Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_map_docs(self):
        '''Test mapping of multiple source docs on a single target doc'''

        items = frappe.get_all("Item",
                               fields=["name", "item_code"],
                                   'is_sales_item': 1,
                                   'has_variants': 0
        customers = frappe.get_all("Customer")
        if items and customers:
            # Make source docs (quotations) and a target doc (sales order)
            customer = random.choice(customers).name
            qtn1, item_list_1 = self.make_quotation(items, customer)
            qtn2, item_list_2 = self.make_quotation(items, customer)
            so, item_list_3 = self.make_sales_order()

        # Map source docs to target with corresponding mapper method
        method = "erpnext.selling.doctype.quotation.quotation.make_sales_order"
        updated_so = mapper.map_docs(method, json.dumps([qtn1.name,
                                                         qtn2.name]), so)

        # Assert that all inserted items are present in updated sales order
        src_items = item_list_1 + item_list_2 + item_list_3
        self.assertEqual(set([d.item_code for d in src_items]),
                         set([d.item_code for d in updated_so.items]))
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def test_map_docs(self):
		'''Test mapping of multiple source docs on a single target doc'''

		items = ['_Test Item', '_Test Item 2', '_Test FG Item']

		# Make source docs (quotations) and a target doc (sales order)
		qtn1, item_list_1 = self.make_quotation(items, '_Test Customer')
		qtn2, item_list_2 = self.make_quotation(items, '_Test Customer')
		so, item_list_3 = self.make_sales_order()

		# Map source docs to target with corresponding mapper method
		method = "erpnext.selling.doctype.quotation.quotation.make_sales_order"
		updated_so = mapper.map_docs(method, json.dumps([qtn1.name, qtn2.name]), so)

		# Assert that all inserted items are present in updated sales order
		src_items = item_list_1 + item_list_2 + item_list_3
		self.assertEqual(set(d for d in src_items),
			set(d.item_code for d in updated_so.items))