Ejemplo n.º 1
    def panel_positions(self, DSTEP1, DSTEP2, DSTEP3, T, THETA, HEAVE):
        """Updates all the absolute-frame coordinates of the body.

            DSTEP: Small incremental distance to pass into neutral_plane().
            T: Time of current step.
            THETA: Current pitching angle.

        bfx = self.BF.x
        bfy = self.BF.y                 #No y information coming from the geometry class yet
        bfz = self.BF.z
        bfz_col = self.BF.z_col
        V0 = self.V0 # Used only for x_le

        (x_neut, y_neut, z_neut) = self.neutral_plane(bfx, bfy, T, THETA, HEAVE)

        # Infinitesimal differences on the neutral axis to calculate the tangential and normal vectors
        v1 = (xdp_y, ydp_y, zdp_y) = self.neutral_plane(bfx, bfy, T, THETA, HEAVE, 0, DSTEP2, DSTEP3)
        v2 = (xdm_y, ydm_y, zdm_y) = self.neutral_plane(bfx, bfy, T, THETA, HEAVE, 0, -DSTEP2, -DSTEP3)

        v3 = (xdp_x, ydp_x, zdp_x) = self.neutral_plane(bfx, bfy, T, THETA, HEAVE, DSTEP1, 0, 0)
        v4 = (xdm_x, ydm_x, zdm_x) = self.neutral_plane(bfx, bfy, T, THETA, HEAVE, -DSTEP1, 0, 0)
        # Absolute-frame panel endpoint positions for time t
        afx = x_neut + point_vectors(v1,v2,v3,v4)[1]*bfz
        afy = y_neut + point_vectors(v1,v2,v3,v4)[2]*bfz
        afz = z_neut + point_vectors(v1,v2,v3,v4)[3]*bfz

        # Absolute-frame panel midpoint positions
        x_mid = (afx[1:,:-1]+afx[:-1,:-1])/2
        y_mid = (afy[1:,:-1]+afy[:-1,:-1])/2
        z_mid = (afz[1:,:-1]+afz[:-1,:-1])/2

        # Collocation points are the points where impermeable boundary condition is forced
        # They should be shifted inside or outside of the boundary depending on the dirichlet or neumann condition
        # Shifting surface collocation points some percent of the height from the neutral axis
        # Normal vectors point outward but positive S is inward, so the shift must be subtracted from the panel midpoints
        afx_col = x_mid - self.S*panel_vectors(afx, afz)[2]*np.absolute(bfz_col)
        afy_col = y_mid - self.S*panel_vectors(afx, afz)[2]*np.absolute(bfz_col)
        afz_col = z_mid - self.S*panel_vectors(afx, afz)[3]*np.absolute(bfz_col)

        self.AF.x = afx
        self.AF.y = afy
        self.AF.z = afz
        self.AF.x_col = afx_col
        self.AF.y_col = afy_col
        self.AF.z_col = afz_col
        self.AF.x_mid = x_mid
        self.AF.y_mid = y_mid
        self.AF.z_mid = z_mid
        self.AF.x_neut = x_neut
        self.AF.y_neut = y_neut
        self.AF.z_neut = z_neut
        # Location of leading edge (currently pitching motion only)
        self.AF.x_le = V0*T
        self.AF.y_le = 0
        self.AF.z_le = HEAVE
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def surface_kinematics(self, DSTEP, TSTEP, THETA_MINUS, THETA_PLUS, HEAVE_MINUS, HEAVE_PLUS, DEL_T, T, i):
        """Calculates the body-frame surface velocities of body panels.

