Ejemplo n.º 1
def _vupdate_compiled_module(compiler, modname, folder, tversion=None, rename=True):
    """Compiles a .mod and .o for the specified compiler and specified.
    from os import path
    opath = path.join(folder, "{}.o".format(modname))
    mpath = path.join(folder, "{}.mod".format(modname))
    if path.isfile(opath) and path.isfile(mpath):
        if rename:
            from shutil import move
            nopath = path.join(folder, replace("{}.o.[c]".format(modname), compiler))
            nmpath = path.join(folder, replace("{}.mod.[c]".format(modname), compiler))
            move(opath, nopath)
            move(mpath, nmpath)
            nopath = opath
            nmpath = mpath
        #Create the version files so we can keep track of the compiled versions.
        vpaths = [nopath, nmpath]
        for np in vpaths:
            if tversion is None:
                tversion = get_fortpy_version(compiler, np)
            vp = np + ".v"
            with open(vp, 'w') as f:
                f.write('#<fortpy version="{}" />'.format('.'.join(map(str, tversion))))
        msg.err("Unable to find {0}.o and {0}.mod.".format(modname))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _get_rsubroutine_flat(classer, common):
    """Gets the *non* recursive code subroutine for saving a variable with members
    of the same type as itself.
    variable = classer.variable
    lines = []
    for memname, member in variable.customtype.members.items():
        if member.is_custom:
            if member.customtype is None:
                msg.err("Unable to find Type instance for : {}".format(member.definition()))
            if "allocatable" in member.modifiers:
                d0 = ', '.join(['0' for i in range(member.D)])
                lines.append("allocate(variable%{}({}))".format(memname, d0))
            xr = "call auxread_{varname}{D}d{suffix}(variable%{memname}, lfolder//'-{memname}', nested_=.true.)"
            lines.append(xr.format(**{"varname": member.customtype.name,
                                      "D": member.D,
                                      "memname": member.name,
                                      "suffix": _get_suffix(member)}))
            lines.append("call fpy_read{1}(lfolder//'-{0}', '#', variable%{0})".format(member.name, _get_suffix(member)))
    common["read"] = '\n    '.join(lines)
    template = """  subroutine {xname}(variable, folder, multi_stack, rstack, nested_)
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: folder
    {dtype}{kind}, intent(inout) :: variable{Dx}
    {dtype}{kind}, pointer, optional, intent(in) :: multi_stack(:)
    type(fpy_address), allocatable, intent(in), optional :: rstack(:)
    logical, optional, intent(in) :: nested_

    character(len=:), allocatable :: lfolder
    logical :: nested

    if (fpy_verbose > 0) write (*,*) "Start flat read for {xname} in '"//folder//"'."

    if (present(nested_)) then
      nested = nested_
      nested = .false.
    end if

    if ((present(multi_stack) .and. present(rstack)) .or. nested) then
       lfolder = folder
       lfolder = folder//'_'
    end if

    if (fpy_verbose > 0) write (*,*) "End flat read for {xname} in '"//folder//"'."
  end subroutine {xname}
    return ((common["xname"],), template.format(**common))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _separate_multiple_def(self, defstring, parent, refstring, refline):
        """Separates the text after '::' in a variable definition to extract all the variables,
        their dimensions and default values.
        import pyparsing
        nester = pyparsing.nestedExpr('(', ')')
            parsed = nester.parseString("(" +
                                        re.sub("=(>?)", " =\\1 ", defstring) +
        except pyparsing.ParseException as err:
            from fortpy import msg
            repl = (parent.name, refline[0], refstring, defstring,
                    ''.join(['-'] * (err.loc - 1)) + '^', err.msg)
                "parsing variable from '{}:{} >> {}': \n'{}'\n{} {}.".format(

        i = 0
        clean = []
        while i < len(parsed):
            if (isinstance(parsed[i], str) and not re.match("=>?", parsed[i])
                    and i + 1 < len(parsed)
                    and isinstance(parsed[i + 1], list)):
                clean.append((parsed[i], parsed[i + 1]))
                i += 2
            elif isinstance(parsed[i], str) and parsed[i] == ",":
                i += 1
                i += 1

        #Now pass through again to handle the default values.
        i = 0
        ready = []
        while i < len(clean):
            if isinstance(clean[i], str) and re.match("=>?", clean[i]):
                if ">" in clean[i]:
                        clean[i - 1], ("> " + clean[i + 1][0], clean[i + 1][1])
                    ready.append([clean[i - 1], clean[i + 1]])
                i += 2
                i += 1

        return ready
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def make(self,
        """Generates a makefile to compile the wrapper module and link it with the shared
        library that can be compiled with self.makelib().
        self._check_lib(remake, compiler, debug, profile)

        from os import path
        if self.link is None or not path.isfile(self.link):
                "Can't create shared library; missing compiled original code: {}"

        if remake or not path.isfile(self.libpath):
            if dependencies is None:
                dependencies = ["{}_c".format(self.module.name)]
                identifier = self.name
                identifier = "ftypes.{}".format(self.library)
                #We don't need to reorder these *wrapper* modules before compilation because each of
                #them should be independent of all the others.
                #dependencies = self._process_module_needs(dependencies)

            #append the dependency for the deallocation module to be included in the shared lib.

            makename = "Makefile.{}".format(
                self.library if self.library else self.name)
            makepath = path.join(self.f90path, makename)
            extralinks = list(self.dependencies.values())
            makefile(identifier, dependencies, makepath,
                     "ftypes.{}".format(self.name), False, False,
                     self.module.parent, "so", extralinks)
            code = self._compile(self.f90path, makename, compiler, debug,
            if code == 0:
                #Copy the shared library to the main directory out of the f90 directory
                from shutil import copy
                copy(path.join(self.f90path, "{}.so".format(identifier)),
            return code
            return 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _separate_multiple_def(self, defstring, parent, refstring, refline):
        """Separates the text after '::' in a variable definition to extract all the variables,
        their dimensions and default values.
        import pyparsing

        nester = pyparsing.nestedExpr("(", ")")
            parsed = nester.parseString("(" + re.sub("=(>?)", " =\\1 ", defstring) + ")").asList()[0]
        except pyparsing.ParseException as err:
            from fortpy import msg

            repl = (parent.name, refline[0], refstring, defstring, "".join(["-"] * (err.loc - 1)) + "^", err.msg)
            msg.err("parsing variable from '{}:{} >> {}': \n'{}'\n{} {}.".format(*repl))

        i = 0
        clean = []
        while i < len(parsed):
            if (
                isinstance(parsed[i], str)
                and not re.match("=>?", parsed[i])
                and i + 1 < len(parsed)
                and isinstance(parsed[i + 1], list)
                clean.append((parsed[i], parsed[i + 1]))
                i += 2
            elif isinstance(parsed[i], str) and parsed[i] == ",":
                i += 1
                i += 1

        # Now pass through again to handle the default values.
        i = 0
        ready = []
        while i < len(clean):
            if isinstance(clean[i], str) and re.match("=>?", clean[i]):
                if ">" in clean[i]:
                    ready.append([clean[i - 1], ("> " + clean[i + 1][0], clean[i + 1][1])])
                    ready.append([clean[i - 1], clean[i + 1]])
                i += 2
                i += 1

        return ready
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_fortpy_version(compiler,
    """Gets the fortpy version number from the first line of the specified file."""
    result = []
    #If the file doesn't exist yet, we don't try to find the version information.
    from os import path
    ext = path.splitext(fortpath)[1]
    cext = "" if compiler is None else replace(".[c]", compiler)
    if not path.isfile(fortpath) or ext in [".o", ".mod", cext]:
        if path.isfile(fortpath + '.v'):
            return get_fortpy_version(compiler, fortpath + '.v', True)
            return result

    with open(fortpath) as f:
        for line in f:
                lt = line.index("<")
                vxml = "<doc>{}</doc>".format(line[lt::])
            except ValueError:
                vxml = ""

    if "<fortpy" in vxml:
        import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
        x = list(ET.XML(vxml))
        if len(x) > 0:
                result = list(map(int, x[0].attrib[attribute].split(".")))
            except ValueError:
                fstr = "can't extract version information from '{}' in '{}'."
                msg.err(fstr.format(x[0].attrib[attribute], fortpath))
            except KeyError:
                fstr = "fortpy tag does not contain attribute '{}': {} ({})"
                msg.err(fstr.format(attribute, x[0].attrib, fortpath))

    if len(result) == 0 and not recursed:
        return get_fortpy_version(compiler, fortpath + '.v', True)
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def fit(self, independent, dependent, model, threshold=1., functions=None):
        """Tries to fit the data selection for the specified dependent variable against the
        indepedent one using the specified model. Arguments are similar to self.table(). Returns
        a tuple of (fitting parameters, 1 standard deviation errors).

        :arg model: a description of the function to fit to. Possible values are ['exp', 'lin'].
        key = "{}${}".format(independent, dependent)
        xs, ys = self._get_data_series(independent, [dependent], threshold,
        if xs[0][0] is None:

        if len(xs[0][0]) != len(ys[0][0]):
                "Can't fit data unless we have the same number of values for the independent "
                "and dependent variables. "
                "len({}) == {}; len({}) == {}".format(independent,
                                                      len(xs[0][0]), dependent,

        from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
        from numpy import sqrt, diag
        mdict = {"exp": _fit_exp, "lin": _fit_lin}
        if not model in mdict:
                "Cannot fit using model '{}'; unknown function.".format(model))

        func = mdict[model]
        popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, xs[0][0], ys[0][0])
        perr = sqrt(diag(pcov))

        self.fits[key] = {
            "params": popt,
            "covarmat": pcov,
            "function": (lambda x: func(x, *popt)),
            "model": model,
            "error": perr
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def fit(self, independent, dependent, model, threshold=1., functions=None):
        """Tries to fit the data selection for the specified dependent variable against the
        indepedent one using the specified model. Arguments are similar to self.table(). Returns
        a tuple of (fitting parameters, 1 standard deviation errors).

        :arg model: a description of the function to fit to. Possible values are ['exp', 'lin'].
        key = "{}${}".format(independent, dependent)
        xs, ys = self._get_data_series(independent, [dependent], threshold, functions)
        if xs[0][0] is None:

        if len(xs[0][0]) != len(ys[0][0]):
            msg.err("Can't fit data unless we have the same number of values for the independent "
                    "and dependent variables. " 
                    "len({}) == {}; len({}) == {}".format(independent, len(xs[0][0]), 
                                                          dependent, len(ys[0][0])))

        from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
        from numpy import sqrt, diag
        mdict = {
            "exp": _fit_exp,
            "lin": _fit_lin
        if not model in mdict:
            msg.err("Cannot fit using model '{}'; unknown function.".format(model))

        func = mdict[model]
        popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, xs[0][0], ys[0][0])
        perr = sqrt(diag(pcov))
        self.fits[key] = {
            "params": popt,
            "covarmat": pcov,
            "function": (lambda x: func(x, *popt)),
            "model": model,
            "error": perr
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_fortpy_version(compiler, fortpath, recursed=False, attribute="version"):
    """Gets the fortpy version number from the first line of the specified file."""
    result = []
    #If the file doesn't exist yet, we don't try to find the version information.
    from os import path
    ext = path.splitext(fortpath)[1]
    cext = "" if compiler is None else replace(".[c]", compiler)
    if not path.isfile(fortpath) or ext in [".o", ".mod", cext]:
        if path.isfile(fortpath + '.v'):
            return get_fortpy_version(compiler, fortpath + '.v', True)
            return result

    with open(fortpath) as f:
        for line in f:
                lt = line.index("<")
                vxml = "<doc>{}</doc>".format(line[lt::])
            except ValueError:
                vxml = ""
    if "<fortpy" in vxml:
        import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
        x = list(ET.XML(vxml))
        if len(x) > 0:
                result = list(map(int, x[0].attrib[attribute].split(".")))
            except ValueError:
                fstr = "can't extract version information from '{}' in '{}'."
                msg.err(fstr.format(x[0].attrib[attribute], fortpath))
            except KeyError:
                fstr = "fortpy tag does not contain attribute '{}': {} ({})"
                msg.err(fstr.format(attribute, x[0].attrib, fortpath))

    if len(result) == 0 and not recursed:
        return get_fortpy_version(compiler, fortpath + '.v', True)
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def make(self, remake=False, dependencies=None,
             compiler="gfortran", debug=False, profile=False):
        """Generates a makefile to compile the wrapper module and link it with the shared
        library that can be compiled with self.makelib().
        self._check_lib(remake, compiler, debug, profile)
        from os import path
        if self.link is None or not path.isfile(self.link):
            msg.err("Can't create shared library; missing compiled original code: {}".format(self.link))
        if remake or not path.isfile(self.libpath):
            if dependencies is None:
                dependencies = ["{}_c".format(self.module.name)]
                identifier = self.name
                identifier = "ftypes.{}".format(self.library)
                #We don't need to reorder these *wrapper* modules before compilation because each of
                #them should be independent of all the others.
                #dependencies = self._process_module_needs(dependencies)

            #append the dependency for the deallocation module to be included in the shared lib.
            makename = "Makefile.{}".format(self.library if self.library else self.name)
            makepath = path.join(self.f90path, makename)
            extralinks = list(self.dependencies.values())
            makefile(identifier, dependencies, makepath, "ftypes.{}".format(self.name),
                     False, False, self.module.parent, "so", extralinks)
            code = self._compile(self.f90path, makename, compiler, debug, profile)
            if code == 0:
                #Copy the shared library to the main directory out of the f90 directory
                from shutil import copy
                copy(path.join(self.f90path, "{}.so".format(identifier)), self.dirpath)
            return code
            return 0
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _vupdate_compiled_module(compiler,
    """Compiles a .mod and .o for the specified compiler and specified.
    from os import path
    opath = path.join(folder, "{}.o".format(modname))
    mpath = path.join(folder, "{}.mod".format(modname))
    if path.isfile(opath) and path.isfile(mpath):
        if rename:
            from shutil import move
            nopath = path.join(folder,
                               replace("{}.o.[c]".format(modname), compiler))
            nmpath = path.join(folder,
                               replace("{}.mod.[c]".format(modname), compiler))
            move(opath, nopath)
            move(mpath, nmpath)
            nopath = opath
            nmpath = mpath

