Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test02_1d_dirichlet_higher_order(self):
        mesh = Mesh1D()
        for etype in ['Q2', 'Q3']:
            element = QuadFE(1, etype)
            dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, element)

            # Basis functions
            ux = Basis(dofhandler, 'ux')
            u = Basis(dofhandler, 'u')

            # Exact solution
            ue = Nodal(f=lambda x: x * (1 - x), basis=u)

            # Define coefficient functions
            one = Constant(1)
            two = Constant(2)

            # Define forms
            a = Form(kernel=Kernel(one), trial=ux, test=ux)
            L = Form(kernel=Kernel(two), test=u)
            problem = [a, L]

            # Assemble problem
            assembler = Assembler(problem, mesh)

            A = assembler.get_matrix()
            b = assembler.get_vector()

            # Set up linear system
            system = LinearSystem(u, A=A, b=b)

            # Boundary functions
            bnd_left = lambda x: np.abs(x) < 1e-9
            bnd_right = lambda x: np.abs(1 - x) < 1e-9

            # Mark mesh
            mesh.mark_region('left', bnd_left, entity_type='vertex')
            mesh.mark_region('right', bnd_right, entity_type='vertex')

            # Add Dirichlet constraints to system
            system.add_dirichlet_constraint('left', 0)
            system.add_dirichlet_constraint('right', 0)

            # Solve system

            # Compare solution with the exact solution
            ua = system.get_solution(as_function=True)
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(ua.data(), ue.data()))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test09_1d_inverse(self):
        Compute the inverse of a matrix and apply it to a vector/matrix.
        # Mesh
        mesh = Mesh1D(resolution=(1, ))
        mesh.mark_region('left', lambda x: np.abs(x) < 1e-9, on_boundary=True)
                         lambda x: np.abs(1 - x) < 1e-9,

        # Elements
        Q3 = QuadFE(1, 'Q3')
        dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, Q3)

        # Basis
        u = Basis(dofhandler, 'u')
        ux = Basis(dofhandler, 'ux')

        # Define sampled right hand side and exact solution
        xv = dofhandler.get_dof_vertices()
        n_points = dofhandler.n_dofs()

        n_samples = 6
        a = np.arange(n_samples)

        ffn = lambda x, a: a * x
        ufn = lambda x, a: a / 6 * (x - x**3) + x
        fdata = np.zeros((n_points, n_samples))
        udata = np.zeros((n_points, n_samples))
        for i in range(n_samples):
            fdata[:, i] = ffn(xv, a[i]).ravel()
            udata[:, i] = ufn(xv, a[i]).ravel()

        # Define sampled function
        fn = Nodal(data=fdata, basis=u)
        ue = Nodal(data=udata, basis=u)

        # Forms
        one = Constant(1)
        a = Form(Kernel(one), test=ux, trial=ux)
        L = Form(Kernel(fn), test=u)
        problem = [[a], [L]]

        # Assembler
        assembler = Assembler(problem, mesh)

        A = assembler.get_matrix()
        b = assembler.get_vector(i_problem=1)

        # Linear System
        system = LinearSystem(u, A=A)

        # Set constraints
        system.add_dirichlet_constraint('left', 0)
        system.add_dirichlet_constraint('right', 1)

        # Extract finite element solution
        ua = system.get_solution(as_function=True)

        system2 = LinearSystem(u, A=A, b=b)

        # Set constraints
        system2.add_dirichlet_constraint('left', 0)
        system2.add_dirichlet_constraint('right', 1)
        u2 = system2.get_solution(as_function=True)

        # Check that the solution is close
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(ue.data()[:, 0], ua.data()[:, 0]))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(ue.data()[:, [0]], u2.data()))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test08_1d_sampled_rhs(self):
        # Mesh
        mesh = Mesh1D(resolution=(1, ))
        mesh.mark_region('left', lambda x: np.abs(x) < 1e-9, on_boundary=True)
                         lambda x: np.abs(1 - x) < 1e-9,

