Ejemplo n.º 1
def comparison_():
    """Returns the parse for a compound compare statement"""
    ops = op('==') | op('<') | op('>') | op('<=') | op('>=') | op('!=')
    op_vals = (boolean | number | timestamp_or_string)
    comp_op = string + ops + op_vals >> make(ASTCompOp)

    def multi(func):
        """For x + many(x) lists, call func only when there are multiple xs"""
        def multi_(args):
            x, xs = args
            if len(xs) == 0:
                return x
            return func(args)

        return multi_

    comp_stmt = forward_decl()
    comp_base = forward_decl()
    comp_base.define((op_('(') + comp_stmt + op_(')')) | comp_op
                     | ((n('not') + comp_base) >> make(ASTCompNot)))
    comp_and = comp_base + many(n_('and') + comp_base) >> multi(
    comp_or = comp_and + many(n_('or') + comp_and) >> multi(make(ASTCompOr))

    return comp_stmt
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, item_store):
        self.item_store = item_store
        self.r = self.item_store.r  # redis client
        self.unique_ids_key = 'openrefine_wikidata:unique_ids'
        self.ttl = 4 * 24 * 60 * 60  # 4 days

        self.parser = forward_decl()

        atomic = forward_decl()
        atomic_subfield = forward_decl()
        concat_path = forward_decl()
        pipe_path = forward_decl()

        atomic.define((t('PID') >> self.make_leaf)
                      | (t('TERM') >> self.make_term)
                      | (t('DOT') >> self.make_empty)
                      | (st('LBRA') + pipe_path + st('RBRA')))

            atomic + st('AT') + t('SUBFIELD') >> self.make_subfield) | atomic)

            (atomic_subfield + st('SLASH') + concat_path) >> self.make_slash)
                           | atomic_subfield)

            (concat_path + st('PIPE') + pipe_path) >> self.make_pipe)
                         | concat_path)

        self.parser.define((pipe_path) + finished >> (lambda x: x[0]))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, item_store):
        self.item_store = item_store
        self.r = self.item_store.r  # redis client
        self.unique_ids_key = redis_key_prefix + 'unique_ids'
        self.ttl = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60  # 1 day

        self.parser = forward_decl()

        atomic = forward_decl()
        atomic_subfield = forward_decl()
        concat_path = forward_decl()
        pipe_path = forward_decl()

            (t('PID') + st('UNDER') + t('PID') >> self.make_qualifier)
            | (t('PID') >> self.make_leaf) | (t('QID') >> self.make_qid)
            | (t('TERM') >> self.make_term)
            | (t('SITELINK') >> self.make_sitelink)
            | (t('DOT') >> self.make_empty)
            | (st('LBRA') + pipe_path + st('RBRA')))

            atomic + st('AT') + t('SUBFIELD') >> self.make_subfield) | atomic)

            (atomic_subfield + st('SLASH') + concat_path) >> self.make_slash)
                           | atomic_subfield)

            (concat_path + st('PIPE') + pipe_path) >> self.make_pipe)
                         | concat_path)

        self.parser.define((pipe_path) + finished >> (lambda x: x[0]))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def parse(sequence, query):
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda t: (some(lambda x: x.type == t).named('(type %s)' % t) >>
    operation = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    operation_ = lambda s: skip(operation(s))

    create_param = lambda param_name: query.get_aliased_param(param_name)
    make_and = lambda params: And(params[0], params[1])
    make_or = lambda params: Or(params[0], params[1])
    make_not = lambda inner: Not(inner)

    word = toktype('Word')
    inner_bracket = forward_decl()
    left_of_and = forward_decl()
    right_of_and = forward_decl()
    left_of_or = forward_decl()
    not_ = forward_decl()
    bracket = operation_('(') + inner_bracket + operation_(')')
    and_ = left_of_and + operation_('&') + right_of_and >> make_and
    or_ = left_of_or + operation_('|') + inner_bracket >> make_or
    param = word >> create_param

    not_.define(operation_('!') + (bracket | param))
    not_ = not_ >> make_not

    left_of_or.define(and_ | bracket | not_ | param)
    left_of_and.define(bracket | not_ | param)
    inner_bracket.define(or_ | and_ | bracket | not_ | param)

    definition = (bracket | inner_bracket) + finished

    return definition.parse(sequence)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, item_store):
        self.item_store = item_store
        self.r = self.item_store.r # redis client
        self.unique_ids_key = 'openrefine_wikidata:unique_ids'
        self.ttl = 4*24*60*60 # 4 days
        self.sparql = SPARQLWrapper("https://query.wikidata.org/bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql")

        self.parser = forward_decl()

        atomic = forward_decl()
        concat_path = forward_decl()
        pipe_path = forward_decl()

            (t('PID') >> self.make_leaf) |
            (t('DOT') >> self.make_empty) |
            (st('LBRA') + pipe_path + st('RBRA'))

            ((atomic + st('SLASH') + concat_path) >> self.make_slash) |

            ((concat_path + st('PIPE') + pipe_path) >> self.make_pipe) |

            ) + finished >> (lambda x: x[0])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def parser(last_error=None):
    last_error = LastError() if last_error is None else last_error

    def apl(f):
        return lambda x: f(*x)

    def delim(t):
        return skip(_tok(t))

    symbol = _tok(Token.SYMBOL) >> _gen(Symbol)
    string = _tok(Token.STRING) >> _gen(String)
    placeholder = _tok(Token.PLACEHOLDER) >> _gen(Placeholder)
    keyword = _tok(Token.KEYWORD) >> _gen(Keyword)

    # Note: tokenizer guarantee that value consists of dots and digits
    # TODO: convert exceptions
    number = _tok(Token.NUMBER) >> _gen(Number, literal_eval)

    expr = forward_decl()
    implicit_tuple = forward_decl()

    list_ = ((_tok(Token.OPEN_BRACKET) + many(expr | keyword) +
              _tok(Token.CLOSE_BRACKET)) >> apl(_list))

    dict_ = (error_ctx(
        _tok(Token.OPEN_BRACE) + many(keyword + expr) +
        _tok(Token.CLOSE_BRACE), last_error, DICT_ERROR) >> apl(_dict))

    inline_args = many(expr | keyword)

    explicit_tuple = (error_ctx(
        _tok(Token.OPEN_PAREN) + symbol + inline_args +
        _tok(Token.CLOSE_PAREN), last_error, EXPLICIT_TUPLE_ERROR) >>

    indented_arg = (
        oneplus(implicit_tuple | expr + delim(Token.NEWLINE)) >> _maybe_join)

    indented_kwarg = (((keyword + expr + delim(Token.NEWLINE)) |
                       (keyword + delim(Token.NEWLINE) + delim(Token.INDENT) +
                        indented_arg + delim(Token.DEDENT))))

    indented_args_kwargs = (
        (many(indented_kwarg) + many(indented_arg)) >>
        apl(lambda pairs, args: list(chain(*(pairs + [args])))))

            symbol + inline_args + delim(Token.NEWLINE) + maybe(
                delim(Token.INDENT) + indented_args_kwargs +
                delim(Token.DEDENT)), last_error, IMPLICIT_TUPLE_ERROR) >> apl(

    expr.define(symbol | string | number | explicit_tuple | list_ | dict_
                | placeholder)

    body = ((many(implicit_tuple) + _tok(Token.EOF)) >> apl(_module))
    return body
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self):
        self.toplevel = None

        makeop = lambda s: op(s) >> const(lambda l, r: BinaryExpression(l, s, r))

        kw_class = kw('class')
        kw_new = kw('new')
        kw_if = kw('if')
        kw_else = kw('else')
        kw_while = kw('while')
        kw_return = kw('return')

        add = makeop('+')
        sub = makeop('-')
        mul = makeop('*')
        div = makeop('/')

        equ = op_('=')

        int_const = number >> IntConst
        variable = rawname >> Variable
        type_ = rawname >> Type
        var_decl = type_ + rawname >> unarg(VarDeclaration)
        var_decls = many(var_decl + semicolon)

        method_call = forward_decl()
        atom = int_const | method_call | variable
        expr1 = atom + many((mul | div) + atom) >> eval_expr
        expr2 = expr1 + many((add | sub) + expr1) >> eval_expr
        method_call.define(rawname + inparens(maybe_empty_listof(expr2)) >> unarg(MethodCall))

        new_obj_expr = kw_new + type_ + openparen + closeparen >> NewObject
        assignment = variable + equ + (new_obj_expr | expr2) >> unarg(Assignment)
        return_stmt = kw_return + expr2 >> ReturnStatement
        simple_stmt = (assignment | method_call | return_stmt) + semicolon

        stmt_block = forward_decl()
        condition = openparen + expr2 + closeparen
        if_stmt = kw_if + condition + stmt_block + kw_else + stmt_block >> unarg(IfStatement)
        while_stmt = kw_while + condition + stmt_block >> unarg(WhileStatement)

        stmt = simple_stmt | if_stmt | while_stmt | return_stmt
        stmt_block.define(opencurlyparen + many(stmt) + closecurlyparen)

        method_decl = type_ + rawname + inparens(maybe_empty_listof(var_decl)) + \
                        opencurlyparen + var_decls + many(stmt) + \
                        closecurlyparen >> unarg(MethodDeclaration)

        method_decls = many(method_decl)
        class_decl = kw_class + rawname + opencurlyparen + var_decls + \
                      method_decls + closecurlyparen >> unarg(ClassDeclaration)

        program = many(class_decl) >> Program

        self.toplevel = program + end
Ejemplo n.º 8
def json_text():
    """Returns the parser for Json formatted data"""
    # Taken from https://github.com/vlasovskikh/funcparserlib/blob/master/funcparserlib/tests/json.py
    # and modified slightly
    unwrap = lambda x: x.value

    null = (n('null') | n('Null')) >> const(None) >> unwrap

    value = forward_decl()
    member = (string >> unwrap) + op_(u':') + value >> tuple
    object = (
        op_(u'{') +
        maybe(member + many(op_(u',') + member) + maybe(op_(','))) +
        >> make_object)
    array = (
        op_(u'[') +
        maybe(value + many(op_(u',') + value) + maybe(op_(','))) +
        >> make_array)

        | (true >> unwrap)
        | (false >> unwrap)
        | object
        | array
        | (number >> unwrap)
        | (string >> unwrap))
    json_text = object | array

    return json_text
Ejemplo n.º 9
def parse(sequence, query):
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda t: (
        some(lambda x: x.type == t).named('(type %s)' % t) >> tokval
    operation = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    operation_ = lambda s: skip(operation(s))

    create_param = lambda param_name: query.get_aliased_param(
    make_and = lambda params: And(params[0], params[1])
    make_or = lambda params: Or(params[0], params[1])
    make_not = lambda inner: Not(inner)

    word = toktype('Word')
    inner_bracket = forward_decl()
    left_of_and = forward_decl()
    right_of_and = forward_decl()
    left_of_or = forward_decl()
    not_ = forward_decl()
    bracket = operation_('(') + inner_bracket + operation_(')')
    and_ = left_of_and + operation_('&') + right_of_and >> make_and
    or_ = left_of_or + operation_('|') + inner_bracket >> make_or
    param = word >> create_param

    not_.define(operation_('!') + (bracket | param))
    not_ = not_ >> make_not

    left_of_or.define(and_ | bracket | not_ | param)
    left_of_and.define(bracket | not_ | param)
    inner_bracket.define(or_ | and_ | bracket | not_ | param)

    definition = (bracket | inner_bracket) + finished

    return definition.parse(sequence)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self):

        # TODO: Make your changes in this section #############################

        value = number | string


        attribute = rawname + op_("=") + value + semicolon >> unarg(Attribute)
        attributes = many(attribute)

        # For chicken-and-egg problems, forward_decl will be your friend
        widgets = forward_decl()
        widget = rawname + opencurlyparen + attributes + widgets + closecurlyparen >> unarg(Widget)

        # For the toplevel, we allow only one widget, not multiple widgets
        self.toplevel = widget + end
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _parse(seq):
    const = lambda x: lambda _: x
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda t: some(lambda x: x.type == t) >> tokval
    op = lambda s: a(Token(u'Op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))

    def make_string(args):
        context, value = args
        if not context: context = 'any:'
        return String(unescape_str(value[1:-1]), context[:-1])

    def make_regex(args):
        context, value = args
        value, modifiers = value.rsplit('/', 1)
        value = value[1:]
        if not context: context = 'any:'
        return Regex(unescape_regex(value), modifiers, context[:-1])

    def make_or(args):
        return Or(*args)

    def make_and(args):
        return And(*args)

    def make_not(x):
        return Not(x)

    context = maybe(toktype(u'Prefix'))
    string = (context + toktype(u'String')) >> make_string
    regex = (context + toktype(u'Regex')) >> make_regex

    par_term = forward_decl()
    simple_term = forward_decl()
    term = forward_decl()
    not_term = forward_decl()
    and_term = forward_decl()
    or_term = forward_decl()

    par_term.define(op_(u'(') + term + op_(u')'))

    simple_term.define(par_term | string | regex)
    not_term.define(op_('not') + not_term >> make_not | simple_term)
    and_term.define(not_term + op_('and') + and_term >> make_and | not_term)
    or_term.define(and_term + op_('or') + or_term >> make_or | and_term)


    eof = skip(toktype(u'EOF'))
    filter_expr = (term + eof) | (eof >> const(Any()))
    return filter_expr.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self):
        self.toplevel = None

        makeop = lambda s: op(s) >> const(lambda l, r: BinaryExpression(l, s, r))

        kw_while = kw('while')
        kw_if = kw('if')
        kw_else = kw('else')
        kw_put = kw('put')

        add = makeop('+')
        sub = makeop('-')
        mul = makeop('*')
        div = makeop('/')

        comparison_operator = makeop('<') | makeop('<=') | makeop('>') | \
                              makeop('>=') | makeop('==') | makeop('!=')

        equ = op_('=')

        sign = op('+') | op('-')
        int_const = maybe(sign) + number >> unarg(IntConst)
        variable = rawname >> Variable

        atom = int_const | variable
        expr1 = atom + many((mul | div) + atom) >> eval_expr
        expr2 = expr1 + many((add | sub) + expr1) >> eval_expr
        comparison_expr = expr2 + many(comparison_operator + expr2) >> eval_expr

        put_call = kw_put + inparens(comparison_expr) >> PutCall
        assignment = variable + equ + expr2 >> unarg(Assignment)
        condition = openparen + comparison_expr + closeparen

