Ejemplo n.º 1
def main_flags():
    # Data & model config
    flags.DEFINE_string('data_config', 'datasets/multid_config.py',
                        'Path to a data config file.')
    flags.DEFINE_string('model_config', 'models/genesis_config.py',
                        'Path to a model config file.')
    # Logging config
    flags.DEFINE_string('results_dir', 'checkpoints',
                        'Top directory for all experimental results.')
    flags.DEFINE_string('run_name', 'test',
                        'Name of this job and name of results folder.')
        'report_loss_every', 1000,
        'Number of iterations between reporting minibatch loss.')
    flags.DEFINE_integer('run_validation_every', 10000,
                         'How many equally spaced validation runs to do.')
    flags.DEFINE_integer('num_checkpoints', 40,
                         'How many equally spaced model checkpoints to save.')
    flags.DEFINE_boolean('resume', False, 'Tries to resume a job if True.')
        'log_grads_and_weights', False,
        'Log gradient and weight histograms - storage intensive!')
        'log_distributions', False,
        'Log mu and sigma of posterior and prior distributions.')
    # Optimisation config
    flags.DEFINE_integer('train_iter', 2000000,
                         'Number of training iterations.')
    flags.DEFINE_integer('batch_size', 32, 'Mini-batch size.')
    flags.DEFINE_string('optimiser', 'adam', 'Optimiser for updating weights.')
    flags.DEFINE_float('learning_rate', 0.0001, 'Learning rate.')
    flags.DEFINE_integer('N_eval', 10000,
                         'Number of samples to run evaluation on.')
    # Loss config
    flags.DEFINE_float('beta', 0.5, 'KL weighting.')
    flags.DEFINE_boolean('beta_warmup', True, 'Warm up beta.')
    flags.DEFINE_boolean('geco', True, 'Use GECO objective.')
    flags.DEFINE_float('g_goal', 0.5655, 'GECO recon goal.')
    flags.DEFINE_float('g_lr', 1e-5, 'GECO learning rate.')
    flags.DEFINE_float('g_alpha', 0.99, 'GECO momentum for error.')
    flags.DEFINE_float('g_init', 1.0, 'GECO inital Lagrange factor.')
    flags.DEFINE_float('g_min', 1e-10, 'GECO min Lagrange factor.')
    flags.DEFINE_float('g_speedup', 10., 'Scale GECO lr if delta positive.')
    # Other
    flags.DEFINE_boolean('gpu', True, 'Use GPU if available.')
    flags.DEFINE_boolean('multi_gpu', False, 'Use multiple GPUs if available.')
    flags.DEFINE_boolean('debug', False, 'Debug flag.')
    flags.DEFINE_integer('seed', 0, 'Seed for random number generators.')
Ejemplo n.º 2
flags.DEFINE_string('model_config', 'configs/mnist_mlp.py',
                    'Path to a model config file.')
flags.DEFINE_string('results_dir', 'checkpoints',
                    'Top directory for all experimental results.')
flags.DEFINE_string('run_name', 'mnist',
                    'Name of this job and name of results folder.')
flags.DEFINE_boolean('resume', False, 'Tries to resume a job if True.')

# Logging config
flags.DEFINE_integer('report_loss_every', 100,
                     'Number of iterations between reporting minibatch loss.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('train_epochs', 20, 'Maximum number of training epochs.')

# Experiment config
flags.DEFINE_integer('batch_size', 32, 'Mini-batch size.')
flags.DEFINE_float('learning_rate', 1e-5, 'SGD learning rate.')

# Parse flags
config = forge.config()

# Prepare enviornment
logdir = osp.join(config.results_dir, config.run_name)
logdir, resume_checkpoint = fet.init_checkpoint(logdir, config.data_config,
checkpoint_name = osp.join(logdir, 'model.ckpt')

# Load data
train_loader = fet.load(config.data_config, config)
# Load model
model = fet.load(config.model_config, config)
Ejemplo n.º 3
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.distributions.normal import Normal

from forge import flags

from modules.blocks import Flatten
from modules.decoders import BroadcastDecoder
from third_party.sylvester.VAE import VAE

# GatedConvVAE
flags.DEFINE_integer('latent_dimension', 64, 'Latent channels.')
flags.DEFINE_boolean('broadcast_decoder', False,
                     'Use broadcast decoder instead of deconv.')
# Losses
flags.DEFINE_boolean('pixel_bound', True, 'Bound pixel values to [0, 1].')
flags.DEFINE_float('pixel_std', 0.7, 'StdDev of reconstructed pixels.')

