def main(): """Запрашивает комманду и вызывает функции из модуля functions""" querry = input(">>>: ") if querry == "index": os.system("clear") func.index(arrayName) main() elif querry == "count": os.system("clear") func.count(arrayName) main() elif querry == "pop": os.system("clear") func.pop(arrayName) main() elif querry == "clear": os.system("clear") func.clear(arrayName) main() elif querry == "list": os.system("clear") func.list(arrayName) main() elif querry == "tuple": os.system("clear") func.tup(arrayName) main() elif querry == "info": os.system("clear") main() elif querry == "create": os.system("clear") createArray() elif querry == "write": os.system("clear") func.writeFile(arrayName) main() elif querry == "read": os.system("clear") func.readFile() main() elif querry == "exit": os.system("clear") exit(0) else: print("Такой функции нет") main()
def reducefn(author, terms): import functions list = functions.count(author, terms) if author in ['Grzegorz Rozenberg', 'Philip S. Yu']: import operator print('Autor: '), print(author) print(u'Palavra com maior ocorência: '.encode('utf-8')), print(max(list.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]) return list
import regex as re import functions with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as f: text = f.readlines() text = [line.strip() for line in text] iterations = int(input("Enter the number of iterations: ")) rules = [] zeroth = 0 for line in text: line = re.sub("\.", "o", line) if "initial" in line: *head, state = line.split() elif "=> #" in line: sub_state, _, result = line.split() rules.append(sub_state) #print(f"i.0:\t{state}") for i in range(iterations): state, zeroth = functions.extend_string(state, zeroth, "#", "o") state, zeroth = functions.reduce_string(state, zeroth, "#", "o") state = functions.update(state, rules) # print(f"i.{i + 1}:\t{state}") count = functions.count(state, zeroth, "#") print( f"After {iterations} iterations, the sum of the values of pots containing plants is {count}." )
async def on_message(message): # we do not want the bot to reply to itself if == client.user: return func.add_score(, 1, 1, fdata) # ---------------------------------------- # BALANCE # ---------------------------------------- if message.content.startswith(PREFIX + 'b') or message.content.startswith(PREFIX + '$'): target = if len(message.mentions) > 0: if len(message.mentions) > 1: await client.send_message(, "Whoah, dude! One person at a time, please!") asyncio.sleep(2) await client.send_message(, "Showing you the results for {}...".format( message.mentions[0])) target = message.mentions[0] print('{} has requested the balance of {}.'.format(, message.mentions[0])) else: print('{} has requested the balance of themselves.'.format( await client.send_message(, func.make_balance(, fdata, femoji, target)) return # ---------------------------------------- # MARKET # ---------------------------------------- if message.content.startswith(PREFIX + 'm'): # When a specific emoji has been chosen. if len(message.content.split(' ')) > 1: emoji = message.content.split(' ')[1] if func.isvalid(emoji, femoji) == True: await client.send_message(, func.make_market_branch(emoji, fmarket)) else: await client.send_message(, "I am terribly sorry! I couldn't recognize the emoji `{}`." .format(emoji)) return await client.send_message(, func.make_complete_market(femoji, fmarket)) # ---------------------------------------- # BUY STUFF # ---------------------------------------- if message.content.startswith('!bu'): message_table = message.content.split(' ') # Find all the valid emojis. If not, end with syntax error. if len(message_table) != 3: await client.send_message(, "**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!buy <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!buy {} 1`" .format(func.import_data(femoji)[0][0])) return if func.check_for_int(message_table[1]) == True and func.isvalid( message_table[2], femoji) == True: if int(message_table[1]) <= 0 or int(message_table[1]) > 1000000: await client.send_message(, "I'm sorry, your sell value is out of bounds! Please choose a reasonable amount." ) return if func.count(, 1, fdata) < int(message_table[1]): await client.send_message(, "I'm sorry! You do not have enough money to make this deal!" ) return msg, person, amount = func.buy_something(, message_table[2], int(message_table[1]), femoji, fmarket, fdata) if person != '0': victim = await client.get_user_info(person) await client.send_message( client.get_channel("438260494743109633"), ":moneybag: **{}** bought {} from **{}** for the price of {} coins!" .format(, message_table[2], victim, amount)) print("{} bought {} from {} for the price of {} coins!".format(, message_table[2], victim, amount)) await client.send_message(, msg) return if func.check_for_int(message_table[2]) == True and func.isvalid( message_table[1], femoji) == True: if int(message_table[2]) <= 0 or int(message_table[2]) > 1000000: await client.send_message(, "I'm sorry, your sell value is out of bounds! Please choose a reasonable amount." ) return if func.count(, 1, fdata) < int(message_table[2]): await client.send_message(, "I'm sorry! You do not have enough money to make this deal!" ) return msg, person, amount = func.buy_something(, message_table[1], int(message_table[2]), femoji, fmarket, fdata) if person != '0': victim = await client.get_user_info(person) await client.send_message( client.get_channel("438260494743109633"), ":moneybag: **{}** bought {} from **{}** for the price of {} coins!" .format(, message_table[1], victim, amount)) print("{} bought {} from {} for the price of {} coins!".format(, message_table[1], victim, amount)) await client.send_message(, msg) return await client.send_message(, "**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!buy <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!buy {} 1`" .format(func.import_data(femoji)[0][0])) return # ---------------------------------------- # SELL STUFF # ---------------------------------------- if message.content.startswith('!s'): message_table = message.content.split(' ') # Find all the valid emojis. If not, end with syntax error. if len(message_table) != 3: await client.send_message(, "**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!sell <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!sell {} 100`" .format(func.import_data(femoji)[0][0])) return if func.check_for_int(message_table[1]) == True and func.isvalid( message_table[2], femoji) == True: if int(message_table[1]) <= 0 or int(message_table[1]) > 1000000: await client.send_message(, "I'm sorry, your sell value is out of bounds! Please choose a reasonable amount." ) return if func.count(, func.position(message_table[2], femoji), fdata) < 1: await client.send_message(, "I'm sorry! You do not have the {} at your disposal to make this deal!" .format(message_table[2])) return msg, person, amount = func.sell_something(, message_table[2], int(message_table[1]), femoji, fmarket, fdata) if person != '0': victim = await client.get_user_info(person) await client.send_message( client.get_channel("438260494743109633"), ":money_with_wings: **{}** sold {} to **{}** for {} coins!" .format(, message_table[2], victim, amount)) print("{} sold {} to {} for {} coins!".format(, message_table[2], victim, amount)) await client.send_message(, msg) return if func.check_for_int(message_table[2]) == True and func.isvalid( message_table[1], femoji) == True: if int(message_table[2]) <= 0 or int(message_table[2]) > 1000000: await client.send_message(, "I'm sorry, your sell value is out of bounds! Please choose a reasonable amount." ) return if func.count(, func.position(message_table[1], femoji), fdata) < 1: await client.send_message(, "I'm sorry! You do not have the {} at your disposal to make this deal!" .format(message_table[1])) return msg, person, amount = func.sell_something(, message_table[1], int(message_table[2]), femoji, fmarket, fdata) if person != '0': victim = await client.get_user_info(person) await client.send_message( client.get_channel("438260494743109633"), ":money_with_wings: **{}** sold {} to **{}** for {} coins!" .format(, message_table[1], victim, amount)) print("{} sold {} to {} for the price of {} coins!".format(, message_table[1], victim, amount)) await client.send_message(, msg) return await client.send_message(, "**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!sell <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!sell {} 100`" .format(func.import_data(femoji)[0][0])) return if message.content.startswith('!r'): if len(message.content.split(' ')) > 1: emoji = message.content.split(' ')[1] if func.isvalid(emoji, femoji) == True: await client.send_message(, 'Are you sure you want to retract all offers and requests of the emoji {}?\nType `Yes` to confirm, or type `No` to cancel.' ) response = await client.wait_for_message( if response.content.startswith( 'Y') or response.content.startswith('y'): msg = func.retract_emoji(, emoji, fmarket, femoji, fdata) if msg != '': await client.send_message(, msg) await client.send_message(, "{} has been cleared!".format(emoji)) await asyncio.sleep(1) return await client.send_message(, "Retraction canceled.") return await client.send_message(, 'Are you sure you want to retract all offers and requests on the *WHOLE* market?\nType `Yes` to confirm, or type `No` to cancel.' ) response = await client.wait_for_message( if response.content.startswith('Y') or response.content.startswith( 'y'): for emoji in func.import_data(femoji): msg = func.retract_emoji(, emoji[0], fmarket, femoji, fdata) if msg != '': await client.send_message(, msg) await client.send_message(, "{} has been cleared!".format(emoji[0])) await asyncio.sleep(1) await client.send_message(, "All emojis have been cleared!") return await client.send_message(, "Retraction canceled.") return
