Ejemplo n.º 1
The resulting file for a 3-day cascadia1 forecast with bio and carbon is 327 MB,
vs. 214 MB for EACH of the history files.
This means we are eventually pushing 47x less to azure.

For testing on my mac run in ipython as
run make_forcing_main.py -d 2017.05.18

import os
import sys
fpth = os.path.abspath('../')
if fpth not in sys.path:
import forcing_functions as ffun
Ldir, Lfun = ffun.intro()

# ****************** CASE-SPECIFIC CODE *****************

from datetime import datetime
start_time = datetime.now()
import netCDF4 as nc
import zrfun
import numpy as np

print(' - Creating surface  file for ' + Ldir['date_string'])
f_string = 'f' + Ldir['date_string']

#%% create the surface NetCDF file

# input files
Ejemplo n.º 2
This creates and poulates directories for ROMS runs on gaggle.  It is
designed to work with the "BLANK" version of the .in file,
replacing things like $whatever$ with meaningful values.


import os
import sys
fpth = os.path.abspath('../../')
if fpth not in sys.path:
import forcing_functions as ffun
Ldir, Lfun = ffun.intro()

#import netCDF4 as nc
#import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
fdt = datetime.strptime(Ldir['date_string'], '%Y.%m.%d')
fdt_yesterday = fdt - timedelta(1)

print('- dot_in.py creating files for LiveOcean for ' + Ldir['date_string'])

gtag = Ldir['gtag']
gtagex = gtag + '_' + Ldir['ex_name']
EX_NAME = Ldir['ex_name'].upper()


# which ROMS code to use
roms_name = 'LO_ROMS'