        stmt_block = forward_decl()
        while_stmt = kw_while + condition + stmt_block >> unarg(WhileStatement)
        if_stmt = kw_if + condition + stmt_block + maybe(kw_else + stmt_block) >> unarg(IfStatement)
        stmt = assignment | put_call | while_stmt | if_stmt
        stmt_block.define(opencurlyparen + many(stmt) + closecurlyparen)

        program = many(stmt) >> Program

        self.toplevel = program + end
Ejemplo n.º 13
def parse(tokens):
    makeop = lambda s: op(s) >> const(lambda l, r: BinaryExpression(l, s, r))

    num = number >> Number
    var = rawname >> Variable

    add, sub, mul, div = map(makeop, ['+', '-', '*', '/'])
    lt, lte, gt, gte = map(makeop, ['<', '<=', '>', '>='])

    method_call = forward_decl()
    atom = num | method_call | var

    expr1 = atom + many((mul | div) + atom) >> eval_expr
    expr2 = expr1 + many((add | sub) + expr1) >> eval_expr
    expr3 = expr2 + many((lt | lte | gt | gte) + expr2) >> eval_expr

    method_call.define(rawname + inparens(maybe_empty_listof(expr2)) >> unarg(MethodCall))

    defn = expr3 + end
    return defn.parse(tokens)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _create_type_rules():
    comma = _token_type("comma")
    colon = _token_type("colon")
    question_mark = _token_type("question-mark")
    bar = _token_type("bar")
    equals = _token_type("equals")
    attr_name = type_name = arg_name = _token_type("name") >> _make_name

    primary_type = forward_decl()
    union_type = _one_or_more_with_separator(primary_type, bar) >> _make_union_type
    type_ = union_type
    type_ref = type_name >> _make_type_ref
    applied_type = (
        type_ref +
        skip(_token_type("open")) +
        _one_or_more_with_separator(type_, comma) +
    ) >> _make_apply
    arg = (maybe(question_mark) + maybe(arg_name + skip(colon)) + type_) >> _make_arg
    generic_params = maybe(type_name + _token_type("fat-arrow")) >> _make_params
    args = _zero_or_more_with_separator(arg, comma)
    signature = (generic_params + args + _token_type("arrow") + type_) >> _make_signature
    sub_signature = (_token_type("paren-open") + signature + _token_type("paren-close")) >> (lambda result: result[1])
    primary_type.define(sub_signature | applied_type | type_ref)
    explicit_type = signature | type_
    type_definition = (type_name + skip(equals) + type_ + skip(finished))  >> _make_type_definition
    structural_type_attr = (attr_name + skip(colon) + explicit_type) >> tuple
    structural_type_attrs = many(structural_type_attr)
    structural_type_definition = (type_name + skip(colon) + structural_type_attrs + skip(finished)) >> _make_structural_type_definition
    generic = (_one_or_more_with_separator(type_name, comma) + skip(finished)) >> _make_generic
    return explicit_type + skip(finished), type_definition, structural_type_definition, generic
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self):

        # TODO: Make your changes in this section #############################

        nr = number >> Number
        plus_operator = op('+') >> Operator
        calculation = nr + plus_operator + nr >> unarg(Calculation)

        string_list = inbrackets(listof(string))
        value = calculation | number | string | string_list


        attribute = rawname + op_("=") + value + semicolon >> unarg(Attribute)
        attributes = many(attribute)

        widgets = forward_decl()
        widget = rawname + opencurlyparen + attributes + widgets + closecurlyparen >> unarg(Widget)

        self.toplevel = widget + end
Ejemplo n.º 16
def create_grammar():
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda t: some(lambda x: x.type == t) >> tokval
    op = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
    n = lambda s: a(Token('Name', s)) >> tokval

    null = n('null')
    true = n('true')
    false = n('false')
    number = toktype('Number')
    string = toktype('String')
    value = forward_decl()
    member = string + op_(':') + value
    object_ = (op_('{') + maybe(member + many(op_(',') + member)) + op_('}'))
    array = (op_('[') + maybe(value + many(op_(',') + value)) + op_(']'))
    value.define(null | true | false | object_ | array | number | string)
    json_text = object_ | array
    json_file = json_text + skip(finished)

    return json_file
Ejemplo n.º 17
def create_parser():
    # operator: '~=' | '>=' | '<=' | '<' | '>' | '='
    operator = some(lambda tok: tok.type == 'CMP') >> choose_class

    # value: STRING | WORD
    word = some(lambda tok: tok.type == 'WORD') >> Text
    string = some(lambda tok: tok.type == 'STRING') >> QuotedText
    value = string | word

    # function: WORD '(' ')'
    open_brace = skip(a(Token('BR', '(')))
    close_brace = skip(a(Token('BR', ')')))
    function = word + open_brace + close_brace >> Function

    # field_expr: WORD operator value
    fieldexpr = (word + operator + (function | value)) >> (lambda x: x[1]
                                                           ([x[0], x[2]]))

    OR = a(Token('OP', 'OR')) >> choose_class
    AND = a(Token('OP', 'AND')) >> choose_class

    def eval(data):
        arg1, lst = data
        for f, arg2 in lst:
            arg1 = f([arg1, arg2])

        return arg1

    def eval(data):
        lft, args = data
        return reduce(lambda arg1, (f, arg2): f([arg1, arg2]), args, lft)

    expr = forward_decl()

    basexpr = open_brace + expr + close_brace | fieldexpr
    andexpr = (basexpr + many(AND + basexpr)) >> eval
    orexpr = (andexpr + many(OR + andexpr)) >> eval

    return expr
Ejemplo n.º 18
def parse(seq):
    """Sequence(Token) -> object"""
    unarg = lambda f: lambda args: f(*args)
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    flatten = lambda list: sum(list, [])
    n = lambda s: a(Token(u'Name', s)) >> tokval
    op = lambda s: a(Token(u'Op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
    id_types = [u'Name', u'Number', u'String']
    id = some(lambda t: t.type in id_types).named(u'id') >> tokval
    make_graph_attr = lambda args: DefAttrs(u'graph', [Attr(*args)])
    make_edge = lambda x, xs, attrs: Edge([x] + xs, attrs)

    node_id = id  # + maybe(port)
    a_list = (
        id + maybe(op_(u'=') + id) + skip(maybe(op(u','))) >> unarg(Attr))
    attr_list = (many(op_(u'[') + many(a_list) + op_(u']')) >> flatten)
    attr_stmt = (
        (n(u'graph') | n(u'node') | n(u'edge')) + attr_list >> unarg(DefAttrs))
    graph_attr = id + op_(u'=') + id >> make_graph_attr
    node_stmt = node_id + attr_list >> unarg(Node)
    # We use a forward_decl becaue of circular definitions like (stmt_list ->
    # stmt -> subgraph -> stmt_list)
    subgraph = forward_decl()
    edge_rhs = skip(op(u'->') | op(u'--')) + (subgraph | node_id)
    edge_stmt = ((subgraph | node_id) + oneplus(edge_rhs) + attr_list >>
    stmt = (attr_stmt | edge_stmt | subgraph | graph_attr | node_stmt)
    stmt_list = many(stmt + skip(maybe(op(u';'))))
        skip(n(u'subgraph')) + maybe(id) + op_(u'{') + stmt_list +
        op_(u'}') >> unarg(SubGraph))
    graph = (maybe(n(u'strict')) + maybe(n(u'graph') | n(u'digraph')) +
             maybe(id) + op_(u'{') + stmt_list + op_(u'}') >> unarg(Graph))
    dotfile = graph + skip(finished)

    return dotfile.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    """Helper function for defining operators"""
    return a(Token(token.OP, s)) >> _token_value

_open_square_bracket = _op('[')
_close_square_bracket = _op(']')
_open_parenthesis = _op('(')
_close_parenthesis = _op(')')
_open_curly_bracket = _op('{')
_close_curly_bracket = _op('}')
_comma = _op(',')
_dot = _op('.')
_colon = _op(':')

# Declaration of recursive types so they can be used now
_sequence = forward_decl()
_dictionary = forward_decl()
_event_body = forward_decl()

# Definition of all the the Apama event parts
_simple_types = _number | _string | _boolean
_comparable_types = _number | _string  # _comparable_types are for dictionary keys
_abstract_data_types = _sequence | _dictionary
_channel = _string + skip(_comma) >> _strip_quotes
_package_name = many(_name + _dot) >> _make_package
_event_name = _name
_event = ((_endmarker + finished >>
           (lambda x: None)) | maybe(_channel) + maybe(_package_name) +
          _event_name + _event_body) >> _create_apama_event
_types = _simple_types | _abstract_data_types | _event
Ejemplo n.º 20
def evaluate(expression, environment):
    """Evaluate an expression in the specified variable environment."""

    # Well known functions
    const = lambda x: lambda _: x
    unarg = lambda f: lambda args: f(*args)

    # Semantic actions and auxiliary functions
    tokval = lambda tok: tok.value
    makeop = lambda s, f: op(s) >> const(f)
    sometok = lambda type: some(lambda tok: tok.type == type)

    def eval_name(s):
            return environment[s] # Case-sensitive
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError('unbound variable: %s' % s)

    def make_number(s):
            return int(s)
        except ValueError:
            return float(s)

    def eval_expr(expr, op_expr_pairs):
        result = expr
        for op, expr in op_expr_pairs:
            result = op(result, expr)
        return result

    def eval_call(func_name, maybe_expr_and_exprs):
        if maybe_expr_and_exprs:
            expr, exprs = maybe_expr_and_exprs
            args = [expr] + exprs
            args = []

        f = eval_name(func_name)
        if not callable(f):
            raise TypeError('variable is not callable: %s' % func_name)

        argcount = len(args)
        f_argcount = f.func_code.co_argcount
        if f_argcount != argcount:
            raise TypeError('%s takes %d arguments (%d given)' %
                            (func_name, f_argcount, argcount))
        return f(*args)

    # Primitives
    number = (
        >> tokval
        >> make_number)
    raw_name = sometok('name') >> tokval
    name = raw_name >> eval_name
    op  = lambda s: a(Token('op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))

    add = makeop('+', operator.add)
    sub = makeop('-', operator.sub)
    mul = makeop('*', operator.mul)
    div = makeop('/', operator.div)

    mul_op = mul | div
    add_op = add | sub

    # Means of composition
    expr = forward_decl()

    call = (
        raw_name + op_('(') + maybe(expr + many(op_(',') + expr)) + op_(')')
        >> unarg(eval_call))

    primary = (
        | call
        | name
        | op_('(') + expr + op_(')'))

    term = (
        primary + many(mul_op + primary)
        >> unarg(eval_expr))

        term + many(add_op + term)
        >> unarg(eval_expr))

    # Toplevel parsers
    toplevel = maybe(expr) + skip(finished)

    return toplevel.parse(tokenize(expression))
Ejemplo n.º 21
def parse(seq):
    """Sequence(Token) -> object"""
    const = lambda x: lambda _: x
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda t: some(lambda x: x.type == t) >> tokval
    op = lambda s: a(Token('OP', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
    n = lambda s: a(Token('NAME', s)) >> tokval

    def make_array(n):
        if n is None:
            return []
            return [n[0]] + n[1]

    def make_object(n):
        return dict(make_array(n))

    def make_int(n):
        return '%s' % int(n)

    def make_real(n):
        return '%s' % float(n)

    def unescape(s):
        std = {
            '"': '"',
            '\\': '\\',
            '/': '/',
            'b': '\b',
            'f': '\f',
            'n': '\n',
            'r': '\r',
            't': '\t',

        def sub(m):
            if m.group('standard') is not None:
                return std[m.group('standard')]
                return unichr(int(m.group('unicode'), 16))

        return re_esc.sub(sub, s)

    def make_string(n):
        return n
        #return unescape(n[1:-1])

    def make_all_models(models):
        return dict(models)

#   all_attrs = []
#        for i in attrs:
#            attr = i[0]
#            if attr not in all_attrs:
#                all_attrs.append(attr)
#            else:
#                raise Exception('Attribute %s is already defined in class'%attr)

    def make_fields(n):
        #return dict(n)
        return Field(n)

    def make_params(n):
        return n

    null = toktype('NONE') >> const("None")
    true = toktype('TRUE') >> const("True")
    false = toktype('FALSE') >> const("False")
    number = toktype('INT') >> make_int
    real = toktype('REAL') >> make_real
    string = toktype('STRING') >> make_string
    value = forward_decl()
    name = toktype('NAME')
    field = toktype('FIELD') + maybe(op_('(') + many(value) +
                                     op_(')')) >> tuple
    member = string + op_(':') + value >> tuple
    attrs = forward_decl()
    params = forward_decl()

    models = many(name + op_('::') + many(attrs)) >> make_all_models

    attrs.define(name + op_(':') + field + many(params) >> make_fields)

    params.define(name + op_('=') + value >> tuple)

    value.define(null | true | false | name | number | real | string)
    parser_text = models
    parser_file = parser_text + skip(finished)
    return parser_file.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 22
Archivo: tokens.py Proyecto: joar/moln
def decode_tokens(s: typing.List[Token]):
    def _to_int(token):
        _log.debug('_to_int: %r', token)
        return int(token)

    str_strip_re = re.compile(rb'^\d+:')

    def _to_string(s):
        _log.debug('_to_string: %r', s)
        return str_strip_re.sub(b'', s)

    def _to_list(_tokens):
        _log.debug('_to_list: %r', _tokens)

        return _tokens

    def _to_dict(n):
        _log.debug('_to_dict: %r', n)
        return dict(_to_list(n))

    def token_value(x):
        return x.value

    def token_type(t):
        return p.some(lambda x: x.name == t) >> token_value

    def type_decl(type_name):
        return p.a(
            Token('Type', type_name)

    value = p.forward_decl().named('Value')

    integer = token_type('Number')

    end = p.a(Token('End', b'e'))

