def test_copy_fields(self): title, schemas, submissions = customer_satisfaction forms = FormPack(schemas, title) export = forms.export(copy_fields=('_uuid', '_submission_time')) exported = export.to_dict(submissions) expected = OrderedDict({ "Customer Satisfaction": { 'fields': [ "restaurant_name", "customer_enjoyment", "_uuid", "_submission_time" ], 'data': [[ "Felipes", "yes", "90dd7750f83011e590707c7a9125d07d", "2016-04-01 19:57:45.306805" ], [ "Dunkin Donuts", "no", "90dd7750f83011e590707c7a9125d08d", "2016-04-02 19:57:45.306805" ], [ "McDonalds", "no", "90dd7750f83011e590707c7a9125d09d", "2016-04-03 19:57:45.306805" ]] } }) self.assertDictEquals(exported, expected)
def test_copy_fields_and_force_index_and_unicode(self): title, schemas, submissions = customer_satisfaction fp = FormPack(schemas, 'رضا العملاء') export = fp.export(copy_fields=('_uuid', '_submission_time'), force_index=True) exported = export.to_dict(submissions) expected = OrderedDict({ "رضا العملاء": { 'fields': [ "restaurant_name", "customer_enjoyment", "_uuid", "_submission_time", "_index" ], 'data': [[ "Felipes", "yes", "90dd7750f83011e590707c7a9125d07d", "2016-04-01 19:57:45.306805", 1 ], [ "Dunkin Donuts", "no", "90dd7750f83011e590707c7a9125d08d", "2016-04-02 19:57:45.306805", 2 ], [ "McDonalds", "no", "90dd7750f83011e590707c7a9125d09d", "2016-04-03 19:57:45.306805", 3 ]] } }) self.assertEqual(exported, expected) with tempdir() as d: xls = d / 'test.xlsx' fp.export().to_xlsx(xls, submissions) assert xls.isfile()
def test_site_inspection(self): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('site_inspection') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) self.assertEqual(len(fp.versions), 5) v0 = fp[0] self.assertEqual(list(v0.sections['Site inspection'].fields.keys()), [ u'inspector', u'did_you_find_the_site', u'was_there_damage_to_the_site', u'was_there_damage_to_the_site_dupe', u'ping', u'rssi', u'is_the_gate_secure', u'is_plant_life_encroaching', u'please_rate_the_impact_of_any_defects_observed', ]) self.assertEqual(sorted(fp.to_dict().keys()), sorted([u'id_string', u'title', u'versions'])) self.assertEqual( fp.to_dict(), { u'title': u'Site inspection', u'id_string': u'site_inspection', u'versions': [s['content'] for s in schemas] })
def test_disaggregate_extended_fields(self): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture( 'auto_report_extended_fields') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) report = fp.autoreport() stats = report.get_stats(submissions, split_by="when") assert stats.submissions_count == 22 stats = [(str(repr(field)), field_name, stats_dict) for field, field_name, stats_dict in stats] for stat in stats: stats_dict = dict(stat[2]) for value in stats_dict.get("values"): value_list = value[1] percentage_responses = [ x[0] for x in value_list.get("percentage") ] frequency_responses = [ x[0] for x in value_list.get("frequency") ] assert percentage_responses == frequency_responses assert percentage_responses[-1] == "..."
def test_xlsx_sheet_name_limit(self): ''' PyExcelerate will raise the following if any sheet name exceeds 31 characters: Exception: Excel does not permit worksheet names longer than 31 characters. Set force_name=True to disable this restriction. ''' title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('long_names') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) options = { 'versions': 'long_survey_name__the_quick__brown_fox_jumps' '_over_the_lazy_dog_v1' } with tempdir() as d: xls = d / 'foo.xlsx' fp.export(**options).to_xlsx(xls, submissions) assert xls.isfile() book = xlrd.open_workbook(xls) assert book.sheet_names() == [ u'long survey name: the quick,...', u'long_group_name__Victor_jagt...', u'long_group_name__Victor_... (1)' ]
def test_list_fields_from_many_versions_on_packs(self): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('site_inspection') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) self.assertEqual(len(fp.versions), 5) fields = { field for field in fp.get_fields_for_versions( fp.versions.keys()) } field_names = sorted(fields.keys()) self.assertListEqual(field_names, [ 'did_you_find_the_site', 'inspector', 'is_plant_life_encroaching', 'is_the_gate_secure', 'ping', 'please_rate_the_impact_of_any_defects_observed', 'rssi', 'was_there_damage_to_the_site', 'was_there_damage_to_the_site_dupe', ]) field_types = [fields[name].__class__.__name__ for name in field_names] self.assertListEqual(field_types, [ 'FormChoiceField', 'TextField', 'FormChoiceField', 'FormChoiceField', 'NumField', 'FormChoiceField', 'NumField', 'FormChoiceField', 'FormChoiceField', ])
