def getKinectData(self): delay = 1 / self.fps #Wait to ports are setup before streaming time.sleep(10) freenect.sync_stop() while self.running: if self.depth == True: #get a frame from depth sensor depth = self.get_depth() #write depth image to file cv.imwrite('/var/www/html/stream/depthImage.jpg', depth) if self.image == True: #get a frame from depth sensor image = self.get_video() #write depth image to file cv.imwrite('/var/www/html/stream/image.jpg', image) #frame delay time.sleep(delay) print "INFO: Shutting down Kinect Data Capture." freenect.sync_stop()
def testkinect1(): # test video modes [ctx,dev] = initkinect() print(freenect.get_video_format(dev)) freenect.set_video_mode(dev,1,1) print(freenect.get_video_format(dev)) killkinect(ctx,dev) old_time = time.time() while time.time()-old_time < 10: cv.ShowImage('Video', get_video()) cv2.waitKey(1) cv2.destroyAllWindows() cv2.waitKey(1000) freenect.sync_stop() [ctx,dev] = initkinect() freenect.set_video_mode(dev,1,2) print(freenect.get_video_format(dev)) killkinect(ctx,dev) old_time = time.time() while time.time()-old_time < 10: cv.ShowImage('Video', get_video()) cv2.waitKey(1) cv2.destroyAllWindows() cv2.waitKey(1000) freenect.sync_stop() [ctx,dev] = initkinect() freenect.set_video_mode(dev,1,3) print(freenect.get_video_format(dev)) killkinect(ctx,dev) old_time = time.time() while time.time()-old_time < 10: cv.ShowImage('Video', get_video()) cv2.waitKey(1) cv2.destroyAllWindows() freenect.sync_stop() [ctx,dev] = initkinect() freenect.set_video_mode(dev,1,5) print(freenect.get_video_format(dev)) killkinect(ctx,dev) old_time = time.time() while time.time()-old_time < 10: cv.ShowImage('Video', get_video()) cv2.waitKey(1) cv2.destroyAllWindows() freenect.sync_stop() [ctx,dev] = initkinect() freenect.set_video_mode(dev,1,6) print(freenect.get_video_format(dev)) killkinect(ctx,dev) old_time = time.time() while time.time()-old_time < 10: cv.ShowImage('Video', get_video()) cv2.waitKey(1) cv2.destroyAllWindows() freenect.sync_stop()
def capture_emotions(person_name, emotions, duration): """Capture each emotion in turn""" captured_emotions = {} print """I am going to prompt you to pretend to feel the following emotions for %s seconds each: %s""" % (duration, ', '.join(emotions)) for emotion in emotions: capture_emotion(captured_emotions, person_name, emotion, duration) freenect.sync_stop() save_emotions(captured_emotions, person_name)
def capture_emotions(person_name, emotions, duration): """Capture each emotion in turn""" captured_emotions = {} print """I am going to prompt you to pretend to feel the following emotions for %s seconds each: %s""" % ( duration, ', '.join(emotions)) for emotion in emotions: capture_emotion(captured_emotions, person_name, emotion, duration) freenect.sync_stop() save_emotions(captured_emotions, person_name)
def disp_thresh(lower, upper,depth): l1=map(lower,0,1800,0,255) depth = (255-l1) * np.logical_and(depth > lower, depth < upper) depth = depth.astype(np.uint8) if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27: freenect.sync_stop() cv2.destroyAllWindows() exit (0) return depth
def kill(): [ctx, dev] = initkinect() cv2.destroyAllWindows() freenect.sync_stop() freenect.stop_video(dev) freenect.stop_depth(dev) freenect.close_device(dev) freenect.shutdown(ctx) quit()
def stop(self): """ Safely stop the Kinect Thread, freeing the Kinect properly. Set a variable to stop Thread execution by terminating the while loop in run(). """ freenect.sync_stop() self.exit = True
def keyboard_press_event(self, key, x, y): if key == chr(27): #freenect.sync_set_led(1) freenect.sync_stop() elif key == ' ': print "Toggled the RGB/IR image." self.show_ir = not self.show_ir super(PointCloudDemo, self).keyboard_press_event(key, x, y)
