Ejemplo n.º 1
def predict_multiple_concat(configs, datasets, model_names, epoch = None, 
                  augment_flips = False, augment_scale = False, 
                  param_dict = {},
                  use_semantic = False,
                  nms_threshold = 0.3, voting_threshold = 0.5,
                  img_pad = 0, dilate = False, 
                  save_predictions = False, create_submission = True):

    ImageId = []
    EncodedPixels = []

    for _config, model_name, dataset in zip(configs, model_names, datasets):
        _ImageId, _EncodedPixels = predict_model(_config, dataset, model_name = model_name, epoch = epoch, 
                                                  augment_flips = augment_flips, augment_scale = augment_scale, 
                                                  param_dict = param_dict,
                                                  nms_threshold = nms_threshold, voting_threshold = voting_threshold,
                                                  img_pad = img_pad, dilate = dilate, 
                                                  save_predictions = save_predictions, create_submission = False)
        ImageId += _ImageId
        EncodedPixels += _EncodedPixels

    if create_submission:   

        submission_filename = os.path.join(
            submissions_dir, '_'.join(('submission', 
            str(epoch), datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), '.csv')))

        f.write2csv(submission_filename, ImageId, EncodedPixels)
        return submission_filename

    return ImageId, EncodedPixels
def correct_submission(submission_file, use_test_dir=test_dir):

    submission_data = extract_data(submission_file)
    submission_filenames = submission_data[0]
    submission_rles = submission_data[1]

    assert len(np.unique(submission_filenames)) == 3019

    problem_files = []

    ImageId = []
    EncodedPixels = []

    for i in tqdm(range(len(submission_filenames) - 1, -1, -1)):

        this_file = submission_filenames[i]

        test_img = load_img(os.path.join(use_test_dir, this_file, 'images',
                                         ''.join((this_file, '.png'))),

        mask_rles = submission_rles[np.argwhere(
            submission_filenames == this_file).reshape(-1, )][0]

        masks = np.stack([
                rle, test_img.shape[1], test_img.shape[0], 1, index_offset=1).T
            for rle in mask_rles

        if np.any(np.sum(masks, axis=-1) > 1):
            #plot_multiple_images([np.sum(masks, axis = -1), np.sum(masks, axis = -1) > 1])

            assert np.array_equal(np.unique(np.sum(masks, axis=-1)),
                                  np.array([0, 2]))

            n_masks = masks.shape[-1]

            masks = list(np.moveaxis(masks, -1, 0))
            masks = remove_overlaps(masks)

            assert len(masks) == n_masks / 2

            mask_rles = [f.run_length_encoding(m) for m in masks]

        ImageId.extend([this_file] * len(mask_rles))

    f.write2csv(submission_file.replace('.csv', '_CORRECTED.csv'), ImageId,

    return problem_files
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main(model_paths, cluster, output_dir, test_dir):
    # test dataset
    dataset_test = DSBDataset()

    # Recreate the model in inference mode
    ROOT_DIR = os.getcwd()
    MODEL_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "logs")
    model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference",

    for model_path in tqdm(model_paths):
        # Load trained weights (fill in path to trained weights here)
        assert model_path != "", "Provide path to trained weights"
        print("Loading weights from ", model_path)
        model.load_weights(model_path, by_name=True)

        name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(model_path))
        output = []
        sample_submission = pd.read_csv(
        ImageId = []
        EncodedPixels = []
        for image_id in sample_submission.ImageId:
            image_path = os.path.join(test_dir, image_id, 'images',
                                      image_id + '.png')
            original_image = cv2.imread(image_path)
            results = model.detect([original_image], verbose=0)
            r = results[0]
            masks = r['masks']
            ImageId_batch, EncodedPixels_batch = f.numpy2encoding_no_overlap2(
                masks, image_id, r['scores'])
            ImageId += ImageId_batch
            EncodedPixels += EncodedPixels_batch
        # save csv
        df = f.write2csv(ImageId, EncodedPixels)
        if cluster:
            df = f.tocluster(df, cluster)
        if not os.path.exists('./submit/{}'.format(output_dir)):
        df.to_csv('./submit/{}/{}.csv'.format(output_dir, name),
                  columns=['ImageId', 'EncodedPixels'])
Ejemplo n.º 4
model_path = model.find_last()[1]

