def run(config): # TODO: 减少对 config.json 的调用次数,导入一次就够了 functions.schedule_run(config) token, login_response = functions.get_token(config) if token: userinfo = functions.get_user_info(token) index = 0 date = functions.get_date("today") seats = functions.search_seats(token, config["room"], date) while seats is not False and index < len(seats): response = functions.post_data(seats, config, token, index) status = response[u"status"] index = index + 1 time.sleep(random.uniform(0.1, 0.5)) if status == u"fail": print "\n--------------Oops! failed!---------------\n" print "\n------------" + response[u'message'] + "-------------" break elif status == u"success": print "\n-------------Yeah! it's done!-------------\n" break # TODO: 将所有除了success和该座位已被预约以外的status设置为返回status并break # TODO: 调整send_mail参数 functions.send_mail(config, response[u'message']) else: response = None return userinfo, response
import functions customer_id = 1432780 #get a token for our session. Using "Session" from the requests library, the token is stored on the session "object" functions.get_token() request = { "query": "mutation updateCustomer($customer_id: Int!, $input_customer: CustomerInput, $input_customer_details: CustomerDetailsInput) {\n updateCustomer(customer_id: $customer_id, input_customer: $input_customer, input_customer_details: $input_customer_details){\n customer_id\n username\n first_name\n last_name\n}\n}", "operationName": "updateCustomer", "variables": { "customer_id": customer_id, "input_customer": { "username": "******", "password": "******", "first_name": "Jin", "last_name": "Kazama", "emails": { "email_address": "*****@*****.**", "description": "Example Email" } }, "input_customer_details": { "bill_first_name": "Jin", "bill_last_name": "Kazama", "main_address1": "123 Street", "bill_address1": "123 Street", "main_address2": "", "bill_address2": "", "main_city": "New York", "bill_city": "New York", "main_state": "NY",
if args.config: config_yaml = yaml_parser(os.path.join(args.config)) if args.recursive: for path in args.path: traverser(path, branch, payload) if config_key: if not args.config: config_yaml = yaml_parser() for hook in config_yaml['hooks']: key = hook['key'] if key == config_key: web_hook = hook['url'] if not args.credentials: if "credentials" in hook: config_credentials = (hook['credentials']['username'] + ":" + hook['credentials']['password']) args.credentials = config_credentials if not web_hook: print("Couldn't find any hook to use. Check your configuration") exit(1) if args.credentials: auth_token = get_token(args.credentials, web_hook) push_request_executor(web_hook, auth_token, json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8'))
def main(): categories = { "Pokemon": 3, "YuGiOh": 2, "Flesh & Blood": 62, } logo = pyfiglet.figlet_format("tcgify", font="slant") print(logo) print("Welcome to TCGify!\n") print("Retrieving new token...") token = get_token() print("Updating set list...") sets, codes = download_sets(token, categories) questions = [ { "type": "list", "name": "category", "message": "What category are you interested in?", "choices": ["Pokemon", "YuGiOh", "Flesh & Blood"] }, { "type": "list", "name": "Pokemon", "message": "Which Pokemon set do you want to download?", "choices": codes["Pokemon"], "when": lambda answers: answers["category"] == "Pokemon" }, { "type": "list", "name": "YuGiOh", "message": "Which YuGiOh set do you want to download?", "choices": codes["YuGiOh"], "when": lambda answers: answers["category"] == "YuGiOh" }, { "type": "list", "name": "Flesh & Blood", "message": "Which Flesh & Blood set do you want to download?", "choices": codes["Flesh & Blood"], "when": lambda answers: answers["category"] == "Flesh & Blood" }, { "type": "list", "name": "confirm", "message": "Is the information above correct?", "choices": ["Yes", "No"] }, ] answers = prompt(questions) if answers["confirm"] == "No": print("Exiting...goodbye!") sys.exit() group = { "category": answers["category"], "set_name": answers[answers["category"]].split(" - ")[1], "code": answers[answers["category"]].split(" - ")[0], } print(f"Downloading cards for {group['set_name']}...") cards = download_cards(token, group) print(f"Found {len(cards)} cards.") print("Building variants...") variants = format_cards(token, cards, group) filename = f"{group['code']}_{group['set_name'].replace(' ', '_')}.csv" df = cards_to_csv(variants, group["category"], filename)
