
            print '================================================================================================================'
            for fObject in vrids:
                entry = fObject['Object']
                print '%s   %s  %s     %s   %s   %s      %s   %s    %s            %s      %s' %(entry ['IfIndex'],
                                                                   entry ['VRID'],
                                                                   entry ['VirtualIPv4Addr'],
                                                                   entry ['Priority'],
                                                                   entry ['VrrpState'],
                                                                   entry ['VirtualRouterMACAddress'],
                                                                   entry ['IntfIpAddr'],
                                                                   entry ['PreemptMode'],
                                                                   entry ['AdvertisementInterval'],
                                                                   entry ['SkewTime'],
                                                                   entry ['MasterDownTimer'])
            print ''

    def printOspfLsdb(self) :
        lsas = self.swtch.getObjects('OspfLsdbEntryStates')
        if len(lsas) :
            print '\n\n---- Link State DB----'
            print 'LSA Type LS Checksum     LS Age      LS AreaId       LS ID       LS Sequence     LS RouterId     LS Advertisement'
        count = 0
        for lsa in lsas:
            count = count + 1
            print 'LS Database Entry Number:', count
            #print '%s           %s          %s          %s      %s      %s      %s      %s' %(lsa ['LsdbType'],
             #                                                               lsa ['LsdbChecksum'],
             #                                                               lsa ['LsdbAge'],
             #                                                               lsa ['LsdbAreaId'],
             #                                                               lsa ['LsdbLsid'],
             #                                                               lsa ['LsdbSequence'],
             #                                                               lsa ['LsdbRouterId'],
              #                                                              lsa ['LsdbAdvertisement'])
            adv = lsa['LsdbAdvertisement'].split(':')
            #print adv
            if lsa['LsdbType'] == 1 :
                print "LS Type: Router LSA"
            elif lsa['LsdbType'] == 2 :
                print "LS Type: Network LSA"
            elif lsa['LsdbType'] == 3 :
                print "LS Type: Summary Type 3 LSA"
            elif lsa['LsdbType'] == 4 :
                print "LS Type: Summary Type 4 LSA"
            elif lsa['LsdbType'] == 5 :
                print "LS Type: AS External LSA"

            print 'LS Age:', lsa ['LsdbAge']
            print 'Link State Id:', lsa ['LsdbLsid']
            print 'Advertising Router:', lsa ['LsdbRouterId']
            print 'LS Sequence Number:', lsa ['LsdbSequence']
            print 'LS Checksum:', lsa ['LsdbChecksum']
            if lsa['LsdbType'] == 1 :
                options = int(adv[0])
                if options & 0x1 :
                    print 'Bit B : true'
                else :
                    print 'Bit B : false'
                if options & 0x2 :
                    print 'Bit E : true'
                else :
                    print 'Bit E : false'
                if options & 0x4 :
                    print 'Bit V : true'
                else :
                    print 'Bit V : false'
                numOfLinks = int(adv[2]) << 8 | int(adv[3])
                print 'Number of Links:', numOfLinks
                for i in range(0, numOfLinks) :
                    print '         Link Number:', i+1
                    linkId = adv[4 + (i * 12)] + '.' + adv[4 + (i * 12) + 1] + '.' + adv[4 + (i * 12) + 2] + '.' + adv[4 + (i * 12) + 3]
                    print '         Link ID:', linkId
                    linkData = adv[4 + (i * 12) + 4] + '.' + adv[4 + (i * 12) + 5] + '.' + adv[4 + (i * 12) + 6] + '.' + adv[4 + (i * 12) + 7]
                    print '         Link Data:', linkData
                    linkType = ""
                    lType = adv[4 + (i * 12) + 8]
                    if lType == '1' :
                        linkType = "Point-to-Point Connection"
                    elif lType == '2' :
                        linkType = "Transit Link" 
                    elif lType == '3' :
                        linkType = "Stub Link" 
                    elif lType == '4' :
                        linkType = "Virtual Link" 
                    print '         Link Type:', linkType
                    numOfTOS = int(adv[4 + (i * 12) + 9])
                    print '         Number of TOS:', numOfTOS
                    metric = int(adv[4 + (i * 12) + 10]) << 8 | int(adv[4 + (i * 12) + 11])
                    print '         Metric:', metric
                    print ''
            elif lsa['LsdbType'] == 2 :
                netmask = adv[0] + '.' + adv[1] + '.' + adv[2] + '.' + adv[3]
                print 'Netmask:', netmask
                for i in range(0, (len(adv) - 4) / 4) :
                    attachedRtr = adv[4 + i * 4] + '.' + adv[5 + i * 4] + '.' + adv[6 + i * 4] + '.' + adv[3 + i * 4]
                    print '         Attached Router:', attachedRtr
            print ''

    def printStpBridges(self):

        brgs = self.swtch.getObjects('StpBridgeStates')

        if len(brgs):
            print '\n\n---- STP Bridge DB----'

            count = 0
            for data in brgs:
                obj = data['Object']
                print "BrgIfIndex: ", obj["IfIndex"]
                #print "Version: ", obj["ForceVersion"]
                print "Bridge Id: ", obj["Address"]
                print "Bridge Hello time: ", obj["BridgeHelloTime"]
                print "Bridge TxHold: ", obj["TxHoldCount"]
                print "Bridge Forwarding Delay: ", obj["BridgeForwardDelay"]
                print "Bridge Max Age: ", obj["BridgeMaxAge"]
                print "Bridge Priority: ", obj["Priority"]
                print "Time Since Topology Change: UNSUPPORTED" #nextStpBridgeState.Dot1dStpTimeSinceTopologyChange uint32 //The time (in hundredths of a second) since the last time a topology change was detected by the bridge entity. For RSTP, this reports the time since the tcWhile timer for any port on this Bridge was nonzero.
                print "Topology Changes: UNSUPPORTED" #nextStpBridgeState.Dot1dStpTopChanges              uint32 //The total number of topology changes detected by this bridge since the management entity was last reset or initialized.
                print "Root Bridge Id: ", obj["DesignatedRoot"]
                print "Root Cost: ", obj["RootCost"]
                print "Root Port: ", obj["RootPort"]
                print "Max Age: ", obj["MaxAge"]
                print "Hello Time: ", obj["HelloTime"]
                print "Hold Time: UNSUPPORTED" #Dot1dStpHoldTime = int32(b.TxHoldCount)
                print "Forwarding Delay: ", obj["ForwardDelay"]
                print "Bridge Vlan: ", obj["Vlan"] if obj["Vlan"] != 0 else "DEFAULT"
                print "=====================================================================================\n\n"

    def printStpPorts(self):
        stateDict = {
            1 : "Disabled",
            2 : "Blocked",
            3 : "Listening",
            4 : "Learning",
            5 : "Forwarding",
            6 : "Broken",
        linkTypeDict = {
            0 : "LAN",
            1 : "P2P",

        ports = self.swtch.getObjects('StpPortStates')