def test_rich_report(self): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('auto_report') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) report = fp.autoreport() stats = report.get_stats(submissions) assert stats.submissions_count == 6 stats = [(unicode(repr(f)), n, d) for f, n, d in stats] expected = [ ("<TextField name='restaurant_name' type='text'>", 'restaurant_name', {'frequency': [('Felipes', 2), ('The other one', 2), ('That one', 1)], 'not_provided': 1, 'percentage': [('Felipes', 33.33), ('The other one', 33.33), ('That one', 16.67)], 'provided': 5, 'show_graph': False, 'total_count': 6}), ("<FormGPSField name='location' type='geopoint'>", 'location', {'not_provided': 1, 'provided': 5, 'show_graph': False, 'total_count': 6}), ("<DateField name='when' type='date'>", 'when', {'frequency': [('2001-01-01', 2), ('2002-01-01', 2), ('2003-01-01', 1)], 'not_provided': 1, 'percentage': [('2001-01-01', 33.33), ('2002-01-01', 33.33), ('2003-01-01', 16.67)], 'provided': 5, 'show_graph': True, 'total_count': 6}), ("<NumField name='howmany' type='integer'>", 'howmany', {'mean': 1.6, 'median': 2, 'mode': 2, 'not_provided': 1, 'provided': 5, 'show_graph': False, 'stdev': 0.5477225575051661, 'total_count': 6} ) ] for (i, stat) in enumerate(stats): assert stat == expected[i]
def test_xlsx(self): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('grouped_repeatable') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) options = {'versions': 'rgv1'} with tempdir() as d: xls = d / 'foo.xlsx' fp.export(**options).to_xlsx(xls, submissions) assert xls.isfile()
def test_repeats(self): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('grouped_repeatable') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) options = {'versions': 'rgv1'} export = fp.export(**options).to_dict(submissions) self.assertEqual( export, OrderedDict([ ('Household survey with repeatable groups', { 'fields': ['start', 'end', 'household_location', '_index'], 'data': [[ '2016-03-14T14:15:48.000-04:00', '2016-03-14T14:18:35.000-04:00', 'montreal', 1 ], [ '2016-03-14T14:14:10.000-04:00', '2016-03-14T14:15:48.000-04:00', 'marseille', 2 ], [ '2016-03-14T14:13:53.000-04:00', '2016-03-14T14:14:10.000-04:00', 'rocky mountains', 3 ], [ '2016-03-14T14:12:54.000-04:00', '2016-03-14T14:13:53.000-04:00', 'toronto', 4 ], [ '2016-03-14T14:18:35.000-04:00', '2016-03-14T15:19:20.000-04:00', 'new york', 5 ], [ '2016-03-14T14:11:25.000-04:00', '2016-03-14T14:12:03.000-04:00', 'boston', 6 ]] }), ('houshold_member_repeat', { 'fields': [ 'household_member_name', '_parent_table_name', '_parent_index' ], 'data': [['peter', 'Household survey with repeatable groups', 1], ['kyle', 'Household survey with repeatable groups', 2], ['linda', 'Household survey with repeatable groups', 2], ['morty', 'Household survey with repeatable groups', 3], ['tony', 'Household survey with repeatable groups', 4], ['mary', 'Household survey with repeatable groups', 4], ['emma', 'Household survey with repeatable groups', 5], ['parker', 'Household survey with repeatable groups', 5], ['amadou', 'Household survey with repeatable groups', 6], ['esteban', 'Household survey with repeatable groups', 6], ['suzie', 'Household survey with repeatable groups', 6], ['fiona', 'Household survey with repeatable groups', 6], ['phillip', 'Household survey with repeatable groups', 6]] }) ]))
def test_headers_of_group_exports(self): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('grouped_questions') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) options = {'versions': 'gqs'} # by default, groups are stripped. export = fp.export(**options).to_dict(submissions) headers = export['Grouped questions']['fields'] self.assertEquals(headers, ['q1', 'g1q1', 'g1sg1q1', 'g1q2', 'g2q1', 'qz'])
def test_restaurant_profile(self): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('restaurant_profile') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) self.assertEqual(len(fp.versions), 4) v0 = fp[0] self.assertEqual(list(v0.sections['Restaurant profile'].fields.keys()), [u'restaurant_name', u'location']) self.assertEqual(sorted(fp.to_dict().keys()), sorted([u'id_string', u'title', u'versions']))
def test_get_fields_for_versions_returns_unique_fields(): """ As described in #127, `get_field_for_versions()` would return identical fields multiple times. This is was a failing test to reproduce that issue """ fp = FormPack([ { 'content': { 'survey': [ { 'name': 'hey', 'type': 'image' }, { 'name': 'two', 'type': 'image' }, ] }, 'version': 'vRR7hH6SxTupvtvCqu7n5d', }, { 'content': { 'survey': [ { 'name': 'one', 'type': 'image' }, { 'name': 'two', 'type': 'image' }, ] }, 'version': 'vA8xs9JVi8aiSfypLgyYW2', }, { 'content': { 'survey': [ { 'name': 'one', 'type': 'image' }, { 'name': 'two', 'type': 'image' }, ] }, 'version': 'vNqgh8fJqyjFk6jgiCk4rn', }, ]) fields = fp.get_fields_for_versions(fp.versions) field_names = [ for field in fields] assert sorted(field_names) == ['hey', 'one', 'two']
