def send_a_file_to_the_share_with_nas_ipwheelshare_and_administrator_and_abcd1234( driver, nas_ip, wheelshare, user, password): """Send a file to the share with nas_IP/"{wheelshare}" and "{user}" and "{password}".""" run_cmd('touch testfile.txt') results = run_cmd( f'smbclient //{nas_ip}/{wheelshare} -U {user}%{password} -c "put testfile.txt testfile.txt"' ) assert results['result'], results['output'] run_cmd('rm testfile.txt')
def send_a_file_to_the_share_with_ipldapsmbshare_and_eturgeon_and_need_4_testing( ldapsmbshare, ldap_user, ldap_password, nas_ip): """send a file to the share with ip/ldapsmbshare and "eturgeon" and "Need_4_testing".""" run_cmd('touch testfile.txt') results = run_cmd( f'smbclient //{nas_ip}/{ldapsmbshare} -U {ldap_user}%{ldap_password} -c "put testfile.txt testfile.txt"' ) assert results['result'], results['output'] run_cmd('rm testfile.txt')
def send_a_file_to_the_share_with_nas_url_smbname_and_user_password( driver, nas_url, smbname, user, password): """Send a file the share with "nas_url"/"smbname" and "user"%"password".""" run_cmd('touch testfile.txt') results = run_cmd( f'smbclient //{nas_url}/{smbname} -W AD01 -U {user}%{password} -c "put testfile.txt testfile.txt"' ) time.sleep(1) run_cmd('rm testfile.txt') assert results['result'], results['output']
def send_a_file_to_the_share_should_fail_with_nas_ipwheelshare_and_footesting( driver, nas_ip, wheelshare, user, password): """send a file to the share should fail with NAS IP/"{wheelshare}" and {user}%{password}.""" run_cmd('touch testfile2.txt') results = run_cmd( f'smbclient //{nas_ip}/{wheelshare} -U {user}%{password} -c "put testfile2.txt testfile2.txt"' ) time.sleep(1) run_cmd('rm testfile2.txt') assert not results['result'], results['output']
configxml = etree.parse(filezilla_config) configroot = configxml.getroot() configlog = configroot.find(".//*[@name='Logging file']") if (configlog is None): notify("Filezilla", "Logging file location not set") sys.exit() filezilla_log = configlog.text remote_str = "" exam_server = run_cmd("grep Connected %s | tail -1 | awk '{ print $8}'" % (filezilla_log)) lastlog = run_cmd("grep local:%s %s | tail -1" % (exam, filezilla_log)) m ="remote\:(.*?)=", lastlog) remote_file = tree = etree.parse(filezilla_sites) root = tree.getroot() for server in root.iter('Server'): host = server.find("Host").text if host != exam_server: