def test_cursing_a_reversed_curse():
    curse(str, 'one', 1)
    assert == 1

    reverse(str, 'one')
    curse(str, 'one', 2)
    assert == 2
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_cursing_a_reversed_curse():
    curse(str, 'one', 1)
    assert == 1

    reverse(str, 'one')
    curse(str, 'one', 2)
    assert == 2
Ejemplo n.º 3
def setup():
	global hasSetup;

	if not hasSetup:
		curse(list, 'where', where);
		curse(list, 'exists', exists);
		hasSetup = True;
def test_sequence_dunder():
    def derive_func(func, deriv_grad):
        if deriv_grad == 0:
            return func

        e = 0.0000001
        def wrapper(x):
            return (func(x + e) - func(x - e)) / (2 * e)
        if deriv_grad == 1:
            return wrapper
        return wrapper[deriv_grad - 1]

    curse(FunctionType, "__getitem__", derive_func)

    # a function an its derivations
    f = lambda x: x ** 3 - 2 * x ** 2
    f_1 = lambda x: 3 * x ** 2 - 4 * x
    f_2 = lambda x: 6 * x - 4

    for x in range(0, 10):
        x = float(x) / 10.
        assert almost_equal(f(x), f[0](x))
        assert almost_equal(f_1(x), f[1](x))
        # our hacky derivation becomes numerically unstable here
        assert almost_equal(f_2(x), f[2](x), e=.01)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __enter__(self):
        if type(self.new_now) != datetime:
            raise ValueError(
                'The freeze_date argument must be a datetime.datetime'
                ' instance, got %s' % type(self.new_now).__name__)

        self.mocker = Mocker()

        # Replace "" classmethod
        self._previous_datetime_now =

        def freezed_now(klass, tz=None):
            if not tz:
                return self.new_now.replace(tzinfo=None)
            elif self.new_now.tzinfo != tz:
                return tz.normalize(self.new_now.astimezone(tz))
                return self.new_now

        curse(datetime, 'now', freezed_now)

        # Replace "time.time" function
        new_time = (calendar.timegm(self.new_now.timetuple()) +
                    (self.new_now.timetuple().tm_isdst * 60 * 60) +
                    (self.new_now.microsecond * 0.000001))
        time_class = self.mocker.replace('time.time')
        expect(time_class()).call(lambda: new_time).count(0, None)

        return self
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def decorator(func):
        def _wrapper_add_method(*args, **kwargs):
            return func(*args, **kwargs)

        curse(cls, func.__name__, _wrapper_add_method)
        return func
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_sequence_dunder():
    def derive_func(func, deriv_grad):
        if deriv_grad == 0:
            return func

        e = 0.0000001
        def wrapper(x):
            return (func(x + e) - func(x - e)) / (2 * e)
        if deriv_grad == 1:
            return wrapper
        return wrapper[deriv_grad - 1]

    curse(FunctionType, "__getitem__", derive_func)

    # a function an its derivations
    f = lambda x: x ** 3 - 2 * x ** 2
    f_1 = lambda x: 3 * x ** 2 - 4 * x
    f_2 = lambda x: 6 * x - 4

    for x in range(0, 10):
        x = float(x) / 10.
        assert almost_equal(f(x), f[0](x))
        assert almost_equal(f_1(x), f[1](x))
        # our hacky derivation becomes numerically unstable here
        assert almost_equal(f_2(x), f[2](x), e=.01)
def test_dunder_str():
    assert str(1) == "1"
    def always_one(self):
        return 'one'
    curse(int, '__str__', always_one)
    assert str(1) == "one"
    reverse(int, '__str__')
def test_dir_filtering():
    # Given that I curse the `str` built-in asking the curse to hide it from
    # the built-in `dir()` function
    curse(str, "my_stuff", "blah", hide_from_dir=True)

