Ejemplo n.º 1
def receive_tweet(incidents, search_queue, tweet):
    """ Take a tweet and process it, possibly adding it to an incident or
    creating a new one out of it """
    global last_search_time, search_interval

    logger.info("Received %s" % tweet)
    # disregard retweets
    if (tweet.retweet_of is not None): return

    tweet = db.merge(tweet)
    offered = False
    first_inactive_inc = None

    for inc in reversed(incidents):
        # stop when we reach the inactive incidents. if a new incident has
        # become inactive since we last added a tweet, refresh the tracked users
        # this way depends on the incidents list being sorted by inactive time
        if not inc.active():
            if inc is not first_inactive_inc:
                first_inactive_inc = inc

        # try to add the tweet to an incident.
        if inc.offer_tweet(tweet):
            logger.info("Found %s for %s" % (inc, tweet))
            # TODO: check if it's okay to just discard this tweet because
            # incidents will find the tweet themselves when they backfill
            offered = True
            newlen = len(inc.tweets) + len(inc.stray_tweets)
            update_histo(newlen-1, newlen)

    # make incidents for any tweets unrelated to current incidents
    if not offered and incident_tweet(tweet):
        inc = Incident(tweet)
        update_histo(0, 1)
        logger.info("Created incident for %s" % tweet)

    # every search-interval seconds, backfill the oldest-updated incident
    if time() - last_search_time >= search_interval:
        next_incident = search_queue.get()
        logger.info("Doing backfill on %s" % next_incident)
        oldlen = len(next_incident.tweets) + len(next_incident.stray_tweets)
        newlen = len(next_incident.tweets) + len(next_incident.stray_tweets)
        update_histo(oldlen, newlen)
        if next_incident.active:
        last_search_time = time()
    logger.info("%s incidents: %s" % (len(incidents), get_histo()))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def query_twitter(how_long=0, interval=5):
    """ Interface function """
    # can send 180 requests per 15 min = 5 sec
    start = time()

    # make sure we don't create duplicates.
    # keeping track of this ourselves saves many db hits
    # if we don't specify go indefinitely
    last_tweet_id = 0
    while time() - start < how_long:
        tweets = search(search_terms, last_tweet_id)
        if not tweets: # if we dont get anything back, sleep and try again
        # if a retrieved tweet has a loc/user with a matching ID already in the
        # db, that loc/user is updated instead of a new one added, bc of merge
            db.add_all([db.merge(tweet_to_Tweet(t)) for t in tweets])
            last_tweet_id = tweets[0]['id_str']
        except OperationalError: