Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setUp(self):
        self.channel = DummyChannel()
        request = Request(self.channel, False)
        transport = WebSocketTransport(request)
        handler = TestHandler(transport)
        self.decoder = WebSocketFrameDecoder(request, handler)
        # taken straight from the IETF spec, masking added where appropriate
        self.hello = "\x81\x85\x37\xfa\x21\x3d\x7f\x9f\x4d\x51\x58"
        self.frag_hello = ("\x01\x83\x12\x21\x65\x23\x5a\x44\x09",
        self.binary_orig = "\x3f" * 256
        self.binary = ("\x82\xfe\x01\x00\x12\x6d\xa6\x23" +
                       "\x2d\x52\x99\x1c" * 64)
        self.long_binary = ("\x82\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00" +
                            "\x12\x6d\xa6\x23" +
                            "\x2d\x52\x99\x1c" * 16384)
        self.long_binary_orig = "\x3f" * 65536
        self.ping = "\x89\x85\x56\x23\x88\x23\x1e\x46\xe4\x4f\x39"
        self.pong = "\x8a\x85\xde\x41\x0f\x34\x96\x24\x63\x58\xb1"
        self.pong_unmasked = "\x8a\x05\x48\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f"
        # code 1000, message "Normal Closure"
        self.close = ("\x88\x90\x34\x23\x87\xde\x37\xcb\xc9\xb1\x46"

        ## close message can be empty or with normal close code (1000)
        self.empty_unmasked_close_list = ("\x88\x00", "\x88\x02\x03\xe8")
        self.empty_text = "\x81\x80\x00\x01\x02\x03"
        self.cont_empty_text = "\x00\x80\x00\x01\x02\x03"
Ejemplo n.º 2
class WebSocketFrameDecoderXor(TestCase):
    Test the vitamined xor function of the decoder (_xxor)
    def setUp(self):
        self.channel = DummyChannel()
        request = Request(self.channel, False)
        transport = WebSocketTransport(request)
        handler = WebSocketHandler(transport)
        self.decoder = WebSocketFrameDecoder(request, handler)
        self.decoder._mask = "Key!"
        self.decoder._rkeys = {}
        self.decoder._maskIndex = 0

    def xor(self, data):
        Reference version
        return ''.join(chr(ord(x) ^ ord(y)) for (x,y) in izip(data, cycle(self.decoder._mask)))

    def test_xxorShort(self):
        Short data (less than 16 bytes)
        data = "Hello"
        self.assertEquals(self.decoder._xxor(data), self.xor(data))

    def test_xxorLong(self):
        Long data (more than 16 bytes). Make sure the data is not a multiple of 8
        Test the long xor capability
        data = "Hello" * 500 + "trail"
        self.assertEquals(self.decoder._xxor(data), self.xor(data))

    def test_xxorSplit(self):
        Long data (4005 bytes), processed in chunks of 37 bytes
        Test the rolling key mechanism
        data = "Hello" * 500 + "trail"
        chunk_size = 37
                                  for i in range(0, len(data), chunk_size)),
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def setUp(self):
     self.channel = DummyChannel()
     request = Request(self.channel, False)
     transport = WebSocketTransport(request)
     handler = WebSocketHandler(transport)
     self.decoder = WebSocketFrameDecoder(request, handler)
     self.decoder._mask = "Key!"
     self.decoder._rkeys = {}
     self.decoder._maskIndex = 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def connectionMade(self):
     self.data = ""
     self.extensions = []
     self.isSecure = (self.factory.scheme == "wss")
     self.transport.connectionLost = self.connectionLost
     self.decoder = WebSocketFrameDecoder(self.transport,
     self._firstFragment = True
Ejemplo n.º 5
class WebSocketServerFrameDecoderTestCase(TestCase):
    Test for C{WebSocketFrameDecoder}.

