Ejemplo n.º 1
    async def give(self, ctx, person: discord.Member, amount: Abbreviated):
        Command that gives your Didier Dinks to another user.
        :param ctx: Discord Context
        :param person: user to give the Didier Dinks to
        :param amount: the amount of Didier Dinks to give
        # Invalid amount
        if amount is None:

        # Disable DM abuse
        if ctx.guild is None:
            return await ctx.send("Muttn")

        valid = checks.isValidAmount(ctx, amount)
        if not valid[0]:
            return await ctx.send(valid[1])

        amount = float(valid[1])

        currency.update(ctx.author.id, "dinks",
                        float(currency.dinks(ctx.author.id)) - amount)
        currency.update(person.id, "dinks",
                        float(currency.dinks(person.id)) + amount)

        rep = getRep(math.floor(amount), Numbers.t.value)

        await ctx.send(
            "**{}** heeft **{}** zowaar **{}** Didier Dink{} geschonken!".
            format(ctx.author.display_name, person.display_name, rep,
Ejemplo n.º 2
    async def award(self, ctx, user: discord.User, amount: Abbreviated):
        Command that awards a user a certain amount of Didier Dinks.
        :param ctx: Discord Context
        :param user: the user to give the Didier Dinks to
        :param amount: the amount of Didier Dinks to award [user]
        # No amount was passed
        if amount is None:

        # Update the db
        currency.update(user.id, "dinks", float(currency.dinks(user.id)) + float(amount))

        # Gets the abbreviated representation of the amount
        rep = getRep(amount, Numbers.t.value)

        await ctx.send("**{}** heeft **{}** zowaar **{}** Didier Dink{} beloond!"
                       .format(ctx.author.display_name, self.utilsCog.getDisplayName(ctx, user.id), rep, checks.pluralS(amount)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    async def buy(self, ctx, item, amount: Abbreviated = 1):
        if amount is None:

            item = int(item)
        except ValueError:
            return await ctx.send("Dit is geen geldig id.")

        success, message = store.buy(ctx, ctx.author.id, item, amount)
        if not success:
            return await ctx.send(message)

        rep = getRep(message["price"], Numbers.t.value)

        return await ctx.send(
            "**{}** heeft **{} {}{}** gekocht voor **{}** Didier Dink{}.".
            format(ctx.author.display_name, amount, message["name"],
                   checks.pluralS(amount), rep,
Ejemplo n.º 4
    async def sell(self, ctx, itemid, amount: Abbreviated = 1):
        if amount is None:

            itemid = int(itemid)
        except ValueError:
            return await ctx.send("Dit is geen geldig id.")

        inv = store.inventory(ctx.author.id)

        if not inv or not any(int(item[0]) == itemid for item in inv):
            return await ctx.send("Je hebt geen item met dit id.")

        item_tuple = None
        for item in inv:
            if item[0] == itemid:
                item_tuple = item

        if str(amount).lower() == "all":
            amount = int(item_tuple[2])

        if int(item_tuple[2]) < amount:
            return await ctx.send("Je hebt niet zoveel {}s.".format(

        store.sell(int(ctx.author.id), itemid, int(amount), int(item_tuple[2]))
        price = int(store.getItemPrice(itemid)[0])
        returnValue = round(0.8 * (price * amount))

        currency.update(ctx.author.id, "dinks",
                        currency.dinks(ctx.author.id) + returnValue)

        await ctx.send(
            "**{}** heeft **{} {}{}** verkocht voor **{}** Didier Dinks!".
            format(ctx.author.display_name, amount, item_tuple[1],
                   "s" if amount != 1 else "",
                   getRep(returnValue, Numbers.t.value)))