def keyPressed(key, x: int, y: int): global color if key == b'C' or key == b'c': color = not color # break; if key == b'Q' or key == b'q' or key == b'\x1b': # ESC glutDestroyWindow(window) # device->stopDepth(); # device->stopVideo(); freenect.sync_stop() exit(0)
def keyboard_press_event(self, key, x, y): if key == chr(27): #freenect.sync_set_led(1) freenect.sync_stop() #np.savez("data", vertices=self.vertices_measure.get())"F", self.ffusion.F_gpu.get())"W", self.ffusion.W_gpu.get()) if key == 'm': self.draw_flags['measure'] ^= True if key == 'r': self.draw_flags['raycast'] ^= True if key == 't': self.ffusion.active_tracking ^= True super(DenseDemo, self).keyboard_press_event(key, x, y)
def temp_test(): fn_ctx = fn.init() fn_dev = fn.open_device(fn_ctx, fn.num_devices(fn_ctx) - 1) fn.set_tilt_degs(fn_dev, 0) fn.close_device(fn_dev) while True: dep = get_depth() dep *= (dep * 1.3).astype(np.uint8) print("{}\t,\t{}".format(np.min(dep), np.max(dep))) cv2.imshow('depth', dep) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows() fn.sync_stop() break
def capture_one(emotion, duration): """Capture the emotion to tsv files in person_name/emotion""" while True: print "\aPlease start (pretending that you are) feeling %s" % emotion print "I am going to start capturing data in %s seconds" % \ SECONDS_TO_WAIT_BEFORE_CAPTURING time.sleep(SECONDS_TO_WAIT_BEFORE_CAPTURING) frames_and_eeg_data = capture_data(duration) print "\aDone." print "Did you manage to hold the feeling the entire time? [y/n]" if raw_input().lower().strip() in ["y", "yes"]: break else: print "Trying again..." #TODO: Expose this less :-) freenect.sync_stop() return frames_and_eeg_data
def masking (rgb): hsv = cv2.cvtColor(rgb, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) rgb_lthresh = np.array([24, 100, 50]) rgb_uthresh = np.array([50, 255, 255]) rgb_mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, rgb_lthresh, rgb_uthresh) rgb_f = cv2.bitwise_and(rgb,rgb,mask=rgb_mask) rgb_md = cv2.medianBlur(rgb_f, 15) rgb_gray = cv2.cvtColor(rgb_md, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) rgb_mask = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(rgb_gray, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV, 15, 5) rgb_edges = cv2.Canny(rgb_mask, 100, 255) rgb_dil = cv2.dilate(rgb_edges, kernel=(3, 3), iterations=1) cv2.imshow('RGB',rgb_dil) if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27: freenect.sync_stop() cv2.destroyAllWindows() exit (0) return rgb_dil,rgb_mask
def density_plot(): fn_ctx = fn.init() fn_dev = fn.open_device(fn_ctx, fn.num_devices(fn_ctx) - 1) fn.set_tilt_degs(fn_dev, 0) fn.close_device(fn_dev) show_image = cv2.imshow waitkey = cv2.waitKey ravel = np.ravel countbin = np.bincount length = 256 nums = np.arange(0, length, 1) zero = np.zeros_like(nums) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation fig, ax = plt.subplots() line, = ax.plot(nums, zero) ax.set_ylim(0, 10000) ax.set_xlim(0, 256) set_y_data = line.set_ydata def update(data): set_y_data(data) return line, def get_dep(): dep = get_depth() dep = cv2.medianBlur(dep, 3, dep) dep = ravel(dep) # dep = medfilt(dep, 21).astype(np.uint8) return dep def data_gen(): while True: yield countbin(get_dep(), minlength=length) ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, data_gen) cv2.destroyAllWindows() fn.sync_stop()
def set_kinect_angle(angle, device_index=0): # Clamp angle to [-30, 30] angle = min(angle, max(angle, -30), 30) print "Setting Kinect angle to", angle # We have to stop the synchronous runloop to interact with the device. freenect.sync_stop() # Open the device ctx = freenect.init() dev = freenect.open_device(ctx, device_index) # Set angle freenect.set_tilt_degs(dev, angle) # Shutdown context, allowing synchronous runloop to start freenect.shutdown(ctx) return angle