        #Create the version files so we can keep track of the compiled versions.
        vpaths = [nopath, nmpath]
        for np in vpaths:
            if tversion is None:
                tversion = get_fortpy_version(compiler, np)
            if len(tversion) == 0:
                #Try to get the template version for the module.
                tversion = template_version(compiler, modname + ".f90")

            vp = np + ".v"
            with open(vp, 'w') as f:
                f.write('#<fortpy version="{}" />'.format('.'.join(
                    map(str, tversion))))
        msg.err("Unable to find {0}.o and {0}.mod.".format(modname))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _start_debug(wizard, parameter, target):
    """Starts a debug session for the unit test executable of the current test
    specification and case identifier.
    from fortpy.utility import which
    if which("gdb"):
        #Give the user the option of setting some breakpoints. Basically, list the
        #1) main program entry, 2) list of pre-req calls before the executable,
        #3) executable itself.
        brks = ["Main Unit Test Entry Point.", wizard.xauto.signature]
        xnames = ["main", wizard.xauto.name]
        from fortpy.testing.elements import Executable
        for method in wizard.tauto.methods:
            if not isinstance(method, Executable):
                #This is an executable that needs to be called before the main one.

        bchoice = _prompt_general("Which methods would you like breakpoints for?", brks)
        #Start a gdb session for the compiled unit test executable of the active
        #test and test case.
        xs = []
        for x in bchoice:
            if x < len(xnames):
                xs.append("-ex '{}'".format(xnames[x]))

        from os import system, path
        from fortpy.testing.compilers import compile_general          
        xstage = path.join(wizard.stagedir, wizard.xauto.full_name)
        code, success, target = compile_general(xstage, wizard.compiler, wizard.tauto.identifier,
                                                True, quiet=True)
        testpath = _get_casepath(wizard)
        cmd = "cd {}; gdb {} -ex 'run' ../../{}.x"
        system(cmd.format(testpath, ' '.join(xs), wizard.tauto.identifier))
        msg.err("The GNU debugger 'gdb' is not available on the system.")
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def plot(self, independent=None, dependents=None, threshold=1.,
             savefile=None, functions=None, xscale=None, yscale=None,
             colors=None, labels=None, fonts=None, markers=None, lines=None, ticks=None,
             plottypes=None, limits=None, twinplots=None, legend=None, **kwargs):
        """Plots the specified dependent variables as functions of the independent one.

        :arg independent: a string indentifying the independent variable's filename and the
          appropriate property of the data in the file. For example: "concs.in|depth" would
          use the depth of the data in the file 'concs.in' as its value for each test case.
        :arg dependent: a list of strings that use the same format as the string for the
          'independent' variable.
        :arg threshold: a float value specifying the minimum level of success that the output
          file must attain before it can be used in the plot.
        :arg xlabel: the label for the x-axis of the plot.
        :arg ylabel: the label for the y-axis of the plot.
        :arg functions: a dictionary of functions to apply to the values of each variable. E.g.
          {"group.in|depth": {lambda dict}}. See the help text help_postfix() for details.
        if independent is None or dependents is None:
            raise ValueError("Must specify at least the variables to plot.")
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib import cm, rc
        from numpy import linspace, array
        from itertools import cycle
        from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties

        xs, ys = self._get_data_series(independent, dependents, threshold, functions)
        #Set the default font for the plots, or the custom one.
        if fonts is not None and "family" in fonts:
            rc('font',family='Times New Roman')
        layout = None
        if "figsize" in kwargs:
            if len(kwargs["figsize"]) > 2:
                layout = {"pad": kwargs["figsize"][2]}
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(None if "figsize" not in kwargs else kwargs["figsize"][0:2]), tight_layout=layout)
        dfont = FontProperties()

        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        rbcolors = cm.rainbow(linspace(0, 1, len(ys)))
        cycols = cycle(rbcolors)

        axx = None
        axy = None
        if twinplots is not None:
            if "twinx" in twinplots.values():
                axx = ax.twinx()
            if "twiny" in twinplots.values():
                axy = ax.twiny()

        if labels is not None:
            if "x" in labels:
                ax.set_xlabel(labels["x"], fontproperties=self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "xlabel"))
            if "y" in labels:
                ax.set_ylabel(labels["y"], fontproperties=self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "ylabel"))
            if "plot" in labels:
                plt.title(labels["plot"], fontproperties=self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "title"))
            if "x-twin" in labels and axx is not None:
                axx.set_ylabel(labels["x-twin"], fontproperties=self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "x-twin-label"))
            if "y-twin" in labels and axy is not None:
                axy.set_xlabel(labels["y-twin"], fontproperties=self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "y-twin-label"))
        if xscale is not None:
        if yscale is not None:
        for xset, yset in zip(xs, ys):
            x, xlabel = xset
            y, ylabel = yset

            #Set up a dictionary with all the kwargs for the plotting options
            #that may be common to both kinds of plots.
            dargs = {}
            if colors is not None and ylabel in colors:
                dargs["color"] = colors[ylabel]
                dargs["color"] = next(cycols)

            if markers is not None and ylabel in markers:
                self._get_markers(dargs, markers[ylabel])
                if "size" in markers[ylabel]:
                    dargs["s"] = float(markers[ylabel]["size"])
            if "s" not in dargs:
                dargs["s"] = 15
            if lines is not None and ylabel in lines:
                if "style" in lines[ylabel]:
                    dargs["linestyle"] = lines[ylabel]["style"]
                if "width" in lines[ylabel]:
                    dargs["linewidth"] = float(lines[ylabel]["width"])

            if labels is not None and ylabel in labels:
                dargs["label"] = None if labels[ylabel].lower() == "[none]" else labels[ylabel] 
                dargs["label"] = ylabel

            if twinplots is not None and ylabel in twinplots:
                if twinplots[ylabel] == "twinx":
                    liveax = axx
                elif twinplots[ylabel] == "twiny":
                    liveax = axy
                liveax = ax
                if plottypes is not None and ylabel in plottypes:
                    lineplot = plottypes[ylabel] == "line"
                    lineplot = None

                if ylabel[len(ylabel)-4:len(ylabel)] in ["|fit", ".fit"]:
                    varfile = ylabel[0:len(ylabel)-4]
                    key = "{}${}".format(independent, varfile)
                    allx = linspace(min(x), max(x), 50)
                    if labels is not None and ylabel in labels:
                        dargs["label"] = labels[ylabel].format(self._format_fit(key))
                        if dargs["label"].lower() == "[none]":
                            dargs["label"] = None
                        dargs["label"] = self._format_fit(key)

                    liveax.plot(allx, self.fits[key]["function"](allx), **dargs)
                elif lineplot:
                    from operator import itemgetter
                    sdata = array(sorted(zip(x,y),key=itemgetter(0)))
                    liveax.plot(sdata[:,0], sdata[:,1], **dargs)
                    size = dargs["s"]
                    del dargs["s"]
                    liveax.scatter(x, y, s=size, **dargs)
            except ValueError:
                msg.err("The values for {} can't be log-plotted.".format(ylabel))