def run(): # Suppress noise about console usage from errors youtube_dl.utils.bug_reports_message = lambda: '' ytdl_format_options = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'outtmpl': './musics/%(extractor)s-%(id)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s', 'restrictfilenames': True, 'noplaylist': True, 'nocheckcertificate': True, 'ignoreerrors': False, 'logtostderr': False, 'quiet': True, 'no_warnings': True, 'default_search': 'auto', 'max_filesize': 100000000, 'source_address': '' # bind to ipv4 since ipv6 addresses cause issues sometimes } ffmpeg_options = {'options': '-vn'} ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ytdl_format_options) #List that has the sames lenght as the actual connected guilds glds = [] class YTDLSource(discord.PCMVolumeTransformer): def __init__(self, source, *, data, volume=0.5): super().__init__(source, volume) = data self.title = data.get('title') self.url = data.get('url') #Generates a player @classmethod async def from_url(cls, url, *, loop=None):[url]) data = ytdl.extract_info(url, download=True) filename = data['url'] if False else ytdl.prepare_filename(data) if not os.path.exists(filename): return 10 return cls(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(filename, **ffmpeg_options), data=data) class General(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot #Sends embed message in the guild chat async def send_embed(self, ctx, description: str): embed = discord.Embed(description=description, msg = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(60) await msg.delete() #Verifies the voice situations of the author/bot async def channel_verify(self, ctx): author_voice_state = if not author_voice_state: text = 'You need to be in a channel!' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) return False voice = get(bot.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild) if voice is None: text = "I'm not in any channel!" await self.send_embed(ctx, text) return False if != text = "I'm already at another channel in this guild!" await self.send_embed(ctx, text) return False return True #Returns the link of a video through his name async def get_url(self, ctx): entry = ctx.message.content.split() entry.pop(0) url = '' for i in range(len(entry)): url = url + entry[i] if i != len(entry) - 1: url = url + ' ' if not url.startswith('https://') and not url.startswith( 'http://'): with ctx.typing(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() data = await loop.run_in_executor( None, lambda: ytdl.extract_info(url, download=False)) if 'entries' in data: # take first item from a playlist data = data['entries'][0] else: return return data['webpage_url'] return url #Show actual list of the next musics on the queue async def show_queue(self, ctx): obj = get_object(ctx) if len(obj.queues) == 0: text = 'There is nothing in the queue!!' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) return description = '' for i in range(len(obj.queues)): added = obj.queues[i]['title'] description = description + f'*{i + 1}°*- **{added}** :notes:' if i != len(obj.queues) - 1: description = description + '\n' queue_list = discord.Embed(title='List of upcoming songs:', description=description, msg = await ctx.send(embed=queue_list) await asyncio.sleep(60) await msg.delete() #Plays the music received from an url async def play_music(self, ctx, url): async with ctx.typing(): player = await YTDLSource.from_url(url, if player != 10:, after=lambda e: clear_music()) text = f'**Playing** :notes: **`{player.title}`**' await ctx.send(text) print( f'Just played <{player.title}> for <{}> at the <{ctx.guild}>' ) else: text = f'The song you are trying to play is too big!' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) print( f'<{}> tried to play a oversized song at the <{ctx.guild}>: <{url}>' ) obj = get_object(ctx) voice = get(bot.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild) p_duration ='duration') await asyncio.sleep(p_duration) if len(obj.queues) != 0 and not voice.is_playing(): upcoming = obj.queues[0]['webpage_url'] await obj.to_remove() await self.play_music(ctx, upcoming) #Join the author's voice channel @commands.command() async def join(self, ctx): author_voice_state = #Checks if the author is in a voice channel if not author_voice_state: text = 'You need to be in a voice channel!' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) return current_channel = get(bot.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild) author_channel = if current_channel == None: print(f'Connected to <{author_channel}>', end='') functions.log_ctx(ctx) await author_channel.connect() elif != author_channel: text = 'I am already in another channel in this server!' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) else: text = 'I am already in your channel' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) #Command that starts the process of playing a music @commands.command() async def play(self, ctx): '''Plays a Youtube video!''' test = ctx.message.content.split() if len(test) == 1: text = 'You need to type the music name/link on youtube!' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) return if not await self.channel_verify(ctx): return url = await self.get_url(ctx) await self.play_music(ctx, url) #Returns all the information of a video through an url def from_queue(self, url): data = ytdl.extract_info(url, download=True) return data #Adds a music to the queue/Show the queue @commands.command() async def queue(self, ctx): test = ctx.message.content.split() if len(test) == 1: await self.show_queue(ctx) return if not await self.channel_verify(ctx): return url = await self.get_url(ctx) url_data = self.from_queue(url) #Get the object that represents the actual guild obj = get_object(ctx) #Checks if the requested song is already in the queue for data in obj.queues: if data['webpage_url'] == url_data['webpage_url']: text = 'This song is already in the queue!' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) return #Gets the music name from the data music_name = url_data['title'] await obj.to_put(url_data) text = f'Now **{music_name}** is in the queue!' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) #Plays the queue songs @commands.command() async def qplay(self, ctx): obj = get_object(ctx) if not await self.channel_verify(ctx): return #Checks if the queue is empty elif len(obj.queues) != 0: upcoming = obj.queues[0]['webpage_url'] await obj.to_remove() await self.play_music(ctx, upcoming) else: text = 'There is no more songs in the queue' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) #Clears the actual queue @commands.command() async def clear(self, ctx): obj = get_object(ctx) obj.queues.clear() clear_music() text = 'Got the queue cleared.' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) #Shuffle the actual queue @commands.command() async def shuffle(self, ctx): obj = get_object(ctx) if len(obj.queues) == 0: text = 'There is no more songs in the queue' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) return await obj.to_shuffle() text = 'Just shuffled the queue!' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) #Skip the current song @commands.command() async def skip(self, ctx): obj = get_object(ctx) voice = get(bot.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild) if not await self.channel_verify(ctx): return #Checks if the bot is playing something elif not voice.is_playing(): text = 'I am not playing anything' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) #Checks if the queue is empty elif len(obj.queues) == 0: ctx.voice_client.stop() text = 'Skipped it, but there is nothing more in the queue' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) #Plays the next song else: ctx.voice_client.stop() upcoming = obj.queues[0]['webpage_url'] await obj.to_remove() await self.play_music(ctx, upcoming) #Calls the leave function @commands.command() async def stop(self, ctx): obj = get_object(ctx) await obj.to_clear() channel = voice = get(bot.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild) if voice and voice.is_connected(): print(f'Disconnected from {channel}', end='') functions.log_ctx(ctx) await voice.disconnect() else: text = f'I was not at the {channel}.' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) #Calls the leave function @commands.command() async def leave(self, ctx): obj = get_object(ctx) await obj.to_clear() channel = voice = get(bot.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild) if voice and voice.is_connected(): print(f'Disconnected from {channel}', end='') functions.log_ctx(ctx) await voice.disconnect() else: text = f'I was not at the {channel}.' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) #Prints all the commands/Help @commands.command() async def command(self, message): print('Help message sent', end='') functions.log(message) cmd = discord.Embed(title='Commands', cmd.add_field(name='I am your bot!', value=help_str) msg = await await asyncio.sleep(60) await msg.delete() #Draw two teams @commands.command() async def draw(self, ctx): C = ctx.message.content.split() C = C[1:] shuffle(C) if len(C) == 6: print('Made a 3x3 draw', end='') functions.log_ctx(ctx) await ctx.send('So it is a 3x3 draw, wait a second.') sleep(2) embed1 = discord.Embed(title='This is the first team!', embed1.add_field(name='Players', value=' \n- {}\n\n- {}\n\n- {}'.format( C[0], C[1], C[2])) embed2 = discord.Embed(title='This is the second team!', embed2.add_field(name='Players', value=' \n- {}\n\n- {}\n\n- {}'.format( C[3], C[4], C[5])) await ctx.send(embed=embed1) await ctx.send(embed=embed2) elif len(C) == 8: print('Made a 4x4 draw', end='') functions.log_ctx(ctx) await ctx.send('So it is a 4x4 draw, wait a second.') sleep(2) embed1 = discord.Embed(title='This is the first team!', embed1.add_field( name='Players', value=' \n- {}\n\n- {}\n\n- {}\n\n- {}'.format( C[0], C[1], C[2], C[3])) embed2 = discord.Embed(title='This is the second team!', embed2.add_field( name='Players', value=' \n- {}\n\n- {}\n\n- {}\n\n- {}'.format( C[4], C[5], C[6], C[7])) await ctx.send(embed=embed1) await ctx.send(embed=embed2) elif len(C) == 10: print('Made a 5x5 draw', end='') functions.log_ctx(ctx) await ctx.send('So it is a 5x5 draw, wait a second.') sleep(2) embed1 = discord.Embed(title='This is the first team!', embed1.add_field( name='Players', value=' \n- {}\n\n- {}\n\n - {}\n\n- {}\n\n- {}'.format( C[0], C[1], C[2], C[3], C[4])) embed2 = discord.Embed(title='This is the second team!', embed2.add_field( name='Players', value=' \n- {}\n\n- {}\n\n- {}\n\n- {}\n\n- {}'.format( C[5], C[6], C[7], C[8], C[9])) await ctx.send(embed=embed1) await ctx.send(embed=embed2) else: print('Invalid draw', end='') functions.log_ctx(ctx) text = 'Invalid quantity of people' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) #Plays Heads or Tails @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def coin(self, ctx): '''Jogarei a moeda pra você, fi!''' print('Thrown a coin', end='') functions.log_ctx(ctx) await ctx.send(choice(cc)) ########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## #Makes shure the author is in a channel, and raises a error if he is not @play.before_invoke async def ensure_voice(self, ctx): if ctx.voice_client is None: if await else: text = 'You need to be in a channel' await self.send_embed(ctx, text) raise commands.CommandError( f'{} is not connected to any channel.') elif ctx.voice_client.is_playing(): ctx.voice_client.stop() bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=commands.when_mentioned_or("=")) #Clear the music directory def clear_music(): print(f'Deleting all songs!') x = os.listdir('./musics') for i in range(len(x)): os.remove('./musics/' + x[i]) #Is activated in each member join @bot.event async def on_member_join(member): print(f'<{member}> entrou no <{member.guild}>!') #Boas-vindas ao server embed = discord.Embed(title=f'Bem-vindo ao {member.guild}!!', boasvindas = f''' The {member.mention} just joined our server.\nYou are welcome!\n ''' embed.set_image( url= '' ) embed.add_field(name='I am your bot!!', value=f'{boasvindas}\n\n') await member.guild.text_channels[0].send(embed=embed) #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #Is activated when the bot starts @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f'{bot.user} is online in discord!') print('=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=') await create_queues() await change_status() #Create a object that will be used to keeps the guild id and a queue list async def create_queues(): for i in range(len(bot.guilds)): glds.append('') glds[i] = classes.AllGuilds(bot.guilds[i].id) #Change the bot status async def change_status(): stts = discord.Activity(name='Type =command', type=3) await bot.change_presence(status=discord.Status.idle, activity=stts) #Get the object from the server id def get_object(ctx): return get(glds, #Heads or Tails list cc = help_str = functions.help_str() TOKEN = functions.get_token() bot.add_cog(General(bot))
player = re.findall('\\d. .*\\n', line) if len(player) > 0: split = re.findall('\\S*', player[0]) tag = "#" + split[2].lower() + split[4].lower() paid = "x" in split[6].lower() wallet = "" if "p" in split[6].lower(): wallet = "#przelew" elif "z" in split[6].lower(): wallet = "#zgorki" elif "g" in split[6].lower(): wallet = "#gotowka" operations.append("$najemSali #czecha " + tag + " -10,25 PLN") if paid: operations.append("$najemSali #czecha " + tag + " " + wallet + " +11 PLN") if len(operations) > 0: login = config['volleyball_login'] password = config['volleyball_password'] url = config['payzzer_url'] driver = fun.get_driver(url, login, password) token = fun.get_token(driver) board_id = fun.get_board_id(driver) date = fun.get_date("2019-11-10 19:30:00") for command in operations: fun.add_operation(driver, token, board_id, command, date) # fun.remove_range(657557, 657577, driver, token, board_id) else: print("Brak pliku konfiguracyjnego.")