Ejemplo n.º 1
def parse(seq):
    'Sequence(Token) -> object'
    unarg = lambda f: lambda args: f(*args)
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    flatten = lambda list: sum(list, [])
    n = lambda s: a(Token('Name', s)) >> tokval
    op = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
    date = some(lambda s: a(Token('Date', s))).named('date') >> tokval
    id = some(lambda t: t.type in ['Name', 'Number', 'String']).named(
        'id') >> tokval
    make_chart_attr = lambda args: DefAttrs(u'chart', [Attr(*args)])

    node_id = id  # + maybe(port)
    term = date + op_('-') + date
    value = (id | term | date)
    a_list = (id + maybe(op_('=') + id) + skip(maybe(op(','))) >> unarg(Attr))
    attr_list = (many(op_('[') + many(a_list) + op_(']')) >> flatten)
    chart_attr = id + (op_('=') | op_(':')) + value >> make_chart_attr
    node_stmt = node_id + attr_list >> unarg(Node)

    stmt = (chart_attr | node_stmt)
    stmt_list = many(stmt + skip(maybe(op(';'))))
    chart = (maybe(n('diagram')) + maybe(id) + op_('{') + stmt_list + op_('}')
             >> unarg(Chart))
    dotfile = chart + skip(finished)

    return dotfile.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_number_parser():
  """Return parser that reads (float and int) numbers with whitespace."""
  number = (parser.some(lambda tok: tok.type == 'NUMBER')
            >> token_value
            >> string_to_number)
  indent = parser.some(lambda t: t.code == token.INDENT)
  dedent = parser.a(Token(token.DEDENT, ''))
  newline = parser.a(Token(54, '\n'))
  ignored_whitespace = parser.skip(indent | dedent | newline)
  return parser.oneplus(number | ignored_whitespace)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def parse(seq):
    'Sequence(Token) -> object'
    const = lambda x : lambda _: x
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda t: some(lambda x: x.type == t) >> tokval
    op = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    #css_text = 
    #css = skip(finished)
    number = some(lambda tok: tok.type == 'NUMBER') >> tokval >> int

    return type(number.parse(seq))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def parse_expression(expression):
    """Parse an expression that appears in an execution node, i.e. a
    block delimited by ``{% %}``.

    This can be a compound expression like a ``for`` statement with
    several sub-expressions, or it can just be a single statement such
    as ``endif``.

    :param list expression: Tokenised expression.

    from funcparserlib.parser import a, skip, some

    # For if expressions, we rely on the Python parser to process the
    # expression rather than using our own parser.
    if expression[0] == 'if':
        return IfNode(ast.parse(' '.join(expression[1:]), mode="eval"))

    variable_name = some(lambda x: re.match(r'[a-zA-Z_]+', x))

    # TODO We use the same function twice, first to match the token
    # and then to extract the value we care about from the token
    # (namely the contents of the quoted string). This smells wrong.
    def extract_quoted_string(x):
        result = re.match(r'\"([^\"]*)\"', x)
        if result:
            return result.groups(1)

    quoted_string = some(extract_quoted_string)

    for_expression = (skip(a('for')) + (variable_name >> str) + skip(a('in')) +
                      (variable_name >> str))

    extends_expression = (skip(a('extends')) +
                          (quoted_string >> extract_quoted_string))

    block_expression = (skip(a('block')) + (variable_name >> str))

    def make_for_node(x):
        return ForNode(*x)

    def make_extends_node(x):
        return ExtendsNode(*x)

    parser = ((for_expression >> make_for_node)
              | (extends_expression >> make_extends_node)
              | (block_expression >> BlockNode))

        return parser.parse(expression)
    except funcparserlib.parser.NoParseError as e:
        raise Exception("Invalid expression '%s'" % expression)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def parse(seq):
    'Sequence(Token) -> object'
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    op = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
    id = some(lambda t: t.type in ['Name', 'Number', 'Color', 'String']).named(
        'id') >> tokval
    date = some(lambda t: t.type == 'Date').named('date') >> tokval
    make_node = lambda args: Node(*args)

    node_stmt = id + op_(':') + date + maybe(op_('-') + date) >> make_node
    chart = (many(node_stmt + skip(maybe(op(';')))) >> Chart)
    dotfile = chart + skip(finished)

    return dotfile.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def parse_identifier(line: str):
        """Parses just the identifer (first element) of the write"""
        tokval = lambda t: t.value
        joinval = "".join
        someToken = lambda type: some(lambda t: t.type == type)

        char = someToken('Char') >> tokval
        space = someToken('Space') >> tokval
        comma = someToken('Comma') >> tokval
        quote = someToken('Quote') >> tokval
        escape = someToken('Escape') >> tokval
        equal = someToken('Equal') >> tokval

        escape_space = skip(escape) + space >> joinval
        escape_comma = skip(escape) + comma >> joinval
        escape_equal = skip(escape) + equal >> joinval
        escape_escape = skip(escape) + escape >> joinval

        plain_int_text = someToken('Int') >> tokval
        plain_float_text = someToken('Float') >> tokval

        identifier = many(char | plain_float_text | plain_int_text |
                          escape_space | escape_comma | escape_equal |
                          escape_escape | plain_int_text | quote) >> joinval

        toplevel = identifier >> (lambda x: x)
        parsed =  toplevel.parse(LineTokenizer.tokenize(line))
        if len(parsed) == 0:
            raise NoParseError('parsed nothing')
            return parsed
def parse(seq):
	"""Returns the AST of the given token sequence."""
	global depth
	unarg = lambda f: lambda x: f(*x)

	tokval = lambda x: x.value # returns the value of a token
	toktype = lambda t: some(lambda x: x.type == t) >> tokval # checks type of token
	paren = lambda s: a(Token('Parentheses', s)) >> tokval # return the value if token is Op
	paren_ = lambda s: skip(paren(s)) # checks if token is Op and ignores it

	def application(z, list):
		return reduce(lambda s, x: Application(s, x), list, z)

	depth = 0
	variable = lambda x: Variable(str(x)+":"+str(depth))
	def abstraction(x):
		global depth
		abst = Abstraction(str(x[0])+":"+str(depth), x[1])
		depth += 1
		return abst
	variable = toktype('Name') >> variable
	term = variable | with_forward_decls(lambda: paren_('(') + exp + paren_(')')) | \
		with_forward_decls(lambda: skip(toktype('Lambda')) + toktype('Name') + \
			skip(toktype('Dot')) + exp >> abstraction)

	exp = term + many(term) >> unarg(application)