    def setUp(self):
        self.channel = DummyChannel()
        request = Request(self.channel, False)
        transport = WebSocketTransport(request)
        handler = TestHandler(transport)
        self.decoder = WebSocketFrameDecoder(request, handler)
        # taken straight from the IETF spec, masking added where appropriate
        self.hello = "\x81\x85\x37\xfa\x21\x3d\x7f\x9f\x4d\x51\x58"
        self.frag_hello = ("\x01\x83\x12\x21\x65\x23\x5a\x44\x09",
        self.binary_orig = "\x3f" * 256
        self.binary = ("\x82\xfe\x01\x00\x12\x6d\xa6\x23" +
                       "\x2d\x52\x99\x1c" * 64)
        self.long_binary = ("\x82\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00" +
                            "\x12\x6d\xa6\x23" +
                            "\x2d\x52\x99\x1c" * 16384)
        self.long_binary_orig = "\x3f" * 65536
        self.ping = "\x89\x85\x56\x23\x88\x23\x1e\x46\xe4\x4f\x39"
        self.pong = "\x8a\x85\xde\x41\x0f\x34\x96\x24\x63\x58\xb1"
        self.pong_unmasked = "\x8a\x05\x48\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f"
        # code 1000, message "Normal Closure"
        self.close = ("\x88\x90\x34\x23\x87\xde\x37\xcb\xc9\xb1\x46"

        ## close message can be empty or with normal close code (1000)
        self.empty_unmasked_close_list = ("\x88\x00", "\x88\x02\x03\xe8")
        self.empty_text = "\x81\x80\x00\x01\x02\x03"
        self.cont_empty_text = "\x00\x80\x00\x01\x02\x03"

    def assertOneDecodingError(self):
        Assert that exactly one L{DecodingError} has been logged and return
        that error.
        errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(DecodingError)
        self.assertEquals(len(errors), 1)
        return errors[0]

    def test_oneTextFrame(self):
        We can send one frame handled with one C{dataReceived} call.
        self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.frames, ["Hello"])

    def test_chunkedTextFrame(self):
        We can send one text frame handled with multiple C{dataReceived} calls.
        # taken straight from the IETF spec
        for part in (self.hello[:1], self.hello[1:3],
                     self.hello[3:7], self.hello[7:]):
        self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.frames, ["Hello"])

    def test_fragmentedTextFrame(self):
        We can send a fragmented frame handled with one C{dataReceived} call.
        self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.frames, ["Hello"])

    def test_chunkedfragmentedTextFrame(self):
        We can send a fragmented text frame handled with multiple
        C{dataReceived} calls.
        # taken straight from the IETF spec
        for part in (self.frag_hello[0][:3], self.frag_hello[0][3:]):
        for part in (self.frag_hello[1][:1], self.frag_hello[1][1:]):
        self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.frames, ["Hello"])

    def test_twoFrames(self):
        We can send two frames together and they will be correctly parsed.
        self.decoder.dataReceived("".join(self.frag_hello) + self.hello)
        self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.frames, ["Hello"] * 2)

    def test_controlInterleaved(self):
        A control message (in this case a pong) can appear between the
        fragmented frames.
        data = self.frag_hello[0] + self.pong + self.frag_hello[1]
        for part in data[:2], data[2:7], data[7:8], data[8:14], data[14:]:
        self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.frames, ["Hello"])
        self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.pongs, ["Hello"])

    def test_binaryFrameAllAtOnce(self):
        We can send a binary frame that uses a longer length field.

    def test_binaryFrame(self):
        We can send a binary frame that uses a longer length field.
        Split data in some interesting locations.
        data = self.binary + self.hello
        for part in data[:3], data[3:4], data[4:]:
        self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.frames, ["Hello"])

    def test_binaryFrameMultiSplit(self):
        We can send a binary frame that uses a longer length field,
        plus one other frame.
        Split in all header locations.
        data = self.binary + self.hello

        for i in range(10):
            self.decoder.handler.binaryFrames = []
            self.decoder.handler.frames = []
            for part in data[:i], data[i:]:
                              "Failed at i=%d" % i)
            self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.frames, ["Hello"])

        for i in range(10):
            self.decoder.handler.binaryFrames = []
            self.decoder.handler.frames = []
            for part in data[:len(self.binary)+i], data[len(self.binary)+i:]:
                              "Failed (last) at i=%d" % i)
            self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.frames, ["Hello"])

    def test_binaryFrameOneByOne(self):
        We can send a binary frame that uses a longer length field.
        Bytes are sent one by one.
        data = self.binary + self.hello
        for part in data:
        self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.frames, ["Hello"])

    def test_longBinaryFrame(self):
        We can send a binary frame that uses a very long length field.
        data = self.long_binary + self.hello
        for part in data[:3], data[3:4], data[4:]:
        self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.frames, ["Hello"])

