Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_assembly_inner_product_2_forms(self):
        """Test the assembly of 1-forms inner products."""
        func_space_lob = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, '2-lobatto', self.p)
        func_space_gauss = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, '2-gauss', self.p)
        func_space_extgauss = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, '2-ext_gauss', self.p)

        basis_lob = BasisForm(func_space_lob)
        basis_lob.quad_grid = 'gauss'
        M_lob = inner(basis_lob, basis_lob)

        basis_gauss = BasisForm(func_space_gauss)
        basis_gauss.quad_grid = 'lobatto'
        M_gauss = inner(basis_gauss, basis_gauss)

        basis_ext_gauss = BasisForm(func_space_extgauss)
        basis_ext_gauss.quad_grid = 'lobatto'
        M_extgauss = inner(basis_ext_gauss, basis_ext_gauss)

        M_lob_ass_ref = assemble_slow(self.mesh, M_lob, func_space_lob.dof_map.dof_map,
        M_gauss_ass_ref = assemble_slow(self.mesh, M_gauss, func_space_gauss.dof_map.dof_map,
        M_extgauss_ass_ref = assemble_slow(
            self.mesh, M_extgauss, func_space_extgauss.dof_map.dof_map_internal, func_space_extgauss.dof_map.dof_map_internal)

        M_lob_ass = assemble(M_lob, func_space_lob, func_space_lob).toarray()
        M_gauss_ass = assemble(M_gauss, func_space_gauss, func_space_gauss).toarray()
        M_extgauss_ass = assemble(M_extgauss, func_space_extgauss,

        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(M_lob_ass_ref, M_lob_ass)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(M_gauss_ass_ref, M_gauss_ass)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(M_extgauss_ass_ref, M_extgauss_ass)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def multiple_element():
    mesh = CrazyMesh(2, (5, 7), ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), curvature=0.3)
    p = 10, 10
    func_space_vort = FunctionSpace(mesh, '0-ext_gauss', (p[0] - 1, p[1] - 1), is_inner=False)
    func_space_outer_vel = FunctionSpace(
        mesh, '1-total_ext_gauss', (p[0], p[1]), is_inner=False)
    # func_space_outer_vel = FunctionSpace(
    #     mesh, '1-gauss', (p[0], p[1]), is_inner=False)
    func_space_inner_vel = FunctionSpace(mesh, '1-lobatto', p, is_inner=True)
    func_space_inner_vel.dof_map.continous_dof = True
    func_space_source = FunctionSpace(mesh, '2-lobatto', p, is_inner=True)

    basis_vort = BasisForm(func_space_vort)
    basis_vel_in = BasisForm(func_space_inner_vel)
    basis_vel_in.quad_grid = 'lobatto'
    basis_vel_out = BasisForm(func_space_outer_vel)
    basis_vel_out.quad_grid = 'lobatto'
    basis_2 = BasisForm(func_space_source)

    psi = Form(func_space_vort)
    u_in = Form(func_space_inner_vel)
    source = Form(func_space_source)

    M_1 = inner(basis_vel_in, basis_vel_in)
    E_21_in = d(func_space_inner_vel)
    W_02 = basis_2.wedged(basis_vort)
    W_02_E21 = np.transpose(W_02 @ E_21_in)

    M_1 = assemble(M_1, (func_space_inner_vel, func_space_inner_vel))
    W_02_E21 = assemble(W_02_E21, (func_space_inner_vel, func_space_vort))
    W_02 = assemble(W_02, (func_space_source, func_space_vort))

    lhs = spr.bmat([[M_1, W_02_E21], [W_02_E21.transpose(), None]])
    rhs = np.zeros(np.shape(lhs)[0])
    rhs[-func_space_source.num_dof:] = W_02 @ source.cochain

    solution = spr.linalg.spsolve(lhs.tocsc(), rhs)
    u_in.cochain = solution[:func_space_inner_vel.num_dof]
    cochian_psi = np.zeros(func_space_vort.num_dof)
    cochian_psi[:func_space_vort.num_internal_dof] = solution[-func_space_vort.num_internal_dof:]
    psi.cochain = cochian_psi

