def _computed(self, attribute, **query_kwargs):
            Returns this instance's attribute's related values or through values (for attributes with an explicit through class)
             or the donor's if this instance hasn't overridden its values
        :param attribute: 'db_entities', etc. Not the through attribute name (e.g. dbentities_set)
        :param **query_kwargs: optionally specify query arguments to use with filter() on the results.
            One special param is with_deleted, which enables deleted objects to return, normally omited
        :return: this attribute's collection or its parents, with optional filtering applied after
        resolved_attribute = self.through_attribute(self.many_field(attribute)) if has_explicit_through_class(self, attribute) else attribute
        params = (dict(deleted=query_kwargs.get('deleted', False)) if not query_kwargs.get('with_deleted') else dict())
        q_kwargs = remove_keys(query_kwargs, ['with_deleted'])

        if self.donor():
            results = get_list_or_if_empty(
                # Get instance's own Many items.
                # The instance will either have the donor's items added to it or not. If they are added this will
                # have items, obviously. If the instance has it's own items. The donor's items will already be here
                # as well.
                    getattr(self, resolved_attribute).filter(**params),
                # If none exist get donor's
                lambda: self.donor()._computed(attribute, **q_kwargs)
            #if self.donor().key=='layer_library__default':
                #name = self.donor().name
                #print '1 %s: %s' % (, ', '.join(map(lambda x: x.db_entity_key, self._filter_computed(getattr(self, resolved_attribute).filter(**params), **q_kwargs))))
                #print '2 %s: %s' % (name, ', '.join(map(lambda x: x.db_entity_key, self.donor()._computed(attribute, **q_kwargs))))
                #print '3 %s: %s' % (, ', '.join(map(lambda x: x.db_entity_key, results)))
            return results
            # No donor is defined so just consider this instance's items
            return self._filter_computed(getattr(self, resolved_attribute).filter(**params), **q_kwargs)
    def _remove(self, attribute, *values, **kwargs):
            Remove the given values from the collection of attribute, first adopting values from the donor in case the
            caller wishes to remove adopted values
        :param attribute:
        :param values:
        :param kwargs: The only options is 'skip_adopt', to prevent infinite recursion in internal calls

        # Oftentimes we'll call this method with no values to remove
        if not values:

        # Adopt the donor values in case the caller wishes to remove some of those from self
        if not kwargs.get('skip_adopt', False):
        if has_explicit_through_class(self, attribute):
            # If the Many has an explict through class, we must instead delete the through instances that reference the given values
            foreign_key_attribute = foreign_key_field_of_related_class(self.many_field(attribute).through, self.many_field(attribute).model).name
            filter = {"{0}__id__in".format(foreign_key_attribute):map(lambda v:, values)}
            throughs = self.through_set(attribute).filter(**filter)
            self._remove_throughs(attribute, *throughs, **kwargs)
            # No explicit through, simply remove the values
            # If we're dealing with a ForeignKey's reverse related_manager, we can't remove the instances
            # We should never have duplicate instances defined that reference the donor and donee, so this
            # is an error case
            manager = getattr(self, attribute)
            if hasattr(manager, 'remove'):
                key_property = '__'.join(resolve_key_property(values[0]).split('.'))
                values_to_delete = manager.filter(**{'%s__in' % key_property: map(lambda value: value.key, values)})
 def _clear(self, attribute):
         Deletes all instances of the given attribute belonging the self, resulting in it delegating calls to _computed to its donor
     :param attribute:
     if has_explicit_through_class(self, attribute):
         getattr(self, attribute).clear()
    def __init__(self, obj, attribute, **kwargs):
        self.obj = obj
        self.attribute = attribute
        self.from_donor = kwargs.get('from_donor', False)
        self.is_through = has_explicit_through_class(self.obj, attribute)
        if self.is_through:
            self.resolved_attribute = obj.through_attribute(obj.many_field(attribute))
            through_class = obj.through_class(attribute)
            self.self_foreign_key_attribute = foreign_key_field_of_related_class(through_class, obj.__class__).name
            self.foreign_key_attribute = foreign_key_field_of_related_class(through_class, obj.many_field(attribute).model).name
            self.resolved_attribute = attribute
            self.self_foreign_key_attribute = self.foreign_key_attribute = None

        self.related = getattr(obj,attribute).model
    def dump_values(self, attribute):
            Dumps this instance's values for the given adopted attribute, along with that of the donor hierarchy
        resolved_attribute = self.through_attribute(self.many_field(attribute)) if \
            has_explicit_through_class(self, attribute) else \

        keys = sorted(map(lambda x: x.key, self._computed(attribute)))
        owned_keys = sorted(map(lambda x: x.key, getattr(self, resolved_attribute).all()))