        #Set the tick labels font sizes.
        def tickfonts(fonts, key, labels):
            if fonts is not None and key in fonts:
                for label in labels:
                    tfont = self._get_font(dfont, fonts, key)
        tickfonts(fonts, "xticks", ax.get_xticklabels())
        tickfonts(fonts, "yticks", ax.get_yticklabels())
        if axx is not None:
            tickfonts(fonts, "x-twin-ticks", axx.get_yticklabels())
        if axy is not None:
            tickfonts(fonts, "y-twin-ticks", axy.get_xticklabels())

        if ticks is not None and len(ticks) > 0:
            for key in ticks:
                if "reset" in ticks[key]:
                    ticks[key]["reset"] = ticks[key]["reset"] == "true"
                if "x-twin" in key and axx is not None:
                elif "y-twin" in key and axy is not None:

        for dim in ["x", "y", "z", "x-twin", "y-twin"]:
            if limits is not None and dim in limits:
                if dim == "x-twin" and axx is not None:
                    if isinstance(limits[dim], tuple):
                    elif limits[dim] == "auto":
                elif dim == "y-twin" and axy is not None:
                    if isinstance(limits[dim], tuple):
                    elif limits[dim] == "auto":
                elif "-" not in dim:
                    if isinstance(limits[dim], tuple):
                        getattr(ax, "set_{}lim".format(dim))(limits[dim])
                    elif limits[dim] == "auto":
                        getattr(ax, "set_{}lim".format(dim))(auto=True)

        if len(dependents) > 1:
            if legend is not None:
                plt.legend(prop=self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "legend"), **legend)
                plt.legend(loc='upper right', prop=self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "legend"))
        if savefile is None:
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def plot(self, independent, dependents, threshold=1., xlabel=None, ylabel=None,
             savefile=None, functions=None, xscale=None, yscale=None,
             colors=None, labels=None, fonts=None, markers=None, lines=None, ticks=None,
             plottypes=None, limits=None):
        """Plots the specified dependent variables as functions of the independent one.

        :arg independent: a string indentifying the independent variable's filename and the
          appropriate property of the data in the file. For example: "concs.in|depth" would
          use the depth of the data in the file 'concs.in' as its value for each test case.
        :arg dependent: a list of strings that use the same format as the string for the
          'independent' variable.
        :arg threshold: a float value specifying the minimum level of success that the output
          file must attain before it can be used in the plot.
        :arg xlabel: the label for the x-axis of the plot.
        :arg ylabel: the label for the y-axis of the plot.
        :arg functions: a dictionary of functions to apply to the values of each variable. E.g.
          {"group.in|depth": "numpy.log"} would apply the numpy.log function to each value extracted
          from the depth property of the data in 'group.in' before plotting it. If the value
          is not a string, it must be callable with some argument.
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib import cm, rc
        from numpy import linspace, array
        from itertools import cycle
        from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties

        xs, ys = self._get_data_series(independent, dependents, threshold, functions)

        #Set the default font for the plots, or the custom one.
        if fonts is not None and "family" in fonts:
            rc('font',family='Times New Roman')

        fig = plt.figure()
        dfont = FontProperties()

        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        if xlabel is not None:
            ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontproperties=self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "xlabel"))
        if ylabel is not None:
            ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontproperties=self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "ylabel"))
        if xscale is not None:
        if yscale is not None:
        if labels is not None and "plot" in labels:
            plt.title(labels["plot"], fontproperties=self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "title"))

        rbcolors = cm.rainbow(linspace(0, 1, len(ys)))
        cycols = cycle(rbcolors)

        for xset, yset in zip(xs, ys):
            x, xlabel = xset
            y, ylabel = yset

            #Set up a dictionary with all the kwargs for the plotting options
            #that may be common to both kinds of plots.
            dargs = {}
            if colors is not None and ylabel in colors:
                dargs["color"] = colors[ylabel]
                dargs["color"] = next(cycols)

            if markers is not None and ylabel in markers:
                self._get_markers(dargs, markers[ylabel])
                if "size" in markers[ylabel]:
                    dargs["s"] = float(markers[ylabel]["size"])
            if "s" not in dargs:
                dargs["s"] = 15
            if lines is not None and ylabel in lines:
                if "style" in lines[ylabel]:
                    dargs["linestyle"] = lines[ylabel]["style"]
                if "width" in lines[ylabel]:
                    dargs["linewidth"] = float(lines[ylabel]["width"])

            if labels is not None and ylabel in labels:
                dargs["label"] = None if labels[ylabel].lower() == "[none]" else labels[ylabel] 
                dargs["label"] = ylabel

                if plottypes is not None and ylabel in plottypes:
                    lineplot = plottypes[ylabel] == "line"
                    lineplot = None

                if ylabel[len(ylabel)-4:len(ylabel)] in ["|fit", ".fit"]:
                    varfile = ylabel[0:len(ylabel)-4]
                    key = "{}${}".format(independent, varfile)
                    allx = linspace(min(x), max(x), 50)
                    if labels is not None and ylabel in labels:
                        dargs["label"] = labels[ylabel].format(self._format_fit(key))
                        if dargs["label"].lower() == "[none]":
                            dargs["label"] = None
                        dargs["label"] = self._format_fit(key)

                    ax.plot(allx, self.fits[key]["function"](allx), **dargs)
                elif lineplot:
                    from operator import itemgetter
                    sdata = array(sorted(zip(x,y),key=itemgetter(0)))
                    ax.plot(sdata[:,0], sdata[:,1], **dargs)
                    size = dargs["s"]
                    del dargs["s"]
                    ax.scatter(x, y, s=size, **dargs)
            except ValueError:
                msg.err("The values for {} can't be log-plotted.".format(ylabel))

        #Set the tick labels font sizes.
        if fonts is not None and "xticks" in fonts:
            tfont = self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "xticks")
            for label in ax.get_xticklabels():
        if fonts is not None and "yticks" in fonts:
            for label in ax.get_yticklabels():
                tfont = self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "yticks")

        if ticks is not None and len(ticks) > 0:
            for key in ticks:
                if "reset" in ticks[key]:
                    ticks[key]["reset"] = ticks[key]["reset"] == "true"

        for dim in ["x", "y", "z"]:
            if limits is not None and dim in limits:
                getattr(plt, "{}lim".format(dim))(limits[dim])

        if len(dependents) > 1:
            plt.legend(loc='upper left', prop=self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "legend"))
        if savefile is None:
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _get_data(self, variable, fullvar, order=None, threshold=1., tfilter=None, functions=None,
                  independent=None, x=None):
        """Returns a list of the valid data points for the specified variable.

        :arg variable: a string indentifying the variable's filename and the
          appropriate property of the data in the file. For example: "concs.in|depth" would
          use the depth of the data in the file 'concs.in' as its value for each test case.
        :arg fullvar: the full variable name including the filter and property spec.
        :arg threshold: a float value specifying the minimum level of success that the output
          file must attain before it can be used in the plot.
        :arg independent: the name of the independent variable including property.
        :arg x: a list of values for the *independent* variable to use when evaluating
          a *fitted* curve to a variable.
        from numpy import ndarray
        target = None
        if variable != "timing" or "timing|" in variable:
            varfile, attribute = variable.split("|")
            target = varfile = "timing"
            attribute = None

        if target is None:
            if varfile in self.infiles:
                target = "inputs"
            elif varfile in self.outfiles:
                target = "outputs"
            elif varfile == "timing" and attribute is not None:
                target = "timing"
                raise ValueError("Cannot locate the values for variable {}".format(variable))

        values = []
        cases = []
        #If we have already ruled out some of the test cases while doing the independent
        #variable, we want to only use those cases.
        if order is not None:
            details = order
            details = self.details