        if len(ports):
            print '\n\n---- STP PORT DB----'
            for data in ports:
                obj = data['Object']
                bainconsistant = "(inconsistant)" if obj["BridgeAssuranceInconsistant"] else ""
                print "IfIndex %s of BrgIfIndex %s is %s %s" %(obj["IfIndex"], obj["BrgIfIndex"], stateDict[obj["State"]], bainconsistant)
                #print "Enabled %s, Protocol Migration %s" %(obj["Enable"], obj["ProtocolMigration"])
                print "Enabled %s" %(obj["Enable"],)
                print "Port path cost %s, Port priority %s, Port Identifier %s" %(obj["PathCost32"], obj["Priority"], obj["IfIndex"])
                print "Designated root has bridge id %s" %(obj["DesignatedRoot"])
                print "Designated bridge has bridge id %s" %(obj["DesignatedBridge"])
                print "Designated port id %s, designated path cost %s admin path cost %s" %(obj["DesignatedPort"], obj["DesignatedCost"], obj["AdminPathCost"])
                print "Root Timers: max age %s, forward delay %s, hello %s" %(obj["MaxAge"],obj["ForwardDelay"],obj["HelloTime"],)
                print "Number of transitions to forwarding state: %s" %(obj["ForwardTransitions"],)
                print "AdminEdge %s OperEdge %s" %(obj["AdminEdgePort"], obj["OperEdgePort"])
                print "Bridge Assurance %s Bpdu Guard %s" %(obj["BridgeAssurance"], obj["BpduGuard"])
                print "Link Type %s" %("UNSUPPORTED",)
                print "\nPort Timers: (current tick(seconds) count)"
                print "EdgeDelayWhile:\t", obj["EdgeDelayWhile"]
                print "FdWhile:       \t", obj["FdWhile"]
                print "HelloWhen:     \t", obj["HelloWhen"]
                print "MdelayWhile:   \t", obj["MdelayWhile"]
                print "RbWhile:       \t", obj["RbWhile"]
                print "RcvdInfoWhile  \t", obj["RcvdInfoWhile"]
                print "RrWhile:       \t", obj["RrWhile"]
                print "TcWhile:       \t", obj["TcWhile"]
                print "\nCounters:"
                print "        %13s%13s" %("RX", "TX")
                print "BPDU    %13s%13s" %(obj["BpduInPkts"], obj["BpduOutPkts"])
                print "STP     %13s%13s" %(obj["StpInPkts"], obj["StpOutPkts"])
                print "TC      %13s%13s" %(obj["TcInPkts"], obj["TcOutPkts"])
                print "TC ACK  %13s%13s" %(obj["TcAckInPkts"], obj["TcAckOutPkts"])
                print "RSTP    %13s%13s" %(obj["RstpInPkts"], obj["RstpOutPkts"])
                print "PVST    %13s%13s" %(obj["PvstInPkts"], obj["PvstOutPkts"])
                print "\nFSM States:"
                print "PIM - Port Information, PRTM - Port Role Transition, PRXM - Port Receive"
                print "PSTM - Port State Transition, PPM - Port Protocol Migration, PTXM - Port Transmit"
                print "PTIM - Port Timer, BDM - Bridge Detection, TCM - Topology Change"
                print "MACHINE       %20s%20s" %("CURRENT", "PREVIOUS")
                print "PIM           %20s%20s" %(obj["PimCurrState"], obj["PimPrevState"])
                print "PRTM          %20s%20s" %(obj["PrtmCurrState"], obj["PrtmPrevState"])
                print "PRXM          %20s%20s" %(obj["PrxmCurrState"], obj["PrxmPrevState"])
                print "PSTM          %20s%20s" %(obj["PstmCurrState"], obj["PstmPrevState"])
                print "PPM           %20s%20s" %(obj["PpmCurrState"], obj["PpmPrevState"])
                print "PTXM          %20s%20s" %(obj["PtxmCurrState"], obj["PtxmPrevState"])
                print "PTIM          %20s%20s" %(obj["PtimCurrState"], obj["PtimPrevState"])
                print "BDM           %20s%20s" %(obj["BdmCurrState"], obj["BdmPrevState"])
                print "TCM           %20s%20s" %(obj["TcmCurrState"], obj["TcmPrevState"])
                print "====================================================================="

    def printLaPortChannelMembers(self):

        RxMachineStateDict = {
            0 : "RX_CURRENT",
            1 : "RX_EXPIRED",
            2 : "RX_DEFAULTED",
            3 : "RX_INITIALIZE",
            4 : "RX_LACP_DISABLED",
            5 : "RX_PORT_DISABLE",

        MuxMachineStateDict = {
            0 : "MUX_DETACHED",
            1 : "MUX_WAITING",
            2 : "MUX_ATTACHED",
            3 : "MUX_COLLECTING",
            4 : "MUX_DISTRIBUTING",

        ChurnMachineStateDict = {
            0 : "CDM_NO_CHURN",
            1 : "CDM_CHURN",

        //Collecting bool
        // parent leaf
        //OperKey uint16
        // parent leaf
        //PartnerId string
        // parent leaf
        //Interface string
        // parent leaf
        //Synchronization int32
        // parent leaf
        //Aggregatable bool
        // parent leaf
        Mtu uint16
        // parent leaf
        //LacpMode int32
        // parent leaf
        //PartnerKey uint16
        // parent leaf
        Description string
        // parent leaf
        //SystemIdMac string
        // parent leaf
        //LagType int32
        // parent leaf
        //SystemId string
        // parent leaf
        //Interval int32
        // parent leaf
        //Enabled bool
        // parent leaf
        //NameKey string `SNAPROUTE: KEY`
        // parent leaf
        //Distributing bool
        // parent leaf
        //Timeout int32
        // parent leaf
        //Activity int32
        // parent leaf
        //SystemPriority uint16
        // parent leaf
        Type string
        // parent leaf
        MinLinks uint16
        //yang_name: lacp-in-pkts class: leaf
        //LacpInPkts uint64
        //yang_name: lacp-out-pkts class: leaf
        //LacpOutPkts uint64
        //yang_name: lacp-rx-errors class: leaf
        //LacpRxErrors uint64
        //yang_name: lacp-tx-errors class: leaf
        //LacpTxErrors uint64
        //yang_name: lacp-unknown-errors class: leaf
        //LacpUnknownErrors uint64
        //yang_name: lacp-errors class: leaf
        //LacpErrors uint64