        # Elements
        Q3 = QuadFE(1, 'Q3')
        dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, Q3)

        # Basis
        v = Basis(dofhandler, 'u')
        vx = Basis(dofhandler, 'ux')

        # Define sampled right hand side and exact solution
        xv = dofhandler.get_dof_vertices()
        n_points = dofhandler.n_dofs()

        n_samples = 6
        a = np.arange(n_samples)

        f = lambda x, a: a * x
        u = lambda x, a: a / 6 * (x - x**3) + x
        fdata = np.zeros((n_points, n_samples))
        udata = np.zeros((n_points, n_samples))
        for i in range(n_samples):
            fdata[:, i] = f(xv, a[i]).ravel()
            udata[:, i] = u(xv, a[i]).ravel()

        # Define sampled function
        fn = Nodal(data=fdata, basis=v)
        ue = Nodal(data=udata, basis=v)

        # Forms
        one = Constant(1)
        a = Form(Kernel(one), test=vx, trial=vx)
        L = Form(Kernel(fn), test=v)
        problem = [a, L]

        # Assembler
        assembler = Assembler(problem, mesh)
        A = assembler.get_matrix()
        b = assembler.get_vector()
        # Linear System
        system = LinearSystem(v, A=A, b=b)

        # Set constraints
        system.add_dirichlet_constraint('left', 0)
        system.add_dirichlet_constraint('right', 1)

        # Solve and resolve constraints

        # Extract finite element solution
        ua = system.get_solution(as_function=True)

        # Check that the solution is close
        print(ue.data()[:, [0]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(ue.data()[:, [0]], ua.data()))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test05_2d_dirichlet(self):
        Two dimensional Dirichlet problem with hanging nodes
        # Define mesh
        mesh = QuadMesh(resolution=(1, 2))

        # Mark left and right boundaries
        bm_left = lambda x, dummy: np.abs(x) < 1e-9
        bm_right = lambda x, dummy: np.abs(1 - x) < 1e-9
        mesh.mark_region('left', bm_left, entity_type='half_edge')
        mesh.mark_region('right', bm_right, entity_type='half_edge')

        for etype in ['Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3']:
            # Element
            element = QuadFE(2, etype)
            dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, element)

            # Basis
            u = Basis(dofhandler, 'u')
            ux = Basis(dofhandler, 'ux')
            uy = Basis(dofhandler, 'uy')

            # Construct forms
            ue = Nodal(f=lambda x: x[:, 0], basis=u)
            ax = Form(kernel=Kernel(Constant(1)), trial=ux, test=ux)
            ay = Form(kernel=Kernel(Constant(1)), trial=uy, test=uy)
            L = Form(kernel=Kernel(Constant(0)), test=u)
            problem = [ax, ay, L]

            # Assemble
            assembler = Assembler(problem, mesh)

            # Get system matrices
            A = assembler.get_matrix()
            b = assembler.get_vector()

            # Linear System
            system = LinearSystem(u, A=A, b=b)

            # Constraints
            # Add dirichlet conditions
            system.add_dirichlet_constraint('left', ue)
            system.add_dirichlet_constraint('right', ue)

            # Solve

            # Check solution
            ua = system.get_solution(as_function=True)
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(ua.data(), ue.data()))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test01_1d_dirichlet_linear(self):
        Solve one dimensional boundary value problem with dirichlet 
        conditions on left and right
        # Define mesh
        mesh = Mesh1D(resolution=(10, ))

        for etype in ['Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3']:
            element = QuadFE(1, etype)
            dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, element)
            phi = Basis(dofhandler)
            # Exact solution
            ue = Nodal(f=lambda x: x, basis=phi)

            # Define Basis functions
            u = Basis(dofhandler, 'u')
            ux = Basis(dofhandler, 'ux')

            # Define bilinear form
            one = Constant(1)
            zero = Constant(0)
            a = Form(kernel=Kernel(one), trial=ux, test=ux)
            L = Form(kernel=Kernel(zero), test=u)
            problem = [a, L]

            # Assemble
            assembler = Assembler(problem, mesh)

            # Form linear system

            A = assembler.get_matrix()
            b = assembler.get_vector()

            system = LinearSystem(u, A=A, b=b)

