Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_format_exceptions(self):
     estream = RandomFixedSizeCrop(self.example_stream, (5, 4),
                                   which_sources=('source2', ))
     bstream = RandomFixedSizeCrop(self.batch_stream, (5, 4),
                                   which_sources=('source2', ))
     assert_raises(ValueError, estream.transform_source_example,
                   numpy.empty((5, 6)), 'source2')
     assert_raises(ValueError, bstream.transform_source_batch,
                   [numpy.empty((7, 6))], 'source2')
     assert_raises(ValueError, bstream.transform_source_batch,
                   [numpy.empty((8, 6))], 'source2')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_window_too_big_exceptions(self):
        stream = RandomFixedSizeCrop(self.example_stream, (5, 4),
                                     which_sources=('source2', ))

        assert_raises(ValueError, stream.transform_source_example,
                      numpy.empty((3, 4, 2)), 'source2')

        bstream = RandomFixedSizeCrop(self.batch_stream, (5, 4),
                                      which_sources=('source1', ))

        assert_raises(ValueError, bstream.transform_source_batch,
                      numpy.empty((5, 3, 4, 2)), 'source1')
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_ndarray_batch_source(self):
     # Make sure that with enough epochs we sample everything.
     stream = RandomFixedSizeCrop(self.batch_stream, (5, 4),
                                  which_sources=('source1', ))
     seen_indices = numpy.array([], dtype='uint8')
     for i in range(30):
         for batch in stream.get_epoch_iterator():
             assert batch[0].shape[1:] == (3, 5, 4)
             assert batch[0].shape[0] in (1, 2)
             seen_indices = numpy.union1d(seen_indices, batch[0].flatten())
         if 3 * 7 * 5 == len(seen_indices):
         assert False
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_list_batch_source(self):
     # Make sure that with enough epochs we sample everything.
     stream = RandomFixedSizeCrop(self.batch_stream, (5, 4),
                                  which_sources=('source2', ))
     seen_indices = numpy.array([], dtype='uint8')
     for i in range(30):
         for batch in stream.get_epoch_iterator():
             for example in batch[1]:
                 assert example.shape == (2, 5, 4)
                 seen_indices = numpy.union1d(seen_indices,
             assert len(batch[1]) in (1, 2)
         if self.source2_biggest == len(seen_indices):
         assert False
Ejemplo n.º 5
train = DogsVsCats(('train', ), subset=slice(0, 20000))

# We now create a "stream" over the dataset which will return shuffled batches
# of size 128. Using the DataStream.default_stream constructor will turn our
# 8-bit images into floating-point decimals in [0, 1].
stream = DataStream.default_stream(train,
                                       train.num_examples, 128))

# Enlarge images that are too small
downnscale_stream = MinimumImageDimensions(stream, (64, 64),
                                           which_sources=('image_features', ))

# Our images are of different sizes, so we'll use a Fuel transformer
# to take random crops of size (32 x 32) from each image
cropped_stream = RandomFixedSizeCrop(downnscale_stream, (32, 32),
                                     which_sources=('image_features', ))

# We'll use a simple MLP, so we need to flatten the images
# from (channel, width, height) to simply (features,)
flattened_stream = Flatten(cropped_stream, which_sources=('image_features', ))

# Create the Theano MLP
import theano
from theano import tensor
import numpy

X = tensor.matrix('image_features')
T = tensor.lmatrix('targets')

W = theano.shared(numpy.random.uniform(low=-0.01, high=0.01, size=(3072, 500)),
Ejemplo n.º 6
# We now create a "stream" over the dataset which will return shuffled batches
# of size 128. Using the DataStream.default_stream constructor will turn our
# 8-bit images into floating-point decimals in [0, 1].
stream = DataStream.default_stream(train,
                                       train.num_examples, batch_size))

# upscaled_stream = MinimumImageDimensions(stream, (100, 100), which_sources=('image_features',))
downscaled_stream = DownscaleMinDimension(stream,
                                          which_sources=('image_features', ))

# Our images are of different sizes, so we'll use a Fuel transformer
# to take random crops of size (32 x 32) from each image
cropped_stream = RandomFixedSizeCrop(downscaled_stream, (100, 100),
                                     which_sources=('image_features', ))

rotated_stream = Random2DRotation(cropped_stream,
                                  math.pi / 6,
                                  which_sources=('image_features', ))
flipped_stream = RandomHorizontalFlip(rotated_stream,
                                      which_sources=('image_features', ))

# We'll use a simple MLP, so we need to flatten the images
# from (channel, width, height) to simply (features,)
float_stream = ScaleAndShift(flipped_stream,
                             1. / 255,
                             which_sources=('image_features', ))
float32_stream = Cast(float_stream,