    # Then I see that my new stuff is installed but without appearing on dir
    assert str.my_stuff == "blah"
    assert "my_stuff" not in dir(str)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_dir_filtering():
    # Given that I curse the `str` built-in asking the curse to hide it from
    # the built-in `dir()` function
    curse(str, "my_stuff", "blah", hide_from_dir=True)

    # Then I see that my new stuff is installed but without appearing on dir
    assert str.my_stuff == "blah"
    assert "my_stuff" not in dir(str)
def test_dunder_new():
    assert str(1) == "1"
    def the_answer(cls, args, kwargs):
        return 'fourty-two'
    curse(str, '__new__', the_answer)
    assert str(1) == "fourty-two"
    reverse(str, '__new__')
    assert str(1) == "1"
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_overriding_class_method():
    # Given that I have a cursed object
    curse(datetime, "now", classmethod(lambda *p: False))

    # Then I see that the method was replaced, but we still have the original
    # method set as `_c_apppend`
    assert "_c_now" in dir(datetime)
    assert is False
    assert datetime(2013, 4, 5).now() is False
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def assertSQL(self, sql, **kwargs):
        def execute(self, sql, args=None):

        mocked_execute = mock.create_autospec(execute, return_value='worked')
        curse(psycopg2.extensions.cursor, 'execute', mocked_execute)
        cursor = CommenterCursorFactory(**kwargs)
        self.assertEqual(cursor.execute(None, 'SELECT 1;'), 'worked')
        mocked_execute.assert_called_with(None, sql, None)
def test_overriding_class_method():
    # Given that I have a cursed object
    curse(datetime, 'now', classmethod(lambda *p: False))

    # Then I see that the method was replaced, but we still have the original
    # method set as `_c_apppend`
    assert '_c_now' in dir(datetime)
    assert is False
    assert datetime(2013, 4, 5).now() is False
def test_reversing_a_builtin():
    # Given that I have a cursed object
    curse(str, 'stuff', property(lambda s: s * 2))

    # When I bless it
    reverse(str, 'stuff')

    # Then I see that str won't contain
    assert 'stuff' not in dir(str)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def setUp(test):


        def fake_utcnow(self):
            return datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 30, 8, 0, 0)

        curse(datetime.datetime, 'utcnow', classmethod(fake_utcnow))

        root = functional.getRootFolder()
        sm = root.getSiteManager()

        # IIntIds
        root['intids'] = IntIds()
        sm.registerUtility(root['intids'], IIntIds)

        # catalog
        root['catalog'] = Catalog()
        sm.registerUtility(root['catalog'], ICatalog)

        # PluggableAuthentication
        pau = PluggableAuthentication(u'')
        sm[u'auth'] = pau
        sm.registerUtility(pau, IAuthentication)

        # Credentials Plugin

        # people
        people = PersonalSpaceManager(title=u'People')
        root['people'] = people
        sm.registerUtility(root['people'], IPersonalSpaceManager)

        user = sm.getUtility(IAuthentication).getPrincipal('zope.mgr')

        user = sm.getUtility(IAuthentication).getPrincipal('zope.user')

        # default content
        content = Content(u'Content1', u'Some Content1')
        IOwnership(content).ownerId = 'zope.user'
        root['content1'] = content

        content = Content(u'Content2', u'Some Content2')
        IOwnership(content).ownerId = 'zope.user'
        root['content2'] = content

Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_reversing_a_builtin():
    # Given that I have a cursed object
    curse(str, "stuff", property(lambda s: s * 2))

    # When I bless it
    reverse(str, "stuff")

    # Then I see that str won't contain
    assert "stuff" not in dir(str)
def test_dunder_reverse():
    def type_error_str(self):
        return 'type error'
    curse(TypeError, '__str__', type_error_str)
    te = TypeError("testing")
    assert str(te) == "type error"

    reverse(TypeError, '__str__')
    assert str(te) == "testing"
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_overriding_instance_method():
    # Given that I have an instance of a `Dummy` object
    obj = ffruit.Dummy()