def test_stats_with_non_numeric_value_for_numeric_field(self): """ A string response to an integer question, for example, should not cause a crash; it should be treated as if no response was provided """ title = 'Just one number' schemas = [{ 'content': { 'survey': [{ 'type': 'integer', 'name': 'the_number', 'label': 'Enter the number!', }] } }] submissions = [ { 'the_number': 10 }, { 'the_number': 20 }, { 'the_number': 30 }, { 'the_number': 'oops!' }, ] fp = FormPack(schemas, title) report = fp.autoreport() stats = report.get_stats(submissions) assert stats.submissions_count == len(submissions) stats = [(str(repr(f)), n, d) for f, n, d in stats] expected = [( "<NumField name='the_number' type='integer'>", 'the_number', { 'mean': 20.0, 'median': 20, 'mode': '*', 'not_provided': 1, 'provided': 3, 'show_graph': False, 'stdev': 10.0, 'total_count': 4, }, )] for i, stat in enumerate(stats): assert stat == expected[i]
def test_simple_report(self): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('restaurant_profile') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) report = fp.autoreport() stats = report.get_stats(submissions, lang='french') assert stats.submissions_count == 4 stats = [(str(repr(f)), n, d) for f, n, d in stats] expected = [ ("<TextField name='restaurant_name' type='text'>", 'nom du restaurant', { 'frequency': [('Taco Truck', 1), ('Harvest', 1), ('Wololo', 1), ('Los pollos hermanos', 1)], 'not_provided': 0, 'percentage': [('Taco Truck', 25.00), ('Harvest', 25.00), ('Wololo', 25.00), ('Los pollos hermanos', 25.00)], 'provided': 4, 'show_graph': False, 'total_count': 4 }), ("<FormGPSField name='location' type='geopoint'>", 'lieu', { 'not_provided': 0, 'provided': 4, 'show_graph': False, 'total_count': 4 }), ("<FormChoiceFieldWithMultipleSelect name='eatery_type' type='select_multiple'>", 'type de restaurant', { 'frequency': [('traditionnel', 2), ('avec vente \xe0 emporter', 1)], 'not_provided': 1, 'percentage': [('traditionnel', 50.00), ('avec vente \xe0 emporter', 25.00)], 'provided': 3, 'show_graph': True, 'total_count': 4 }) ] for i, stat in enumerate(stats): assert stat == expected[i]
def test_customer_satisfaction(self): ''' customer_satisfaction ''' title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('customer_satisfaction') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) v0 = fp[0] self.assertEqual(len(fp.versions), 1) self.assertEqual(list(v0.sections['Customer Satisfaction'].fields.keys()), [u'restaurant_name', u'customer_enjoyment']) self.assertEqual(sorted(fp.to_dict().keys()), [u'id_string', u'title', u'versions'])
def test_list_fields_on_packs(self): title, schemas, _ = build_fixture('restaurant_profile') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) fields = fp.get_fields_for_versions() field_names = [ for field in fields] assert field_names == ['restaurant_name', 'location', 'eatery_type'] field_types = [field.__class__.__name__ for field in fields] assert ' '.join(field_types) == ' '.join(['TextField', 'FormGPSField', 'FormChoiceFieldWithMultipleSelect'])
def test_customer_satisfaction(self): ''' customer_satisfaction ''' title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('customer_satisfaction') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) v0 = fp[0] self.assertEqual(len(fp.versions), 1) self.assertEqual( list(v0.sections['Customer Satisfaction'].fields.keys()), [u'restaurant_name', u'customer_enjoyment']) self.assertEqual(sorted(fp.to_dict().keys()), [u'id_string', u'title', u'versions'])
def test_fields_for_versions_list_index_out_of_range(): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture( 'fields_for_versions_list_index_out_of_range') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) all_fields = fp.get_fields_for_versions(fp.versions.keys()) expected = [ 'one', 'third', 'first_but_not_one', ] field_names = [ for field in all_fields] assert len(all_fields) == 3 assert field_names == expected
def test_submission_counts_match(): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('restaurant_profile') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) report = fp.autoreport(versions=fp.versions.keys()) stats = report.get_stats(submissions) assert stats.submissions_count == len(submissions) assert stats.submission_counts_by_version == { u'rpv1': 1, u'rpV2': 1, u'rpV3': 2, u'rpV4': 4, }