# Load trained weights (fill in path to trained weights here)
assert model_path != "", "Provide path to trained weights"
print("Loading weights from ", model_path)
model.load_weights(model_path, by_name=True)

dataset_test = BowlDataset()

output = []
sample_submission = pd.read_csv('stage1_sample_submission.csv')
ImageId = []
EncodedPixels = []
for image_id in tqdm(sample_submission.ImageId):
    image_path = os.path.join('stage1_test', image_id, 'images',
                              image_id + '.png')

    original_image = cv2.imread(image_path)
    results = model.detect([original_image], verbose=0)
    r = results[0]

    masks = r['masks']
    ImageId_batch, EncodedPixels_batch = f.numpy2encoding_no_overlap2(
        masks, image_id, r['scores'])
    ImageId += ImageId_batch
    EncodedPixels += EncodedPixels_batch

f.write2csv('submission_v2.csv', ImageId, EncodedPixels)
Ejemplo n.º 5
ImageId = []
EncodedPixels = []

for i, image_id in enumerate(dataset.image_ids):

    # Load image
    image = dataset.load_image(image_id)

    # Run detection
    r = model.detect([image], verbose=0)[0]

    # post
    semantic = dataset.load_semantic(image_id)
    for j in range(r['masks'].shape[-1] - 1):
        r['masks'][:, :, j] = dilation(r['masks'][:, :, j], 2)
        r['masks'][:, :, j] = r['masks'][:, :, j] * semantic

    masks = r['masks']  #[H, W, N] instance binary masks

    img_name = dataset.image_info[image_id]['name']

    ImageId_batch, EncodedPixels_batch = f.numpy2encoding_no_overlap2(
        masks, img_name, r['scores'])
    ImageId += ImageId_batch
    EncodedPixels += EncodedPixels_batch

f.write2csv('results/' + 'MaskRCNN' + '_test.csv', ImageId, EncodedPixels)
Ejemplo n.º 6
print("Loading weights from ", model_path)
model.load_weights(model_path, by_name=True)

dataset_test = BowlDataset()

output = []
sample_submission = pd.read_csv('sub_validation.csv')

ImageId = []
EncodedPixels = []
Scores_all = []
for image_id in tqdm(sample_submission.ImageId):
    image_path = os.path.join('stage1_val', image_id, 'images',
                              image_id + '.png')

    original_image = cv2.imread(image_path)
    if original_image.shape[2] != 3:
        original_image = original_image[:, :, :3]
    results = model.detect([original_image], verbose=0)
    r = results[0]

    masks = r['masks']
    ImageId_batch, EncodedPixels_batch = f.numpy2encoding_no_overlap2(
        masks, image_id, r['scores'])
    ImageId += ImageId_batch
    EncodedPixels += EncodedPixels_batch

f.write2csv('sub_resnet101_Adam_new_FPN_val.csv', ImageId, EncodedPixels)
Ejemplo n.º 7
for image_id in tqdm(sample_submission.ImageId):
    image_path = os.path.join('stage1_test', image_id, 'images', image_id + '.png')

    original_image = skimage.io.imread(image_path)
    if original_image.shape[2] != 3:
        original_image = original_image[:, :, :3]
    results = model.detect([original_image], verbose=0)
    r = results[0]

    masks = r['masks']
    ImageId_batch, EncodedPixels_batch = f.numpy2encoding_no_overlap2(masks, image_id, r['scores'])
    ImageId += ImageId_batch
    EncodedPixels += EncodedPixels_batch

f.write2csv('submission_v13_coco_newpost_from_44.csv', ImageId, EncodedPixels)