    # When I curse an instance method
    curse(ffruit.Dummy, "my_method", lambda *a, **k: "Yo!")

    # Then I see that my object was cursed properly
    assert obj.my_method() == "Yo!"
def test_overriding_instance_method():
    # Given that I have an instance of a `Dummy` object
    obj = ffruit.Dummy()

    # When I curse an instance method
    curse(ffruit.Dummy, "my_method", lambda *a, **k: "Yo!")

    # Then I see that my object was cursed properly
    assert obj.my_method() == "Yo!"
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def setUp(test):


        def fake_utcnow(self):
            return datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 30, 8, 0, 0)
        curse(datetime.datetime, 'utcnow', classmethod(fake_utcnow))

        root = functional.getRootFolder()
        sm = root.getSiteManager()

        # IIntIds
        root['intids'] = IntIds()
        sm.registerUtility(root['intids'], IIntIds)

        # catalog
        root['catalog'] = Catalog()
        sm.registerUtility(root['catalog'], ICatalog)

        # PluggableAuthentication
        pau = PluggableAuthentication(u'')
        sm[u'auth'] = pau
        sm.registerUtility(pau, IAuthentication)

        # Credentials Plugin

        # people
        people = PersonalSpaceManager(title=u'People')
        root['people'] = people
        sm.registerUtility(root['people'], IPersonalSpaceManager)

        user = sm.getUtility(IAuthentication).getPrincipal('zope.mgr')

        user = sm.getUtility(IAuthentication).getPrincipal('zope.user')

        # default content
        content = Content(u'Content1', u'Some Content1')
        IOwnership(content).ownerId = 'zope.user'
        root['content1'] = content

        content = Content(u'Content2', u'Some Content2')
        IOwnership(content).ownerId = 'zope.user'
        root['content2'] = content

def test_dir_filtering_same_symbol_different_instance():
    # Given that I curse both `str` and `int` built-ins
    curse(str, "attr_y", "stuff", hide_from_dir=True)
    curse(int, "attr_y", "stuff")

    # Then I see that the dir() thing also works for instances
    assert "Hello".attr_y == "stuff"
    assert "attr_y" not in dir("hello")

    assert (1).attr_y == "stuff"
    assert "attr_y" in dir(1)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_dir_filtering_same_symbol_different_instance():
    # Given that I curse both `str` and `int` built-ins
    curse(str, "attr_y", "stuff", hide_from_dir=True)
    curse(int, "attr_y", "stuff")

    # Then I see that the dir() thing also works for instances
    assert "Hello".attr_y == "stuff"
    assert "attr_y" not in dir("hello")

    assert (1).attr_y == "stuff"
    assert "attr_y" in dir(1)
def test_cursing_a_builtin_class_dunder_with_a_random_callable():
    # Given that I have an object that returns *blah*
    class Twelver(object):
        def __call__(self, one, two):
            return 12

    # When I try to curse a built-in class's __sub__ with that function
    curse(str, "__sub__", Twelver())

    # Then I see that the class was cursed
    assert ("hello" - "world") == 12
def test_cursing_a_builtin_class():

    # Given that I have a function that returns *blah*
    def words_of_wisdom(self):
        return self * "blah "

    # When I try to curse a built-in class with that function
    curse(int, "words_of_wisdom", words_of_wisdom)

    # Then I see that the class was cursed
    assert (2).words_of_wisdom() == "blah blah "
    assert 'words_of_wisdom' in dir(int)
def test_cursing_a_builtin_class_with_a_class_method():

    # Given that I have a function that returns *blah*
    def hello(self):
        return "blah"

    # When I try to curse a built-in class with that function
    curse(str, "hello", classmethod(hello))

    # Then I see that the class was cursed
    assert str.hello() == "blah"
    assert 'hello' in dir(str)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_cursing_a_builting_class_with_a_class_method():