            # Dirichlet conditions

            # Boundary functions
            bm_left = lambda x: np.abs(x) < 1e-9
            bm_rght = lambda x: np.abs(x - 1) < 1e-9

            # Mark boundary regions
            mesh.mark_region('left', bm_left, on_boundary=True)
            mesh.mark_region('right', bm_rght, on_boundary=True)

            # Add Dirichlet constraints
            system.add_dirichlet_constraint('left', ue)
            system.add_dirichlet_constraint('right', ue)

            # Solve system

            # Get solution
            #ua = system.get_solution(as_function=True)
            uaa = system.get_solution(as_function=True)
            #uaa = uaa.data().ravel()

            # Compare with exact solution
            #self.assertTrue(np.allclose(ua.data(), ue.data()))
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(uaa.data(), ue.data()))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test04_1d_periodic(self):
        # Dirichlet Problem on a Periodic Mesh

        # Define mesh, element
        mesh = Mesh1D(resolution=(100, ), periodic=True)
        element = QuadFE(1, 'Q3')
        dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, element)

        # Basis functions
        u = Basis(dofhandler, 'u')
        ux = Basis(dofhandler, 'ux')

        # Exact solution
        ue = Nodal(f=lambda x: np.sin(2 * np.pi * x), basis=u)

        # Mark dirichlet regions
        bnd_left = lambda x: np.abs(x) < 1e-9
        mesh.mark_region('left', bnd_left, entity_type='vertex')

        # Set up forms

        # Bilinear form
        a = Form(kernel=Kernel(Constant(1)), trial=ux, test=ux)

        # Linear form
        f = Explicit(lambda x: 4 * np.pi**2 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * x), dim=1)
        L = Form(kernel=Kernel(f), test=u)

        # Assemble
        problem = [a, L]
        assembler = Assembler(problem, mesh)
        A = assembler.get_matrix()
        b = assembler.get_vector()

        # Linear System
        system = LinearSystem(u, A=A, b=b)

        # Add dirichlet constraint
        system.add_dirichlet_constraint('left', 0, on_boundary=False)

        # Assemble constraints

        # Compare with interpolant of exact solution
        ua = system.get_solution(as_function=True)

        #plot = Plot(2)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(ua.data(), ue.data()))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_constructor(self):
        # =====================================================================
        # Test 1D 
        # ===================================================================== 
        # Kernel consists of a single explicit Function: 
        f1 = lambda x: x+2
        f = Explicit(f1, dim=1)
        k = Kernel(f)
        x = np.linspace(0,1,100)
        n_points = len(x)
        # Check that it evaluates correctly.
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(f1(x), k.eval(x).ravel()))
        # Check shape of kernel
        self.assertEqual(k.eval(x).shape, (n_points,1))
        # Kernel consists of a combination of two explicit functions
        f1 = Explicit(lambda x: x+2, dim=1)
        f2 = Explicit(lambda x: x**2 + 1, dim=1)
        F = lambda f1, f2: f1**2 + f2
        f_t = lambda x: (x+2)**2 + x**2 + 1
        k = Kernel([f1,f2], F=F)
        # Check evaluation
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(f_t(x), k.eval(x).ravel()))
        # Check shape 
        self.assertEqual(k.eval(x).shape, (n_points,1))