from pathlib import Path from functions import is_isx, files_compare, dirs, count import shutil counter = 0 search_dir = r'O:\ГМЦ\Отдел гидрометеорологии' new_dir_common = r'L:\test' for file_path in Path(search_dir).rglob('mpo*.???'): if is_isx(file_path): new_dir = dirs(new_dir_common, file_path) if new_dir is None: continue if not Path(new_dir / shutil.copy2(file_path, new_dir) counter = count(counter) else: if not files_compare(Path(new_dir /, file_path): shutil.copy2(file_path, new_dir) counter = count(counter)
async def on_message(message): # we do not want the bot to reply to itself if == client.user: return if int( not in authorized: func.add_score(,1,1,fliving) # Makes sure the player is still alive or at least signed up (we do not want to give any spoilers!) if func.is_still_alive(,fdata) and not int( in authorized: return if message.server == client.get_server("436257067573968908") and not == client.get_channel(play_zone) and message.content.startswith('!') and not int( in authorized: answer = await client.send_message(,"Wrong channel, buddy! Please go to <#{}> or to my DMs to play with the bot.".format(play_zone)) await asyncio.sleep(10) await client.delete_message(answer) return # ---------------------------------------- # HELP # ---------------------------------------- if message.content.startswith('!h') and not ( == client.get_channel(game_log) or == client.get_channel(stock_market)): msg = '' args = message.content.split(' ') if len(args) == 1: msg += '`!balance` - View the balance of a user\n' msg += '`!buy` - Buy certain items' msg += '`!description` - View the meaning of all emojis\n' msg += '`!market` - View the market\n' msg += "`!retract` - Retract certain offers or requests you've made\n" msg += '`!sell` - Sell certain items\n' if int( in authorized: msg += '\n\n**Admin commands:**\n' msg += '`!kill` - Kill a player, effectively allowing them to participate on the market.\n' msg += '`!redeem` - Redeem a coin and make it invalid\n' msg += '\n To view the specific documentation of a command, please type `!help <command>`.' elif args[1].startswith('ba'): msg += '`!balance` - View your own balance.\n' msg += '`!balance <user>` - View the balance of a specific user. The user is a mention.' elif args[1].startswith('bu'): msg += '`!buy <emoji> <amount>` - Buy a certain emoji for a certain amount.' elif args[1].startswith('d'): msg += '`!description` - Get an explanation of what certain emojis mean.\n' msg += 'If a desciption reads **Player coin**, that means that the emoji is redeemed when the corresponding player dies.' elif args[1].startswith('m'): msg += '`!market` - See an overview of the whole market.\n' msg += '`!market <emoji> - See an overview of the market of a specific emoji. Make sure the emoji exists on the market.`' elif args[1].startswith('ret'): msg += "`!retract` - Retract all offers and requests you've made on the whole market.\n" msg += "`!retract` - Retract all offers and requests you've made on a specific emoji." elif args[1].startswith('s'): msg += '`!sell <emoji> <amount>` - Sell a certain emoji for a certain amount.' elif args[1].startswith('k'): if int( in authorized: msg += '`!kill <user> <emoji> <amount>` - Kill a user that got voted out by `<amount>` players. The user had `<emoji>` as their emoji in the game.' else: msg += "You're not even an admin! Why bother looking up this command?" elif args[1].startswith('red'): if int( in authorized: msg += '`!redeem <emoji> <amount>` - Remove a given emoji from the market, and pay all users a given amount for each emoji they had left.' else: msg += "You're not even an admin! Why bother looking up this command?" else: msg += "I am terribly sorry! I did not understand what command you meant to type!