Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_realign_bricks_to_new_grid_WITH_HALO():
    grid = Grid( (10,20), (12,3) )
    bounding_box = np.array([(15,30), (95,290)])
    volume = np.random.randint(0,10, (100,300) )

    original_bricks, _num_bricks = generate_bricks_from_volume_source( bounding_box, grid, partial(extract_subvol, volume), DebugClient() )

    halo = 1
    halo_shape = np.array([1,1])
    new_grid = Grid((20,10), (0,0), halo)
    new_bricks = realign_bricks_to_new_grid(new_grid, original_bricks).compute()

    new_logical_boxes = list(brick.logical_box for brick in new_bricks)

    assert len(new_bricks) == 5 * 26, f"{len(new_bricks)}" # from (0,30) -> (100,290)
    for logical_box, brick in zip(new_logical_boxes, new_bricks):
        assert isinstance( brick, Brick ), f"Got {type(brick)}"
        assert (brick.logical_box == logical_box).all()

        # logical_box must be exactly one block
        assert ((brick.logical_box[1] - brick.logical_box[0]) == new_grid.block_shape).all()
        # Must be grid-aligned
        assert ((brick.logical_box - new_grid.offset) % new_grid.block_shape == 0).all()
        # Should match logical_box+halo, except for edges
        assert (brick.physical_box == box_intersection( brick.logical_box + (-halo_shape, halo_shape), bounding_box )).all()
        # Volume shape must match
        assert (brick.volume.shape == brick.physical_box[1] - brick.physical_box[0]).all()
        # Volume data must match
        assert (brick.volume == extract_subvol( volume, brick.physical_box )).all()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_generate_bricks():
    grid = Grid( (10,20), (12,3) )
    bounding_box = np.array([(15,30), (95,290)])
    volume = np.random.randint(0,10, (100,300) )

    bricks, num_bricks = generate_bricks_from_volume_source( bounding_box, grid, partial(extract_subvol, volume), DebugClient() )

    bricks = bricks.compute()
    assert len(bricks) == 9 * 14 == num_bricks
    for brick in bricks:
        assert isinstance( brick, Brick )
        assert brick.logical_box.shape == (2,2)
        assert brick.physical_box.shape == (2,2)

        # logical_box must be exactly one block
        assert ((brick.logical_box[1] - brick.logical_box[0]) == grid.block_shape).all()
        # Must be grid-aligned
        assert ((brick.logical_box - grid.offset) % grid.block_shape == 0).all()
        # Must not exceed bounding box
        assert (brick.physical_box == box_intersection( brick.logical_box, bounding_box )).all()
        # Volume shape must match
        assert (brick.volume.shape == brick.physical_box[1] - brick.physical_box[0]).all()
        # Volume data must match
        assert (brick.volume == extract_subvol( volume, brick.physical_box )).all()

        # __sizeof__ must include the volume
        assert sys.getsizeof(brick) > sys.getsizeof(brick.volume)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_generate_bricks_WITH_HALO():
    halo = 1
    halo_shape = np.array([1,1])
    grid = Grid( (10,20), (12,3), halo )
    bounding_box = np.array([(15,30), (95,290)])
    volume = np.random.randint(0,10, (100,300) )

    bricks, num_bricks = generate_bricks_from_volume_source( bounding_box, grid, partial(extract_subvol, volume), DebugClient() )
    bricks = bricks.compute()

    assert len(bricks) == 9 * 14 == num_bricks
    for brick in bricks:
        assert isinstance( brick, Brick )
        assert brick.logical_box.shape == (2,2)
        assert brick.physical_box.shape == (2,2)

        # logical_box must be exactly one block
        assert ((brick.logical_box[1] - brick.logical_box[0]) == grid.block_shape).all()
        # Must be grid-aligned
        assert ((brick.logical_box - grid.offset) % grid.block_shape == 0).all()
        # Physical == logical+halo, except for bounding-box edges
        assert (brick.physical_box == box_intersection( brick.logical_box + (-halo_shape, halo_shape), bounding_box )).all()
        # Volume shape must match
        assert (brick.volume.shape == brick.physical_box[1] - brick.physical_box[0]).all()
        # Volume data must match
        assert (brick.volume == extract_subvol( volume, brick.physical_box )).all()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_realign_bricks_to_same_grid():
    The realign function has a special optimization to
    avoid realigning bricks that are already aligned.
    grid = Grid( (10,20), (12,3) )
    bounding_box = np.array([(15,30), (95,290)])
    def assert_if_called(box):
        assert False, ("Shouldn't get here, since the bricks were generated with lazy=True "
                       "and realignment shouldn't have attempted to split any bricks.")