    # Given that I have a function that returns *blah*
    def hello(self):
        return "blah"

    # When I try to curse a built-in class with that function
    curse(str, "hello", classmethod(hello))

    # Then I see that the class was cursed
    assert str.hello() == "blah"
    assert "hello" in dir(str)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_cursing_a_builting_class():

    # Given that I have a function that returns *blah*
    def words_of_wisdom(self):
        return self * "blah "

    # When I try to curse a built-in class with that function
    curse(int, "words_of_wisdom", words_of_wisdom)

    # Then I see that the class was cursed
    assert (2).words_of_wisdom() == "blah blah "
    assert "words_of_wisdom" in dir(int)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def variable(Pt):
    class Point:
        def softplus(self):
            return F.softplus(self)

        def log_softmax(self, *args, dim=1, **kargs):
            return F.log_softmax(self, dim=dim, *args, **kargs)

        def conv3d(self, *args, **kargs):
            return F.conv3d(self, *args, **kargs)

        def conv2d(self, *args, **kargs):
            return F.conv2d(self, *args, **kargs)

        def max_pool2d(self, *args, **kargs):
            return F.max_pool2d(self, *args, **kargs)

        def conv1d(self, *args, **kargs):
            return F.conv1d(self, *args, **kargs)

        def conv1d(self, *args, **kargs):
            return F.conv1d(self, *args, **kargs)

        def cat(self, other, dim=0, **kargs):
            return, other), dim=dim, **kargs)

        def attack(model, radius, original, target):
            return original

        def box(original, *args, **kargs):
            return original

        def line(original, other, w=None, *args, **kargs):
            return (original + other) / 2

        def diameter(self):
            return pyval(0)  # dtype([[[10000]]])

        def lb(self):
            return self

        def ub(self):
            return self

        def cudify(self, cuda, cuda_async):
            return self.cuda(async=cuda_async) if cuda else self

    for nm in getMethodNames(Point):
        curse(Pt, nm, getattr(Point, nm))
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_dunder_list_map():
    """Overload * (__mul__) operator to apply function to a list"""
    def map_list(func, list_):
        if not callable(func):
            raise NotImplementedError()
        return map(func, list_)

    curse(list, "__mul__", map_list)

    list_ = list(range(10))
    times_2 = lambda x: x * 2

    assert list(times_2 * list_) == list(range(0, 20, 2))
Ejemplo n.º 31
def test_dir_filtering_same_symbol_different_type():
    # Given that I curse both `str` and `int` built-ins but only hide the new
    # attribute from the one installed on `str`
    curse(str, "attr_x", "blah", hide_from_dir=True)
    curse(int, "attr_x", "blah")

    # Then I see that both attributes were installed, but only one is filtered
    # by dir
    assert str.attr_x == "blah"
    assert "attr_x" not in dir(str)

    assert int.attr_x == "blah"
    assert "attr_x" in dir(int)
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def mix_method(target, method_name, method, method_type=None):
        if method_type == 'static':
            method = staticmethod(method)
        elif method_type == 'class':
            method = classmethod(method)

        if method_name in target.__dict__:
            reverse_the_curse(target, method_name)

        if method_type is None and hasattr(method, '__func__'):
            curse(target, method_name, method.__func__)
            curse(target, method_name, method)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def curse(classes=[list, tuple, set, dict]):
    """Add functional methods to list, tuple, set, and dict in-place."""
    cursed_methods = {
        "map": _map,
        "filter": _filter,
        "reduce": _reduce,
        "apply": _apply,
        "zip": _zip,
        "enumerate": _enumerate,
    for klass in classes:
        for name, fun in cursed_methods.items():
            forbiddenfruit.curse(klass, name, fun)
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def mix_method(target, method_name, method, method_type=None):
        if method_type == 'static':
            method = staticmethod(method)
        elif method_type == 'class':
            method = classmethod(method)

        if method_name in target.__dict__:
            reverse_the_curse(target, method_name)

