Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_fuzz_K_to_discharge_coefficient():
    # Testing the different formulas
    from sympy import *
    C, beta, K = symbols('C, beta, K')

    expr = Eq(K, (sqrt(1 - beta**4*(1 - C*C))/(C*beta**2) - 1)**2)
    solns = solve(expr, C)
    [i.subs({'K': 5.2314291729754, 'beta': 0.05/0.07366}) for i in solns]

    [-sqrt(-beta**4/(-2*sqrt(K)*beta**4 + K*beta**4) + 1/(-2*sqrt(K)*beta**4 + K*beta**4)),
 sqrt(-beta**4/(-2*sqrt(K)*beta**4 + K*beta**4) + 1/(-2*sqrt(K)*beta**4 + K*beta**4)),
 -sqrt(-beta**4/(2*sqrt(K)*beta**4 + K*beta**4) + 1/(2*sqrt(K)*beta**4 + K*beta**4)),
 sqrt(-beta**4/(2*sqrt(K)*beta**4 + K*beta**4) + 1/(2*sqrt(K)*beta**4 + K*beta**4))]

    # Getting the formula
    from sympy import *
    C, beta, K = symbols('C, beta, K')

    expr = Eq(K, (sqrt(1 - beta**4*(1 - C*C))/(C*beta**2) - 1)**2)
    print(latex(solve(expr, C)[3]))

    Ds = logspace(log10(1-1E-9), log10(1E-9), 8)
    for D_ratio in Ds:
        Ks = logspace(log10(1E-9), log10(50000), 8)
        Ks_recalc = []
        for K in Ks:
            C = K_to_discharge_coefficient(D=1.0, Do=D_ratio, K=K)
            K_calc = discharge_coefficient_to_K(D=1.0, Do=D_ratio, C=C)
        assert_close1d(Ks, Ks_recalc)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_Colebrook_numerical_mpmath():
    # tested at n=500 for both Re and eD
    Res = logspace(log10(1e-12), log10(1E12),
                   30)  # 1E12 is too large for sympy - it slows down too much
    eDs = logspace(log10(1e-20), log10(.1), 21)  # 1-1e-9
    for Re in Res:
        for eD in eDs:
            fd_exact = Colebrook(Re, eD, tol=0)
            fd_numerical = Colebrook(Re, eD, tol=1e-12)
            assert_close(fd_exact, fd_numerical, rtol=1e-5)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_Colebrook_vs_Clamond():
    Res = logspace(log10(10), log10(1E50), 40)
    eDs = logspace(log10(1e-20), log10(1), 40)
    for Re in Res:
        for eD in eDs:
            fd_exact = Colebrook(Re, eD)
            fd_clamond = Clamond(Re, eD)
            # Interestingly, matches to rtol=1e-9 vs. numerical solver
            # But does not have such accuracy compared to mpmath
            if isnan(fd_exact) or isnan(fd_clamond):
                continue  # older scipy on 3.4 returns a nan sometimes
            assert_close(fd_exact, fd_clamond, rtol=1e-9)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_logspace():
    from fluids.numerics import logspace
    calc = logspace(3,10, endpoint=True, num=8)
    expect = np.logspace(3,10, endpoint=True, num=8)
    assert_allclose(calc, expect)
    calc = logspace(3,10, endpoint=False, num=20)
    expect = np.logspace(3,10, endpoint=False, num=20)
    assert_allclose(calc, expect)

    calc = logspace(0,1e-10, endpoint=False, num=3)
    expect = np.logspace(0,1e-10, endpoint=False, num=3)
    assert_allclose(calc, expect)
    calc = logspace(0,1e-10, endpoint=False, num=2)
    expect = np.logspace(0,1e-10, endpoint=False, num=2)
    assert_allclose(calc, expect)
    calc = logspace(0,1e-10, endpoint=False, num=1)
    expect = np.logspace(0,1e-10, endpoint=False, num=1)
    assert_allclose(calc, expect)
    calc = logspace(0,1e-10, endpoint=False, num=2)
    expect = np.logspace(0,1e-10, endpoint=False, num=2)
    assert_allclose(calc, expect)