    # String is special, has no type
    str_decl = (
        token_type('String') >> _to_string

    dict_decl = (
        p.skip(type_decl(b'd')) +
        p.many(value + value) +
        p.skip(end) >> _to_dict

    list_decl = (
        p.skip(type_decl(b'l')) +
        p.many(value) +
        p.skip(end) >> _to_list

    integer_decl = (
        p.skip(type_decl(b'i')) +
        integer +
        p.skip(end) >> _to_int

        integer_decl |
        dict_decl |
        list_decl |

    bencode_decl = (
        value +

    return bencode_decl.parse(s)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def parse(seq):
    """Sequence(Token) -> object"""
    const = lambda x: lambda _: x
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda t: some(lambda x: x.type == t) >> tokval
    op = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
    n = lambda s: a(Token('Name', s)) >> tokval

    def make_array(n):
        if n is None:
            return []
            return [n[0]] + n[1]

    def make_object(n):
        return dict(make_array(n))

    def make_number(n):
            return int(n)
        except ValueError:
            return float(n)

    def unescape(s):
        std = {
            '"': '"',
            '\\': '\\',
            '/': '/',
            'b': '\b',
            'f': '\f',
            'n': '\n',
            'r': '\r',
            't': '\t',

        def sub(m):
            if m.group('standard') is not None:
                return std[m.group('standard')]
                return chr(int(m.group('unicode'), 16))

        return re_esc.sub(sub, s)

    def make_string(n):
        return unescape(n[1:-1])

    null = n('null') >> const(None)
    true = n('true') >> const(True)
    false = n('false') >> const(False)
    number = toktype('Number') >> make_number
    string = toktype('String') >> make_string
    value = forward_decl()
    member = string + op_(':') + value >> tuple
    object = (op_('{') + maybe(member + many(op_(',') + member)) + op_('}') >>
    array = (op_('[') + maybe(value + many(op_(',') + value)) + op_(']') >>
    value.define(null | true | false | object | array | number | string)
    json_text = object | array
    json_file = json_text + skip(finished)

    return json_file.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def parse(seq):
    """Sequence(Token) -> object"""
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    op = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
    _id = some(lambda t: t.type in ['Name', 'Number', 'String']) >> tokval
    keyword = lambda s: a(Token('Name', s)) >> tokval
    separator = some(lambda t: t.type == 'Separator') >> tokval

    def make_separator(sep):
        return Separator(sep[0:3], sep[3:-3].strip())

    # parts of syntax
    option_stmt = (_id + maybe(op_('=') + _id) >> create_mapper(Attr))
    option_list = (maybe(
        op_('[') + option_stmt + many(op_(',') + option_stmt) + op_(']')) >>
                   create_mapper(oneplus_to_list, default_value=[]))

    #  attributes statement::
    #     default_shape = box;
    #     default_fontsize = 16;
    attribute_stmt = (_id + op_('=') + _id >> create_mapper(Attr))

    #  node statement::
    #     A;
    #     B [attr = value, attr = value];
    node_stmt = (_id + option_list >> create_mapper(Node))

    #  separator statement::
    #     === message ===
    #     ... message ...
    separator_stmt = (separator >> make_separator)

    #  edge statement::
    #     A -> B;
    #     C -> D {
    #       D -> E;
    #     }
    edge_block = forward_decl()
    edge_relation = (op('<<--') | op('<--') | op('<<-') | op('<-') | op('->')
                     | op('->>') | op('-->') | op('-->>') | op('=>'))
    edge_stmt = (_id + edge_relation + _id + many(edge_relation + _id) +
                 option_list + maybe(edge_block) >> create_mapper(Edge))
    edge_block_inline_stmt_list = (many(edge_stmt + skip(maybe(op(';')))
                                        | separator_stmt))
        op_('{') + edge_block_inline_stmt_list + op_('}') >> Statements)

    #  group statement::
    #     group {
    #        A;
    #     }
    group_inline_stmt_list = (many((attribute_stmt | node_stmt) +
    group_stmt = (skip(keyword('group')) + skip(maybe(_id)) + op_('{') +
                  group_inline_stmt_list + op_('}') >> Group)

    #  combined fragment (alt, loop) statement::
    #     loop {
    #        A -> B;
    #     }
    #     alt {
    #        D -> E;
    #     }
    fragment_stmt = forward_decl()
    fragment_inline_stmt = (attribute_stmt | fragment_stmt | edge_stmt
                            | node_stmt)
    fragment_inline_stmt_list = (many(fragment_inline_stmt +
    fragment_types = (keyword('alt') | keyword('loop'))
    fragment_stmt.define(fragment_types + maybe(_id) + op_('{') +
                         fragment_inline_stmt_list +
                         op_('}') >> create_mapper(Fragment))

    #  extension statement (class, plugin)::
    #     class red [color = red];
    #     plugin attributes [name = Name];
    extension_stmt = ((keyword('class') | keyword('plugin')) + _id +
                      option_list >> create_mapper(Extension))

    # diagram statement::
    #     seqdiag {
    #        A -> B;
    #     }
    diagram_id = (
        (keyword('diagram') | keyword('seqdiag')) + maybe(_id) >> list)
    diagram_inline_stmt = (extension_stmt | attribute_stmt | fragment_stmt
                           | group_stmt | edge_stmt | separator_stmt
                           | node_stmt)
    diagram_inline_stmt_list = (many(diagram_inline_stmt +
    diagram = (maybe(diagram_id) + op_('{') + diagram_inline_stmt_list +
               op_('}') >> create_mapper(Diagram))
    dotfile = diagram + skip(finished)

    return dotfile.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 25
if __name__ == "__main__":
    input_ts = dict(zip(['A_TS', 'B_TS'], generate_two_dummy_data_sets()))

    integer = p.oneplus(p.some(lambda c: c.isdigit())) >> (lambda toks: int(''.join(toks)))
    def to_number(toks):
        if not toks[1]:
            return float(toks[0])
        return float("%s.%s".format(toks))
    number = integer + p.maybe(p.skip(p.a('.')) + integer) >> to_number
    timeseries_name = p.oneplus(p.some(lambda c: c.isupper() or c == '_')) >> (lambda toks: ''.join(toks))

    timeseries_expr = timeseries_name >> (lambda name: nodes.TimeSeriesNode(input_ts[name]))
    scalar_expr = number >> (lambda n: nodes.TimeSeriesNode(ScalarTimeSeries(n)))

    expr = p.forward_decl()

    expr_rest = p.forward_decl()
        timeseries_expr + expr_rest >> (lambda x: x[1](x[0]))
        | scalar_expr + expr_rest >> (lambda x: x[1](x[0]))

    # Holy cow, is this there a better way to get around left-recursion?
    def generate_arithmetic_node_function(node_type):
        # the left and right names here are misleading and wrong
        def outer(right):
            def inner(left):
                if left is not None and right is not None:
                    #print "Making " + str(node_type) + " with " + str(right) + " and " + str(left)
                    return node_type(left, right)
def parse(seq):
    """Sequence(Token) -> object"""
    unarg = lambda f: lambda args: f(*args)
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    flatten = lambda list: sum(list, [])
    n = lambda s: a(Token('Name', s)) >> tokval
    op = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))

    node_type_keywords = [
        'start', 'startCompensation', 'startConditional', 'startConditionalNon', 'startError', 'startEscalation', 'startEscalationNon', 'startMessage', 'startMessageNon', 'startMultiple', 'startMultipleNon', 'startParallelMultiple', 'startParallelMultipleNon', 'startSignal', 'startSignalNon', 'startTimer', 'startTimerNon',
        'end', 'endCancel', 'endCompensation', 'endError', 'endEscalation', 'endMessage', 'endMultiple', 'endSignal', 'endTerminate',
        'intermediate', 'catchCancel', 'catchCompensation', 'throwCompensation', 'catchError', 'catchEscalation', 'catchEscalationNon', 'throwEscalation', 'catchLink', 'throwLink', 'catchMessage', 'catchMessageNon', 'throwMessage', 'catchMultiple', 'catchMultipleNon', 'throwMultiple', 'catchParallelMultiple', 'catchParallelMultipleNon', 'catchSignal', 'catchSignalNon', 'throwSignal', 'conditional', 'conditionalNon', 'timer', 'timerNon',
        'task', 'businessRuleTask', 'manualTask', 'receiveTask', 'scriptTask', 'sendTask', 'serviceTask', 'userTask',
        'call', 'businessRuleCall', 'manualCall', 'scriptCall', 'userCall',
        'process', 'adhoc', 'transaction',
        'event', 'eventCompensation', 'eventConditional', 'eventConditionalNon', 'eventError', 'eventEscalation', 'eventEscalationNon', 'eventMessage', 'eventMessageNon', 'eventMultiple', 'eventMultipleNon', 'eventParallelMultiple', 'eventParallelMultipleNon', 'eventSignal', 'eventSignalNon', 'eventTimer', 'eventTimerNon',
        'inclusive', 'exclusive', 'parallel', 'complex', 'eventBased', 'eventBasedStart', 'eventBasedParallelStart',
        'data', 'dataCollection', 'dataInput', 'dataInputCollection', 'dataOutput', 'dataOutputCollection', 'dataStore'

    node_type = some(lambda t: t.value in node_type_keywords).named('type') >> tokval

    id_types = ['Name', 'Number', 'String']
    id = some(lambda t: t.type in id_types).named('id') >> tokval
    make_graph_attr = lambda args: DefAttrs('graph', [Attr(*args)])

    node_id = id

    a_list = (
        id +
        maybe(op_('=') + id) +
        >> unarg(Attr))

    attr_list = (
        many(op_('[') + many(a_list) + op_(']'))
        >> flatten)

    attr_stmt = (
        (n('_') | n('node') | n('edge')) +
        >> unarg(DefAttrs))

    graph_attr = id + op_('=') + id >> make_graph_attr
    node_stmt = node_type + node_id + attr_list >> unarg(Node)

    # We use a forward_decl becaue of circular definitions like (stmt_list -> stmt -> subgraph -> stmt_list)
    lane = forward_decl()
    pool = forward_decl()

    edge_type = some(lambda t: t.type == 'EdgeOp') >> tokval
    edge_rhs = (edge_type + node_id) >> (lambda t: [t[0], t[1]])
    edge_stmt = (
        node_id +
        oneplus(edge_rhs) +
        >> unarg(Edge))

    stmt = (
        | edge_stmt
        | lane
        | pool
        | graph_attr
        | node_stmt

    stmt_list = many(stmt + skip(maybe(op(';'))))

        skip(n('pool')) +
        maybe(id) +
        op_('{') +
        stmt_list +
        >> unarg(Pool))

        skip(n('lane')) +
        maybe(id) +
        op_('{') +
        stmt_list +
        >> unarg(Lane))

    graph = (
        maybe(n('graph')) +
        maybe(id) +
        op_('{') +
        stmt_list +
        >> unarg(Graph))

    dotfile = graph + skip(finished)

        parsed = dotfile.parse(seq)
        return parsed
    except NoParseError as e:
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 27
not_in = op('not') + op('in') >> const(lambda x, y: x not in y)

true = kw('True') >> token_value >> make_bool
false = kw('False') >> token_value >> make_bool

name = token_type('name') >> token_value >> make_name
number = token_type('number') >> token_value >> make_number
string = token_type('string') >> token_value >> make_string

# grammar rules
mul_op = mul | div
add_op = add | sub
cmp_op = lt | le | eq | ne | ge | gt | in_ | not_in

# forward declatations
nexpr = forward_decl()
bexpr = forward_decl()
sexpr = forward_decl()
expr = forward_decl()

lambda_ = forward_decl()
application = forward_decl()
renaming = forward_decl()
set_context = forward_decl()

# string expression
strexpr = string + many(add_op + string) >> u(concatenate)

# numerical expression
numeric = application | lambda_ | number | name | (op_('(') + nexpr + op_(')'))
factor = numeric + many(power + numeric) >> u(make_expression)
Ejemplo n.º 28

    useless = ["comment", "space"]

    tokenizer = make_tokenizer(specs)

    return tuple(token for token in tokenizer(characters) if token.type not in useless)

# Match a particular string
op = lambda value: some(lambda token: token.value == value)

# Match a particular string and discard the result
op_ = lambda value: skip(some(lambda token: token.value == value))

expression = forward_decl()
real = some(lambda x: x.type == "float") >> (lambda x: float(x.value))
integer = some(lambda x: x.type == "integer") >> (lambda x: int(x.value))
number = integer | real
symbol = some(lambda x: x.type == "name") >> (lambda name: sp.Symbol(name.value))

def make_function(matches):
    arguments = matches[1]
    combined = [] if arguments is None else [arguments[0]] + arguments[1]
    function = sp.__dict__[str(matches[0])]
    return function(*combined)

function = symbol + op_("(") + maybe(expression + many(op_(",") + expression)) + op_(")") >> make_function
Ejemplo n.º 29
from funcparserlib import parser as p
from lib import ast
from . import tokenizer as t

def build_simple_parser(token_name, ast_class):
    return (p.some(lambda token: token.type == token_name) >>
            (lambda token: ast_class(repeat=token.value)))

p_inc = build_simple_parser(token_name='inc', ast_class=ast.Inc)
p_dec = build_simple_parser(token_name='dec', ast_class=ast.Dec)
p_right = build_simple_parser(token_name='right', ast_class=ast.Right)
p_left = build_simple_parser(token_name='left', ast_class=ast.Left)
p_input = build_simple_parser(token_name='input', ast_class=ast.Input)
p_output = build_simple_parser(token_name='output', ast_class=ast.Output)
p_simple_expression = p_dec | p_inc | p_right | p_left | p_input | p_output

p_loop_expression = p.forward_decl()
p_expression = p.forward_decl()
    (p.skip(p.a(t.t_loop_start())) + p.maybe(p_expression) +
     p.skip(p.a(t.t_loop_end()))) >>
    (lambda contains: ast.Loop(contains=(contains if contains else list()))))

p_expression.define(p.oneplus(p_simple_expression | p_loop_expression))
p_program = (p_expression >> (lambda contains: ast.Program(contains=contains)))
Ejemplo n.º 30
def pure_parse(seq):
    'Sequence(Token) -> object'


    # This is some beautiful code... whatever it's fast
    def make_number(n):
        if 'L' in n:
            return long(n)

            return int(n)
        except ValueError:
            return float(n)

    def make_array(n):
        if n is None:
            return []
            return [n[0]] + n[1]

    def make_name(s):
        return s

    def make_funcapp(n):
        head, tail = n
        if len(tail) == 0:
            return head
            return (head, tail)

    number = sometok('number') >> make_number
    var = sometok('name') >> make_name
    atom = var | number
    pure = forward_decl()
    funcapp = forward_decl()
    array = forward_decl()

    expr = op_('(') + funcapp + op_(')')
        var + many(expr|array|atom) >> make_funcapp

    first = (funcapp|array|atom)

        op_('[') +
        first + many(op_(',') + first) +
        >> make_array

    # First order objects
        #funcapp |
        ##array |

    def pure():
        return (first + skip(finished)) | first

    primary = pure

    return primary.parse(tokenize(seq))
Ejemplo n.º 31
def parse(seq):
    Attr = namedtuple('Attr', 'name value')
    """Sequence(Token) -> object"""
    keyword = lambda s: a(Token(u'keyword', s))
    sep = lambda s: a(Token(u'Sep', s))

    context_open = skip(keyword(u'{'))
    context_close = skip(keyword(u'}'))
    call_open = skip(keyword(u'('))
    call_close = skip(keyword(u')'))
    def_keyword = skip(keyword(u'def'))
    context_keywork = skip(keyword(u'context'))
    eq_keyword = a(Token(u'Eq', '='))
    environment_keyword = skip(keyword(u'environment'))
    delegation_keyword = skip(keyword(u'.'))
    comma = sep(u',')

    ## Helpers
    # skipped values
    def make_number(n):
            return int(n)
        except ValueError:
            return float(n)

    def unescape_string(value):
        return unescape(value[1:-1])

    def make_string(value):
        return value

    unarg = lambda f: lambda args: f(*args)
    a_ = lambda x: skip(a(x))
    isContextOpenClose = lambda s: some(s.value in
                                        [context_open, context_close])
    const = lambda x: lambda _: x
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda type: some(lambda x: x.type == type) >> tokval

    # types
    eq = toktype(u'Eq') >> make_string
    id = toktype(u'Name') >> make_string
    string = toktype(u'String') >> unescape_string
    number = toktype(u'Number') >> make_number
    value = id | number
    name = lambda s: a(Token(u'Name', s)) >> tokval
    accessor = forward_decl()
    argument = accessor | value | string
    function = id
    argument_list = (argument + maybe(skip(eq_keyword) + argument) +
                     skip(maybe(comma)) >> unarg(Attr))

    # rules
    assignment = id + skip(eq) + argument >> Assignment
    functionCall = function + call_open + many(
        argument_list) + call_close >> FunctionCall
    environmentCall = environment_keyword + delegation_keyword + id + call_open + many(
        argument_list) + call_close >> EnvironmentCall
    accessor.define(id + delegation_keyword + id >> Accessor)

    context_block = many(assignment | functionCall)
    contextDefinition = def_keyword + context_keywork + id + context_open + maybe(
        context_block) + context_close >> ContextDefinition

    enviro_block = many(assignment | contextDefinition)
    environment = environment_keyword + context_open + maybe(
        enviro_block) + context_close >> Environment

    simulacion_line = assignment | environment | environmentCall | functionCall
    simulacion_program = many(simulacion_line) + skip(finished)

    return simulacion_program.parse(seq)
def parse(seq):
    Attr = namedtuple('Attr', 'name value')

    """Sequence(Token) -> object"""
    keyword = lambda s: a(Token(u'keyword', s))
    sep = lambda s: a(Token(u'Sep', s))

    context_open = skip(keyword(u'{'))
    context_close = skip(keyword(u'}'))
    call_open = skip(keyword(u'('))
    call_close = skip(keyword(u')'))
    def_keyword = skip(keyword(u'def'))
    context_keywork = skip(keyword(u'context'))
    eq_keyword = a(Token(u'Eq', '='))
    environment_keyword = skip(keyword(u'environment'))
    delegation_keyword = skip(keyword(u'.'))
    comma = sep(u',')

    ## Helpers
    # skipped values
    def make_number(n):
            return int(n)
        except ValueError:
            return float(n)

    def unescape_string(value):
        return unescape(value[1:-1])

    def make_string(value):
        return value

    unarg = lambda f: lambda args: f(*args)
    a_ = lambda x: skip(a(x))
    isContextOpenClose = lambda s: some(s.value in [context_open, context_close])
    const = lambda x: lambda _: x
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda type: some(lambda x: x.type == type) >> tokval

    # types
    eq = toktype(u'Eq') >> make_string
    id = toktype(u'Name') >> make_string
    string = toktype(u'String') >> unescape_string
    number = toktype(u'Number') >> make_number
    value = id | number
    name = lambda s: a(Token(u'Name', s)) >> tokval
    accessor = forward_decl()
    argument = accessor | value | string
    function = id
    argument_list = (
        argument +
        maybe(skip(eq_keyword) + argument) +
        >> unarg(Attr))

    # rules
    assignment = id + skip(eq) + argument >> Assignment
    functionCall = function + call_open + many(argument_list) + call_close >> FunctionCall
    environmentCall = environment_keyword + delegation_keyword + id + call_open + many(
        argument_list) + call_close >> EnvironmentCall
    accessor.define(id + delegation_keyword + id >> Accessor)

    context_block = many(assignment | functionCall)
    contextDefinition = def_keyword + context_keywork + id + context_open + maybe(
        context_block) + context_close >> ContextDefinition

    enviro_block = many(assignment | contextDefinition)
    environment = environment_keyword + context_open + maybe(enviro_block) + context_close >> Environment

    simulacion_line = assignment | environment | environmentCall | functionCall
    simulacion_program = many(simulacion_line) + skip(finished)

    return simulacion_program.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def parse(seq, region='', account_id='', visitors=[]):
    """Parse the given sequence of tokens into a StateMachine object

        seq (list): List of lexer.Token tokens to parse
        region (string): AWS Region where Lambdas and Activities are located
        account_id (string): AWS Account ID where where Lambdas and Activities are located
        visitors (list[ast.StateVisitor]): List of StateVisitors that can be used modify
                                           Task states

        sfn.StateMachine: StateMachine object
    state = forward_decl()

    # Primatives
    array = op_('[') + maybe(string +
                             many(op_(',') + string)) + op_(']') >> make_array

    block = block_s + many(state) + block_e
    comment_block = block_s + maybe(string) + many(state) + block_e
    parameter_kv = name + maybe(op_('.') + e('$')) + op_(':') + json_text
    parameter_block = n('parameters') + op_(
        ':') + block_s + parameter_kv + many(parameter_kv) + block_e >> make(
    retry_block = n('retry') + (
        | string) + integer_pos + integer_nn + number >> make(ASTModRetry)
    catch_block = n('catch') + (
        array | string) + op_(':') + maybe(string) + block >> make(ASTModCatch)

    # Simple States
    # DP Note: The 'next' modifier is not allowed in general usage, must use the 'Goto'
    #          state to create that modifier. If 'next' should be allowed from any state
    #          just add it to 'state_modifier' and 'transform_modifier'
    state_modifier = (
        (n('timeout') + op_(':') + integer_pos >> make(ASTModTimeout)) |
        (n('heartbeat') + op_(':') + integer_pos >> make(ASTModHeartbeat)) |
        (n('input') + op_(':') + string >> make(ASTModInput)) |
        (n('result') + op_(':') + string >> make(ASTModResult)) |
        (n('output') + op_(':') + string >> make(ASTModOutput)) |
        (n('data') + op_(':') + block_s + json_text + block_e >>
         make(ASTModData)) | parameter_block | retry_block | catch_block)

    state_modifiers = state_modifier + many(state_modifier) >> make(
    state_block = maybe(block_s + maybe(string) + maybe(state_modifiers) +

    pass_ = n('Pass') + op_('(') + op_(')') + state_block >> make(ASTStatePass)
    success = n('Success') + op_('(') + op_(')') + state_block >> make(
    fail = n('Fail') + op_('(') + string + op_(',') + string + op_(
        ')') + state_block >> make(ASTStateFail)
    wait_types = n('seconds') | n('seconds_path') | n('timestamp') | n(
    wait = n('Wait') + op_('(') + wait_types + op_('=') + (
        | timestamp_or_string) + op_(')') + state_block >> make(ASTStateWait)
    task = name + maybe(op_('.') + name) + op_('(') + maybe(string) + op_(
        ')') + state_block >> make(ASTStateTask)
    simple_state = pass_ | success | fail | wait | task

    # Flow Control States
    transform_modifier = (
        (n('input') + op_(':') + string >> make(ASTModInput)) |
        (n('result') + op_(':') + string >> make(ASTModResult)) |
        (n('output') + op_(':') + string >> make(ASTModOutput)))
    transform_modifiers = transform_modifier + many(
        transform_modifier) >> make(ASTModifiers)
    transform_block = maybe(
        n_('transform') + op_(':') + block_s + maybe(transform_modifiers) +

    while_ = n('while') + comparison + op_(
        ':') + comment_block + transform_block >> make(ASTStateWhile)
    if_else = (n('if') + comparison + op_(':') + comment_block +
               many(n_('elif') + comparison + op_(':') + block) +
               maybe(n_('else') + op_(':') + block) +
               transform_block) >> make(ASTStateIfElse)
    switch_case = n('case') + (boolean | number
                               | timestamp_or_string) + op_(':') + block
    switch = (n('switch') + string + op_(':') + block_s + maybe(string) +
              many(switch_case) + maybe(n('default') + op_(':') + block) +
              block_e + transform_block) >> make(ASTStateSwitch)
    choice_state = while_ | if_else | switch

    error_modifier = (retry_block | catch_block
                      ) + many(retry_block | catch_block) >> make(ASTModifiers)
    error_block = maybe(
        n_('error') + op_(':') + block_s + maybe(error_modifier) + block_e)
    parallel = (n('parallel') + op_(':') + comment_block +
                many(n('parallel') + op_(':') + block) + transform_block +
                error_block) >> make(ASTStateParallel)

    goto = n('goto') + string >> make(ASTStateGoto)

    state.define(simple_state | choice_state | parallel | goto)

    # State Machine
    version = maybe(n('version') + op_(':') + string >> make(ASTModVersion))
    timeout = maybe(
        n('timeout') + op_(':') + integer_pos >> make(ASTModTimeout))
    machine = maybe(string) + version + timeout + many(state) + end >> make(

        # DP NOTE: calling run() directly to have better control of error handling
        (tree, _) = machine.run(seq, State())
        resolve_arns(tree, region, account_id)
        for visitor in visitors:
        function = StepFunction(tree)
        #import code

        return function
    except NoParseError as ex:
        max = ex.state.max
        tok = seq[max] if len(seq) > max else Token('EOF', '<EOF>')

        if tok.code == 'ERRORTOKEN':
            msg = "Unterminated quote"
            msg = "Invalid syntax"
            # DP ???: Should the actual token be used in the error message?

        raise CompileError.from_token(tok, msg)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def parse(seq):
    """Sequence(Token) -> object"""
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    op = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
    _id = some(lambda t: t.type in ['Name', 'Number', 'String']) >> tokval
    keyword = lambda s: a(Token('Name', s)) >> tokval

    def make_node_list(node_list, attrs):
        return Statements([Node(node, attrs) for node in node_list])

    def make_edge(first, edge_type, second, followers, attrs):
        edges = [Edge(first, edge_type, second, attrs)]

        from_node = second
        for edge_type, to_node in followers:
            edges.append(Edge(from_node, edge_type, to_node, attrs))
            from_node = to_node

        return Statements(edges)

    # parts of syntax
    node_list = (
        _id +
        many(op_(',') + _id)
        >> create_mapper(oneplus_to_list)
    option_stmt = (
        _id +
        maybe(op_('=') + _id)
        >> create_mapper(Attr)
    option_list = (
        maybe(op_('[') + option_stmt + many(op_(',') + option_stmt) + op_(']'))
        >> create_mapper(oneplus_to_list, default_value=[])

    #  node (node list) statement::
    #     A;
    #     B [attr = value, attr = value];
    #     C, D [attr = value, attr = value];
    node_stmt = (
        node_list + option_list
        >> create_mapper(make_node_list)

    #  edge statement::
    #     A -> B;
    #     A <- B;
    edge_relation = (
        op('->') | op('--') | op('<-') | op('<->') |
        op('>-') | op('-<') | op('>-<')
    edge_stmt = (
        node_list +
        edge_relation +
        node_list +
        many(edge_relation + node_list) +
        >> create_mapper(make_edge)

    #  attributes statement::
    #     default_shape = box;
    #     default_fontsize = 16;
    attribute_stmt = (
        _id + op_('=') + _id
        >> create_mapper(Attr)

    #  extension statement (class, plugin)::
    #     class red [color = red];
    #     plugin attributes [name = Name];
    extension_stmt = (
        (keyword('class') | keyword('plugin')) +
        _id +
        >> create_mapper(Extension)

    #  group statement::
    #     group {
    #        A;
    #     }
    group_stmt = forward_decl()
    group_inline_stmt = (
        edge_stmt |
        group_stmt |
        attribute_stmt |
    group_inline_stmt_list = (
        many(group_inline_stmt + skip(maybe(op(';'))))
        skip(keyword('group')) +
        maybe(_id) +
        op_('{') +
        group_inline_stmt_list +
        >> create_mapper(Group)

    # diagram statement::
    #     blockdiag {
    #        A;
    #     }
    diagram_id = (
        (keyword('diagram') | keyword('blockdiag')) +
        >> list
    diagram_inline_stmt = (
        extension_stmt |
    diagram_inline_stmt_list = (
        many(diagram_inline_stmt + skip(maybe(op(';'))))
    diagram = (
        maybe(diagram_id) +
        op_('{') +
        diagram_inline_stmt_list +
        >> create_mapper(Diagram)
    dotfile = diagram + skip(finished)

    return dotfile.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 35
def parse(seq):
    """Sequence(Token) -> object"""
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    op = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
    _id = some(lambda t: t.type in ['Name', 'Number', 'String']) >> tokval
    keyword = lambda s: a(Token('Name', s)) >> tokval

    def make_node_list(node_list, attrs):
        return Statements([Node(node, attrs) for node in node_list])

    def make_edge(first, edge_type, second, followers, attrs):
        edges = [Edge(first, edge_type, second, attrs)]

        from_node = second
        for edge_type, to_node in followers:
            edges.append(Edge(from_node, edge_type, to_node, attrs))
            from_node = to_node

        return Statements(edges)

    # parts of syntax
    node_list = (
        _id +
        many(op_(',') + _id)
        >> create_mapper(oneplus_to_list)
    option_stmt = (
        _id +
        maybe(op_('=') + _id)
        >> create_mapper(Attr)
    option_list = (
        maybe(op_('[') + option_stmt + many(op_(',') + option_stmt) + op_(']'))
        >> create_mapper(oneplus_to_list, default_value=[])