def streamKinectImage(self): try: self.image = True self.port = self.port + 1 port = self.port - 1 print "INFO: Adding kinect RGB image to stream on port ", str( port), "." startKinectImageStream = self.serverCommand + " -o ' -w ./www/html -p " + str( port ) + "' -i ' -f /var/www/html/stream -n image.jpg -d 0'" os.system(startKinectImageStream) except self.running == False: print "INFO: Shutting down the kinect RGB image stream" self.image = False freenect.sync_stop() sys.exit()
def main(): print ('[*] Start') start = folder_name=get_args() os.mkdir(folder_name) os.chdir(folder_name) i=1 buff=[] try: while True: print '[*] Recording Index %s'%(str(i)) (depth,_), (rgb,_) = get_depth(), get_video() buff.append([depth.copy(),rgb.copy()]) i+=1 time.sleep(0.0001) if i>=1000000: break except KeyboardInterrupt: sync_stop() # stop the sync_get_video...etc print '\n[*] End Buff with following information :' duration = str(( ).split('.')[0] fps = i/(( print '[*] Duration is { %s }'%(duration) print '[*] FPS is { %s }'%(str(fps).split('.')[0]) print '\n[*] Start Saving IMG from Buff' try: for j in range(i): #list.pop(index) depth,rgb = buff.pop(0) a="" if len(str(j))<frame_length_limit_order: a='0'*(frame_length_limit_order-len(str(j))) depth=depth_to_gray(depth) # io.imsave to a series of .png io.imsave('depth'+a+str(j)+'.png',depth) io.imsave('rgb'+a+str(j)+'.png',rgb) print '[*] Saving Index %s'%(str(j)) except: print '\n[*] End Saving IMG '
#!/usr/bin/env python import freenect import cv import numpy as np cv.NamedWindow("Depth") cv.NamedWindow("Video") ind = 0 while 1: print(ind) try: depth, timestamp = freenect.sync_get_depth(ind) rgb, timestamp = freenect.sync_get_video(ind) except TypeError: ind = 0 continue ind += 1 cv.ShowImage("Depth", depth.astype(np.uint8)) cv.ShowImage("Video", rgb[:, :, ::-1].astype(np.uint8)) cv.WaitKey(10) freenect.sync_stop() # NOTE: May remove if you have good USB bandwidth
def get_video(): array,_ = freenect.sync_get_video() array = cv2.cvtColor(array,cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) freenect.sync_stop() return array
def get_depth(): array,_ = freenect.sync_get_depth() array = array.astype(np.uint8) freenect.sync_stop() return array
panel.display() oldDepth = depth for event in pygame.event.get() : if event.type == pygame.QUIT : finish = True if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN : if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE : finnish = True if event.key == pygame.K_q : finnish = True if event.key == pygame.K_r : backgroundDepth[:] = 0 if event.key == pygame.K_l : flooding = not flooding if event.key == pygame.K_f : pygame.display.toggle_fullscreen() if event.key == pygame.K_v : panel.toggle_video_capture() fps.tic() del fps print "Stopping kinect" freenect.sync_stop() print "Stopping pygame"
[slice(None) if i != axis else 0 for i in range(dif.ndim)]) index = [ mesh[i][index].ravel() if i != axis else location.ravel() for i in range(bins.ndim) ] counts = bins[tuple(index)].reshape(location.shape) index[axis] = indices[tuple(index)] modals = srt[tuple(index)].reshape(location.shape) return (modals, counts) date ="%B-%d-%Y") os.mkdir(date) os.chdir(date) logging.basicConfig(filename='EventLog.txt', level=logging.DEBUG) a = KinectTracker() #z = a.calculate_masked_background() #y,z = a.identify_valid_masked_background() # Functionally, a.average_background() is just getting a single snapshot. Write another function that calls it periodically to handle it as a full time thing camera = PiCamera() camera.resolution = (1296, 972) camera.framerate = 30 # allow the camera to warmup time.sleep(1) camera.start_recording(date + "_vid.h264", bitrate=7500000) print "start picam recording" a.long_term_recording() camera.stop_recording() print "stopped recording" freenect.sync_stop()