def test_groups_disabled(): scontent = { 'content': { 'survey': [ { 'type': 'text', 'name': 'n1', 'label': ['aa'] }, { 'type': 'begin_group', 'name': 'nada' }, { 'type': 'note', 'name': 'n2', 'label': ['ab'] }, { 'type': 'end_group' }, ], 'translations': ['en'], 'translated': ['label'], } } (ga, gz) = [scontent['content']['survey'][nn] for nn in [1, 3]] # verify that "ga" and "gz" variables point to group begin/end assert ga['type'] == 'begin_group' assert gz['type'] == 'end_group' assert ga.get('disabled') == gz.get('disabled') == None # verify values before setting "disabled=TRUE" fp = FormPack(scontent, id_string='xx') section = next(iter(fp[0].sections.values())) # only(?) way to access groups is in the hierarchy of a child question n2_parent = section.fields['n2'].hierarchy[-2] assert isinstance(n2_parent, FormGroup) assert == 'nada' assert 'nada' in fp[0].to_xml() ga['disabled'] = gz['disabled'] = 'TRUE' fp = FormPack(scontent, id_string='xx') section = next(iter(fp[0].sections.values())) n2_parent = section.fields['n2'].hierarchy[-2] # n2_parent is a "<FormSection name='submissions'>" # test opposite of what's tested above-- assert not isinstance(n2_parent, FormGroup) assert != 'nada' assert 'nada' not in fp[0].to_xml()
def test_simple_report(self): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('restaurant_profile') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) report = fp.autoreport() stats = report.get_stats(submissions, lang='french') assert stats.submissions_count == 4 stats = [(unicode(repr(f)), n, d) for f, n, d in stats] expected = [ ( "<TextField name='restaurant_name' type='text'>", 'nom du restaurant', {'frequency': [('Taco Truck', 1), ('Harvest', 1), ('Los pollos hermanos', 1), ('Wololo', 1)], 'not_provided': 0, 'percentage': [('Taco Truck', 25.00), ('Harvest', 25.00), ('Los pollos hermanos', 25.00), ('Wololo', 25.00)], 'provided': 4, 'show_graph': False, 'total_count': 4} ), ( "<FormGPSField name='location' type='geopoint'>", 'lieu', {'not_provided': 0, 'provided': 4, 'show_graph': False, 'total_count': 4} ), ( "<FormChoiceFieldWithMultipleSelect name='eatery_type' type='select_multiple'>", 'type de restaurant', {'frequency': [('traditionnel', 2), ('avec vente \xe0 emporter', 1)], 'not_provided': 1, 'percentage': [('traditionnel', 50.00), ('avec vente \xe0 emporter', 25.00)], 'provided': 3, 'show_graph': True, 'total_count': 4} ) ] for (i, stat) in enumerate(stats): assert stat == expected[i]
def test_force_index(self): title, schemas, submissions = customer_satisfaction forms = FormPack(schemas, title) export = forms.export(force_index=True).to_dict(submissions) expected = OrderedDict({ "Customer Satisfaction": { 'fields': ["restaurant_name", "customer_enjoyment", "_index"], 'data': [["Felipes", "yes", 1], ["Dunkin Donuts", "no", 2], ["McDonalds", "no", 3]] } }) self.assertEqual(export, expected)
def test_generator_export_translation_headers(self): title, schemas, submissions = restaurant_profile fp = FormPack(schemas, title) self.assertEqual(len(fp.versions), 4) self.assertEqual(len(fp[1].translations), 2) # by default, exports use the question 'name' attribute headers = fp.export(versions=0).to_dict(submissions)['Restaurant profile']['fields'] self.assertEquals(headers, ['restaurant_name', 'location', '_location_latitude', '_location_longitude', '_location_altitude', '_location_precision']) # the first translation in the list is the translation that # appears first in the column list. in this case, 'label::english' translations = fp[1].translations export = fp.export(lang=translations[0], versions=1) data = export.to_dict(submissions) headers = data['Restaurant profile']['fields'] self.assertEquals(headers, ['restaurant name', 'location', '_location_latitude', '_location_longitude', '_location_altitude', '_location_precision']) export = fp.export(lang=translations[1], versions=1) data = export.to_dict(submissions) headers = data['Restaurant profile']['fields'] self.assertEquals(headers, ['nom du restaurant', 'lieu', '_lieu_latitude', '_lieu_longitude', '_lieu_altitude', '_lieu_precision']) # TODO: make a separate test to test to test __getitem__ export = fp.export(lang=UNTRANSLATED, versions='rpv1') data = export.to_dict(submissions) headers = data['Restaurant profile']['fields'] self.assertEquals(headers, ['restaurant name', 'location', '_location_latitude', '_location_longitude', '_location_altitude', '_location_precision'])
def print_xls(filename, expand=False, flatten=False, xml=False): """ converts and XLS file with many sheets to a JSON object with lists of key-value pairs for each row in the sheet. """ try: with open(filename, 'r') as ff: content = xls_to_dicts(ff) if expand: expand_content(content) settings = content.get('settings', {}) settings['title'] = settings.get('title', 'title') settings['id_string'] = settings.get('id_string', 'id_string') content['settings'] = [settings] if flatten: flatten_content(content) settings = content.pop('settings', [{}])[0] if xml: print(FormPack({'content': content}, **settings)[0].to_xml()) else: print(json.dumps(content, indent=2)) except EnvironmentError as e: sys.exit('error trying to read input as xls file? {}: {}'.format( filename, e))
