Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_intrinsic_function_reference_error2(f2003_create):
    '''Test that class Intrinsic_Function_Reference raises the expected
    exception when the valid min args is less than the valid max args
    and the wrong number of arguments is supplied.

    with pytest.raises(InternalSyntaxError) as excinfo:
        _ = Intrinsic_Function_Reference("PRODUCT()")
    assert ("Intrinsic 'PRODUCT' expects between 1 and 3 args but found 0."
            "" in str(excinfo.value))

    with pytest.raises(InternalSyntaxError) as excinfo:
        _ = Intrinsic_Function_Reference("PRODUCT(A,B,C,D)")
    assert ("Intrinsic 'PRODUCT' expects between 1 and 3 args but found 4."
            "" in str(excinfo.value))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_intrinsic_function_reference_error1(f2003_create):
    '''Test that class Intrinsic_Function_Reference raises the expected
    exception when the valid min and max args are equal (2 in this case)
    and the wrong number of arguments is supplied.

    with pytest.raises(InternalSyntaxError) as excinfo:
        _ = Intrinsic_Function_Reference("MATMUL(A)")
    assert ("Intrinsic 'MATMUL' expects 2 arg(s) but found 1."
            "" in str(excinfo.value))

    with pytest.raises(InternalSyntaxError) as excinfo:
        _ = Intrinsic_Function_Reference("MATMUL(A,B,C)")
    assert ("Intrinsic 'MATMUL' expects 2 arg(s) but found 3."
            "" in str(excinfo.value))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_intrinsic_function_nomatch(f2003_create):
    '''Test that class Intrinsic_Function_Reference raises the expected
    exception if there is no match.

    with pytest.raises(NoMatchError):
        _ = Intrinsic_Function_Reference("NO_MATCH(A)")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_intrinsic_function_reference_zero_args(f2003_create):
    '''Test that class Intrinsic_Function_Reference correctly matches a
    generic intrinsic which accepts zero arguments.

    result = Intrinsic_Function_Reference("COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT()")
    assert isinstance(result, Intrinsic_Function_Reference)
    assert str(result) == "COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT()"
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_intrinsic_function_reference(f2003_create):
    '''Test that class Intrinsic_Function_Reference correctly matches a
    specific intrinsic with a valid number of arguments.

    result = Intrinsic_Function_Reference("DSIN(A)")
    assert isinstance(result, Intrinsic_Function_Reference)
    assert str(result) == "DSIN(A)"
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_intrinsic_function_reference_error3(f2003_create):
    '''Test that class Intrinsic_Function_Reference raises the expected
    exception when the number of arguments is unlimited.

    with pytest.raises(InternalSyntaxError) as excinfo:
        _ = Intrinsic_Function_Reference("MIN(A)")
    assert ("Intrinsic 'MIN' expects at least 2 args but found 1."
            "" in str(excinfo.value))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_intrinsic_function_reference_unlimited_args(f2003_create):
    '''Test that class Intrinsic_Function_Reference correctly matches a
    generic intrinsic which accepts an unlimitednumber of arguments.

    for args in ["A, B", "A, B, C", "A, B, C, D"]:
        result = Intrinsic_Function_Reference("MAX({0})".format(args))
        assert isinstance(result, Intrinsic_Function_Reference)
        assert str(result) == "MAX({0})".format(args)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_intrinsic_function_reference_range_args(f2003_create):
    '''Test that class Intrinsic_Function_Reference correctly matches a
    generic intrinsic which accepts a range of number of arguments.

    for args in ["", "A", "A, B", "A, B, C"]:
        result = Intrinsic_Function_Reference("SYSTEM_CLOCK({0})".format(args))
        assert isinstance(result, Intrinsic_Function_Reference)
        assert str(result) == "SYSTEM_CLOCK({0})".format(args)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_intrinsic_function_reference_multi_args(f2003_create):
    '''Test that class Intrinsic_Function_Reference correctly matches a
    generic intrinsic which accepts more than one argument (two in
    this case).

    result = Intrinsic_Function_Reference("MATMUL(A,B)")
    assert isinstance(result, Intrinsic_Function_Reference)
    assert str(result) == "MATMUL(A, B)"