    xi = eta = np.linspace(-1, 1, 40)
    u_in.reconstruct(xi, eta)
    (x, y), u_x, u_y = u_in.export_to_plot()
    plt.contourf(x, y, u_x)
    plt.title("u_x inner")
    psi.reconstruct(xi, eta)
    (x, y), psi_value = psi.export_to_plot()
    plt.contourf(x, y, psi_value)
    plt.title("psi outer"
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_basis_input(self):
     """Test the coboundary operator with some basis as inputs."""
     p_x, p_y = 2, 2
     func_space_0 = FunctionSpace(self.mesh,
                                  '0-lobatto', (p_x, p_y),
     func_space_1 = FunctionSpace(self.mesh,
                                  '1-lobatto', (p_x, p_y),
     func_space_2 = FunctionSpace(self.mesh,
                                  '2-lobatto', (p_x, p_y),
     basis_0_ref = BasisForm(func_space_0)
     basis_1_ref = BasisForm(func_space_1)
     basis_0_ref.quad_grid = 'lobatto'
     basis_1_ref.quad_grid = 'gauss'
     basis_2_ref = BasisForm(func_space_2)
     basis_2_ref.quad_grid = 'lobatto'
     e_21_ref = d_21_lobatto_outer((p_x, p_y))
     e_10_ref = d_10_lobatto_outer((p_x, p_y))
     basis_1, e_10 = d(basis_0_ref)
     basis_1.quad_grid = 'gauss'
     basis_2, e_21 = d(basis_1_ref)
     basis_2.quad_grid = 'lobatto'
     M_1 = inner(basis_1, basis_1)
     M_1_ref = inner(basis_1_ref, basis_1_ref)
     npt.assert_array_almost_equal(M_1_ref, M_1)
     M_2 = inner(basis_2, basis_2)
     M_2_ref = inner(basis_2_ref, basis_2_ref)
     npt.assert_array_almost_equal(M_2_ref, M_2)
     npt.assert_array_equal(e_21_ref, e_21)
     npt.assert_array_equal(e_10_ref, e_10)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_basis_inner(self):
        """Test inner product with basis functions."""
        p_x, p_y = 2, 2
        func_space_0 = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, '0-lobatto', (p_x, p_y))
        func_space_1 = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, '1-lobatto', (p_x, p_y))
        basis_0 = BasisForm(func_space_0)
        basis_1 = BasisForm(func_space_1)
        basis_1.quad_grid = 'lobatto'
        basis_0.quad_grid = 'lobatto'
        M_1 = inner(basis_1, basis_1)
        e_10 = d(func_space_0)
        inner_prod_ref = np.tensordot(e_10, M_1, axes=((0), (0)))

        inner_prod = inner(d(basis_0), basis_1)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(inner_prod_ref, inner_prod)
        inner_prod_1_ref = np.rollaxis(
            np.tensordot(M_1, e_10, axes=((0), (0))), 2)

        inner_prod_1 = inner(basis_1, d(basis_0))
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(inner_prod_1_ref, inner_prod_1)

        inner_prod_2_ref = np.tensordot(e_10,
                                                     axes=((0), (0))),
                                        axes=((0), (1)))
        inner_prod_2 = inner(d(basis_0), d(basis_0))

        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(inner_prod_2_ref, inner_prod_2)
    def test_multiple_elements(self):
        """Test the anysotropic case in multiple element."""
        p = (6, 6)
        is_inner = False
        crazy_mesh = CrazyMesh(2, (8, 5),  ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), curvature=0.1)

        func_space_2_lobatto = FunctionSpace(crazy_mesh, '2-lobatto', p, is_inner)
        func_space_1_lobatto = FunctionSpace(crazy_mesh, '1-lobatto', p, is_inner)
        func_space_1_lobatto.dof_map.continous_dof = True

        def diffusion_11(x, y): return 4 * np.ones(np.shape(x))

        def diffusion_12(x, y): return 3 * np.ones(np.shape(x))

        def diffusion_22(x, y): return 5 * np.ones(np.shape(x))

        def source(x, y):
            return -36 * np.pi ** 2 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * x) * np.sin(2 * np.pi * y) + 24 * np.pi ** 2 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * y)

        # mesh function to inject the anisotropic tensor
        mesh_k = MeshFunction(crazy_mesh)
        mesh_k.continous_tensor = [diffusion_11, diffusion_12, diffusion_22]

        # definition of the basis functions
        basis_1 = BasisForm(func_space_1_lobatto)
        basis_1.quad_grid = 'gauss'
        basis_2 = BasisForm(func_space_2_lobatto)
        basis_2.quad_grid = 'gauss'

        # solution form
        phi_2 = Form(func_space_2_lobatto)
        phi_2.basis.quad_grid = 'gauss'

        form_source = Form(func_space_2_lobatto)
        form_source.discretize(source, ('gauss', 30))
        # find inner product
        M_1k = inner(basis_1, basis_1, mesh_k)
        N_2 = inner(d(basis_1), basis_2)
        M_2 = inner(basis_2, basis_2)
        # assemble
        M_1k = assemble(M_1k, func_space_1_lobatto)
        N_2 = assemble(N_2, (func_space_1_lobatto, func_space_2_lobatto))
        M_2 = assemble(M_2, func_space_2_lobatto)

        lhs = sparse.bmat([[M_1k, N_2], [N_2.transpose(), None]]).tocsc()
        rhs_source = (form_source.cochain @ M_2)[:, np.newaxis]
        rhs_zeros = np.zeros(lhs.shape[0] - np.size(rhs_source))[:, np.newaxis]
        rhs = np.vstack((rhs_zeros, rhs_source))

        solution = sparse.linalg.spsolve(lhs, rhs)
        phi_2.cochain = solution[-func_space_2_lobatto.num_dof:]

