Ejemplo n.º 1
    def execute(self, statement, args=None):
        """Execute an SQL Statement

        :param statement: The SQL statement to be executed against the database.
        :type statement: str
        :param args: The list of arguments for the SQL statement.
        :type args: list
        :raises BadRequest: Raises a database error if something goes wrong.
        :return: If the SQL statement is a SELECT then it returns a list of results; If the SQL statement is an INSERT then the id of the new entry is returned.
        :rtype: list or int
            name = (statement[0:statement.index(" ")]).lower()
        except Exception as e:
            raise BadRequest(path=request.path,message=str(e), error="Please revise the SQL Query", operation="Query Processing", api="database")
            if ("select" in name):
                return self.__select(statement, args)
            if ("insert" in name):
                return self.__insert(statement, args)
            if ("update" in name):
                return self.__update(statement, args)
            if ("delete" in name):
                return self.__delete(statement, args)
            if ("create" in name or "alter" in name or 
                "drop" in name or "truncate" in name):
                return self.__table_structure(statement)
        except Exception as e:
            raise BadRequest(path=request.path,message=str(e), operation="Query Processing", api="database")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __select(self, statement, args=None):
        """Data Manipulation - SELECT

        :param statement: The SELECT statement to be executed against the database.
        :type statement: str
        :param args: SQL statement arguments, defaults to None.
        :type args: list, optional
        :raises BadRequest: Raises an exception if a database related error is catched.
        :return: For n>1 results, returns a list of dics containing the results of the provided SQL statement. Otherwise, returns a dic containing the result of the provided SQL statement.
        :rtype: list of dics or dic
            # Returns a list of dics as the result of a sql statement
            cursor = self.connection.cursor()
            # Execute the SQL Select Statement.
            if (args is not None):
                cursor.execute(statement, args)

            res = cursor.fetchall()
            froggy.gadgets.fprint("SQL statement executed  :" + str(statement))
            froggy.gadgets.fprint("SQL statement arguments :" + str(args))
            # If there is only one result, lets just return an dic instead of a list of dics
            if (len(res) == 1): res = res[0]
            # 'You complete me.'
        except Exception as e:
            raise BadRequest(path=request.path,message=str(e), error="Database error", operation="SELECT", api="database")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __insert(self, statement, args):
        """Data Manipulation - INSERT

        :param statement: The INSERT statement to be executed against the database.
        :type statement: str
        :param args: SQL statement arguments.
        :type args: list
        :raises BadRequest: Raises an exception if a database related error is catched.
        :return: Returns the id of the new entry.

            cursor = self.connection.cursor()
            # Execute the SQL statement with 'args'
            cursor.execute(statement, args)
            # Get the last created id after executing the SQL statement.
            # This is useful to get primary key values that were set as auto-increment.
            created_id = -1
            if (self.type == Type.Mysql): created_id = self.connection.insert_id()
            if (self.type == Type.Sqlite3): created_id = cursor.lastrowid
            # Save (commit) the changes and close the cursor

            froggy.gadgets.fprint("SQL statement executed  :" + statement)
            froggy.gadgets.fprint("SQL statement arguments :" + str(args))
            froggy.gadgets.fprint("Last inserted ID        :" + str(created_id))
            # 'You make me want to be a better man.'
            return({"id:": created_id})
        except Exception as e:
            raise BadRequest(path=request.path,message=str(e), error="Database error", operation="INSERT", api="database")
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get(upload_directory, filename, as_attachment=False):
        """Static method to get a file from a static folder available on the server.

        :param upload_directory: The upload directory that must exist on the root of the project.
        :type upload_directory: str
        :param filename: The name of the file to be removed.
        :type filename: str
        :param as_attachment: Set to true if you want to send this file with a Content-Disposition: attachment header, defaults to False.
        :type as_attachment: bool, optional
        :raises BadRequest: Raises when the file is not found on the upload directory or there are permission-related errors.
        :return: Returns the file content.
        :rtype: Any
            # 'E.T. phone home.'
            return send_from_directory(upload_directory,
        except Exception as e:
            raise BadRequest(path=request.path,
                             message="File not found or permission denied.",
                             error="File Handling Related Error.",
                             operation="Get file",
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __table_structure(self, statement):
        """Table Structures - Table Structures related queries

        :param statement: The SQL statement to be executed against the database.
        :type statement: str
        :raises BadRequest: Raises an exception if a database related error is catched.
            cursor = self.connection.cursor()
        except Exception as e:
            raise BadRequest(path=request.path,message=str(e), error="Database error", operation="SELECT", api="database")
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def upload(self):
        """Uploads a file to a static folder available on the server.

        :raises BadRequest: Raises if the filename defines a subdirectory.
        :raises BadRequest: Raises if the type of the valid is not valid.
        :raises BadRequest: Raises if a invalid file is parsed.
        # Subdirectories are not allowed, mate!
        if "/" in self.filename:
            raise BadRequest(path=request.path,
                             message="No subdirectories directories allowed",
                             error="File Handling Related Error.",
                             operation="Post file",

        if self.file:
            if self.__allowed_file(self.filename):
                self.filename = secure_filename(self.filename)
                self.file.save(self.upload_directory + "/" + self.filename)
                raise BadRequest(path=request.path,
                                 message="Invalid file extension",
                                 error="File Handling Related Error.",
                                 operation="Post file",
            raise BadRequest(path=request.path,
                             message="Invalid file",
                             error="File Handling Related Error.",
                             operation="Post file",
        # 'Show me the money!'
        return (True)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_last_id(self, table, id_column):
        """Gets the last id (primary key value) of a table. This id is usually sequencial.

        :param table: Name of the table you wish to get the last entry id (primary key value).
        :type table: str
        :param id_column:  Name of the primary key column.
        :type id_column: str
        :raises BadRequest: Raises a database error if something goes wrong.
        :return: An integer that represents the unique value that identifies a row of a table.
        :rtype: int
            row = (self.__select("SELECT MAX(" + id_column + ") as id FROM "+ table))
            return(int(row["id"])) # Return the last id created on [table]
        except Exception as e:
            raise BadRequest(path=request.path,message=str(e), error="Database error", operation="Get last id", api="database", status=500)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def do_login():
    @api {post} /cookbook/auth/login User Login    
    @apiName authenticate 
    @apiDescription Example of an authentication service using sqlite3 and the froggy framework. 
    @apiGroup Authentication
    @apiParam {String} [email protected] Email of the user.
    @apiParam {String} psw=123 User's password. 
    @apiExample {curl} Example usage:
        curl -d "[email protected]&psw=123" -X POST http://localhost:5000/cookbook/auth/login
    # On a production env do NOT POST your password without SSL enabled.
    email = request.form['email']
    psw = request.form['psw']

    # Let's create the database schema
    conn = create_database()
    query = froggy.database.Query(conn, Type.Sqlite3)

    user = query.execute(
        "SELECT id, email, psw, createdon, updatedon FROM User WHERE email=?",
    # Let's get the groups the user belongs 2. The groups of the user should be placed in a list of dics or froggy's group authorization API will not work.
    user['groups'] = []
            "SELECT group_id as id, group_name, createdon, updatedon FROM Users_View WHERE user_id=?",

    if (not bool(user)):
        raise BadRequest(path=request.path,
                         message="Frog not Found",
                         error="Unknown User",

    # Perfom authentication using the predefined framework method
    db_psw = user['psw']
    del user['psw']
    framework.auth.authenticate(user, user['email'], db_psw, psw)
    # Authentication was a success, the 'frog' 'can follow the white rabbit!".
    return (framework.response(user))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __delete(self, statement, args):
        """Data Manipulation - DELETE.

        :param statement: The DELETE statement to be executed against the database.
        :type statement: str
        :param args: SQL statement arguments.
        :type args: list
        :raises BadRequest: Raises an exception if a database related error is catched.
            cursor = self.connection.cursor() 
            froggy.gadgets.fprint("SQL statement executed :" + statement)
            froggy.gadgets.fprint("SQL values parsed      :" + str(args))
            # Execute the SQL statement with 'args'
            cursor.execute(statement, args)
            # Save (commit) the changes and close the cursor
        except Exception as e:
            raise BadRequest(path=request.path,message=str(e), error="Database error", operation="DELETE", api="database")
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def remove(upload_directory, filename):
        """Static method to remove a file from a static folder available on the server.

        :param upload_directory: Target upload directory that must exist on the root of the project.
        :type upload_directory: str
        :param filename: The name of the file to be removed.
        :type filename: str
        :raises BadRequest: Raises when the file is not found on the upload directory or there are permission-related errors.
            os.remove(os.path.join(upload_directory, filename))
            # 'Just keep swimming'
            return (True)
            raise BadRequest(path=request.path,
                             message="File not found or permission denied.",
                             error="File Handling Related Error.",
                             operation="Remove file",