Ejemplo n.º 1
def zeta(s):
    zeta(s) -- calculate the Riemann zeta function of a real or complex
    argument s.

    Float._prec += 8
    si = s
    s = ComplexFloat(s)
    if s.real < 0:
        # Reflection formula (XXX: gets bad around the zeros)
        pi = pi_float()
        y = power(2, s) * power(pi, s-1) * sin(pi*s/2) * gamma(1-s) * zeta(1-s)
        p = Float._prec
        n = int((p + 2.28*abs(float(s.imag)))/2.54) + 3
        d = _zeta_coefs(n)
        if isinstance(si, (int, long)):
            t = 0
            for k in range(n):
                t += (((-1)**k * (d[k] - d[n])) << p) // (k+1)**si
            y = (Float((t, -p)) / -d[n]) / (Float(1) - Float(2)**(1-si))
            t = Float(0)
            for k in range(n):
                t += (-1)**k * Float(d[k]-d[n]) * exp(-_logk(k+1)*s)
            y = (t / -d[n]) / (Float(1) - exp(log(2)*(1-s)))
    if isinstance(y, ComplexFloat) and s.imag == 0:
        return +y.real
        return +y
Ejemplo n.º 2
def erf(x):
    x = ComplexFloat(x)
    if x == 0: return Float(0)
    if x.real < 0: return -erf(-x)
    Float._prec += 10
    y = lower_gamma(0.5, x**2) / sqrt(pi_float())
    if x.imag == 0:
        y = y.real
    return +y
Ejemplo n.º 3
def lower_gamma(a, z):
    prec = Float._prec
    # XXX: may need more precision
    Float._prec += 15
    a = ComplexFloat(a)
    z = ComplexFloat(z)
    s = _lower_gamma_series(a.real, a.imag, z.real, z.imag, prec)
    y = exp(log(z)*a) * exp(-z) * s / a
    return +y
Ejemplo n.º 4
def gamma(x):
    gamma(x) -- calculate the gamma function of a real or complex
    number x.
    x must not be a negative integer or 0
    Float._prec += 2

    if isinstance(x, complex):
        x = ComplexFloat(x)
    elif not isinstance(x, (Float, ComplexFloat, Rational, int, long)):
        x = Float(x)

    if isinstance(x, (ComplexFloat, complex)):
        re, im = x.real, x.imag
        re, im = x, 0

    # For negative x (or positive x close to the pole at x = 0),
    # we use the reflection formula
    if re < 0.25:
        if re == int(re) and im == 0:
            raise ZeroDivisionError, "gamma function pole"
        Float._prec += 3
        p = pi_float()
        g = p / (sin(p*x) * gamma(1-x))
        x -= 1
        prec, a, c = _get_spouge_coefficients(Float.getprec()+7)
        s = _spouge_sum(x, prec, a, c)
        if not isinstance(x, (Float, ComplexFloat)):
            x = Float(x)
        # TODO: higher precision may be needed here when the precision
        # and/or size of x are extremely large
        Float._prec += 10
        g = exp(log(x+a)*(x+Float(0.5))) * exp(-x-a) * s

    return +g
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def adaptive(self, f, a, b, eps, steps=0, maxsteps=5000, verbose=False):
     prec = Float.getprec()
     for m in xrange(self.initial, 50):
         if verbose:
             print "using tanh-sinh rule with m =", m
         ts = TanhSinh(eps, m, verbose=verbose)
         s, err = ts(f, a, b, verbose=verbose)
         steps = 2*len(ts.x)
         if err <= eps or steps >= maxsteps:
             return s, err, steps
         if verbose:
             print "error = ", err
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _calc_spouge_coefficients(a, prec):
    Calculate Spouge coefficients for approximation with parameter a.
    Return a list of big integers representing the coefficients in
    fixed-point form with a precision of prec bits.