        # Same thing as above, but with nodal functions
        mesh = Mesh1D(resolution=(1,))
        Q1 = QuadFE(1,'Q1')
        Q2 = QuadFE(1,'Q2')
        dQ1 = DofHandler(mesh,Q1)
        dQ2 = DofHandler(mesh,Q2)
        # Distribute dofs
        [dQ.distribute_dofs() for dQ in [dQ1,dQ2]]
        # Basis functions
        phi1 = Basis(dQ1,'u')
        phi2 = Basis(dQ2,'u')
        f1 = Nodal(lambda x: x+2, basis=phi1)
        f2 = Nodal(lambda x: x**2 + 1, basis=phi2)
        k = Kernel([f1,f2], F=F)
        # Check evaluation
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(f_t(x), k.eval(x).ravel()))
        # Replace f2 above with its derivative
        k = Kernel([f1,f2], derivatives=['f', 'fx'], F=F)
        f_t = lambda x: (x+2)**2 + 2*x
        # Check derivative evaluation F = F(f1, df2_dx)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(f_t(x), k.eval(x).ravel()))
        # Sampling 
        one = Constant(1)
        f1 = Explicit(lambda x: x**2 + 1, dim=1)
        # Sampled function
        a = np.linspace(0,1,11)
        n_samples = len(a)
        # Define Dofhandler
        dh = DofHandler(mesh, Q2)
        xv = dh.get_dof_vertices()
        n_dofs = dh.n_dofs()
        phi = Basis(dh, 'u')
        # Evaluate parameterized function at mesh dof vertices
        f2_m  = np.empty((n_dofs, n_samples))
        for i in range(n_samples):
            f2_m[:,i] = xv.ravel() + a[i]*xv.ravel()**2
        f2 = Nodal(data=f2_m, basis=phi)
        # Define kernel
        F = lambda f1, f2, one: f1 + f2 + one
        k = Kernel([f1,f2,one], F=F)
        # Evaluate on a fine mesh
        x = np.linspace(0,1,100)
        n_points = len(x)
        self.assertEqual(k.eval(x).shape, (n_points, n_samples))    
        for i in range(n_samples):
            # Check evaluation            
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(k.eval(x)[:,i], f1.eval(x)[:,i] + x + a[i]*x**2+ 1))
        # Sample multiple constant functions
        f1 = Constant(data=a)
        f2 = Explicit(lambda x: 1 + x**2, dim=1)
        f3 = Nodal(data=f2_m[:,-1], basis=phi)
        F = lambda f1, f2, f3: f1 + f2 + f3
        k = Kernel([f1,f2,f3], F=F)
        x = np.linspace(0,1,100)
        for i in range(n_samples):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(k.eval(x)[:,i], \
                                        a[i] + f2.eval(x)[:,i] + f3.eval(x)[:,i]))
        # Submeshes
        mesh = Mesh1D(resolution=(1,))
        mesh_labels = Tree(regular=False)
        mesh = Mesh1D(resolution=(1,))
        Q1 = QuadFE(1,'Q1')
        Q2 = QuadFE(1,'Q2')
        dQ1 = DofHandler(mesh,Q1)
        dQ2 = DofHandler(mesh,Q2)
        # Distribute dofs
        [dQ.distribute_dofs() for dQ in [dQ1,dQ2]]
        # Basis
        p1 = Basis(dQ1)
        p2 = Basis(dQ2) 
        f1 = Nodal(lambda x: x, basis=p1)
        f2 = Nodal(lambda x: -2+2*x**2, basis=p2)
        one = Constant(np.array([1,2]))
        F = lambda f1, f2, one: 2*f1**2 + f2 + one
        I = mesh.cells.get_child(0)
        kernel = Kernel([f1,f2, one], F=F)
        rule1D = GaussRule(5,shape='interval')
        x = I.reference_map(rule1D.nodes())
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_subsample_deterministic(self):
        When evaluating a deterministic function while specifying a subsample,
        n_subsample copies of the function output should be returned.        
        # Deterministic functions

        # Functions
        fns = {
            1: {
                1: lambda x: x[:, 0]**2,
                2: lambda x, y: x[:, 0] + y[:, 0]
            2: {
                1: lambda x: x[:, 0]**2 + x[:, 1]**2,
                2: lambda x, y: x[:, 0] * y[:, 0] + x[:, 1] * y[:, 1]