        if method_type is None and hasattr(method, '__func__'):
            curse(target, method_name, method.__func__)
            curse(target, method_name, method)
def test_dunder_list_map():
    """Overload * (__mul__) operator to apply function to a list"""
    def map_list(func, list_):
        if not callable(func):
            raise NotImplementedError()
        return map(func, list_)

    curse(list, "__mul__", map_list)

    list_ = list(range(10))
    times_2 = lambda x: x * 2

    assert list(times_2 * list_) == list(range(0, 20, 2))
def test_dir_filtering_same_symbol_different_type():
    # Given that I curse both `str` and `int` built-ins but only hide the new
    # attribute from the one installed on `str`
    curse(str, "attr_x", "blah", hide_from_dir=True)
    curse(int, "attr_x", "blah")

    # Then I see that both attributes were installed, but only one is filtered
    # by dir
    assert str.attr_x == "blah"
    assert "attr_x" not in dir(str)

    assert int.attr_x == "blah"
    assert "attr_x" in dir(int)
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def setUpClass(cls):
        super(test_Base, cls).setUpClass()

        def _datetime_to_timestamp(self):
            epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1)
            diff = self - epoch
            return int(diff.total_seconds())

        if six.PY2:
            print 'Patching datetime.timestamp for PY2'
            print 'Patching unittest.TestCase.subTest for PY2'
            curse(datetime, 'timestamp', _datetime_to_timestamp)
            curse(TestCase, 'subTest', DummyContextManager)
Ejemplo n.º 38
def test_overriding_dict_pop():
    "The `curse` function should be able to curse existing symbols"

    # Given that I have an instance of a python class
    obj = {"a": 1, "b": 2}

    # When I curse an instance method
    curse(dict, "pop", lambda self, key: self[key])

    # Then I see that my object was cursed properly
    assert obj.pop("a") == 1
    assert obj.pop("b") == 2
    assert "a" in obj
    assert "b" in obj
Ejemplo n.º 39
def test_overriding_non_c_things():
    "The `curse` function should not blow up on non-c python objs"

    # Given that I have an instance of a python class
    class Yo(object):

    obj = Yo()

    # When I curse an instance method
    curse(Yo, "my_method", lambda *a, **k: "Yo" * 2)

    # Then I see that my object was cursed properly
    assert obj.my_method() == "YoYo"
def test_overriding_non_c_things():
    "The `curse` function should not blow up on non-c python objs"

    # Given that I have an instance of a python class
    class Yo(object):

    obj = Yo()

    # When I curse an instance method
    curse(Yo, "my_method", lambda *a, **k: "Yo" * 2)

    # Then I see that my object was cursed properly
    assert obj.my_method() == "YoYo"
def test_overriding_dict_pop():
    "The `curse` function should be able to curse existing symbols"

    # Given that I have an instance of a python class
    obj = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

    # When I curse an instance method
    curse(dict, "pop", lambda self, key: self[key])

    # Then I see that my object was cursed properly
    assert obj.pop('a') == 1
    assert obj.pop('b') == 2
    assert 'a' in obj
    assert 'b' in obj
Ejemplo n.º 42
def spy_on_file_io():
    orig_read =
    orig_write = io.TextIOWrapper.write
    forbiddenfruit.curse(io.BufferedReader, "read", spy_read(
    forbiddenfruit.curse(io.TextIOWrapper, "write", spy_write(io.TextIOWrapper.write))
    forbiddenfruit.curse(io.BufferedReader, "read", orig_read)
    forbiddenfruit.curse(io.TextIOWrapper, "write", orig_write)
Ejemplo n.º 43
def mockey_patch_formatting():
    from datetime import date

    original_strftime = date.strftime

    patterns = {
        "%-d": lambda d: str(,

    def _date_strftime_patch(self: date, fmt: Text) -> str:
        for pattern, get_value in patterns.items():
            if pattern in fmt:
                fmt = fmt.replace(pattern, get_value(self))