    # We'll store the coefficients as fixed-point numbers but calculate
    # them as Floats for convenience. The initial terms are huge, so we
    # need to allocate extra bits to ensure full accuracy. The integer
    # part of the largest term has size ~= exp(a) or 2**(1.4*a)
    floatprec = prec + int(a*1.4)

    c = [0] * a
    b = exp(a-1)
    e = exp(1)
    c[0] = make_fixed(sqrt(2*pi_float()), prec)
    for k in range(1, a):
        # print "%02f" % (100.0 * k / a), "% done"
        c[k] = make_fixed(((-1)**(k-1) * (a-k)**k) * b / sqrt(a-k), prec)
        # Divide off e and k instead of computing exp and k! from scratch
        b = b / (e * k)

    return c
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __call__(self, f, a, b, extraprec=3, verbose=False):
     f = self.transform(f, a, b)
         s, err = self._eval(f, verbose)
     except Exception, e:
         raise e
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, n=None, verbose=False):
        self.n = n
        prec = dps = Float.getdps()
        self.prec = prec

        # Reuse old nodes
        if n in _gausscache:
            cacheddps, xs, ws = _gausscache[n]
            if cacheddps >= dps:
                self.x = [x for x in xs]
                self.w = [w for w in ws]

        if verbose:
            print ("calculating nodes for degree-%i Gauss-Legendre "
                "quadrature..." % n)

        Float.setdps(2*prec + 5)

        self.x = [None] * n
        self.w = [None] * n

        pf = polyfunc(legendre(n, 'x'), True)

        for k in xrange(n//2 + 1):
            if verbose and k % 4 == 0:
                print "  node", k, "of", n//2
            x, w = _gaussnode(pf, k, n)
            self.x[k] = x
            self.x[n-k-1] = -x
            self.w[k] = self.w[n-k-1] = w

        _gausscache[n] = (dps, self.x, self.w)

Ejemplo n.º 9
def nintegrate(f, a, b, method=0, maxsteps=5000, verbose=False):
    Basic usage

    nintegrate(f, a, b) numerically evaluates the integral

           - b
          |    f(x) dx.
         -   a

    The integrand f should be a callable that accepts a Float as input
    and outputs a Float or ComplexFloat; a and b should be Floats,
    numbers that can be converted to Floats, or +/- infinity.

    A simple example:

        >>> Float.setdps(15)
        >>> print nintegrate(lambda x: 2*x**2 - 4*x, 2, 3)

    Calculating the area of a unit circle, with 30 digits:

        >>> Float.setdps(30)
        >>> print nintegrate(lambda x: 4*sqrt(1-x**2), 0, 1)

    The integration interval can be infinite or semi-infinite:
        >>> Float.setdps(15)
        >>> print nintegrate(lambda x: exp(-x)*sin(x), 0, oo)

    Integration methods and accuracy

    Nintegrate attempts to obtain a value that is fully accurate within
    the current working precision (i.e., correct to 15 decimal places
    at the default precision level). If nintegrate fails to reach full
    accuracy after a certain number of steps, it prints a warning

    This message signifies either that the integral is either divergent
    or, if convergent, ill-behaved. It may still be possible to
    evaluate an ill-behaved integral by increasing the 'maxsteps'
    setting, changing the integration method, and/or manually
    transforming the integrand.

    Nintegrate currently supports the following integration methods:

        method = 0  :  Gaussian quadrature (default)
        method = 1  :  tanh-sinh quadrature

    Gaussian quadrature is generally very efficient if the integration
    interval is finite and the integrand is smooth on the entire range
    (including the endpoints). It may fail if the integrand has many
    discontinuities, is highly oscillatory, or possesses integrable

    The tanh-sinh algorithm is often better if the integration interval
    is infinite or if singularities are present at the endpoints;
    especially at very high precision levels. It does not perform well
    if there are singularities between the endpoints or the integrand
    is bumpy or oscillatory.

    It may help to manually transform the integrand, e.g. changing
    variables to remove singularities or breaking up the integration
    interval so that singularities appear only at the endpoints.