        Also finds the body panel source strengths based on these surface

            DSTEP, TSTEP: Incremental distance/time passed into neutral_axis().
            DEL_T: Time step length.
            T: Time of current step.
            i: Time step number.
            THETA_MINUS: Pitching angle minus a small time difference (TSTEP)
            THETA_PLUS: Pitching angle plus a small time difference (TSTEP)
        if i == 0:

            x_col = self.BF.x_col
            z_col = self.BF.z_col

            # Panel midpoint velocity calculations
            # Calculating the surface positions at tplus(tp) and tminus(tm)
            (xtpneut, ztpneut) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, THETA_PLUS, HEAVE_PLUS, 0)
            (xtpdp, ztpdp) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, THETA_PLUS, HEAVE_PLUS, DSTEP)
            (xtpdm, ztpdm) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, THETA_PLUS, HEAVE_PLUS, -DSTEP)
            (xtmneut, ztmneut) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, THETA_MINUS, HEAVE_MINUS, 0)
            (xtmdp, ztmdp) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, THETA_MINUS, HEAVE_MINUS, DSTEP)
            (xtmdm, ztmdm) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, THETA_MINUS, HEAVE_MINUS, -DSTEP)

            # Displaced airfoil's panel midpoints for times tplus(tp) and tminus(tm)
            xctp = xtpneut + point_vectors(xtpdp, xtpdm, ztpdp, ztpdm)[2]*z_col
            xctm = xtmneut + point_vectors(xtmdp, xtmdm, ztmdp, ztmdm)[2]*z_col

            zctp = ztpneut + point_vectors(xtpdp, xtpdm, ztpdp, ztpdm)[3]*z_col
            zctm = ztmneut + point_vectors(xtmdp, xtmdm, ztmdp, ztmdm)[3]*z_col

            # Velocity calculations on the surface panel midpoints
            self.vx = (xctp - xctm)/(2*TSTEP)
            self.vz = (zctp - zctm)/(2*TSTEP)

        elif i == 1:
            # First-order backwards differencing of body collocation point positions
            self.vx = (self.AF.x_mid[0,:]-self.AF.x_mid[1,:])/DEL_T - self.V0
            self.vz = (self.AF.z_mid[0,:]-self.AF.z_mid[1,:])/DEL_T

            # Second-order backwards differencing of body collocation point positions
            self.vx = (3*self.AF.x_mid[0,:]-4*self.AF.x_mid[1,:]+self.AF.x_mid[2,:])/(2*DEL_T) - self.V0
            self.vz = (3*self.AF.z_mid[0,:]-4*self.AF.z_mid[1,:]+self.AF.z_mid[2,:])/(2*DEL_T)

        # Body source strengths with normal vector pointing outward (overall sigma pointing outward)
        (nx,nz) = panel_vectors(self.AF.x,self.AF.z)[2:4]
        self.sigma = nx*(self.V0 + self.vx) + nz*self.vz
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def surface_kinematics(self, DSTEP, TSTEP, DEL_T, T, i):
        """Calculates the body-frame surface velocities of body panels.

            DSTEP, TSTEP: Incremental distance/time passed into neutral_axis().
            DEL_T: Time step length.
            T: Time of current step.
            i: Time step number.
            x_col, z_col: Unshifted body-frame collocation point coordinates.
        if i == 0:

            x_col = self.BF.x_col
            z_col = self.BF.z_col

            # Panel midpoint velocity calculations
            # Calculating the surface positions at tplus(tp) and tminus(tm)
            (xtpneut, ztpneut) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, 0, TSTEP)
            (xtpdp, ztpdp) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, DSTEP, TSTEP)
            (xtpdm, ztpdm) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, -DSTEP, TSTEP)
            (xtmneut, ztmneut) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, 0, -TSTEP)
            (xtmdp, ztmdp) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, DSTEP, -TSTEP)
            (xtmdm, ztmdm) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, -DSTEP, -TSTEP)

            # Displaced airfoil's panel midpoints for times tplus(tp) and tminus(tm)
            xctp = xtpneut + point_vectors(xtpdp, xtpdm, ztpdp, ztpdm)[2]*z_col
            xctm = xtmneut + point_vectors(xtmdp, xtmdm, ztmdp, ztmdm)[2]*z_col

            zctp = ztpneut + point_vectors(xtpdp, xtpdm, ztpdp, ztpdm)[3]*z_col
            zctm = ztmneut + point_vectors(xtmdp, xtmdm, ztmdp, ztmdm)[3]*z_col