def test_to_xml_fails_when_question_has_null_label(): # previously, this form would trigger a confusing error from pyxform: # - Exception: (<type 'NoneType'>, None) # it occurs when a named translation has a <NoneType> value # (empty strings are OK) fp = FormPack( { 'content': { 'survey': [ { 'type': 'note', 'name': 'n1', 'label': [None], }, ], 'translations': ['NamedTranslation'], 'translated': ['label'], } }, id_string='sdf', ) with pytest.raises( pyxform.errors.PyXFormError, match="^The survey element named 'n1' has no label or hint.$", ): fp[0].to_xml()
def setUp(self): self.user = User.objects.get(username='******') self.asset = Asset.objects.create(content=deepcopy(F1), owner=self.user) num_submissions = 4 submissions = [] for i in range(0, num_submissions): submissions.append( OrderedDict([(key, SUBMISSION_DATA[key][i]) for key in SUBMISSION_DATA.keys()])) self.asset.deploy(backend='mock', active=True) v_uid = self.asset.latest_deployed_version.uid for submission in submissions: submission.update({'__version__': v_uid}) self.asset.deployment._mock_submission(submission) schemas = [ v.to_formpack_schema() for v in self.asset.deployed_versions ] self.fp = FormPack(versions=schemas, id_string=self.asset.uid) self.vs = self.fp.versions.keys() self.submissions = self.asset.deployment._get_submissions()
def test_headers_of_multi_version_exports(self): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('site_inspection') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) export = fp.export(versions=fp.versions.keys()).to_dict(submissions) headers = export['Site inspection']['fields'] self.assertListEqual(headers, [ 'inspector', 'did_you_find_the_site', 'was_there_damage_to_the_site', 'was_there_damage_to_the_site_dupe', 'ping', 'rssi', 'is_the_gate_secure', 'is_plant_life_encroaching', 'please_rate_the_impact_of_any_defects_observed', ])
def test_to_dict(): schema = build_fixture('restaurant_profile')[1][2] _copy = deepcopy(schema) fp = FormPack([schema], 'title') original_content = _copy['content'] new_content = fp[0].to_dict() assert original_content == new_content
def build_formpack(id_string, xform): schema = { "id_string": id_string, "version": 'v1', "content": xform.to_kpi_content_schema(), } return xform, FormPack([schema], xform.title)
def test_single_version_doesnt_require_version(self): FormPack( id_string='idstring', versions=[ copy(SINGLE_NOTE_SURVEY), ], )
def test_get_fields_for_versions_returns_newest_of_fields_with_same_name(): schemas = [ { 'version': 'v1', 'content': { 'survey': [ { 'name': 'constant_question_name', 'type': 'select_one choice', 'label': 'first version question label', 'hxl': '#first_version_hxl', }, ], 'choices': [ { 'list_name': 'choice', 'name': 'constant_choice_name', 'label': 'first version choice label', }, ], }, }, { 'version': 'v2', 'content': { 'survey': [ { 'name': 'constant_question_name', 'type': 'select_one choice', 'label': 'second version question label', 'hxl': '#second_version_hxl', }, ], 'choices': [{ 'list_name': 'choice', 'name': 'constant_choice_name', 'label': 'second version choice label', }], }, }, ] fp = FormPack(schemas) fields = fp.get_fields_for_versions(fp.versions) # The first and only field returned should be the first field of the first # section of the last version section_value = get_first_occurrence(fp[-1].sections.values()) assert fields[0] == get_first_occurrence(section_value.fields.values())
def test_to_xml(): """ at the very least, version.to_xml() does not fail """ title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('restaurant_profile') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) for version in fp.versions.keys(): fp.versions[version].to_xml()
def test_field_position_with_multiple_versions(): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture( 'field_position_with_multiple_versions') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) all_fields = fp.get_fields_for_versions(fp.versions.keys()) expected = [ 'City', 'Firstname', 'Lastname', 'Gender', 'Age', 'Fullname', ] field_names = [ for field in all_fields] assert len(all_fields) == 6 assert field_names == expected
def test_copy_fields_and_force_index_and_unicode(self): title, schemas, submissions = customer_satisfaction fp = FormPack(schemas, 'رضا العملاء') export = fp.export(copy_fields=('_uuid', '_submission_time'), force_index=True) exported = export.to_dict(submissions) expected = OrderedDict({ "رضا العملاء": { 'fields': ["restaurant_name", "customer_enjoyment", "_uuid", "_submission_time", "_index"], 'data': [ [ "Felipes", "yes", "90dd7750f83011e590707c7a9125d07d", "2016-04-01 19:57:45.306805", 1 ], [ "Dunkin Donuts", "no", "90dd7750f83011e590707c7a9125d08d", "2016-04-02 19:57:45.306805", 2 ], [ "McDonalds", "no", "90dd7750f83011e590707c7a9125d09d", "2016-04-03 19:57:45.306805", 3 ] ] } }) self.assertEqual(exported, expected) with tempdir() as d: xls = d / 'test.xlsx' fp.export().to_xlsx(xls, submissions) assert xls.isfile()