        #Handle cases where the values need to have functions applied to them before tabulating
        #or printing the values.
        if functions is not None and fullvar in functions:
            if isinstance(functions[fullvar], str) or isinstance(functions[fullvar], str):
                from importlib import import_module
                module = functions[fullvar].split(".")
                fname = module.pop()
                numpy = import_module('.'.join(module))
                fx = getattr(numpy, fname)
                fx = functions[fullvar]
            fx = None

        for testcase in details:
            if not self._case_filter(testcase, tfilter):
                #We don't consider test cases that are blocked by the filter.

            value = 0
            if target == "timing" and self._is_successful(self.details[testcase]) and attribute is None:
                value = self.details[testcase][target]
                if (self._is_successful(self.details[testcase], varfile, threshold)):
                    if target != "timing" and varfile in self.details[testcase][target]:
                        data = self.details[testcase][target][varfile]
                        data = None

                    if data is not None and attribute in data:
                        value = data[attribute]
                    elif attribute == "fit" and independent is not None and x is not None:
                        #Return the value of the *fitted* function for the corresponding independent
                        #variable value; this is one-to-one for tabulating. For plotting we don't use
                        #these values.
                        key = "{}${}".format(independent, varfile)
                        if len(values) < len(x) and key in self.fits:
                            ival = x[len(values)]
                            value = self.fits[key]["function"](ival)

            #We need the arrays to be the same length for plotting; if we are following
            #an existing independent variable, we still need to append zero to the list
            #for the values we don't have.
            if isinstance(value, ndarray) or value != 0 or order is not None:
                if fx is not None:
                    value = fx(value)

                #Handle the case where we are plotting an entire row as a single point
                #and an aggregrate function should have been specified
                if isinstance(value, list):
                    if len(value) == 1:
                        values.append(value[0] if value[0] is not None else 0)
                        msg.err("Can't coerce an array to a single value without an aggregation "
                                "function such as numpy.mean or numpy.sum")
                        return ([0], "Array Aggregation Error")
                    values.append(value if value is not None else 0)

        return (values, cases)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def _get_data(self,
        """Returns a list of the valid data points for the specified variable.

        :arg variable: a string indentifying the variable's filename and the
          appropriate property of the data in the file. For example: "concs.in|depth" would
          use the depth of the data in the file 'concs.in' as its value for each test case.
        :arg fullvar: the full variable name including the filter and property spec.
        :arg threshold: a float value specifying the minimum level of success that the output
          file must attain before it can be used in the plot.
        :arg independent: the name of the independent variable including property.
        :arg x: a list of values for the *independent* variable to use when evaluating
          a *fitted* curve to a variable.
        from numpy import ndarray
        target = None
        if variable != "timing" or "timing|" in variable:
            varfile, attribute = variable.split("|")
            target = varfile = "timing"
            attribute = None

        if target is None:
            if varfile in self.infiles:
                target = "inputs"
            elif varfile in self.outfiles:
                target = "outputs"
            elif varfile == "timing" and attribute is not None:
                target = "timing"
                raise ValueError(
                    "Cannot locate the values for variable {}".format(

        values = []
        cases = []
        #If we have already ruled out some of the test cases while doing the independent
        #variable, we want to only use those cases.
        if order is not None:
            details = order
            details = self.details

        #Handle cases where the values need to have functions applied to them before tabulating
        #or printing the values.
        if functions is not None and fullvar in functions:
            if isinstance(functions[fullvar], str) or isinstance(
                    functions[fullvar], str):
                from importlib import import_module
                module = functions[fullvar].split(".")
                fname = module.pop()
                numpy = import_module('.'.join(module))
                fx = getattr(numpy, fname)
                fx = functions[fullvar]
            fx = None

        for testcase in details:
            if not self._case_filter(testcase, tfilter):
                #We don't consider test cases that are blocked by the filter.

            value = 0
            if target == "timing" and self._is_successful(
                    self.details[testcase]) and attribute is None:
                value = self.details[testcase][target]
                if (self._is_successful(self.details[testcase], varfile,
                    if target != "timing" and varfile in self.details[
                        data = self.details[testcase][target][varfile]
                        data = None

                    if data is not None and attribute in data:
                        value = data[attribute]
                    elif attribute == "fit" and independent is not None and x is not None:
                        #Return the value of the *fitted* function for the corresponding independent
                        #variable value; this is one-to-one for tabulating. For plotting we don't use
                        #these values.
                        key = "{}${}".format(independent, varfile)
                        if len(values) < len(x) and key in self.fits:
                            ival = x[len(values)]
                            value = self.fits[key]["function"](ival)

            #We need the arrays to be the same length for plotting; if we are following
            #an existing independent variable, we still need to append zero to the list
            #for the values we don't have.
            if isinstance(value, ndarray) or value != 0 or order is not None:
                if fx is not None:
                    value = fx(value)

                #Handle the case where we are plotting an entire row as a single point
                #and an aggregrate function should have been specified
                if isinstance(value, list):
                    if len(value) == 1:
                        values.append(value[0] if value[0] is not None else 0)
                            "Can't coerce an array to a single value without an aggregation "
                            "function such as numpy.mean or numpy.sum")
                        return ([0], "Array Aggregation Error")
                    values.append(value if value is not None else 0)

        return (values, cases)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def plot(self,
        """Plots the specified dependent variables as functions of the independent one.

        :arg independent: a string indentifying the independent variable's filename and the
          appropriate property of the data in the file. For example: "concs.in|depth" would
          use the depth of the data in the file 'concs.in' as its value for each test case.
        :arg dependent: a list of strings that use the same format as the string for the
          'independent' variable.
        :arg threshold: a float value specifying the minimum level of success that the output
          file must attain before it can be used in the plot.
        :arg xlabel: the label for the x-axis of the plot.
        :arg ylabel: the label for the y-axis of the plot.
        :arg functions: a dictionary of functions to apply to the values of each variable. E.g.
          {"group.in|depth": "numpy.log"} would apply the numpy.log function to each value extracted
          from the depth property of the data in 'group.in' before plotting it. If the value
          is not a string, it must be callable with some argument.
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib import cm, rc
        from numpy import linspace, array
        from itertools import cycle
        from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties

        xs, ys = self._get_data_series(independent, dependents, threshold,

        #Set the default font for the plots, or the custom one.
        if fonts is not None and "family" in fonts:
            rc('font', family=fonts["family"])
            rc('font', family='Times New Roman')

        fig = plt.figure()
        dfont = FontProperties()

        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        if xlabel is not None:
                              dfont, fonts, "xlabel"))
        if ylabel is not None:
                              dfont, fonts, "ylabel"))
        if xscale is not None:
        if yscale is not None:
        if labels is not None and "plot" in labels:
                      fontproperties=self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "title"))

        rbcolors = cm.rainbow(linspace(0, 1, len(ys)))
        cycols = cycle(rbcolors)

        for xset, yset in zip(xs, ys):
            x, xlabel = xset
            y, ylabel = yset