            # Velocity calculations on the surface panel midpoints
            self.vx = (xctp - xctm)/(2*TSTEP)
            self.vz = (zctp - zctm)/(2*TSTEP)

        elif i == 1:
            # First-order backwards differencing of body collocation point positions
            self.vx = (self.AF.x_mid[0,:]-self.AF.x_mid[1,:])/DEL_T - self.V0
            self.vz = (self.AF.z_mid[0,:]-self.AF.z_mid[1,:])/DEL_T

            # Second-order backwards differencing of body collocation point positions
            self.vx = (3*self.AF.x_mid[0,:]-4*self.AF.x_mid[1,:]+self.AF.x_mid[2,:])/(2*DEL_T) - self.V0
            self.vz = (3*self.AF.z_mid[0,:]-4*self.AF.z_mid[1,:]+self.AF.z_mid[2,:])/(2*DEL_T)

        (nx,nz) = panel_vectors(self.AF.x,self.AF.z)[2:4]
        self.sigma = nx*(self.V0 + self.vx) + nz*self.vz
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def panel_positions(self, DSTEP, T):
        """Updates all the absolute-frame coordinates of the body.

            DSTEP: Small incremental distance to pass into neutral_axis().
            T: Time of current step.
            bfx, bfz: Body-frame x- and z-coordinates.
            bfz_col: Body-frame collocation z-coordinates (unshifted)
            V0: Free-stream velocity.
        bfx = self.BF.x
        bfz = self.BF.z
        bfz_col = self.BF.z_col
        V0 = self.V0 # Used only for x_le

        (x_neut, z_neut) = self.neutral_axis(bfx, T)

        # Infinitesimal differences on the neutral axis to calculate the tangential and normal vectors
        (xdp_s, zdp_s) = self.neutral_axis(bfx, T, DSTEP)
        (xdm_s, zdm_s) = self.neutral_axis(bfx, T, -DSTEP)

        # Absolute-frame panel endpoint positions for time t
        afx = x_neut + point_vectors(xdp_s, xdm_s, zdp_s, zdm_s)[2]*bfz
        afz = z_neut + point_vectors(xdp_s, xdm_s, zdp_s, zdm_s)[3]*bfz

        # Absolute-frame panel midpoint positions
        x_mid = (afx[:-1]+afx[1:])/2
        z_mid = (afz[:-1]+afz[1:])/2

        # Collocation points are the points where impermeable boundary condition is forced
        # They should be shifted inside or outside of the boundary depending on the dirichlet or neumann condition
        # Shifting surface collocation points some percent of the height from the neutral axis
        # Normal vectors point outward but positive S is inward, so the shift must be subtracted from the panel midpoints
        afx_col = x_mid - self.S*panel_vectors(afx, afz)[2]*np.absolute(bfz_col)
        afz_col = z_mid - self.S*panel_vectors(afx, afz)[3]*np.absolute(bfz_col)

        self.AF.x = afx
        self.AF.z = afz
        self.AF.x_col = afx_col
        self.AF.z_col = afz_col
        self.AF.x_mid[0,:] = x_mid
        self.AF.z_mid[0,:] = z_mid
        self.AF.x_neut = x_neut
        self.AF.z_neut = z_neut
        # Location of leading edge (assuming pitching motion only)
        self.AF.x_le = V0*T
        self.AF.z_le = 0.
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def surface_kinematics(self, DSTEP1, DSTEP2, DSTEP3, TSTEP, THETA_MINUS, THETA_PLUS, HEAVE_MINUS, HEAVE_PLUS, DEL_T, T, i):
        """Calculates the body-frame surface velocities of body panels.

