Ejemplo n.º 1
 def update(self, new_cost):
     # New cost should be added as a dictionary, with elements  [(node) : delta_cost]
     self.search_nodes = 0
     self.downwind_nodes = 0
     # Strip zero cost nodes
     new_cost = {node:new_cost[node] for node in new_cost if new_cost[node] != 0}
     temp_cost = {node:new_cost[node] for node in new_cost if (node in self.cost_to_come)}
     # Check if all the changes aren't cost increases outside of the corridor (else return)
     change_corridor = False
     for node in temp_cost:
         if (temp_cost[node] < 0) or ((temp_cost[node] > 0) and (node in self.corridor)):
             change_corridor = True;
     if not change_corridor:
         # print "Only cost increases outside best corridor, returning"
     # Add all non-zero cost changes to the kill list, and add their parents to the search list
     kill_list = set(temp_cost.keys())
     interface = set()
     #for node in self.bifront_interface:
     #    if self.global_parent[node] != source:
     #        interface.add(node)
     for node in temp_cost:
         if node in self.parent_list:
     # self.frontier.clear()
     cost_up_nodes = [node for node in temp_cost if temp_cost[node] > 0]
     # Find all nodes downwind of a cost-increased node, and add to the kill list
     if len(cost_up_nodes) > 0:
         new_kills, new_interface = self.find_downwind(cost_up_nodes)
     for internode in interface:
         if (internode in self.cost_to_come) and (internode not in kill_list): 
             self.frontier.push(internode, self.cost_to_come[internode])
     for killnode in kill_list:
         if killnode in self.cost_to_come: del self.cost_to_come[killnode]
         # if killnode in new_parent_list: del new_parent_list[killnode]
     if self.image_frames != 0:
         fm_plottools.draw_corridor(self.axes, self.graph, self.cost_to_come, self.cost_to_come.keys(), interface-kill_list)
         self.axes.figure.savefig('/home/nick/Dropbox/work/FastMarching/fig/map_update.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def make_video(self, leading_frame=[], trailing_frame=[]):
     graph_frame, TEMP = fm_plottools.draw_grid(self.axes, self.graph)
     costpath_frame = fm_plottools.draw_costmap(self.axes, self.graph, self.cost_to_come, self.path)
     corridor_frame = fm_plottools.draw_corridor(self.axes, self.graph, self.cost_to_come, self.corridor, self.corridor_interface, self.path)
     path_frame, TEMP = fm_plottools.draw_grid(self.axes, self.graph, self.path)
     video_frames = []
     frame_hold = int(len(self.image_frames)/8)
     if len(leading_frame) > 0:
         for ii in range(frame_hold): video_frames.append(leading_frame)
     for ii in range(frame_hold): video_frames.append(graph_frame)
     for ii in range(frame_hold): video_frames.append(costpath_frame)
     for ii in range(frame_hold): video_frames.append(corridor_frame)
     for ii in range(frame_hold): video_frames.append(path_frame)
     if len(trailing_frame) > 0:
         for ii in range(frame_hold): video_frames.append(trailing_frame)
     return video_frames
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def make_pictures(self, fig_dir):
     graph_frame, barlims = fm_plottools.draw_grid(self.axes, self.graph)
     barlims = np.floor(barlims)
     delta = np.floor((barlims[1]-barlims[0])/6*10)/10
     cbar = self.axes.figure.colorbar(graph_frame[0], ticks=[barlims[0]+x*delta for x in range(7)])
     self.axes.figure.savefig(fig_dir+'graph_cost.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
     path_frame, barlims  = fm_plottools.draw_grid(self.axes, self.graph, self.path)
     self.axes.figure.savefig(fig_dir+'graph_path.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
     costpath_frame = fm_plottools.draw_costmap(self.axes, self.graph, self.cost_to_come, self.path)
     barlims = [min(self.cost_to_come.values()), max(self.cost_to_come.values())]
     delta = np.floor((barlims[1]-barlims[0])/6*10)/10
     self.axes.figure.colorbar(costpath_frame[0], ticks=[barlims[0]+x*delta for x in range(7)], cax=cbar.ax)
     self.axes.figure.savefig(fig_dir+'path_cost.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')                
     corridor_frame = fm_plottools.draw_corridor(self.axes, self.graph, self.cost_to_come, self.corridor, self.corridor_interface, self.path)
     self.axes.figure.savefig(fig_dir+'corridor.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')