	return exp.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def parse(sequence, query):
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda t: (some(lambda x: x.type == t).named('(type %s)' % t) >>
    operation = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    operation_ = lambda s: skip(operation(s))

    create_param = lambda param_name: query.get_aliased_param(param_name)
    make_and = lambda params: And(params[0], params[1])
    make_or = lambda params: Or(params[0], params[1])
    make_not = lambda inner: Not(inner)

    word = toktype('Word')
    inner_bracket = forward_decl()
    left_of_and = forward_decl()
    right_of_and = forward_decl()
    left_of_or = forward_decl()
    not_ = forward_decl()
    bracket = operation_('(') + inner_bracket + operation_(')')
    and_ = left_of_and + operation_('&') + right_of_and >> make_and
    or_ = left_of_or + operation_('|') + inner_bracket >> make_or
    param = word >> create_param

    not_.define(operation_('!') + (bracket | param))
    not_ = not_ >> make_not

    left_of_or.define(and_ | bracket | not_ | param)
    left_of_and.define(bracket | not_ | param)
    inner_bracket.define(or_ | and_ | bracket | not_ | param)

    definition = (bracket | inner_bracket) + finished

    return definition.parse(sequence)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def unpack(kind):
    "Parse an unpacking form, returning it unchanged."
    return some(lambda x:
        isinstance(x, HyExpression)
        and len(x) > 0
        and isinstance(x[0], HySymbol)
        and x[0] == "unpack-" + kind)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def parse(seq):
    'Sequence(Token) -> object'
    unarg = lambda f: lambda args: f(*args)
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    flatten = lambda list: sum(list, [])
    value_flatten = lambda l: sum([[l[0]]] + list(l[1:]), [])
    n = lambda s: a(Token('Name', s)) >> tokval
    op = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
    id = some(lambda t:
        t.type in ['Name', 'Number', 'Color', 'String']).named('id') >> tokval
    make_chart_attr = lambda args: DefAttrs(u'chart', [Attr(*args)])

    node_id = id  # + maybe(port)
    pair = (
        op_('(') + id + skip(maybe(op(','))) + id + op_(')')
        >> tuple)
    value = (id | pair)
    value_list = (
        value +
        many(op_(',') + value)
        >> value_flatten)
    a_list = (
        id +
        maybe(op_('=') + id) +
        >> unarg(Attr))
    attr_list = (
        many(op_('[') + many(a_list) + op_(']'))
        >> flatten)
    chart_attr = id + (op_('=') | op_(':')) + value_list >> make_chart_attr
    node_stmt = node_id + attr_list >> unarg(Node)

    stmt = (
        | node_stmt
    stmt_list = many(stmt + skip(maybe(op(';'))))
    chart_type = (
          n('p')   | n('pie')    | n('piechart')
        | n('p3')  | n('pie3d')  | n('piechart_3d')
        | n('lc')  | n('line')   | n('linechart')
        | n('lxy') | n('linechartxy')
        | n('bhs') | n('holizontal_barchart')
        | n('bvs') | n('vertical_barchart')
        | n('bhg') | n('holizontal_bargraph')
        | n('bvg') | n('vertical_bargraph')
        | n('v')   | n('venn')   | n('venndiagram')
        | n('s')   | n('plot')   | n('plotchart')
    chart = (
        chart_type +
        maybe(id) +
        op_('{') +
        stmt_list +
        >> unarg(Chart))
    dotfile = chart + skip(finished)

    return dotfile.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def int_range(low, high):
    def predicate(token):
        if token.type != TokenType.Integer:
            return False
        return to_i(token) in range(low, high + 1)

    return p.some(predicate) >> to_i
def parse(seq):
	"""Returns the AST of the given token sequence."""
	def eval_expr(z, list):
		return reduce(lambda s, (f, x): f(s, x), list, z)
	unarg = lambda f: lambda x: f(*x)
	const = lambda x: lambda _: x # like ^^^ in Scala

	tokval = lambda x: x.value # returns the value of a token
	op = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval # return the value if token is Op
	op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s)) # checks if token is Op and ignores it
	toktype = lambda t: some(lambda x: x.type == t) >> tokval # checks type of token
	def lst(h,t):
		return [h,] + t

	makeop = lambda s, f: op(s) >> const(f)
	or_op = makeop('|', Or)
	char = with_forward_decls(lambda:
		toktype('Char') >> Char | op_('(') + exp + op_(')'))
	star = char + op_('*') >> Star | char

	lst2_exp = star + many(star) >> unarg(lst)
	lst_exp = lst2_exp >> Lst

	exp = lst_exp + many(or_op + lst_exp) >> unarg(eval_expr)

	return exp.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def tok(type, name=None):
    """Parse a single token.

    :type type: unicode
    :type name: unicode or None
    return some(lambda t: t.type == type and (name is None or t.name == name))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def unpack(kind):
    "Parse an unpacking form, returning it unchanged."
    return some(lambda x:
        isinstance(x, HyExpression)
        and len(x) > 0
        and isinstance(x[0], HySymbol)
        and x[0] == "unpack-" + kind)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def int_range(low, high):
    def predicate(token):
        if token.type != TokenType.Integer:
            return False
        return to_i(token) in range(low, high + 1)

    return p.some(predicate) >> to_i
Ejemplo n.º 16
def token_type(tok_type):
    Get a parser matching a certain type of tokens

    :param tok_type: predefined token type to be matched
    :return: a parser that matches token of type `tok_type`
    return some(lambda tok: tok.type == tok_type)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def notpexpr(*disallowed_heads):
    """Parse any object other than a HyExpression beginning with a
    HySymbol equal to one of the disallowed_heads."""
    return some(lambda x: not (
        isinstance(x, HyExpression) and
        x and
        isinstance(x[0], HySymbol) and
        x[0] in disallowed_heads))
Ejemplo n.º 18
def notpexpr(*disallowed_heads):
    """Parse any object other than a HyExpression beginning with a
    HySymbol equal to one of the disallowed_heads."""
    return some(lambda x: not (
        isinstance(x, HyExpression) and
        x and
        isinstance(x[0], HySymbol) and
        x[0] in disallowed_heads))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def parse(tokens):
    t = lambda s: some(lambda tok: tok.type == s)

    inttype      = t('Int')
    chartype     = t('Char')
    unsignedtype = t('Unsigned') 
    name         = t('Name')
    star         = t('Star')
    void         = t('Void')
    lpar         = skip(t('LPar'))
    rpar         = skip(t('RPar'))
    comma        = skip(t('Comma'))
    semicolon    = skip(t('SemiColon'))

    def collapse(x):
        if len(x[1]) > 0:
            # TODO: handle multiple stars
            return Token("UserTypePointer", x[0].value + " " + x[1][0].value)
            return Token("UserType", x[0].value)

    def make_func(x):
        return Token('Function', x.value)

    def make_type(x):
        if len(x) == 3: 
            return Token("UnsignedTypePointer", x)
        elif len(x) == 2: 
            if x[0].type == "Unsigned":
                return Token("UnsignedType", x)
                return Token("TypePointer", x)
            return Token("Type", x)

    udt      = name + many(star) >> collapse
    prim     = (inttype | chartype | unsignedtype + inttype | unsignedtype + chartype ) + many(star) >> make_type
    voidptr  = void + star + many(star)
    func     = name >> make_func

    accepted_types = voidptr | prim | udt

    # Return Type
    rettype = void | accepted_types 

    # Argument List
    decl      = accepted_types + name
    decl_list = decl + many(comma + decl)

    arg_list  = void | decl_list

    func_decl = rettype + func + lpar + arg_list + rpar + semicolon

    return func_decl.parse(tokens)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def a(value: str) -> "Parser[Token, Token]":
    """Eq(a) -> Parser(a, a)

    Returns a parser that parses a token that is equal to the value value.
    def _is_value_eq(token: Token) -> bool:
        return token.value == value

    return some(_is_value_eq).named(f'(a "{value}")')
Ejemplo n.º 21
def read_model(filename):
    # Slurp file
    with open(filename) as file:
        character_lines = file.read().splitlines()

    # Tokenize
    token_lines = []
    for line in character_lines:
        tokens_line = token_phase(line)

        if tokens_line:
            # Keep only non-blank lines

    class Section(aenum.AutoNumberEnum):
        options = ()
        components = ()

    active_section = Section.components

    components = []

    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda t: some(lambda x: x.type == t) >> tokval
    header = op_("%") + toktype("name")

    for line in token_lines:
        maybe_section_name = test_all(header, line)
        if isinstance(maybe_section_name, str):
            # Header line encountered
            if maybe_section_name == "options":
                active_section = Section.options
            elif maybe_section_name == "components":
                active_section = Section.components
                raise ValueError()  # TODO (drhagen): better error

        if active_section == Section.options:
        elif active_section == Section.components:
            component_i = test_all(component, line)
            if isinstance(component_i, NoParseError):
                raise component_i  # TODO (drhagen): collect all errors are report them at once
            raise ValueError()  # Unreachable

    parts, events = collapse_components(components)

    new_model = Model(parts, events)

    return new_model
Ejemplo n.º 22
def create_parser():
    # operator: '~=' | '>=' | '<=' | '<' | '>' | '='
    operator = some(lambda tok: tok.type == 'CMP') >> choose_class

    # value: STRING | WORD
    word = some(lambda tok: tok.type == 'WORD') >> Text
    string = some(lambda tok: tok.type == 'STRING') >> QuotedText
    value = string | word

    # function: WORD '(' ')'
    open_brace = skip(a(Token('BR', '(')))
    close_brace = skip(a(Token('BR', ')')))
    function = word + open_brace + close_brace >> Function

    # field_expr: WORD operator value
    fieldexpr = (word + operator + (function | value)) >> (lambda x: x[1]
                                                           ([x[0], x[2]]))

    OR = a(Token('OP', 'OR')) >> choose_class
    AND = a(Token('OP', 'AND')) >> choose_class

    def eval(data):
        arg1, lst = data
        for f, arg2 in lst:
            arg1 = f([arg1, arg2])

        return arg1

    def eval(data):
        lft, args = data
        return reduce(lambda arg1, (f, arg2): f([arg1, arg2]), args, lft)

    expr = forward_decl()

    basexpr = open_brace + expr + close_brace | fieldexpr
    andexpr = (basexpr + many(AND + basexpr)) >> eval
    orexpr = (andexpr + many(OR + andexpr)) >> eval

    return expr
Ejemplo n.º 23
def _parse(seq):
    const = lambda x: lambda _: x
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda t: some(lambda x: x.type == t) >> tokval
    op = lambda s: a(Token(u'Op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))

    def make_string(args):
        context, value = args
        if not context: context = 'any:'
        return String(unescape_str(value[1:-1]), context[:-1])

    def make_regex(args):
        context, value = args
        value, modifiers = value.rsplit('/', 1)
        value = value[1:]
        if not context: context = 'any:'
        return Regex(unescape_regex(value), modifiers, context[:-1])

    def make_or(args):
        return Or(*args)

    def make_and(args):
        return And(*args)

    def make_not(x):
        return Not(x)

    context = maybe(toktype(u'Prefix'))
    string = (context + toktype(u'String')) >> make_string
    regex = (context + toktype(u'Regex')) >> make_regex

    par_term = forward_decl()
    simple_term = forward_decl()
    term = forward_decl()
    not_term = forward_decl()
    and_term = forward_decl()
    or_term = forward_decl()

    par_term.define(op_(u'(') + term + op_(u')'))

    simple_term.define(par_term | string | regex)
    not_term.define(op_('not') + not_term >> make_not | simple_term)
    and_term.define(not_term + op_('and') + and_term >> make_and | not_term)
    or_term.define(and_term + op_('or') + or_term >> make_or | and_term)


    eof = skip(toktype(u'EOF'))
    filter_expr = (term + eof) | (eof >> const(Any()))
    return filter_expr.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def parse(constraints):
    """Using funcparserlib turn constraints into a mongo query

    NOTE: this uses functors, see:

    tokval = lambda tok: tok.value
    char = lambda tok: tok.code == 'CHAR'
    chars = some(char) >> tokval
    operator = lambda s: a(Token('OP', s)) >> tokval
    const = lambda x: lambda _: x
    makeop = lambda s: operator(s) >> const(s)

