else: svar = "s_{i}" if type == 'liftdrag': q = "L" else: q = "F" label = r'$\frac{\partial ' + q + '_' + dir + '}{\partial ' + svar + '}$' # label=r"$"+label+"$" return label os.system("rm -rf ./results/Ma*/*") MainText("\nREADING INPUT-FILES") machvalues, anglevalues, perturbvals, NUMMACH, NUMANGLES, NUMPERTURB = ReadInputFiles( 'scriptinput/') MainText("\nSTART PlOTTING") for type in ['liftdrag', 'force']: for index_mach in range(1, NUMMACH + 1): if not os.path.exists("./results/Ma" + str(machvalues[index_mach - 1])): os.makedirs("./results/Ma" + str(machvalues[index_mach - 1])) readmefile = open( './results/Ma' + str(machvalues[index_mach - 1]) + '/README.md', 'a+') for index_angle in range(1, NUMANGLES + 1): plotfile = './results/Ma' + str( machvalues[index_mach - 1]) + '/' + type + '_angle' + str(
#!/usr/bin/python3 import os as os import sys sys.path.append('../') from functionlib import extractLifts, doFD, writeCSVana from functionlib2 import MainText, ReadInfo os.system("rm -rf ./results/*") MainText("\nREADING INPUT FILE") dic = ReadInfo('info') NUMANGLES = dic['NUMANGLES'] NUMPERTURB = dic['NUMPERTURB'] NUMMACH = dic['NUMMACH'] NUMSHAPEVARS = dic['NUMSHAPEVARS'] perturbvals = [] with open('scriptinput/perturbations') as f: for line in f.readlines(): perturbvals.append(float(line)) MainText("STARTING CALCULATIONS") for index_mach in range(1, NUMMACH + 1): for index_angle in range(1, NUMANGLES + 1): for index_shapevar in range(1, NUMSHAPEVARS + 1): csvfilename = 'results/sim_' + str(index_mach) + '_' + str( index_angle) + '_' + str(index_shapevar) + '.csv' with open(csvfilename, 'w') as resultfile: resultfile.write("absvar-value,dLx,dLy\n")
#!/usr/bin/python import os as os import sys sys.path.append("../") from functionlib import extractLifts, doFD, writeCSVana from functionlib2 import MainText, ReadInfo, ReadInputFiles os.system("rm -rf ./results/*") #The following lines reads integer key-value pairs from a text file MainText('\nREADING INPUT-FILES') machnums, angles, shapevars, perturbvals, NUMMACH, NUMANGLES, NUMSHAPEVARS, NUMPERTURB = ReadInputFiles( 'scriptinput/') MainText('STARTING CALCULATIONS') for type in ['force', 'liftdrag']: for index_mach in range(1, NUMMACH + 1): for index_angle in range(1, NUMANGLES + 1): for index_shapevar in range(1, NUMSHAPEVARS + 1): csvfilename = 'results/sim_' + str(index_mach) + '_' + str( index_angle) + '_' + str( index_shapevar) + '_' + type + '.csv' print('\033[4mMACH: ' + machnums[index_mach - 1] + ' ANGLE: ' + angles[index_angle - 1] + ' SHAPEVAR: ' + shapevars[index_shapevar - 1] + '\033[00m') with open(csvfilename, 'w') as resultfile: resultfile.write("absvar-value,dLx,dLy\n")