        result = original_strftime(self, fmt)
        return result

    curse(date, "strftime", _date_strftime_patch)
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def _replace_numpy_method(np_path: str,
                           replacement_function: Callable) -> None:
     np_path_sub_attributes = np_path.split('.')
     module = np
     for np_path_sub_attribute in np_path_sub_attributes[1:-1]:
         module = getattr(module, np_path_sub_attribute)
         setattr(module, np_path_sub_attributes[-1], replacement_function)
     except TypeError as error:
         if len(
         ) == 1 and 'can\'t set attributes of built-in/extension type' in error.args[
             forbiddenfruit.curse(module, np_path_sub_attributes[-1],
             raise error
def test_dunder_unary():
    """Overload ~ operator to compute a derivative of function"""
    def derive_func(func):
        e = 0.001
        def wrapper(x):
            """Poor man's derivation"""
            x_0 = x - e
            x_1 = x + e
            y_delta = func(x_1) - func(x_0)
            return y_delta / (2 * e)
        return wrapper

    curse(FunctionType, "__inv__", derive_func)

    f = lambda x: x**2 + x
    # true derivation
    f_ = lambda x: 2*x + 1

    assert almost_equal((~f)(10), f_(10))
Ejemplo n.º 46
def test_dunder_unary():
    """Overload ~ operator to compute a derivative of function"""
    def derive_func(func):
        e = 0.001
        def wrapper(x):
            """Poor man's derivation"""
            x_0 = x - e
            x_1 = x + e
            y_delta = func(x_1) - func(x_0)
            return y_delta / (2 * e)
        return wrapper

    curse(FunctionType, "__inv__", derive_func)

    f = lambda x: x**2 + x
    # true derivation
    f_ = lambda x: 2*x + 1

    assert almost_equal((~f)(10), f_(10))
Ejemplo n.º 47
        def _patch(entry):
            m_obj = getattr(entry[0], entry[1])
            m_str = str(m_obj)
            method_invocations[m_str] = {'__count__': 0}

            def m_patched(*args, **kwargs):
                entry = method_invocations[m_str]
                stack = traceback.format_stack()
                last_frame = str(stack[-2]).strip()
                entry[last_frame] = entry.get(last_frame, 0) + 1
                if entry['__count__'] % 1000 == 0:
                    # TODO print(''.join(stack))
                entry['__count__'] += 1
                return m_obj(*args, **kwargs)

                from forbiddenfruit import curse
                curse(entry[0], entry[1], m_patched)
            except Exception as e:
                print('Unable to set attr:', entry[0], entry[1], m_patched, e)
Ejemplo n.º 48
def test_dunder_func_chaining():
    """Overload * (mul) operator to to chaining between functions"""
    def matmul_chaining(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, FunctionType):
            raise NotImplementedError()
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            res = other(*args, **kwargs)
            if hasattr(res, "__iter__"):
                return self(*res)
            return self(res)

        return wrapper

    curse(FunctionType, "__mul__", matmul_chaining)
    f = lambda x, y: x * y
    g = lambda x: (x, x)

    squared = f * g

    for i in range(0, 10, 2):
        assert squared(i) == i ** 2
def test_dunder_func_chaining():
    """Overload * (mul) operator to to chaining between functions"""
    def matmul_chaining(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, FunctionType):
            raise NotImplementedError()
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            res = other(*args, **kwargs)
            if hasattr(res, "__iter__"):
                return self(*res)
            return self(res)

        return wrapper

    curse(FunctionType, "__mul__", matmul_chaining)
    f = lambda x, y: x * y
    g = lambda x: (x, x)

    squared = f * g

    for i in range(0, 10, 2):
        assert squared(i) == i ** 2
Ejemplo n.º 50
def test_dunder_list_revert():
    """Test reversion of a curse with dunders"""
    def map_list(func, list_):
        if not callable(func):
            raise NotImplementedError()
        return map(func, list_)

    curse(list, "__add__", map_list)

    list_ = list(range(10))
    times_2 = lambda x: x * 2

    assert list(times_2 + list_) == list(range(0, 20, 2))

    reverse(list, "__add__")
        times_2 + list_
    except TypeError:
        # should always raise an exception
        assert False
Ejemplo n.º 51
def test_overriding_list_append():
    "The `curse` function should be able to curse existing symbols"