    calc = logspace(0,1e-10, endpoint=False, num=1)
    expect = np.logspace(0,1e-10, endpoint=False, num=1)
    assert_allclose(calc, expect)

    calc = logspace(100, 200, endpoint=False, num=21)
    expect = np.logspace(100, 200, endpoint=False, num=21)
    assert_allclose(calc, expect)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_Colebrook_scipy_mpmath():
    # Faily grueling test - check the lambertw implementations are matching mostly
    # NOTE the test is to Re = 1E7; at higher Res the numerical solver is almost
    # always used
    Res = logspace(log10(1e-12), log10(1e7), 20)  # 1E12 is too large for sympy
    eDs = logspace(log10(1e-20), log10(.1), 19)  # 1-1e-9

    for Re in Res:
        for eD in eDs:
            Re = float(Re)
            eD = float(eD)
            fd_exact = Colebrook(Re, eD, tol=0)
            fd_scipy = Colebrook(Re, eD)
            assert_close(fd_exact, fd_scipy, rtol=1e-9)
def test_PSDLognormal_dn_order_0_1_2():
    '''Simple point to test where the order of n should be 0
    Yes, the integrals need this many points (which makes them slow) to get
    the right accuracy. They've been tested and reduced already quite a bit.
    from scipy.integrate import quad
    # test 2, 0 -> 2, 0
    disc = PSDLognormal(s=0.5, d_characteristic=5E-6)
    to_int = lambda d: d**2 * disc.pdf(d=d, n=0)
    points = [5E-6 * i for i in logspace(log10(.1), log10(50), 8)]

    ans_numerical = (quad(to_int, 1E-7, 5E-3, points=points)[0])**0.5
    ans_analytical = 3.0326532985631672e-06
    # The integral is able to give over to decimals!
    assert_close(ans_numerical, ans_analytical, rtol=1E-10)

    # test 2, 1 -> 1, 1 integrated pdf

    to_int = lambda d: d * disc.pdf(d=d, n=1)
    ans_numerical = (quad(to_int, 1E-7, 5E-3, points=points)[0])**1
    ans_analytical = 3.4364463939548618e-06
    assert_close(ans_numerical, ans_analytical, rtol=1E-10)

    # test 3, 2 -> 1, 2 integrated pdf

    to_int = lambda d: d * disc.pdf(d=d, n=2)
    ans_numerical = (quad(to_int, 1E-7, 5E-3, points=points)[0])**1
    ans_analytical = 4.4124845129229773e-06
    assert_close(ans_numerical, ans_analytical, rtol=1E-8)
def test_pdf_lognormal_basis_integral_fuzz():
    from scipy.integrate import quad

    # The actual integral testing
    analytical_vales = []
    numerical_values = []

    for n in [-3, -2, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]:
        # Errors at -2 (well, prevision loss anyway)
        for d_max in [
                1e-3, 1e-2, 2e-2, 3e-2, 4e-2, 5e-2, 6e-2, 7e-2, 8e-2, 1e-1
            d_max = d_max / 100  # Make d smaller
            analytical = (pdf_lognormal_basis_integral(
                d_max, d_characteristic=1E-5, s=1.1, n=n) -
                              1e-20, d_characteristic=1E-5, s=1.1, n=n))

            to_int = lambda d: d**n * pdf_lognormal(
                d, d_characteristic=1E-5, s=1.1)
            points = logspace(log10(d_max / 1000), log10(d_max * .999), 40)
            numerical = quad(to_int, 1e-9, d_max,
                             points=points)[0]  # points=points