            #Set up a dictionary with all the kwargs for the plotting options
            #that may be common to both kinds of plots.
            dargs = {}
            if colors is not None and ylabel in colors:
                dargs["color"] = colors[ylabel]
                dargs["color"] = next(cycols)

            if markers is not None and ylabel in markers:
                self._get_markers(dargs, markers[ylabel])
                if "size" in markers[ylabel]:
                    dargs["s"] = float(markers[ylabel]["size"])
            if "s" not in dargs:
                dargs["s"] = 15

            if lines is not None and ylabel in lines:
                if "style" in lines[ylabel]:
                    dargs["linestyle"] = lines[ylabel]["style"]
                if "width" in lines[ylabel]:
                    dargs["linewidth"] = float(lines[ylabel]["width"])

            if labels is not None and ylabel in labels:
                dargs["label"] = None if labels[ylabel].lower(
                ) == "[none]" else labels[ylabel]
                dargs["label"] = ylabel

                if plottypes is not None and ylabel in plottypes:
                    lineplot = plottypes[ylabel] == "line"
                    lineplot = None

                if ylabel[len(ylabel) - 4:len(ylabel)] in ["|fit", ".fit"]:
                    varfile = ylabel[0:len(ylabel) - 4]
                    key = "{}${}".format(independent, varfile)
                    allx = linspace(min(x), max(x), 50)
                    if labels is not None and ylabel in labels:
                        dargs["label"] = labels[ylabel].format(
                        if dargs["label"].lower() == "[none]":
                            dargs["label"] = None
                        dargs["label"] = self._format_fit(key)

                    ax.plot(allx, self.fits[key]["function"](allx), **dargs)
                elif lineplot:
                    from operator import itemgetter
                    sdata = array(sorted(zip(x, y), key=itemgetter(0)))
                    ax.plot(sdata[:, 0], sdata[:, 1], **dargs)
                    size = dargs["s"]
                    del dargs["s"]
                    ax.scatter(x, y, s=size, **dargs)
            except ValueError:
                    "The values for {} can't be log-plotted.".format(ylabel))

        #Set the tick labels font sizes.
        if fonts is not None and "xticks" in fonts:
            tfont = self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "xticks")
            for label in ax.get_xticklabels():
        if fonts is not None and "yticks" in fonts:
            for label in ax.get_yticklabels():
                tfont = self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "yticks")

        if ticks is not None and len(ticks) > 0:
            for key in ticks:
                if "reset" in ticks[key]:
                    ticks[key]["reset"] = ticks[key]["reset"] == "true"

        for dim in ["x", "y", "z"]:
            if limits is not None and dim in limits:
                getattr(plt, "{}lim".format(dim))(limits[dim])

        if len(dependents) > 1:
            plt.legend(loc='upper left',
                       prop=self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "legend"))
        if savefile is None:
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def plot(self,
        """Plots the specified dependent variables as functions of the independent one.

        :arg independent: a string indentifying the independent variable's filename and the
          appropriate property of the data in the file. For example: "concs.in|depth" would
          use the depth of the data in the file 'concs.in' as its value for each test case.
        :arg dependent: a list of strings that use the same format as the string for the
          'independent' variable.
        :arg threshold: a float value specifying the minimum level of success that the output
          file must attain before it can be used in the plot.
        :arg xlabel: the label for the x-axis of the plot.
        :arg ylabel: the label for the y-axis of the plot.
        :arg functions: a dictionary of functions to apply to the values of each variable. E.g.
          {"group.in|depth": {lambda dict}}. See the help text help_postfix() for details.
        if independent is None or dependents is None:
            raise ValueError("Must specify at least the variables to plot.")

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib import cm, rc
        from numpy import linspace, array
        from itertools import cycle
        from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties

        xs, ys = self._get_data_series(independent, dependents, threshold,

        #Set the default font for the plots, or the custom one.
        if fonts is not None and "family" in fonts:
            rc('font', family=fonts["family"])
            rc('font', family='Times New Roman')

        layout = None
        if "figsize" in kwargs:
            if len(kwargs["figsize"]) > 2:
                layout = {"pad": kwargs["figsize"][2]}

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(None if "figsize" not in kwargs else
        dfont = FontProperties()

        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        rbcolors = cm.rainbow(linspace(0, 1, len(ys)))
        cycols = cycle(rbcolors)

        axx = None
        axy = None
        if twinplots is not None:
            if "twinx" in twinplots.values():
                axx = ax.twinx()
            if "twiny" in twinplots.values():
                axy = ax.twiny()

        if labels is not None:
            if "x" in labels:
                                  dfont, fonts, "xlabel"))
            if "y" in labels:
                                  dfont, fonts, "ylabel"))
            if "plot" in labels:
                          fontproperties=self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "title"))
            if "x-twin" in labels and axx is not None:
                                   dfont, fonts, "x-twin-label"))
            if "y-twin" in labels and axy is not None:
                                   dfont, fonts, "y-twin-label"))

        if xscale is not None:
        if yscale is not None:

        for xset, yset in zip(xs, ys):
            x, xlabel = xset
            y, ylabel = yset

            #Set up a dictionary with all the kwargs for the plotting options
            #that may be common to both kinds of plots.
            dargs = {}
            if colors is not None and ylabel in colors:
                dargs["color"] = colors[ylabel]
                dargs["color"] = next(cycols)

            if markers is not None and ylabel in markers:
                self._get_markers(dargs, markers[ylabel])
                if "size" in markers[ylabel]:
                    dargs["s"] = float(markers[ylabel]["size"])
            if "s" not in dargs:
                dargs["s"] = 15

            if lines is not None and ylabel in lines:
                if "style" in lines[ylabel]:
                    dargs["linestyle"] = lines[ylabel]["style"]
                if "width" in lines[ylabel]:
                    dargs["linewidth"] = float(lines[ylabel]["width"])

            if labels is not None and ylabel in labels:
                dargs["label"] = None if labels[ylabel].lower(
                ) == "[none]" else labels[ylabel]
                dargs["label"] = ylabel

            if twinplots is not None and ylabel in twinplots:
                if twinplots[ylabel] == "twinx":
                    liveax = axx
                elif twinplots[ylabel] == "twiny":
                    liveax = axy
                liveax = ax
                if plottypes is not None and ylabel in plottypes:
                    lineplot = plottypes[ylabel] == "line"
                    lineplot = None

                if ylabel[len(ylabel) - 4:len(ylabel)] in ["|fit", ".fit"]:
                    varfile = ylabel[0:len(ylabel) - 4]
                    key = "{}${}".format(independent, varfile)
                    allx = linspace(min(x), max(x), 50)
                    if labels is not None and ylabel in labels:
                        dargs["label"] = labels[ylabel].format(
                        if dargs["label"].lower() == "[none]":
                            dargs["label"] = None
                        dargs["label"] = self._format_fit(key)

                    liveax.plot(allx, self.fits[key]["function"](allx),
                elif lineplot:
                    from operator import itemgetter
                    sdata = array(sorted(zip(x, y), key=itemgetter(0)))
                    liveax.plot(sdata[:, 0], sdata[:, 1], **dargs)
                    size = dargs["s"]
                    del dargs["s"]
                    liveax.scatter(x, y, s=size, **dargs)
            except ValueError:
                    "The values for {} can't be log-plotted.".format(ylabel))