        Also finds the body panel source strengths based on these surface

            DSTEP, TSTEP: Incremental distance/time passed into neutral_axis().
            DEL_T: Time step length.
            T: Time of current step.
            i: Time step number.
            THETA_MINUS: Pitching angle minus a small time difference (TSTEP)
            THETA_PLUS: Pitching angle plus a small time difference (TSTEP)
        Nc = self.BF.x_mid.shape[0]
        Ns = self.BF.x_mid.shape[1]        
        if i == 0:
            x_col = self.BF.x_mid
            y_col = self.BF.y_mid
            z_col = self.BF.z_mid

            # Panel midpoint velocity calculations
            # Calculating the surface positions at tplus(tp) and tminus(tm)
            (xtpneut, ytpneut, ztpneut) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_PLUS, HEAVE_PLUS, 0, 0, 0)
            (xtpdp_y, ytpdp_y, ztpdp_y) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_PLUS, HEAVE_PLUS, 0, DSTEP2, DSTEP3)
            (xtpdp_x, ytpdp_x, ztpdp_x) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_PLUS, HEAVE_PLUS, DSTEP1, 0, 0)
            (xtpdm_y, ytpdm_y, ztpdm_y) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_PLUS, HEAVE_PLUS, 0, -DSTEP2, -DSTEP3)
            (xtpdm_x, ytpdm_x, ztpdm_x) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_PLUS, HEAVE_PLUS, -DSTEP1, 0, 0)
            (xtmneut, ytmneut, ztmneut) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_MINUS, HEAVE_MINUS, 0, 0, 0)
            (xtmdp_y, ytmdp_y, ztmdp_y) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_MINUS, HEAVE_MINUS, 0, DSTEP2, DSTEP3)
            (xtmdp_x, ytmdp_x, ztmdp_x) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_MINUS, HEAVE_MINUS, DSTEP1, 0, 0)
            (xtmdm_y, ytmdm_y, ztmdm_y) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_MINUS, HEAVE_MINUS, 0, -DSTEP2, -DSTEP3)
            (xtmdm_x, ytmdm_x, ztmdm_x) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_MINUS, HEAVE_MINUS, -DSTEP1, 0, 0)

            # Displaced airfoil's panel midpoints for times tplus(tp) and tminus(tm)
            xctp = xtpneut + point_vectors(Nc, Ns, (xtpdp_y, ytpdp_y, ztpdp_y), (xtpdm_y, ytpdm_y, ztpdm_y), (xtpdp_x, ytpdp_x, ztpdp_x), (xtpdm_x, ytpdm_x, ztpdm_x))[0]*z_col
            xctm = xtmneut + point_vectors(Nc, Ns, (xtmdp_y, ytmdp_y, ztmdp_y), (xtmdm_y, ytmdm_y, ztmdm_y), (xtmdp_x, ytmdp_x, ztmdp_x), (xtmdm_x, ytmdm_x, ztmdm_x))[0]*z_col

            yctp = ytpneut + point_vectors(Nc, Ns, (xtpdp_y, ytpdp_y, ztpdp_y), (xtpdm_y, ytpdm_y, ztpdm_y), (xtpdp_x, ytpdp_x, ztpdp_x), (xtpdm_x, ytpdm_x, ztpdm_x))[1]*z_col
            yctm = ytmneut + point_vectors(Nc, Ns, (xtmdp_y, ytmdp_y, ztmdp_y), (xtmdm_y, ytmdm_y, ztmdm_y), (xtmdp_x, ytmdp_x, ztmdp_x), (xtmdm_x, ytmdm_x, ztmdm_x))[1]*z_col
            zctp = ztpneut + point_vectors(Nc, Ns, (xtpdp_y, ytpdp_y, ztpdp_y), (xtpdm_y, ytpdm_y, ztpdm_y), (xtpdp_x, ytpdp_x, ztpdp_x), (xtpdm_x, ytpdm_x, ztpdm_x))[2]*z_col
            zctm = ztmneut + point_vectors(Nc, Ns, (xtmdp_y, ytmdp_y, ztmdp_y), (xtmdm_y, ytmdm_y, ztmdm_y), (xtmdp_x, ytmdp_x, ztmdp_x), (xtmdm_x, ytmdm_x, ztmdm_x))[2]*z_col