    #  node (node list) statement::
    #     A;
    #     B [attr = value, attr = value];
    #     C, D [attr = value, attr = value];
    node_stmt = (
        node_list + option_list
        >> create_mapper(make_node_list)

    #  edge statement::
    #     A -> B;
    #     A <- B;
    edge_relation = (
        op('->') | op('--') | op('<-') | op('<->') |
        op('>-') | op('-<') | op('>-<')
    edge_stmt = (
        node_list +
        edge_relation +
        node_list +
        many(edge_relation + node_list) +
        >> create_mapper(make_edge)

    #  attributes statement::
    #     default_shape = box;
    #     default_fontsize = 16;
    attribute_stmt = (
        _id + op_('=') + _id
        >> create_mapper(Attr)

    #  extension statement (class, plugin)::
    #     class red [color = red];
    #     plugin attributes [name = Name];
    extension_stmt = (
        (keyword('class') | keyword('plugin')) +
        _id +
        >> create_mapper(Extension)

    #  group statement::
    #     group {
    #        A;
    #     }
    group_stmt = forward_decl()
    group_inline_stmt = (
        edge_stmt |
        group_stmt |
        attribute_stmt |
    group_inline_stmt_list = (
        many(group_inline_stmt + skip(maybe(op(';'))))
        skip(keyword('group')) +
        maybe(_id) +
        op_('{') +
        group_inline_stmt_list +
        >> create_mapper(Group)

    # diagram statement::
    #     blockdiag {
    #        A;
    #     }
    diagram_id = (
        (keyword('diagram') | keyword('blockdiag')) +
        >> list
    diagram_inline_stmt = (
        extension_stmt |
    diagram_inline_stmt_list = (
        many(diagram_inline_stmt + skip(maybe(op(';'))))
    diagram = (
        maybe(diagram_id) +
        op_('{') +
        diagram_inline_stmt_list +
        >> create_mapper(Diagram)
    dotfile = diagram + skip(finished)

    return dotfile.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 36
def parse(
    seq: List[Token],
    gen_actor: Callable[[str, str], Actor],
    exported_tco: bool = True,
    custom_action_parser_pfx: Optional[Parser] = None,
    custom_action_parser_reg: Optional[Parser] = None,
    custom_query_parser_op: Optional[Parser] = None,
    custom_query_parser_pfx: Optional[Parser] = None,
    custom_query_parser_reg: Optional[Parser] = None
) -> Tuple[List[RootNode], List[Actor]]:
    actors: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Actor] = {}

    nid = 0
    def next_id() -> int:
        nonlocal nid
        rv, nid = nid, nid + 1
        return rv

    def check_function(p, type_, start, end):
        if len(p) == 1:
            p = p[0]
        if isinstance(p, dict):
            actor = (p.pop('.actor_name'), p.pop('.actor_secondary'))
            name = p.pop('.name')
            negated = p.pop('.negated')
            params = pdict = p
            prepare_params = False
            actor_name, actor_secondary, name, params = p
            actor = (actor_name, actor_secondary or '')
            negated = False
            prepare_params = True

        function_name = f'EventFlow{type_.capitalize()}{name}'
        if actor not in actors:
            actors[actor] = gen_actor(*actor)
        mp = getattr(actors[actor], ['actions', 'queries'][type_ == 'query'])
        if function_name not in mp:
            emit_warning(f'no {type_} with name "{function_name}" found, using empty call', start, end)
            if type_ == 'action':
                actors[actor].register_action(Action(actor, function_name, []))
                actors[actor].register_query(Query(actor, function_name, [], IntType, False))
        function = mp[function_name]
        if prepare_params:
                pdict = function.prepare_param_dict([p for name, p in params if name is None])
                for name, p in params:
                    if name is not None:
                        if name in pdict:
                            emit_warning(f'keyword argument name {name} matches positional argument name', start, end)
                        pdict[name] = p
            except AssertionError as e:
                emit_error(str(e), start, end)
                raise LogError()
        return function_name, function, pdict, negated

    def make_action(n, start, end):
        action_name, action, pdict, _ = check_function(n, 'action', start, end)
        return (), (ActionNode(f'Event{next_id()}', action, pdict),)

    def make_case(n, start, end):
        if isinstance(n, tuple) and len(n) == 2:
            return ([x.value for x in n[0]], n[1])
        return n

    def _get_query_num_values(query, start, end):
        num_values = query.num_values
        if num_values == 999999999:
            emit_warning(f'maximum value for {query.name} unknown; assuming 50', start, end, print_source=False)
            emit_warning(f'setting a maximum value in functions.csv may reduce generated bfevfl size', start, end)
            num_values = 50
        return num_values

    def make_switch(n, start, end):
        p, branches = n[:-1], n[-1]
        cases = branches[0] + branches[2]
        default = branches[1]

        query_name, query, pdict, _ = check_function(p, 'query', start, end)
        sw = SwitchNode(f'Event{next_id()}', query, pdict)
        entrypoints = []
        enum_values = {}
        if query.rv.type.startswith('enum['):
            enum_values_list = query.rv.type[5:-1].split(',')
            enum_values = {v.strip(): i for i, v in enumerate(enum_values_list)}
        for values, block in cases:
            eps, node, connector = block


            for value in values:
                if isinstance(value, str):
                    if not enum_values:
                        emit_error(f'Query "{query.name}" does not return an enum', start, end)
                        raise LogError()
                    if value not in enum_values:
                        emit_error(f'Enum "{value}" is not a valid return value of "{query.name}"', start, end)
                        raise LogError()
                    value = enum_values[value]
                sw.add_case(node, value)

        num_values = _get_query_num_values(query, start, end)
        default_values = set(range(num_values)) - set(sum((v for v, n in cases), []))
        if default_values:
            if default is not None:
                _, default, connector = default

            default_branch = default or sw.connector
            for value in default_values:
                sw.add_case(default_branch, value)
        elif default:
            emit_warning(f'default branch for {query_name} call is dead code, ignoring', start, end)

        return entrypoints, (sw,)

    def make_bool_function(p, start, end):
        query_name, query, pdict, negated = check_function(p, 'query', start, end)
        num_values = _get_query_num_values(query, start, end)
        if num_values > 2:
            emit_warning(f'call to {query_name} treated as boolean function but may not be', start, end)
        return ((query, pdict), [({0}, query.inverted != negated), (set(range(1, num_values)), (not query.inverted) != negated)])

    def make_in(p, start, end):
        p, values = p[:-1], p[-1]
        query_name, query, pdict, _ = check_function(p, 'query', start, end)
        num_values = _get_query_num_values(query, start, end)
        matched = set()
        unmatched = set(range(num_values))
        enum_values = {}
        if query.rv.type.startswith('enum['):
            enum_values_list = query.rv.type[5:-1].split(',')
            enum_values = {v.strip(): i for i, v in enumerate(enum_values_list)}
        for value in values:
            if isinstance(value.value, str):
                if not enum_values:
                    emit_error(f'Query "{query.name}" does not return an enum', start, end)
                    raise LogError()
                if value.value not in enum_values:
                    emit_error(f'Enum "{value.value}" is not a valid return value of "{query.name}"', start, end)
                    raise LogError()
                value.value = enum_values[value.value]
            if 0 > value.value or num_values <= value.value:
                emit_warning('{value.value} never returned by {query_name}, ignored', start, end)
        if not matched or not unmatched:
            emit_warning(f'always true or always false check', start, end)
        return ((query, pdict), [(matched, True), (unmatched, False)])

    def make_cmp(p, start, end):
        p, op, value = p[:-2], p[-2], p[-1]
        query_name, query, pdict, _ = check_function(p, 'query', start, end)
        num_values = _get_query_num_values(query, start, end)
        if isinstance(value.value, str):
            if query.rv.type.startswith('enum['):
                enum_values_list = query.rv.type[5:-1].split(',')
                value.value = enum_values_list.index(value.value)
                if value.value == -1:
                    emit_error(f'Enum "{value.value}" is not a valid return value of "{query.name}"', start, end)
                    raise LogError()
                emit_error(f'Query "{query.name}" does not return an enum', start, end)
                raise LogError()
        if op == '==' or op == '!=':
            matched = {value.value} if 0 <= value.value < num_values else set()
            unmatched = set(i for i in range(num_values) if i != value.value)
        elif op == '<' or op == '>=':
            matched = set(range(min(num_values, value.value)))
            unmatched = set(range(value.value, num_values))
            matched = set(range(min(num_values, value.value + 1)))
            unmatched = set(range(value.value + 1, num_values))
        if op in ('!=', '>=', '>'):
            matched, unmatched = unmatched, matched
        if not matched or not unmatched:
            emit_warning(f'always true or always false check', start, end)
        return ((query, pdict), [(matched, True), (unmatched, False)])

    def _predicate_replace(values, old, new):
        for i in range(len(values)):
            if values[i][1] == old:
                values[i] = (values[i][0], new)

    def make_or(p, start, end):
        left, right = p
        if isinstance(right, TypedValue):
            left, right = right, left
        if isinstance(left, TypedValue):
            if isinstance(right, TypedValue):
                return TypedValue(type=BoolType, value=left.value or right.value)
            if not left.value:
                return right
                return TypedValue(type=BoolType, value=True)
        # todo: can probably optimize for smaller output
        _predicate_replace(left[1], False, right)
        return left

    def make_and(p, start, end):
        left, right = p
        if isinstance(right, TypedValue):
            left, right = right, left
        if isinstance(left, TypedValue):
            if isinstance(right, TypedValue):
                return TypedValue(type=BoolType, value=left.value and right.value)
            if left.value:
                return right
                return TypedValue(type=BoolType, value=False)
        # todo: can probably optimize for smaller output
        _predicate_replace(left[1], True, right)
        return left

    def make_not(p, start, end):
        if isinstance(p, TypedValue):
            p.value = not p.value
            return p
        _predicate_replace(p[1], True, None)
        _predicate_replace(p[1], False, True)
        _predicate_replace(p[1], None, False)
        return p

    def _expand_table(table, current, next_):
        ((query, pdict), values) = table
        sw = SwitchNode(f'Event{next_id()}', query, pdict)
        for match, action in values:
            if isinstance(action, tuple):
                to = _expand_table(action, current, next_)
            elif action:
                to = current
                to = next_
            for value in match:
                sw.add_case(to, value)
        return sw

    def make_ifelse(n, start, end):
        if_, block, elifs, else_ = n
        cond_branches = [(if_, block)] + elifs + ([(None, else_)] if else_ else [])

        entrypoints = []
        next_ = next_connector = ConnectorNode(f'Connector{next_id()}')
        for table, body in cond_branches[::-1]:
            eps, node, branch_connector = body

            if table is None:
                next_ = node
                next_connector = branch_connector
            elif isinstance(table, TypedValue):
                if table.value:
                    next_ = node
                    next_connector = branch_connector
                next_ = _expand_table(table, node, next_)
                next_connector = next_.connector
        return entrypoints, (next_,)

    def make_fork(n_, start, end):
        for entrypoints, node, connector in n_:
            for ep in entrypoints:
                __replace_node(ep, connector, None)
            __replace_node(node, connector, None)
        eps = __flatten([ep for ep, _, _ in n_])
        n = [x for _, x, _ in n_]

        fork_id, join_id = next_id(), next_id()
        join = JoinNode(f'Event{join_id}')
        fork = ForkNode(f'Event{fork_id}', join, n)

        for node in n:

        return eps, (fork, join)

    def make_while(n, start, end):
        table, (eps, node, connector) = n
        next_connector = ConnectorNode(f'Connector{next_id()}')
        if isinstance(table, TypedValue):
            if table.value:
                # while true
                return eps, (node, connector)
                # while false
                if eps:
                    emit_error('entrypoints in while-false not supported', start, end)
                    raise LogError()
                return [], (connector, connector)
            next_ = _expand_table(table, node, next_connector)
            return eps, (next_, next_connector)

    def make_do_while(n, start, end):
        (eps, node, connector), table = n
        next_connector = ConnectorNode(f'Connector{next_id()}')
        if isinstance(table, TypedValue):
            if table.value:
                # do while true
            return eps, (node, connector)
            next_ = _expand_table(table, node, next_connector)
            return eps, (node, next_connector)

    def make_subflow_param(n, start, end):
        return (n,)

    def make_subflow(n, start, end):
        ns, name, params = n
        param_dict = {k[0][0]: k[0][1] for k in params}
        return (), (SubflowNode(f'Event{next_id()}', ns or '', name, param_dict),)

    def make_none(_, start, end):
        return None

    def make_return(_, start, end):
        return (), (TerminalNode,)

    def named_value(n, start, end):
        return n

    def unnamed_value(n, start, end):
        return (None, n)

    def make_param(n, start, end):
        return n

    def verify_params(name, root, params_list):
        for param, type_, value in params_list:
            if value is not None and type_ != value.type:
                emit_error(f'variable definition for {param} in {name} is of type {type_} but has default value of type {value.type}')
                raise LogError()
        params = {param: type_ for param, type_, value in params_list}
        for node in find_postorder(root):
            if isinstance(node, (ActionNode, SwitchNode)):
                for param, value in node.params.items():
                    if isinstance(value.value, Argument):
                        if value.value not in params:
                            emit_error(f'variable {value.value} not defined in flow {name}')
                            raise LogError()

                        expected_type = params[value.value]
                        actual_type = value.type
                        if param.startswith('EntryVariableKey'):
                            if param[16:].startswith('Int_'):
                                actual_type = IntType
                            elif param[16:].startswith('Bool_'):
                                actual_type = BoolType
                            elif param[16:].startswith('Float_'):
                                actual_type = FloatType
                            elif param[16:].startswith('String_'):
                                actual_type = StringType
                            value.type = ArgumentType