        # Singletons
        x = {1: {1: 2, 2: (3, 4)}, 2: {1: (1, 2), 2: ((1, 2), (3, 4))}}

        xv = {
            1: {
                1: [(2, ), (2, )],
                2: ([(3, ), (3, )], [(4, ), (4, )])
            2: {
                1: [(1, 2), (1, 2)],
                2: ([(1, 2), (1, 2)], [(3, 4), (3, 4)])

        vals = {1: {1: 4, 2: 7}, 2: {1: 5, 2: 11}}
        subsample = np.array([2, 3], dtype=np.int)

        for dim in [1, 2]:
            # Iterate over dimension

            # DofHandler
            if dim == 1:
                mesh = Mesh1D(box=[0, 5], resolution=(1, ))
            elif dim == 2:
                mesh = QuadMesh(box=[0, 5, 0, 5])
            element = QuadFE(dim, 'Q2')
            dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, element)
            basis = Basis(dofhandler)
            for n_variables in [1, 2]:
                # Iterate over number of variables

                # Explicit
                f = fns[dim][n_variables]

                # Explicit
                fe = Explicit(f, n_variables=n_variables, dim=dim, \

                # Nodal
                fn = Nodal(f, n_variables=n_variables, basis=basis, dim=dim, \
                           dofhandler=dofhandler, subsample=subsample)

                # Constant
                fc = Constant(1, n_variables=n_variables, \

                # Singleton input
                xn = x[dim][n_variables]

                # Explicit
                self.assertEqual(fe.eval(xn).shape[1], len(subsample))
                self.assertEqual(fe.eval(xn)[0, 0], vals[dim][n_variables])
                self.assertEqual(fe.eval(xn)[0, 1], vals[dim][n_variables])

                # Nodal
                self.assertEqual(fn.eval(xn).shape[1], len(subsample))
                    fn.eval(xn)[0, 0], vals[dim][n_variables])
                    fn.eval(xn)[0, 1], vals[dim][n_variables])

                # Constant
                self.assertEqual(fc.eval(xn).shape[1], len(subsample))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(fc.eval(xn)[0, 0], 1)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(fc.eval(xn)[0, 1], 1)

                # Vector input
                xn = xv[dim][n_variables]
                n_points = 2

                # Explicit
                self.assertEqual(fe.eval(xn).shape, (2, 2))
                for i in range(fe.n_subsample()):
                    for j in range(n_points):
                            fe.eval(xn)[i][j], vals[dim][n_variables])

                # Nodal
                self.assertEqual(fn.eval(xn).shape, (2, 2))
                for i in range(fe.n_subsample()):
                    for j in range(n_points):
                            fn.eval(xn)[i][j], vals[dim][n_variables])

                # Constant
                self.assertEqual(fc.eval(xn).shape, (2, 2))
                for i in range(fe.n_subsample()):
                    for j in range(n_points):
                        self.assertEqual(fc.eval(xn)[i][j], 1)
Ejemplo n.º 9
# Parameters
eps = 1e-3
a = 1

# Computational mesh
mesh = Mesh1D(resolution=(200, ))
mesh.mark_region('left', lambda x: np.abs(x) < 1e-9, entity_type='vertex')
mesh.mark_region('right', lambda x: np.abs(x - 1) < 1e-9, entity_type='vertex')

# Element
element = QuadFE(1, 'Q1')
dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, element)

# Kernels
k_eps = SUPGKernel(Constant(-eps), Constant(a), eps)
k_a = SUPGKernel(Constant(a), Constant(a), eps)

# Forms
u = Basis(dofhandler, 'u')
ux = Basis(dofhandler, 'ux')
uxx = Basis(dofhandler, 'uxx')

problem = [
    Form(eps, test=ux, trial=ux),
    Form(1, trial=ux, test=u),
    Form(0, test=u)

problem = [
    Form(eps, test=ux, trial=ux),
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_ft():
    plot = Plot()
    vb = Verbose()

    # =============================================================================
    # Parameters
    # =============================================================================
    # Flow

    # permeability field
    phi = Constant(1)  # porosity
    D = Constant(0.0252)  # dispersivity
    K = Constant(1)  # permeability

    # =============================================================================
    # Mesh and Elements
    # =============================================================================
    # Mesh
    mesh = QuadMesh(resolution=(30, 30))

    # Mark left and right regions
                     lambda x, y: np.abs(x) < 1e-9,
                     lambda x, y: np.abs(x - 1) < 1e-9,

