def browse_menu(user): e = 0 while (e == 0): opso = [ "Sign in to buy book", "More info on specific book", "Main menu" ] #signed out opsi = ["Add to cart", "More info on specific book", "Main menu"] #signed in if (user.getID() is None): choice = func.pr_menu(opso) if (choice == 0): signin(user) if (choice == 1): func.mor_book() elif (choice == 2): e = 1 else: print("Thats not an option") print() else: choice = func.pr_menu(opsi) if (choice == 0): user = func.addCart(user) if (choice == 1): func.mor_book() elif (choice == 2): e = 1 else: print("Thats not an option") print()
def main(): if (owner['user_id']): print("Welcome to Look Inna Book Bookstore!") sign = False while (not sign): ops = ["Sign in", "Sign up", "Search", "Browse books", "Exit"] print("Please select an option from the list below by number") choice = func.pr_menu(ops) if (choice == 0): if (signin(user)): sin_menu(user) sign = True elif (choice == 1): func.signup() elif (choice == 2): elif (choice == 3): func.browse() browse_menu(user) if (user.getID()): sin_menu(user) elif (choice == 4): sign = True print("Come back soon!") else: print("Thats not an option")
def sin_menu(user): #New signed in user menu exit = 0 while (exit == 0): ops = [ "Browse", "Search", "Cart", "Checkout", "Track Order", "Sign out", "Exit" ] print("Please select an option from the list below by number") choice = func.pr_menu(ops) if (choice == 0): func.browse() browse_menu(user) elif (choice == 1): elif (choice == 2): #displays users cart func.cart(user) elif (choice == 3): check_menu(user) elif choice == 4: func.getTrack(user) elif (choice == 5): exit = 1 print("Signed out!") main() elif (choice == 6): exit = 1 print("Come back soon!") else: print("Thats not an option")
def rep_menu(user): print() print("Reports Menu") print() print("Sales per ") l = 1 while l: ops = [ "Expenses", "Genre", "Author", "Price", "Publisher", "Lanuage", "Type", "Number of pages", "Go back" ] choice = func.pr_menu(ops) if (choice == 0): rp.exp() elif choice == 1: rp.gen() elif choice == 2: rp.auth() elif choice == 3: rp.price() elif choice == 4: rp.publisher() elif choice == 5: rp.lang() elif choice == 6: rp.type() elif choice == 7: rp.numpages() elif choice == 8: l = 0 print() else: print("That isnt an option, try again") print()
def owner_menu(user): print("ADMIN MENU") print() print("THIS DOESNT WORK YET") print() l = 1 while l: ops = [ "Book management", "Pubisher management", "Reports management", "Sign out" ] choice = func.pr_menu(ops) if (choice == 0): book_menu(user) elif (choice == 1): pubs_menu(user) elif (choice == 2): rep_menu(user) elif (choice == 3): print("byebye") print("SIGNED OUT OF ADMIN") print() l = 0 else: print("That isnt an option, try again") print()
def book_menu(user): print() print("Books Menu") print() l = 1 while l: ops = ["Add Book", "Remove Book", "Update Book", "Go back"] choice = func.pr_menu(ops) if (choice == 0): rp.addBook() elif choice == 1: rp.remBook() elif choice == 2: rp.upBook() elif choice == 3: l = 0 print() else: print("That isnt an option, try again") print()
def pubs_menu(user): print() print("Publisher Menu") print() l = 1 while l: ops = [ "Add Publisher", "Remove Publisher", "Update Publisher", "Go back" ] choice = func.pr_menu(ops) if (choice == 0): rp.addPub() elif choice == 1: rp.remPub() elif choice == 2: rp.upPub() elif choice == 3: l = 0 print() else: print("That isnt an option, try again") print()
def check_menu(user): func.update_cart(user) #print cart func.cart(user) total = 0 l = user.getCheck().values() for val in l: total += int(val) print("Total: $" + str(total)) print() e = 0 while (not e): #print cart, prices and total ops = ["Checkout", "Cancel"] choice = func.pr_menu(ops) if (choice == 0): loop = 1 while loop: tot = func.getInt("Type in the amount to pay: ") if (tot == total): #generate a tracking number # save to db print("Checked out!") print() loop = 0 e = 1 else: ans = input("That wasn't the total, try again?(y or n) ") if (ans == 'n' or ans == 'N'): loop = 0 #here it should print a tracking number func.createTrack(user) func.update_books(user) func.clearCart(user) elif (choice == 1): e = 1 print("Cart saved!") print()