        # sample the solution
        xi = eta = np.linspace(-1, 1, 200)
        phi_2.reconstruct(xi, eta)
        (x, y), data = phi_2.export_to_plot()
        plt.contourf(x, y, data)
        print("max value {0} \nmin value {1}" .format(np.max(data), np.min(data)))
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(self.solution(x, y), data, decimal=2)
    def test_single_element(self):
        """Test the anysotropic case in a single element."""
        dim = 2
        elements_layout = (1, 1)
        bounds_domain = ((-1, 1), (-1, 1))
        curvature = 0.1

        p = (20, 20)
        is_inner = False

        crazy_mesh = CrazyMesh(dim, elements_layout, bounds_domain, curvature)

        func_space_2_lobatto = FunctionSpace(crazy_mesh, '2-lobatto', p, is_inner)
        func_space_1_lobatto = FunctionSpace(crazy_mesh, '1-lobatto', p, is_inner)

        def diffusion_11(x, y): return 4 * np.ones(np.shape(x))

        def diffusion_12(x, y): return 3 * np.ones(np.shape(x))

        def diffusion_22(x, y): return 5 * np.ones(np.shape(x))

        mesh_k = MeshFunction(crazy_mesh)
        mesh_k.continous_tensor = [diffusion_11, diffusion_12, diffusion_22]

        basis_1 = BasisForm(func_space_1_lobatto)
        basis_1.quad_grid = 'gauss'
        basis_2 = BasisForm(func_space_2_lobatto)
        basis_2.quad_grid = 'gauss'

        phi_2 = Form(func_space_2_lobatto)
        phi_2.basis.quad_grid = 'gauss'

        M_1k = inner(basis_1, basis_1, mesh_k)

        N_2 = inner(basis_2, d(basis_1))

        def source(x, y):
            return -36 * np.pi ** 2 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * x) * np.sin(2 * np.pi * y) + 24 * np.pi ** 2 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * y)

        form_source = Form(func_space_2_lobatto)

        M_2 = inner(basis_2, basis_2)

        lhs = np.vstack((np.hstack((M_1k[:, :, 0], N_2[:, :, 0])), np.hstack(
            (np.transpose(N_2[:, :, 0]), np.zeros((np.shape(N_2)[1], np.shape(N_2)[1]))))))

        rhs = np.zeros((np.shape(lhs)[0], 1))
        rhs[-np.shape(M_2)[0]:] = form_source.cochain @ M_2

        phi_2.cochain = np.linalg.solve(lhs, rhs)[-phi_2.basis.num_basis:].flatten()
        xi = eta = np.linspace(-1, 1, 200)
        phi_2.reconstruct(xi, eta)
        (x, y), data = phi_2.export_to_plot()
        print("max value {0} \nmin value {1}" .format(np.max(data), np.min(data)))
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(self.solution(x, y), data, decimal=2)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_assemble_incidence_matrices(self):
        p_dual = (self.p[0] - 1, self.p[1] - 1)
        func_space_lob_0 = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, '0-lobatto', self.p)
        func_space_extgauss_0 = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, '0-ext_gauss', p_dual)

        func_space_lob_1 = NextSpace(func_space_lob_0)
        func_space_extgauss_1 = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, '1-ext_gauss', p_dual)

        func_space_lob_2 = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, '2-lobatto', self.p)
        func_space_extgauss_2 = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, '2-ext_gauss', p_dual)

        e10_lob = d(func_space_lob_0)
        e21_lob = d(func_space_lob_1)
        e10_ext = d(func_space_extgauss_0)
        # e21_ext = d(func_space_extgauss_1)
        e10_lob_assembled_ref = assemble_slow(
            self.mesh, e10_lob, func_space_lob_1.dof_map.dof_map, func_space_lob_0.dof_map.dof_map, mode='replace')

        e21_lob_assembled_ref = assemble_slow(
            self.mesh, e21_lob, func_space_lob_2.dof_map.dof_map,
            func_space_lob_1.dof_map.dof_map, mode='replace')

        e10_ext_assembled_ref = assemble_slow(
            self.mesh, e10_ext, func_space_extgauss_1.dof_map.dof_map,
            func_space_extgauss_0.dof_map.dof_map, mode='replace')

        # e21_ext_assembled_ref = assemble_slow(
        #     self.mesh, e21_ext, func_space_extgauss_2.dof_map.dof_map,
        #     func_space_extgauss_1.dof_map.dof_map, mode='replace')

        e10_lob_assembled = assemble(e10_lob, (func_space_lob_1, func_space_lob_0)).toarray()
        e21_lob_assembled = assemble(e21_lob, (func_space_lob_2, func_space_lob_1)).toarray()
        e10_ext_assembled = assemble(e10_ext, (func_space_extgauss_1,
        # e21_ext_assembled = assemble(e21_ext, func_space_extgauss_2,
        #                              func_space_extgauss_1).toarray()

        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(e10_lob_assembled_ref, e10_lob_assembled)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(e21_lob_assembled_ref, e21_lob_assembled)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(e10_ext_assembled_ref, e10_ext_assembled)
        # npt.assert_array_almost_equal(e21_ext_assembled_ref, e21_ext_assembled)

        e10_internal = d(func_space_extgauss_0)[:func_space_extgauss_1.num_internal_local_dof]

        e10_internal_assembled_ref = assemble_slow(
            self.mesh, e10_internal, func_space_extgauss_1.dof_map.dof_map_internal, func_space_extgauss_0.dof_map.dof_map)
        e10_internal_assembled = assemble(
            e10_internal, (func_space_extgauss_1, func_space_extgauss_0)).toarray()