    The 'verbose' flag can be set to track the computation's progress.
    dps = Float.getdps()
    Float.setdps(dps + 3)
    prec = Float.getprec()

    # Transform infinite or semi-infinite interval to a finite interval
    if a == -oo or b == oo:
        g = f
        if a == -oo and b == oo:
            def f(x):
                # make adaptive quadrature work from the left
                x = 1 - x
                return g(x) + g(Float(1)/x)/x**2 + g(-x) + g(Float(-1)/x)/(-x)**2
        elif b == oo:
            aa = Float(a)
            def f(x):
                x = 1 - x
                return g(x + aa) + g(Float(1)/x + aa)/x**2
        elif a == -oo:
            bb = Float(b)
            def f(x):
                x = 1 - x
                return g(-x + bb) + g(Float(-1)/x + bb)/(-x)**2
        a, b = Float(0), Float(1)
        a, b = Float(a), Float(b)

    eps = Float((1, -prec+4))

    if method == 0:
        degree = int(5 + dps**0.8)
        rule = CompositeGaussLegendre(degree, degree//2, verbose)
    elif method == 1:
        rule = AdaptiveTanhSinh(initial = int(3 + max(0, math.log(prec/30.0, 2))))

        raise ValueError("unknown method")

    s, err, steps = rule.adaptive(f, Float(a), Float(b), eps, steps=0, maxsteps=maxsteps, verbose=verbose)


    if not err.ae(0):
        print "Warning: failed to reach full accuracy.", \
            "Estimated magnitude of error: ", str(err)

    return +s
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, eps, m, verbose=False):
        # Compute abscissas and weights

        prec = Float.getdps()

        self.prec = prec
        self.eps = eps
        self.m = m
        self.h = h = Float(1) / 2**m
        self.x = []
        self.w = []

        if (eps, m) in _tscache:
            self.x, self.w = _tscache[(eps, m)]

        if verbose:
            print ("calculating nodes for tanh-sinh quadrature with "
                "epsilon %s and degree %i" % (eps, m))

        Float.setdps(prec + 10)

        for k in xrange(20 * 2**m + 1):
            x, w = _tsnode(k, h)
            diff = abs(self.x[-1] - Float(1))
            if diff <= eps:
            if verbose and m > 6 and k % 300 == 299:
                Float.store(); Float.setdps(5)
                print "  progress", -log(diff, 10) / prec

        _tscache[(eps, m)] = self.x, self.w

Ejemplo n.º 11
def evalf(expr):
    evalf(expr) attempts to evaluate a SymPy expression to a Float or
    ComplexFloat with an error smaller than 10**(-Float.getdps())

    if isinstance(expr, (Float, ComplexFloat)):
        return expr
    elif isinstance(expr, (int, float)):
        return Float(expr)
    elif isinstance(expr, complex):
        return ComplexFloat(expr)

    expr = Basic.sympify(expr)

    if isinstance(expr, (Rational)):
        y = Float(expr)
    elif isinstance(expr, Real):
        y = Float(str(expr))

    elif expr is I:
        y = ComplexFloat(0,1)

    elif expr is pi:
        y = constants.pi_float()

    elif expr is E:
        y = functions.exp(1)

    elif isinstance(expr, Mul):
        factors = expr[:]
        workprec = Float.getprec() + 1 + len(factors)
        y = Float(1)
        for f in factors:
            y *= evalf(f)

    elif isinstance(expr, Pow):
        base, expt = expr[:]
        workprec = Float.getprec() + 8 # may need more
        base = evalf(base)
        expt = evalf(expt)
        if expt == 0.5:
            y = functions.sqrt(base)
            y = functions.exp(functions.log(base) * expt)

    elif isinstance(expr, Basic.exp):
        Float.setprec(Float.getprec() + 3)
        #XXX: how is it possible, that this works:
        x = evalf(expr[0])
        #and this too:
        #x = evalf(expr[1])
        #?? (Try to uncomment it and you'll see)
        y = functions.exp(x)

    elif isinstance(expr, Add):
        # TODO: this doesn't yet work as it should.
        # We need some way to handle sums whose results are
        # very close to 0, and when necessary, repeat the
        # summation with higher precision
        reqprec = Float.getprec()
        terms = expr[:]
        approxterms = [abs(evalf(x)) for x in terms]
        min_mag = min(x.exp for x in approxterms)
        max_mag = max(x.exp+bitcount(x.man) for x in approxterms)
        Float.setprec(reqprec - 10 + max_mag - min_mag + 1 + len(terms))
        workprec = Float.getdps()
        y = 0
        for t in terms:
            y += evalf(t)

