Ejemplo n.º 1
"exercise all 4 list-writing methods --fpm"

import gnosis.xml.pickle as xml_pickle
import sys
import funcs

class foo: pass

f = foo()
f.a = (1,2,3)

# method 1 -- StreamWriter is an uncompressed StringIO
x = xml_pickle.dumps(f)

# check header (to ensure correct method used) + contents
if x[0:5] == '<?xml':
    print "OK"
    print "ERROR"

g = xml_pickle.loads(x)
if g.a == (1,2,3):
    print "OK"
    print "ERROR"
Ejemplo n.º 2
"""Make sure xml_pickle and xml_objectify play nicely together --dqm
Note that xml_pickle no longer has any builtin knowledge of
xml_objectify -- used to be necessary to workaround circular refs (fpm)"""

import gnosis.xml.objectify as xo
import gnosis.xml.pickle as xp
from StringIO import StringIO
import funcs


xml = '''<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE Spam SYSTEM "spam.dtd" >
  <Eggs>Some text about eggs.</Eggs>
  <MoreSpam>Ode to Spam</MoreSpam>

fh = StringIO(xml)
o = xo.make_instance(xml)
s = xp.dumps(o)
#print "---------- xml_objectify'd object, xml_pickle'd ----------"
#print s
o2 = xp.loads(s)
#print "---------- object after the pickle/unpickle cycle --------"
#print xp.dumps(o2)

if o.Eggs.PCDATA != o2.Eggs.PCDATA or \
   o.MoreSpam.PCDATA != o2.MoreSpam.PCDATA:
    raise "ERROR(1)"
Ejemplo n.º 3
# read-only version of bool test.
# show that bools are converted to the "best" value, depending
# on Python version being used. --fpm

import gnosis.xml.pickle as xmp
from gnosis.xml.pickle.util import setVerbose, setParser, setParanoia
from funcs import set_parser, unlink
import gnosis.pyconfig as pyconfig

from types import *

# standard test harness setup

# allow unpickler to load my classes

# NOTE: The XML below was created by running test_bool.py with
# Python >= 2.3 and grabbing the XML output.

x1 = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE PyObject SYSTEM "PyObjects.dtd">
<PyObject module="__main__" class="foo" id="168690156">
<attr name="a" family="uniq" type="False" value="" />
<attr name="c" family="none" type="None" />
<attr name="b" family="uniq" type="True" value="" />
<attr name="k" family="lang" type="class" module="__main__" class="a_test_class"/>
<attr name="f" family="lang" type="function" module="__main__" class="a_test_function"/>
Ejemplo n.º 4

Here are collected miscellaneous tests (from bug reports,etc.)
that don't clearly fit elsewhere. --fpm


import gnosis.xml.pickle as xml_pickle	
from funcs import set_parser
import gnosis.pyconfig as pyconfig


# this is from a bug report from Even Westvang <*****@*****.**>.
# the problem is that new-style classes used as attributes weren't
# being pickled correctly.

# let it load my classes

if pyconfig.Have_ObjectClass(): # need new-style classes
    class PickleMeOld:
        def __init__(self): pass

    class PickleMeNew(object):
        def __init__(self): pass

    class Container(object):
        def __init__(self, klass):
            self.classRef = klass