Ejemplo n.º 1
 def visit_search(self, node, children):
     # there is a list from search_term and one from raw_search, so flatten them.
     # Flatten each group in the list, since nodes can return multiple items
     children = [
         child for group in children
         for child in flatten(group, follow=is_list)
     return filter(None, children)
Ejemplo n.º 2
async def assemble_questionnaire(parent, questionnaire_items, root_elements):
    with_sub_items = questionnaire_items
    while len([i for i in with_sub_items if "subQuestionnaire" in i]):
        with_sub_items_futures = (load_sub_questionanire(
            root_elements, parent, i) for i in with_sub_items)
        with_sub_items = list(
            flatten(await asyncio.gather(*with_sub_items_futures)))

    resp = []
    for i in with_sub_items:
        if "item" in i:
            i["item"] = await assemble_questionnaire(i, i["item"],
    return resp
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_all_replies(root_post=None, comments=list(), all_comments=list()):
        """ Recursively fetch all the child comments, and return them as a list.

        Usage: all_comments = Post.get_all_replies(Post('@foo/bar'))
        # see if our root post has any comments
        if root_post:
            return Post.get_all_replies(comments=list(root_post.get_replies()))
        if not comments:
            return all_comments

        # recursively scrape children one depth layer at a time
        children = list(flatten([list(x.get_replies()) for x in comments]))
        if not children:
            return all_comments or comments
        return Post.get_all_replies(comments=children, all_comments=comments + children)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def custom_merge(*args):
     return list(set(filter(bool, flatten(args))))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def process_json_community_op(account, op_json, date):
    cmd_name, cmd_op = op_json  # ['flagPost', {community: '', author: '', ...}]

    commands = list(flatten(permissions.values()))
    if cmd_name not in commands:

    print("community op from {} @ {} -- {}".format(account, date, op_json))

    community = cmd_op['community']
    community_exists = is_community(community)

    # special case: community creation. TODO: does this require ACTIVE auth? or POSTING will suffice?
    if cmd_name == 'create' and not community_exists:
        if account != community:  # only the OWNER may create

        ctype = cmd_op['type']  # restricted, open-comment, public
        # INSERT INTO hive_communities (account, name, about, description, lang, is_nsfw, is_private, created_at)
        # VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s')" % [account, name, about, description, lang, is_nsfw ? 1 : 0, is_private ? 1 : 0, block_date]
        # INSERT ADMINS---

    # validate permissions
    if not community_exists or not is_permitted(account, community, cmd_name):

    # If command references a post, ensure it's valid
    post_id, depth = get_post_id_and_depth(cmd_op.get('author'),
    if not post_id:

    # If command references an account, ensure it's valid
    account_id = get_account_id(cmd_op.get('account'))

    # If command references a list of accounts, ensure they are valid
    account_ids = list(map(get_account_id, cmd_op.get('accounts')))

    # ADMIN Actions
    # -------------
    if cmd_name == 'add_admins':
        assert account_ids
        # UPDATE hive_members SET is_admin = 1 WHERE account IN (%s) AND community = '%s'

    if cmd_name == 'remove_admins':
        assert account_ids
        # todo: validate at least one admin remains!!!
        # UPDATE hive_members SET is_admin = 0 WHERE account IN (%s) AND community = '%s'

    if cmd_name == 'add_mods':
        assert account_ids
        # UPDATE hive_members SET is_mod = 1 WHERE account IN (%s) AND community = '%s'

    if cmd_name == 'remove_mods':
        assert account_ids
        # UPDATE hive_members SET is_mod = 0 WHERE account IN (%s) AND community = '%s'

    # MOD USER Actions
    # ----------------
    if cmd_name == 'update_settings':
        # name, about, description, lang, is_nsfw
        # settings {bg_color, bg_color2, text_color}
        # UPDATE hive_communities SET .... WHERE community = '%s'
        assert account_id

    if cmd_name == 'add_posters':
        assert account_ids
        # UPDATE hive_members SET is_approved = 1 WHERE account IN (%s) AND community = '%s'

    if cmd_name == 'remove_posters':
        assert account_ids
        # UPDATE hive_members SET is_approved = 0 WHERE account IN (%s) AND community = '%s'

    if cmd_name == 'mute_user':
        assert account_id
        # UPDATE hive_members SET is_muted = 1 WHERE account = '%s' AND community = '%s'

    if cmd_name == 'unmute_user':
        assert account_id
        # UPDATE hive_members SET is_muted = 0 WHERE account = '%s' AND community = '%s'

    if cmd_name == 'set_user_title':
        assert account_id
        # UPDATE hive_members SET title = '%s' WHERE account = '%s' AND community = '%s'

    # MOD POST Actions
    # ----------------
    if cmd_name == 'mute_post':
        assert post_id
        # assert all([account_id, post_id])
        # UPDATE hive_posts SET is_muted = 1 WHERE community = '%s' AND author = '%s' AND permlink = '%s'

    if cmd_name == 'unmute_post':
        assert post_id
        # UPDATE hive_posts SET is_muted = 0 WHERE community = '%s' AND author = '%s' AND permlink = '%s'

    if cmd_name == 'pin_post':
        assert post_id
        # UPDATE hive_posts SET is_pinned = 1 WHERE community = '%s' AND author = '%s' AND permlink = '%s'

    if cmd_name == 'unpin_post':
        assert post_id
        # UPDATE hive_posts SET is_pinned = 0 WHERE community = '%s' AND author = '%s' AND permlink = '%s'

    # GUEST POST Actions
    # ------------------
    if cmd_name == 'flag_post':
        assert post_id
        # INSERT INTO hive_flags (account, community, author, permlink, comment, created_at) VALUES ()

    # track success (TODO: failures as well?)
    # INSERT INTO hive_modlog (account, community, action, created_at) VALUES  (account, community, json.inspect, block_date)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _init_connectors(self, specs, handler):
     connectors = [self._api.get_connectors(ConnectorSpec(**spec), handler)
                   for spec in specs or (None, )]
     map(handler, flatten(connectors))