Ejemplo n.º 1
def checkWhetherFlowBoundedByQoE(entryList, qoeFile, client_ip, \
                                 carrier=const.TMOBILE, \
    # import the user level trace
    qoeEvent = QoE(qoeFile)

    # get the network event map
    netEventMap = qoeEvent.getNetworkEventMap(const.QOE_TIME_OFFSET)
    sortedEventTimes = sorted(netEventMap.keys())

    # get flows and flowMap
    flows = fa.extractTCPFlows(entryList)
    flowTimerMap = fa.convertIntoFlowTimerMap(flows)

    nonMappedFlow = []
    for flowStartTime in flowTimerMap.keys():
        netStartTime = util.binary_search_largest_smaller_value(flowStartTime, sortedEventTimes)
        if netStartTime != None:
            if netEventMap[netStartTime][0] < flowTimerMap[flowStartTime][0]:
                print "Non-mapped flow length is " + str(flowTimerMap[flowStartTime][0] - flowStartTime)

    print "*"*50
    print "*"*50
    print "Non-mapped ratio %.3f / %.3f = %.3f" % (float(len(nonMappedFlow)), float(len(flows)), \
                                                   float(len(nonMappedFlow)) / float(len(flows)))
    print "Non mapped flow length distribution is " + str(util.quartileResult(\
          sorted([f.flow[-1].timestamp - f.flow[0].timestamp for f in nonMappedFlow])))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def facebook_analysis(entryList, qoeFile, client_ip, carrier=const.TMOBILE, \
    # import the user level trace
    qoeEvent = QoE(qoeFile)

    # get the network event map
    netEventMap = qoeEvent.getNetworkEventMap()
    #netEventMap = qoeEvent.getActionTimerMap()
    # get the timer map
    rrc_trans_timer_map = rtw.getCompleteRRCStateTransitionMap(entryList, network_type, carrier)

    # get all the flows and flow time map
    flows = fa.extractTCPFlows(entryList)
    # filter out the black list for background traffic
    blackListURLs = ["b-api.facebook.com"]
    newflows = fa.filterOutBlackListDNSurls(flows, blackListURLs)
    flowTimerMap = fa.convertIntoFlowTimerMap(newflows)
    #sortedFlowStartTime = sorted(flowTimerMap.keys())

    if DEBUG:
        print "&"*80
        print "&"*80
        for ts in netEventMap:
            print str(ts * 1000) + const.DEL + netEventMap[ts][1].action + \
                  const.DEL + netEventMap[ts][1].event

    # Output the following event 
    header = "Action" + const.DEL + \
             "Event" + const.DEL + \
             "User_latency(s)" + const.DEL + \
             "Network_latency(s)" + const.DEL + \
             "Network_latency_ratio" + const.DEL + \
             "START_IP_TS" + const.DEL + \
             "END_IP_TS" + const.DEL + \
             "RRC_Type" + const.DEL + \

    #print header

    entryLen = len(entryList)
    # display the result
    for startTS in sorted(netEventMap.keys()):
        endTS = netEventMap[startTS][0]
        startEntry = netEventMap[startTS][1]
        line = startEntry.action + const.DEL + \
               startEntry.event + const.DEL

        # user latency
        user_latency = endTS - startTS
        line += str(user_latency) + const.DEL

        # network latency using flow analysis
        #flowStartTS = util.binary_search_largest_smaller_value(startTS - const.QOE_TIME_OFFSET, \
        #                                                       sortedFlowStartTime)
        (flow, ipList) = findCorrespondingIPPackets(entryList, startTS, endTS)
        network_latency = 0.0
        if ipList != None and len(ipList) > 1:
            network_latency = ipList[-1].timestamp - ipList[0].timestamp

        line += str(network_latency) + const.DEL
        # network latency ratio
        #line += str(min(1.0, network_latency / user_latency)) + const.DEL
        line += str(network_latency / user_latency) + const.DEL

        # IP timestamp
        if ipList != None and len(ipList) > 1:
            line += util.convert_ts_in_human(ipList[0].timestamp) + const.DEL + \
                    util.convert_ts_in_human(ipList[-1].timestamp) + const.DEL
            line += "N/A" + const.DEL + "N/A" + const.DEL

        # RRC state transition analysis
        if ipList != None and len(ipList) > 1:
            rrc_trans_state_bool_map = util.gen_RRC_trans_state_list_map(carrier, \
                                                                         network_type, \
            for rrc_trans_state in rrc_trans_state_bool_map.keys():
                overlap_timer = util.find_overlapped_transition_period(ipList[0].timestamp, \
                                                                       ipList[-1].timestamp, \
                                                                       rrc_trans_timer_map, \
                                                                       rrc_trans_state, \
                if overlap_timer > 0:
                    rrc_trans_state_bool_map[rrc_trans_state] = True

            if network_type == const.WCDMA:
                if carrier == const.TMOBILE:
                    if rrc_trans_state_bool_map[const.DCH_TO_FACH_ID] == True:
                        line += const.RRC_MAP[const.DCH_TO_FACH_ID] + const.DEL
                    elif rrc_trans_state_bool_map[const.PCH_TO_FACH_ID] == True and \
                         rrc_trans_state_bool_map[const.FACH_TO_DCH_ID] == True:
                        line += const.RRC_MAP[const.PCH_TO_FACH_ID] + "+" + \
                                const.RRC_MAP[const.FACH_TO_DCH_ID] + const.DEL
                    elif rrc_trans_state_bool_map[const.FACH_TO_DCH_ID] == True:
                        line += const.RRC_MAP[const.FACH_TO_DCH_ID] + const.DEL
                        line += "Normal" + const.DEL
                elif carrier == const.ATT:
                    if rrc_trans_state_bool_map[const.DCH_TO_DISCONNECTED_ID] == True:
                        line += const.RRC_MAP[const.DCH_TO_DISCONNECTED_ID] + const.DEL
                    elif rrc_trans_state_bool_map[const.DISCONNECTED_TO_DCH_ID] == True:
                        line += const.RRC_MAP[const.DISCONNECTED_TO_DCH_ID] + const.DEL
                        line += "Normal" + const.DEL
            line += "N/A" + const.DEL

        # append the difference between the whole action and the SF flag
        if ipList != None and len(ipList) > 1:
            eventChainIndex = netEventMap[startTS][-1]
            eventChain = qoeEvent.actionMap[startEntry.action][eventChainIndex]
            (actionflow, actionIpList) = findCorrespondingIPPackets(entryList, \
                                         eventChain[0].timestamp, eventChain[-1].timestamp)
            if actionIpList != None and len(actionIpList) > 0:
                line += str(actionIpList[-1].timestamp - actionIpList[0].timestamp - \
                            network_latency) + const.DEL
                line += "0.0" + const.DEL
        eventChainIndex = netEventMap[startTS][-1]
        eventChain = qoeEvent.actionMap[startEntry.action][eventChainIndex]
        line += util.convert_ts_in_human(eventChain[0].timestamp) + const.DEL + \
                util.convert_ts_in_human(startTS) + const.DEL + \
                util.convert_ts_in_human(endTS) + const.DEL
        if ipList != None and len(ipList) > 1:
            print line
            print >> sys.stderr, line