    # Given that I have an instance of a python class
    obj = []

    # When I curse an instance method
    fn =  lambda self, v: self._c_append(v) or self
    foo = curse(list, "append", fn)

    # Then I see that my object was cursed properly
    assert obj.append(1) == [1]
    assert obj.append(2) == [1, 2]
    assert 1 in obj
    assert 2 in obj
Ejemplo n.º 52
def setup():
	curse(list, 'where', where);
	curse(list, 'exists', exists);
Ejemplo n.º 53
from forbiddenfruit import curse
import itertools

class enumerable:
    def map(self, fn):
        return map(fn, self)

    def filter(self, fn):
        return filter(fn, self)

    def reduce(self, fn, initial=None):
        return reduce(fn, self, initial) if initial else reduce(fn, self)

    def take(self, number):
        return itertools.islice(self, number)

    def toList(self):
        return list(self)

curse(object, "map",
curse(object, "filter", enumerable.filter)
curse(object, "reduce", enumerable.reduce)
curse(object, "take", enumerable.take)
curse(object, "toList", enumerable.toList)
Ejemplo n.º 54
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        all_args = bound_args + args
        all_kwargs = dict(bound_kwargs.items() + kwargs.items())
        return func(*all_args, **all_kwargs)
    # Fetch the original argspec, remove the curried arguments, and create a
    # new argspec
    argspec_orig = inspect.getargspec(func)

    args = argspec_orig.args[len(bound_args):]
    for arg_name in bound_kwargs:
    argspec_new = inspect.ArgSpec(args = args,
                                  varargs = argspec_orig.varargs,
                                  keywords = argspec_orig.keywords,
                                  defaults = argspec_orig.defaults)

    # Create a lambda to wrap the inner function with the correct argspec. We
    # use eval for this because it's the only way I know of to create a
    # function with an arbitrary argspec.
    formatted_args = inspect.formatargspec(*argspec_new)
    params = formatted_args.lstrip('(').rstrip(')')
    lambda_str = 'lambda %s: inner%s' % (params, formatted_args)
    eval_func = eval(lambda_str, {'inner' : inner})

    return wraps(func)(eval_func)

curse(types.FunctionType, 'bind', bind)

Ejemplo n.º 55

Adds some methods to intervals in order to get dates. So far:

* ago
* since

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from forbiddenfruit import curse

def ago(self):
    return - self

def since(self, date):
    return date + self

curse(timedelta, 'ago', ago)
curse(timedelta, 'since', since)
Ejemplo n.º 56
# Substitute for '%pylab inline' from
import numpy
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pylab, mlab, pyplot
np = numpy
plt = pyplot
from IPython.display import display
from IPython.core.pylabtools import figsize, getfigs
from pylab import *
from numpy import *

from forbiddenfruit import curse
curse(np.ndarray,'H',property(fget=lambda A: A.T.conj()))

# In[2]:

from import loadmat
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from scipy.special import iv as besseli

def fftc(img):
    return ifftshift(fftn(fftshift(img)))

def ifftc(ksp):
    return fftshift(ifftn(ifftshift(ksp)))
# get data from
Ejemplo n.º 57
    if target is None:
      return obj.__getmeta__(attr)
      return obj.__getmeta__(target, attr)
  except KeyError:
    return default

def delmeta(obj,attr,target=None):
  if target is None:
    return obj.__delmeta__(attr)
    return obj.__delmeta__(target, attr)