    # Elements
    p_element = QuadFE(2, 'Q1')  # element for pressure
    c_element = QuadFE(2, 'Q1')  # element for concentration

    # Dofhandlers
    p_dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, p_element)
    c_dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, c_element)


    # Basis functions
    p_ux = Basis(p_dofhandler, 'ux')
    p_uy = Basis(p_dofhandler, 'uy')
    p_u = Basis(p_dofhandler, 'u')

    p_inflow = lambda x, y: np.ones(shape=x.shape)
    p_outflow = lambda x, y: np.zeros(shape=x.shape)
    c_inflow = lambda x, y: np.zeros(shape=x.shape)

    # =============================================================================
    # Solve the steady state flow equations
    # =============================================================================
    vb.comment('Solving flow equations')

    # Define problem
    flow_problem = [
        Form(1, test=p_ux, trial=p_ux),
        Form(1, test=p_uy, trial=p_uy),
        Form(0, test=p_u)

    # Assemble
    assembler = Assembler(flow_problem)
    assembler.add_dirichlet('left', 1)
    assembler.add_dirichlet('right', 0)

    # Solve linear system
    A = assembler.get_matrix().tocsr()
    b = assembler.get_vector()
    x0 = assembler.assembled_bnd()

    # Interior nodes
    pa = np.zeros((p_u.n_dofs(), 1))
    int_dofs = assembler.get_dofs('interior')
    pa[int_dofs, 0] = spla.spsolve(A, b - x0)

    # Resolve Dirichlet conditions
    dir_dofs, dir_vals = assembler.get_dirichlet(asdict=False)
    pa[dir_dofs] = dir_vals

    # Pressure function
    pfn = Nodal(data=pa, basis=p_u)

    px = pfn.differentiate((1, 0))
    py = pfn.differentiate((1, 1))


    # =============================================================================
    # Transport Equations
    # =============================================================================
    # Specify initial condition
    c0 = Constant(1)
    dt = 1e-1
    T = 6
    N = int(np.ceil(T / dt))

    c = Basis(c_dofhandler, 'c')
    cx = Basis(c_dofhandler, 'cx')
    cy = Basis(c_dofhandler, 'cy')

    print('assembling transport equations')
    k_phi = Kernel(f=phi)
    k_advx = Kernel(f=[K, px], F=lambda K, px: -K * px)
    k_advy = Kernel(f=[K, py], F=lambda K, py: -K * py)
    tht = 1
    m = [Form(kernel=k_phi, test=c, trial=c)]
    s = [
        Form(kernel=k_advx, test=c, trial=cx),
        Form(kernel=k_advy, test=c, trial=cy),
        Form(kernel=Kernel(D), test=cx, trial=cx),
        Form(kernel=Kernel(D), test=cy, trial=cy)

    problems = [m, s]
    assembler = Assembler(problems)
    assembler.add_dirichlet('left', 0, i_problem=0)
    assembler.add_dirichlet('left', 0, i_problem=1)

    x0 = assembler.assembled_bnd()

    # Interior nodes
    int_dofs = assembler.get_dofs('interior')

    # Dirichlet conditions
    dir_dofs, dir_vals = assembler.get_dirichlet(asdict=False)

    # System matrices
    M = assembler.get_matrix(i_problem=0)
    S = assembler.get_matrix(i_problem=1)

    # Initialize c0 and cp
    c0 = np.ones((c.n_dofs(), 1))
    cp = np.zeros((c.n_dofs(), 1))
    c_fn = Nodal(data=c0, basis=c)

    # Compute solution
    print('time stepping')
    for i in range(N):

        # Build system
        A = M + tht * dt * S
        b = M.dot(c0[int_dofs]) - (1 - tht) * dt * S.dot(c0[int_dofs])

        # Solve linear system
        cp[int_dofs, 0] = spla.spsolve(A, b)

        # Add Dirichlet conditions
        cp[dir_dofs] = dir_vals

        # Record current iterate

        # Update c0
        c0 = cp.copy()

        #plot.contour(c_fn, n_sample=i)