    item = many(chars) >> (lambda x: ''.join(x))
    test1 = item.parse(tokenize('hello123'))
    assert test1 == 'hello123'
    test1b = item.parse(tokenize('42a'))
    assert test1b == '42a'
    test1c = item.parse(tokenize('cam-oeprod-123299-master'))
    assert test1c == 'cam-oeprod-123299-master'
    test1d = item.parse(tokenize('Hello world'))
    assert test1d == 'Hello world'
    equals = makeop('=')
    assert equals.parse(tokenize('=')) == '='
    slash = makeop('/')
    value = item >> possible_int
    term = (item + equals + value) >> (lambda x: (x[0], x[2]))
    test2 = term.parse(tokenize('dut=catgut'))
    assert test2 == ('dut', 'catgut')
    endmark = a(Token('END', ''))
    seq = (many(((slash + term) >> (lambda x: x[1]))) >> dict)
    top = (seq + endmark) >> (lambda x: x[0])
    test3 = seq.parse(
        tokenize('/dut=catgut/foo=bar/n=30/bet=a42a/message=Hello World'))
    assert test3 == {
        'dut': 'catgut',
        'foo': 'bar',
        'n': 30,
        'message': 'Hello World',
        'bet': 'a42a'
    test4 = seq.parse(tokenize('/suppress=,bar'))
    assert test4 == {'suppress': ',bar'}
    lexemes = tokenize(constraints)
    return top.parse(lexemes)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def parse(seq):
    Parses the list of tokens and generates an AST.
    def eval_expr(z, list):
        return reduce(lambda s, (f, x): f(s, x), list, z)
    unarg = lambda f: lambda x: f(*x)
    tokval = lambda x: x.value # returns the value of a token
    toktype = lambda t: some(lambda x: x.type == t) >> tokval # checks type of token
    const = lambda x: lambda _: x # like ^^^ in Scala

    op = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval # return the value if token is Op
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s)) # checks if token is Op and ignores it

    lst = lambda x: [x[0],] + x[1]
    tup = lambda x: (x[0], x[1])

    makeop = lambda s, f: op(s) >> const(f)

    add = makeop('+', Add)
    sub = makeop('-', Sub)
    mul = makeop('*', Mul)
    div = makeop('/', Div)

    lt = makeop('<', Lt)
    gt = makeop('>', Gt)
    eq = makeop('=', Eq)

    operation = add | sub | mul | div | lt | gt | eq

    decl = with_forward_decls(lambda:toktype('Var') + op_('=') + (exp | fun) >> tup)
    decls = decl + many(skip(toktype('Semicolon')) + decl) >> lst
    variable = toktype('Var') >> Variable
    variables = variable + many(skip(toktype('Comma')) + variable) >> lst
    fun = with_forward_decls(lambda: skip(toktype('Fun')) + variables + skip(toktype('Arrow')) + exp + skip(toktype('End'))) >> unarg(Fun)
    parameters = with_forward_decls(lambda: exp + many(skip(toktype('Comma')) + exp) >> lst)
    call = skip(toktype('Call')) + (fun | variable) + skip(toktype('Lp')) + parameters + skip(toktype('Rp')) >> unarg(Call)
    ex = with_forward_decls(lambda:variable | toktype('Number') >> (lambda x: Const(int(x))) |\
        toktype('True') >> (lambda x: Const(True)) | toktype('False') >> (lambda x: Const(False)) |\
        skip(toktype('Let')) + decls + skip(toktype('In')) + exp + skip(toktype('End')) >> unarg(Let) |\
        skip(toktype('If')) + exp + skip(toktype('Then')) + exp + maybe(skip(toktype('Else')) + exp) + skip(toktype('Fi')) >> unarg(If) |\
        fun | call)
    exp = ex + many(operation + ex) >> unarg(eval_expr)
    prog = skip(toktype('Prog')) + exp >> Prog

    return prog.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def test_error_info(self):
        tokenize = make_tokenizer([
            ('keyword', (r'(is|end)',)),
            ('id', (r'[a-z]+',)),
            ('space', (r'[ \t]+',)),
            ('nl', (r'[\n\r]+',)),
            list(tokenize('f is ф'))
        except LexerError as e:
                             'cannot tokenize data: 1,6: "f is \u0444"')
            self.fail('must raise LexerError')

        sometok = lambda type: some(lambda t: t.type == type)
        keyword = lambda s: a(Token('keyword', s))

        id = sometok('id')
        is_ = keyword('is')
        end = keyword('end')
        nl = sometok('nl')

        equality = id + skip(is_) + id >> tuple
        expr = equality + skip(nl)
        file = many(expr) + end

        msg = """\
spam is eggs
eggs isnt spam
        toks = [x for x in tokenize(msg) if x.type != 'space']
        except NoParseError as e:
                             "got unexpected token: 2,11-2,14: id 'spam'")
            self.assertEqual(e.state.pos, 4)
            self.assertEqual(e.state.max, 7)
            # May raise KeyError
            t = toks[e.state.max]
            self.assertEqual(t, Token('id', 'spam'))
            self.assertEqual((t.start, t.end), ((2, 11), (2, 14)))
            self.fail('must raise NoParseError')
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def test_error_info(self):
        tokenize = make_tokenizer([
            ('keyword', (r'(is|end)',)),
            ('id', (r'[a-z]+',)),
            ('space', (r'[ \t]+',)),
            ('nl', (r'[\n\r]+',)),
            list(tokenize('f is ф'))
        except LexerError as e:
                             'cannot tokenize data: 1,6: "f is \u0444"')
            self.fail('must raise LexerError')

        sometok = lambda type: some(lambda t: t.type == type)
        keyword = lambda s: a(Token('keyword', s))

        id = sometok('id')
        is_ = keyword('is')
        end = keyword('end')
        nl = sometok('nl')

        equality = id + skip(is_) + id >> tuple
        expr = equality + skip(nl)
        file = many(expr) + end

        msg = """\
spam is eggs
eggs isnt spam
        toks = [x for x in tokenize(msg) if x.type != 'space']
        except NoParseError as e:
                             "got unexpected token: 2,11-2,14: id 'spam'")
            self.assertEqual(e.state.pos, 4)
            self.assertEqual(e.state.max, 7)
            # May raise KeyError
            t = toks[e.state.max]
            self.assertEqual(t, Token('id', 'spam'))
            self.assertEqual((t.start, t.end), ((2, 11), (2, 14)))
            self.fail('must raise NoParseError')
Ejemplo n.º 28
def parse(tokens):
    '''Parses an SQL date range.