# __metadata__ is a global slot, so we have to manage the namespaces
curse(object, "__metadata__", {})
def _get(namespace,obj):
    return namespace[id(obj)]
  except KeyError:
    namespace[id(obj)] = {}
    return namespace[id(obj)]
def _object_getmeta(obj,attr):
  return _get(object.__metadata__, obj).get(attr)

def _object_setmeta(obj,attr,val):
  _get(object.__metadata__, obj)[attr] = val
Ejemplo n.º 58
 def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
     curse(datetime, 'now', self._previous_datetime_now)
Ejemplo n.º 59
    return int(self)

def to_f(self):
    return float(self)

def _sum(self):  # avoid keyword `sum`
    return sum(self)

def instance_of(self, t):
    return isinstance(self, t)

curse(int, "instance_of", instance_of)
curse(int, "to_s", to_s)
curse(int, "to_f", to_f)

curse(float, "instance_of", instance_of)
curse(float, "to_s", to_s)
curse(float, "to_i", to_i)

curse(str, "instance_of", instance_of)
curse(str, "length", property(length))
curse(str, "to_i", to_i)
curse(str, "to_f", to_f)
curse(str, "to_s", _return_self)

curse(unicode, "instance_of", instance_of)
curse(unicode, "length", property(length))
Ejemplo n.º 60
    def __enter__(self):
        if type(self.new_now) != datetime:
            raise ValueError(
                'The freeze_date argument must be a datetime.datetime'
                ' instance, got %s' % type(self.new_now).__name__)

        def is_caller_ignored(frames_up):
            """Inspect the stack for n frames up for a blacklisted caller.

            Stack inspection is very expensive, so we skip this per default as
            we hit this on every access to a frozen time. A fine case example
            of catastrophic access density is a bunch of Plone workflow event
            handlers firing off a Dexterity ``createdInContainer`` event.
            if self.ignore_modules:
                caller_frame = inspect.stack()[frames_up][0]
                module_name = inspect.getmodule(caller_frame).__name__
                return module_name in self.ignore_modules
            return False

        self.mocker = Mocker()

        # Replace "" classmethod
        self._previous_datetime_now =

        # Replace "datetime.datetime.utcnow" classmethod
        self._previous_datetime_utcnow = datetime.utcnow

        def freezed_now(klass, tz=None):
            if is_caller_ignored(2):
                return self._previous_datetime_now(tz)

            if not tz:
                return self.new_now.replace(tzinfo=None)

            # Time was frozen to a naive DT, but a TZ-aware time is being requested
            # from now(). We assume the same TZ for freezing as requested by now.
            elif self.new_now.tzinfo is None:
                return self.new_now.replace(tzinfo=tz)

            elif self.new_now.tzinfo != tz:
                return tz.normalize(self.new_now.astimezone(tz))

            return self.new_now

        def freezed_utcnow(klass):
            if is_caller_ignored(2):
                return self._previous_datetime_utcnow()

            if self.new_now.tzinfo and self.new_now.tzinfo != pytz.UTC:
                return pytz.UTC.normalize(self.new_now.astimezone(pytz.UTC))
            return self.new_now

        curse(datetime, 'now', freezed_now)
        curse(datetime, 'utcnow', freezed_utcnow)

        # Replace "time.time" function
        # datetime.timetuple does not contain any timezone information, so this
        # information will be lost. Moreover time.time should be in the system
        # timezone, so we need to correct for the offset of timezone used in
        # the freezing relative to the system timezone.
        local_tz = pytz.timezone(tzname[0])
        if self.new_now.tzinfo is None:
            new_time = mktime(self.new_now.timetuple())
            new_time = mktime(self.new_now.tzinfo.normalize(self.new_now + local_tz._utcoffset).utctimetuple())
        time_class = self.mocker.replace('time.time')

        def frozen_time():
            if is_caller_ignored(7):
                if self.new_now.tzinfo is None:
                    return mktime(self._previous_datetime_now().timetuple())
                    return mktime(self._previous_datetime_now().tzinfo.normalize(
                        self.new_now + local_tz._utcoffset).utctimetuple())
            return new_time

        expect(time_class()).call(frozen_time).count(0, None)

        return self