        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(e10_internal_assembled_ref, e10_internal_assembled)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_discretize_lobatto(self):
        """Test the discretize method of the 2 - forms."""
        my_mesh = CrazyMesh(2, (2, 2), ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), curvature=0)
        p_int_0 = 2
        for p in range(3, 8):
            filename = 'discrete_2_form_p' + \
                str(p) + '_p_int' + str(p_int_0) + '.dat'
            directory = os.getcwd() + '/src/tests/test_discrete_2_form/'
            func_space = FunctionSpace(my_mesh, '2-lobatto', p)
            form = Form(func_space)
            form.discretize(paraboloid, ('gauss', p_int_0))
            cochain_ref = np.loadtxt(directory + filename, delimiter=',')
        p = 5
        for p_int in range(2, 6):
            filename = 'discrete_2_form_p' + \
                str(p) + '_p_int' + str(p_int_0) + '.dat'
            directory = os.getcwd() + '/src/tests/test_discrete_2_form/'
            func_space = FunctionSpace(my_mesh, '2-lobatto', p)
            form = Form(func_space)
            form.discretize(paraboloid, ('gauss', p_int_0))
            cochain_ref = np.loadtxt(directory + filename, delimiter=',')

        p = 6
        p_int = 5
        filename_1 = 'discrete_2_form_p' + \
            str(p) + '_p_int' + str(p_int) + '_el_57.dat'
        directory = os.getcwd() + '/src/tests/test_discrete_2_form/'
        mesh_1 = CrazyMesh(2, (5, 7), ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), curvature=0)
        func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh_1, '2-lobatto', p)
        form = Form(func_space)
        form.discretize(paraboloid, ('gauss', p_int))
        cochain_ref_1 = np.loadtxt(directory + filename_1, delimiter=',')
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(form.cochain_local, cochain_ref_1)

        mesh_2 = CrazyMesh(2, (5, 7), ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), curvature=0.2)
        filename_2 = 'discrete_2_form_p' + \
            str(p) + '_p_int' + str(p_int) + '_el_57_cc2.dat'
        directory = os.getcwd() + '/src/tests/test_discrete_2_form/'
        func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh_2, '2-lobatto', p)
        form = Form(func_space)
        form.discretize(paraboloid, ('gauss', p_int))
        cochain_ref_2 = np.loadtxt(directory + filename_2, delimiter=',')
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(form.cochain_local, cochain_ref_2)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_project_lobatto(self):
        directory = 'src/tests/test_form_2/'
        x_ref = np.loadtxt(directory + 'x_lobatto_n3-2_p20-20_c3_xieta_30.dat',
        y_ref = np.loadtxt(directory + 'y_lobatto_n3-2_p20-20_c3_xieta_30.dat',
        data_ref = np.loadtxt(directory +

        def ffun(x, y):
            return np.sin(np.pi * x) * np.sin(np.pi * y)

        p = (20, 20)
        n = (3, 2)
        mesh = CrazyMesh(2, n, ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), 0.3)
        xi = eta = np.linspace(-1, 1, 30)

        func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, '2-lobatto', p)
        form_2 = Form(func_space)
        form_2.reconstruct(xi, eta)
        (x, y), data = form_2.export_to_plot()
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(x_ref, x)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(y_ref, y)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(data_ref, data)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_inner(self):
        list_cases = [
            'p2_n2-2', 'p2_n3-2', 'p5_n1-10', 'p10_n2-2', 'p18_n14-14'
        p = [2, 2, 5, 10, 18]
        n = [(2, 2), (3, 2), (1, 10), (2, 2), (14, 10)]
        curvature = [0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
        for i, case in enumerate(list_cases[:-1]):
            print("Test case n : ", i)
            # basis = basis_forms.
            # print("theo size ", (p[i] + 1)**2 *
            #       (p[i] + 1)**2 * n[i][0] * n[i][1])
            M_0_ref = np.loadtxt(
                os.getcwd() + '/src/tests/test_M_0/M_0_' + case + '.dat',
                delimiter=',').reshape((p[i] + 1)**2, n[i][0] * n[i][1],
                                       (p[i] + 1)**2)

            # print(np.shape(M_0_ref))
            my_mesh = CrazyMesh(2,
                                n[i], ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)),
            function_space = FunctionSpace(my_mesh, '0-lobatto', p[i])
            basis = BasisForm(function_space)
            basis.quad_grid = 'lobatto'
            basis_1 = BasisForm(function_space)
            basis_1.quad_grid = 'lobatto'
            M_0 = inner(basis, basis_1)
            for el in range(n[i][0] * n[i][1]):
                npt.assert_array_almost_equal(M_0_ref[:, el, :],
                                              M_0[:, :, el],
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_visulalization_extended_gauss_e10_inner(self):
        def pfun(x, y):
            return np.sin(np.pi * x) * np.sin(np.pi * y)

        p = (10, 10)
        n = (20, 20)

        mesh = CrazyMesh(2, n, ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), 0.3)
        func_space_extGau = FunctionSpace(mesh, '0-ext_gauss', p)

        form_0_extG = Form(func_space_extGau)