            # Velocity calculations on the surface panel midpoints
            self.vx = (xctp - xctm)/(2*TSTEP)
            self.vy = (yctp - yctm)/(2*TSTEP)
            self.vz = (zctp - zctm)/(2*TSTEP)

        elif i == 1:
            # First-order backwards differencing of body collocation point positions
            self.vx = (self.AF.x_mid[:,:,0]-self.AF.x_mid[:,:,1])/DEL_T - self.V0
            self.vy = (self.AF.y_mid[:,:,0]-self.AF.y_mid[:,:,1])/DEL_T
            self.vz = (self.AF.z_mid[:,:,0]-self.AF.z_mid[:,:,1])/DEL_T

            # Second-order backwards differencing of body collocation point positions
            self.vx = (3*self.AF.x_mid[:,:,0]-4*self.AF.x_mid[:,:,1]+self.AF.x_mid[:,:,2])/(2*DEL_T) - self.V0
            self.vy = (3*self.AF.y_mid[:,:,0]-4*self.AF.y_mid[:,:,1]+self.AF.y_mid[:,:,2])/(2*DEL_T)
            self.vz = (3*self.AF.z_mid[:,:,0]-4*self.AF.z_mid[:,:,1]+self.AF.z_mid[:,:,2])/(2*DEL_T)

#        # Body source strengths with normal vector pointing outward (overall sigma pointing outward)
        (nx, ny, nz) = panel_vectors(self.AF.x, self.AF.y, self.AF.z)[0:3]
        self.sigma = nx*(self.V0 + self.vx) + ny*self.vy + nz*self.vz
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def surface_kinematics(self, DSTEP1, DSTEP2, DSTEP3, TSTEP, THETA_MINUS,
                           THETA_PLUS, HEAVE_MINUS, HEAVE_PLUS, DEL_T, T, i):
        """Calculates the body-frame surface velocities of body panels.

        Also finds the body panel source strengths based on these surface

            DSTEP, TSTEP: Incremental distance/time passed into neutral_axis().
            DEL_T: Time step length.
            T: Time of current step.
            i: Time step number.
            THETA_MINUS: Pitching angle minus a small time difference (TSTEP)
            THETA_PLUS: Pitching angle plus a small time difference (TSTEP)
        Nc = self.BF.x_mid.shape[0]
        Ns = self.BF.x_mid.shape[1]

        if i == 0:
            x_col = self.BF.x_mid
            y_col = self.BF.y_mid
            z_col = self.BF.z_mid

            # Panel midpoint velocity calculations
            # Calculating the surface positions at tplus(tp) and tminus(tm)
            (xtpneut, ytpneut,
             ztpneut) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_PLUS,
                                           HEAVE_PLUS, 0, 0, 0)

            (xtpdp_y, ytpdp_y,
             ztpdp_y) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_PLUS,
                                           HEAVE_PLUS, 0, DSTEP2, DSTEP3)
            (xtpdp_x, ytpdp_x,
             ztpdp_x) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_PLUS,
                                           HEAVE_PLUS, DSTEP1, 0, 0)

            (xtpdm_y, ytpdm_y,
             ztpdm_y) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_PLUS,
                                           HEAVE_PLUS, 0, -DSTEP2, -DSTEP3)
            (xtpdm_x, ytpdm_x,
             ztpdm_x) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_PLUS,
                                           HEAVE_PLUS, -DSTEP1, 0, 0)

            (xtmneut, ytmneut,
             ztmneut) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_MINUS,
                                           HEAVE_MINUS, 0, 0, 0)