    def test_pingInterleaved(self):
        We can get a ping frame in the middle of a fragmented frame and we'll
        correctly send a pong resonse.
        data = self.frag_hello[0] + self.ping + self.frag_hello[1]
        for part in data[:12], data[12:16], data[16:]:
        self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.frames, ["Hello"])

        result = self.channel.transport.written.getvalue()
        headers, response = result.split('\r\n\r\n')

        self.assertEquals(response, self.pong_unmasked)

    def test_pingInterleavedOneByOne(self):
        We can get a ping frame in the middle of a fragmented frame and we'll
        correctly send a pong resonse.
        Send bytes one by one.
        data = self.frag_hello[0] + self.ping + self.frag_hello[1]
        for part in data:
        self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.frames, ["Hello"])

        result = self.channel.transport.written.getvalue()
        headers, response = result.split('\r\n\r\n')

        self.assertEquals(response, self.pong_unmasked)

    def test_close(self):
        A close frame causes the remaining data to be discarded and the
        connection to be closed.
        self.decoder.dataReceived(self.hello + self.close + "crap" * 20)
        self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.frames, ["Hello"])
                          [(1000, "Normal Closure")])

        result = self.channel.transport.written.getvalue()
        headers, response = result.split('\r\n\r\n')

        self.assertIn(response, self.empty_unmasked_close_list)

    def test_emptyFrame(self):
        An empty text frame is correctly parsed.
        self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.frames, [""])

    def test_emptyFrameInterleaved(self):
        An empty fragmented frame and a interleaved pong message are received
        and parsed.
        data = (self.frag_hello[0] + self.cont_empty_text +
                self.pong + self.frag_hello[1])
        for part in data[:1], data[1:8], data[8:17], data[17:]:

        self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.frames, ["Hello"])
        self.assertEquals(self.decoder.handler.pongs, ["Hello"])
Ejemplo n.º 6
class WebSocketClient(Protocol, TimeoutMixin, _PauseableMixin):
    Protocol for websocket clients.
    @ivar connectionEstablished: a callable which will be invoqued when the
        connection has been established.

    @ivar handshakeError: A one-argument callable which will be invoked when
        the handshake failed, the argument being a string describing
        the reason for the failure.

    @ivar frameReceived: A one-argument callable which will be invoked when
        the terminal chunk is received.  It will be invoked with all bytes
        which were delivered to this protocol which came after the terminal

    @ivar fragmentReceived: A one-argument callable which will be invoked each
        time a fragment of data is received for streaming purpose.
        The argument is the plain data as received on the wire. 

    @ivar dataError: A one-argument callable which will be invoked when
        the handshake failed, the argument being a string describing
        the reason for the failure.
    extensions = []
    assembleFragments = False

    def connectionMade(self):
        self.data = ""
        self.extensions = []
        self.isSecure = (self.factory.scheme == "wss")
        self.transport.connectionLost = self.connectionLost
        self.decoder = WebSocketFrameDecoder(self.transport,
        self._firstFragment = True

    def sendHeader(self):
        self.in_handshake = True
        self.fields = [
                       "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" % self.factory.path,
                       "Host: %s:%s\r\n" % (self.factory.host, self.factory.port),
                       ## XXX: Can be added later: Proxy-authorization

        if self.isSecure:
            if not has_ssl:
                self.handshakeError("The PyOpenSSL library is not installed."
                                    " Cannot use the wss scheme")
            self.transport.startTLS(ClientTLSContext(), self.factory)

    def sendHeaderEnd(self):
        fields = self.fields
        self.nonce = b64encode(generate_key())
        ## These fields must be shuffled
        field_list = [
                  "Upgrade: WebSocket\r\n",
                  "Connection: Upgrade\r\n",
                  "Sec-WebSocket-Key: %s\r\n" % self.nonce,
                  "Origin: http://%s\r\n" % self.factory.origin,
                  "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n"

        if self.factory.subprotocolsAvailable:
            field_list.append("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: %s\r\n"
                              % ",".join(self.factory.subprotocolsAvailable))

        if self.factory.extensionsAvailable:
            field_list.append("Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: %s\r\n"
                              % ",".join(ext.requestHeader
                                         for ext in self.factory.extensionsAvailable))

        if self.factory.extra_headers != None:


        all_fields = ''.join(fields + field_list)

    def writeBinary(self, data, fragmented=False):
        Treat the given frame as a binary frame and send it to the client.