        #Set the tick labels font sizes.
        def tickfonts(fonts, key, labels):
            if fonts is not None and key in fonts:
                for label in labels:
                    tfont = self._get_font(dfont, fonts, key)

        tickfonts(fonts, "xticks", ax.get_xticklabels())
        tickfonts(fonts, "yticks", ax.get_yticklabels())
        if axx is not None:
            tickfonts(fonts, "x-twin-ticks", axx.get_yticklabels())
        if axy is not None:
            tickfonts(fonts, "y-twin-ticks", axy.get_xticklabels())

        if ticks is not None and len(ticks) > 0:
            for key in ticks:
                if "reset" in ticks[key]:
                    ticks[key]["reset"] = ticks[key]["reset"] == "true"
                if "x-twin" in key and axx is not None:
                elif "y-twin" in key and axy is not None:

        for dim in ["x", "y", "z", "x-twin", "y-twin"]:
            if limits is not None and dim in limits:
                if dim == "x-twin" and axx is not None:
                    if isinstance(limits[dim], tuple):
                    elif limits[dim] == "auto":
                elif dim == "y-twin" and axy is not None:
                    if isinstance(limits[dim], tuple):
                    elif limits[dim] == "auto":
                elif "-" not in dim:
                    if isinstance(limits[dim], tuple):
                        getattr(ax, "set_{}lim".format(dim))(limits[dim])
                    elif limits[dim] == "auto":
                        getattr(ax, "set_{}lim".format(dim))(auto=True)

        if len(dependents) > 1:
            if legend is not None:
                plt.legend(prop=self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "legend"),
                plt.legend(loc='upper right',
                           prop=self._get_font(dfont, fonts, "legend"))
        if savefile is None:
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def _get_data_series(self,
        """Used by plot() and table() to get the x and y data series that will be plotted
        or tabulated against each other. See the arguments on those methods.
        if (("rowvals" in independent or "colvals" in independent)
                or any([("rowvals" in d or "colvals" in d)
                        for d in dependents])):
            #We need to make sure that the test case filter they specified returns only a
            #single result so that we get a reasonable plot. This will happen if the data
            #is 1D in the other dimension or if the filter only has a single case. We
            #issue a warning if the filter doesn't match up, so they can check their data.
            for dep in dependents:
                tfilter, depvar = dep.split("/")
                if tfilter is None or sum(
                    [(1 if self._case_filter(d, tfilter) else 0)
                     for d in self.details]) > 1:
                        "Plotting aggregated data for more than one test case. Check results \n"
                        "for consistency and completeness.")

        rawvars = {}
        oseries = []
        icases = {}

        def _load_raw(variable, rawvars):
            if variable in rawvars:

            tfilter, depvar = variable.split("/")
            fullindvar = "{}/{}".format(tfilter, independent)
            cases = None if fullindvar not in icases else icases[fullindvar]
            if fullindvar not in rawvars:
                x, cases = self._get_data(independent, fullindvar, None,
                                          threshold, tfilter)
                if (len(x) == 1 and isinstance(x[0], list) and
                    ("rowvals" in independent or "colvals" in independent)):
                    x = x[0]
                rawvars[fullindvar] = x

            if cases is not None:
                x = rawvars[fullindvar]
                ypts, names = self._get_data(depvar, variable, cases,
                                             threshold, tfilter, independent,
                if (len(ypts) == 1 and isinstance(ypts[0], list)
                        and ("rowvals" in variable or "colvals" in variable)):
                    ypts = ypts[0]
                rawvars[variable] = ypts
            return (fullindvar, cases)

        for variable in dependents:
            fullindvar, cases = _load_raw(variable, rawvars)
            icases[fullindvar] = cases
            oseries.append((fullindvar, variable))
        #Next, we need to apply any postfix functions and then check that the data sizes
        #are commensurate (i.e. same number of points for dependent and independent series).
        ys = []
        xs = []
        if functions is not None:
            for postfix, fixdef in functions.items():
                fxn = None
                vorder = [v for v in fixdef.keys() if v != "lambda"]
                values = {}
                if postfix not in rawvars:
                        "Variable '{}' to be postfixed has no data series.".

                N = len(rawvars[postfix])
                for lvar, gvar in fixdef.items():
                    if lvar == "lambda":
                        #This is the function definition for each item, create a lambda for it.
                        import numpy
                        import math
                            evals = gvar.split(":")[1]
                            lambstr = "lambda {}: {}".format(
                                ", ".join(vorder), evals)
                            fxn = eval(lambstr)
                            msg.err("Could not evaluate function '{}'.".format(
                        if gvar not in rawvars:
                            _load_raw(gvar, rawvars)
                        if gvar in rawvars:
                            values[lvar] = rawvars[gvar]
                            emsg = "Variable '{}' in the lambda function postfix for '{}' is missing data."
                            msg.err(emsg.format(gvar, postfix))

                #Now if we have a valid function defined and data to operate on, just
                #evaluate the postfix one value at a time.
                if fxn is not None and N > 0:
                    for i in range(N):
                        args = [values[v][i] for v in vorder]
                        pval = fxn(*args)
                        rawvars[postfix][i] = pval

        #Now we can use the adjusted/postfixed raw values to construct the data series
        for indepvar, depvar in oseries:
            xs.append((rawvars[indepvar], indepvar))
            #We need the arrays to be the same length for plotting; if we are following
            #an existing independent variable, we still need to append zero to the list
            #for the values we don't have.
            if len(rawvars[depvar]) != len(rawvars[indepvar]):
                    "Can't coerce an array to a single value without an aggregation "
                    "function such as numpy.mean or numpy.sum")
            ys.append((rawvars[depvar], depvar))

        return (xs, ys)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def compile(folder,
    """Runs the makefile in the specified folder to compile the 'all' rule.

    :arg vupdates: a list of module names for which the output .mod and .o files
      should have version information attached.
    if inclfortpy:
        #Before we can compile the library, we need to make sure that we have a fortpy
        #.mod and .o compiled with the *same* compiler version specified.
        from fortpy.utility import get_fortpy_templates_dir
        _ensure_fileversion(compiler, "fortpy", get_fortpy_templates_dir(),

    options = ""
    if debug:
        options += " DEBUG=true"
    if profile:
        options += " GPROF=true"
    if strict:
        options += " STRICT=true"

    if moptions is not None:
        for opt in moptions:
            options += " {}".format(opt)

    if identifier is not None:
        codestr = "cd {}; make -f 'Makefile.{}' F90='{}' FAM='{}'" + options
        command = codestr.format(folder, identifier, executor(compiler),
        codestr = "cd {}; make F90='{}' FAM='{}'" + options
        command = codestr.format(folder, executor(compiler), family(compiler))

    #If we are running in quiet mode, we don't want the compile information
    #to post to stdout; only errors should be redirected. This means we need
    #to wrap the execution in a subprocess and redirect the std* to PIPE
    from os import waitpid, path
    from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
    pcompile = Popen(command,
    waitpid(pcompile.pid, 0)

    if not quiet:
        output = [x.decode('utf8') for x in pcompile.stdout.readlines()]
    #else: #We don't need to get these lines since we are purposefully redirecting them.
    error = [x.decode('utf8') for x in pcompile.stderr.readlines()]
    code = len(error)
    if code != 0:

    #It turns out that the compiler still returns a code of zero, even if the compile
    #failed because the actual compiler didn't fail; it did its job properly. We need to
    #check for the existence of errors in the 'compile.log' file.
    lcount = 0
    errors = []
    log = path.join(
        folder, "compile.{}.log".format(
            identifier if identifier is not None else "default"))
    with open(log) as f:
        for line in f:
            lcount += 1
            if lcount > 21 and lcount < 32:
            elif lcount > 21:

    if len(errors) > 0:
        #There are 21 lines in the compile.log file when everything runs correctly
        #Overwrite code with a bad exit value since we have some other problems.
        code = 1
        #We want to write the first couple of errors to the console and give them the
        #option to still execute if the compile only generated warnings.
        msg.warn("compile generated some errors or warnings:")

    if vupdates is not None:
        for modname in vupdates:
            _vupdate_compiled_module(compiler, modname, folder, rename=False)

    return (code, len(errors) == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def _get_data_series(self, independent, dependents, threshold, functions=None):
        """Used by plot() and table() to get the x and y data series that will be plotted
        or tabulated against each other. See the arguments on those methods.
        if (("rowvals" in independent or "colvals" in independent) or
            any([("rowvals" in d or "colvals" in d) for d in dependents])):
            #We need to make sure that the test case filter they specified returns only a
            #single result so that we get a reasonable plot. This will happen if the data
            #is 1D in the other dimension or if the filter only has a single case. We
            #issue a warning if the filter doesn't match up, so they can check their data.
            for dep in dependents:
                tfilter, depvar = dep.split("/")
                if tfilter is None or sum([(1 if self._case_filter(d, tfilter) else 0)
                                           for d in self.details]) > 1:
                    msg.warn("Plotting aggregated data for more than one test case. Check results \n"
                             "for consistency and completeness.")

        rawvars = {}
        oseries = []
        icases = {}
        def _load_raw(variable, rawvars):
            if variable in rawvars:
            tfilter, depvar = variable.split("/")
            fullindvar = "{}/{}".format(tfilter, independent)
            cases = None if fullindvar not in icases else icases[fullindvar]
            if fullindvar not in rawvars:
                x, cases = self._get_data(independent, fullindvar, None, threshold, tfilter)
                if (len(x) == 1 and isinstance(x[0], list) and 
                    ("rowvals" in independent or "colvals" in independent)):
                    x = x[0]
                rawvars[fullindvar] = x

            if cases is not None:
                x = rawvars[fullindvar]
                ypts, names = self._get_data(depvar, variable, cases, threshold, tfilter, independent, x)
                if (len(ypts) == 1 and isinstance(ypts[0], list) and
                    ("rowvals" in variable or "colvals" in variable)):
                    ypts = ypts[0]
                rawvars[variable] = ypts
            return (fullindvar, cases)

        for variable in dependents:
            fullindvar, cases = _load_raw(variable, rawvars)
            icases[fullindvar] = cases
            oseries.append((fullindvar, variable))                    
        #Next, we need to apply any postfix functions and then check that the data sizes
        #are commensurate (i.e. same number of points for dependent and independent series).
        ys = []
        xs = []        
        if functions is not None:
            for postfix, fixdef in functions.items():
                fxn = None
                vorder = [v for v in fixdef.keys() if v != "lambda"]
                values = {}
                if postfix not in rawvars:
                    msg.err("Variable '{}' to be postfixed has no data series.".format(postfix))
                N = len(rawvars[postfix])
                for lvar, gvar in fixdef.items():
                    if lvar == "lambda":
                        #This is the function definition for each item, create a lambda for it.
                        import numpy
                        import math
                            evals = gvar.split(":")[1]
                            lambstr = "lambda {}: {}".format(", ".join(vorder), evals)
                            fxn = eval(lambstr)
                            msg.err("Could not evaluate function '{}'.".format(gvar))
                        if gvar not in rawvars:
                            _load_raw(gvar, rawvars)
                        if gvar in rawvars:
                            values[lvar] = rawvars[gvar]
                            emsg = "Variable '{}' in the lambda function postfix for '{}' is missing data."
                            msg.err(emsg.format(gvar, postfix))

                #Now if we have a valid function defined and data to operate on, just
                #evaluate the postfix one value at a time.
                if fxn is not None and N > 0:
                    for i in range(N):
                        args = [values[v][i] for v in vorder]
                        pval = fxn(*args)
                        rawvars[postfix][i] = pval

        #Now we can use the adjusted/postfixed raw values to construct the data series
        for indepvar, depvar in oseries:
            xs.append((rawvars[indepvar], indepvar))
            #We need the arrays to be the same length for plotting; if we are following
            #an existing independent variable, we still need to append zero to the list
            #for the values we don't have.
            if len(rawvars[depvar]) != len(rawvars[indepvar]):
                msg.err("Can't coerce an array to a single value without an aggregation "
                        "function such as numpy.mean or numpy.sum")
            ys.append((rawvars[depvar], depvar))
        return (xs, ys)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def compile(folder, compiler=None, identifier=None, debug=False, profile=False,
            quiet=False, moptions=None, inclfortpy=True, vupdates=None,
            strict=False, inclfpyaux=False):
    """Runs the makefile in the specified folder to compile the 'all' rule.

    :arg vupdates: a list of module names for which the output .mod and .o files
      should have version information attached.
    if inclfortpy:
        #Before we can compile the library, we need to make sure that we have a fortpy
        #.mod and .o compiled with the *same* compiler version specified.
        from fortpy.utility import get_fortpy_templates_dir
        _ensure_fileversion(compiler, "fortpy", get_fortpy_templates_dir(), folder)
    options = ""
    if debug:
        options += " DEBUG=true"
    if profile:
        options += " GPROF=true"
    if strict:
        options += " STRICT=true"    

    if moptions is not None:
        for opt in moptions:
            options += " {}".format(opt)
    if identifier is not None:
        codestr = "cd {}; make -f 'Makefile.{}' F90='{}' FAM='{}'" + options
        command = codestr.format(folder, identifier, executor(compiler), family(compiler))
        codestr = "cd {}; make F90='{}' FAM='{}'" + options
        command = codestr.format(folder, executor(compiler), family(compiler))
    #If we are running in quiet mode, we don't want the compile information
    #to post to stdout; only errors should be redirected. This means we need
    #to wrap the execution in a subprocess and redirect the std* to PIPE
    from os import waitpid, path
    from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
    pcompile = Popen(command, shell=True, executable="/bin/bash", stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    waitpid(pcompile.pid, 0)
    if not quiet:
        output = [x.decode('utf8') for x in pcompile.stdout.readlines()]
    #else: #We don't need to get these lines since we are purposefully redirecting them.
    error = [x.decode('utf8') for x in pcompile.stderr.readlines()]
    code = len(error)
    if code != 0:

    #It turns out that the compiler still returns a code of zero, even if the compile
    #failed because the actual compiler didn't fail; it did its job properly. We need to
    #check for the existence of errors in the 'compile.log' file.
    lcount = 0
    errors = []
    log = path.join(folder, "compile.log")
    with open(log) as f:
        for line in f:
            lcount += 1
            if lcount > 21 and lcount < 32:
            elif lcount > 21:

    if len(errors) > 0:
        #There are 21 lines in the compile.log file when everything runs correctly
        #Overwrite code with a bad exit value since we have some other problems.
        code = 1
        #We want to write the first couple of errors to the console and give them the
        #option to still execute if the compile only generated warnings.
        msg.warn("compile generated some errors or warnings:")

    if vupdates is not None:
        for modname in vupdates:
            _vupdate_compiled_module(compiler, modname, folder, rename=False)
    return (code, len(errors)==0)