Ejemplo n.º 1
    def post(self):
        logging.debug('Begin mail-request-confirmation task handler')

        num_tries = self.request.headers['X-AppEngine-TaskRetryCount']
        logging.info('Task has been executed %s times', num_tries)

        execution_key = self.request.get('key')
        if not execution_key:
            raise exceptions.MissingException('Missing "key" parameter.')

        execution = models.Execution.get(execution_key)
        if not execution.member:
            raise exceptions.InternalException(
                'Execution "%s" has no email address.' % execution.id)

        if not isinstance(execution.action, models.Action):
            raise exceptions.InternalException(
                'Execution "%s" has no action.' % execution.id)

        request = execution.request

        text_template_file = settings.TEMPLATE_DIR + \
        html_template_file = settings.TEMPLATE_DIR + \

        template_vars = {
            'requestor': request.requestor,
            'request_key': request.id,
            'submitted_date': request.submitted_date,
            'request_data': request.get_submitted_data(),
            'step_name': execution.step.name,
            'action_name': execution.action.name

        text_body = template.render(text_template_file, template_vars)
        html_body = template.render(html_template_file, template_vars)

        message = mail.EmailMessage()
        message.sender = 'Flomosa <%s>' % settings.FEEDBACK_FORWARDER_EMAIL
        message.to = execution.member
        message.subject = '[flomosa] Request #%s' % request.id
        message.body = text_body
        message.html = html_body

        logging.info('Sending confirmation email to "%s".', execution.member)
        except apiproxy_errors.OverQuotaError:
            raise exceptions.QuotaException('Over email quota limit to send ' \
                'confirmation email to "%s".' % execution.member)
        except Exception:
            if not is_development():
                raise exceptions.InternalException('Unable to send ' \
                    'confirmation email to "%s".' % execution.member)

        logging.debug('Finished mail-request-confirmation task handler')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def post(self):
        logging.debug('Begin step-callback task handler')

        num_tries = self.request.headers['X-AppEngine-TaskRetryCount']
        logging.info('Task has been executed %s times', num_tries)

        step_key = self.request.get('step_key')
        callback_url = self.request.get('callback_url')

        if not step_key:
            raise exceptions.MissingException('Missing "step_key" parameter.')

        if not callback_url:
            raise exceptions.MissingException(
                'Missing "callback_url" parameter.')

        if is_development():
            logging.info('Skip POST\'ing hub notifications in development.')
            return None

        step = models.Step.get(step_key)

        hub_data = urllib.urlencode({'hub.url': step.get_absolute_url(),
                                     'hub.mode': 'publish'}, doseq=True)

        rpc = urlfetch.create_rpc(deadline=5)
        urlfetch.make_fetch_call(rpc, url=callback_url, payload=hub_data,
            headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'})

            result = rpc.get_result()
            if result.status_code == 204:
                logging.info('Submitted POST request to "%s" for Step "%s".',
                             callback_url, step.id)
                logging.warning('Received an HTTP status of "%s" when ' \
                    'submitting POST request to "%s" for Step "%s".',
                    result.status_code, callback_url, step.id)
        except urlfetch.DownloadError, ex:
            logging.warning('Could not submit POST request to "%s" for ' \
                'Step "%s": %s.', callback_url, step.id, ex)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def post(self):
        logging.debug('Begin mail-request-notify task handler')

        num_tries = self.request.headers['X-AppEngine-TaskRetryCount']
        logging.info('Task has been executed %s times', num_tries)

        execution_key = self.request.get('key')
        if not execution_key:
            raise exceptions.MissingException('Missing "key" parameter.')

        execution = models.Execution.get(execution_key)
        if not execution.member:
            raise exceptions.InternalException(
                'Execution "%s" has no email address.' % execution.id)

        if execution.sent_date:
            logging.warning('Execution "%s" notification already sent to ' \
                            '"%s". Exiting.', execution.id, execution.member)
            return None

        completed_execution = execution.is_step_completed()
        if completed_execution:
            logging.info('Step "%s" already completed by "%s". Exiting.',
                            execution.step.id, completed_execution.member)
            return None

        request = execution.request
        step = execution.step

        text_template_file = settings.TEMPLATE_DIR + '/email_notify_text.tpl'
        html_template_file = settings.TEMPLATE_DIR + '/email_notify_html.tpl'

        template_vars = {
            'execution_key': execution.id,
            'actions': step.actions,
            'requestor': request.requestor,
            'request_key': request.id,
            'submitted_date': request.submitted_date,
            'request_data': request.get_submitted_data(),
            'step_name': step.name,
            'url': settings.HTTP_URL

        text_body = template.render(text_template_file, template_vars)
        html_body = template.render(html_template_file, template_vars)

        message = mail.EmailMessage()
        message.sender = 'Flomosa <reply+%s@%s>' % (execution.id,
        message.to = execution.member
        message.subject = '[flomosa] Request #%s' % request.id
        message.body = text_body
        message.html = html_body

        logging.info('Sending email to "%s" for Execution "%s".',
                     execution.member, execution.id)
        except apiproxy_errors.OverQuotaError:
            raise exceptions.QuotaException('Over email quota limit to send ' \
                'notification email to "%s".' % execution.member)
        except Exception:
            if not is_development():
                raise exceptions.InternalException('Unable to send ' \
                    'notification email to "%s": %s.' % execution.member)


        logging.debug('Finished mail-request-notify task handler')