def main(): print("Running...") flag_track2 = 0 count = 0 counttrack = 0 prev_y_pixel = 0 prev_x_pixel = 0 tetaperpixel = 0.994837 / 400.0 tracker = KCF.kcftracker(True, False, True, False) # hog, fixed_window, multiscale, lab counttrack2 = 0 prev_distance2 = 0 # grab one frame at first to compare for background substraction frame, timestamp = freenect.sync_get_video() frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) frame_resized = imutils.resize(frame, width=min(400, frame.shape[1])) frame_resized_grayscale = cv2.cvtColor(frame_resized, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) print(frame_resized_grayscale.shape) # initialize centroid center = [[frame_resized.shape[1] / 2, frame_resized.shape[0] / 2]] center_fix = [] # defining min cuoff area #min_area=(480/400)*frame_resized.shape[1] min_area = (0.01) * frame_resized.shape[1] print(frame_resized.shape) # (300,400,3) boxcolor = (0, 255, 0) timeout = 0 #variable for counting time elapsed key = '' temp = 1 # save video countsave = 0 while key != 113: # for 'q' key # start timer timer = cv2.getTickCount() starttime = time.time() previous_frame = frame_resized_grayscale # retrieve new RGB frame image frame, timestamp = freenect.sync_get_video() frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) frame_resized = imutils.resize(frame, width=min(400, frame.shape[1])) frame_resized_grayscale = cv2.cvtColor(frame_resized, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #temp=background_subtraction(previous_frame, frame_resized_grayscale, min_area) # retrieve depth map depth, timestamp = freenect.sync_get_depth() depth = imutils.resize(depth, width=min(400, depth.shape[1])) print(depth.shape) depth2 = np.copy(depth) # orig = image.copy() if temp == 1: if (flag_track2 == 0): frame_processed, center_fix, pick2 = detect_people( frame_resized, center, frame_resized, boxcolor) if (len(center_fix) > 0): i = 0 for b in center_fix: #print(b) #print("Point "+str(i)+": "+str(b[0])+" "+str(b[1])) x_pixel = b[1] y_pixel = b[0] print("x1:" + str(x_pixel) + "y1:" + str(y_pixel)) rawDisparity = depth[(int)(x_pixel), (int)(y_pixel)] print("raw:" + str(rawDisparity)) distance = 1 / (-0.00307 * rawDisparity + 3.33) if (distance < 0): distance = 0.5 print("Distance : " + str(distance)) cv2.putText( frame_resized, "distance: {:.2f}".format(distance), (10, (frame_resized.shape[0] - (i + 1) * 25) - 50), font, 0.65, (0, 0, 255), 3) cv2.putText( frame_resized, "Point " + str(i) + ": " + str(b[0]) + " " + str(b[1]), (10, frame_resized.shape[0] - (i + 1) * 25), font, 0.65, (0, 0, 255), 3) i = i + 1 y_pix, x_pix = center_fix[0] endtime = time.time() #nucleo.write(("8,"+str(x_person)+","+str(y_person)).encode()) # send x_person and y_person if ((abs(prev_x_pixel - x_pix)) < 50 and (abs(prev_y_pixel - y_pix)) < 50): timeout = timeout + (endtime - starttime) if (timeout > 5): flag_track2 = 1 boxcolor = (255, 0, 0) else: timeout = 0 boxcolor = (0, 255, 0) prev_y_pixel, prev_x_pixel = y_pix, x_pix # DEBUGGING # #print("Teta: " + str(teta) + "Distance: " + str(distance)) print("Timeout: " + str(timeout)) #print ("Distance : " + str(distance)) elif (len(center_fix) <= 0): timeout = 0 boxcolor = (0, 255, 0) elif (flag_track2 == 1): if (counttrack2 == 0): iA, iB, iC, iD = pick2[0] # Draw new bounding box from body to only head figures tracker.init([iA, iB, iC - iA, iD - iB], frame_resized) counttrack2 = counttrack2 + 1 elif (counttrack2 == 1): print(pick2[0]) print("iA:" + str(iA) + "iB:" + str(iB) + "iC:" + str(iC) + "iD:" + str(iD)) boundingbox = tracker.update( frame_resized) #frame had better be contiguous boundingbox = list(map(int, boundingbox)) cv2.rectangle(frame_resized, (boundingbox[0], boundingbox[1]), (boundingbox[0] + boundingbox[2], boundingbox[1] + boundingbox[3]), (255, 0, 0), 3) #GENERAL ASSUMPTION SINGLE PERSON TRACKING # start tracking... x_track = ((boundingbox[2]) / 2.0) + boundingbox[0] y_track = ((boundingbox[3]) / 2.0) + boundingbox[1] print("x:" + str(x_track) + "y:" + str(y_track)) x_center = (frame_resized.shape[1] + 1) / 2 y_center = (frame_resized.shape[0] + 1) / 2 print(x_center, y_center) # compute teta asumsi distance lurus rawDisparity2 = depth2[(int)(y_track), (int)(x_track)] print("raw2:" + str(rawDisparity2)) distance2 = 1 / (-0.00307 * rawDisparity2 + 3.33) if (distance2 < 0): distance2 = prev_distance2 prev_distance2 = distance2 #realx = (x_track-x_center)+(distance/30.0) #teta = math.atan(realx/distance) # if distance is tangensial #teta = math.asin((0.026458333*(x_track-x_center)/distance)) # if distance is euclidean teta = (x_track - x_center) * tetaperpixel print("Teta: " + str(teta)) print("Distance2 : " + str(distance2)) cv2.putText(frame_resized, "distance: {:.2f}".format(distance2), (10, (frame_resized.shape[0] - (i + 1) * 25) - 50), font, 0.65, (0, 0, 255), 3) cv2.putText( frame_resized, "Point " + str(0) + ": " + str(x_track) + " " + str(y_track), (10, frame_resized.shape[0] - (i + 1) * 25), font, 0.65, (0, 0, 255), 3) # send the teta and distance #nucleo.flush() #if(teta<0.0): #flag= nucleo.write(("7,"+format(teta,'1.2f')+","+format(distance2,'1.3f')).encode()) #elif(teta>0.0): #flag= nucleo.write(("7,"+format(teta,'1.3f')+","+format(distance2,'1.3f')).encode()) #print("WRITEIN1" + str(flag)) print("Peak: " + str(tracker.getpeakvalue())) if (tracker.getpeakvalue() < 0.6): counttrack2 = 0 flag_track2 = 0 #nucleo.flush() #nucleo.write("8,,,,,,,,,,,,".encode()) print("WRITEOUT") #frame_resized = cv2.flip(frame_resized, 0) cv2.imshow("Detected Human", frame_resized) cv2.imshow("Depth", frame_convert2.pretty_depth_cv(depth)) #cv2.imshow("Depth2", frame_convert2.pretty_depth_cv(depth2)) # cv2.imshow("Original", frame) else: count = count + 1 print("Number of frame skipped in the video= " + str(count)) # compute the fps fps = cv2.getTickFrequency() / (cv2.getTickCount() - timer) print("FPS: " + str(fps)) #outframe = open("/home/ubuntu/Progress\ TA/Integrasi/rgb640/%d.jpg" % countsave, 'wb+') cv2.imwrite('%d.jpg' % countsave, frame_resized) # Save image... countsave = countsave + 1 key = cv2.waitKey(5) cv2.destroyAllWindows() freenect.sync_stop() nucleo.close() print("\nFINISH")
def main_vision(load): # inits fn_ctx = fn.init() fn_dev = fn.open_device(fn_ctx, fn.num_devices(fn_ctx) - 1) fn.set_tilt_degs(fn_dev, 0) fn.close_device(fn_dev) key_point = KeyPoints(150) predictor = prediction(ModelPath) preds = [] # optimization t0 = 0.0 t1 = 0.0 fps = 0.0 total_fps = 0.0 frames = 0 kp_speed = key_point._get_kp_speedup() draw_speed = key_point._get_draw_speedup() proc_speed = key_point._get_process_speedup() cvtColor = cv2.cvtColor BGR2RGB = cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB get_kp = key_point.get_key_points draw_kp = key_point.draw_key_points process_image = key_point.__process_image show_image = cv2.imshow wait_for_key = cv2.waitKey copy_thing = copy.copy num_features = key_point.get_num_features() arr_shape = np.shape shape_check = (num_features, 32) ravel = np.ravel append_pred = preds.append get_time = time.time current_class = 0 if load: brain = predictor.load_brain() pred_speed = predictor.get_pred_speed() predict = predictor.predict else: add_speed = predictor.get_add_speed() add_data = predictor.add_data get_length = predictor.get_data_length if load: net = Neural_Net(predictor.brain.getPoint(), np.vstack(predictor.brain.getData()), 4800 * 2, num_features) nl_predict = net.predict nl_speed = net.get_neural_speed() # mainLoop while True: t0 = get_time() # Get a fresh frame depth = get_depth() frame = get_video() show_image('Raw Image', cvtColor(frame, BGR2RGB)) # Process Depth Image # depth = remove_background(depth, 25) depth = remove_background_percent(depth, .5, 50) depth = convert_to_bw(depth) mask = make_mask(depth) # Process Image frame = cvtColor(frame, BGR2RGB) video = copy_thing(frame) frame = process_image(frame, proc_speed) # Make Masked Frame masked_frame = copy_thing(frame) masked_frame[mask] = 0 # Process Key Points kp, des = get_kp(masked_frame, kp_speed) video = draw_kp(video, kp, True, speedup=draw_speed) # Predict current if (load) and (des is not None) and (arr_shape(des) == shape_check): pred = predict(ravel(des), pred_speed) append_pred(pred) print(pred) print(nl_predict([ravel(des)], nl_speed)) # Add object description to data set if (not load) and (des is not None) and (arr_shape(des) == shape_check): add_data(add_speed, np.ravel(des), current_class) print('Current Class and Length:\t%i\t%i' % (get_length(), current_class)) t1 = get_time() fps = (1 / (t1 - t0)) total_fps += fps frames += 1 print('%.2f FPS' % fps) show_image('masked image', masked_frame) show_image('depth', depth) show_image('key points', video) # show_image('all', frame, masked_frame, depth, video) if wait_for_key(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows() if load: break print('Current Class: %i\nn : Next Class\nr : Continue Current Class\nq : Quit' % (current_class)) inp = raw_input() if inp == 'n': current_class += 1 elif inp == 'q': break # print(np.mean(preds)) cv2.destroyAllWindows() print('Average FPS: %.2f' % (total_fps / frames)) fn.sync_stop() if not load: predictor.create_brain() main_vision(True)
#!/usr/bin/env python import freenect import cv import numpy as np cv.NamedWindow('Depth') cv.NamedWindow('Video') ind = 0 while 1: print(ind) try: depth, timestamp = freenect.sync_get_depth(ind) rgb, timestamp = freenect.sync_get_video(ind) except TypeError: ind = 0 continue ind += 1 cv.ShowImage('Depth', depth.astype(np.uint8)) cv.ShowImage('Video', rgb[:, :, ::-1].astype(np.uint8)) cv.WaitKey(10) freenect.sync_stop() # NOTE: May remove if you have good USB bandwidth
def StopKinect(): freenect.sync_stop()
#cv.NamedWindow('Video') ind = 0 print('%s\nPress ESC to stop' % __doc__) def get_depth(ind): #return frame_convert.pretty_depth_cv(freenect.sync_get_depth(ind)[0]) array = freenect.sync_get_depth(ind)[0] ret_array = array.astype(np.uint8) return ret_array def get_video(ind): return frame_convert.video_cv(freenect.sync_get_video(ind)[0]) while 1: print(ind) try: depth = get_depth(ind) # video = get_video(ind) except TypeError: ind = 0 continue ind += 1 cv.ShowImage('Depth', depth) # cv.ShowImage('Video', video) if cv.WaitKey(10) == 27: break freenect.sync_stop() # NOTE: Uncomment if your machine can't handle it
def close(event, x, y, flags, param): if event == cv.CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: freenect.sync_stop() sys.exit()
def main(): print("Running..."); flag_track = 0 count = 0 counttrack = 0 prev_y_pixel = 0 prev_x_pixel = 0 tetaperpixel = 0.994837/400.0 # grab one frame at first to compare for background substraction frame,timestamp = freenect.sync_get_video() frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame,cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) frame_resized = imutils.resize(frame, width=min(400, frame.shape[1])) frame_resized_grayscale = cv2.cvtColor(frame_resized, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # initialize centroid center = [[frame_resized.shape[1]/2, frame_resized.shape[0]/2]] center_fix = [] # defining min cuoff area #min_area=(480/400)*frame_resized.shape[1] min_area=(0.01)*frame_resized.shape[1] print(frame_resized.shape) boxcolor=(0,255,0) timeout = 0; #variable for counting time elapsed key = '' temp = 1 while key != 113: # for 'q' key # start timer timer = cv2.getTickCount() starttime = time.time() previous_frame = frame_resized_grayscale # retrieve new RGB frame image frame,timestamp = freenect.sync_get_video() frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame,cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) frame_resized = imutils.resize(frame, width=min(400, frame.shape[1])) frame_resized_grayscale = cv2.cvtColor(frame_resized, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #temp=background_subtraction(previous_frame, frame_resized_grayscale, min_area) # retrieve depth map depth,timestamp = freenect.sync_get_depth() depth = imutils.resize(depth, width=min(400, depth.shape[1])) # orig = image.copy() if temp==1: frame_processed,center_fix = detect_people(frame_resized_grayscale,center,frame_resized,boxcolor) if (len(center_fix)>0): i = 0 for b in center_fix: #print(b) #print("Point "+str(i)+": "+str(b[0])+" "+str(b[1])) x_pixel= b[1] y_pixel= b[0] rawDisparity = depth[(int)(x_pixel),(int)(y_pixel)] distance = 1/(-0.00307 * rawDisparity + 3.33) if (distance<0): distance = 0.5 print ("Distance : " + str(distance)) cv2.putText(frame_resized, "distance: {:.2f}".format(distance), (10, (frame_resized.shape[0]-(i+1)*25)-50), font, 0.65, (0, 0, 255), 3) cv2.putText(frame_resized, "Point "+str(i)+": "+str(b[0])+" "+str(b[1]), (10, frame_resized.shape[0]-(i+1)*25), font, 0.65, (0, 0, 255), 3) i = i + 1 y_pix,x_pix = center_fix[0] endtime = time.time() if (flag_track == 0): #nucleo.write(("8,"+str(x_person)+","+str(y_person)).encode()) # send x_person and y_person if ((abs(prev_x_pixel-x_pix))<50 and (abs(prev_y_pixel-y_pix))<50): timeout = timeout + (endtime - starttime) if (timeout > 5): flag_track = 1; boxcolor = (255,0,0) else: timeout = 0 boxcolor = (0,255,0) elif (flag_track == 1): #GENERAL ASSUMPTION SINGLE PERSON TRACKING # start tracking... #nucleo.write("9,,,,,,,,,,,,".encode()) x_track,y_track = x_pix,y_pix x_center = (frame_resized.shape[1]+1)/2 y_center = (frame_resized.shape[0]+1)/2 print(x_center,y_center) # compute teta asumsi distance lurus rawDisparity = depth[(int)(x_track),(int)(y_track)] distance = 1/(-0.00307 * rawDisparity + 3.33) if (distance<0): distance = 0.5 #realx = (x_track-x_center)+(distance/30.0) #teta = math.atan(realx/distance) # if distance is tangensial #teta = math.asin((0.026458333*(x_track-x_center)/distance)) # if distance is euclidean teta = (y_track-x_center)*tetaperpixel print("teta="+str(teta)+"x:"+str(x_track)+"y:"+str(y_track)) # send the teta and distance nucleo.flush() if(teta<0.0): flag= nucleo.write(("7,"+format(teta,'1.2f')+","+format(distance,'1.3f')).encode()) elif(teta>0.0): flag= nucleo.write(("7,"+format(teta,'1.3f')+","+format(distance,'1.3f')).encode()) print("WRITEIN1" + str(flag)) prev_y_pixel,prev_x_pixel = y_pix,x_pix # DEBUGGING # #print("Teta: " + str(teta) + "Distance: " + str(distance)) print("Timeout: " + str(timeout)) print ("Distance : " + str(distance)) elif(len(center_fix)<=0): # count how many frame skipped without people detected while tracking if (flag_track==1): counttrack = counttrack + 1 # continue tracking after a maximum of 50 frame without people taking previous location as target if (counttrack<=50): # still print the last condition to the output image cv2.putText(frame_resized, "distance: {:.2f}".format(distance), (10, (frame_resized.shape[0]-25)-50), font, 0.65, (0, 255, 255), 3) cv2.putText(frame_resized, "Point "+str(i)+": "+str(b[0])+" "+str(b[1]), (10, frame_resized.shape[0]-25), font, 0.65, (0, 255, 255), 3) # still send the nucleo tracking state nucleo.flush() if(teta<0.0): flag= nucleo.write(("7,"+format(teta,'1.2f')+","+format(distance,'1.3f')).encode()) elif(teta>0.0): flag= nucleo.write(("7,"+format(teta,'1.3f')+","+format(distance,'1.3f')).encode()) print("WRITEIN" + str(flag)) elif (counttrack>50): counttrack = 0 flag_track = 0 # tell nucleo to leave tracking state nucleo.flush() nucleo.write("8,,,,,,,,,,,,".encode()) print("WRITEOUT") elif (flag_track==0): timeout = 0 boxcolor = (0,255,0) #frame_resized = cv2.flip(frame_resized, 0) cv2.imshow("Detected Human", frame_resized) #cv2.imshow("Depth", depth) # cv2.imshow("Original", frame) else: count=count+1 print("Number of frame skipped in the video= " + str(count)) # compute the fps fps = cv2.getTickFrequency() / (cv2.getTickCount() - timer) print("FPS: " + str(fps)) key = cv2.waitKey(5) cv2.destroyAllWindows() freenect.sync_stop() nucleo.close() print("\nFINISH")