def test_force_index(self): title, schemas, submissions = customer_satisfaction forms = FormPack(schemas, title) export = forms.export(force_index=True).to_dict(submissions) expected = OrderedDict({ "Customer Satisfaction": { 'fields': ["restaurant_name", "customer_enjoyment", "_index"], 'data': [ ["Felipes", "yes", 1], ["Dunkin Donuts", "no", 2], ["McDonalds", "no", 3] ] } }) self.assertEqual(export, expected)
def test_choices_external_as_text_field(self): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('sanitation_report_external') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) export = fp.export(lang=UNTRANSLATED) exported = export.to_dict(submissions) expected = OrderedDict([ ( 'Sanitation report external', { 'fields': [ 'Restaurant name', 'How did this restaurant do on its sanitation report?', 'Report date' ], 'data': [ [ 'Felipes', 'A', '012345' ], [ 'Chipotle', 'C', '012346' ], [ 'Dunkin Donuts', 'D', '012347' ], [ 'Boloco', 'B', '012348' ] ] } ) ]) self.assertEqual(exported, expected)
def test_submissions_of_group_exports(self): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('grouped_questions') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) options = {'versions': 'gqs'} export = fp.export(**options).to_dict(submissions)['Grouped questions'] self.assertDictEquals(export['fields'], ['q1', 'g1q1', 'g1sg1q1', 'g1q2', 'g2q1', 'qz']) self.assertDictEquals(export['data'], [['respondent1\'s r1', 'respondent1\'s r2', 'respondent1\'s r2.5', 'respondent1\'s r2.75 :)', 'respondent1\'s r3', 'respondent1\'s r4'], ['respondent2\'s r1', 'respondent2\'s r2', 'respondent2\'s r2.5', 'respondent2\'s r2.75 :)', 'respondent2\'s r3', 'respondent2\'s r4']]) options['hierarchy_in_labels'] = '/' export = fp.export(**options).to_dict(submissions)['Grouped questions'] self.assertDictEquals(export['fields'], ['q1', 'g1/g1q1', 'g1/sg1/g1sg1q1', 'g1/g1q2', 'g2/g2q1', 'qz']) self.assertDictEquals(export['data'], [['respondent1\'s r1', 'respondent1\'s r2', 'respondent1\'s r2.5', 'respondent1\'s r2.75 :)', 'respondent1\'s r3', 'respondent1\'s r4'], ['respondent2\'s r1', 'respondent2\'s r2', 'respondent2\'s r2.5', 'respondent2\'s r2.75 :)', 'respondent2\'s r3', 'respondent2\'s r4']])
def test_copy_fields(self): title, schemas, submissions = customer_satisfaction forms = FormPack(schemas, title) export = forms.export(copy_fields=('_uuid', '_submission_time')) exported = export.to_dict(submissions) expected = OrderedDict({ "Customer Satisfaction": { 'fields': ["restaurant_name", "customer_enjoyment", "_uuid", "_submission_time"], 'data': [ [ "Felipes", "yes", "90dd7750f83011e590707c7a9125d07d", "2016-04-01 19:57:45.306805" ], [ "Dunkin Donuts", "no", "90dd7750f83011e590707c7a9125d08d", "2016-04-02 19:57:45.306805" ], [ "McDonalds", "no", "90dd7750f83011e590707c7a9125d09d", "2016-04-03 19:57:45.306805" ] ] } }) self.assertDictEquals(exported, expected)
def test_csv(self): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('grouped_questions') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) options = {'versions': 'gqs'} csv_data = "\n".join(fp.export(**options).to_csv(submissions)) expected = """ "q1";"g1q1";"g1sg1q1";"g1q2";"g2q1";"qz" "respondent1's r1";"respondent1's r2";"respondent1's r2.5";"respondent1's r2.75 :)";"respondent1's r3";"respondent1's r4" "respondent2's r1";"respondent2's r2";"respondent2's r2.5";"respondent2's r2.75 :)";"respondent2's r3";"respondent2's r4" """ self.assertTextEqual(csv_data, expected) options = {'versions': 'gqs', 'hierarchy_in_labels': True} csv_data = "\n".join(fp.export(**options).to_csv(submissions)) expected = """ "q1";"g1/g1q1";"g1/sg1/g1sg1q1";"g1/g1q2";"g2/g2q1";"qz" "respondent1's r1";"respondent1's r2";"respondent1's r2.5";"respondent1's r2.75 :)";"respondent1's r3";"respondent1's r4" "respondent2's r1";"respondent2's r2";"respondent2's r2.5";"respondent2's r2.75 :)";"respondent2's r3";"respondent2's r4" """ self.assertTextEqual(csv_data, expected) options = {'versions': 'gqs', 'hierarchy_in_labels': True, 'lang': UNTRANSLATED} csv_data = "\n".join(fp.export(**options).to_csv(submissions)) expected = """ "Q1";"Group 1/G1Q1";"Group 1/Sub Group 1/G1SG1Q1";"Group 1/G1Q2";"g2/G2Q1";"QZed" "respondent1's r1";"respondent1's r2";"respondent1's r2.5";"respondent1's r2.75 :)";"respondent1's r3";"respondent1's r4" "respondent2's r1";"respondent2's r2";"respondent2's r2.5";"respondent2's r2.75 :)";"respondent2's r3";"respondent2's r4" """ self.assertTextEqual(csv_data, expected) title, schemas, submissions = restaurant_profile fp = FormPack(schemas, title) options = {'versions': 'rpV3', 'lang': fp[1].translations[1]} csv_data = "\n".join(fp.export(**options).to_csv(submissions)) expected = """ "nom du restaurant";"lieu";"_lieu_latitude";"_lieu_longitude";"_lieu_altitude";"_lieu_precision";"type de restaurant" "Taco Truck";"13.42 -25.43";"13.42";"-25.43";"";"";"avec vente à emporter" "Harvest";"12.43 -24.53";"12.43";"-24.53";"";"";"traditionnel" """ self.assertTextEqual(csv_data, expected)