                        if actual_type != AnyType and expected_type != actual_type:
                            emit_error(f'variable {value.value} has the wrong type, defined to be {expected_type} but used as {actual_type}')
                            raise LogError()

            if isinstance(node, SubflowNode):
                for param, value in node.params.items():
                    if isinstance(value.value, Argument):
                        if value.value not in params:
                            emit_error(f'variable {value.value} not defined in flow {name}')
                            raise LogError()
                        value.type = params[value.value]

    def make_flow(n, start, end):
        local, name, params, body = n
        entrypoints, body_root, body_connector = body
        verify_params(name, body_root, params)
        vardefs = [RootNode.VarDef(name=n, type=t, initial_value=v.value if v else None) for n, t, v in params]
        valueless_vardefs = [RootNode.VarDef(name=n, type=t, initial_value=None) for n, t, v in params]
        node = RootNode(name, local is not None, False, vardefs)
        for e in entrypoints:
            e.vardefs = valueless_vardefs[:]
        return list(entrypoints) + [node]

    def link_ep_block(n, start, end):
        connector = ConnectorNode(f'Connector{next_id()}')
        ep, block_info = n
        block_info = [x for x in block_info if x is not None]
        if block_info:
            eps, block = (__flatten(p) for p in zip(*(x for x in block_info if x is not None)))
            eps, block = [], ()

        if not block:
            if ep is not None:
                ep_node = RootNode(ep, True, True, [])
            return (eps, connector, connector)

        for n1, n2 in zip(block, block[1:] + [connector]):
            n1_conn = n1
            if isinstance(n1, tuple):
                n1, n1_conn = n1
            if isinstance(n2, tuple):
                n2, _ = n2
            if isinstance(n1, SwitchNode):

        if ep is not None:
            ep_node = RootNode(ep, True, True, [])

        return (eps, block[0], connector)

    def link_block(n, start, end):
        connector = ConnectorNode(f'Connector{next_id()}')
        n = [n[0]] + n[1]
        eps, blocks, connectors = zip(*n)
        eps = __flatten(eps)

        for connector, block in zip(connectors[:-1], blocks[1:]):

        return (eps, blocks[0], connectors[-1])

    def collect_flows(n, start, end):
        if n is None:
            return []
            return __flatten([x for x in n if x is not None])

    block = forward_decl()

    # pass = PASS NL
    pass_ = (__tokkw('pass') + __tokop('NL')) >> make_none

    # return = RETURN NL
    return_ = (__tokkw('return') + __tokop('NL')) >> make_return

    # id_value = id ASSIGN value | value
    id_value = ((id_ + __tokop('ASSIGN') + __value) >> named_value) | (__value >> unnamed_value)

    # function_params = [id_value {COMMA id_value}]
    function_params = maybe(id_value + many(__tokop('COMMA') + id_value)) >> __make_array

    # actor_name = id [ AT id ]
    actor_name = id_ + maybe(__tokop('AT') + id_)
    # function_name = id
    function_name = id_
    # base_function = actor_name DOT action_name LPAREN function_params RPAREN
    base_function = (
        actor_name + __tokop('DOT') + function_name +
        __tokop('LPAREN') + function_params + __tokop('RPAREN')
    # function = custom_query_parser_reg | base_function | custom_query_parser_pfx | LPAREN function RPAREN
    function = forward_decl()
    if custom_query_parser_reg is not None:
        function_ = custom_query_parser_reg | base_function
        function_ = base_function
    if custom_query_parser_pfx is not None:
        function_ = function_ | custom_query_parser_pfx
    function_ = function_ | (__tokop('LPAREN') + function + __tokop('RPAREN'))

    # action = (custom_action_parser_reg | base_function | custom_action_parser_pfx) NL
    if custom_action_parser_reg is not None:
        action = custom_action_parser_reg | base_function
        action = base_function
    if custom_action_parser_pfx is not None:
        action = action | custom_action_parser_pfx
    action = action + __tokop('NL') >> make_action

    # int_or_enum = INT | QUOTE_ID
    int_or_enum = (__toktype('INT') >> __int) |  (__toktype('QUOTE_ID') >> __identifier)

    # __intlist = int_or_enum {COMMA int_or_enum} [COMMA] | LPAREN __intlist RPAREN
    __intlist = forward_decl()
    __intlist.define((int_or_enum + many(__tokop('COMMA') + int_or_enum) + maybe(__tokop('COMMA')) >> __make_array) | \
            __tokop('LPAREN') + __intlist + __tokop('RPAREN'))

    # case = CASE __intlist block
    case = __tokkw('case') + __intlist + block >> make_case

    # default = DEFAULT block
    default = __tokkw('default') + block >> make_case

    # cases = { case } [ default ] { case } | pass
    cases = many(case) + maybe(default) + many(case) | pass_

    # switch = SWITCH function COLON NL INDENT cases DEDENT
    switch = __tokkw('switch') + function + __tokop('COLON') + __tokop('NL') + \
            __tokop('INDENT') + cases + __tokop('DEDENT') >> make_switch

    predicate = forward_decl()
    predicate0 = forward_decl()
    predicate1 = forward_decl()
    predicate2 = forward_decl()
    predicate3 = forward_decl()

    # bool_function = function
    bool_function = function >> make_bool_function

    # in_predicate = function IN __intlist
    in_predicate = function + __tokkw('in') + __intlist >> make_in

    # not_in_predicate = function IN __intlist
    not_in_predicate = function + __tokkw('not') + __tokkw('in') + __intlist >> make_in >> make_not

    # cmp_predicate = function CMP INT
    cmp_predicate = function + __toktype('CMP') + int_or_enum >> make_cmp

    # not_predicate = NOT predicate0
    not_predicate = __tokkw('not') + predicate0 >> make_not

    # const_predicate = TRUE | FALSE
    const_predicate = (__tokkw_keep('true') | __tokkw_keep('false')) >> __bool

    # paren_predicate = LPAREN predicate RPAREN
    paren_predicate = __tokop('LPAREN') + predicate + __tokop('RPAREN')

    # predicate0 = not_predicate | const_predicate | bool_function | paren_predicate
    predicate0.define(not_predicate | const_predicate | bool_function | paren_predicate)

    # predicate1 = custom_query_parser_op | in_predicate | not_in_predicate | cmp_predicate | predicate0
    predicate1_ = in_predicate | not_in_predicate | cmp_predicate | predicate0
    if custom_query_parser_op is not None:
        predicate1_ = (custom_query_parser_op >> make_bool_function) | predicate1_

    # and_predicate = predicate1 AND predicate2
    and_predicate = predicate1 + __tokkw('and') + predicate2 >> make_and

    # predicate2 = and_predicate | predicate1
    predicate2.define(and_predicate | predicate1)

    # or_predicate = predicate2 OR predicate3
    or_predicate = predicate2 + __tokkw('or') + predicate3 >> make_or

    # predicate3 = or_predicate | predicate2
    predicate3.define(or_predicate | predicate2)

    # predicate = predicate3

    # if = IF predicate block
    if_ = __tokkw('if') + predicate + block

    # elif = ELIF predicate block
    elif_ = __tokkw('elif') + predicate + block

    # else = ELSE block
    else_ = __tokkw('else') + block

    # ifelse = if { elif } [ else ]
    ifelse = if_ + many(elif_) + maybe(else_) >> make_ifelse

    # branches = { BRANCH block }
    # branchless case handled implicitly by lack of INDENT
    branches = many(__tokkw('branch') + block)

    # fork = FORK COLON NL INDENT branches DEDENT
    fork = __tokkw('fork') + __tokop('COLON') + __tokop('NL') + \
            __tokop('INDENT') + branches + __tokop('DEDENT') >> make_fork

    # while = WHILE predicate block
    while_ = __tokkw('while') + predicate + block >> make_while

    # do_while = DO block WHILE predicate NL
    do_while = __tokkw('do') + block + __tokkw('while') + predicate + __tokop('NL')  >> make_do_while

    # flow_name = [id COLON COLON] id
    flow_name = maybe(id_ + __tokop('COLON') + __tokop('COLON')) + id_

    # subflow_param = id ASSIGN nonenum_value
    subflow_param = id_ + __tokop('ASSIGN') + __nonenum_value >> make_subflow_param

    # subflow_params = [subflow_param { COMMA subflow_param }]
    subflow_params = maybe(subflow_param + many(__tokop('COMMA') + subflow_param)) >> __make_array

    # run = RUN flow_name LPAREN subflow_params RPAREN NL
    run = (
        __tokkw('run') + flow_name + __tokop('LPAREN') + subflow_params + __tokop('RPAREN') + __tokop('NL')
    ) >> make_subflow

    # stmt = action | switch | ifelse | fork | while_ | do_while | run | pass_ | return | NL
    stmt = action | switch | ifelse | fork | while_ | do_while | run | pass_ | return_ | (__tokop('NL') >> make_none)

    # entrypoint = ENTRYPOINT id COLON NL
    entrypoint = __tokkw('entrypoint') + id_ + __tokop('COLON') + __tokop('NL')

    # stmts = stmt { stmt }
    stmts = stmt + many(stmt) >> __make_array

    # ep_block_body = [entrypoint] stmts
    ep_block_body = maybe(entrypoint) + stmts >> link_ep_block

    # block_body = ep_block_body { ep_block_body }
    block_body = ep_block_body + many(ep_block_body) >> link_block

    # block = COLON NL INDENT block_body DEDENT
    block.define(__tokop('COLON') + __tokop('NL') + __tokop('INDENT') + block_body + __tokop('DEDENT'))

    # type = INT | FLOAT | STR | BOOL | ANY
    type_atom = (__tokkw_keep('int') | __tokkw_keep('float') | __tokkw_keep('str') | __tokkw_keep('bool') | __tokkw_keep('any')) >> __type

    # flow_param = ID COLON TYPE [ASSIGN base_value]
    flow_param = id_ + __tokop('COLON') + type_atom + maybe(__tokop('ASSIGN') + __base_value) >> make_param

    # flow_params = [flow_param { COMMA flow_param }]
    flow_params = maybe(flow_param + many(__tokop('COMMA') + flow_param)) >> __make_array

    # flow = [LOCAL] FLOW ID LPAREN flow_params RPAREN block
    flow = (
        maybe(a(Token('ID', 'local'))) + __tokkw('flow') + id_ + __tokop('LPAREN') + flow_params + __tokop('RPAREN') + block
    ) >> make_flow

    # file = { flow | NL }
    evfl_file = many(flow | (__tokop('NL') >> make_none)) >> collect_flows

    parser = evfl_file + skip(finished)
    roots: List[RootNode] = parser.parse(seq).value
    local_roots = {r.name: r for r in roots if r.local}
    exported_roots = {r.name: r for r in roots if not r.local}
    for n in roots:
    __process_local_calls(roots, local_roots, exported_roots, exported_tco)
    for n in roots:
        __replace_node(n, TerminalNode, None)

    return list(exported_roots.values()), list(actors.values())
Ejemplo n.º 37
not_in      = op('not') + op('in') >> const(lambda x,y: x not in y)

true        = kw('True') >> token_value >> make_bool
false       = kw('False') >> token_value >> make_bool

name        = token_type('name') >> token_value >> make_name
number      = token_type('number') >> token_value >> make_number
string      = token_type('string') >> token_value >> make_string

# grammar rules
mul_op      = mul | div
add_op      = add | sub
cmp_op      = lt | le | eq | ne | ge | gt | in_ | not_in

# forward declatations
nexpr       = forward_decl()
bexpr       = forward_decl()
sexpr       = forward_decl()
expr        = forward_decl()

lambda_     = forward_decl()
application = forward_decl()
renaming    = forward_decl()
set_context = forward_decl()

# string expression
strexpr     = string + many(add_op + string) >> u(concatenate)

# numerical expression
numeric     = application | lambda_ | number | name | (op_('(') + nexpr + op_(')'))
factor      = numeric + many(power + numeric) >> u(make_expression)
    if s == 'int':
        return int
    elif s == 'str':
        return str
    elif s == 'float':
        return float
    elif s == 'bool':
        return bool
    elif s in ['obj', 'object']:
        return typing.Any
    elif s in ['None', 'NoneType']:
        return type(None)
    return s

element = forward_decl()
elements = forward_decl()
skip_of = skip_str('of')
any_class = some(
    lambda x: re.match('[a-zA-Z0-9_]+', x.string)) >> to_simple_type
set_parser = (a_str('set') + skip_of + element) >> compile_set_type
list_parser = (a_str('list') + skip_of + element) >> compile_list_type
dict_parser = (a_str('dict') + skip_of + skip_str('{') + element + skip_str(',') + element + skip_str('}')) >> \
tuple_parser = (a_str('tuple') + skip_of + skip_str('(') + elements +
                skip_str(')')) >> compile_tuple_type
element.define(set_parser | list_parser | dict_parser | tuple_parser
               | any_class)
elements.define((many(element + skip_str(',')) +
                 element) >> (lambda x: x[0] + [x[1]]))
type_contract_parser = skip_str('(') + maybe(elements) + skip_str(
Ejemplo n.º 39
def parser(last_error=None):
    last_error = LastError() if last_error is None else last_error

    def apl(f):
        return lambda x: f(*x)

    def delim(t):
        return skip(_tok(t))

    symbol = _tok(Token.SYMBOL) >> _gen(Symbol)
    string = _tok(Token.STRING) >> _gen(String)
    placeholder = _tok(Token.PLACEHOLDER) >> _gen(Placeholder)
    keyword = _tok(Token.KEYWORD) >> _gen(Keyword)

    # Note: tokenizer guarantee that value consists of dots and digits
    # TODO: convert exceptions
    number = _tok(Token.NUMBER) >> _gen(Number, literal_eval)

    expr = forward_decl()
    implicit_tuple = forward_decl()

    list_ = (
        (_tok(Token.OPEN_BRACKET) +
         many(expr | keyword) +
         _tok(Token.CLOSE_BRACKET)) >>

    dict_ = (
        error_ctx(_tok(Token.OPEN_BRACE) +
                  many(keyword + expr) +
                  DICT_ERROR) >>

    inline_args = many(expr | keyword)

    explicit_tuple = (
        error_ctx(_tok(Token.OPEN_PAREN) +
                  symbol + inline_args +
                  EXPLICIT_TUPLE_ERROR) >>

    indented_arg = (
        oneplus(implicit_tuple | expr + delim(Token.NEWLINE)) >>

    indented_kwarg = (
        ((keyword + expr + delim(Token.NEWLINE)) |
         (keyword + delim(Token.NEWLINE) +
          delim(Token.INDENT) + indented_arg + delim(Token.DEDENT)))

    indented_args_kwargs = (
        (many(indented_kwarg) + many(indented_arg)) >>
        apl(lambda pairs, args: list(chain(*(pairs + [args]))))

        error_ctx(symbol + inline_args + delim(Token.NEWLINE) +
                  maybe(delim(Token.INDENT) +
                        indented_args_kwargs +
                  IMPLICIT_TUPLE_ERROR) >>

    expr.define(symbol | string | number | explicit_tuple | list_ | dict_ |

    body = (
        (many(implicit_tuple) + _tok(Token.EOF)) >>
    return body
Ejemplo n.º 40
xor_op = op('^') >> make_name
or_op = op('|') >> make_name
land_op = op('and') >> make_name
lor_op = op('or') >> make_name

operator_name = (op('>>=') | op('<<=') | op('*=') | op('/=') | op('%=')
                 | op('+=') | op('-=') | op('&=') | op('|=') | op('+')
                 | op('-') | op('~') | op('not') | op('?') | op('!') | op('>>')
                 | op('<<') | op('*') | op('/') | op('%') | op('<') | op('<=')
                 | op('>=') | op('>') | op('as?') | op('as!') | op('is')
                 | op('==') | op('!=') | op('~=') | op('===') | op('&')
                 | op('^') | op('|') | op('and') | op('or')) >> make_name