        xi = eta = np.linspace(-1, 1, 10)
        form_0_extG.reconstruct(xi, eta)
        (x, y), data = form_0_extG.export_to_plot()
        plt.contourf(x, y, data)
        plt.title('reduced extended_gauss 0-form')

        form_1 = d(form_0_extG)
        form_1.reconstruct(xi, eta)
        (x, y), data_dx, data_dy = form_1.export_to_plot()
        ufun_x, ufun_y = self.ufun()
        plt.contourf(x, y, data_dx)
        plt.title('extended_gauss 1-form dx')
        plt.contourf(x, y, data_dy)
        plt.title('extended_gauss 1-form dy')
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_visulization_lobato_e10_inner(self):
        def pfun(x, y):
            return np.sin(np.pi * x) * np.sin(np.pi * y)

        p = (20, 20)
        n = (2, 2)
        mesh = CrazyMesh(2, n, ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), 0.2)
        xi = eta = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)

        func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, '0-lobatto', p)
        form_0 = Form(func_space)
        form_0.reconstruct(xi, eta)
        (x, y), data = form_0.export_to_plot()
        plt.contourf(x, y, data)
        plt.title('reduced lobatto 0-form')

        form_1 = d(form_0)

        form_1.reconstruct(xi, eta)
        (x, y), data_dx, data_dy = form_1.export_to_plot()

        plt.contourf(x, y, data_dx)
        plt.title('lobatto 1-form dx')
        # plt.show()

        plt.contourf(x, y, data_dy)
        plt.title('lobatto 1-form dy')
        # plt.show()
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_inner(self):
        list_cases = [
            'p2_n2-2', 'p2_n3-2', 'p5_n1-10', 'p10_n2-2', 'p13_n12-8'
        p = [2, 2, 5, 10, 13]
        n = [(2, 2), (3, 2), (1, 10), (2, 2), (12, 8)]
        curvature = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]
        for i, case in enumerate(list_cases[:-1]):
            print("Test case n : ", i)
            # basis = basis_forms.
            # print("theo size ", (p[i] + 1)**2 *
            #       (p[i] + 1)**2 * n[i][0] * n[i][1])
            M_2_ref = np.loadtxt(
                os.getcwd() + '/src/tests/test_M_2/M_2_' + case + '.dat',
                delimiter=',').reshape((p[i])**2, n[i][0] * n[i][1], (p[i])**2)
            # print("actual size ", np.size(M_0_ref))

            # print(np.shape(M_0_ref))
            my_mesh = CrazyMesh(2,
                                n[i], ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)),
            function_space = FunctionSpace(my_mesh, '2-lobatto', p[i])
            basis_0 = BasisForm(function_space)
            basis_0.quad_grid = 'lobatto'
            basis_1 = BasisForm(function_space)
            basis_1.quad_grid = 'lobatto'
            M_2 = inner(basis_0, basis_1)
            # print("REF ------------------ \n", M_2_ref[:, 0, :])
            # print("CALCULATED _----------------\n", M_2[:, :, 0])
            for el in range(n[i][0] * n[i][1]):
                npt.assert_array_almost_equal(M_2_ref[:, el, :],
                                              M_2[:, :, el],
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_local_to_global_cochain(self):
     # TODO: currently not supported px != py
     """Test local to global mapping of cochians."""
     mesh = CrazyMesh(2, (2, 2), ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), curvature=0.3)
     cases = ['2-lobatto', '2-gauss']
     p = 2, 3
     for form_case in cases:
         func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, form_case, p)
         form_2 = Form(func_space)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_l2_norm(self):
     p = (10, 10)
     n = (10, 10)
     mesh = CrazyMesh(2, n, ((0, 1), (0, 1)), 0.1)
     func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, '1-lobatto', p)
     form_1 = Form(func_space)
     form_1.discretize((self.ufun_x, self.ufun_y))
     # print("chochain : \n", form_1.chochain)
     error_global, error_local = form_1.l_2_norm((self.ufun_x, self.ufun_y))
     self.assertLess(error_global, 4 * 10**(-12))
     self.assertLess(error_local, 4 * 10**(-10))
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_value_face_basis(self):
     for p in range(2, 15):
         function_space = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, '2-lobatto', p)
         basis = BasisForm(function_space)
         basis.quad_grid = 'lobatto'
         ref_funcs = np.loadtxt(
             os.getcwd() + '/src/tests/test_basis_2_form/basis_2_form_p_' +
             str(p) + '.dat',
         # decimals limited due to the limited precision of the matlab data
         npt.assert_array_almost_equal(ref_funcs, basis.basis, decimal=1)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_ext_gauss_projection(self):
     p = (10, 10)
     n = (5, 6)
     mesh = CrazyMesh(2, n, ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), 0.3)
     func_space_extGau = FunctionSpace(mesh, '0-ext_gauss', p)
     form_0_extG = ExtGaussForm_0(func_space_extGau)
     xi = eta = np.linspace(-1, 1, 20)
     form_0_extG.reconstruct(xi, eta)
     (x, y), data = form_0_extG.export_to_plot()
     npt.assert_array_almost_equal(self.pfun(x, y), data)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def test_lobatto_projection(self):
     p = (10, 10)
     n = (5, 6)
     mesh = CrazyMesh(2, n, ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), 0.3)
     func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, '0-lobatto', p)
     form_0 = Form(func_space)
     xi = eta = np.linspace(-1, 1, 20)
     form_0.reconstruct(xi, eta)
     (x, y), data = form_0.export_to_plot()
     npt.assert_array_almost_equal(self.pfun(x, y), data)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_weighted_inner_continous(self):
     """Test for weighted inner product."""
     mesh = CrazyMesh(2, (2, 2), ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), curvature=0.2)
     func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, '1-lobatto', (3, 4))
     basis = BasisForm(func_space)
     basis.quad_grid = 'gauss'
     K = MeshFunction(mesh)
     K.continous_tensor = [diff_tens_11, diff_tens_12, diff_tens_22]
     M_1_weighted = inner(basis, basis, K)
     M_1 = inner(basis, basis)
     npt.assert_array_almost_equal(M_1, M_1_weighted)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def test_discretize_simple(self):
     """Simple discretization of 0 forms."""
     p_s = [(2, 2)]
     n = (2, 2)
     for p in p_s:
         mesh = CrazyMesh(2, n, ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), 0.0)
         func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, '0-lobatto', p)
         form_0 = Form(func_space)
         # values at x = +- 0.5 and y = +- 0.5
         ref_value = np.array((1, -1, -1, 1))
         npt.assert_array_almost_equal(ref_value, form_0.cochain_local[4])
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_func_space_input(self):
        """Test function space input to coboudary operator.