def test_repeats_alias(self): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('grouped_repeatable_alias') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) options = {'versions': 'rgv1'} export = fp.export(**options).to_dict(submissions) self.assertEqual(export, OrderedDict ([ ('Grouped Repeatable Alias', { 'fields': [ 'start', 'end', 'household_location', '_index' ], 'data': [ [ '2016-03-14T14:15:48.000-04:00', '2016-03-14T14:18:35.000-04:00', 'montreal', 1 ], [ '2016-03-14T14:14:10.000-04:00', '2016-03-14T14:15:48.000-04:00', 'marseille', 2 ], [ '2016-03-14T14:13:53.000-04:00', '2016-03-14T14:14:10.000-04:00', 'rocky mountains', 3 ], [ '2016-03-14T14:12:54.000-04:00', '2016-03-14T14:13:53.000-04:00', 'toronto', 4 ], [ '2016-03-14T14:18:35.000-04:00', '2016-03-14T15:19:20.000-04:00', 'new york', 5 ], [ '2016-03-14T14:11:25.000-04:00', '2016-03-14T14:12:03.000-04:00', 'boston', 6 ] ] }), ('houshold_member_repeat', { 'fields': [ 'household_member_name', '_parent_table_name', '_parent_index' ], 'data': [ [ 'peter', 'Grouped Repeatable Alias', 1 ], [ 'kyle', 'Grouped Repeatable Alias', 2 ], [ 'linda', 'Grouped Repeatable Alias', 2 ], [ 'morty', 'Grouped Repeatable Alias', 3 ], [ 'tony', 'Grouped Repeatable Alias', 4 ], [ 'mary', 'Grouped Repeatable Alias', 4 ], [ 'emma', 'Grouped Repeatable Alias', 5 ], [ 'parker', 'Grouped Repeatable Alias', 5 ], [ 'amadou', 'Grouped Repeatable Alias', 6 ], [ 'esteban', 'Grouped Repeatable Alias', 6 ], [ 'suzie', 'Grouped Repeatable Alias', 6 ], [ 'fiona', 'Grouped Repeatable Alias', 6 ], [ 'phillip', 'Grouped Repeatable Alias', 6 ] ] }) ]) )
def test_export_with_choice_lists(self): title, schemas, submissions = restaurant_profile fp = FormPack(schemas, title) self.assertEqual(len(fp[1].translations), 2) # by default, exports use the question 'name' attribute options = {'versions': 'rpV3'} export = fp.export(**options).to_dict(submissions)['Restaurant profile'] self.assertEquals(export['fields'], ['restaurant_name', 'location', '_location_latitude', '_location_longitude', '_location_altitude', '_location_precision', 'eatery_type']) self.assertEquals(export['data'], [['Taco Truck', '13.42 -25.43', '13.42', '-25.43', '', '', 'takeaway'], ['Harvest', '12.43 -24.53', '12.43', '-24.53', '', '', 'sit_down']]) # if a language is passed, fields with available translations # are translated into that language options['lang'] = fp[1].translations[0] export = fp.export(**options).to_dict(submissions)['Restaurant profile'] self.assertEquals(export['data'], [['Taco Truck', '13.42 -25.43', '13.42', '-25.43', '', '', 'take-away'], ['Harvest', '12.43 -24.53', '12.43', '-24.53', '', '', 'sit down']]) options['lang'] = fp[1].translations[1] export = fp.export(**options).to_dict(submissions)['Restaurant profile'] self.assertEquals(export['data'], [['Taco Truck', '13.42 -25.43', '13.42', '-25.43', '', '', 'avec vente à emporter'], ['Harvest', '12.43 -24.53', '12.43', '-24.53', '', '', 'traditionnel']])
def test_export_with_split_fields(self): title, schemas, submissions = restaurant_profile fp = FormPack(schemas, title) options = {'versions': 'rpV4'} export = fp.export(**options).to_dict(submissions)['Restaurant profile'] expected = { 'fields': [ 'restaurant_name', 'location', '_location_latitude', '_location_longitude', '_location_altitude', '_location_precision', 'eatery_type', 'eatery_type/sit_down', 'eatery_type/takeaway', ], 'data': [ [ 'Taco Truck', '13.42 -25.43', '13.42', '-25.43', '', '', 'takeaway sit_down', '1', '1' ], [ 'Harvest', '12.43 -24.53', '12.43', '-24.53', '', '', 'sit_down', '1', '0' ], [ 'Wololo', '12.43 -24.54 1 0', '12.43', '-24.54', '1', '0', '', '0', '0' ], [ 'Los pollos hermanos', '12.43 -24.54 1', '12.43', '-24.54', '1', '', '', '', '' ] ] } self.assertEqual(export, expected) options = {'versions': 'rpV4', "group_sep": "::", 'hierarchy_in_labels': True, "lang": fp[-1].translations[1]} export = fp.export(**options).to_dict(submissions)['Restaurant profile'] expected = { 'fields': [ 'nom du restaurant', 'lieu', '_lieu_latitude', '_lieu_longitude', '_lieu_altitude', '_lieu_precision', 'type de restaurant', 'type de restaurant::traditionnel', 'type de restaurant::avec vente à emporter', ], 'data': [ [ 'Taco Truck', '13.42 -25.43', '13.42', '-25.43', '', '', 'avec vente à emporter traditionnel', '1', '1' ], [ 'Harvest', '12.43 -24.53', '12.43', '-24.53', '', '', 'traditionnel', '1', '0' ], [ 'Wololo', '12.43 -24.54 1 0', '12.43', '-24.54', '1', '0', '', '0', '0' ], [ 'Los pollos hermanos', '12.43 -24.54 1', '12.43', '-24.54', '1', '', '', '', '' ] ] } self.assertEqual(export, expected)