        members = self.swtch.getAllLaPortChannelMemberStates()

        for data in members:
            d = data['Object']

            print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n'
            print 'IfIndex: ' + "%s" % d['IfIndex'] + 'LagId: ' + "%s" %d['LagId'] + 'LagIfIndex: ' + "%s" %d['LagIfIndex']
            print 'OperState: ' + d['OperState']
            #print 'lagtype: ' + ('LACP' if not d['LagType'] else 'STATIC')
            print 'operkey: %s' % d['OperKey']
            #print 'mode: ' + ('ACTIVE' if not d['LacpMode'] else 'PASSIVE')
            #print 'interval: %s' % (('SLOW' if d['Interval'] else 'FAST'))
            #print 'system:\n'
            #print '\tsystemmac: %s' % d['SystemIdMac']
            #print '\tsysteprio: %s' % d['SystemPriority']
            #print '\tsystemId: %s' % d['SystemId']
            print 'actor:'
            stateStr = '\tstate: '
            for s in ('Activity', 'Timeout', 'Aggregatable', 'Synchronization', 'Collecting', 'Distributing', 'Defaulted'):
                if s == 'Synchronization' and not d[s]:
                    stateStr += s + ', '
                elif s == 'Activity' and not d[s]:
                    stateStr += s + ', '
                elif s in ('Activity', 'Synchronization'):
                elif d[s]:
                    stateStr += s + ', '
            print stateStr.rstrip(',')

            print '\tstats:'
            for s in ('LacpInPkts', 'LacpOutPkts', 'LacpRxErrors', 'LacpTxErrors', 'LacpUnknownErrors', 'LacpErrors', 'LampInPdu', 'LampOutPdu', 'LampInResponsePdu', 'LampOutResponsePdu'):
                print '\t' + s, ': ', d[s]

            print 'partner:\n'
            print '\t' + 'key: %s' % d['PartnerKey']
            print '\t' + 'partnerid: ' + d['PartnerId']

            print 'debug:\n'
                print '\t' + 'debugId: %s' % d['DebugId']
                print '\t' + 'RxMachineState: %s' % RxMachineStateDict[d['RxMachine']]
                print '\t' + 'RxTime (rx pkt rcv): %s' % d['RxTime']
                print '\t' + 'MuxMachineState: %s' % MuxMachineStateDict[d['MuxMachine']]
                print '\t' + 'MuxReason: %s' % d['MuxReason']
                print '\t' + 'Actor Churn State: %s' % ChurnMachineStateDict[d['ActorChurnMachine']]
                print '\t' + 'Partner Churn State: %s' % ChurnMachineStateDict[d['PartnerChurnMachine']]
                print '\t' + 'Actor Churn Count: %s' % d['ActorChurnCount']
                print '\t' + 'Partner Churn Count: %s' % d['PartnerChurnCount']
                print '\t' + 'Actor Sync Transition Count: %s' % d['ActorSyncTransitionCount']
                print '\t' + 'Partner Sync Transition Count: %s' % d['PartnerSyncTransitionCount']
                print '\t' + 'Actor LAG ID change Count: %s' % d['ActorChangeCount']
                print '\t' + 'Partner LAG ID change Count: %s' % d['PartnerChangeCount']
            except Exception as e:
                print e

    # TODO fix cli so that the name is better
    def printBGPRouteStates(self, ):
        routes = self.swtch.getAllBGPRouteStates()
        print '\n\n---- BGP Routes ----'
        labels = ('Network', 'NextHop', 'Metric', 'LocalPref', 'Updated', 'Path')
        rows = []
        for r in routes:
            rt = r['Object']
            if rt['Path'] is None:
               bgp_path =  rt['Path']
               bgp_path = [x.encode('utf-8') for x in rt['Path']]
                        "%s" %(rt['NextHop']),
                        "%s" %(rt['Metric']),
                        "%s" %(rt['LocalPref']),
                        "%s" %(rt['UpdatedDuration'].split(".")[0]),
                        "%s" %( bgp_path )))
        width = 30
        print indent([labels]+rows, hasHeader=True, separateRows=False,
                     prefix=' ', postfix=' ', headerChar= '-', delim='    ',
                     wrapfunc=lambda x: wrap_onspace_strict(x,width))