    Parses a list of Token object to see if it's a valid SQL
    clause meeting the following conditions:
    An optional sequence of ANDed simple conditions ANDed with
    an optional sequence of ORed complex condtions.
    Where a simple condition is a date unit, a sign, and a date value.
    And a complex condition is any legal SQL combination of simple
    conditions ANDed or ORed together.
    Date unit: YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MIN
    Sign: <, <=, =, >=, >
    Date value: any integer value, with an optional leading zero

       True if the tokens reprsent a valid SQL date range, False otherwise.
        left_paren = some(lambda t: t.value in '(')
        right_paren = some(lambda t: t.value in ')')
        oper = some(lambda t: t.value in SIGNS)
        unit = some(lambda t: t.value in UNITS)
        padded_num = some(lambda t: t.code == 2) + some(
            lambda t: t.code == 2)  # hmmm, better way???
        raw_num = some(lambda t: t.code == 2)
        num = padded_num | raw_num
        cond = unit + oper + num

        endmark = a(Token(token.ENDMARKER, ''))
        end = skip(endmark + finished)

        ands = maybe(cond + maybe(many(a(Token(token.NAME, 'AND')) + cond)))
        or_ands = left_paren + ands + right_paren
        ors_without_ands = or_ands + maybe(
            many(a(Token(token.NAME, 'OR')) + or_ands))
        ors_with_ands = (a(Token(token.NAME, 'AND')) + left_paren + or_ands +
                         maybe(many(a(Token(token.NAME, 'OR')) + or_ands)) +
        ors = maybe(ors_without_ands | ors_with_ands)
        full = left_paren + ands + ors + right_paren + end

    except NoParseError:
        return False
    except TokenError:
        return False
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 29
def parse(tokens):
  var = some(toktype("name")) | some(toktype("number"))

  open_form = some(toktype("form_open"))
  close_form = some(toktype("form_close"))
  op_lambda = some(toktype("op_lambda"))
  op_map = some(toktype("op_map"))

  prim_bind = some(toktype("kw_bind"))
  prim_halt = some(toktype("kw_halt"))

  exp = with_forward_decls(lambda: lam | var | prim_exp | exprn) >> Expression
  lam = open_form + op_lambda + many(var) + op_map + oneplus(exp) + close_form >> Lambda
  bind_exp = open_form + prim_bind + var + lam + close_form
  halt_exp = open_form + prim_halt + exp + close_form
  prim_exp = bind_exp | halt_exp
  exprn = open_form + oneplus(exp) + close_form >> Form

  prog = many(exp) + skip(finished) >> Program
  return prog.parse(tokens)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def parse(constraints): 
    """Using funcparserlib turn constraints into a mongo query

    NOTE: this uses functors, see:

    tokval = lambda tok: tok.value
    char = lambda tok: tok.code == 'CHAR'
    chars = some( char )>>tokval
    operator = lambda s: a(Token('OP',s)) >> tokval
    const = lambda x : lambda _: x
    makeop = lambda s: operator(s) >> const(s)
    item = many (chars) >> (
        lambda x: ''.join(x))
    test1 = item.parse(tokenize('hello123'))
    assert test1 == 'hello123'
    test1b = item.parse(tokenize('42a'))
    assert test1b == '42a'
    test1c = item.parse(tokenize('cam-oeprod-123299-master'))
    assert test1c == 'cam-oeprod-123299-master'
    test1d = item.parse(tokenize('Hello world'))
    assert test1d == 'Hello world'
    equals = makeop('=')
    assert  equals.parse(tokenize('=')) == '='
    slash = makeop('/')
    value = item >> possible_int
    term = (item + equals + value) >> (lambda x: (x[0], x[2]))
    test2 = term.parse(tokenize('dut=catgut'))
    assert test2 == ('dut','catgut')
    endmark = a(Token('END', ''))
    seq = (many( ((slash + term) >> (lambda x: x[1])) ) >> dict)
    top = (seq + endmark) >> (lambda x: x[0])
    test3 = seq.parse(tokenize(
            '/dut=catgut/foo=bar/n=30/bet=a42a/message=Hello World'))
    assert test3 == {'dut': 'catgut', 'foo': 'bar', 'n': 30, 
                     'message':'Hello World', 'bet': 'a42a'}
    test4 = seq.parse(tokenize('/suppress=,bar'))
    assert test4 == {'suppress': ',bar'}
    lexemes = tokenize(constraints)
    return top.parse(lexemes)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def _parse_rule(seq):
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda t: some(lambda x: x.type == t) >> tokval
    sep = lambda s: a(Token(u'Sep', s)) >> tokval
    s_sep = lambda s: skip(sep(s))

    level = toktype(u'Level')
    comparator = toktype(u'Comparator') >> COMPARATORS.get
    number = toktype(u'Number') >> float
    historical = toktype(u'Historical')
    unit = toktype(u'Unit')
    operator = toktype(u'Operator')
    logical_operator = toktype(u'LogicalOperator') >> LOGICAL_OPERATORS.get

    exp = comparator + (
        (number + maybe(unit)) | historical) + maybe(operator + number)
    rule = (level + s_sep(':') + exp + many(logical_operator + exp))

    overall = rule + skip(finished)
    return overall.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def parse1(tokens):
    Experimenting with collapsing part of the parse tree
    to make it easier to work with.
    t = lambda s: some(lambda tok: tok.type == s)

    name         = t('Name')
    star         = t('Star')

    def collapse(x):
        if len(x[1]) > 0:
            # TODO: handle multiple stars
            return Token("UserTypePointer", x[0].value + " " + x[1].value)
            return Token("UserType", x[0].value)

    udt = name + many(star) >> collapse

    return udt.parse(tokens)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def parse(source):
    task = Task()

    get_value = lambda x: x.value
    value_of = lambda t: some(lambda x: x.type == t) >> get_value

    keyword = lambda s: skip(value_of(s))
    make_rule = lambda x: task.add_rule(Rule(**{x[0]: x[1][1:-1]}))
    set_root = lambda value: task.set_root_dir(value[1:-1])
    set_mask = lambda value: task.set_mask(value[1:-1])

    root = keyword('In') + value_of('Value') >> set_root
    mask = keyword('With') + value_of('Value') >> set_mask
    rule = keyword('Set') + \
           value_of('Attribute') + \
           keyword('Equals') + \
           value_of('Value') \
           >> make_rule
    parser = maybe(mask) + root + many(rule)
    return task
Ejemplo n.º 34
def create_grammar():
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda t: some(lambda x: x.type == t) >> tokval
    op = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
    n = lambda s: a(Token('Name', s)) >> tokval

    null = n('null')
    true = n('true')
    false = n('false')
    number = toktype('Number')
    string = toktype('String')
    value = forward_decl()
    member = string + op_(':') + value
    object_ = (op_('{') + maybe(member + many(op_(',') + member)) + op_('}'))
    array = (op_('[') + maybe(value + many(op_(',') + value)) + op_(']'))
    value.define(null | true | false | object_ | array | number | string)
    json_text = object_ | array
    json_file = json_text + skip(finished)

    return json_file
Ejemplo n.º 35
def _parse_rule(seq):
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda t: some(lambda x: x.type == t) >> tokval
    sep = lambda s: a(Token(u'Sep', s)) >> tokval
    s_sep = lambda s: skip(sep(s))

