Ejemplo n.º 1
def _np_signature(f):
  """An enhanced funcsigs.signature that can handle numpy.ufunc."""
  if not isinstance(f, np.ufunc):
    return funcsigs.signature(f)
  def names_from_num(prefix, n):
    if n <= 0:
      return []
    elif n == 1:
      return [prefix]
      return [prefix + str(i + 1) for i in range(n)]
  input_names = names_from_num('x', f.nin)
  output_names = names_from_num('out', f.nout)
  keyword_only_params = [
      ('where', True),
      ('casting', 'same_kind'),
      ('order', 'K'),
      ('dtype', None),
      ('subok', True),
      ('signature', None),
      ('extobj', None)]
  params = []
  params += [Parameter(name, Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY) for name in input_names]
  if f.nout > 1:
    params += [Parameter(name, Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY, default=None)
               for name in output_names]
  params += [Parameter('out', Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD,
                       default=None if f.nout == 1 else (None,) * f.nout)]
  params += [Parameter(name, Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, default=default)
             for name, default in keyword_only_params]
  return funcsigs.Signature(params)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __signature__(self):
        if hasattr(self, '__customsig'):
            return self.__customsig

        kwargs = []
        for param in self.PARAMETERS:

        self.__customsig = funcsigs.Signature(kwargs, __validate_parameters__=True)
        return self.__customsig
Ejemplo n.º 3
def extract_signature_and_value(func_or_str, default_parameters=None):
    if not inspect.isfunction(func_or_str):
        if default_parameters is None:
            parameters = []
            kind = funcsigs.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD
            parameters = [funcsigs.Parameter(name, kind=kind) for name in default_parameters]

        return funcsigs.Signature(parameters), func_or_str

    signature = funcsigs.signature(func_or_str)

    # pass mock values to extract the value
    args = [None] * len(signature.parameters)
    return signature, func_or_str(*args)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def flatten_args(signature_parameters, args, kwargs):
    """Validates the arguments against the signature and flattens them.

    The flat list representation is a serializable format for arguments.
    Since the flatbuffer representation of function arguments is a list, we
    combine both keyword arguments and positional arguments. We represent
    this with two entries per argument value - [DUMMY_TYPE, x] for positional
    arguments and [KEY, VALUE] for keyword arguments. See the below example.
    See `recover_args` for logic restoring the flat list back to args/kwargs.

        signature_parameters (list): The list of RayParameter objects
            representing the function signature, obtained from
        args: The non-keyword arguments passed into the function.
        kwargs: The keyword arguments passed into the function.

        List of args and kwargs. Non-keyword arguments are prefixed
            by internal enum DUMMY_TYPE.

        TypeError: Raised if arguments do not fit in the function signature.

        >>> flatten_args([1, 2, 3], {"a": 4})
        [None, 1, None, 2, None, 3, "a", 4]

    for obj in args:
        if isinstance(obj, ray.ObjectID) and obj.is_direct_actor_type():
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Objects produced by direct actor calls cannot be "
                "passed to other tasks as arguments.")

    restored = _restore_parameters(signature_parameters)
    reconstructed_signature = funcsigs.Signature(parameters=restored)
        reconstructed_signature.bind(*args, **kwargs)
    except TypeError as exc:
        raise TypeError(str(exc))
    list_args = []
    for arg in args:
        list_args += [DUMMY_TYPE, arg]

    for keyword, arg in kwargs.items():
        list_args += [keyword, arg]
    return list_args
Ejemplo n.º 5
def template_def(signature, code):
    Returns a ``Mako`` template with the given ``signature``.

    :param signature: a list of postitional argument names,
        or a ``Signature`` object from ``funcsigs`` module.
    :code: a body of the template.
    if not isinstance(signature, funcsigs.Signature):
        # treating ``signature`` as a list of positional arguments
        # HACK: Signature or Parameter constructors are not documented.
        kind = funcsigs.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD
        signature = funcsigs.Signature([funcsigs.Parameter(name, kind=kind) for name in signature])

    template_src = "<%def name='_func" + str(signature) + "'>\n" + code + "\n</%def>"
    return template_from(template_src).get_def('_func')
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, api, path, opspec):
     self.api = api
     self.path = path
     self.opspec = opspec
     self.method = opspec['method']
     os_type = opspec.get('type')
     if os_type is None:
         self.type = None
         self.type = api.models[os_type]
     pinfos = opspec['parameters']
     # Sort the parameters: path, body, query, header
     pinfos = (
         [pinfo for pinfo in pinfos if pinfo['paramType'] == 'path'] +
         [pinfo for pinfo in pinfos if pinfo['paramType'] == 'body'] +
         [pinfo for pinfo in pinfos if pinfo['paramType'] == 'query'] +
         [pinfo for pinfo in pinfos if pinfo['paramType'] == 'header'])
     self.params = [RPCParam(pinfo) for pinfo in pinfos]
     self.signature = funcsigs.Signature(
         [p.func_param for p in self.params])
     self.__doc__ = opspec.get('summary')