        @param frame: a binary C{str} to send to the client.
        @type frame: C{str}
        self.sendFrame(OPCODE_BINARY, data, fragmented)

    def write(self, data, fragmented=False):
        Treat the given utf-8 data as a text frame and send it to the client.

        @param frame: a I{UTF-8} encoded C{str} to send to the client.
        @type frame: C{str}
        self.sendFrame(OPCODE_TEXT, data.encode('utf-8'), fragmented=fragmented)

    def writeFragment(self, data, final=False):
        Send a fragment of a text frame to the client.

        @param fragment: a I{UTF-8} encoded C{str} to send to the client.
        @type fragment: C{str}
        self.sendFrame(OPCODE_TEXT, data.encode('utf-8'), fragmented=True, final=final)
    write.writeFragment = writeFragment

    def writeBinaryFragment(self, data, final=False):
        Send a fragment of a binary frame to the client.

        @param fragment: a C{str} to send to the client.
        @type fragment: C{str}
        self.sendFrame(OPCODE_BINARY, data, fragmented=True, final=final)
    writeBinary.writeFragment = writeBinaryFragment

    def sendPing(self, data=""):
        Send a simple ping packet.
        The factory should implement pongReceived to check the pong response
        self.sendFrame(OPCODE_PING, data)

    def writeSequence(self, frames):
        Send a sequence of text frames to the connected client.
        for frame in frames:
            self.sendFrame(OPCODE_TEXT, frame)

    def writeBinarySequence(self, frames):
        Send a sequence of binary frames to the connected client.
        for frame in frames:
            self.sendFrame(OPCODE_BINARY, frame)

    def sendFrame(self, opcode, payload, fragmented=False, final=False, **kwargs):
        Send a frame with the given opcode and payload to the client. If the
        L{fragmented} parameter is set, the message frame will contain a flag
        saying it's part of a fragmented payload, by default data is sent as a
        self-contained frame. Note that if you use fragmentation support, it is
        up to you to correctly set the first frame's opcode and then use
        L{OPCODE_CONT} on the following continuation frames.

        Payloads sent using this method are never masked.

        @param opcode: the opcode as defined in rfc6455
        @type opcode: C{int}
        @param payload: the frame's payload
        @type payload: C{str}
        @param fragmented: should the frame be marked as part of a fragmented payload
        @type fragmented: C{bool}
        if opcode not in ALL_OPCODES:
            raise ValueError, "Invalid opcode 0x%X" % opcode

        ## Process extensions
        if self.extensions:
            if opcode == OPCODE_TEXT: 
                for ext in self.extensions:
                    payload = ext.processOutgoingFrame(payload, **kwargs)
            elif opcode == OPCODE_BINARY:
                for ext in self.extensions:
                    payload = ext.processOutgoingBinaryFrame(payload, **kwargs)

        length = len(payload)

        if fragmented:
            if final:
                if self._firstFragment:
                    ## Special case when final fragment is also
                    ## the first one: same as unfragmented
                    data = [0x80 | opcode]
                    ## Final fragment, opcode set to 0
                    data = [0x80]
                    self._firstFragment = True
            elif self._firstFragment:
                ## First fragment, final set to 0
                data = [opcode]
                self._firstFragment = False
                ## Continuation
                data = [OPCODE_CONT]
            data = [0x80 | opcode]

        ## Create the frame header, depending on the length
        if length < 126:
            spec = "!BBI"
        elif length > 65535:
            # same for even longer frames
            spec = "!BBQI"
            ## add a 16-bit int to the spec and append 126 value, which means
            ## "interpret the next two bytes"
            spec = "!BBHI"

        ## Add the mask
        mask = getrandbits(32)

        header = pack(spec, *data)

        payload = header + xxor(mask, payload)

    def dataReceived(self, data):
        if self.in_handshake:
            self.data += data
                remainingData = self.checkHandshake()
            except HandshakeResponseError, error:

            ## Header is over, witch to data handling mode
            self.in_handshake = False
            self.data = ""

            ## Just got response from server, might send something back