    assert_close1d(analytical_vales, numerical_values, rtol=2E-6)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def func_vs_naive_tester(func,
    errs = []
    rerr = 0
    Ts = linspace(T_min, T_max, N)
    rhoc_inv = 1.0 / rhoc
    for i, T in enumerate(Ts):
        tau = Tc / T
        rhos = logspace(log10(rho_min), log10(rho_max), N)
        for rho in rhos:
            delta = rho * rhoc_inv
            val = func(tau, delta)
            val_naive = func_naive(tau, delta)
            rerri = abs(1.0 - val / val_naive)
            rerr += rerri
    AARD, std, max_err = rerr / N**2, np.std(errs), np.max(errs)
    return AARD, std, max_err
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_Prandtl_von_Karman_Nikuradse_full():
    # Tested to a very high number of points
    fds = []
    fds_numeric = []
    for Re in logspace(1E-15, 30, 40):
    assert_close1d(fds, fds_numeric)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Hm_fuzz():
    T_ref = 298.15
    factor = 1.0
    # Originally tested with 50 points in everything
    similarity_variables = linspace(.05, .5, 8)
    MWs = linspace(12, 1200, 8)
    Hms = [-i for i in logspace(log10(1e4), log10(1), 15)] + logspace(log10(1), log10(1e7), 15)
    for sv in similarity_variables:
        for MW in MWs:
            for Hm in Hms:
                    Lastovka_Shaw_T_for_Hm(Hm=Hm, MW=MW, similarity_variable=sv, T_ref=T_ref)
                except Exception as e:
                    if 'negative temperature' in str(e):
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_Nu_sphere_Churchill():
    Nu_Res = [Nu_sphere_Churchill(.7, i) for i in logspace(0, 10, 11)]
    Nu_Res_values = [
        2.415066377224484, 2.7381040025746382, 3.3125553308635283,
        4.3340933312726548, 6.1507272232235417, 9.3821675084055443,
        15.145453144794978, 25.670869440317578, 47.271761310748289,
        96.479305628419823, 204.74310854292045
    assert_close1d(Nu_Res, Nu_Res_values)
def test_pdf_Rosin_Rammler_basis_integral_fuzz():
    from scipy.integrate import quad
    for n in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]:
        # Lower d_maxes have
        for d_max in [
                1e-3, 1e-2, 2e-2, 3e-2, 4e-2, 5e-2, 6e-2, 7e-2, 8e-2, 1e-1
            analytical = (pdf_Rosin_Rammler_basis_integral(d_max, 200, 2, n) -
                          pdf_Rosin_Rammler_basis_integral(1E-20, 200, 2, n))

            to_int = lambda d: d**n * pdf_Rosin_Rammler(d, 200, 2)
            points = logspace(log10(d_max / 2000), log10(d_max * .999), 30)
            numerical = quad(to_int, 1E-20, d_max, points=points)[0]
            assert_close(analytical, numerical, rtol=1E-5)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_Nu_cylinder_Zukauskas():
    Nu = Nu_cylinder_Zukauskas(7992, 0.707, 0.69)
    assert_allclose(Nu, 50.523612661934386)

    Nus_allRe = [
        Nu_cylinder_Zukauskas(Re, 0.707, 0.69) for Re in logspace(0, 6, 8)
    Nus_allRe_values = [
        0.66372630070423799, 1.4616593536687801, 3.2481853039940831,
        8.7138930573143227, 26.244842388228189, 85.768869004450067,
        280.29503021904566, 1065.9610995854582
    assert_allclose(Nus_allRe, Nus_allRe_values)

    Nu_highPr = Nu_cylinder_Zukauskas(7992, 42.)
    assert_allclose(Nu_highPr, 219.24837219760443)
Ejemplo n.º 14
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from thermo import *
from fluids.numerics import logspace
from math import log10

thing = PR(P=1e5, T=460, Tc=658.0, Pc=1820000.0, omega=0.9)

Ts = logspace(log10(1000), log10(2000000), 100)
Ps = []
for T in Ts:
        Ps.append(thing.to(T=T, V=thing.V_l).P)
    except ValueError:

plt.loglog(Ts, Ps)
plt.xlabel('Temperature [K]')
plt.ylabel('Pressure [Pa]')
plt.title("Constant-volume calculated pressure at V=%.8f m^3/mol" %