            (xtmdp_y, ytmdp_y,
             ztmdp_y) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_MINUS,
                                           HEAVE_MINUS, 0, DSTEP2, DSTEP3)
            (xtmdp_x, ytmdp_x,
             ztmdp_x) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_MINUS,
                                           HEAVE_MINUS, DSTEP1, 0, 0)

            (xtmdm_y, ytmdm_y,
             ztmdm_y) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_MINUS,
                                           HEAVE_MINUS, 0, -DSTEP2, -DSTEP3)
            (xtmdm_x, ytmdm_x,
             ztmdm_x) = self.neutral_plane(x_col, y_col, T, THETA_MINUS,
                                           HEAVE_MINUS, -DSTEP1, 0, 0)

            # Displaced airfoil's panel midpoints for times tplus(tp) and tminus(tm)
            xctp = xtpneut + point_vectors(
                Nc, Ns, (xtpdp_y, ytpdp_y, ztpdp_y),
                (xtpdm_y, ytpdm_y, ztpdm_y), (xtpdp_x, ytpdp_x, ztpdp_x),
                (xtpdm_x, ytpdm_x, ztpdm_x))[0] * z_col
            xctm = xtmneut + point_vectors(
                Nc, Ns, (xtmdp_y, ytmdp_y, ztmdp_y),
                (xtmdm_y, ytmdm_y, ztmdm_y), (xtmdp_x, ytmdp_x, ztmdp_x),
                (xtmdm_x, ytmdm_x, ztmdm_x))[0] * z_col

            yctp = ytpneut + point_vectors(
                Nc, Ns, (xtpdp_y, ytpdp_y, ztpdp_y),
                (xtpdm_y, ytpdm_y, ztpdm_y), (xtpdp_x, ytpdp_x, ztpdp_x),
                (xtpdm_x, ytpdm_x, ztpdm_x))[1] * z_col
            yctm = ytmneut + point_vectors(
                Nc, Ns, (xtmdp_y, ytmdp_y, ztmdp_y),
                (xtmdm_y, ytmdm_y, ztmdm_y), (xtmdp_x, ytmdp_x, ztmdp_x),
                (xtmdm_x, ytmdm_x, ztmdm_x))[1] * z_col

            zctp = ztpneut + point_vectors(
                Nc, Ns, (xtpdp_y, ytpdp_y, ztpdp_y),
                (xtpdm_y, ytpdm_y, ztpdm_y), (xtpdp_x, ytpdp_x, ztpdp_x),
                (xtpdm_x, ytpdm_x, ztpdm_x))[2] * z_col
            zctm = ztmneut + point_vectors(
                Nc, Ns, (xtmdp_y, ytmdp_y, ztmdp_y),
                (xtmdm_y, ytmdm_y, ztmdm_y), (xtmdp_x, ytmdp_x, ztmdp_x),
                (xtmdm_x, ytmdm_x, ztmdm_x))[2] * z_col

            # Velocity calculations on the surface panel midpoints
            self.vx = (xctp - xctm) / (2 * TSTEP)
            self.vy = (yctp - yctm) / (2 * TSTEP)
            self.vz = (zctp - zctm) / (2 * TSTEP)

        elif i == 1:
            # First-order backwards differencing of body collocation point positions
            self.vx = (self.AF.x_mid[:, :, 0] -
                       self.AF.x_mid[:, :, 1]) / DEL_T - self.V0
            self.vy = (self.AF.y_mid[:, :, 0] - self.AF.y_mid[:, :, 1]) / DEL_T
            self.vz = (self.AF.z_mid[:, :, 0] - self.AF.z_mid[:, :, 1]) / DEL_T