        It should return the incidence matrix.
        p_x, p_y = 3, 3
        func_space = FunctionSpace(self.mesh,
                                   '1-lobatto', (p_x, p_y),
        e_21_lobatto_ref = d_21_lobatto_outer((p_x, p_y))
        e_21_lobatto = d(func_space)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(e_21_lobatto, e_21_lobatto_ref)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def test_projection_gauss(self):
     p = (10, 10)
     n = (5, 6)
     mesh = CrazyMesh(2, n, ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), 0.1)
     func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, '1-gauss', p)
     form_1 = Form(func_space)
     form_1.discretize((self.ufun_x, self.ufun_y))
     xi = eta = np.linspace(-1, 1, 40)
     form_1.reconstruct(xi, eta)
     (x, y), data_dx, data_dy = form_1.export_to_plot()
     npt.assert_array_almost_equal(self.ufun_x(x, y), data_dx, decimal=4)
     npt.assert_array_almost_equal(self.ufun_y(x, y), data_dy, decimal=4)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def test_weighted_metric(self):
     # TODO: figure out why if the metric tensor is set to ones the result is very different
     """Compare weighted and unweighted metric terms with K set to identity."""
     mesh = CrazyMesh(2, (1, 1), ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), curvature=0.2)
     K = MeshFunction(mesh)
     func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, '1-lobatto', (3, 3))
     basis = BasisForm(func_space)
     K.continous_tensor = [diff_tens_11, diff_tens_12, diff_tens_22]
     xi = eta = np.linspace(-1, 1, 5)
     xi, eta = np.meshgrid(xi, eta)
     g_11_k, g_12_k, g_22_k = basis.weighted_metric_tensor(xi.ravel('F'), eta.ravel('F'), K)
     g_11, g_12, g_22 = mesh.metric_tensor(xi.ravel('F'), eta.ravel('F'))
     npt.assert_array_almost_equal(g_11, g_11_k)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def test_projection_gauss(self):
        def ffun(x, y):
            return np.sin(np.pi * x) * np.sin(np.pi * y)

        p = (20, 20)
        n = (3, 3)
        mesh = CrazyMesh(2, n, ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), 0.3)
        func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, '2-ext_gauss', p)
        f2eg = Form(func_space)
        xi = eta = np.linspace(-1, 1, 50)
        f2eg.reconstruct(xi, eta)
        (x, y), data = f2eg.export_to_plot()
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(ffun(x, y), data)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def test_exceptions(self):
     p = 2
     mesh = CrazyMesh(2, (2, 2), ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)))
     func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, '1-lobatto', p)
     basis = BasisForm(func_space)
     basis_1 = BasisForm(func_space)
     quad_cases = [(None, 'gauss'), (None, None), ('gauss', None), ('lobatto', 'gauss')]
     for case in quad_cases:
         if None in case:
             with self.assertRaises(UnboundLocalError):
                 basis.quad_grid = case[0]
                 basis_1.quad_grid = case[1]
             basis.quad_grid = case[0]
             basis_1.quad_grid = case[1]
             self.assertRaises(QuadratureError, inner, basis, basis_1)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def test_form_input(self):
        p_x, p_y = 3, 3
        func_space = FunctionSpace(self.mesh,
                                   '1-lobatto', (p_x, p_y),
        form_1_cochain = np.random.rand((func_space.num_dof))

        form_2_cochain_local_ref = d_21_lobatto_outer(
            (p_x, p_y)) @ cochain_to_local(func_space, form_1_cochain)
        func_space_2 = NextSpace(func_space)
        form_2_cochain_ref = cochain_to_global(func_space_2,

        form_1 = Form(func_space, form_1_cochain)