    level = toktype(u'Level')
    comparator = toktype(u'Comparator') >> COMPARATORS.get
    number = toktype(u'Number') >> float
    historical = toktype(u'Historical')
    unit = toktype(u'Unit')
    operator = toktype(u'Operator')
    logical_operator = toktype(u'LogicalOperator') >> LOGICAL_OPERATORS.get

    exp = comparator + ((number + maybe(unit)) | historical) + maybe(operator + number)
    rule = (
        level + s_sep(':') + exp + many(logical_operator + exp)

    overall = rule + skip(finished)
    return overall.parse(seq)
def parse(seq):
	"""Returns the AST of the given token sequence."""
	def eval_expr(z, list):
		return reduce(lambda s, (f, x): f(s, x), list, z)
	unarg = lambda f: lambda x: f(*x)
	const = lambda x: lambda _: x # like ^^^ in Scala

	tokval = lambda x: x.value # returns the value of a token
	op = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval # return the value if token is Op
	op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s)) # checks if token is Op and ignores it
	toktype = lambda t: some(lambda x: x.type == t) >> tokval # checks type of token
	def lst(h,t):
		return [h,] + t
	call = lambda x: Call(x[0], x[1])

	makeop = lambda s, f: op(s) >> const(f)

	add = makeop('+', Plus)
	sub = makeop('-', Minus)
	mul = makeop('*', Times)
	div = makeop('/', Div)

	def make_const(i):
		return const(int(i))

	number = toktype('Number') >> Const

	mul_op = mul | div
	add_op = add | sub

	factor = with_forward_decls(lambda:
		number | op_('(') + exp + op_(')') | call)
	term = factor + many(mul_op + factor) >> unarg(eval_expr)
	exp = term + many(add_op + term) >> unarg(eval_expr)
	exp_lst = with_forward_decls(lambda:
		exp + many(op_(',') + exp) >> unarg(lst))
	call = toktype('Name') + op_('(') + exp_lst + op_(')') >> call

	return exp.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 37
def parse(seq):
    """Sequence(Token) -> object"""
    unarg = lambda f: lambda args: f(*args)
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    flatten = lambda list: sum(list, [])
    n = lambda s: a(Token(u'Name', s)) >> tokval
    op = lambda s: a(Token(u'Op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
    id_types = [u'Name', u'Number', u'String']
    id = some(lambda t: t.type in id_types).named(u'id') >> tokval
    make_graph_attr = lambda args: DefAttrs(u'graph', [Attr(*args)])
    make_edge = lambda x, xs, attrs: Edge([x] + xs, attrs)

    node_id = id  # + maybe(port)
    a_list = (
        id + maybe(op_(u'=') + id) + skip(maybe(op(u','))) >> unarg(Attr))
    attr_list = (many(op_(u'[') + many(a_list) + op_(u']')) >> flatten)
    attr_stmt = (
        (n(u'graph') | n(u'node') | n(u'edge')) + attr_list >> unarg(DefAttrs))
    graph_attr = id + op_(u'=') + id >> make_graph_attr
    node_stmt = node_id + attr_list >> unarg(Node)
    # We use a forward_decl becaue of circular definitions like (stmt_list ->
    # stmt -> subgraph -> stmt_list)
    subgraph = forward_decl()
    edge_rhs = skip(op(u'->') | op(u'--')) + (subgraph | node_id)
    edge_stmt = ((subgraph | node_id) + oneplus(edge_rhs) + attr_list >>
    stmt = (attr_stmt | edge_stmt | subgraph | graph_attr | node_stmt)
    stmt_list = many(stmt + skip(maybe(op(u';'))))
        skip(n(u'subgraph')) + maybe(id) + op_(u'{') + stmt_list +
        op_(u'}') >> unarg(SubGraph))
    graph = (maybe(n(u'strict')) + maybe(n(u'graph') | n(u'digraph')) +
             maybe(id) + op_(u'{') + stmt_list + op_(u'}') >> unarg(Graph))
    dotfile = graph + skip(finished)

    return dotfile.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 38
def parse(sequence, query):
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda t: (
        some(lambda x: x.type == t).named('(type %s)' % t) >> tokval
    operation = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    operation_ = lambda s: skip(operation(s))

    create_param = lambda param_name: query.get_aliased_param(
    make_and = lambda params: And(params[0], params[1])
    make_or = lambda params: Or(params[0], params[1])
    make_not = lambda inner: Not(inner)

    word = toktype('Word')
    inner_bracket = forward_decl()
    left_of_and = forward_decl()
    right_of_and = forward_decl()
    left_of_or = forward_decl()
    not_ = forward_decl()
    bracket = operation_('(') + inner_bracket + operation_(')')
    and_ = left_of_and + operation_('&') + right_of_and >> make_and
    or_ = left_of_or + operation_('|') + inner_bracket >> make_or
    param = word >> create_param

    not_.define(operation_('!') + (bracket | param))
    not_ = not_ >> make_not

    left_of_or.define(and_ | bracket | not_ | param)
    left_of_and.define(bracket | not_ | param)
    inner_bracket.define(or_ | and_ | bracket | not_ | param)

    definition = (bracket | inner_bracket) + finished

    return definition.parse(sequence)
Ejemplo n.º 39
Archivo: parse.py Proyecto: cryham/kll
		print( tokens )
		return tokens

### Rules ###

## Base Rules

const       = lambda x: lambda _: x
unarg       = lambda f: lambda x: f(*x)
flatten     = lambda list: sum( list, [] )

tokenValue  = lambda x: x.value
tokenType   = lambda t: some( lambda x: x.type == t ) >> tokenValue
operator    = lambda s: a( Token( 'Operator', s ) ) >> tokenValue
parenthesis = lambda s: a( Token( 'Parenthesis', s ) ) >> tokenValue
bracket     = lambda s: a( Token( 'Bracket', s ) ) >> tokenValue
eol         = a( Token( 'EndOfLine', ';' ) )

def maybeFlatten( items ):
	Iterate through top-level lists
	Flatten, only if the element is also a list

	[[1,2],3,[[4,5]]] -> [1,2,3,[4,5]]
	new_list = []
	for elem in items:
		# Flatten only if a list
Ejemplo n.º 40
def t(code):
    return some(lambda x: x.type == code)
Ejemplo n.º 41
def _satisfies_production(fn):
    return fp.some(fn)
Ejemplo n.º 42
def _satisfies_debug(fn):
    return fp.some(lambda t: fn(t.value))
Ejemplo n.º 43

def _cons(pair):
    head, tail = pair
    return [head] + tail

def _mkstr_debug(x):
    return "".join(c.value for c in x)

def _mkstr_production(x):
    return "".join(x)