# Nonterminal symbols.

fun_decl = forward_decl()
struct_decl = forward_decl()
enum_decl = forward_decl()
protocol_decl = forward_decl()
expr = forward_decl()
select_expr = forward_decl()
operand = forward_decl()
if_expr = forward_decl()
switch_expr = forward_decl()
type_signature = forward_decl()
type_name = forward_decl()
pattern = forward_decl()
stmt = forward_decl()

def make_stmt_list(args):

def tokval(t: Token) -> Any:
    return t.value

ident = some(lambda t: t.type == 'Ident') >> tokval
binder = some(
    lambda t: t.type == 'Ident' and t.value in _binder_names) >> tokval
binop = some(lambda t: t.type == 'Ident' and t.value in bin_ops) >> tokval
lparen = skip(some(lambda t: t.type == 'LParen'))
rparen = skip(some(lambda t: t.type == 'RParen'))
dot = skip(some(lambda t: t.type == 'Dot'))
comma = skip(some(lambda t: t.type == 'Ident' and t.value == ","))

expr = forward_decl()

expr_cont_quantified = (binder + ident + dot + expr +
                        rparen) >> (lambda xs: EQuantified(*xs))

expr_cont_expr1 = (expr + (
    ((binop + expr + rparen) >>
     (lambda xs: lambda e1: EApply(EApply(EIdent(xs[0]), e1), xs[1]))) |
    ((expr + rparen) >>
     (lambda e2: lambda e1: EApply(e1, e2))))) >> (lambda xs: xs[1](xs[0]))

expr.define((ident >> EIdent) | (lparen +
                                 (expr_cont_quantified | expr_cont_expr1)))

def sep_by(p1: Parser, p2: Parser) -> Parser:
Ejemplo n.º 42
def parse(seq, translate=lambda x, y: y):
    """Parse the given sequence of tokens into a StateMachine object

        seq (list): List of lexer.Token tokens to parse
        translate (function): Translation function applied to Lambda/Activity names.
                              Arguments are ("Lambda"|"Activity", arn)

        sfn.StateMachine: StateMachine object
    state = forward_decl()

    # Primatives
    array = op_('[') + maybe(string + many(op_(',') + string)) + op_(']') >> make_array

    block = block_s + many(state) + block_e
    comment_block = block_s + maybe(string) + many(state) + block_e
    retry_block = n('retry') + (array|string) + integer_pos + integer_nn + number >> make(ASTModRetry)
    catch_block = n('catch') + (array|string) + op_(':') + maybe(string) + block >> make(ASTModCatch)

    # Simple States
    state_modifier = ((n('timeout') + op_(':') + integer_pos >> make(ASTModTimeout)) |
                      (n('heartbeat') + op_(':') + integer_pos >> make(ASTModHeartbeat)) |
                      (n('input') + op_(':') + string >> make(ASTModInput)) |
                      (n('result') + op_(':') + string >> make(ASTModResult)) |
                      (n('output') + op_(':') + string >> make(ASTModOutput)) |
                      (n('data') + op_(':') + block_s + json_text() + block_e >> make(ASTModData)) |
                      retry_block | catch_block)

    state_modifiers = state_modifier + many(state_modifier) >> make(ASTModifiers)
    state_block = maybe(block_s + maybe(string) + maybe(state_modifiers) + block_e)

    pass_ = n('Pass') + op_('(') + op_(')') + state_block >> make(ASTStatePass)
    success = n('Success') + op_('(') + op_(')') + state_block >> make(ASTStateSuccess)
    fail = n('Fail') + op_('(') + string + op_(',') + string + op_(')') + state_block >> make(ASTStateFail)
    task = (n('Lambda') | n('Activity')) + op_('(') + string + op_(')') + state_block >> make(ASTStateTask)
    wait_types = n('seconds') | n('seconds_path') | n('timestamp') | n('timestamp_path')
    wait = n('Wait') + op_('(') + wait_types + op_('=') + (integer_pos|timestamp_or_string) + op_(')') + state_block >> make(ASTStateWait)
    simple_state = pass_ | success | fail | task | wait

    # Flow Control States
    transform_modifier = ((n('input') + op_(':') + string >> make(ASTModInput)) |
                          (n('result') + op_(':') + string >> make(ASTModResult)) |
                          (n('output') + op_(':') + string >> make(ASTModOutput)))
    transform_modifiers = transform_modifier + many(transform_modifier) >> make(ASTModifiers)
    transform_block = maybe(n_('transform') + op_(':') + block_s + maybe(transform_modifiers) + block_e)

    while_ = n('while') + comparison + op_(':') + comment_block + transform_block >> make(ASTStateWhile)
    if_else = (n('if') + comparison + op_(':') + comment_block +
               many(n_('elif') + comparison + op_(':') + block) +
               maybe(n_('else') + op_(':') + block) + transform_block) >> make(ASTStateIfElse)
    switch_case = n('case') + (boolean|number|timestamp_or_string) + op_(':') + block
    switch = (n('switch') + string + op_(':') +
              block_s + maybe(string) + many(switch_case) +
              maybe(n('default') + op_(':') + block) +
              block_e + transform_block) >> make(ASTStateSwitch)
    choice_state = while_ | if_else | switch

    error_modifier = (retry_block|catch_block) + many(retry_block|catch_block) >> make(ASTModifiers)
    error_block = maybe(n_('error') + op_(':') + block_s + maybe(error_modifier) + block_e)
    parallel = (n('parallel') + op_(':') + comment_block +
                many(n('parallel') + op_(':') + block) +
                transform_block + error_block) >> make(ASTStateParallel)

    state.define(simple_state | choice_state | parallel)

    # State Machine
    version = maybe(n('version') + op_(':') + string >> make(ASTModVersion))
    timeout = maybe(n('timeout') + op_(':') + integer_pos >> make(ASTModTimeout))
    machine = maybe(string) + version + timeout + many(state) + end >> make(ASTStepFunction)

        # DP NOTE: calling run() directly to have better control of error handling
        (tree, _) = machine.run(seq, State())
        resolve_arns(tree, translate)
        function = StepFunction(tree)
        #import code

        return function
    except NoParseError as e:
        max = e.state.max
        tok = seq[max] if len(seq) > max else Token('EOF', '<EOF>')

        if tok.code == 'ERRORTOKEN':
            msg = "Unterminated quote"
            msg = "Invalid syntax"
            # DP ???: Should the actual token be used in the error message?

        raise CompileError.from_token(tok, msg)
Ejemplo n.º 43
REAL: Final = literal("REAL") | literal("EXP")

INT: Final = literal("INT") | literal("HEX") | literal("OCT") | literal("BIN")

BOOL: Final = literal("BOOL")

STR: Final = literal("STR")

NONE: Final = literal("NONE")


NAME: Final = some(make_toktype_predicate("NAME"))

LIST_MAKER: Final = forward_decl()

DICT_MAKER: Final = forward_decl()


EXPR: Final = forward_decl()

ATOM_EXPR: Final = forward_decl()

LOOKUP_ATTR: Final = DOT + NAME >> lookup_attr

LOOKUP_ITEM: Final = LSQB + EXPR + RSQB >> lookup_item

Ejemplo n.º 44
## [86]   	Ideographic	   ::=   	[#x4E00-#x9FA5] | #x3007 | [#x3021-#x3029]
## [87]   	CombiningChar	   ::=   	[#x0300-#x0345] | [#x0360-#x0361] | [#x0483-#x0486] | [#x0591-#x05A1] | [#x05A3-#x05B9] | [#x05BB-#x05BD] | #x05BF | [#x05C1-#x05C2] | #x05C4 | [#x064B-#x0652] | #x0670 | [#x06D6-#x06DC] | [#x06DD-#x06DF] | [#x06E0-#x06E4] | [#x06E7-#x06E8] | [#x06EA-#x06ED] | [#x0901-#x0903] | #x093C | [#x093E-#x094C] | #x094D | [#x0951-#x0954] | [#x0962-#x0963] | [#x0981-#x0983] | #x09BC | #x09BE | #x09BF | [#x09C0-#x09C4] | [#x09C7-#x09C8] | [#x09CB-#x09CD] | #x09D7 | [#x09E2-#x09E3] | #x0A02 | #x0A3C | #x0A3E | #x0A3F | [#x0A40-#x0A42] | [#x0A47-#x0A48] | [#x0A4B-#x0A4D] | [#x0A70-#x0A71] | [#x0A81-#x0A83] | #x0ABC | [#x0ABE-#x0AC5] | [#x0AC7-#x0AC9] | [#x0ACB-#x0ACD] | [#x0B01-#x0B03] | #x0B3C | [#x0B3E-#x0B43] | [#x0B47-#x0B48] | [#x0B4B-#x0B4D] | [#x0B56-#x0B57] | [#x0B82-#x0B83] | [#x0BBE-#x0BC2] | [#x0BC6-#x0BC8] | [#x0BCA-#x0BCD] | #x0BD7 | [#x0C01-#x0C03] | [#x0C3E-#x0C44] | [#x0C46-#x0C48] | [#x0C4A-#x0C4D] | [#x0C55-#x0C56] | [#x0C82-#x0C83] | [#x0CBE-#x0CC4] | [#x0CC6-#x0CC8] | [#x0CCA-#x0CCD] | [#x0CD5-#x0CD6] | [#x0D02-#x0D03] | [#x0D3E-#x0D43] | [#x0D46-#x0D48] | [#x0D4A-#x0D4D] | #x0D57 | #x0E31 | [#x0E34-#x0E3A] | [#x0E47-#x0E4E] | #x0EB1 | [#x0EB4-#x0EB9] | [#x0EBB-#x0EBC] | [#x0EC8-#x0ECD] | [#x0F18-#x0F19] | #x0F35 | #x0F37 | #x0F39 | #x0F3E | #x0F3F | [#x0F71-#x0F84] | [#x0F86-#x0F8B] | [#x0F90-#x0F95] | #x0F97 | [#x0F99-#x0FAD] | [#x0FB1-#x0FB7] | #x0FB9 | [#x20D0-#x20DC] | #x20E1 | [#x302A-#x302F] | #x3099 | #x309A
## [88]   	Digit	   ::=   	[#x0030-#x0039] | [#x0660-#x0669] | [#x06F0-#x06F9] | [#x0966-#x096F] | [#x09E6-#x09EF] | [#x0A66-#x0A6F] | [#x0AE6-#x0AEF] | [#x0B66-#x0B6F] | [#x0BE7-#x0BEF] | [#x0C66-#x0C6F] | [#x0CE6-#x0CEF] | [#x0D66-#x0D6F] | [#x0E50-#x0E59] | [#x0ED0-#x0ED9] | [#x0F20-#x0F29]
## [89]   	Extender	   ::=   	#x00B7 | #x02D0 | #x02D1 | #x0387 | #x0640 | #x0E46 | #x0EC6 | #x3005 | [#x3031-#x3035] | [#x309D-#x309E] | [#x30FC-#x30FE]

digitsxml = re.compile(ur'[\u0030-\u0039\u0660-\u0669\u06F0-\u06F9\u0966-\u096F\u09E6-\u09EF\u0A66-\u0A6F\u0AE6-\u0AEF\u0B66-\u0B6F\u0BE7-\u0BEF\u0C66-\u0C6F\u0CE6-\u0CEF\u0D66-\u0D6F\u0E50-\u0E59\u0ED0-\u0ED9\u0F20-\u0F29]')

letters = re.compile(ur'[\u0041-\u005A\u0061-\u007A\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u00FF\u0100-\u0131\u0134-\u013E\u0141-\u0148\u014A-\u017E\u0180-\u01C3\u01CD-\u01F0\u01F4-\u01F5\u01FA-\u0217\u0250-\u02A8\u02BB-\u02C1\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03CE\u03D0-\u03D6\u03DA\u03DC\u03DE\u03E0\u03E2-\u03F3\u0401-\u040C\u040E-\u044F\u0451-\u045C\u045E-\u0481\u0490-\u04C4\u04C7-\u04C8\u04CB-\u04CC\u04D0-\u04EB\u04EE-\u04F5\u04F8-\u04F9\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0586\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0621-\u063A\u0641-\u064A\u0671-\u06B7\u06BA-\u06BE\u06C0-\u06CE\u06D0-\u06D3\u06D5\u06E5-\u06E6\u0905-\u0939\u093D\u0958-\u0961\u0985-\u098C\u098F-\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09DC-\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E1\u09F0-\u09F1\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F-\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32-\u0A33\u0A35-\u0A36\u0A38-\u0A39\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A72-\u0A74\u0A85-\u0A8B\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2-\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABD\u0AE0\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F-\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32-\u0B33\u0B36-\u0B39\u0B3D\u0B5C-\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B61\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99-\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E-\u0B9F\u0BA3-\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB5\u0BB7-\u0BB9\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C33\u0C35-\u0C39\u0C60-\u0C61\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CDE\u0CE0-\u0CE1\u0D05-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D28\u0D2A-\u0D39\u0D60-\u0D61\u0E01-\u0E2E\u0E30\u0E32-\u0E33\u0E40-\u0E45\u0E81-\u0E82\u0E84\u0E87-\u0E88\u0E8A\u0E8D\u0E94-\u0E97\u0E99-\u0E9F\u0EA1-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7\u0EAA-\u0EAB\u0EAD-\u0EAE\u0EB0\u0EB2-\u0EB3\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0F40-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F69\u10A0-\u10C5\u10D0-\u10F6\u1100\u1102-\u1103\u1105-\u1107\u1109\u110B-\u110C\u110E-\u1112\u113C\u113E\u1140\u114C\u114E\u1150\u1154-\u1155\u1159\u115F-\u1161\u1163\u1165\u1167\u1169\u116D-\u116E\u1172-\u1173\u1175\u119E\u11A8\u11AB\u11AE-\u11AF\u11B7-\u11B8\u11BA\u11BC-\u11C2\u11EB\u11F0\u11F9\u1E00-\u1E9B\u1EA0-\u1EF9\u1F00-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u2126\u212A-\u212B\u212E\u2180-\u2182\u3041-\u3094\u30A1-\u30FA\u3105-\u312C\uAC00-\uD7A3\u4E00-\u9FA5\u3007\u3021-\u3029]')
letterxml = p.some(letters.match)