\n" msg += "Please type `!help` for help." await client.send_message(,msg) # ---------------------------------------- # DESCRIPTION # ---------------------------------------- if message.content.startswith('!d'): await client.send_message(,func.show_desc(femoji)) # ---------------------------------------- # KILL FUNCTION # ---------------------------------------- if int( in authorized and message.content.startswith('!kill') and len(message.mentions) > 0: if len(message.content.split(' ')) != 4: await client.send_message(,"**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!kill <player> <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!kill @Randium#6521 😏 12`") return currency = message.content.split(' ')[2] amount = message.content.split(' ')[3] if not func.check_for_int(amount): await client.send_message(,"**ERROR:** Invalid amount!") return amount = int(amount) victim = message.mentions[0] if int( in authorized: await client.send_message(,"I am terribly sorry, but I can't kill an admin! That'd be treason.") return await client.send_message(client.get_channel(bot_spam),"Are you sure you want to kill <@{}>?\nPlease type `Yes` to confirm.".format( if func.isvalid(currency,femoji): await client.send_message(client.get_channel(bot_spam),"Careful! The emoji you gave up is still valid! You can override by typing `Yes`, but I would advise saying `No`!") await client.send_message(client.get_channel(bot_spam),"You can override emojis by typing `!redeem {} <amount>`.".format(currency)) response = await client.wait_for_message(author =,channel = client.get_channel(bot_spam)) if not response.content[0] in ['y', 'Y']: await client.send_message(,"Kill function canceled.") return msg, money = func.kill(victim,fdata,fliving,femoji) await client.send_message(client.get_channel(bot_spam),msg) if msg[-1] == '!': msg = "Hey there, buddy! It seems like you have died!\n" msg += "Though the game may be over for you as a living player, it will still be very interesting for you while you're dead!" msg += " How so? Well, it is time to use your knowledge about the game to become the richest ghost of all!\n" msg += "Players weren't allowed to use the :ghost: emoji as their avatar. Why not? Because that emoji now has a meaning to the dead - it's ectoplasm." msg += " The money of the dead.\n\n" msg += "See, every player, every team has a type of coin. When a player dies, their coins will be exchanged for money." msg += " For example, when you died, your {} coin was exchanged for money.".format(currency) msg += " How much? Well, in total, {} players voted to kill you, so every player gained {} ectoplasm for each {} coin they had.\n\n".format(amount,100*amount,currency) msg += "Because of your activity, you will gain {} ectoplasm and 10 of every coin as a starter pack.".format(money) msg += " Buy and sell these coins on the market to get rich! The player who has the most ectoplasm at the end of the game, wins a special victory badge! Enjoy!" await client.send_message(victim,msg) await client.send_message(client.get_channel(game_log),"<@{}> has been killed.".format( return # ---------------------------------------- # REDEEM COINS # ---------------------------------------- if int( in authorized and message.content.startswith('!red'): if len(message.content.split(' ')) != 3: await client.send_message(,"**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!redeem <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!redeem 😏 12`") return currency = message.content.split(' ')[1] amount = message.content.split(' ')[2] if not func.check_for_int(amount) or not func.isvalid(currency,femoji): await client.send_message(,"**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!redeem <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!redeem 😏 12`") return amount = int(amount) await client.send_message(client.get_channel(bot_spam),"Are you sure you want to exchange the {} coin for {} ectoplasm?\nPlease type `Yes` to confirm.".format(currency,amount)) response = await client.wait_for_message(author =,channel = client.get_channel(bot_spam)) if not response.content[0] in ['y', 'Y']: await client.send_message(,"Money redeem function canceled.") return score_table = func.import_data(fdata) for user in score_table: target = await client.get_user_info(user[0]) user_amount = user[func.position(currency,femoji)] func.retract_emoji(target,currency,fmarket,femoji,fdata) user[1] = int(user[1]) + amount * int(user_amount) if int(user_amount) > 0: await client.send_message(target,"The emoji {} has been redeemed for {} ectoplasm! You had {} emojis, meaning that you gained {} coins.".format(currency,amount,user_amount,int(user_amount)*amount)) user[func.position(currency,femoji)] = 0,fdata) emojis = func.import_data(femoji) emojis[func.position(currency,femoji)-2][0] = 'N',femoji) await client.send_message(client.get_channel(game_log),"The emoji {} has been redeemed for {} ectoplasm.".format(currency,amount)) print("The emoji {} has been cleared succesfully.".format(currency)) await client.send_message(client.get_channel(bot_spam),"The emoji {} has been succesfully redeemed for {} per emoji!".format(currency,amount)) return # ---------------------------------------- # BALANCE # ---------------------------------------- if message.content.startswith('!ba'): target = if len(message.mentions) > 0: if len(message.mentions) > 1: await client.send_message(,"Whoah, dude! One person at a time, please!") asyncio.sleep(2) await client.send_message(,"Showing you the results for {}...".format(message.mentions[0])) target = message.mentions[0] print('{} has requested the balance of {}.'.format(,message.mentions[0])) else: print('{} has requested the balance of themselves.'.format( await client.send_message(,func.make_balance(,fdata,femoji,target)) return # ---------------------------------------- # MARKET # ---------------------------------------- if message.content.startswith('!m'): # When a specific emoji has been chosen. if len(message.content.split(' ')) > 1: emoji = message.content.split(' ')[1] if func.isvalid(emoji,femoji) == True: await client.send_message(,func.make_market_branch(emoji,fmarket)) else: await client.send_message(,"I am terribly sorry! I couldn't recognize the emoji `{}`.".format(emoji)) return await client.send_message(,func.make_complete_market(femoji,fmarket)) # ---------------------------------------- # BUY STUFF # ---------------------------------------- if message.content.startswith('!bu'): message_table = message.content.split(' ') # Find all the valid emojis. If not, end with syntax error. if len(message_table) != 3: await client.send_message(,"**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!buy <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!buy {} 1`".format(func.import_data(femoji)[0][0])) return if func.check_for_int(message_table[1]) == True and func.isvalid(message_table[2],femoji) == True: if int(message_table[1]) <= 0 or int(message_table[1]) > 1000000: await client.send_message(,"I'm sorry, your sell value is out of bounds! Please choose a reasonable amount.") return if func.count(,1,fdata) < int(message_table[1]): await client.send_message(,"I'm sorry! You do not have enough money to make this deal!") return msg, person, amount = func.buy_something(,message_table[2],int(message_table[1]),femoji,fmarket,fdata) if person != '0': victim = await client.get_user_info(person) await client.send_message(client.get_channel(stock_market),":moneybag: **{}** bought {} from **{}** for the price of {} coins!".format(,message_table[2],victim,amount)) print("{} bought {} from {} for the price of {} coins!".format(,message_table[2],victim,amount)) await client.send_message(,msg) return if func.check_for_int(message_table[2]) == True and func.isvalid(message_table[1],femoji) == True: if int(message_table[2]) <= 0 or int(message_table[2]) > 1000000: await client.send_message(,"I'm sorry, your sell value is out of bounds! Please choose a reasonable amount.") return if func.count(,1,fdata) < int(message_table[2]): await client.send_message(,"I'm sorry! You do not have enough money to make this deal!") return msg, person, amount = func.buy_something(,message_table[1],int(message_table[2]),femoji,fmarket,fdata) if person != '0': victim = await client.get_user_info(person) await client.send_message(client.get_channel(stock_market),":moneybag: **{}** bought {} from **{}** for the price of {} coins!".format(,message_table[1],victim,amount)) print("{} bought {} from {} for the price of {} coins!".format(,message_table[1],victim,amount)) await client.send_message(,msg) return await client.send_message(,"**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!buy <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!buy {} 1`".format(func.import_data(femoji)[0][0])) return # ---------------------------------------- # SELL STUFF # ---------------------------------------- if message.content.startswith('!s'): message_table = message.content.split(' ') # Find all the valid emojis. If not, end with syntax error. if len(message_table) != 3: await client.send_message(,"**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!sell <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!sell {} 100`".format(func.import_data(femoji)[0][0])) return if func.check_for_int(message_table[1]) == True and func.isvalid(message_table[2],femoji) == True: if int(message_table[1]) <= 0 or int(message_table[1]) > 1000000: await client.send_message(,"I'm sorry, your sell value is out of bounds! Please choose a reasonable amount.") return if func.count(,func.position(message_table[2],femoji),fdata) < 1: await client.send_message(,"I'm sorry! You do not have the {} at your disposal to make this deal!".format(message_table[2])) return msg, person, amount = func.sell_something(,message_table[2],int(message_table[1]),femoji,fmarket,fdata) if person != '0': victim = await client.get_user_info(person) await client.send_message(client.get_channel(stock_market),":money_with_wings: **{}** sold {} to **{}** for {} coins!".format(,message_table[2],victim,amount)) print("{} sold {} to {} for {} coins!".format(,message_table[2],victim,amount)) await client.send_message(,msg) return if func.check_for_int(message_table[2]) == True and func.isvalid(message_table[1],femoji) == True: if int(message_table[2]) <= 0 or int(message_table[2]) > 1000000: await client.send_message(,"I'm sorry, your sell value is out of bounds! Please choose a reasonable amount.") return if func.count(,func.position(message_table[1],femoji),fdata) < 1: await client.send_message(,"I'm sorry! You do not have the {} at your disposal to make this deal!".format(message_table[1])) return msg, person, amount = func.sell_something(,message_table[1],int(message_table[2]),femoji,fmarket,fdata) if person != '0': victim = await client.get_user_info(person) await client.send_message(client.get_channel(stock_market),":money_with_wings: **{}** sold {} to **{}** for {} coins!".format(,message_table[1],victim,amount)) print("{} sold {} to {} for the price of {} coins!".format(,message_table[1],victim,amount)) await client.send_message(,msg) return await client.send_message(,"**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!sell <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!sell {} 100`".format(func.import_data(femoji)[0][0])) return # ---------------------------------------- # RETRACT # ---------------------------------------- if message.content.startswith('!ret'): if len(message.content.split(' ')) > 1: emoji = message.content.split(' ')[1] if func.isvalid(emoji,femoji) == True: await client.send_message(,'Are you sure you want to retract all offers and requests of the emoji {}?\nType `Yes` to confirm, or type `No` to cancel.') response = await client.wait_for_message(author = if response.content.startswith('Y') or response.content.startswith('y'): msg = func.retract_emoji(,emoji,fmarket,femoji,fdata) if msg != '': await client.send_message(,msg) await client.send_message(,"{} has been cleared!".format(emoji)) await asyncio.sleep(1) return await client.send_message(,"Retraction canceled.") return await client.send_message(,'Are you sure you want to retract all offers and requests on the *WHOLE* market?\nType `Yes` to confirm, or type `No` to cancel.') response = await client.wait_for_message(author = if response.content.startswith('Y') or response.content.startswith('y'): for emoji in func.import_data(femoji): msg = func.retract_emoji(,emoji[0],fmarket,femoji,fdata) if msg != '': await client.send_message(,msg) await client.send_message(,"{} has been cleared!".format(emoji[0])) await asyncio.sleep(1) await client.send_message(,"All emojis have been cleared!") return await client.send_message(,"Retraction canceled.") return
import functions as f k=0 totalup=0. totaldown=0. #ranging through odd integers for i in range(1,500000000): k+=1 m=2*i-1 sizen = f.count(m) j=3*m+1 sizeup = f.count(j) sizedown = f.countdown(j) totalup+=(sizeup-sizen) totaldown+=sizedown print(m) print("Total up: ") #average binary digits up print(totalup/k) print("\nTotal down: ") #average binary digits down print(totaldown/k) print("\nTotal net: ") #average net change print((totalup-totaldown)/k)
ABSISSA.append(N) # pour N print(list(ALGO.keys())) # algorithmes restant print('(size * lists) = {} * {}'.format(N, B)) # taille de la liste par le nombre de liste à trier p = len(ALGO) # nb d'algos restant l = [genList(N) for j in range(B)] # on crée B listes à trier todel = [] # algo à supprimer for algo in ALGO: print(algo) avg = sum([count(ALGO[algo], list(l[i]))[1] for i in range(B)]) / B # on fait la moyenne sur les B liste sà trier (les memes pour chaque algo) PLOT[algo].append(avg) # on ajoute la valeur print(avg, 'seconds') if avg >= L: # si l'algo est trop long on le supprime print("This algorithme took too much time and will be remove") todel.append(algo) for algo in todel: # on supprime les algo trop lents del ALGO[algo] N *= M # on passe à la taille suivante print("===========================================\n\n")
def test_count(self): self.assertEqual(functions.count("#o#o#", 0, "#"), 6) self.assertEqual(functions.count("#o#o#", 3, "#"), -3) self.assertEqual( functions.count("o#oooo##oooo#####ooo#######oooo#o#oo##o", 3, "#"), 325)
def main(): print(functions.count([9, 2, 8, 1, 9, 9], 8)) '''