def load(cfg):
    return BaselineVAE(cfg)

class BaselineVAE(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, cfg):
        super(BaselineVAE, self).__init__()
        cfg.K_steps = None
        # Configuration
        self.ldim = cfg.latent_dimension
        self.pixel_std = cfg.pixel_std
        self.pixel_bound = cfg.pixel_bound
        self.debug = cfg.debug
Ejemplo n.º 4
# job config
flags.DEFINE_string('data_config', 'configs/mnist_data.py', 'Path to a data config file.')
flags.DEFINE_string('model_config', 'configs/mnist_mlp.py', 'Path to a model config file.')
flags.DEFINE_string('results_dir', '../checkpoints', 'Top directory for all experimental results.')
flags.DEFINE_string('run_name', 'test_run', 'Name of this job. Results will be stored in a corresponding folder.')
flags.DEFINE_boolean('resume', False, 'Tries to resume a job if True.')

# logging config
flags.DEFINE_integer('report_loss_every', int(1e3), 'Number of iterations between reporting minibatch loss - hearbeat.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('save_itr', int(1e4), 'Number of iterations between snapshotting the model.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('train_itr', int(2e6), 'Maximum number of training iterations.')

# experiment config
flags.DEFINE_integer('batch_size', 32, '')
flags.DEFINE_float('learning_rate', 1e-5, 'Initial values of the learning rate')

# gpu
flags.DEFINE_string('gpu', '0', 'Id of the gpu to use for this job.')

# Parse flags
config = forge.config()

# sets visible gpus to config.gpu

# Prepare enviornment
logdir = osp.join(config.results_dir, config.run_name)
logdir, resume_checkpoint = fet.init_checkpoint(logdir, config.data_config, config.model_config, config.resume)
checkpoint_name = osp.join(logdir, 'model.ckpt')
Ejemplo n.º 5
    "nbhd_size", 25, "The number of samples to use for Monte Carlo estimation")
flags.DEFINE_string("activation_function", "swish",
                    "Activation function to use in the network")
flags.DEFINE_boolean("batch_norm", True, "Use batch norm in the layers")
    "Use mean pooling insteave of sum pooling in the invariant layer",
flags.DEFINE_integer("num_layers", 6, "Number of ResNet layers to use")
flags.DEFINE_string("group", "SE3", "Group to be invariant to")
flags.DEFINE_integer("channels", 1536, "Number of channels in the conv layers")
    "specifies the fraction of the input which is included in local neighborhood. (can be array to specify a different value for each layer",
    "lift_samples", 4,
    "Number of coset lift samples to use for non-trivial stabilisers")
flags.DEFINE_integer("model_seed", 0, "Model rng seed")
    "Nonlinearity to apply to the norm of the lie algebra elements. Supported are None/tanh",

def load(config, **unused_kwargs):
# Logging
    "report_loss_every", 500, "Number of iterations between reporting minibatch loss."
    "evaluate_every", 10000, "Number of iterations between reporting validation loss."
    "frequency with which to save checkpoints, in number of epochs.",
flags.DEFINE_boolean("log_train_values", True, "Logs train values if True.")
    "ema_alpha", 0.99, "Alpha coefficient for exponential moving average of train logs."

# Optimization
flags.DEFINE_integer("train_epochs", 500, "Maximum number of training epochs.")
flags.DEFINE_integer("batch_size", 90, "Mini-batch size.")
flags.DEFINE_float("learning_rate", 1e-5, "SGD learning rate.")
flags.DEFINE_float("beta1", 0.5, "Adam Beta 1 parameter")
flags.DEFINE_float("beta2", 0.9, "Adam Beta 2 parameter")
    "What learning rate schedule to use. Options: cosine, none",
    "parameter_count", False, "If True, print model parameter count and exit"
Ejemplo n.º 7
flags.DEFINE_integer("report_loss_every", 10,
                     "Number of iterations between reporting minibatch loss.")
    "evaluate_every", 10000,
    "Number of iterations between reporting validation loss.")
    "frequency with which to save checkpoints, in number of epoches.",
flags.DEFINE_boolean("log_train_values", True, "Logs train values if True.")

# Optimization
flags.DEFINE_integer("train_epochs", 200, "Maximum number of training epochs.")
flags.DEFINE_integer("batch_size", 100, "Mini-batch size.")
flags.DEFINE_float("learning_rate", 1e-3, "Adam learning rate.")
flags.DEFINE_float("beta1", 0.9, "Adam Beta 1 parameter")
flags.DEFINE_float("beta2", 0.999, "Adam Beta 2 parameter")
flags.DEFINE_string("lr_schedule", "cosine_annealing",
                    "Learning rate schedule.")
flags.DEFINE_boolean("clip_grad_norm", False,
                     "Clip norm of the gradient at max_grad_norm.")
flags.DEFINE_integer("max_grad_norm", 100,
                     "Maximum norm of gradient when clip_grad_norm is True.")

# GPU device
flags.DEFINE_integer("device", 0, "GPU to use.")

# Debug mode tracks more stuff
flags.DEFINE_boolean("debug", False,
                     "Track and show on tensorboard more metrics.")
Ejemplo n.º 8
import os

from torch.utils.data import DataLoader

from oil.utils.utils import FixedNumpySeed
from oil.datasetup.datasets import split_dataset

from lie_conv.datasets import QM9datasets
from corm_data.collate import collate_fn

import forge
from forge import flags

    "Proportion or number of samples of the full trainset to use",
    "Which task in the QM9 dataset to train on. Pass as a comma separated string",
flags.DEFINE_boolean("recenter", False,
                     "Recenter the positions of atoms with charge > 0")
flags.DEFINE_integer("batch_fit", 0, "number of samples to fit to")
flags.DEFINE_integer("data_seed", 0, "seed to pick data with")

def load(config, **unused_kwargs):
Ejemplo n.º 9
    "Selects the type of attention kernel to use. mlp/relative_position/dot_product are valid",
flags.DEFINE_integer("kernel_dim", 16,
                     "Hidden layer size to use in kernel MLPs")
flags.DEFINE_integer("num_layers", 6, "Number of ResNet layers to use")
flags.DEFINE_string("group", "SE3", "Group to be invariant to")
    "lift_samples", 1,
    "Number of coset lift samples to use for non-trivial stabilisers")
    "Number of samples to use for estimating attention. 0 sets to use all points",
flags.DEFINE_float("fill", 1.0,
                   "Select mc_samples from K nearest mc_samples/fill points")
flags.DEFINE_integer("model_seed", 0, "Model rng seed")
flags.DEFINE_string("architecture", "model_1",
                    "The model architecture to use. model_1/lieconv")
flags.DEFINE_string("attention_fn", "softmax",
                    "Type of attention function to use. softmax/dot_product")
    "Dimensionality of the embedding of the features for each head. Only used by some kernels",
    "Maximum sample norm to allow through the lifting stage to prevent numerical issues.",
Ejemplo n.º 10
import functools
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import torch
from torchvision import transforms

# import ipdb
from forge import flags
import pickle
import os
import json

flags.DEFINE_integer("train_size", 10000, "Number of training examples per epoch.")
flags.DEFINE_integer("test_size", 1000, "Number of testing examples per epoch.")
flags.DEFINE_integer("naug", 2, "Number of augmentation.")
flags.DEFINE_float("corner_noise", 0.1, "See `create_constellations`.")
flags.DEFINE_boolean("shuffle_corners", True, "See `create_constellations`.")

flags.DEFINE_float("pattern_upscale", 0.0, "See `create_constellations`.")
flags.DEFINE_float("max_rotation", 0.33, "See `create_constellations`.")
flags.DEFINE_float("global_rotation_angle", 0.0, "See `create_constellations`.")
flags.DEFINE_float("global_translation", 0.0, "See `create_constellations`.")
flags.DEFINE_float("pattern_drop_prob", 0.5, "See `create_constellations`.")
flags.DEFINE_integer("patterns_reps", 2, "See `create_constellations`.")
flags.DEFINE_integer("data_seed", 0, "Seed for data generation.")

def roots_of_unity(n):
    x_coors = np.cos(2 * np.pi / n * np.arange(n)[..., np.newaxis])
    y_coors = np.sin(2 * np.pi / n * np.arange(n)[..., np.newaxis])
flags.DEFINE_boolean("resume", False, "Tries to resume a job if True.")

# Logging
flags.DEFINE_integer("report_loss_every", 500,
                     "Number of iterations between reporting minibatch loss.")
    "evaluate_every", 10000,
    "Number of iterations between reporting validation loss.")
    "frequency with which to save checkpoints, in number of epoches.",
flags.DEFINE_boolean("log_train_values", True, "Logs train values if True.")
    "ema_alpha", 0.99,
    "Alpha coefficient for exponential moving average of train logs.")
flags.DEFINE_boolean("train_aug_t2", False, "T2 Training augmentation.")

flags.DEFINE_boolean("train_aug_se2", True, "SE2 Training augmentation.")

# Optimization
flags.DEFINE_integer("train_epochs", 200, "Maximum number of training epochs.")
flags.DEFINE_integer("batch_size", 90, "Mini-batch size.")
flags.DEFINE_float("learning_rate", 1e-5, "SGD learning rate.")
flags.DEFINE_float("beta1", 0.5, "Adam Beta 1 parameter")
flags.DEFINE_float("beta2", 0.9, "Adam Beta 2 parameter")

# GPU device
flags.DEFINE_integer("device", 0, "GPU to use.")