# for image_id in tqdm(sample_submission.ImageId):
#     image_path = os.path.join('stage1_train', image_id, 'images', image_id + '.png')
#     original_image = skimage.io.imread(image_path)
#     if original_image.shape[2] != 3:
#         original_image = original_image[:, :, :3]
#     results = model.detect([original_image], verbose=0)
#     r = results[0]
#     masks = r['masks']
#     ImageId_batch, EncodedPixels_batch = f.numpy2encoding_no_overlap2(masks, image_id, r['scores'])
#     ImageId += ImageId_batch
#     EncodedPixels += EncodedPixels_batch
assert model_path != "", "Provide path to trained weights"
print("Loading weights from ", model_path)
model.load_weights(model_path, by_name=True)

dataset_test = BowlDataset()

output = []
sample_submission = pd.read_csv('stage1_sample_submission.csv')
ImageId = []
EncodedPixels = []
for image_id in tqdm(sample_submission.ImageId):
    image_path = os.path.join('stage1_test', image_id, 'images',
                              image_id + '.png')

    original_image = cv2.imread(image_path)
    if original_image.ndim != 3:
        original_image = skimage.color.gray2rgb(image)

    results = model.detect([original_image], verbose=0)
    r = results[0]

    masks = r['masks']
    ImageId_batch, EncodedPixels_batch = f.numpy2encoding_no_overlap2(
        masks, image_id, r['scores'])
    ImageId += ImageId_batch
    EncodedPixels += EncodedPixels_batch

f.write2csv('submission_v2_' + ep + '_epochs.csv', ImageId, EncodedPixels)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def predict_voting(configs, datasets, model_names, epochs = None, 
                  augment_flips = False, augment_scale = False, 
                  param_dict = {},
                  use_semantic = False,
                  nms_threshold = 0.3, voting_threshold = 0.5,
                  img_pad = 0, dilate = False, 
                  save_predictions = False, create_submission = True):
    Predicts an ensemble over multiple models via voting
    Presently assumes that augment_flips/scale/param_dict/threshold/use_semantic are the same 
    for all models you want to ensemble. Need to reformat to make these specific to each model.
    Allows for cases where a single model is made up of multiple submodels that apply to different images.

    # Generalise the format of configs and datasets to cater for cases where a single model set may be
    # made up of multiple models/datasets
    configs = [_config if isinstance(_config, list) else [_config] for _config in configs]
    datasets = [dataset if isinstance(dataset, list) else [dataset] for dataset in datasets]
    model_names = [model_name if isinstance(model_name, list) else [model_name] for model_name in model_names]
    epochs = [epoch if isinstance(epoch, list) else [epoch] for epoch in epochs] if epochs is not None else [[None for d in dataset] for dataset in datasets]
    config_batch_sizes = [[c.BATCH_SIZE for c in _config] for _config in configs]
    batch_size = max([max([b for b in _config_batch_size]) for _config_batch_size in config_batch_sizes])

    # Create the models
    models = [[create_model(c, m, e) for c, e, m in zip(_config, epoch, model_name)] for _config, epoch, model_name in zip(configs, epochs, model_names)]

    # Create a mapping for each model of image_path: model index
    model_infos = merge_model_info(datasets)

    # Make sure that you have a full set of model mappings for each model set
    assert np.all([len(m) == len(model_infos[0]) for m in model_infos[1:]])

    img_paths = list(model_infos[0].keys())
    img_paths = np.array(img_paths)
    n_images = len(img_paths)

    # Set up holders for the submission rles which you will accumulate
    ImageId = []
    EncodedPixels = []

    list_fn_apply = [] + (['apply_flips_rotations'] if augment_flips else []) + (['apply_scaling'] if augment_scale else [])
    # NB: we need to predict in batches of _config.BATCH_SIZE
    # as there are layers within the model that have strides dependent on this.
    for i in tqdm(range(0, n_images, batch_size)):

        batch_img_paths = img_paths[i : (i + batch_size)]

        if len(batch_img_paths) != batch_size:
            batch_img_paths = np.append(batch_img_paths, batch_img_paths[:(i + batch_size - len(img_paths))])

        images, images_idx = gather_images(datasets, batch_img_paths)

        images_model_set = [[model[_idx] for _idx in idx] for model, idx in zip(models, images_idx)]
        configs_model_set = [[_config[_idx] for _idx in idx] for _config, idx in zip(configs, images_idx)]
        identical_idx = [np.all([id == _idx[0] for id in _idx]) for _idx in images_idx]