        form_2 = d(form_1)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(form_2_cochain_ref, form_2.cochain)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def test_reduction_visualization_extended_gauss_2form(self):
        def ffun(x, y):
            return np.sin(np.pi * x) * np.sin(np.pi * y)

        p = (20, 20)
        n = (3, 3)
        mesh = CrazyMesh(2, n, ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), 0.3)
        func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, '2-ext_gauss', p)
        f2eg = Form(func_space)
        xi = eta = np.linspace(-1, 1, 50)
        f2eg.reconstruct(xi, eta)
        (x, y), data = f2eg.export_to_plot()
        plt.contourf(x, y, data)
        plt.title('reduced extened_gauss 2-form')
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def test_reconstruct_lobatto(self):
     """Test the reconstructin of lobatto forms."""
     p = (20, 20)
     n = (3, 2)
     mesh = CrazyMesh(2, n, ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), 0.3)
     xi = eta = np.linspace(-1, 1, 30)
     func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, '2-lobatto', p)
     form_2 = Form(func_space)
     cochain = np.loadtxt(
     ref_reconstructed = np.loadtxt(
     form_2.cochain = cochain
     form_2.reconstruct(xi, eta)
     npt.assert_array_almost_equal(ref_reconstructed, form_2.reconstructed)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def test_discretize_lobatto(self):
        def func_x(x, y):
            return np.ones(np.shape(x))

        def func_y(x, y):
            return np.ones(np.shape(x)) * 2

        mesh = CrazyMesh(2, (2, 2), ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), 0.3)
        func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, '1-lobatto', (3, 3))
        form_1 = Form(func_space)
        form_1.discretize((func_x, func_y))
        cochain_local_ref = np.loadtxt(
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def test_coboundary_lobatto_e10_inner(self):
        """Test of the coundary 0->1 for lobatto form inner oriented."""

        p = (20, 20)
        n = (6, 6)
        mesh = CrazyMesh(2, n, ((-1, 1), (-1, 1)), 0.1)
        xi = eta = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)

        func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, '0-lobatto', p)
        form_0 = Form(func_space)
        form_1 = d(form_0)
        form_1.reconstruct(xi, eta)
        (x, y), data_dx, data_dy = form_1.export_to_plot()

        ufun_x, ufun_y = self.ufun()
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(ufun_x(x, y), data_dx)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(ufun_y(x, y), data_dy)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def solve(n_cells, degree=3, with_plot=False):
    # Problem
    w = 3 * np.pi
    x = Symbol("x")
    u = sin(w * x)
    f = -u.diff(x, 2)

    # As Expr
    u = Expression(u)
    f = Expression(f)

    # Space
    # element = HermiteElement(degree)
    poly_set = leg.basis_functions(degree)
    dof_set = chebyshev_points(degree)
    element = LagrangeElement(poly_set, dof_set)

    mesh = IntervalMesh(a=-1, b=1, n_cells=n_cells)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, element)
    bc = DirichletBC(V, u)

    # Need mass matrix to intefrate the rhs
    M = assemble_matrix(V, "mass", get_geom_tensor=None, timer=0)
    # NOTE We cannot you apply the alpha transform idea because the functions
    # are mapped with this selective weight on 2nd, 3rd functions. So some rows
    # of alpha would have to be multiplied by weights which are cell specific.
    # And then on top of this there would be a dx = J*dy term. Better just to
    # use the qudrature representations
    # Mpoly_matrix = leg.mass_matrix(degree)
    # M_ = assemble_matrix(V, Mpoly_matrix, Mget_geom_tensor, timer=0)

    # Stiffness matrix for Laplacian
    A = assemble_matrix(V, "stiffness", get_geom_tensor=None, timer=0)
    # NOTE the above
    # Apoly_matrix = leg.stiffness_matrix(degree)
    # A_ = assemble_matrix(V, Apoly_matrix, Aget_geom_tensor, timer=0)

    # Interpolant of source
    fV = V.interpolate(f)
    # Integrate in L2 to get the vector
    b = M.dot(fV.vector)

    # Apply boundary conditions
    bc.apply(A, b, True)
    x = spsolve(A, b)

    # As function
    uh = Function(V, x)

    # This is a (slow) way of plotting the high order
    if with_plot:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.gca()
        uV = V.interpolate(u)

        for cell in Cells(mesh):
            a, b = cell.vertices[0, 0], cell.vertices[1, 0]
            x = np.linspace(a, b, 100)

            y = uh.eval_cell(x, cell)
            ax.plot(x, y, color=random.choice(["b", "g", "m", "c"]))

            y = uV.eval_cell(x, cell)
            ax.plot(x, y, color="r")

            y = u.eval_cell(x, cell)
            ax.plot(x, y, color="k")


    # Error norm in CG high order
    fine_degree = degree + 3
    poly_set = leg.basis_functions(fine_degree)
    dof_set = chebyshev_points(fine_degree)
    element = LagrangeElement(poly_set, dof_set)

    V_fine = FunctionSpace(mesh, element)
    # Interpolate exact solution to fine
    u_fine = V_fine.interpolate(u)
    # Interpolate approx solution fine
    uh_fine = V_fine.interpolate(uh)