            # Second-order backwards differencing of body collocation point positions
            self.vx = (3 * self.AF.x_mid[:, :, 0] - 4 * self.AF.x_mid[:, :, 1]
                       + self.AF.x_mid[:, :, 2]) / (2 * DEL_T) - self.V0
            self.vy = (3 * self.AF.y_mid[:, :, 0] - 4 * self.AF.y_mid[:, :, 1]
                       + self.AF.y_mid[:, :, 2]) / (2 * DEL_T)
            self.vz = (3 * self.AF.z_mid[:, :, 0] - 4 * self.AF.z_mid[:, :, 1]
                       + self.AF.z_mid[:, :, 2]) / (2 * DEL_T)

#        # Body source strengths with normal vector pointing outward (overall sigma pointing outward)
        (nx, ny, nz) = panel_vectors(self.AF.x, self.AF.y, self.AF.z)[0:3]
        self.sigma = nx * (self.V0 + self.vx) + ny * self.vy + nz * self.vz
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def panel_positions(self, DSTEP1, DSTEP2, DSTEP3, T, THETA, HEAVE):
        """Updates all the absolute-frame coordinates of the body.

            DSTEP: Small incremental distance to pass into neutral_plane().
            T: Time of current step.
            THETA: Current pitching angle.

        #        Nc = int(0.5*(self.BF.x.shape[0]-1))
        Nc = self.BF.x.shape[0]
        Ns = self.BF.x.shape[1]
        bfx = self.BF.x
        bfy = self.BF.y  #No y information coming from the geometry class yet
        bfz = self.BF.z
        bfz_col = self.BF.z_mid
        V0 = self.V0  # Used only for x_le

        (x_neut, y_neut, z_neut) = self.neutral_plane(bfx, bfy, T, THETA,

        # Infinitesimal differences on the neutral axis to calculate the tangential and normal vectors
        v1 = (xdp_y, ydp_y,
              zdp_y) = self.neutral_plane(bfx, bfy, T, THETA, HEAVE, 0, DSTEP2,
        v2 = (xdm_y, ydm_y,
              zdm_y) = self.neutral_plane(bfx, bfy, T, THETA, HEAVE, 0,
                                          -DSTEP2, -DSTEP3)

        v3 = (xdp_x, ydp_x,
              zdp_x) = self.neutral_plane(bfx, bfy, T, THETA, HEAVE, DSTEP1, 0,
        v4 = (xdm_x, ydm_x,
              zdm_x) = self.neutral_plane(bfx, bfy, T, THETA, HEAVE, -DSTEP1,
                                          0, 0)

        # Absolute-frame panel endpoint positions for time t
        afx = x_neut + point_vectors(Nc, Ns, v1, v2, v3, v4)[0] * bfz
        afy = y_neut + point_vectors(Nc, Ns, v1, v2, v3, v4)[1] * bfz
        afz = z_neut + point_vectors(Nc, Ns, v1, v2, v3, v4)[2] * bfz

        # Absolute-frame panel midpoint positions
        x_mid = (afx[1:, :-1] + afx[:-1, :-1]) / 2
        y_mid = (afy[1:, :-1] + afy[:-1, :-1]) / 2
        z_mid = (afz[1:, :-1] + afz[:-1, :-1]) / 2

        # Collocation points are the points where impermeable boundary condition is forced
        # They should be shifted inside or outside of the boundary depending on the dirichlet or neumann condition
        # Shifting surface collocation points some percent of the height from the neutral axis
        # Normal vectors point outward but positive S is inward, so the shift must be subtracted from the panel midpoints
        afx_col = x_mid - self.S * panel_vectors(bfx, bfy,
                                                 bfz)[0] * np.absolute(bfz_col)
        afy_col = y_mid - self.S * panel_vectors(bfy, bfy,
                                                 bfz)[1] * np.absolute(bfz_col)
        afz_col = z_mid - self.S * panel_vectors(bfz, bfy,
                                                 bfz)[2] * np.absolute(bfz_col)