        # Run detection
        res = []
        for model, _images, _config, same_model in zip(images_model_set, images, configs_model_set, identical_idx):

            # Check if we can run the whole batch through with one model
            if same_model and _config[0].BATCH_SIZE == batch_size:

                # Run detection
                if len(list_fn_apply) > 0:
                    r = maskrcnn_detect_augmentations(_config[0], model[0], _images, list_fn_apply, 
                                                      threshold = nms_threshold, voting_threshold = voting_threshold, 
                                                      param_dict = param_dict, 
                                                      use_nms = False, use_semantic = use_semantic)
                    r = maskrcnn_detect(_config[0], model[0], _images, param_dict = param_dict, use_semantic = use_semantic) 


                # The batch needs to be split into individual models
                r = []
                for _model, c, img in zip(model, _config, _images):

                    # Artifically expand the batch if required by batch_size
                    batch_img = [img] if c.BATCH_SIZE == 1 else [img] * c.BATCH_SIZE

                    # Run detection
                    if len(list_fn_apply) > 0:
                        prediction = maskrcnn_detect_augmentations(c, _model, batch_img, list_fn_apply, 
                                                            threshold = nms_threshold, voting_threshold = voting_threshold, 
                                                            param_dict = param_dict, 
                                                            use_nms = False, use_semantic = use_semantic)
                        prediction = maskrcnn_detect(c, _model, batch_img, param_dict = param_dict, use_semantic = use_semantic)

                    prediction = prediction[0] 


            # r now contains the results for the images in the batch
        # Reduce to N images
        for j, idx in enumerate(range(i, i + batch_size)):      

            if idx < n_images:   

                # Get masks via voting
                # First reshape masks so that they can be concatenated:
                for r in res:
                    r[j]['masks'] = np.moveaxis(r[j]['masks'], -1, 0)
                    if use_semantic:
                        # semantic_masks is flat. We need to expand to the r[j]['masks'] dimensions
                        r[j]['semantic_masks'] = np.stack([r[j]['semantic_masks']] * max(1, r[j]['masks'].shape[0]), axis = 0)
                # Concatenate
                img_results = du.concatenate_list_of_dicts([r[j] for r in res])

                # Reduce via voting
                img_results = reduce_via_voting(img_results, nms_threshold, voting_threshold, param_dict, use_semantic = use_semantic, n_votes = len(models))

                # Reshape 
                img_results['masks'] = np.moveaxis(img_results['masks'], 0, -1)
                img_results['class_ids'] = img_results['class_ids'].reshape(-1, )
                img_results['scores'] = img_results['scores'].reshape(-1, )

                img_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(batch_img_paths[j])[-1])[0]
                # Create submission rle entry
                ImageId_batch, EncodedPixels_batch = f.numpy2encoding_no_overlap_threshold(img_results['masks'], img_name, img_results['scores'])
                ImageId += ImageId_batch
                EncodedPixels += EncodedPixels_batch
                # Print interim update
                f.write2csv(os.path.join(submissions_dir, '_'.join(('submission_ensemble_interim', '.csv'))), ImageId, EncodedPixels)
    if create_submission:
        submission_filename = os.path.join(
                ('submission_ensemble', datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), '.csv')))

        f.write2csv(submission_filename, ImageId, EncodedPixels)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def predict_model(_config, dataset, model_name='MaskRCNN', epoch = None, 
                  augment_flips = False, augment_scale = False, 
                  param_dict = {},
                  nms_threshold = 0.3, voting_threshold = 0.5,
                  use_semantic = False,
                  img_pad = 0, dilate = False, 
                  save_predictions = False, create_submission = True):

    # Create save_dir
    if save_predictions:
        save_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, _config.NAME, '_'.join(('submission', datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'))))

