Ejemplo n.º 1
        def param_text(name, param, indent, step):
            Format a method parameter.

            text = indent

            # Print parameter name
            if name:
                param_offset = 32
                text += name.ljust(param_offset - len(indent))
                param_offset = len(indent)

            # Print parameter type
            param_type = python_type(param)
            text += xmlrpc_type(param_type) + "\n"

            # Print parameter documentation right below type
            if isinstance(param, Parameter):
                wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(
                    initial_indent=" " * param_offset,
                    subsequent_indent=" " * param_offset)
                text += "\n".join(wrapper.wrap(param.doc)) + "\n"
                param = param.type

            text += "\n"

            # Indent struct fields and mixed types
            if isinstance(param, dict):
                for name, subparam in param.iteritems():
                    text += param_text(name, subparam, indent + step, step)
            elif isinstance(param, Mixed):
                for subparam in param:
                    text += param_text(name, subparam, indent + step, step)
            elif isinstance(param, (list, tuple, set)):
                for subparam in param:
                    text += param_text("", subparam, indent + step, step)

            return text
Ejemplo n.º 2
        def param_text(name, param, indent, step):
            Format a method parameter.

            text = indent

            # Print parameter name
            if name:
                param_offset = 32
                text += name.ljust(param_offset - len(indent))
                param_offset = len(indent)

            # Print parameter type
            param_type = python_type(param)
            text += xmlrpc_type(param_type) + "\n"

            # Print parameter documentation right below type
            if isinstance(param, Parameter):
                wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width = 70,
                                               initial_indent = " " * param_offset,
                                               subsequent_indent = " " * param_offset)
                text += "\n".join(wrapper.wrap(param.doc)) + "\n"
                param = param.type

            text += "\n"

            # Indent struct fields and mixed types
            if isinstance(param, dict):
                for name, subparam in param.iteritems():
                    text += param_text(name, subparam, indent + step, step)
            elif isinstance(param, Mixed):
                for subparam in param:
                    text += param_text(name, subparam, indent + step, step)
            elif isinstance(param, (list, tuple, set)):
                for subparam in param:
                    text += param_text("", subparam, indent + step, step)

            return text
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def help(self, indent = "  "):
        Text documentation for the method.

        (min_args, max_args, defaults) = self.args()

        text = "%s(%s) -> %s\n\n" % (self.name, ", ".join(max_args), xmlrpc_type(self.returns))

        text += "Description:\n\n"
        lines = [indent + line.strip() for line in self.__doc__.strip().split("\n")]
        text += "\n".join(lines) + "\n\n"

        def param_text(name, param, indent, step):
            Format a method parameter.

            text = indent

            # Print parameter name
            if name:
                param_offset = 32
                text += name.ljust(param_offset - len(indent))
                param_offset = len(indent)

            # Print parameter type
            param_type = python_type(param)
            text += xmlrpc_type(param_type) + "\n"

            # Print parameter documentation right below type
            if isinstance(param, Parameter):
                wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width = 70,
                                               initial_indent = " " * param_offset,
                                               subsequent_indent = " " * param_offset)
                text += "\n".join(wrapper.wrap(param.doc)) + "\n"
                param = param.type

            text += "\n"

            # Indent struct fields and mixed types
            if isinstance(param, dict):
                for name, subparam in param.iteritems():
                    text += param_text(name, subparam, indent + step, step)
            elif isinstance(param, Mixed):
                for subparam in param:
                    text += param_text(name, subparam, indent + step, step)
            elif isinstance(param, (list, tuple, set)):
                for subparam in param:
                    text += param_text("", subparam, indent + step, step)

            return text

        text += "Parameters:\n\n"
        for name, param in zip(max_args, self.accepts):
            text += param_text(name, param, indent, indent)

        text += "Returns:\n\n"
        text += param_text("", self.returns, indent, indent)

        return text
Ejemplo n.º 4
        if value is None and nullok:

        # Strings are a special case. Accept either unicode or str
        # types if a string is expected.
        if expected_type in StringTypes and isinstance(value, StringTypes):

        # Integers and long integers are also special types. Accept
        # either int or long types if an int or long is expected.
        elif expected_type in (IntType, LongType) and isinstance(value, (IntType, LongType)):

        elif not isinstance(value, expected_type):
            raise SfaInvalidArgument("expected %s, got %s" % \
                                     (xmlrpc_type(expected_type), xmlrpc_type(type(value))),

        # If a minimum or maximum (length, value) has been specified
        if expected_type in StringTypes:
            if min is not None and \
               len(value.encode(self.api.encoding)) < min:
                raise SfaInvalidArgument, "%s must be at least %d bytes long" % (name, min)
            if max is not None and \
               len(value.encode(self.api.encoding)) > max:
                raise SfaInvalidArgument, "%s must be at most %d bytes long" % (name, max)
        elif expected_type in (list, tuple, set):
            if min is not None and len(value) < min:
                raise SfaInvalidArgument, "%s must contain at least %d items" % (name, min)
            if max is not None and len(value) > max:
                raise SfaInvalidArgument, "%s must contain at most %d items" % (name, max)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def help(self, indent="  "):
        Text documentation for the method.

        (min_args, max_args, defaults) = self.args()

        text = "%s(%s) -> %s\n\n" % (self.name, ", ".join(max_args),

        text += "Description:\n\n"
        lines = [
            indent + line.strip() for line in self.__doc__.strip().split("\n")
        text += "\n".join(lines) + "\n\n"

        def param_text(name, param, indent, step):
            Format a method parameter.

            text = indent

            # Print parameter name
            if name:
                param_offset = 32
                text += name.ljust(param_offset - len(indent))
                param_offset = len(indent)

            # Print parameter type
            param_type = python_type(param)
            text += xmlrpc_type(param_type) + "\n"

            # Print parameter documentation right below type
            if isinstance(param, Parameter):
                wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(
                    initial_indent=" " * param_offset,
                    subsequent_indent=" " * param_offset)
                text += "\n".join(wrapper.wrap(param.doc)) + "\n"
                param = param.type

            text += "\n"

            # Indent struct fields and mixed types
            if isinstance(param, dict):
                for name, subparam in param.iteritems():
                    text += param_text(name, subparam, indent + step, step)
            elif isinstance(param, Mixed):
                for subparam in param:
                    text += param_text(name, subparam, indent + step, step)
            elif isinstance(param, (list, tuple, set)):
                for subparam in param:
                    text += param_text("", subparam, indent + step, step)

            return text

        text += "Parameters:\n\n"
        for name, param in zip(max_args, self.accepts):
            text += param_text(name, param, indent, indent)

        text += "Returns:\n\n"
        text += param_text("", self.returns, indent, indent)

        return text
Ejemplo n.º 6

        # Strings are a special case. Accept either unicode or str
        # types if a string is expected.
        if expected_type in StringTypes and isinstance(value, StringTypes):

        # Integers and long integers are also special types. Accept
        # either int or long types if an int or long is expected.
        elif expected_type in (IntType, LongType) and isinstance(
                value, (IntType, LongType)):

        elif not isinstance(value, expected_type):
            raise SfaInvalidArgument("expected %s, got %s" % \
                                     (xmlrpc_type(expected_type), xmlrpc_type(type(value))),

        # If a minimum or maximum (length, value) has been specified
        if expected_type in StringTypes:
            if min is not None and \
               len(value.encode(self.api.encoding)) < min:
                raise SfaInvalidArgument, "%s must be at least %d bytes long" % (
                    name, min)
            if max is not None and \
               len(value.encode(self.api.encoding)) > max:
                raise SfaInvalidArgument, "%s must be at most %d bytes long" % (
                    name, max)
        elif expected_type in (list, tuple, set):
            if min is not None and len(value) < min:
                raise SfaInvalidArgument, "%s must contain at least %d items" % (