Ejemplo n.º 1
	def check_line(self, line):
		if re.search(b'[^\t\f\v\x20-\xff]', line):
			raise Exception('control character(s)')

		if self.parsed.ascii_chars and re.search(b'[\x7f-\xff]', line):
			fnutil.warning(self.location(), 'non-ascii character(s)')

		if self.mode == MODE.META:
			if not self.xlfd_name and line.startswith(b'FONT'):
				line = self.check_font(line)
				self.xlfd_name = True
				for handler in self.handlers:
					if line.startswith(handler[0]):
		elif self.mode == MODE.PROPS:
			if line.startswith(b'ENDPROPERTIES'):
				self.mode = MODE.META
				line = self.check_prop(line)
		else:  # MODE.BITMAP
			if line.startswith(b'ENDCHAR'):
				self.mode = MODE.META

		return line
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def check_italic(self, prefix, verb='will'):
        slant = str(self.xlfd[XLFD.SLANT], 'ascii')
        consider = ['Regular', 'Italic'][self.get_italic()]

        if slant[:1].upper() != consider[:1].upper():
                'slant "%s" %s be considered %s' % (slant, verb, consider))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def check_bold(self, prefix, verb='will'):
        weight = str(self.xlfd[XLFD.WEIGHT_NAME], 'ascii')
        compare = weight.lower()
        consider = ['Normal', 'Bold'][self.get_bold()]

        if compare == 'medium':
            compare = 'normal'

        if compare != consider.lower():
                'weight "%s" %s be considered %s' % (weight, verb, consider))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def read_otb(ifs):
        if parsed.real_time:
                stat = ifs.fstat()
                if stat:
                    parsed.created = datetime.fromtimestamp(
                        stat.st_ctime, timezone.utc)
                    parsed.modified = datetime.fromtimestamp(
                        stat.st_mtime, timezone.utc)
            except Exception as ex:
                fnutil.warning(ifs.location(), str(ex))

        return otb1exp.Font.read(ifs, parsed)
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def check_bitmap(self, line):
		if len(line) != self.last_box.row_size() * 2:
			raise Exception('invalid bitmap length')

		data = codecs.decode(line, 'hex')

		if self.parsed.extra_bits:
			check_x = (self.last_box.width - 1) | 7
			last_byte = data[len(data) - 1]
			bit_no = 7 - (self.last_box.width & 7)

			for x in range(self.last_box.width, check_x + 1):
				if last_byte & (1 << bit_no):
					fnutil.warning(self.location(), 'extra bit(s) starting with x=%d' % x)
				bit_no -= 1
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def check_font(self, value):
		xlfd = value[4:].lstrip().split(b'-', 15)

		if len(xlfd) == 15 and xlfd[0] == b'':
			unicode = (xlfd[bdf.XLFD.CHARSET_REGISTRY].upper() == b'ISO10646')

			if self.parsed.dupl_codes == -1:
				self.parsed.dupl_codes = unicode

			if self.parsed.dupl_names == -1:
				self.parsed.dupl_names = unicode

			if self.parsed.common_weight:
				weight = str(xlfd[bdf.XLFD.WEIGHT_NAME], 'ascii')
				compare = weight.lower()
				consider = 'Bold' if 'bold' in compare else 'Normal'

				if compare in ['medium', 'regular']:
					compare = 'normal'

				if compare != consider.lower():
					fnutil.warning(self.location(), 'weight "%s" may be considered %s' % (weight, consider))

			if self.parsed.common_slant:
				slant = str(xlfd[bdf.XLFD.SLANT], 'ascii')
				consider = 'Italic' if re.search('^[IO]', slant) else 'Regular'

				if not re.fullmatch('[IOR]', slant):
					fnutil.warning(self.location(), 'slant "%s" may be considered %s' % (slant, consider))

			if self.parsed.xlfd_fontnm:
				fnutil.warning(self.location(), 'non-XLFD font name')

			value = b'FONT --------------'

		return value
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def check_attr(self, value):
		if not re.fullmatch(br'[\dA-Fa-f]{4}', value):
			raise Exception('ATTRIBUTES must be 4 hex-encoded characters')

		if self.parsed.attributes:
			fnutil.warning(self.location(), 'ATTRIBUTES may cause problems with freetype')
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def check_width(self, name, value, parse):
		if self.parsed.ywidth_zero and parse(name, value).y != 0:
			fnutil.warning(self.location(), 'non-zero %s Y' % name)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _read(self, input):
        # HEADER
        line = input.read_line()
        read_next = lambda: input.read_lines(_Base.skip_comments)

        if self.set_prop(line, 'STARTFONT') != b'2.1':
            raise Exception('STARTFONT 2.1 expected')

        self.xlfd = self.set_prop(read_next(), 'FONT',
                                  lambda name, value: value.split(b'-', 15))

        if len(self.xlfd) != 15 or self.xlfd[0] != b'':
            raise Exception('non-XLFD font names are not supported')

        self.set_prop(read_next(), 'SIZE')
        self.bbx = self.set_prop(read_next(), 'FONTBOUNDINGBOX',
                                 lambda name, value: BBX.parse(name, value))
        line = read_next()

        if line and line.startswith(b'STARTPROPERTIES'):
            num_props = self.set_prop(
                line, 'STARTPROPERTIES',
                lambda name, value: fnutil.parse_dec(name, value))
            start_index = len(self.props)

            for _ in range(0, num_props):
                line = read_next()

                if not line:
                    raise Exception('property expected')

                match = re.fullmatch(br'(\w+)\s+([\d"].*)', line)

                if not match:
                    raise Exception('invalid property format')

                name = str(match.group(1), 'ascii')
                value = match.group(2)

                if name == 'DEFAULT_CHAR':
                    self.default_code = fnutil.parse_dec(name, value)

                self.props[name] = value

            if self.set_prop(read_next(), 'ENDPROPERTIES') != b'':
                raise Exception('ENDPROPERTIES expected')

            if len(self.props) != start_index + num_props + 1:
                fnutil.warning(input.location(), 'duplicate properties')
                self.props['STARTPROPERTIES'] = bytes(str(len(self.props)),

            line = read_next()

        # GLYPHS
        num_chars = self.set_prop(
            line, 'CHARS',
            lambda name, value: fnutil.parse_dec(name, value, 1, CHARS_MAX))

        for _ in range(0, num_chars):

        if next((char.code
                 for char in self.chars if char.code == self.default_code),
                -1) != self.default_code:
            raise Exception('invalid DEFAULT_CHAR')

        # ENDING
        if read_next() != b'ENDFONT':
            raise Exception('ENDFONT expected')

        if read_next():
            raise Exception('garbage after ENDFONT')

        return self