    # Recreate the model in inference mode
    model = create_model(_config, model_name, epoch)
    ImageId = []
    EncodedPixels = []
    list_fn_apply = [] + (['apply_flips_rotations'] if augment_flips else []) + (['apply_scaling'] if augment_scale else [])
    if dilate:
        n_dilate = param_dict['n_dilate'] if 'n_dilate' in param_dict else 1

    # NB: we need to predict in batches of _config.BATCH_SIZE
    # as there are layers within the model that have strides dependent on this.
    for i in tqdm(range(0, len(dataset.image_ids), _config.BATCH_SIZE)):
         # Load image
        images = []
        N = 0
        for idx in range(i, i + _config.BATCH_SIZE):
            if idx < len(dataset.image_ids):
                N += 1
                if img_pad > 0:
                    img = dataset.load_image(dataset.image_ids[idx])                  
                    images.append(np.stack([np.pad(img[:, :, i], img_pad, mode = 'reflect') for i in range(img.shape[-1])], axis = -1))

        # Run detection
        if len(list_fn_apply) > 0:
            r = maskrcnn_detect_augmentations(_config, model, images, list_fn_apply, 
                                              threshold = nms_threshold, voting_threshold = voting_threshold, 
                                              param_dict = param_dict, 
                                              use_nms = False, use_semantic = use_semantic)
            r = maskrcnn_detect(_config, model, images, param_dict = param_dict, use_semantic = use_semantic) 

        # Reduce to N images
        for j, idx in enumerate(range(i, i + _config.BATCH_SIZE)):      

            if j < N:   

                masks = r[j]['masks'] #[H, W, N] instance binary masks
                scores = r[j]['scores']
                boxes = r[j]['rois']

                if img_pad > 0:

                    if use_semantic:
                        r[j]['semantic_masks'] = r[j]['semantic_masks'][img_pad : -img_pad, img_pad : -img_pad]

                    masks = masks[img_pad : -img_pad, img_pad : -img_pad]
                    valid = np.sum(masks, axis = (0, 1)) > 0
                    masks = masks[:, :, valid]

                    r[j]['masks'] = masks
                    r[j]['scores'] = r[j]['scores'][valid]
                    r[j]['class_ids'] = r[j]['class_ids'][valid]
                    r[j]['rois'] = r[j]['rois'][valid]
                if dilate:

                    # Dilate masks within boundary box perimeters
                    box_labels = du.maskrcnn_boxes_to_labels(boxes, scores, masks.shape[:2])
                    dilated_masks = []
                    for i in range(masks.shape[-1]):
                        dilated_mask = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(masks[:, :, i], iterations = n_dilate)
                        #from visualize import plot_multiple_images, image_with_masks;                   
                        #plot_multiple_images([image_with_masks(masks[:, :, i], [box_labels == (i + 1)]), np.multiply(box_labels == (i + 1), dilated_mask)])
                        dilated_masks.append(np.multiply(box_labels == (i + 1), dilated_mask))

                    masks = np.stack(dilated_masks, axis = -1)

                img_name = dataset.image_info[idx]['name']
                ImageId_batch, EncodedPixels_batch = f.numpy2encoding_no_overlap_threshold(masks, img_name, scores)
                ImageId += ImageId_batch
                EncodedPixels += EncodedPixels_batch

                if False:
                    class_names = ['background', 'nucleus']
                    visualize.display_instances((images[j] * 255).astype(np.uint8), r[j]['rois'], r[j]['masks'], r[j]['class_ids'], class_names, r[j]['scores'], figsize = (8, 8))
                if save_predictions:
                    # Extract final masks from EncodedPixels_batch here and save
                    # using filename: (mosaic_id)_(mosaic_position)_(img_name).npy
                    save_model_predictions(save_dir, EncodedPixels_batch, masks.shape[:2], dataset.image_info[idx])

    if create_submission:
        submission_filename = os.path.join(submissions_dir, '_'.join(('submission', _config.NAME, str(epoch), datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), '.csv')))
        f.write2csv(submission_filename, ImageId, EncodedPixels)
        return submission_filename

    return ImageId, EncodedPixels