_any = fp.some(_const(True))

def _intersperse(d, xs):
    a -> [a] -> [a]
    xs2 = []
    if xs:
    for x in xs[1:]:
    return xs2

    left, mark, rest = args[:-2], args[-2], args[-1]
    if mark == NumberMark:
        item = left[0]
    elif mark == ParenMark:
        item = left[1]
    if rest is None:
        return item
    larg, fun, rarg = item, rest[0], rest[1]
    return Function(fun, [larg, rarg])

# Parser.

lparen = some(lambda tok: tok == "(")
rparen = some(lambda tok: tok == ")")
op = some(lambda tok: tok in "+-*^&|")
eof = some(lambda tok: tok == EOF)
number = some(lambda tok: tok.isdigit()) >> make_number
paren_expr = with_forward_decls(
    lambda: lparen + expr + rparen

# *Mark here are not really required, but if you are going to do
# anything complex that requires that you discern between different
# parsing paths, marks are often give you least hassle.
expr = with_forward_decls(
    (number + pure(NumberMark) + expr_rest |
     paren_expr + pure(ParenMark) + expr_rest) >> make_expr)
Ejemplo n.º 45
def sym(wanted):
    "Parse and skip the given symbol or keyword."
    if wanted.startswith(":"):
        return skip(a(HyKeyword(wanted[1:])))
    return skip(some(lambda x: isinstance(x, HySymbol) and x == wanted))
Ejemplo n.º 46
#@+node:peckj.20140124085532.4010: *4* makeop
op = lambda s: a(Token(token.OP, s)) >> tokval
op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
const = lambda x: lambda _: x
makeop = lambda s, f: op(s) >> const(f)

#@+node:peckj.20140124085532.4008: *4* eval_expr
def eval_expr(z, list):
    return reduce(lambda s, (f, x): f(s, x), list, z)

f = unarg(eval_expr)
#@+node:peckj.20140124085532.4003: *3* grammar
posnumber = (some(lambda tok: tok.type == 'NUMBER') >> tokval >> make_number)

add = makeop('+', operator.add)
sub = makeop('-', operator.sub)
mul = makeop('*', operator.mul)
div = makeop('/', operator.div)
pow = makeop('**', operator.pow)

negnumber = (sub + posnumber) >> negate
number = posnumber | negnumber

mul_op = mul | div
add_op = add | sub

primary = with_forward_decls(lambda: number | (op_('(') + expr + op_(')')))
factor = primary + many(pow + primary) >> f
Ejemplo n.º 47
def parse(seq):
    """Sequence(Token) -> object"""
    const = lambda x: lambda _: x
    tokval = lambda x: x.value
    toktype = lambda t: some(lambda x: x.type == t) >> tokval
    op = lambda s: a(Token('Op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
    n = lambda s: a(Token('Name', s)) >> tokval

    def make_array(n):
        if n is None:
            return []
            return [n[0]] + n[1]

    def make_object(n):
        return dict(make_array(n))

    def make_number(n):
            return int(n)
        except ValueError:
            return float(n)

    def unescape(s):
        std = {
            '"': '"', '\\': '\\', '/': '/', 'b': '\b', 'f': '\f',
            'n': '\n', 'r': '\r', 't': '\t',

        def sub(m):
            if m.group('standard') is not None:
                return std[m.group('standard')]
                return chr(int(m.group('unicode'), 16))

        return re_esc.sub(sub, s)

    def make_string(n):
        return unescape(n[1:-1])

    null = n('null') >> const(None)
    true = n('true') >> const(True)
    false = n('false') >> const(False)
    number = toktype('Number') >> make_number
    string = toktype('String') >> make_string
    value = forward_decl()
    member = string + op_(':') + value >> tuple
    object = (
        op_('{') +
        maybe(member + many(op_(',') + member)) +
        >> make_object)
    array = (
        op_('[') +
        maybe(value + many(op_(',') + value)) +
        >> make_array)
        | true
        | false
        | object
        | array
        | number
        | string)
    json_text = object | array
    json_file = json_text + skip(finished)

    return json_file.parse(seq)
Ejemplo n.º 48
def evaluate(expression, environment):
    """Evaluate an expression in the specified variable environment."""

    # Well known functions
    const = lambda x: lambda _: x
    unarg = lambda f: lambda args: f(*args)

    # Semantic actions and auxiliary functions
    tokval = lambda tok: tok.value
    makeop = lambda s, f: op(s) >> const(f)
    sometok = lambda type: some(lambda tok: tok.type == type)

    def eval_name(s):
            return environment[s] # Case-sensitive
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError('unbound variable: %s' % s)

    def make_number(s):
            return int(s)
        except ValueError:
            return float(s)

    def eval_expr(expr, op_expr_pairs):
        result = expr
        for op, expr in op_expr_pairs:
            result = op(result, expr)
        return result

    def eval_call(func_name, maybe_expr_and_exprs):
        if maybe_expr_and_exprs:
            expr, exprs = maybe_expr_and_exprs
            args = [expr] + exprs
            args = []

        f = eval_name(func_name)
        if not callable(f):
            raise TypeError('variable is not callable: %s' % func_name)

        argcount = len(args)
        f_argcount = f.func_code.co_argcount
        if f_argcount != argcount:
            raise TypeError('%s takes %d arguments (%d given)' %
                            (func_name, f_argcount, argcount))
        return f(*args)

    # Primitives
    number = (
        >> tokval
        >> make_number)
    raw_name = sometok('name') >> tokval
    name = raw_name >> eval_name
    op  = lambda s: a(Token('op', s)) >> tokval
    op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))

    add = makeop('+', operator.add)
    sub = makeop('-', operator.sub)
    mul = makeop('*', operator.mul)
    div = makeop('/', operator.div)

    mul_op = mul | div
    add_op = add | sub

    # Means of composition
    expr = forward_decl()

    call = (
        raw_name + op_('(') + maybe(expr + many(op_(',') + expr)) + op_(')')
        >> unarg(eval_call))

    primary = (
        | call
        | name
        | op_('(') + expr + op_(')'))

    term = (
        primary + many(mul_op + primary)
        >> unarg(eval_expr))

        term + many(add_op + term)
        >> unarg(eval_expr))

    # Toplevel parsers
    toplevel = maybe(expr) + skip(finished)

    return toplevel.parse(tokenize(expression))
Ejemplo n.º 49
def _grouped(group_type, parsers): return (
    some(lambda x: isinstance(x, group_type)) >>
    (lambda x: group_type(whole(parsers).parse(x)).replace(x, recursive=False)))

def brackets(*parsers):
Ejemplo n.º 50
def sym(wanted):
    "Parse and skip the given symbol or keyword."
    if wanted.startswith(":"):
        return skip(a(HyKeyword(wanted[1:])))
    return skip(some(lambda x: isinstance(x, HySymbol) and x == wanted))
Ejemplo n.º 51
# Copyright 2018 the authors.
# This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
# license. See the LICENSE.