        return '\n'.join(compact([
            ': '.join([, str(len(keys)), ', '.join(keys)]),
            '\tof which %s are owned: %s' % (str(len(owned_keys)), ', '.join(owned_keys)),
            self.donor().dump_values(attribute) if self.donor() else None
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def save_m2m(self, bundle):
            Overrides the super method in order to handle saving many-to-many collection instances of an explicit through class. For some reason tastypie has no handling for this, but we want to deliver the through class instances to the user that have references to the related attribute (e.g. DbEntityInterest instances are delivered and each has a reference to DbEntity). We also want to allow the client to modify, add, and remove these instances. Thus we must intercept them here and save them properly. Tastypie assumes non-explict Through classes and just dumbly tries to add them to the related field with add(), which fails for explicitly through classes.
        :param bundle:
        # This is an exact copy of the super method up until the add() line
        for field_name, field_object in self.fields.items():
            if not getattr(field_object, 'is_m2m', False):

            if not field_object.attribute:

            if field_object.readonly:

            # Get the manager.
            related_mngr = None

            if isinstance(field_object.attribute, basestring):
                related_mngr = getattr(bundle.obj, field_object.attribute)
            elif callable(field_object.attribute):
                related_mngr = field_object.attribute(bundle)

            if related_mngr is None:

                # This condition is an enhancement to the super method. It allows an add method defined on the field to indicate how to add the many-to-many items
                # We don't use this since our items are handled more carefully below
                #if hasattr(related_mngr, 'clear'):
                # Clear it out, just to be safe.
            #    related_mngr.clear()

            existing_related_objs = related_mngr.all()
            related_objs_to_add = []

            # TODO handle remove and clear
            if hasattr(field_object, 'add'):
                # This condition is an enhancement to the super method.
                # It allows an add method defined on the field to indicate how to add the many-to-many items
                related_objs_to_add = map(lambda bundle: bundle.obj,[field_name])
                # Call the custom defined add
                field_object.add(bundle, *related_objs_to_add)
                related_objs_to_remove = list(set(existing_related_objs)-set(related_objs_to_add))
                # Optionally call remove. The add function might take care of removing existing instances instead
                if hasattr(field_object, 'remove') and hasattr(field_object.remove, '__call__'):
                    field_object.remove(bundle, *related_objs_to_remove)
                explicit_through_class = has_explicit_through_class(bundle.obj, field_object.instance_name)
                if explicit_through_class:
                    to_model_attr = foreign_key_field_of_related_class(related_bundle.obj.__class__, bundle.obj.__class__).name,
                existing_related_objs = related_mngr.all()
                for related_bundle in[field_name]:
                    # This if statement is a change from the super method. If we are handling explict through instances we need to give the incoming instance a reference to the bundle.obj. The through instances are never dehydrated with this reference since it simply refers back to the container (
                    if explicit_through_class:
                        # Set one side of the relationship to bundle.obj. This might have already been done on the client, but this overrides
                            # Figure out the correct field
                    # Save the relatedd instance instance no matter what if the toMany relationship is full
                    # We never want to save references because nothing can be changed in
                    # the toMany reference except membership in the toMany
                    if field_object.full:
                    # Create a list of objects to add to the manager
                # Create the set of objects to remove (ones that existed but weren't in the incoming related_bundle)
                related_objs_to_remove = list(set(existing_related_objs)-set(related_objs_to_add))
                # If we are handling explict through instances the save above is adequate. We don't want to try to add the item to the manager.
                # These methods are thus only for implicit related fields (no explicit through class)
                if hasattr(related_mngr, 'add'):
                if hasattr(related_mngr, 'remove'):
Ejemplo n.º 7
from django.dispatch import Signal
from footprint.main.models.presentation.layer_library import LayerLibrary
from footprint.main.models.presentation.result_library import ResultLibrary
from footprint.main.models.config.config_entity import ConfigEntity
from footprint.main.models.signal_handlers import through_item_added, through_item_deleted, items_changed
from footprint.main.utils.utils import has_explicit_through_class

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__author__ = 'calthorpe_analytics'

# Defines custom Django Signals that are used by UrbanFootprint models instances to communicate
initialize_media = Signal(providing_args=[])

# Wire it up
for attribute in ConfigEntity.INHERITABLE_COLLECTIONS:
    through_class = getattr(ConfigEntity, attribute).through
    # Listen to each through class for changes
    if has_explicit_through_class(ConfigEntity, attribute):
        # through_item_added won't actually do anything unless the item is new kwargs['created']==True
        post_save.connect(through_item_added(attribute), sender=through_class, weak=False)
        pre_delete.connect(through_item_deleted(attribute), sender=through_class, weak=False)
        m2m_changed.connect(items_changed(attribute), sender=through_class, weak=False)