combiningchars = re.compile(ur'[\u0300-\u0345\u0360-\u0361\u0483-\u0486\u0591-\u05A1\u05A3-\u05B9\u05BB-\u05BD\u05BF\u05C1-\u05C2\u05C4\u064B-\u0652\u0670\u06D6-\u06DC\u06DD-\u06DF\u06E0-\u06E4\u06E7-\u06E8\u06EA-\u06ED\u0901-\u0903\u093C\u093E-\u094C\u094D\u0951-\u0954\u0962-\u0963\u0981-\u0983\u09BC\u09BE\u09BF\u09C0-\u09C4\u09C7-\u09C8\u09CB-\u09CD\u09D7\u09E2-\u09E3\u0A02\u0A3C\u0A3E\u0A3F\u0A40-\u0A42\u0A47-\u0A48\u0A4B-\u0A4D\u0A70-\u0A71\u0A81-\u0A83\u0ABC\u0ABE-\u0AC5\u0AC7-\u0AC9\u0ACB-\u0ACD\u0B01-\u0B03\u0B3C\u0B3E-\u0B43\u0B47-\u0B48\u0B4B-\u0B4D\u0B56-\u0B57\u0B82-\u0B83\u0BBE-\u0BC2\u0BC6-\u0BC8\u0BCA-\u0BCD\u0BD7\u0C01-\u0C03\u0C3E-\u0C44\u0C46-\u0C48\u0C4A-\u0C4D\u0C55-\u0C56\u0C82-\u0C83\u0CBE-\u0CC4\u0CC6-\u0CC8\u0CCA-\u0CCD\u0CD5-\u0CD6\u0D02-\u0D03\u0D3E-\u0D43\u0D46-\u0D48\u0D4A-\u0D4D\u0D57\u0E31\u0E34-\u0E3A\u0E47-\u0E4E\u0EB1\u0EB4-\u0EB9\u0EBB-\u0EBC\u0EC8-\u0ECD\u0F18-\u0F19\u0F35\u0F37\u0F39\u0F3E\u0F3F\u0F71-\u0F84\u0F86-\u0F8B\u0F90-\u0F95\u0F97\u0F99-\u0FAD\u0FB1-\u0FB7\u0FB9\u20D0-\u20DC\u20E1\u302A-\u302F\u3099\u309A]')
combiningcharxml = p.some(combiningchars.match)
digitxml = p.some(digitsxml.match)

expression = p.forward_decl()
quote = p.skip(p.a("'"))
singlequoted =  quote + (p.oneplus(p.a("'") + p.a("'") | p.some(lambda x: x != "'")) >> join) + quote

identifier = (letterxml +
              (p.many(letterxml |
                      digitxml |
                      p.a('_') |
                      p.a('.') |
                      combiningcharxml) >> join)
              >> join) >> string.upper >> tag(u'identifier')
iri = p.oneplus(p.some(lambda x: x not in u"'#")) >> join >> tag(u'iri')
## Whitespace ::= #x20 | #x09 | #x0a | #x0d

whitespace = oneof(u'\x20\x09\x0a\x0d')
spaces = p.skip(p.many(whitespace))
Ejemplo n.º 45
def parse(seq):
    """Sequence(Token) -> object"""
    const = lambda x: lambda _: x
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda t: some(lambda x: x.type == t) >> tokval
    op = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
    n = lambda s: a(Token('Name', s)) >> tokval

    def make_array(n):
        if n is None:
            return []
            return [n[0]] + n[1]

    def make_object(n):
        return dict(make_array(n))

    def make_number(n):
            return int(n)
        except ValueError:
            return float(n)

    def unescape(s):
        std = {
            '"': '"', '\\': '\\', '/': '/', 'b': '\b', 'f': '\f',
            'n': '\n', 'r': '\r', 't': '\t',

        def sub(m):
            if m.group('standard') is not None:
                return std[m.group('standard')]
                return chr(int(m.group('unicode'), 16))

        return re_esc.sub(sub, s)

    def make_string(n):
        return unescape(n[1:-1])

    null = n('null') >> const(None)
    true = n('true') >> const(True)
    false = n('false') >> const(False)
    number = toktype('Number') >> make_number
    string = toktype('String') >> make_string
    value = forward_decl()
    member = string + op_(':') + value >> tuple
    object = (
        op_('{') +
        maybe(member + many(op_(',') + member)) +
        >> make_object)
    array = (
        op_('[') +
        maybe(value + many(op_(',') + value)) +
        >> make_array)
        | true
        | false
        | object
        | array
        | number
        | string)
    json_text = object | array
    json_file = json_text + skip(finished)

    return json_file.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 46

def make_param_type(type, param):
    params = param if isinstance(param, list) else [param]
    return ParameterizedType(type, params)

def make_param_list(head, tail):
    return [head] + tail

identifier = tok('identifier')
class_type = identifier + many(op('.') + identifier) >> make_class_type
type_expr = forward_decl()
simple_expr = class_type
paren_param_list = (
    op('(') + type_expr + many(op(',') + type_expr) + op(')')
    >> make_param_list)
bracket_param_list = (
    op('[') + type_expr + many(op(',') + type_expr) + op(']')
    >> make_param_list)
of_param_list = op('of') + (paren_param_list | type_expr)
param_type = (
    simple_expr + (of_param_list | bracket_param_list)
    >> make_param_type)
type_expr.define(param_type | class_type)
type_file = type_expr + skip(finished)

Ejemplo n.º 47
def base_parser(validate_field, validate_entry):
    """Return the base parser which all other parsers are based on.

    The valid_fields and valid_entries arguments denote the allowable names for
    a grammar.

    # Simple expressions
    integer = token_type('number')
    name = token_type('name')
    variable = name

    # Braced expressions e.g. '{braced}'
    non_braced = if_token_type('content', always_true)
    braced_expr = parser.forward_decl()
        (if_token_type('lbrace', lambda v: True) +
         parser.many(braced_expr | non_braced) +
         if_token_type('rbrace', lambda v: True)) >> make_braced_expr)
    braced_expr = braced_expr >> remove_outer_braces

    # String expressions, e.g. '"This " # var # " that"'
    string_expr =\
            parser.some(lambda x: x.type == 'string') >> make_string |
            parser.some(lambda x: x.type == 'name') >> token_value,
        ) >> join_string_expr('')

    # The value of a field
    value = braced_expr | integer | string_expr | variable

    # Make sure we only parsed valid fields
    valid_field = if_token_type('name', validate_field)

    field = valid_field + skip('equals') + value >> make_field

    assignment = token_type('name') + skip('equals') + value

    # A regular comment: Any text outside of entries
    comment = token_type('comment')

    # @string
    string_entry = simple_entry(assignment, is_string_entry, make_string_entry)

    # @comment
    comment_entry = simple_entry(token_type('content'), is_comment_entry,

    # @preamble
    preamble_entry = simple_entry(token_type('content'), is_preamble_entry,

    # Make sure we only parsed valid entries
    valid_entry = if_token_type('name', validate_entry) >> token_value

    # @article etc.
    entry = skip('entry')\
        + valid_entry\
        + skip('lbrace')\
        + (token_type('name') | token_type('number')) + skip('comma')\
        + parser.maybe(delimited_list(field, 'comma'))\
        + parser.maybe(skip('comma'))\
        + skip('rbrace')\
        >> make_entry

    return parser.many(string_entry
                       | comment_entry
                       | preamble_entry
                       | entry
                       | comment) + parser.skip(parser.finished)
Ejemplo n.º 48
def parse(seq):
    """Sequence(Token) -> object"""
    unarg = lambda f: lambda args: f(*args)
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    flatten = lambda list: sum(list, [])
    n = lambda s: a(Token('Name', s)) >> tokval
    op = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
    id_types = ['Name', 'Number', 'String']
    id = some(lambda t: t.type in id_types).named('id') >> tokval
    make_graph_attr = lambda args: DefAttrs('graph', [Attr(*args)])
    make_edge = lambda x, xs, attrs: Edge([x] + xs, attrs)

    node_id = id # + maybe(port)
    a_list = (
        id +
        maybe(op_('=') + id) +
        >> unarg(Attr))
    attr_list = (
        many(op_('[') + many(a_list) + op_(']'))
        >> flatten)
    attr_stmt = (
        (n('graph') | n('node') | n('edge')) +
        >> unarg(DefAttrs))
    graph_attr = id + op_('=') + id >> make_graph_attr
    node_stmt = node_id + attr_list >> unarg(Node)
    # We use a forward_decl becaue of circular definitions like (stmt_list ->
    # stmt -> subgraph -> stmt_list)
    subgraph = forward_decl()
    edge_rhs = skip(op('->') | op('--')) + (subgraph | node_id)
    edge_stmt = (
        (subgraph | node_id) +
        oneplus(edge_rhs) +
        >> unarg(make_edge))
    stmt = (
        | edge_stmt
        | subgraph
        | graph_attr
        | node_stmt
    stmt_list = many(stmt + skip(maybe(op(';'))))
        skip(n('subgraph')) +
        maybe(id) +
        op_('{') +
        stmt_list +
        >> unarg(SubGraph))
    graph = (
        maybe(n('strict')) +
        maybe(n('graph') | n('digraph')) +
        maybe(id) +
        op_('{') +
        stmt_list +
        >> unarg(Graph))
    dotfile = graph + skip(finished)

    return dotfile.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 49
    if s == 'int':
        return int
    elif s == 'str':
        return str
    elif s == 'float':
        return float
    elif s == 'bool':
        return bool
    elif s in ['obj', 'object']:
        return typing.Any
    elif s in ['None', 'NoneType']:
        return type(None)
    return s

element = forward_decl()
elements = forward_decl()
skip_of = skip_str('of')
any_class = some(lambda x: re.match('[a-zA-Z0-9_]+', x.string)) >> to_simple_type
set_parser = (a_str('set') + skip_of + element) >> compile_set_type
list_parser = (a_str('list') + skip_of + element) >> compile_list_type
dict_parser = (a_str('dict') + skip_of + skip_str('{') + element + skip_str(',') + element + skip_str('}')) >> \
tuple_parser = (a_str('tuple') + skip_of + skip_str('(') + elements + skip_str(')')) >> compile_tuple_type
element.define(set_parser | list_parser | dict_parser | tuple_parser | any_class)
elements.define((many(element + skip_str(',')) + element) >>
                (lambda x: x[0] + [x[1]]))
type_contract_parser = skip_str('(') + maybe(elements) + skip_str(')') + skip_str('->') + element

docstring_description = many(some(lambda token: '>>>' not in token.line)) >> (lambda tokens: ' '.join(token.string for token in tokens))
Ejemplo n.º 50
def parse(tokens):
    name = some(t('NAME')) >> tokval

    raw_string = some(t('STRING')) >> tokval >> strip('"')

    num = some(t('NUMBER')) >> tokval >> float
    true = const('true') >> always(True)
    false = const('false') >> always(False)
    null_ = const('null') >> always(None)

    enum_item = (num | true | false | null_ | name | raw_string)
    enum = many(enum_item + skip(op("|"))) + enum_item >> append \
        >> anno("enum")

    boolean = const("bool") >> always(None) >> anno("boolean")
    null = const("null") >> always(None) >> anno("null")

    num_range = skip(op('{')) + maybe(num) + \
        skip(op(",")) + maybe(num) + skip(op('}')) >> tuple

    regexp = some(t("REGEXP")) >> tokval >> strip("/")
    string = ((skip(const("str")) +
               maybe(num_range) + maybe(regexp)) |
              (maybe(num_range) + (regexp))) \
        >> anno("string")

    _format = skip(op("%")) + name >> anno("format")

    num_range_step = skip(op('{')) + maybe(num) + \
        skip(op(",")) + maybe(num) + \
        maybe(skip(op(",")) + num) + skip(op('}')) >> tuple

    number = skip(const("num")) + maybe(num_range_step) >> anno("number")
    integer = skip(const("int")) + maybe(num_range_step) >> anno("integer")

    schema = forward_decl()

    array = skip(op('[')) \
        + (many(schema + skip(op(","))) + maybe(schema) >> append) \
        + skip(op(']')) + maybe(num_range) + maybe(op("!")) >> anno("array")

    indent = some(t("INDENT")) >> tokval >> anno("indent")
    dedent = some(t("DEDENT")) >> tokval
    nl = some(t('NL'))
    definition = op("@") + name
    key = (((name | string) + maybe(op("?"))) | definition) + skip(op(":"))

    ref = skip(op("@")) + (name | name + skip(op(":")) + name) >> anno("ref")
    ref_declaration = skip(op("@")) + name + raw_string \
        >> (lambda name_url: (name_url[0], "extref", name_url[1]))

    base_schema = ref | string | number | integer | boolean | null | _format \
        | array

    oneof = oneplus(base_schema + skip(op("|"))) + base_schema \
        >> append >> anno("oneof")
    anyof = oneplus(base_schema + skip(op("/"))) + base_schema \
        >> append >> anno("anyof")
    allof = oneplus(base_schema + skip(op("&"))) + base_schema \
        >> append >> anno("allof")
    simple_schema = anyof | oneof | allof | base_schema | enum | array

    dots = op("...") >> always((None, "open", None))
    refid = skip(op("@")) + raw_string >> (lambda x: (None, "id", x))

    obj = forward_decl()
    nested_obj = skip(nl) + skip(indent) + obj + skip(dedent)
    obj.define(oneplus(((key + ((simple_schema + skip(nl)) | nested_obj))
                       | ((dots | refid | ref_declaration) + skip(nl)))
                       >> list) >> list2dict >> anno("object"))

    schema.define(obj | simple_schema)

    exprs = skip(maybe(nl)) + schema + skip(maybe(nl)) + skip(finished)
    return exprs.parse(list(tokens))