def kinect_shutdown(): freenect.sync_stop()
def main(): print("Running...") count = 0 # grab one frame at first to compare for background substraction frame, timestamp = freenect.sync_get_video() frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) frame_resized = imutils.resize(frame, width=min(400, frame.shape[1])) frame_resized_grayscale = cv2.cvtColor(frame_resized, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # initialize centroid center = [[frame_resized.shape[1] / 2, frame_resized.shape[0] / 2]] center_fix = [] # defining min cuoff area min_area = (480 / 400) * frame_resized.shape[1] print(frame_resized.shape[1]) boxcolor = (0, 255, 0) timeout = 0 #variable for counting time elapsed key = '' while key != 113: # for 'q' key # start timer timer = cv2.getTickCount() starttime = time.time() previous_frame = frame_resized_grayscale # retrieve new RGB frame image frame, timestamp = freenect.sync_get_video() frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) frame_resized = imutils.resize(frame, width=min(400, frame.shape[1])) frame_resized_grayscale = cv2.cvtColor(frame_resized, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) temp = background_subtraction(previous_frame, frame_resized_grayscale, min_area) # retrieve depth map depth, timestamp = freenect.sync_get_depth() depth = imutils.resize(depth, width=min(400, depth.shape[1])) # orig = image.copy() if temp == 1: frame_processed, center_fix = detect_people( frame_resized_grayscale, center, frame_resized, boxcolor) if (len(center_fix) > 0): xnorm = encodex( center_fix[0][0]) # retrieve coded position from image prev_xnorm = xnorm #nucleo.write(struct.pack('>B',xnorm)) endtime = time.time() if (prev_xnorm == xnorm): timeout = timeout + (endtime - starttime) if (timeout > 10): boxcolor = (255, 0, 0) else: timeout = 0 boxcolor = (0, 255, 0) print("X_NORM: " + str(xnorm)) print("Timeout: " + str(timeout)) rawDisparity = depth[(int)(center_fix[0][1]), (int)(center_fix[0][0])] distance = 100 / (-0.00307 * rawDisparity + 3.33) cv2.putText(frame_resized, "distance: {:.2f}".format(distance), (10, frame_processed.shape[0]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.65, (0, 0, 255), 3) #print("Distance: " + str(depth.shape) + str(frame_processed.shape)) else: timeout = 0 boxcolor = (0, 255, 0) i = 0 for b in center_fix: cv2.putText( frame_resized, "Point " + str(i) + ": " + str(b[0]) + " " + str(b[1]), (10, frame_resized.shape[0] - (i + 1) * 35), font, 0.65, (0, 0, 255), 3) #print(b) #print("Point "+str(i)+": "+str(b[0])+" "+str(b[1])) i = i + 1 #frame_resized = cv2.flip(frame_resized, 0) cv2.imshow("Detected Human", frame_resized) #cv2.imshow("Depth", depth) # cv2.imshow("Original", frame) else: count = count + 1 print("Number of frame skipped in the video= " + str(count)) # compute the fps fps = cv2.getTickFrequency() / (cv2.getTickCount() - timer) print("FPS: " + str(fps)) key = cv2.waitKey(5) cv2.destroyAllWindows() freenect.sync_stop() nucleo.close() print("\nFINISH")
from misc.demo import frame_convert cv.NamedWindow('Depth') cv.NamedWindow('Video') ind = 0 print('%s\nPress ESC to stop' % __doc__) def get_depth(ind): return frame_convert.pretty_depth_cv(freenect.sync_get_depth(ind)[0]) def get_video(ind): return frame_convert.video_cv(freenect.sync_get_video(ind)[0]) while 1: print(ind) try: depth = get_depth(ind) video = get_video(ind) except TypeError: ind = 0 continue ind += 1 cv.ShowImage('Depth', depth) cv.ShowImage('Video', video) if cv.WaitKey(10) == 27: break freenect.sync_stop() # NOTE: Uncomment if your machine can't handle it
def handler(signum, frame): video_writer.release() freenect.sync_stop() exit()
def close(self): freenect.sync_stop() self.sim.stop()