    # Quantity of interest
    def F(c, px, py, entity=None):
        Compute c(x,y,t)*(grad p * n)
        n = entity.unit_normal()
        return c * (px * n[0] + py * n[1])


    #kernel = Kernel(f=[c_fn,px,py], F=F)
    kernel = Kernel(c_fn)

    form = Form(kernel, flag='right', dmu='ds')
    assembler = Assembler(form, mesh=mesh)
    QQ = assembler.assembled_forms()[0].aggregate_data()['array']

    Q = np.array([assembler.get_scalar(i_sample=i) for i in np.arange(N + 1)])
    t = np.linspace(0, T, N + 1)
    plt.plot(t, Q)
Ejemplo n.º 11
V1 = DofHandler(mesh, E1)

v = Basis(V1, 'v')
v_x = Basis(V1, 'vx')
v_y = Basis(V1, 'vy')


# Time discretization
t0, t1, dt = 0, 1, 0.025
nt = np.int((t1 - t0) / dt)

# Initial condition
u0 = Constant(0)

# Left Dirichlet condition
def u_left(x):
    n_points = x.shape[0]
    u = np.zeros((n_points, 1))
    left_strip = (x[:, 0] >= 4) * (x[:, 0] <= 6) * (abs(x[:, 1]) < 1e-9)
    u[left_strip, 0] = 1
    return u

u_left = Explicit(f=u_left, mesh=mesh)

# Define problems
Dx = 1
Ejemplo n.º 12
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation

import time
from diagnostics import Verbose

# =============================================================================
# Parameters
# =============================================================================
# Flow
comment = Verbose()

# permeability field
phi = Constant(1)  # porosity
D = Constant(0.0252)  # dispersivity
K = Constant(1)  # permeability

# =============================================================================
# Mesh and Elements
# =============================================================================
# Mesh
comment.tic('initializing mesh')
mesh = QuadMesh(resolution=(100, 100))

comment.tic('iterating over mesh cells')
for cell in mesh.cells.get_leaves():
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test03_solve_2d(self):
        Test problem with Neumann conditions
        # Define Mesh
        mesh = QuadMesh(resolution=(2, 1))

        # Mark left and right boundaries
        bm_left = lambda x, dummy: np.abs(x) < 1e-9
        bm_right = lambda x, dummy: np.abs(1 - x) < 1e-9
        mesh.mark_region('left', bm_left, entity_type='half_edge')
        mesh.mark_region('right', bm_right, entity_type='half_edge')

        for etype in ['Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3']:
            # Define element and basis type
            element = QuadFE(2, etype)
            dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, element)

            u = Basis(dofhandler, 'u')
            ux = Basis(dofhandler, 'ux')
            uy = Basis(dofhandler, 'uy')

            # Exact solution
            ue = Nodal(f=lambda x: x[:, 0], basis=u)

            # Set up forms
            one = Constant(1)
            ax = Form(kernel=Kernel(one), trial=ux, test=ux)
            ay = Form(kernel=Kernel(one), trial=uy, test=uy)
            L = Form(kernel=Kernel(Constant(0)), test=u)
            Ln = Form(kernel=Kernel(one), test=u, dmu='ds', flag='right')

            problem = [ax, ay, L, Ln]

            assembler = Assembler(problem, mesh)
            assembler.add_dirichlet('left', dir_fn=0)

            # Automatic solve
            ya = assembler.solve()
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(ue.data()[:, 0], ya))

            # Explicit solve

            # System Matrices
            A = assembler.get_matrix().toarray()
            b = assembler.get_vector()
            x0 = assembler.assembled_bnd()

            # Solve linear system
            xa = np.zeros(u.n_dofs())
            int_dofs = assembler.get_dofs('interior')
            xa[int_dofs] = np.linalg.solve(A, b - x0)

            # Resolve Dirichlet conditions
            dir_dofs, dir_vals = assembler.get_dirichlet(asdict=False)
            xa[dir_dofs] = dir_vals[:, 0]

            # Resolve hanging nodes
            C = assembler.hanging_node_matrix()
            xa += C.dot(xa)

            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(ue.data()[:, 0], xa))