        self.AF.x = afx
        self.AF.y = afy
        self.AF.z = afz
        self.AF.x_col = afx_col
        self.AF.y_col = afy_col
        self.AF.z_col = afz_col
        self.AF.x_mid[:, :, 0] = x_mid
        self.AF.y_mid[:, :, 0] = y_mid
        self.AF.z_mid[:, :, 0] = z_mid
        self.AF.x_neut = x_neut
        self.AF.y_neut = y_neut
        self.AF.z_neut = z_neut
        # Location of leading edge (currently pitching motion only)
        self.AF.x_le = V0 * T
        self.AF.y_le = 0
        self.AF.z_le = HEAVE
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def surface_kinematics(self, DSTEP, TSTEP, THETA_MINUS, THETA_PLUS,
                           HEAVE_MINUS, HEAVE_PLUS, DEL_T, T, i):
        """Calculates the body-frame surface velocities of body panels.

        Also finds the body panel source strengths based on these surface

            DSTEP, TSTEP: Incremental distance/time passed into neutral_axis().
            DEL_T: Time step length.
            T: Time of current step.
            i: Time step number.
            THETA_MINUS: Pitching angle minus a small time difference (TSTEP)
            THETA_PLUS: Pitching angle plus a small time difference (TSTEP)
        if i == 0:

            x_col = self.BF.x_col
            z_col = self.BF.z_col

            # Panel midpoint velocity calculations
            # Calculating the surface positions at tplus(tp) and tminus(tm)
            (xtpneut, ztpneut) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, THETA_PLUS,
                                                   HEAVE_PLUS, 0)
            (xtpdp, ztpdp) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, THETA_PLUS,
                                               HEAVE_PLUS, DSTEP)
            (xtpdm, ztpdm) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, THETA_PLUS,
                                               HEAVE_PLUS, -DSTEP)
            (xtmneut, ztmneut) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, THETA_MINUS,
                                                   HEAVE_MINUS, 0)
            (xtmdp, ztmdp) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, THETA_MINUS,
                                               HEAVE_MINUS, DSTEP)
            (xtmdm, ztmdm) = self.neutral_axis(x_col, T, THETA_MINUS,
                                               HEAVE_MINUS, -DSTEP)

            # Displaced airfoil's panel midpoints for times tplus(tp) and tminus(tm)
            xctp = xtpneut + point_vectors(xtpdp, xtpdm, ztpdp,
                                           ztpdm)[2] * z_col
            xctm = xtmneut + point_vectors(xtmdp, xtmdm, ztmdp,
                                           ztmdm)[2] * z_col

            zctp = ztpneut + point_vectors(xtpdp, xtpdm, ztpdp,
                                           ztpdm)[3] * z_col
            zctm = ztmneut + point_vectors(xtmdp, xtmdm, ztmdp,
                                           ztmdm)[3] * z_col

            # Velocity calculations on the surface panel midpoints
            self.vx = (xctp - xctm) / (2 * TSTEP)
            self.vz = (zctp - zctm) / (2 * TSTEP)

        elif i == 1:
            # First-order backwards differencing of body collocation point positions
            self.vx = (self.AF.x_mid[0, :] -
                       self.AF.x_mid[1, :]) / DEL_T - self.V0
            self.vz = (self.AF.z_mid[0, :] - self.AF.z_mid[1, :]) / DEL_T

            # Second-order backwards differencing of body collocation point positions
            self.vx = (3 * self.AF.x_mid[0, :] - 4 * self.AF.x_mid[1, :] +
                       self.AF.x_mid[2, :]) / (2 * DEL_T) - self.V0
            self.vz = (3 * self.AF.z_mid[0, :] - 4 * self.AF.z_mid[1, :] +
                       self.AF.z_mid[2, :]) / (2 * DEL_T)

        # Body source strengths with normal vector pointing outward (overall sigma pointing outward)
        (nx, nz) = panel_vectors(self.AF.x, self.AF.z)[2:4]
        self.sigma = nx * (self.V0 + self.vx) + nz * self.vz