        # print expr, expr.__class__
        raise NotImplementedError

    # print expr, y

    return +y
Ejemplo n.º 12
def secant(f, x0, x1=None, eps=None, maxsteps=50, bracket=None,
    on_error=1, verbose=False):
    secant(f, x0) uses the secant method to find a numerical root of f,
    starting from the initial approximation/guess x0.

    This algorithm is very efficient for finding regular roots of
    smooth functions; nearly as efficient as Newton's method. Each
    iteration roughly multiplies the number of correct digits in the
    answer by 1.6 (in practice, a 15-digit value can usually be
    found in less than 10 steps).

    The secant method can be inefficient or may fail to converge in
    the presence of high-order roots or if the initial approximation
    is far from the true root. Generally, it works best if f is
    monotonic and steeply sloped everywhere in the surrounding of
    the root (and x0 is in that surrounding).

    Advanced settings

    The secant method actually requires two initial values x0 and x1.
    By default, an x1 value is generated by perturbing x0 slightly;
    in some cases this perturbation may be too small and it may then
    help to specify a custom value for x1.

    Several other advanced options are supported as guards against
    poor convergence:

          Only attempt to locate the root to within this epsilon.
          By default, eps is set to give a full-precision value.

          Break when this many iterations have been performed.

          If bracket = [a, b], break if the iteration ends up somewhere
          outside the interval [a, b]. This is useful to protect from
          the iterate x_n "shooting off to space" in the presence of
          a nearly horizontal function value. If the bracket is a
          single number, break if abs(x_0-x_n) exceeds this value.

    The 'on_error' parameter can be set to control what happens in the
    case of a convergence failure:

       on_error = 0   print warning if in verbose mode; return value
       on_error = 1   print warning; return value (default)
       on_error = 2   raise an exception


    A simple example, calculating pi:

        >>> Float.setdps(15)
        >>> print secant(sin, 3)

    If we try the same for cosine, starting from x=0, we get the
    "wrong" root because the cosine is nearly horizontal around x=0,
    sending the initial iterate far away (verbose=True shows what
    happens in more detail):

        >>> Float.setdps(15)
        >>> print secant(cos, 0)

    This can be helped by providing a second point that better matches
    the geometry of the function's graph or by providing a closer
    initial estimate:

        >>> print secant(cos, x0=0, x1=1)
        >>> print secant(cos, 1.5)

    As another example, a high-precision calculation of log(3):

        >>> Float.setdps(50)
        >>> print secant(lambda x: exp(x)-3, 1)
        >>> Float.revert()

    prec = Float.getprec()
    if eps is None:
        eps = Float((1, -prec+2))
        eps = Float(eps)

    x = x0 = x0 * Float(1)

    if x1 is None:
        # Perturb the initial value to generate a second point as
        # needed to start the secant method iteration
        xprev = perturb(x, 0.01)
        xprev = x1 * Float(1)

    if isinstance(bracket, (list, tuple)):
        brackets = Float(bracket[0]), Float(bracket[1])
        brackets = None

    exception = None
    bracketmsg = "Failed to converge (outside bracket)"
    stepsmsg = "Failed to converge (maxsteps exceeded)"
    derivmsg = "Failed to converge (inft./zero derivative or " \
        "loss of precision in derivative)"

    for i in xrange(1, maxsteps+1):
        if verbose:
                print "  secant: x_%i=%8f  delta=%g" % (i,x,x-xprev)
            except TypeError:
                print "  secant: x_%i=%s  delta=%s" % (i,x,x-xprev)

        # Calculate function values
        fx = f(x)
        fdiff = fx - f(xprev)
        xdiff = x - xprev

        if xdiff.ae(0, eps):

        # Try to calculate the finite difference approximation for the
        # derivative and update accordingly. In floating-point
        # arithmetic, this may cause a division by zero when f(x) is
        # extremely close to 0, which we have to watch out for
            deriv = xdiff/fdiff
            x, xprev = x - fx*deriv, x
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            exception = derivmsg

        # Check if within reasonable bounds
        if brackets:
            if not brackets[0] <= x <= brackets[1]:
                exception = bracketmsg
        elif bracket is not None:
            print "heh", x, x0, x-x0, bracket
            if abs(x-x0) >= bracket:
                exception = bracketmsg

    if i == maxsteps:
        exception = stepsmsg

    if exception:
        if on_error == 2: raise ConvergenceError(exception)
        if on_error == 1 or verbose: print exception

    return x
Ejemplo n.º 13
def bisect(f, a, b, eps=None, maxsteps=None, verbose=False):
    Numerical root-finding using the bisection method.

    Given a real-valued function f and an interval [a, b] (not
    necessarily real) such that f(a) and f(b) have opposite signs,
    narrow the interval where f crosses the x axis to a relative
    width at most equal to 'eps' through repeated bisections. If
    not specified, eps is set to give a full precision estimate
    of the root.

    A tuple for the narrowed interval is returned.

    If f is continuous, bisect is guaranteed to find a root. If f
    jumps discontinuously from positive negative values, bisect will
    locate the point of the discontinuity. bisect quits early and
    returns an interval of width zero if it encounters a point x
    where f(x) = 0 exactly.

    Optionally, perform no more than 'maxsteps' bisections (by
    default perform as many as needed); if the 'verbose' flag is set,
    print status at each step.


    Find a bounding interval for pi/2 (which is a root of cos):

        >>> Float.setdps(15)
        >>> a, b = bisect(cos, 1, 2, 1e-2, verbose=True)
          bisect step  1: a=1.000000  b=2.000000  delta=1
          bisect step  2: a=1.500000  b=2.000000  delta=0.5
          bisect step  3: a=1.500000  b=1.750000  delta=0.25
          bisect step  4: a=1.500000  b=1.625000  delta=0.125
          bisect step  5: a=1.562500  b=1.625000  delta=0.0625
          bisect step  6: a=1.562500  b=1.593750  delta=0.03125
        >>> print a, b
        1.5625 1.578125

    Calculate the same value to full precision:

        >>> a, b = bisect(cos, 1, 2)
        >>> a, b
        (Float('1.5707963267948966'), Float('1.5707963267948968'))
        >>> print cos(a)
        >>> print cos(b)

    Although generally reliable, the bisection method has a slow rate
    of convergence. The previous computation required about 50 steps,
    which can be compared to the secant method which only requires
    5-6 steps to obtain a full precision value from an initial value
    near 1.5.

    a, b = a*Float(1), b*Float(1)   # Convert to Float or ComplexFloat
    fa0, fb0 = f(a), f(b)

    # Sanity check
    if not fa0 * fb0 <= 0:
        raise ValueError("bisect: f(a) and f(b) have the same sign at a=%r "
            " and b=%r" %  (a, b))

    fa0sign = sign(fa0)

    # Default eps / set eps to something sane if zero
    mineps = Float((1, -Float.getprec()+1))
    if not eps or eps < mineps:
        eps = mineps

    if maxsteps is None:
        # Use maxsteps as a safeguard should the loop condition fail
        abdelta = abs(a-b)
        maxsteps = bitcount(abdelta.man) - abdelta.exp + Float.getprec()

    i = 1
    while not a.ae(b, eps) and i <= maxsteps:
        if verbose:
            print "  bisect step %2i: a=%8f  b=%8f  delta=%g" % (i,a,b,b-a)
        mid = (a+b)*0.5
        fmid = f(mid)
        if fmid == 0:
            return (mid, mid)
        if sign(fmid) == fa0sign:
            a = mid
            b = mid
        i += 1

    return a, b