"Parser combinators for pattern-matching Hy model trees."

from hy.models import HyExpression, HySymbol, HyKeyword, HyString, HyList
from funcparserlib.parser import (
    some, skip, many, finished, a, Parser, NoParseError, State)
from functools import reduce
from itertools import repeat
from operator import add
from math import isinf

FORM = some(lambda _: True)
SYM = some(lambda x: isinstance(x, HySymbol))
STR = some(lambda x: isinstance(x, HyString))

def sym(wanted):
    "Parse and skip the given symbol or keyword."
    if wanted.startswith(":"):
        return skip(a(HyKeyword(wanted[1:])))
    return skip(some(lambda x: isinstance(x, HySymbol) and x == wanted))

def whole(parsers):
    """Parse the parsers in the given list one after another, then
    expect the end of the input."""
    if len(parsers) == 0:
        return finished >> (lambda x: [])
    if len(parsers) == 1:
        return parsers[0] + finished >> (lambda x: x[:-1])
Ejemplo n.º 52
def token(tp):
    return p.some(lambda t: t.type == tp) >> token_value
Ejemplo n.º 53
# It works on a *reversed* sequence of tokens
# (right to left), starting from a token at cursor.

tok_number = token("number")
tok_string = token("string")
dot = token(".")
colon = token(":")
single_quote = token('"')
double_quote = token("'")
quote = (single_quote | double_quote)
open_sq_brace = token("[")
close_sq_brace = token("]")
open_rnd_brace = token("(")
close_rnd_brace = token(")")

tok_constant = p.some(lambda t: t.value in {'nil', 'true', 'false'})
iden_start = p.skip(p.some(lambda t: t.type not in ".:"))
tok_splash = (p.a(Token("iden", "splash")) + iden_start) >> token_value
iden = token("iden")
opt_iden = iden | p.pure("")

# =========== Expressions parser
# FIXME: it should be rewritten using full Lua 5.2 grammar.

BINARY_OPS = set("+-*/^%><") | {"..", "==", "~=", ">=", "<=", "and", "or"}
UNARY_OPS = {"not", "-", "#"}

binary_op = p.some(lambda t: t.value in BINARY_OPS) >> token_value
unary_op = p.some(lambda t: t.value in UNARY_OPS) >> token_value

# expressions with binary and unary ops + parenthesis
Ejemplo n.º 54
def base_parser(validate_field, validate_entry):
    """Return the base parser which all other parsers are based on.

    The valid_fields and valid_entries arguments denote the allowable names for
    a grammar.

    # Simple expressions
    integer = token_type('number')
    name = token_type('name')
    variable = name

    # Braced expressions e.g. '{braced}'
    non_braced = if_token_type('content', always_true)
    braced_expr = parser.forward_decl()
        (if_token_type('lbrace', lambda v: True) +
         parser.many(braced_expr | non_braced) +
         if_token_type('rbrace', lambda v: True)) >> make_braced_expr)
    braced_expr = braced_expr >> remove_outer_braces

    # String expressions, e.g. '"This " # var # " that"'
    string_expr =\
            parser.some(lambda x: x.type == 'string') >> make_string |
            parser.some(lambda x: x.type == 'name') >> token_value,
        ) >> join_string_expr('')

    # The value of a field
    value = braced_expr | integer | string_expr | variable

    # Make sure we only parsed valid fields
    valid_field = if_token_type('name', validate_field)

    field = valid_field + skip('equals') + value >> make_field

    assignment = token_type('name') + skip('equals') + value

    # A regular comment: Any text outside of entries
    comment = token_type('comment')

    # @string
    string_entry = simple_entry(assignment, is_string_entry, make_string_entry)

    # @comment
    comment_entry = simple_entry(token_type('content'), is_comment_entry,

    # @preamble
    preamble_entry = simple_entry(token_type('content'), is_preamble_entry,

    # Make sure we only parsed valid entries
    valid_entry = if_token_type('name', validate_entry) >> token_value

    # @article etc.
    entry = skip('entry')\
        + valid_entry\
        + skip('lbrace')\
        + (token_type('name') | token_type('number')) + skip('comma')\
        + parser.maybe(delimited_list(field, 'comma'))\
        + parser.maybe(skip('comma'))\
        + skip('rbrace')\
        >> make_entry

    return parser.many(string_entry
                       | comment_entry
                       | preamble_entry
                       | entry
                       | comment) + parser.skip(parser.finished)
Ejemplo n.º 55
def if_token_type(token_type, pred):
    """Return a parser that parses a token type for which a predicate holds."""
    return parser.some(lambda t: t.type == token_type and pred(t.value))
Ejemplo n.º 56
# Copyright 2018 the authors.
# This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
# license. See the LICENSE.

"Parser combinators for pattern-matching Hy model trees."

from hy.models import HyExpression, HySymbol, HyKeyword, HyString, HyList
from funcparserlib.parser import (some, skip, many, finished, a, Parser,
                                  NoParseError, State)
from functools import reduce
from itertools import repeat
from operator import add
from math import isinf

FORM = some(lambda _: True)
SYM = some(lambda x: isinstance(x, HySymbol))
STR = some(lambda x: isinstance(x, HyString))

def sym(wanted):
    "Parse and skip the given symbol or keyword."
    if wanted.startswith(":"):
        return skip(a(HyKeyword(wanted[1:])))
    return skip(some(lambda x: isinstance(x, HySymbol) and x == wanted))

def whole(parsers):
    """Parse the parsers in the given list one after another, then
    expect the end of the input."""
    if len(parsers) == 0:
        return finished >> (lambda x: [])
Ejemplo n.º 57
def skip(s):
    """Parse and skip a specific token type."""
    return parser.skip(parser.some(lambda x: x.type == s))
Ejemplo n.º 58
def _grouped(group_type, parsers):
    return (some(lambda x: isinstance(x, group_type)) >> (lambda x: group_type(
        whole(parsers).parse(x)).replace(x, recursive=False)))
Ejemplo n.º 59
def some(tok_type):
    return (parser.some(lambda tok: tok.type == tok_type) >>
            (lambda tok: tok.value)).named(str(tok_type))