layer_library_through_class = LayerLibrary.layers.through
m2m_changed.connect(items_changed('layers'), sender=layer_library_through_class, weak=False)
result_library_through_class = ResultLibrary.results.through
m2m_changed.connect(items_changed('results'), sender=result_library_through_class, weak=False)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def save_m2m(self, bundle):
            Overrides the super method in order to handle saving many-to-many collection instances of an explicit through class. For some reason tastypie has no handling for this, but we want to deliver the through class instances to the user that have references to the related attribute (e.g. DbEntityInterest instances are delivered and each has a reference to DbEntity). We also want to allow the client to modify, add, and remove these instances. Thus we must intercept them here and save them properly. Tastypie assumes non-explict Through classes and just dumbly tries to add them to the related field with add(), which fails for explicitly through classes.
        :param bundle:
        # This is an exact copy of the super method up until the add() line
        for field_name, field_object in self.fields.items():
            if not getattr(field_object, 'is_m2m', False):

            if not field_object.attribute:

            if field_object.readonly:

            # Get the manager.
            related_mngr = None

            if isinstance(field_object.attribute, basestring):
                related_mngr = getattr(bundle.obj, field_object.attribute)
            elif callable(field_object.attribute):
                related_mngr = field_object.attribute(bundle)

            if related_mngr is None:

                # This condition is an enhancement to the super method. It allows an add method defined on the field to indicate how to add the many-to-many items
                # We don't use this since our items are handled more carefully below
                #if hasattr(related_mngr, 'clear'):
                # Clear it out, just to be safe.
            #    related_mngr.clear()

            existing_related_objs = related_mngr.all()
            related_objs_to_add = []

            # TODO handle remove and clear
            if hasattr(field_object, 'add'):
                # This condition is an enhancement to the super method.
                # It allows an add method defined on the field to indicate how to add the many-to-many items
                related_objs_to_add = map(lambda bundle: bundle.obj,[field_name])
                # Call the custom defined add
                field_object.add(bundle, *related_objs_to_add)
                related_objs_to_remove = list(set(existing_related_objs)-set(related_objs_to_add))
                # Optionally call remove. The add function might take care of removing existing instances instead
                if hasattr(field_object, 'remove') and hasattr(field_object.remove, '__call__'):
                    field_object.remove(bundle, *related_objs_to_remove)
                explicit_through_class = has_explicit_through_class(bundle.obj, field_object.instance_name)
                if explicit_through_class:
                    to_model_attr = foreign_key_field_of_related_class(related_bundle.obj.__class__, bundle.obj.__class__).name,
                existing_related_objs = related_mngr.all()
                for related_bundle in[field_name]:
                    # This if statement is a change from the super method. If we are handling explict through instances we need to give the incoming instance a reference to the bundle.obj. The through instances are never dehydrated with this reference since it simply refers back to the container (
                    if explicit_through_class:
                        # Set one side of the relationship to bundle.obj. This might have already been done on the client, but this overrides
                            # Figure out the correct field
                    # Save the relatedd instance instance no matter what if the toMany relationship is full
                    # We never want to save references because nothing can be changed in
                    # the toMany reference except membership in the toMany
                    if field_object.full:
                    # Create a list of objects to add to the manager
                # Create the set of objects to remove (ones that existed but weren't in the incoming related_bundle)
                related_objs_to_remove = list(set(existing_related_objs)-set(related_objs_to_add))
                # If we are handling explict through instances the save above is adequate. We don't want to try to add the item to the manager.
                # These methods are thus only for implicit related fields (no explicit through class)
                if hasattr(related_mngr, 'add'):
                if hasattr(related_mngr, 'remove'):
Ejemplo n.º 9
from django.dispatch import Signal
from footprint.main.models.presentation.layer_library import LayerLibrary
from footprint.main.models.presentation.result_library import ResultLibrary
from footprint.main.models.config.config_entity import ConfigEntity
from footprint.main.models.signal_handlers import through_item_added, through_item_deleted, items_changed
from footprint.main.utils.utils import has_explicit_through_class

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__author__ = 'calthorpe_analytics'

# Defines custom Django Signals that are used by UrbanFootprint models instances to communicate
initialize_media = Signal(providing_args=[])

# Wire it up
for attribute in ConfigEntity.INHERITABLE_COLLECTIONS:
    through_class = getattr(ConfigEntity, attribute).through
    # Listen to each through class for changes
    if has_explicit_through_class(ConfigEntity, attribute):
        # through_item_added won't actually do anything unless the item is new kwargs['created']==True
        post_save.connect(through_item_added(attribute), sender=through_class, weak=False)
        pre_delete.connect(through_item_deleted(attribute), sender=through_class, weak=False)
        m2m_changed.connect(items_changed(attribute), sender=through_class, weak=False)

layer_library_through_class = LayerLibrary.layers.through
m2m_changed.connect(items_changed('layers'), sender=layer_library_through_class, weak=False)
result_library_through_class = ResultLibrary.results.through
m2m_changed.connect(items_changed('results'), sender=result_library_through_class, weak=False)