    def printIPv4IntfStates(self,):
        ipintfs = self.swtch.getAllIPv4IntfStates()
        print '\n\n---- IP Interfaces ----'
        labels = ('Interface', 'IfIndex', 'Address', 'OperState', 'L2IntfType', 'L2IntfId')
        rows = []
        for i in ipintfs:
            ip = i['Object']
                        "%s" %(ip['IfIndex']),
                        "%s" %(ip['IpAddr']),
                        "%s" %(ip['OperState']),
                        "%s" %(ip['L2IntfType']),
                        "%s" %(ip['L2IntfId'])))
        width = 20
        print indent([labels]+rows, hasHeader=True, separateRows=False,
                     prefix=' ', postfix=' ', headerChar= '-', delim='    ',
                     wrapfunc=lambda x: wrap_onspace_strict(x,width))

        labels = ('NumUpEvents', 'LastUpEventTime', 'NumDownEvents', 'LastDownEventtime')
        rows = []
        for i in ipintfs:
            ip = i['Object']
            rows.append(("%s" %(ip['NumUpEvents']),
                        "%s" %(ip['LastUpEventTime']),
                        "%s" %(ip['NumDownEvents']),
                        "%s" %(ip['LastDownEventTime'])))
        width = 20
        print indent([labels]+rows, hasHeader=True, separateRows=False,
                     prefix=' ', postfix=' ', headerChar= '-', delim='    ',
                     wrapfunc=lambda x: wrap_onspace_strict(x,width))

    def printBGPNeighborStates(self):	   
		   sessionState=  {  1: "Idle",
				     2: "Connect",
				     3: "Active",
				     4: "OpenSent",
				     5: "OpenConfirm",
				     6: "Established"
		   peers = self.swtch.getAllBGPNeighborStates()
		   if len(peers)>=0: 
			   print '\n'
			   labels = ('Neighbor','LocalAS','PeerAS','State','RxMsg','TxMsg','Description','Prefixes_Rcvd')
			   for p in peers:
			       pr = p['Object']
			       RXmsg = (pr['Messages']['Received']['Notification']) + (pr['Messages']['Received']['Update'])
			       TXmsg = (pr['Messages']['Sent']['Notification']) + (pr['Messages']['Sent']['Update'])
			       rows.append( (pr['NeighborAddress'],
						 "%s" %(pr['LocalAS']),
						 "%s" %(pr['PeerAS']),
						 "%s" %(sessionState[pr['SessionState']]),
						 "%s" %(RXmsg),
						 "%s" %(TXmsg),
						 "%s" %(pr['Description']),
						 "%s" %(pr['TotalPrefixes'])))
			   width = 20
			   print indent([labels]+rows, hasHeader=True, separateRows=False,
                     		prefix=' ', postfix=' ', headerChar= '-', delim='    ',
                     		wrapfunc=lambda x: wrap_onspace_strict(x,width))
Ejemplo n.º 3
import sys
import os
import simplejson as json
from flexswitchV2 import FlexSwitch

"""This program demonstrates 
   simple read APIs supported by FlexSwitch SDK. 
   This specific example is reading all the Port states.
   getAllPortStates returns a list of ports. Each item in the
   list of ports would contain port attributes. """

if __name__ == '__main__':
    swtch = FlexSwitch ('', 8080)  # Instantiate object to talk to flexSwitch
    ports = swtch.getAllPortStates()          # Get all the state information for all ports
    port = ports[0]      #Just print first port information
    print json.dumps(port['Object'])

Ejemplo n.º 4
                        help='Ip Address of the node')


    args = parser.parse_args()

    restIf = FlexSwitch(args.ip, args.port)
    portDict = {}
    while True:
        portsInfo = restIf.getAllPortStates()
        for port in portsInfo:
            portName = port['Object']['Name']
            portStat = portDict.get(port['Object']['Name'], None)
            if portStat == None:
                portStat = PortStat()
                portDict[port['Object']['Name']] = portStat

            discardRate = portStat.getDiscardRate(5)
            if port['Object']['IfInDiscards']:
                print 'Port %s Discard Count %s ' % (
                    portName, port['Object']['IfInDiscards'])

            if discardRate > 100:
                print 'Shutting Port %s Discard rate is %s' % (portName,