    # Difference vector
    e = u_fine.vector - uh_fine.vector

    # L2
    if False:
        Apoly_matrix = leg.mass_matrix(fine_degree)
        get_geom_tensor = lambda cell: 1.0 / cell.Jac

    # Need matrix for integration of H10 norm
        Apoly_matrix = leg.stiffness_matrix(fine_degree)
        get_geom_tensor = lambda cell: cell.Jac

    A_fine = assemble_matrix(V_fine, Apoly_matrix, get_geom_tensor, timer=0)

    # Integrate the error
    e = sqrt(np.sum(e * A_fine.dot(e)))
    # Mesh size
    hmin = mesh.hmin()

    # Add the cond number
    kappa = np.linalg.cond(A.toarray())

    return hmin, e, kappa, A.shape[0]
Ejemplo n.º 32
def solve(n_cells, degree=3, with_plot=False):
    # Problem
    x = Symbol('x')
    vvvv = -0.0625*x**3/pi**3 + 0.0625*x/pi**3 + sin(2*pi*x)/(16*pi**4)
    u = -vvvv.diff(x, 2)
    f = sin(2*pi*x)

    # As Expr
    u = Expression(u)
    f = Expression(f)
    vvvv = Expression(vvvv)

    # Space
    element = HermiteElement(degree)

    mesh = IntervalMesh(a=-1, b=1, n_cells=n_cells)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, element)
    bc = DirichletBC(V, vvvv)

    # Need mass matrix to intefrate the rhs
    M = assemble_matrix(V, 'mass', get_geom_tensor=None, timer=0)
    # NOTE We cannot you apply the alpha transform idea because the functions
    # are mapped with this selective weight on 2nd, 3rd functions. So some rows
    # of alpha would have to be multiplied by weights which are cell specific.
    # And then on top of this there would be a dx = J*dy term. Better just to
    # use the qudrature representations
    # Mpoly_matrix = leg.mass_matrix(degree)
    # M_ = assemble_matrix(V, Mpoly_matrix, Mget_geom_tensor, timer=0)
    # Stiffness matrix for Laplacian
    A = assemble_matrix(V, 'bending', get_geom_tensor=None, timer=0)
    # NOTE the above
    # Apoly_matrix = leg.stiffness_matrix(degree)
    # A_ = assemble_matrix(V, Apoly_matrix, Aget_geom_tensor, timer=0)
    # Interpolant of source
    fV = V.interpolate(f)
    # Integrate in L2 to get the vector
    b = M.dot(fV.vector)
    # Apply boundary conditions
    bc.apply(A, b, True)
    x = spsolve(A, b)

    print '>>>>', np.linalg.norm(x - V.interpolate(vvvv).vector)

    ALaplace = assemble_matrix(V, 'stiffness', get_geom_tensor=None, timer=0)

    c = ALaplace.dot(x)
    y = spsolve(M, c)
    uh = Function(V, y)

    # This is a (slow) way of plotting the high order
    if with_plot:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.gca()
        uV = V.interpolate(u)
        for cell in Cells(mesh):
            a, b = cell.vertices[0, 0], cell.vertices[1, 0]
            x = np.linspace(a, b, 100)

            y = uh.eval_cell(x, cell)
            ax.plot(x, y, color=random.choice(['b', 'g', 'm', 'c']))
            y = uV.eval_cell(x, cell)
            ax.plot(x, y, color='r')

            y = u.eval_cell(x, cell)
            ax.plot(x, y, color='k')


    # Error norm
    fine_degree = degree + 3
    element = HermiteElement(fine_degree)
    V_fine = FunctionSpace(mesh, element)
    # Interpolate exact solution to fine
    u_fine = V_fine.interpolate(u)
    # Interpolate approx solution fine
    uh_fine = V_fine.interpolate(uh)

    # Difference vector
    e = u_fine.vector - uh_fine.vector

    # Integrate the error
    A_fine = assemble_matrix(V_fine, 'mass', get_geom_tensor=None, timer=0)
    e = sqrt(np.sum(e*A_fine.dot(e)))
    # Mesh size
    hmin = mesh.hmin()

    # Add the cond number
    kappa = np.linalg.cond(A.toarray())

    return hmin, e, kappa, A.shape[0]
Ejemplo n.º 33
import numpy as np

# CG ---------
# Element
x = Symbol('x')
poly_set = [S(1), x, x**2, x**3]
dof_set = np.array([-1, -0.5, 0.5, 1])
element = LagrangeElement(poly_set, dof_set)
# Mesh
mesh = IntervalMesh(a=-1, b=1, n_cells=2)
# Dofmap
dofmap = CGDofMap(mesh, element)
assert dofmap.dofmap[0] == [0, 1, 2, 3]
assert dofmap.dofmap[1] == [1, 4, 5, 6]
# Space
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, element)
assert V.dim == 7
assert dofmap.tabulate_facet_dofs(1) == [1]
# Interpolation
mesh = IntervalMesh(a=-1, b=1, n_cells=10)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, element)
# Function: expr
x = Symbol('x')
f = Expression(x)
f = V.interpolate(f)
# As pure function
g = V.interpolate(f)
assert np.linalg.norm(f.vector - g.vector) < 1E-13

# DG ------
# Dofmap