    original_bricks, _num_bricks = generate_bricks_from_volume_source( bounding_box, grid, assert_if_called, DebugClient(), lazy=True )
    new_bricks = realign_bricks_to_new_grid(grid, original_bricks)
    import dask.bag
    assert isinstance(new_bricks, dask.bag.Bag)
    # If we attempt to realign to a different grid,
    # we'll get an assertion because it will have to call create_brick_volume, above.
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        realign_bricks_to_new_grid(Grid((20,10)), original_bricks).compute()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_extract_halos_subsets():
    halo = 1
    grid = Grid( (10,20), (0,0), halo )
    bounding_box = np.array([(15,30), (95,290)])
    volume = np.random.randint(0,10, (100,300) )

    bricks, _num_bricks = generate_bricks_from_volume_source( bounding_box, grid, partial(extract_subvol, volume), DebugClient() )

    def bricks_to_df(bricks):
        rows = []
        for brick in bricks:
            rows.append([*brick.physical_box.flat, brick.volume])
        df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=['y0', 'x0', 'y1', 'x1', 'brickvol'])
        df = df.sort_values(['y0', 'x0', 'y1', 'x1']).reset_index(drop=True)
        return df

    def check(all_halos, lower_halos, upper_halos):
        all_df = bricks_to_df(all_halos)
        lower_df = bricks_to_df(lower_halos)
        upper_df = bricks_to_df(upper_halos)
        combined_df = pd.concat([lower_df, upper_df], ignore_index=True).sort_values(['y0', 'x0', 'y1', 'x1'])
        combined_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
        assert (all_df[['y0', 'x0', 'y1', 'x1']] == combined_df[['y0', 'x0', 'y1', 'x1']]).all().all()
        for a, b in zip(all_df['brickvol'].values, combined_df['brickvol'].values):
            assert (a == b).all()
    # Check that 'all' is the same as combining 'lower' and 'upper'
    all_outer_halos = extract_halos(bricks, grid, 'outer', 'all').compute()
    lower_outer_halos = extract_halos(bricks, grid, 'outer', 'lower').compute()
    upper_outer_halos = extract_halos(bricks, grid, 'outer', 'upper').compute()

    all_inner_halos = extract_halos(bricks, grid, 'inner', 'all').compute()
    lower_inner_halos = extract_halos(bricks, grid, 'inner', 'lower').compute()
    upper_inner_halos = extract_halos(bricks, grid, 'inner', 'upper').compute()

    check(all_outer_halos, lower_outer_halos, upper_outer_halos)
    check(all_inner_halos, lower_inner_halos, upper_inner_halos)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_extract_halos():
    halo = 1
    grid = Grid( (10,20), (0,0), halo )
    bounding_box = np.array([(15,30), (95,290)])
    volume = np.random.randint(0,10, (100,300) )

    bricks, _num_bricks = generate_bricks_from_volume_source( bounding_box, grid, partial(extract_subvol, volume), DebugClient() )

    outer_halos = extract_halos(bricks, grid, 'outer').compute()
    inner_halos = extract_halos(bricks, grid, 'inner').compute()

    for halo_type, halo_bricks in zip(('outer', 'inner'), (outer_halos, inner_halos)):
        for hb in halo_bricks:
            # Even bricks on the edge of the volume
            # (which have smaller physical boxes than logical boxes)
            # return halos which correspond to the original
            # logical box (except for the halo axis).
            # (Each halo's "logical box" still corresponds to
            # the brick it was extracted from.)
            if halo_type == 'outer':
                assert (hb.physical_box[0] != hb.logical_box[0]).sum() == 1
                assert (hb.physical_box[1] != hb.logical_box[1]).sum() == 1
                assert (hb.physical_box != hb.logical_box).sum() == 1

            # The bounding box above is not grid aligned,
            # so blocks on the volume edge will only have partial data
            # (i.e. a smaller physical_box than logical_box)
            # However, halos are always produced to correspond to the logical_box size,
            # and zero-padded if necessary to achieve that size.
            # Therefore, only compare the actually valid portion of the halo here with the expected volume.
            # The other voxels should be zeros.
            valid_box = box_intersection(bounding_box, hb.physical_box)
            halo_vol = extract_subvol(hb.volume, valid_box - hb.physical_box[0])
            expected_vol = extract_subvol(volume, valid_box)
            assert (halo_vol == expected_vol).all()
            # Other voxels should be zero
            full_halo_vol = hb.volume.copy()
            overwrite_subvol(full_halo_vol, valid_box - hb.physical_box[0], 0)
            assert (full_halo_vol == 0).all()

    rows = []
    for hb in chain(outer_halos):
        rows.append([*hb.physical_box.flat, hb, 'outer'])

    for hb in chain(inner_halos):
        rows.append([*hb.physical_box.flat, hb, 'inner'])
    halo_df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=['y0', 'x0', 'y1', 'x1', 'brick', 'halo_type'])
    halo_counts = halo_df.groupby(['y0', 'x0', 'y1', 'x1']).size()

    # Since the bricks' physical boxes are all clipped to the overall bounding-box,
    # every outer halo should have a matching inner halo from a neighboring brick.
    # (This would not necessarily be true for Bricks that are initialized from a sparse mask.)
    assert halo_counts.min() == 2
    assert halo_counts.max() == 2
    for _box, halos_df in halo_df.groupby(['y0', 'x0', 'y1', 'x1']):
        assert set(halos_df['halo_type']) == set(['outer', 'inner'])

        brick0 = halos_df.iloc[0]['brick']
        brick1 = halos_df.iloc[1]['brick']
        assert (brick0.volume == brick1.volume).all()