def data_by_identifiers(asset, field_names=None, submission_stream=None, report_styles=None, lang=None, fields=None, split_by=None): if submission_stream is None: _userform_id = asset.deployment.mongo_userform_id submission_stream = get_instances_for_userform_id(_userform_id) _versions = asset.deployed_versions # need ability to look up deprecated IDs _reversion_ids = dict([ (str(v._reversion_version_id), v.uid) for v in _versions if v._reversion_version_id ]) schemas = [v.to_formpack_schema() for v in _versions] _version_id = schemas[0]['version'] _version_id_key = schemas[0].get('version_id_key', '__version__') def _inject_version_id(result): if _version_id_key not in result: result[_version_id_key] = _version_id elif result[_version_id_key] in _reversion_ids: result[_version_id_key] = _reversion_ids[result[_version_id_key]] return result submission_stream = (_inject_version_id(result) for result in submission_stream) pack = FormPack(versions=schemas, id_string=asset.uid) _all_versions = pack.versions.keys() report = pack.autoreport(versions=_all_versions) fields_by_name = OrderedDict([ (, field) for field in pack.get_fields_for_versions(versions=_all_versions) ]) if field_names is None: field_names = fields_by_name.keys() if split_by and (split_by not in fields_by_name): raise serializers.ValidationError(_("`split_by` field '{}' not found.").format(split_by)) if split_by and (fields_by_name[split_by].data_type != 'select_one'): raise serializers.ValidationError(_("`split_by` field '{}' is not a select one question."). format(split_by)) if report_styles is None: report_styles = asset.report_styles specified_styles = report_styles.get('specified', {}) kuids = report_styles.get('kuid_names', {}) def _stat_dict_to_array(stat, field_name): freq = stat.pop('frequency', []) if len(freq) > 0: prcntg = stat.pop('percentage') responses, frequencies = zip(*freq) responses_percentage, percentages = zip(*prcntg) if responses != responses_percentage: raise ValueError("Frequency and percentage response lists for field '{}' mismatch." .format(field_name)) stat.update({'responses': responses, 'frequencies': frequencies, 'percentages': percentages}) def _package_stat(field, _, stat, split_by): identifier = kuids.get( if not split_by: _stat_dict_to_array(stat, elif 'values' in stat: for _, sub_stat in stat['values']: _stat_dict_to_array(sub_stat, return { 'name':, 'row': {'type': fields_by_name.get(}, 'data': stat, 'kuid': identifier, 'style': specified_styles.get(identifier, {}), } return [_package_stat(*stat_tup, split_by=split_by) for stat_tup in report.get_stats(submission_stream, fields=field_names, lang=lang, split_by=split_by) ]
from formpack import FormPack from formpack.fixtures import build_fixture import time a = time.time() print('Loading fixtures') title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('grouped_repeatable') b = time.time() print(b - a, 's') print('Loading schema') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) a = time.time() print(a - b, 's') options = { } print('Python export') export = fp.export(**options) b = time.time() print(b - a, 's') print('xls export') #export.to_xlsx('/tmp/foo.xlsx', submissions)
def test_disaggregate(self): title, schemas, submissions = build_fixture('auto_report') fp = FormPack(schemas, title) report = fp.autoreport() stats = report.get_stats(submissions, split_by="when") assert stats.submissions_count == 6 stats = [(unicode(repr(f)), n, d) for f, n, d in stats] expected = [ ("<TextField name='restaurant_name' type='text'>", 'restaurant_name', {'not_provided': 1, 'provided': 5, 'show_graph': False, 'total_count': 6, 'values': [('Felipes', {'frequency': [('2001-01-01', 2), ('2002-01-01', 0), ('2003-01-01', 0)], 'percentage': [('2001-01-01', 33.33), ('2002-01-01', 0.00), ('2003-01-01', 0.00)]}), ('The other one', {'frequency': [('2001-01-01', 0), ('2002-01-01', 2), ('2003-01-01', 0)], 'percentage': [('2001-01-01', 0.00), ('2002-01-01', 33.33), ('2003-01-01', 0.00)]}), ('That one', {'frequency': [('2001-01-01', 0), ('2002-01-01', 0), ('2003-01-01', 1)], 'percentage': [('2001-01-01', 0.00), ('2002-01-01', 0.00), ('2003-01-01', 16.67)]})]}), ("<FormGPSField name='location' type='geopoint'>", 'location', {'not_provided': 1, 'provided': 5, 'show_graph': False, 'total_count': 6}), ("<NumField name='howmany' type='integer'>", 'howmany', {'not_provided': 1, 'provided': 5, 'show_graph': False, 'total_count': 6, 'values': (('2001-01-01', {'mean': 1.5, 'median': 1.5, 'mode': '*', 'stdev': 0.7071067811865476}), ('2002-01-01', {'mean': 2.0, 'median': 2.0, 'mode': 2, 'stdev': 0.0}), ('2003-01-01', {'mean': 1.0, 'median': 1, 'mode': '*', 'stdev': u'*'}))})] for (i, stat) in enumerate(stats): assert stat == expected[i]